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RM Reaulatims for T*ohuUal operstion cif MmMy Tolopbow Com=1cationso by 1. p. Patrumblo, 7 pp. uwLas per, Vast Ov"all, 1* 79 IMO pp 2o,, 21, NMI tQ U-1-742-58V AV=-Ul. AV LIM177 am 00*0 - ma cot 58 a 4 A Rapld Method of Eammination of Nuclosr Photo- Ollualsimaj, Uy V. Z. retukllov, 11 pp. MBBIAM4 AEC/RP 151 Set - nuc Pbyu ROV 58 71!~ -~4 17 Tho, 111flWato of C*xs"la* go tba coat-M soil hasyrode Propersk" of AC%GW"LUO by, to 1;6 GvtUanlk*ua& L* Vo ftcashkawas M1141AWO paro zkw"a Ar-um lowu aiae A F&"Olozlxil~ ~GVSTI IT 4"2000 Jua 67 326*942 stwv of the Proomm or Dawst)Utlan of Ac*tA- celLulomo, 'by 0. M. Mloomp La F, 3 pp. RUBSTANO PW 2bw CbxbAb MdA, Vca =M,, No 6, 1957P FP 9;;9-2098. counitanta Burasu scl - Chum Al , / X-Ar.r4amldas of Uyt2Uqcsrboxy3Ac Acida and Thetr Converalmhe Into Heterocyclic Compounda. xvin. Relation Between S*pulficatioa of Arylamides of < J.I? -j, end -f-VydrO)WCarbmWIIc Acids na the Eno of ItOterocyclic Ring Closwaj, by.L_A% minp W. G. Panferovap 1. S. Bardiuww.. 4 pA MMYJ-M,, mo per,, Zhur Obsbab Mdm,, No 9,, 1952# PP 16T7-3.679. Consultantis Bureau Scientifte - Cheniertry W Reactiorw of Magnevylamines. 11. A Rew Reaction of Aldehydes, by Pe A. Pety=in avA L. A. Tetyuevap 4 pp. fWSW per Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XEM# No 2.. 19571 pp Consultants Bureau SCI - Chem JUI 58 StuAic!= iii tbe Field of Heterocyclic Chemistry. XXVI.'Nev Metbcdo for Preparing 9-phenylacridinep by P. A. N. G. Panferwra, 4 pp. -Tr.c,,ANp wo por., Zhur Obphe'h 55SR, Vol XXVI, No 11, 194A. i.-,, J191-3193. Consultants Bureiam Sci - Chem Jul 58 K7 ,50 Stmales in the M14 of Retwvcytlic Cbmistry. XDU. silt-1006iP of 3,3-Diarylaxludols and I-Metbyl-*J- on ArylamIfts of DipboVIcb1misebtic and Diphany- lalkoic3fteartic A*14s., by P. A. Pstyuniu~, I, S. Rtrdlrmkiy.t 17. 0. ftufarcra,, 4 pp'. RUSSTAM,, par, Mur ftsbeh Khimp Vol XXVII, No T., 1997s, pp 19DI-10. got - MGM -7 Al '0 ,z"*~j -w-kirsaiaLry u; "Iii- ,1:4'LJ e-"~ 37nthmmis of 9-PhwW1maridIno BaVbd on 2-Auiw-,, I-t,rIpLwrTIcv,rbIwl aud the MechwUem of Thim by P. A. Pety=in N. G. Pamfemm, M. S. bnahin, 4 pp. Full tr IMSUJI, = par,, Zhvx Obahch Kh1n, Vol 2=1, No 1, 1956s pp CU WOO" 0, Real No 21 conmItant" Burw.-a ai chaw.stry 69p 56 GIB Of M-aOuc-syl=ines VIII. 'Syn,~hi-sie Propertiea of Arylamides of N-Aryl (Alkyl", - au~, N- Acil-Substituted Anthranilic Acidr,; by P. A. Fetymrda anil Yu. V. Kozbevnikov, 5 PD- ., perp Zb= Obabcb Mdm, Vol M, No 8, 1960 RUSSIAN pp 2453-2-456. CD A,/ Sci sep 61 version into BetermycM Compounda- X- The Equlllb L Bat"On Carboulm so Enter Yom in colmvd &dfuric Acid Solutimo or ArYUKL608 ct fiydro:cAvrbcwyl:Lc ACiduip bY'P. A. PatSMius 3 PP- Fun trawlfttloh-*----- RWVjj, vwo 40bobcb Jbium Vo2. Ma.. No 12,p Dee 1951y Vp e -:,- .4 :Z) / lp consultanta BUMU USSR S*Umtinc Chowlstryj, act4sp campoundB., asters# Cbecistry at' Heterocycles. XXVIII_ Synthesir- and Proper-ties of I-PPhenyl-3.,3*diELryloxindoles., by P. A. Petywimj V. S. Shklyayevj, h pp. RtSSIM,, pers. Zhur Obahch Xhim,, Vol XXVU, So 3j, 1957, pp 731-M - Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Aug 58 6 qIf %'Cil-202 363 (p.309-317) Field 20M, 12B, TA Pe B e Plitotor. 1'. N1.: Girsanov. 1. V. TTIE19D F OPTIMAL RECTIFICATION CAS~C-ADES. %6 Apr 65. 91), 20refs. Ortler from ICE In International Chemical Engineering. T5 rL2 Trans. of Khtmichenkaya Promyshlennost (USSR) n6 p45_ 53 1964. 1. Arnerican Institute of Chemical Erginc~r-- Neu York, S. Y. Studies in the Field of Heterocyclic Chemistry. ]MIX. The Synthesis and Properties of Mono- balogeno Derivatives of 9-Phenylacridinep by IP. A. _.;Rq~yunln and M, 1. Konebln# 6 pp. RUSSIM, 1ner,, zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXVII,, No 2, IL957, pp 415-W 479, Consultants Bureau SCI - Me= Jul 58 W'7 11-i'll Cl-lr;~Jutry f c v Of MagnaGyLamlnas., b P A. a PPD "SSIAN, per, UspWch JaUs No 2j, 1962v pp 124-210. ca Sol Dea 62 .p.f2 Y-T7 J o-doati-IZU-ted of Hydroxycarbwwlic Axids- 1~ synthosim of Ary1hydrasidam of Diarylelycolic AcidB.. by 1- 5- IIa.TdI=JQTv P. A. Pet3,~x -4 pp. . f-USSIM, = per, Zhur Obshch M21mi, Vol XMj No 9. Sep 19%v pp 2992-2594. cowultanto Damau SOL - chmisu-$ ~?'-Z/ Feb 58 Woe" ur the pature atd PMIUGM CC I009MMUNDU in, vaguyl. hojes". ("')AvvN=(Oz)Ar " 54k3dberod I~mYcle 0102WOO =0 V. a. vAtuparvo P. A. F*t?r 5 196 w ners zhur Owb-.b Xmas Val X=# 50 IN 1953) PP 136;4iw I*. - -4 A -~) / JP -2 Scuutiftc . Ckwul$U'y DW 5k ONAM to ITeterocyclic Cc_,po=ds. 1y Ir4tra=b9cular Condensation of Aryl Am:LcLj3 cr QiO-DitOlyl Glycolic Acid, by P. A. -rzzpmiul 1. .5. YuRinmtr' 4 PP. Full traijaintiall. RUMIZAH.. per, Zhur Obrhch Khim, Svol no 11 NOV 1951, pp 2019-2021. /4~ COBOUIURU Bareaa 152 West 4fta street SciOntific'- Cbemiatry Now York 18, N.y. M&Y 53 CTS Thr, cinit TbeIr Coaverairr. Into Vvterocv-cli,; The Xui.,ramolecular Condeasatior, Cf Jltryl AmWes of '2.,2'-.D1metboxybcn.%i11c Ic1d, by P. A. r.c.t.yunim,6 pp. P0.1 trUnglation. 11.i1saV3,, Nr, Zhur Dbcbch Ellin, VQ1 U=, 11o 2, Fell 1952s PP 199-194- e-rft P consultsuj;c 152 Went 420d street liew yGeAK 18" P. 11' 4 Wirmistry -HRY 53 CTZ pet- 01- likil- v I d' -t'yp ip ocycle3, liewr I f 3,3-Diarvj_X!ndDp :tn Nobf-AA0, per., 1957, -3 L Sal, - cbem sep 56 PP- Con5U7LtPrlt-F, The lq.Aryl AmIdes of Hydroxy CarbM11c Adids and Their Convorsion Tato Reterocyclic Compounda. XV,. The 101achanigm lnvolyW- In. the Istmolecular Con- densation of N-Aryl Asides of Vydroxy CarboWlic AcIdst by P. A. fttyuni6p 4 pp, PUBMIJ, so pcrj.Zhmr_Qb#b4?LXhin# Vol XMP No 60 ion 19521, pp 975-978. Congultmats Bureau Set - Chem Doe 53 CrO 7,?S"e 1w P. Ii. G. 4 yrr.. ftu WWTAX No PGr M-W WashCh Thin - Tea M, No 2, I" iihp pp T4i920 OU D 2A* conwituato 904M "lfttlft4 - ObOKIM27 .07a .50011 oK 7/ Ma 55 The N-Aryl AmIdes of -HYdrOxy C&rboxylIc Aelft and Their Ccavoreion ftto geterocyclic Campounds.xvil. fte IntmMolecular Condensation or Aryl Asides of ,$..R -DI;b*ayl-,R -hydro3Wprq.Vivn1c Acid,, .by_ .~S A A.S. Pesis, 5 pp. .p p ,_.I RMUN, so per Ztmr Obsbch Kbim., VOL MM.. No Jul 1952.9 yp libi-1,192. Consultants Bureau Um ScIeutfic - Cbemistry Fab 54 CTS Transformatibn InU 3,,3-Diaryl-7-1~tztbTlo.~,~olet?. MaVs, by P. A*PaVumiu, A. S. Fesis, 4 pp. Full tr RMWp w per, Zbor Obahch Khla,, Vol Xlvl,, No 1,, 1956t pp 223-226. On 9=404 C, ni;oi ro 21 Conom1tants Burear- Sci - ChmautA7 Sep 56 OTS The 11-Aryl AmIdes of ftdroxy Carboxylle Acids mid Thmir Colarersion Into Hoterocyclie Compounds* M.-Tbe Synth&sIs of Aryl Auldes of IP SpI3-DIpb&vyl-B- WrogypropInIc Acid, by P. A. Petyunin and A. S. ftsiol, 2 pp. Full tnzalation RUBSUN, xo per$ Zb= 10beheb mbLn,, voi xnx, no 6, Jun 1952, pp 979-981. Consultants Bureau Scl - Cbem 7g:5-q Doe 53 CTS 0 B-Ar~yl Amides of Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids and ~.7L,clr Convervion Into Heterocyclic Compounds. XIV. ~_49WMM Thm ftunderies of the Intramolecular Con- 4~nzatlxrm of Aryl Amidee of RydroV Carboxylic Acids, by A. -Petyunims 3 Pp. .7all translation,(* USSIM, mo per,,._Zhur Ob*hch_,Khig,, voi xxnt No 4., _13SR, Apr 1952, rp-dW'-7ODv_ t~ C> /. ~D 1?-~ _~ :~,& Consultants Bureau zientftfic - Cbeizistry 75-51 Dec 53 CTS "-.Y t PC w Amidei aii6. 1; o:C O-mxlic Acid by P. i ty A. V. 6 pp. M&M.All par, ',',Imr abahch Khim., ''la -M=!.. Ec 2., 19~53, pp 400-405.1 CD Sci J'an Influence of the Nature and Position of Substituents in the Benzene Ring Attached to Nitrogen on the Closing of the Five-Membered Heterocyclic Ring in Arylamides of HydroxycarbwWlic Acids. X&1 XXI, by P. A. Petyunin., V. S. Bhklyaev, 1. 5. Berdinsky.. RLWIAV, mo perj, Zhur Obahch Khim, Vol XXIV, No 6, Jun 1954, pp 1078-1081. CIA C 404o6 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Jan 56 cTs/ m -a ), -2 " ~Z, 7-he N-Aryl Anddea of Hydrazy Carboitylic Acids and '"'beir Conve=ion Into Heterpcyclic Ccepounda. XIII. Use ,f Varlaus Diabydrating Agents In the latitoolecular Con-denestlon of Aryl Aiddes of a-Hydroxy Carboxylic I -cidap by P. A. Petymin, 2 pp. I'all tranalation I SZO,, m9 Vol XX11,, So ISSR, Apr 1952, ppeOq~-697.- /J'-~ ;/4~ Convultants Bureau F,cientiflc - Chemistry Dec.53 MjS 7 -50,3 Thv R-Aryl AmIdes of Hydroxy Carboxylic Acids an~[ -,,hoj.r Conversion into Heterocyclic CompoLluds. .M. Thu Intramolecular Condengation of the Aryl ArUden of 4 41-DimathMbenzilic Acid, by P. A. Paltyminj I PP. Fall traaaii-tii~n.- RMISUM, per, Mur Obabch Xhim, LVol XXII, No 2, Feb 1952, pp 296-301. /v;'z~2vy Cougultants Bureru 152 West 42ad b Street Nev York/18, N.Y. Sclontlfta - Cbemistry MaY 53 CTS 1~?ag Reaction of U,ll'-Bis-(halcmagaesiua)-Arylamines With Estors and Acid Halides,, by P. A. Petyunin. I. S. Bardinskyq V. S. Shklyayev, FUU tM13slation AIMSIAN., per,, Zhur Obahch XhImp Vol MCIVq No 1, MaRp Jan 1954, pp I.78-MU.CiA D 15U05 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemintry cm 66/mar 55 go 9/ of Rydroxy Carboxylic Acids And Tiveir TransfcTiration to Heterocyclic Compounds. VIIII. latr=cln,culer Condensation of XM Arylamidea of !!OE~-Ditolyl Glycolic Acid, by P. A. Petyunin, '1. 0. Mrdiusky, 4 pp. Full translation. RUSSM,,. per,, Zhur Obabcb Khim,, Vol XXI, No 11., Por 1951v PP 2016-2018. 3~) IJ~,~ :: J// Conaultam 5 Bureau 152 West 42nd Street Nev York 18, ZI.Y. Scientiftc - Chemistry MaY 53 CTS The. R-Aryl Amides of Ilydroxy Carbox7lic Acids and Ste ir Ccaveralan Into Retercocyclic CompawAs. VII. xitmwiecuur cmdeumtion ar the Aryl twides or p,p-DltalygXycoUc Acid, by P. A. Pet7umLuv 1. G. Derdluzlq,y,p 3.0 ppe rall tran"lation. IMIISMI.r lww* Zhur Obah Kbim, Val ZZIj, Bo 10, Oct A ~P - ;~~-~~,-- , , Consultante Dumma, 1= Scientific - Cbealstry S, Sbe N-Aryl Aoides of IIyr3raxycarbmryUc - AcIde -and Moir 0mversion Into Heterocyclic Campbunds. V.- The IntramoUcular Conaeucation cKr Aryl AmIdoe of -Benzilic A4:W# by P. A. Petyunin and -71. S. B&dinsky. =3510s, so per., Mar Obshch Xhim,, Vdl.=.,-Iio 9,0 Sep 3.951,p pp 1703-1710. /,4 'D / y -? cousultaiats Bureau - Vi)l-.UIP No 9j, 6ep, 1954 USSR Zclentiftt - Chemistry, amides, acids,, ~Aeterftyclic 0 G I'b' ~ Reactiona of Aagnesyl and Properties of Aryl thranilic JLcid, by Pa hernikov, 3 pp. Amines. VII. Synthesis (Alkyl) Amides of An- A. Potyunin., Yu. V. Koz- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol XXX, flo 6, laou, pp 2028-2029. CB Sai Z 2 Aug 61 ,. -n, .3yatilciAs of N-AlICY10-nilincsip by P. V. s,. F,-tiklMev, M. E. Korrishin, 3 PP. Z12ur prik aim, ijol xxy-jil, I;o 6, 1~1;3SJJLIJ, per; 196o, p-L) 1429. CB BIA J~-g 1167 am 6.t z LT-e N-Aryl Amides or Nydroxycarbcatylic Acids ~ma t1heir C -,,)n vrviou Into -Retorocyclic Compounda. 114. The lechazl.lmm *Ev;olved In the Reaction of Organo=&mesium lompounae Witb the Esters of N-Aryl-Substituted Amides .-)f Dim-boatylic Acids, by P. A. Pat~unin., V. G. Panferove. MS011.11s mo per, Zhur Obsbcb Min.. Vol MCI,, Do .0. I ).Cp 1953, p," 1699-1703. MA Consultants Bureau Vol MCII 110 9,1 top 1951 .ISSR 3cientific - mEr'wqmTz5 L Chemt5try, emides, acids 4 Ccmversion Into Hatezacyclic Campow3de. V1. The Btametum of the Intrwaolecular Condmostim Producte of the Sk- 6W B-Saphtballdes of a-HyarmW Carboxyllc AcIds,, by P, A. Petyuninp 8 pp. Full. translatim. Russia, vers Mir Obah XhImp Vol MM& No 10,, Oct 1953 pp D Consultants DMMMS, I= USM SclentitU - Chealstry Reactions of Tmlagnosssy3arAnes. V. Th* ll~L:rchmnis-- of the Reaction of Aryl Amidation of Aromt1c Aldehydes by N,,jf-Ris-(Nmgnemium halide)-Aryl Amines, by P; Ab _?StEp~~pj L. A. Tetyuyeft, 3 pp. RUSSIA10, per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol %MIX, wo 4, 1958., pp 1105-1107. ConsultAmts Bureau Bel - Chem Jun 59 kajo Derivatives of 9-11henylacridinc vith Pozi - n9r') tions of ftlogens in Different Benzene Ri - by M, Ito KonwUap P. A. Petyunin, 3 PP. RLSSUM, per, Zhur Obabeh Kbim, Vol 'XXVIIII wo 4,, 195,8.. pp 974,977. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jun 59 The N-Aryl Juiddes of Hydroxy Acids and Their Con- version Into Heterocyclic Compounds, by P-,--A, and N. G. Panf erova, 6 pp RUSSLUi ma per Zhur Obshch Mim Vol XXI No 8 USSR No 8 Axig 1951 PP 1526-1533 Constiltarits Bureau Vol 21 No The N-Aryl Amides of Hydroxy Acids and Their Conver- sion fnto Heterocyclic Compounds. ITI .L . The Reactions of Organomaguesium Compounds with the Esters of Ortho-Methoxymalonanilic and Succinanilic Acids. Synthesis of the Anilides of Y-Hydroxy Acids, by !~n4n. and N. G. Panferova, 6 pp P. RUSSIAN mo per Zhur Obshch Khim Vol XXI No USS~i !to 8 Aug 1951 PP 1533-1537 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 No 8 R,,-%Fimt~okis of WagwaylamineS. IV. Arylamidation of Araratic Aidebydee vith the ReIT.) of AryLmAm-~- 10, It-dLmmgnesium UaUdes, by L. A. Tat~Wavu~ P. A. Z!ttvmt RMSM, por,, Zhur Obabah Xhim, Vol XZTIII, WO 3t 1958, PP 739-74A.0 Consultantn D-arcau 6al - Chem May 59 Modern Plastice As gay Materials for Adbea-I.Vas# by Albert P*Uj ....... . ... .... =WIN,, pers KuneUtoffes 1942p Val XXXn No2j, vp 49-54. MA 59-17M Sol ftb 60 Val 2 J, No 3.0 Determination of Free Formaldehyde in Acquecus Solution of Urea Resins., by Albert Petz, and I-lartin Cherubim: "Die Bestimmung des freien Formaldehyds bei wassrigen Losungen von Harn- stoffharzen". 17 pp. North Carolina State College jan 62 Petz, Albert and Cherubim. Martin. DETERMINATION OF FREE FORMALDEHYDE IN AQUEOUS SOLUrION OF UREA RESIN (Die Bestim - mung des Frelen Formaldehyda bei 'A"Aserigen Lbsurgen von Harnstoffharzen). [1960] [181p. (6 figs. refs. omitted). Order from SLA mi$2. 40, ph$3. 30 60-18450 Trans. of Holz als Rob - und Werkstoff (West 1955. v. 13. no. 2 [p. 70-751. 60 - 18450 1. Urea -formaldehyde resins- -Chemical analysis 2. Formaldehyde-- Determination 1. Petz, A. 11. Cherubim, M. Offi- f T..W.J S-i... (Chemistry- -Organic, TT. v. 5. Do. 3) Experiments on a 50t Nlatural C-as--f ired Open t~? ~ Ilearth Furnace , M Patt GER"IfAill per, Berg*-u, huttens,141h Vol 108 No 5: 198-fol. 194,03 CUP 757 ~%[\ . -2- SCI-14st July fig 305,80S E*peruxmo Vlth the Omtinwm Canting of Stain- less Stee2s, Part 1. b34L --- Fetx. QMWWj, Ter# BM Umd Hattemnywische Houstsbeftep Vol cyno lb 4s 2.9624. pV 197-162. BB %44 set-wqmt, .Tan 63 -:7/ ~, 9,70 Me Usa of 0-ryV-n In the Are Finmace., by K, Ntz. GEFOKXs, pwr., Berg- und Buttenmnniseba Hawatslurte, Vol M, No 9, 1961, PP 336-341. mi 263o Sci - Rngr I/ qIll e -22 4~ MA y Ce liat. L32 , !I j1pt.; , '; ! I- -, 111,11i 1.1, 1 -! 1 J, 11 Ilse or Ca-Containing Alloys In the Production- of lagh Alloq Steel*, by N. retx. V. .5chlager. GERM11, Par fijux Ago-O-Ohau. No. 2, 194, pp 461-467 /)-) PC 7-2 Sol - Sep 6,1 339-T89 .rvevtiption K of Secondary Electron Emission J I rl:O,-n K01, and Or, by B. Petsel. 10 pp. USSIAN, per Reftatekh i Electron, Vol V, No 1, A.,60, r~p IiK:3~90. pp 6 1 Phenocopy of the Blood Picture of the Homozzygous Nalger as a Result of the Reactive Shift to the left In a Heterozygous Pelgerp by T. Luers,, H. ftchtcheim, G. Petzel, 20 pp. GERMN,, per, Blut., Vol U., 1956.. pp 2773, 287, NIB Tr 6-19 Sal. - YAd Jul 57 IM.ww- Imm uo wm~lmmv AS"* Abi *ft w 14 V* VIOW;p go P42W6 7jr = . I'll a va 7* 04 ON 39 orlp A W A~ Wt - Uklt "0 ar xr--0036 ;AC P~, 1. q11 11 Vill, , , qk SmUng at Mwtaaa as a Fmation of 'Their Pre- Tz*atwomt. VX. Scaling of Plain Carbon Steel gb*oU Arter Fickllzk% in Different Oxide AcIds, ONMW# pars NoUll-Pabd0=0 Varbehendlung, Vol TLX4 Apr 19ws vp 53-ig-76, BM 3*2 eval - Nis/ftt Nob 61 lmvilatlZatiorw on Pickling BathB, b~f A. PetzoLd- US= GMrOMN,, per& Met&Uobarflaochep Dee 1955p 7 T lo Iron and Steel Ind 1281 Sol VAM/~Wt AIN; (FM 23714) OrGanization of Field Cultivation in $ Two GM Mr1cultmAl Producer CoqperQtivmsO by 2- POtmOld., W- Sterken.* 17 PP- GMMWp mo per# Die Deutsche IAndvirtmcbmrt BerItImm mar 1954. CU/nD/U-6%6 Econmic - P"piculture (aarding) CTS W&A 55 COPY2 Tiamm Razyms of the Rat Liver in Chrmle 7bloacatmlds DaWAV and the ZMat of Vitsmin X Upon Tbezp by H. fttwld. (OWN.. per., Dautacbe ZeltacbmILrb Ater Teftum~p und ftoffmcbBelkrayll-b-itan" Vol U,, NO 5p pp M-264: 1960. a= 6-16-62 Bcd - bbd mat 62 61-14033 Petzold. Helmut. DETECTION AND QUANTITATIVE DETERMNA- 1. Cotton Textiles- -ProcesSLng TION OF DAMAGES TO COTTON. [1961) l8p~ I . Petzold, H.. (I formula ornitted) 7 refs. Order from SLA mj$2.40, ph$3.30 61-14033 Trans. of Textil- und Faserstofftechnik (Germany) 1954. v. 4. no. 0. p. 358-363. (histerials --Textiles, TT. v. 5, no. 11) 61- 14065 Peutold, Herbort. RATIONAL WARPING Of- WARPS WITH A LARGE 1. Temile industrv-- NUX13ER OF REPEATS. [196114p. (5 figs. omitted). Fquipment Order from SLA mj$ t. 80, ph$]. SG 61 - 14065 2. Title: Warping machines I. Petzold. If. Tran-;. of Textil-Praxis (West Germany) 1954 ly. 9, no. 5) p. 439-440. 0#1- 0 Udksl S-I~e (Maurials-Teiailes, TT. v. 5, no. 12) socu tly scow Ran" do ung MILT dbvxoamw Sd" dot mokummsw We "wo-na so - rws m1w W_ and Rivier. A. rmuq_L--%z, FOR TIEE PRODUCTION OF CROSS- LINKED VEGETABLE OIL DERIVA71VF-S FOR SUR- FACE COATINGS AND RUMBER ADDMVF& Now 63 Order from TTIS $4. 50 TM-NS-147 Trans. cd East German pabent 25,736, appl. 21 Dec 59. pub. 26 Jul 63. DESCRLFI'ORS: *Vegetable colls. Prooe*Wn& *Cbstings. *Rubber. *Additives. 7T-64-12107 L PetzoK It. Rivier, A. M. Patent (East Gernwny) 25736 FV. TTLS-NS-147 V. Trauslarica and Technical bdortnation Services (ot. bit.) (Mr.rt.-rishi. TT. V. L1, 1k). 31 Witt .1 IMPROVEMENT OF PRICE WORK IN FOREIGN TRADE -- AN IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO THE STRENGTHENING OF THE EAST GE RMA N ECONOMY, BY W. PETZOLD 6 pp. KRGERMAN, PER, DER AUSSENHANDEL UND DER INNERDEUTSCHE HANDEL, NO 13, VOL X11, JUL 1962, PP 2-4. JPRS 15911 EEUR-GERMANY EGON, Nov 62 215,21 ~'11*'-,~t1'.%*."~;Der. Of X-hS718 On Emporat d nlrl I;y W. ifink; W. IIII&o."d -,)-7 ppp. 7.. fuior SM Avgew Physilk; X, M-) 12, 1958, PY 553-562- ns-ftAw Vol IV, No 7 luao Apr 62 Coufbiae Harvesting and Weeds, by Kq Potzoldt. ,------ U. GERJUdi,, per, Lauidtadmik, Vol X, AN'o Ili: 1055, m .,I> 468,. GS/141 Sci - Otari Mic 63 .2.Ll.-, 0,0 7 ~J' W024ma, bw CL 99mm mwSWMM&mh%, V49 LIM6 "D 4, Ekdowo & ~ft vii -11wr- 30#M UD Quasi-Rinary System U242-UA12, by (;,Pctzp%, So Steeb, GEUIM,, liar, Zeitschrift fucr r--;c tall kunde, Vol 550 Ho 8,0 1994,, 45=95. IT-11-Trans-190 .Sci-,Nmh Indiu, Civ 'Mar Engr Hav (.6 31.3,569 -9?//. e~ ad Vw 3261W.) "W T 'Smaslation Ba)a=e tor MeourIng VASnotic Suacepti- bilitlea at Xigh or Low Tamperatawep by A. Blaise; ,-.a A. itimiruch, 16 ppa xptj. 1962- 9223881 AW-lIrw-Mn-5T Scl - Mk=l Sol liov 63 P40, 1 /1 - -- ------- -- ---)- -- L' Intommational ShipbuildLng, by R. Pouch. =tell, rpt, Bqv~te 112dMaes 196 .4o pp 1437-11+51t.. NTC-71-10108-13J NOV 71 of thU !;f1art-Tit2v Decay of 'selatilluars on Excitatioq wit;, ~,rotaas or -."articles, by W'. Oiluckert. i"I""Wttils Nfri, z4uclear 1"truoants zmti t*t~aoqsb W4U 17,, 1962,0 T)p 797-4= Ut"L UiLY i 224-1-~,s ) D.7j-,*WA'tz; of Mlt= mrA ft4ovo* in Cteeboalovatlap by Ewryt a PP. 02= pw Prss4" Goologowwo Vol Vlj Lb 8-9t 19583,"Ipp wG. i= )Xs-v ftechoolovskia' sew Aw 59 Clasaificatioa of thc !N~Iuioral 4.4c:oi:icuy) 'wy Z4giunt redorl 4 pp. 17 voi o 4, air, Jal-Aur, 1959j pp 23., e29. JPIO "'2646 7, may 62-16999 IfOT-W WELDM OF RIGID- AND PLASTICIZED 1. Peukert, H. POLYVINYL M,0RIDF- 11962117p. (fts. taliles omitted) 4 reft, Order froni %1-A $1.60 62-16999 Trana. of Kunstsuffe (Wvsl Germany) 1955. v. 45, no. 7, p. 257-266. DESCRUYrOM- *Vinyl chlorides. OPolymem OWelding rod% OWeldedJoInts, *WckUn& 0171asticizers, Ical paopertlea, Bonding, Impurities, Decomposition Sonia problems cin the hoe's %velilim of rigid- and plasticized polyvinyl chloride with fiffer -wi rc and di 9 cussed. Ilia influence o( the weldtng-wim composition on the streTvh of the weld-searn is especially studied &M the mom favorable- worldng conditions for welding 4M ancettainc(l. (Audior) (Metallurgy, T'r, v. 9, no. 2) aft's of letwkil se"Im lbehanics" and Optima Debwdor of lbt-forsed Fl"Igl"s K 33 war TonoUe Strew, by pp. OWWW', per; Z-Ver Dout U& Vol =Mj, No 26j, n 00' 19510 P en. MA 3191 Sol Aug 58 MUR 00009UbUlty or PdW MAt&rUU and Lwxmdering Ccwowaft of the Pwaftr Tn*j, by Latbar Pwukerts 19 pp. GUMP ANOWWA*lPtp J%Vt* GOMM A= Val =j, lb'70 im't Pp 415-W. MA 60-10396 M 60 VU In . M~ 5 About a HotewartJW FamMal Polypwio of the Litestinal Mcoua Madbranco aiA 7hone of the TdLbwpbarynx Ccm- bliwA With Otmp Plamentatims ot SkIn and Mcous Mftkmmoj. b7 J. L. A. ftutzp.. 10 rp - D=lw p=.v Nederlandsch NWavAschrifft T= Genwebm&p Val Xp "no, VP 13h-1"- (Now ed. Val XI) N32 Dialm a2 aft 56 CTS Two-Mmensional NmstwWy Flm la a P"a"OsIve-wave Plame Accelerator* by R* paymo FROM& pwq RftdI Emt .p RUA TI U. SO GOVOUMINT M ONLY" S044M Apr 66 299,761 kpl~lkvtaww iw OMSM Am MCI= FM AMICAUM "N' w 4j, 19ol " mall JM 21303 %T,- ~ 63 *,081 of the Develo-jement, o' pev.-ner. *C'3 Med sci Jan OL ob Iloom buall W to Ob a, to ft"mr.- lm"Ak bk* Jbi.-M I-vknmw ,w ca 94 - Im aw lr* Nwwuremmts of the Rate of Flow of Solids in a Slurry, by K~ 1. Dianko, V. M. PeAn, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Priborostroinia, No 7. 1961. CIA/FDD X-SOO Sci - Phys Hov 62 21S,262 of the Rate of Flow of Solids in *.I ixx 4ilurryp by K. I# Adc"co, V. M. P'evin, 8 I)P. RUSSLM, per, Pri',jDrcstroi4io, lio 7, 1961, CIAI/FDD X-5045 5 ci. - Sole t2 I 215,262 Preasion Younting of Proton Synohrotron Yagmts, by S. V, Yarfanko, A. K. Pevnev, - -1 ---------- I." 10 pp~ RWIlkH, per, PrIbory t Tekh Kkaper, No 49 1962., pp 55-65. mm Sol Air 63 J-0 -001 FOS* Of B&Imdm Do* -am arsuduum or ftleroAr .te 4" 2%ebxdca zaromtlon, tw !nns a 0. MW'MV~ I Mdbnwtgu T pi suammt FO/qF-303/62 ftl - just. mhw Go 194AA cc wftl~ of T#Ukvm %vuln Xfte the cmitmL WSW"" 40sm am 9~ ftdkum cawmtea vith a of 11, 1 votamm* no Sko ca=* Plo I, RabbIts and C&Up 46 94 all ma"klyp L. J6 Psmltaklya, .5 ppo you, =a I Mad$ Wl rus so A, CIA ftl am 62 W. Tetanus Tiaxia Entr.-mce Into the Ccn.ral tJQTV(KLS S~,utcra mid Swv- Prabloa~s of Experimental Totallw-, Jug Pathot;e1lesis. co=X11CAttian ill 11"V-1133rilowits ")1.l "'!'Okeys and 1301-38 by C'. N's IryzNj.-.uvtikiy, L. A. ZRLni!a)z-iY, et al, 7 pp* per, 11yul Eksper Dicl i !,;edt "trul. JAIl 110 1961$ pp 35-42, CH 210,1GIS 11MVPF111 0411 RoUt(Lq oil' LntranCc Of Tetanus Toxin into the 'or ztra~ &#'(&3.-v;)us SyStOm and Cart,-dn '-Zuestioms In C dle lllnogEIDO.Sis af ExperilMLal Totmuss IV, Oa tho PatholpDacsis cili 4scanding wid ~>--scenang Tetanwso, by G, No Kryzimnors-kiy, L, A. Pcvnitsk R16S'LU.'s, ]vr, Byul E%spar iiiol I Vol L11, No 12 1j, lip A-37, CU 21G,644 Sep 6*1 Ill-11,141(owe of -the AMOde of J*A&anlzt=..,t:Lcm al I'mmids on the Rate of Davalopwnt of -to Tatanum and Umm Gwqreuc~ A. araxiAtut-o-4, 6 p. Rio 7 pat,, lbrul Eksper, 4ads 1959t Vol XLVII, No 5, ;rp CD Scl inn 60 (NY-5554) On the Problem of the Formation of Antiaritibodies.. tW 0. W., Krysbanowskly, L, N. Foutalln,, L. A. Voynitskiya 21 pp. NJSSrMj qers Vest Ak jbd Nw* SM,, Vol XV.. 110 10.. 1560p pp 18-29* JPRS 7826 Sol - No mar 63L A Gttidy oi the -PosBibility of Early Production of Ummunity After Primary immunization With Tetanus Toxoid, by L. A. Pevnitskiy., G. K. Kryzhanovskiy,, 7 Pp- RUSSIAN., pox,, Zhur Nlkrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, Val XXXj, No 10., 1959s, pp, 43-48- PP Sci Sep 60 / 0 /~ 4!~ //. 2-1 The bLachanism of DzwanitY tO Tcta~ltluG Ifox-In at airly Parieds After Active Immuaization, by L A. Pevnitskly, 4 pp. RIJSSTARI, per, Plyul Msper Biol i M-ed, Vol XIV'.TL No 12, 19591 pp -"";-f-92- CD sci ju3 6o Statlatical Dintributions of Amplitudes of Radio Tnterfm,m Pubes Set up by Fametrioa D*vicex WA Appliawcal, by V. P. revultswo A& Go yrwtsuzs RMYA'Rp pars. Maktrosvpzp No 9# 1958v pp 30-35. Perpma Press Sai MAr 60 /// Y'7 ~7 On the questim of the rapidity of develop- mat amd degme of loondty'apinst tetanus .!-, and 9%9 onamme with differeat uethods of Jmm' tion, by As Yas Alwmi, 0. N,, "bomovskyp Le A, PowAtAw, 9 Vp* RWMANI, powm Bya Mwpr Slol L Had,, Vol 43# ND 5,P *5TP PP- 1006-108- Cmultanto bureau Sol - nod am 58 0/11- A " 1. z 1 11, -11 011- 1 11- 1 11 " I Ch,aracterlstics of a Padlo-Imterference SupWonsion Systemp by V. P. Fevalitakly and F. Z. =Lsotlt- WSOW,# parp SlektrIcbestvo., Vol V:Ep 19563 .PP A ASM-MO Jul Pev'sner, OLIGOPHRENIA: MENTAL DEFICIENCY IN CHILDREN. Nov6l, approx. 408p. Order from CB $1S. 00 't-rans. of niono. [Dety-Oligophrenv, Moscow. 1960, 485p. 1. DESCHIPMRS: *Childten, Intelligibility, Scientific research, 'Abnormal psychology, *.%Icntal deficiency 61-25737 1. Pevsner, M. S. It. Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc. , New York (Biological Sciences- -Neurology and Psychiatry, IT. offi.. of T..Wc.l S-i- v. 7, no. 5) 1 AVIIII, IP 1 MEN-I'Al, DEFICIENCY IN C,ilLDREN. NOVOI. ipprox. 408p. DrOer from Gil $1S. CK) Trans. of rrrjnt). jIXiy-Ohgo,,,hrcny, hiosco%%. 1960, 465p. 1. DESCRIMRS; *Children, Intelligibilvy. Scientific research. 'Ahnornial psycholory. *Mental deficiency 61 -r57W 1. Pevsner. M. S. 11. Consultaniq Burcau Enterpmves, Inc., N'~w York (Biological Sciences- -Neurology and Psychiatry, TT. OR - f T-16.4.1 v. 7, no. 5) 1