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TT-65-21-969 Field 5G Polynov, B. D. Pff-1N1-1K-R3--9-T-A-DES DE LA FORMATION DU SOL SUR ROCHES MASSINIES CIUSTALLINES. Org.40-138; CN'M-G/R-4831. Order from CNRS as CNRS-66-G/H-4831 Trans. In French of PochvovWtnie (USSR) n7 p327-39 1945. Another trans. to available In Eqoish from CFSTI or ETC $LOO as TT-65-50056, 19%. 13p. 1. Centre National de I& Recherche Satenttftque, Paris (France) European Translations Centre TT-95-27969 nold DO Polymov. IL B. PREMIERS S`fADES DE LA FORMATION DU SOL SUR ROCHES MASUVESCRISTALLINES. Org.40-1341 CXRS-G/R-4831. -GM-4631 order from CWHII as CNR545 Tram'in frevoh of Pbohmaleale (USSR) oT p$ST-39 194L Asoftr trus6 19 lkvatl" to XWLMb froen CrM or ETC MOD as TT-0-500H. 1"4, Up. 1u LO 1. Contra National do Is Racberebe SciebtLnq.*. Parts (France) E~pe~ Tranaltims Centre POM CRI, B. B. The Qiiestion of Eluvial Soils. Pochvovedeniej, 1949., (3a)., 682 - 683. Sci Mus Lib 50/28o4 /)~ C/ --I --) ~ PolyntseyiL.-G-A. F THr soms_0 . SOUT141VESTERN PART OF THE KOLA PENINSULA, tr. by 1. S. Joffe. 196Z 135p. 91 refs. PL-480 Agr. Order from OTS $1. 25 61-11498 Trans. of mono. Pocbvy-Yugo-Zapadnol Chasti Kol'- skogo Poluostrota, hioscow/Leningrad, 1958 fl52)p. DESCRIPTORS: *Soils. Geology. Classification, Climatic factors, Plants, 'Peat, 'Mountains, *Terrain, Geography Contents: Factors of soil formation Classification (A soils of the south-western portion of th, Kola Pcilinsula Soils of the %-alleys Plant composition of peat Soils of the mountain massifs. (Earth Sciences --Geology. T7, v. 8, no. 9) fi! - I I 49S 1. Title: Kola Peninsula 1. Polyntseva, 0. A. 11. PL-490 Agr (61-11498) 111. National Science Foundation. Washington, D. C. C Offi-f T-h.kd S-i- .soils of "a SouLliwastorn Part oi tho Kola ?*minsuls, by 0. A. t~t~tsc~va 134 ppe KI~41AAS bko POCJAVY Yugo-Zapaduot chustl KoVskup Poluostrova, 1958, 906U482 OTS 61-11498 !),rui - I9ILjLkxR Cdophys NOV 62 PST 557 21S,296 ix-- FOC or Gritty 1-5,-tovial from 1:441.ns'N by C~. 1"')3 "-iw, 7 pp. Pateat No 15~6165.nj A~AmrZesollschalft- I%Ppt of Comnrco totects of'rice Sci - Engr Oct 59 -7 Apparatus for Agglameratlug Pulverulent or Gritty Materlels, by Karl Otto Polysius, 14 pp. MMAN., Patelit 915,072. Dept of Cemerce Patent Office. Scl Lib (gift) Sci - Engr Aug 56 911 ~ / / V Problem of ProVer Tr=ft wd IW%hoft in 2redalne Ekna Arobitactap by Alcksander 2 FoUraUs Gdawk FolitedbAc 15 pp, PMM 3PQr Wownietwo Ckratove, ?b q.. 1962, ' ~6a. IM JMIW3 Mar - Poland Noom Nov 62 Design Calculations of Hydro-Mechanical Trans- missions, by A. G. Polyushkov, 5 PP. WJSSIAN, per., Vest Mashinostroy, Vol XLI, 11o 4, la6l, PP 10-17. 2 1 PERA Sci Jun 62 201,923 Selection of Hydraulic Pressure Converter., A. G. Polyumbko~v P 3 PP- by - RMSIAX, per,. Vest VW4di=troy, Val XLI, Ro 2,, l961p )w lO-w- Sol ig m 6.? Applicatl= of the Tboory of a rree Jet in A Stream TraveUlM In the Sam Direction to 'Vie Calealstlon of EquIpwat Using Jets# by A. PSIlm ~ __~kwv. HMIAN p"# TepUaneriptims, so 6v M5* pp ig7li- Coop Tmw Scheme Tr 212 I&.0d. T~ 1 '6 ~% Bal - An-raumUcep Buglwarlug jul 1956 Wop VIM of! 0 Liquid into Another Liquid or Gaseous Nedim.101 'by ftirpov., N- 1-., &ud ftlyutlL, B. I. nmzai PrikldSo W U37-lA6 Shinji, Vol 21, 1948.1 SCL *ABOM Ub So 50/27jL6 A Power Pach f or LIn Electmn KicrOsCOPe T~Te U-MLIV-100, -,--v. V. Jilin, et al, 5pp- bv V. V. E21V-=ov per, ly-ribory i TLI:h Eksper, NO 5, 1960, pp 147-151. IM Sci 22 jun 62 200,074 VWPMO M IM OWIMS AMMIYAPON ~ Or MMOMMOK SOMMMMM06 SY Q. D. WrAwkim 010. P, "Wroamlo a PF* tm .AN rm. maxtaft rwoo Wtv #.*, so = im **& ~w tm ." 63 2384ft t THE IMPORTANCE OF THE NEW EAST GERM&N-LEBANESE TRADE AND PAYMENTS AGREEMENT,, BY W. POLZEp 4 pp. GERMANO PERr DIE AUSSENHANDEL., No 8., 28 APR 1962j, pp 28, 29. JPRS 14813 EEUR GERMANY ECON AUG 6z 2o6,351 Polzgurer, Franz and Croning, Johannes. APPARATUS FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF FORM MASKS OR HOLLOW CORE. 9 June 61, 3p. (illus. omitted) 2 refs. Order from OTS or SLA *L 10 61-18275 Trans. of German patent specification 1023 195, C5736VI/31b, appi. 23 Apr 52, issued 23 Jan 58. DESCRIFTORS: Molding, Molding materials, *Srruc[uraJ shelIs. Ccatainers. Heating elements. *Honeycomb cores, Sandwich construction, Strainers, Manufacturing methods. An apparatus to described for manufacturing form maska or hollow cores according to Patent B32 937). in which a dry mUture of loose material, synthetic resin, and hardening material to poured into a hot hollow form. The part of the loose material which to not c4- (Machinery- -Manufacturing. TT. v. 6. no. 12) (over) 61-19275 1. P&Zguu!r. F. 11. Craving, I tu. PWM (Germany) 1023195 Of&" of TecuwAca swvl~ i~. Stahl Und Eisen, vol. 55, 16 figures, 1 table, 14,E00 words; 1935. Desipm and Greration of Coreless induction Furnacc for E-elting -Electric Steel. Drutcher Trans, Order 1.;o. 221, W-- 5-~~O- /q (/ 241 / The Cronin,~ Shell-Molding Proceas, by F. PolzCuter. G=UN, per, Die Giesperei Vol XXM, Vo 15-,, 1952$ pp h67--472. Brutcher Tr 3183 Sclentific MIneralsObtalf, DW 53 Price $5.60 ;7w? OERTEL u. StALhj und tjoem, vo:L, "# ppe 1165-1169v 14 ftg., 2 ta:v-.! ea, 5M words; 1924, Influeni3a cr oo'bmlt And Van&llum on Properties Of High 37-0ed Steels- BrutchOr Trmns, Order No. 254, $4.90 7myj IWEluento of tbo Tamparrature Fac-te--' UPOO tho Eent Oitput of th* Tubular mating Surface in a Itrwmverse Flov of Om"s# by X. I. Mxunofts 0. lime 6 mm WaSIM.p por, Tux%o Dollar Cowtruction., No 5s 194-O# p9 1-4. mritteb Irm OVA CM001 IrA (no mmlmr 91TOO fic i - Pbyu Sep so 59 (MC-3b(*) Agaust Harmru3. mmuestatices of Natimallomp by ICUOI POMIzIm 13 pp. CZ=, per.. Nova Wali, IRO 50 loces pp 554-5Q. JM 23873 IM= - C / ?71 AKr POI am 62 ( ) P.To etarion Internationn-lism In thn Policy Of Oux Farty., by KL=l Pomaj::1.1 14 pp~ CUCE, per) Nova 1,trol, Ilo 5p 1961, PP 590-601- JPBS 11073 EEur - Czaaboolovakia / 76, / '7 ? POI. rioc GL (SF-5970) 1WROVING THE ECONOMY OF KOLKHOZ PRODUCTION, BY 1. POMANENKO. 8 PP. RUSSIAN, NP, EKON GAZETA, NO 10, 5 MAR 1962, PP 3, 4- JPRS 1388B USSR ECON juN 62 197,566 - The Suvival TiTwo of the Orgmalv= of Talaraemim on Graim wd Stmv,. qEjj)K ~by _~- A. 2MREka ~5~- amim.. mo per,, Zbur Micxdbiol, Rpidamlol i Immobloij Vol XVns No 4.p 19570 PP 133-138- Pergwon Press Sci - medicine - -$7 a 7.'L - Jan 58 Mttwd fW tbQ! DeamtaidustAcm of Grain and Dilky Fodder liftetud With the Mbosm of falweafty by L. A. RMUN't per#, Wterifter4op Val MMITS No 8,P 1~57, PP 77-136- CIA 9038594 Sol - j6dialm jor 59 "lie of Listeria, b,, L. A. Pamawnsl-aya, 6 pp. tX RLMSIAA, per, 22iur 11i' obiol, E~Llidcirdol J Irnmuobiol, Vol =, ANO 3, 11061, pp 124-12,3J. pp Sci Au~; 6 2 2006 L" 8 sor,e (lia,--acteristics of Extensive Air Show"ers., by A. A. Poi-miski;7, 4 p-p. . ................ -- RUSSM, per, Zhll-- E,)-,Sl)er i Teoret ri--., Vol )MI, uo 5, i90"!, - 1556-1561. IT Aip Sov Phys - JETP Vol xiv, '!0 5 Sci 206,579 Aug 62 me-witivu-ptovar 2*&Mque J~n The MAY of TOUMM", by L. A. reftnaks", Xb= mlia-010i zgdirdoi 1** tmwwuol, Vol =a, Nos,, 1958" Mr 59 Calculation of AveitGe Parameters 01 Cosmic-Ray Air Shavers, by S. 1. Nikollskfy, A. A. Fomnskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Mwper i.Teoret Fiz,, Vol XXX3 NO 5 (11)3' 1960s PP 1339-1346. AIP Soviet Pbys - JXTP Vol XII.. No 5 Sol jul 61 46' Docay proc-'aaram- in the Dovelopment of Nuclear Caseades in tho Atmovphuvp by 0, T. ?,atvvpInj, a. 1. Wltoltstlw and A. As-.Pmsnklyp Pp. RUSSTAVj,_parj gUw ftsper I Temat Fix,, Vol M=1(10)p No I'v 1960,p Pp M-01.1 Aner Xmst of Pbp say* Pkqs - JEW Bel pe,b 60 TAW " IM a M lm"~ i IULSS. JM2W2 W44V o4 251's16 Concentration Limits for Flame Propagation in 14ixtures of Hydrogen and Oxides of Nitrogen, by E. A. Blyumberg, A. N. Pomansky, N. M. Emanuel, 8 pp. RTSSIAN mo per, Is Ak Wauk, Mel Khim Nauk, ' 6 No 7., 105 , pp 764-77o. . ~F, Cmw to Bureau Sci - Chem May 57 WOW) MMW Or DE"INING STANOM OF RELATIVE CAPITAL INMORM IN THE USSR BY V. XR4wv$Klyl V. powwma If TMMUiU, 17 PP. r!!!nt~ RMWIj, Pgpv PMOVOYE IMZYAYSM.. w 6.. k962., pp 5-q;b6l. USSR ELM AUG 62 Problc-r~ of Decontmminntion,' by J. Pamarol.a. no,ml, 'ato AM. Tr-3952 Sci - Apr 6o //.~ . a Lq (NY -1N14/34) rom the Experience in the Organization of Sanitation Sducation Work in the ~A*triet liosp~tal, by A~ A. PomazFjnov, 7 ~ F. Kazakov, 5 PP. "ussy m0 ppr Voyenno Med Zhur, No 9, Sept 1960, pp 10-12. US JPRS 7875 Mar 61 .316 coi mat Pun* L4aed Cie, tho Pr&ld$e N CttrdAtod Um d Ttmam2at4ectric I. LUMM by L I'le Po6Mk%mWv* P. L. lVgbDmUav, 15111". ewsmlvo "re IN km*&Mg Mal= 1006 NO -q" 19616 pp 944D6; bc-A - tam, //V Biemaolec=-Ic lWrl_cpmtor Opar&tAng on Hlca~:- by I. N. Pcimananov, P. L. Tikhomirov. EMSDIlp per, KholoW.Inwa Takh, Vol XMIri:, go 4, 1961, P-p 24-V. ~Q R Z 5 0 r7 AM Tr-5105 sci - )bar Jul 62 .4 99 -/, V.~ Irm 26m) Excerpts rrce "The Induotry or the rl=anlan Peo;lata Repub2le wd Its Geoarap4l~.D .is- t,ributious- by S. 1, Powza"Ovp W PP *MUXj, bk,, -1100331AU varefti~m ResEffilki-I Eve Rq%vp-b-cbMfve p Noscowg X"42 pp 67-101.* 113-IA50 3.56-167, Mur - Humula Oct 56 ICIA/Pw ?I 3r f, e0 07g Effect of whole-BO4 X-rew BVOMM an Activity of Acid and Alkallm Rhos*atases of Bm-luj. Liver., =A ftlem of Patap W L. 7- Pmwmak&Was 3 PP. MSTJWO per,, Dckk Ak Nauk SM., Vol axm=,, ljo .Alp SM P2Ws-Dok Vol V.- No 3 Sal Jon 61 Ontogmrul~~s of F.--tlngutqhlrAs Inhibition in . ~. Certain Lsimals by L. F- Pamssrakkamp. 5 PP. put, As Zhur W-SR I=, T4 I. W. Bealmnallft, Vol "qqTll No q, U54'.851o, r S " 195 (D pp -%ramm xmt Sal - Mod -40V 58 ,7 lly r 'Ihe Gl' 461j,,~;Ucture.,5 i1i tne DiGtribut-licn of ifere,vilivai llitruLdve.-; c)f Lhe Nurtbe._-11 Tici_. Snen, I)y X. D. Po.,nitzicov, 4 'op. RUSSIAN, pcv, r-,AI Ja Wtauk I. )SIR. IT01 Sci j Underground Explosion, by N. Pom~Lzovichp/.P# --- 41 1 RUSSIAN) per, Znaniye-Sila, No 11, 1957, P 30. ATIC MCL-184/1 Sci Dec 60 'icl-.4-iolaa 04: tho Vautsus Pulzo, 141F J. Pambo. 4avL-:mam Mnt lArl Aed iluellos Alre-ii, We lsl~ Tt F-LI722 UO I,,;* GtNWWVLNT tf:~X. WLY Sci-EVil ROT UP 7v4 If. A New Ph,,sc! in the Development of Scientific CamnuAsm, by Poinel-Ov. RUSSU11, np, laasnaya Zvez(1a, I Dee 1961. FBIS WM USSR Pol 20 De c 61 DUO= AWCOOMMOM #V A WCUL EMOATION W IPAT#Vft WIM UM OIMXWO BY 0. $- "Ms, to PP. v 3--T~: RLMIOA. pp VCL &= 63 of the Theory of Scientific Co=unism in -;.~ha Draft PreUm of the CPW., by I. F=ulovy "-I i)::- RUSSIAW, per,, Kommmist, No 15p Ocat 1961,, pp 10-23. ,TPR8 12001 USSR Polp Hbou reb 62 lal~o Grest ProsXessive Ilbrcc of -'-M-em r'i"lueas ty 1. P=3-ov, 15 PDO -W-SM193 rravp Nmmi'3tp Ho 13; 1962.9 Pp 11-M- im 15830 U", POI Uat 62 r) 7. o (7yo, - 30~ ~~ ) - The Daivalopmt or the World Socialist Sptamt Tmarda bj P. redocayev, I. P=aiov, :~s z.-.. FUMIAH,t peri, KcmunUt, Val XXM, Igo 5, 1959, pp 27 43 - JM-L-IM-D um pa A6 / . 71.,-1, Irav 59 (DC-4998) ,,I.,eation of LeDiMiSt G01AUS, by 1. Pomlov,* 17 PP. VW, DY, per$ KONmUUtp NO 6. Apr 1960j. pp 101-113. JM 6733 F-SR ,eb 61 AA (D-C-41,10-0/5 1; October and the Great Problems of the Present Day., by I, Powl0vj 18 pp. Russw, per, Komwnut, no 15.. Oat 1960, pp U-24. JM 6513 um pol ain 61 (DC-3749). The Development of the World Socialist System Toward Communism., by Ps N. Fedoseyev., 1. P. Pamelovs 36 pp. RUSSUR., broch=ep 0 R&zvItdLI Mirovoy Sotaialistich- eskoy Slatemy k ftimunirmuj, 1959P PP 1-39- JMS 3772 USSR Boa - Fol sep 6o 6-246/60 (DC-3749) The Development of the World Sociallist Byatem Tovullds COMMmism, by P. N. redoseyev, .1. P. ftw1crV, 37 PP. MWIAN, pionoqmpbV 0 Mitovoy Botsialistitheekoy BiateM k Kammuni=u, No 27-, 1959,, PP 1-39- JPRS 3772 USSR POI 0 Aug 6o Effect of 14urcular-Work an-the-notor Function of the stomch and Duodenum,, by As IS& Powltsov., 4 pp. HUSSUR., per, Byul MsWr Biol I lbdt Vol XLrn, No 3 1957,, Pi? SkR9 A 9 - Jq -2 1 Conaultants Bureau Sci Hed MY 58 Seiguette Ospacitors for SUPPresEling RaEio Reception Interferences, by D. M. KaZarnovskip L. A...'Pawnko, 13 pp. R=rM., b1mo 'Vers, Redlotekbnika., Vol IX.* No 5j, Moscav,, Bep-Oct 19~4. V 6152 34~ 561 ATIC 1-"-B!;02/V Scientific - KlActronice ghermal Conftatica of Paremagmetic Diaectrics at low Waperatureso by I. ?omersuchuko 38 PP- HUSBIMj, pery 23ui1 Raper I Teorat FU* Vol X1,v 1941J yp 22b-L*5. Am umu.-vhm-565 Bel - PAW Apr 61 OIL The Voory oC &uawmca Aboorptiou In Hateroymms Systems,, by 1# 1. ourodcho 1. X. ranobcFako MOM., vapw P/649., P=cee&lnp or MitermUlffflya. O=fbmace an Pbaceful Una of Atwic RmW D" at G=Bvao &ODA49 19"o Yol V. late=aa cbe - w Alw 57 ciA 1-669.9.162 Electron-Oncede Proces o-'oj3 at VM Rigb Rvergies by Lonazu,, Pceeraw3ndr. RMIWO tbrlce-co per, No Scientific - Phyalce Eft Ak Nauk# S=p Vol =1# wr 210 CTS/M / 711 Renormalization of Meson Charge in Pseudo- scalar 7teory With Pseudoscalor Coupling., by 1. Pomeranebuk, 3 PP- --- A'N',,'"t'hrice-mo perj, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR, CIV, 1955m PP 51-53, Sci - Physics ARC Tr 2355 3 (9() 5-3 1 Pomeranchuk, 1. FLUCTUAIIONS OF IONIZAIION RANGES (PATH LENGTHS) tr. by Carl M-mrick. [19601 12p. 7 refs. Order from I-C or Si.,A mi $2. 40. phS3. 30 61-15294 Trans. of Zburnal Eksperimental'noy I Teoretiches] Fiziki (USSR) 1948, v. 18, no. 8, p. 759-766. (Physics- - Ibeorctical, '17, v~ S. no. 11) 61-15294 1. Particle trajectories- Mathematical analysis 1. Pomeranchtik, 1. ON- f Td.J~A $-W-. Limits. of Applicabillty of the Theory of Bremastrahlung Electrons and Fair Production for High Energiez# by L. La-Adaup I. FomeranChuk- Full tramlation. RMSIA11v tbricd-no per# Dok Ak Bauk 8=,, Vol XCIIO, Ro 3P 1953o, p 535. my 136 Scientific - Pbyaicu CTS/M f .5 6 1 The Thwry or Resonance Scattering of Particles., by A. Ablazor., ana I. Pomoranebuk. 1, peri, ZbW ~'Mmer i Te=et-z:-,-Zl V03. 18, 30. 7j 1948., VP 603-b]-3. S= Vptonj, Hav York State: Brookbaven Natioral Guide to Ruosian scientific periodical literature, 461 1, No 6j. oct x948, pp &22. v Ocl Mum= Lib No 591=8 - Londm Radiation on CoWelon of Fast Neutrons With Protons by I. Pomamnehuk and 1. Sbmsbkevich RMSIAN, Dok Ak Ilault 830, Vol 64, No 4, 1949, pp 499-5(4- 3ft Uptoul Bev Tork btate-z Brookbaven National W~omtory Guide to Russian aclentific per lit, Vol No 5. pp 159-1&J, MY 1949 Sci Nn*m Lib No 50/3ZT& - London Scientific Zero Equality of Re-Normalized Chargo In Qwntum Elactrodynanics, by I. Fcza=chu-k A RMSIO., tbrios-3w per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol Unit Imp PP 1005-1008. AEG UML Tr 253 3 Fab 56 M/dex On the TheoW e Piuducti'm of MaW Particles, Z*~;. by 1. Pmermcbmt, 3-1 pp. IMISM, P=j Dok Ak 17m* SMS Vol LXWMP 1951, VD 839-891- 9 0 9 a 6 0 z Am ucm Tr-825 Hai - 14wo -2,1;1~ VA Jul 6e, List TO Scattering or sim neutrons in Crystales, by A. Aftleterp t. Faverestbuk... RMUN, parp Zlmr Ximper I TvQM IPIZp Vol Mlp- 1947. AW Tr G-Tr.C. 1V935 scleatifle - pbYeles MS lkw lqbq (2A9) PAveaftUm 4C 130-dbww v Nmm D~p by Ya. P. =Man# I. TAB* p N-- 11% 0 9 W. NOMW VW# shm sk"m I "we ris, Vbx JUIP no 3p imi, pp 963-97& ASP ow nag - AV Vbl ins, ob 3 scd gmaTm am 62 q C)!-3 of "'ast NucleorlLl by Mur 77 Spc, r :1 Tcon~lv- T.7(," '77. -1122. DJ.TlVmcUoa Phmwmma in CoUisons of Fast Particles With Iluclei, by A. I. Akhmdexerj, I. YA. Pacaxww~!Z~k 36 pp. F%MIM,) per UspeWd Fisicbenkikh Nwk., Vol Lv.. NO 4, 1958, Pp 593-630- AEC-tr-5332 PL-mb sci JUrA 64 Mi 0 447 Son PAvpwU" or the Wastle Ocattuphw AmqUtaft at Met "j, bgr Ve X. GrlboWj, td. V464(Amofirsalbuko am=p Awi Zbw Ils" 'Vol Amw ft" of ft" am Pkwn - mr VOL VIP lb I act 220,337 Asytaptatic Behavior of Crose Sections at High Energies, by V. B. Berestetakiy, 1. Ya, MMSIO., per, Zhur Rksper I TeoretFiz, Vol MTYII No 4 (10)~ 1960, VP 1078-1086. AIP Sov Pbys - JEILP Vol XIII No sci /,5-s ,7- J= 63. (.DC-6520) On the Eleatxamgmtic latexuction of a Re-atral Veator Mason., by 1. Y~iv Nobzaxevp L. B. nklml.~ 1. Ya. 10 ppo IMSSIMI, lpto Ihstitut Teomticheslmy i rizi;d An ~ssm., 1961. JPM 12034 sei - rbys /,P/, Z.//j inn 02 D,--iug the. CG-Iii'51011 01 W- -Fosona 141tI, Nucleons, by L. D. Landau, Ya. a- 28 pp - v-S ,,, 13:Aif, par, Mar E%soar i Tooret Fiz, vo:L XxIvt 1953, PP 505-515- AEC UCRL-T~ -655 Aug, 61 193, z Tnteraction Betvacn Conduction .~.Uectrozlm in Fer-romagnota, by A. I.- Akhye2er, 1. Ta. Pmelunchmki 3 PP- RUSSLIX,, per, Mar Ekoper I Teorat Fizj Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol =V:[ (9), NO 3, 1959, PP 059-W2. AV sov Phys - JETP sci --Phys Oct 59 Form3tion. aF a .-NK-,ooa Pair In Positron Annihilations by V. B. Bemst~t~, 1. Is. PCMO=cblka 2 ppe RMI=j, mo per,, Zhur Mcoer I Tooret Fizp Vol M=j, Vo, 60 Dw 1955,p p **. Amer That of Pbyulca Soviet Pmralcap Vol 11., No 3 sai - Physlca --,/ Y 7 5~ly- Fab 57 G-M On the Collisions of Nucleons With Large Orbital Angulax Momentum,, by A. D. Galaninj, A. P. Grashin, B. L. Yoffep -- I. Ya. P ~ T. E Ran 044.- 11 p p - RUSSIAN,,,Pe.r,, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz., Vol XXXVII., No 6(10 19b0# pp 1663-1679. Amer lust of Phys Sov Phys - JEN Sci - Physics Vol XXXVIIJ, (10)v No 6 jul 6o Tbi~, Asyi~ptotic Gre-en"a Fuuation of Hualeon and Mami in Pseudo-ScWs 'Theor with Waak intax-action, by A. D. GaInn-In, Bit L. fe.. 1. Ya. Pomerauchuk, 9 pp RUSSIAN,, b1m per, Zhur Eksper i Toorat Fla., Vol XXIK, Jul 1.955j. pp 51-63. CIA 0 41569 American Inst of Physics Scientific - Pbysics May 56 CgM/d-", Peripheiml Inte-ractIons Between Elementary Particles, by L. B. OF.=', I. Ya. Pomrunchuk, 9 pp. RMUN,, per, Zbur Zkoper i Tleoret Fiz, Vol XXMp No 1 (9),, IV 300-312- Amer Lmt of..Phys am ap - JAW Vol Ix (35)s No I Aug 59 ~? i~- 40/ 5' Zvotople Rfroat In the Rooldwl. Blectriftl Re*L- stamoo of MUM# by I. pp. RWOt" per shm super L Too"t As# V4 XW NO W-mo An" Illat of Pb" ftv PbA-&. am . Vol V= -000 a AW 9 Oa Faseible Dipoic Tr=uitions of JI-FerUcles, by B., L. Yoffa, I. Ya. Pom--ranchuk 11 PP. WSSI.Afft tlvicet-mo per, Dok Mac Naxilt SIrRj Voi CXII-'rI En 6, 1957.- PP 1251- P=-r Inst of Phya Sov Ph;,rG-Diok-1cdy Vol ii, No 2 Feb 1958 DaternUatlom of the WmalectnoWetic Inter- action Between Rl=troms mA Neutro=., b7 A. Ablezer., I. Yaejk POmrGDc1R*# 3 me Vol 19, Maims POrs zh1W Jamm I Tecrat 1949, pp 558-559. Sci *mem Lib No 52/2M Saienttric - PbLysles 0-66