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Tug satrIMUM of sou MoLstum w4th tjw Solo of the DL*Ugi"x artbw cif Drylog cvw"ss W V~ ftwag lrdlu- wams pri/slousmaj, lb V.P 1.9%p pp WO-Ul. OW40-eun (EL ~'W) M - Mal //e~, 73j- jun 60 -~ ~ e n:! .4. -1 ^11 1 .RU33L~N, -er, lz idi Mark 3013,7j, Jer %,*~ 1. "Iij, 11 - Z- 21 J-220. *1--T I.,. ~-c. ] -0 -_,, -114 - - L~ac (SF-1875) ART AM THE POLICV Of THE REACT I OkW KUMMISSE;o BY W. PDAUAL L4 Pp. MMIANo Ma WAMNIWp ND 18j, DEC 1961 a PP 93-109- Wc rim (A 183#102 Concernina the Excitation of Atow in a Mercury DiscbarL-t,p by Yu. Kaganp 11. Penkin, 4 pp. RUSSIM,, bim perp Zhur ExR2r I Tooret_r:Lzsyoi XXIS 1951p pp 1182-1183. Scientific - ftymics AN Tr 1723 cm/= 73 5f tjon O-L Lovels --Ij ()C the POP"110 -roalj -Tol '2-=l :.,o 1(") p-Ij 376 3 '7r --71 SC4- jq:~j C-TS of the Ab8QjUt4* Uums of an ftVv*S** In AtWAC ft*CtM* I& S*dL=p by Va. 1. OWUM*klyp N- pe p"kint 5 Im. X)Mmi, p"s 4pektr*j, Val x1a so is 1961j. pp 3-U. OOA ftd Jm 63 MP79L poultry - science and Practice. Vol 11 yl~ parlming and Production, by YO. Ys- PsftiOu- Z11hevich. RUSSIAN, bk, Sel'skokhotyuistyennaZa Pitsa, 1962, S67 pp. CFSTI TT 67-51217/2 sci-afil-l Apr 69 -10 Pive Gscilla-mar- Sti-ingths -of -the-Spoctrox-3- LIT=- v Sn-K and Pbl, by N. P. Pankin, 1. Yu. Yu. Slavenns, 6 pp. RUSS I AAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol XV, No 2, 1963, pp 154-165. OSA sci- Doe 63 '.'It~ar.u2ve-ment of tb-- Absolute V61ues of tne- D73ciUator Strengths for the Resonance iAms of Calcium, StrDnUim., and Bari= Ions, by Yu. --L. (.,,strvv-9k:Lv, N. P. Penkin, 4 pp, RMSIAN, per, Optika i Spektroskapiya, Vol X. rw 3., 1963-, pp 8-14. Gui ORA /0/ (/, 5- v Jun 61. OsclljAtor staeagth of the b~pectral Limea Ol Czaclum, by lb, 1,. Ootro-%rakly; N. P. rzOdn.. 3 rp. R=TAN~ pMrr OPU4 SpektTo, Vol X$ No 19619 PP 429-435. OSA Bel Aug 61 Kbigolute OacilLntor Strengths of the Pleuoaanc-e Linea of Mgl, Cal, SrI, and BaI, by ra. I. R. P. Fenkin, L. 1I. Shabauc-,ii - 3 RUSSI.41r, pe-,r, Dok Ak Fauk SM, Vcx'- C;M, No 1, i!~58, -pp 66-68. Amer lust of Phyt; Sov 113~ - Doklzdy Vol TIT, No 3 act - Tbys Jill 59 Relatj%~(:.q f-jrhjuej~ of the Spectral Lines of Scandium, by ju. J. Ontrovoldy, 0- P- Psnkin- W-L RUSSIAN, parr Optika I Spektro, Vol Ill, No 4, 1957, PP 391-393. Dam LjAy ma n26 78. 6d. Szi - )?ftya Sep 59 ~Luasurcmnt of OsciUator Strengths in Atmic Spectra, by Al. 1. Cbtronkly, P. llankin, L. N. Sbabaao=, RUSSIM,, per, Iz Ak Bauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXII, Ilu 6, pp 725-11 729. Colunbla Toct sel - pkys J%a 59 The Nalssloo #M Absorption Spectna of Urepluu., by X. P. m~ B. Z. Frishg, 5 pp. RUWMp prp Optlka I Spektroshapip, Vol Mv 19% pp 473-479. AEC NP 3.26 Sci - Mum Oct 58 IqAl ~ J / I Relation of the Oacillator btrengthe i,or the COMpOVent8 " the Rt6onance-Doub,,Iet of Aluminum ~ad Copper# by 0. Fs Forchevskil, M. P. PenkIn., .ABOUN), bim per,, Zjuw mapm i Tearet Piz, Vol MIU# IMs pp 379. CrA G 40846. Anerften Inst o:V'PkWz:Lcs 57 Beat 55 St. Ilev York 220 N. If Scientifft -' Pbysics 3/1 & 7/ Dei,-nmdubia tbo Oscillator Gtreu5ths (f-mrdbars) in tho b-)Xtctm of rron and ReMip I;y G. F, Parabovski, N. P. PeWrlu,, 2 pp. I . I I , ALU t -latUyu. ROWT.M., b3m Iz A Nauk, Ser M, Vol XIX, No 1., 195% YAv9- CTA C 42053 0 041mabia Tech Tr Scleut=c - PIWeles mV %i mwd" 1- t ~)n Determining the Concentration of Ritcited brcury AtAm In Discharges lz a Mixture of ~mr=7 Upor vith Inext Ga5",, by U. P. K4, No NaUdIns 2 ppo I!ALLI trwiiisluti=4 '9USSXAN# bluo Verj, Ix Ak Nw* or Piz., Vol XIXi, Eo 1j. 1955, pp 16,17. CIA 0 4453 Culvillilda Tisch Tr 3,~ 8clantifle - pivalce DIEW % M/dex Conceritwation ar Excited Atema in a LL-rcury Diocl~timrap.t by Yu. 1-4. Nagmu., R. P. Penkin. I)IOU tM21riation, FMGILM, lAmo p&r# Xz Ak Vauk SSSnp Ser Fizjl Vol XIV, Wa=,o IMs PP.721-726. ANC Tr 1499 ScioutifIc - Physics& atom,, amwcury r~ j ~ 6 9 The QytIma plWertlen cr Dilute Modium- Platt= 6011A Solutims., by 1. B. Icksiaa., No V. PenkLus. RES=# per, Me *to L *tallaved. Vol xm., WL X 3W Z~2-~, JV9,? ftb 63 Cram" Sections of Ineleatic Interactions Betveen 120 and 380 Jbv Voutrona add Nuclei, by V. 1. Gol'danakiy, A. A. Koval'okiy, V. S. Pengkina, E. Z. Tarumov, 4 pp. RUSSM, per.. Dok Ak Nauh- SSSR,, Phys Sec, Vol CVI, No 2,, pp 219- Amer Inet of Phys Sqv Phya-"Dakledy" Vol 1, m I Sci - Fbys Aug 57 Extracting Coppgr and Silver b:~ Segregntion., by P~ Pamtkos 5 pp, RUSSIAN,, wa TsvottWa MettLlly,, Vol III, No 2., 1962., pp 91-95. PS sci Apr 6s Vfl C 'C'U L T i 1 h' E 17; T - E' 1 1-4 U IN 7 r~ 17, ~j- 7 J% E)`VL.LOP?,T,,NT OF I'(1) ~T REDKOVE U-1 1, , F Fatips Machine for Ustim Stool Cable Mime Under Nized 1"dj* by A. X. Paulkovo A. X.Nordbalkov.. 3 Rmsim pur Zavad lab. Vol XXI,, No 7s 1955s pp 86U. , Bel Iks LIb 56Ah%9 Bel w, SUKIDOUILUR pw 11 - fam m MOCAUMMM of wwom .$I -VA IN. I rxmw* a #P. :"901vomr- "0" "k Aalumtl6 w . 470 %m IW AO*4k,Wql. AL "&,Nb .. -- IA : 0 MAP ~M- - ~W~L 27704) .Y Pankov., V. Dakov, 10 pp. Lavakigrad (Bu2garia)j, b BUMARIO., mo Pars Geograf ;LYS, Vol IV.- No 5, Sof ic, 1-9541 pp 3-7. CIA/WW"/U-8736 Geo Aus 56 cTs/Dzx Bconomic Geograpb;y of of Bulgaria,, by Ignat 497 Pp. UWUSSIFIED BUWARIM., monographp no llaro4nana Republik& 19563. PP 3-351. the People's Republic Penkov, Hilka Penkova, Ikonamicheaka Geograflya- Bulgariyaj Sof is# US JPBS/kr-547 Off -1229) Mkr - Bulgaria Scoal Goo Aug 58 Description of the Tv%m of Unta7o, by lg=t Pc-nlrov, 5 PP- WWMVXj, per, GeqUafiya, No 5, 1959, Sofia, pp 3-5. ims-t-963-H MW - BaIgnmrim GeD oat 59 e2(7 / 6; OW M267)- Naws cC Va 204wlm PLys-Tar Mm and E=nmic T&Ww cC the GeogropMe OWL*uoao,# I* 2he Seamd Pive.-Yftr Plan and Svzim ct tho GeopnUe Sclemm; 11. O"mita an WA Eacumde GaagraVMea 2=4m or ftlvu-io., b7 & musbbDvo Is Pentors T. Yard=ovs Zb. 4ka%*Qrv 73 pp. wxmams Vwx UMAD m - I Vbl no eft'"t I Oat JLY)40 VP "s -ub4 cv,#w mr 5ge gir 200made - I%vw-Tow Fun 0 On/mm O'bzca, as a Ream-t Town (BLIlLrariAA),. ",)I'V I. pelll'.Ov: T, Velcbel 8 pp. BUMAXIM, to per., Geo, vo'l ITt "llo b.0, Saftait 19541 PP 2-5- C TIA /FDD U-8786, Fleur .. llulcl~rip- 5? r1z 01 clz?o oct 56 , , I :lIq (FM 27706) fts P394090 lWaNd" &a6Wi= QMlisy- by Val 1vt No is Banal vp CTA/~M U-6496 9-f 16f now - somm- (I)C-2453) Preparations for the New Schoa Year in Higher Educational InatItutioncy by Prof Ignat Penkov, 3 PPO IXWMIAIt, np, Uchlt4Uko Demlo, Sofla, 29 Aug 1958, p 3. US JM-671-D Mur - Bawin scla, gr q F~ 17 Juz 59 f Juclear Quadrupole Resmance in Pealgar, by ~. JJ. P!~~ ',~,ov v I. A. Safin. RUSSIAN, per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sections, Vol CLIII, No 1-6, Nov, Dec 1963, pp Auer Geol Ir%t Sci Jul 65 Problems or the Transition of Southern Chernozems to Dark-Chestrut Boils of the Central Portion of the Crimean Steppe j, by M. D. ~!I~vv pp 52g-536, !F 4 5r v .7 - RUSSLAaI,, perp Fochvovedeniyep No 5j, 1960p pp.-86--E*. ADS sci 3ept 61 Tranda in Viticulture in Horthern Bulgaria b-i Relation to Soil, and Climato, by M.D. Penkov: 6 pp, RUSSIA, per, Pachvovedenlye, No 3, 1959, pp 67-71,, Amer Inst of Biol Sci /_I g f 3 ei 10 Doe 60 vow" -' 2*m sdift to 60 US=. 0 R M-A 5 Lmat A ap IDOMOM06 tU 3.3. . 117. 1~ j612179 USK i .il Ir a 6, 3&%M cl Izmeritel YSA FENIKOVAS R. F. Deternination of Holybdeam &W Titmium in Ferro- alloys arml SteeU by an Analgan Method. UVODSKAU LAMATORM., vol 15j, 19491, pp 34-361 1200 wurde,, C/o Brutcher No 2424p Economic Geograpby of the People's Republic of Bulgaria, by Igmt Penkov., Hilka Fenkova, 497 pp. UNCIASSVM) BULGARIM# mooograph# Ikonomicheaka Geograftya us Sarodnana FopublUm Bulgariya, Sona, to 1956Y Pp 3-351. US JM/NT-547 (Nr-L'29) Ztw - Bulgaria Boma Geo Avg 58 L`sz-~ LLZ, Pm1prrPtIon of by S. S. Pen1kovoldy-, B. S. 10azoetcow, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, yer, Zhtw Prik Xhim Vol X3MI, Do 6, 1958, PP 955-956- 1? COnMItRUtg BWeBU Sci - Chatis 4Tun 59 7 a 4-u1 1: IT 1757. zr i 63-22682 Psmkow&ldl, V. V. EFFWr OF RADLA71ON ON METALS AND O'niER 1. Rukovskil, V. V. HIGH-MELTING MATERIALS. 1963, 190p U. Scripts Technics, Inc., Order ftwn Scripta Tecbnlco. Inc., 1000 Vermont Washington. D. C. Am, H. W., Washington. 5, D. C. Trans. of mono. [Delarvie Oblucherdya as Metally I Nekotorye Tugopla:Tkie Matertaly, Kiev, 1962, 183pL DESCRUTORS: ORadistion effects. *Metals, *Refroc- 9GUss 003ddes torymaterials *Alloys *Graptdte 6 - . . , , , OCArbides, *Boriden, *Cerrnets, ?have transitions, 2 -n` Superconductivity, Aging (Materials). Me stry c iIw Magnetic properties, Diffuslon. Creep, H=tI ty, Iliermal conductivity. E[lectrical conductance. "teriala, 7T, v. 10, no. 12) MR. J lec%NCA Uvk.1 VI Vol is 7 ri, kovs -A"I Alii~ ol~,q tv/ k'~:t A MW NMW Of ~AMONG MW WX OF RU"%0W Cap*=$ IMMITO 0 w V. V. V"L- 04V V4 wapmt 6 W, atwm. 004 oml Vic HATv"ALY I WQ; IN IWACWIVC * IWMSUIOWM I" Imo PP ". 04 Im scoold" WaY U%.187 Sjvctroscopic Study of Rotational Iscyners of Soix lkilo-ca Derivatives of Butane, by L, P, Yu. A. E~ C. 1). Ullyanova, 5 ],:)p - RIPMAA, per, Zhirr Struhturnoi Mhi~a, Vol IV. :14a 4, 1.963, pp, 535-540. .Yijn 64 ul.';.suiwirj Cri-AiLus .1ji 1-.alaria, uy i,. iiefina "V i-,Zt;vuJc;, Fi~L."icllp O'erp Uju zouc LAOI, ~Iul J:;, D26, "'i, "~66-bLpo. kLiov THE WRKERSI MOVEMENT A14D THE COt-2.1UNISTS, BYA JARNO P~NINANM 4 pp. FININISHj PER) TILANNE, NO 5-6 (7-',-), 1~6-2, PP 240-2112. JPRS 14664 WE - F I NLAND POL AuG 62 2 0 5, NJ'.,) 6 L St., =1 Awil * on th3 VW tz~, ~Mditqr;y " Ipfl,lut In kusaVa ftwel!"s, %jr a. ftatwtza, V. rinto. IT A- ~ I %WM. p4 voz. St. ft, M. 19--l' G. Pennefts Conalclamtions on the Characteristics of the Auditory D,tficit ill POMt's Dlzeaae, by 0. Fennetta, F. Pinto. ITALIAN. Vol. 11, 1b. 7-9, 1961. .pp 347-363 ; C ,AcL 61. ScI - Aug 67 3;a-458 V Q M111111TWI. 1! 4- fi~ I I ~ I' I isotherms of Eydrogen Between -1040C and -2h4oc, by H. K=erlingh Onnes, F. M. Penning, 9 pp. FRUIC11, pmr, Archives Neerlandaiser, der. Scienc-ca &.actes ct Naturelles, Vol VII, Series HIA, 1924, ppy IW14. 9635172 DDC RSIC-23 Sci - phys Aur, 63 A Neutron Generatins Tube Without Vacuum Pumps., by F. M. -P=dago J. R. A. Mouble, 14.pp. ... I - - =mwis per, Physioat vol Iv, 1937, PP 13-90-1199. AM UCRL-Trane-585(L) Sel - Pb7a 19 jam 61 1,5, Z, S -~49 nnomrin !~::%zn 7! io-3 r;nd lo 5 by P. Vol 17, '-)337, W A= 27' Oct 59 I Ring rozmation In the Polymerizaticu of Li=eed Oil ..p and Erperimcets With Cm-Linuoun tletbmd., to Stand OiV by B. Pe=VaI=2q -'. L:11 MHUTJ pDrjs Chem Wepkblad., Vol UVX., 1950., PP 358- 362- ITat'l Res Council C= TT 378 scientifte - Chemistry Aug C113/m J) I In Diabetics, by L. Maoist. S, Pe=isis 6 ppo ITAUM, pers Minerva AmUca SicilLana iltalX2. VOL go, No 1 1093, iii~ 16-38. SLA 17-64-%63 X-o / /V / 5 1 Sci/sW j Jul " 305.957 Exf6ct a the Lzmgth of thro AI-A Of the Lanaing Mment on the Stress Concentration In Fillets, by B. V. Penov. R MOM, per, Vest Haab, No 1, 1953, PP 33, 311- DSIR/3131?/CT Sci - rhysIcs Feb 58 (DC -5043) The Obtention of Extracts Cheiranthus Cheirl L. and Tro2piaum Majus L. , and the Ngperimental Study Of %WVW Efftete on BLood Proesam and Respiratioa, by Ve Ntkoyp M. penovs), It pp. 3;4r, Parmtelya, Vol x, No 1, 1960, pp 23-W. JM 6~75 Sel - )bd 24 jan 61 A Spectrovcopic Investigation of the Confoiimtiou Equilibrium of Chlorocyclohexaue and. Bromocyclohexane- by Yu. A. Pentin., Z. Sharipov., 6 pp. . I . - RUSS.Mi, per, Zhur Struktranoi Khimi,, Vol IV, No 2., 19631 pp 194-2oo. CB Sci Apr 64 254.," 3 ExparimnUil Btudy ct SboiMins.4 by P._ Peppji. Jr Bastolup et al't 30 W. mmmm., r9to 1.961. 92ZW3 W-Tr--6093 $(.-I - lq%l*l sai O,m &I avp"VO3 h,opagatlon of Flaision bmtrons In Omphite and Sodium. Comparison *f Calculaticm and Experiment In the Ladde Setups by r. to Berra, P._ ftldnz._ 19 pp. IWI IILMp rpt., Candscuriat a Illneroe Mcmique, Coatre 411ludea Nwasalresi. F6ata=qr-w=-Rqeea# Jall 1962. Aw-tr-6091? 1~ 09, 3 SO? icat 64 .Penrtd... E B. and Hr), Cho-yen. hiATHEW*19CXL '17HEORY OF A PELTIER AFFRIGERATIOR AND A THERMOELFC17RIC GEN- ERA-TOR. 11960] 30p. Order from ATS SU.10 ATS-67M47F Tr=i. & jjournal de) Physlique cc lel Radium (France) 1960, Y. 21, no. 7. suppl. p. 97A-IIIA. 61-17798 1. Generators --MaLhematical analysis Z Refrigeration systems-- NIathcrnatical analysis 3. Title: Thermoelectric generators 4. Title: Peltier refrigerator 1. Penrod. E. IL H. Ho, Cho-yen Ul. ATS-67M47F IV. AssocWed Technical Serv- Ices. Inc.. Past Orange, N. J. (&gWeerftW--EIactrIc;aI. Tr, Y. 5. no. 8) (for Arc Purnacea by Pensa.tTWIAWIFII H, per, L/Acierie M=trique, ND 1. Part 3j~ 195TY pp "J ~'5~ -Q;~ Co Tr'ech- S'V Tr-;3 act - mactsmics Aug 58 6 9, 9~~4z) samaotle Fat UqUOM for Lestbarp L-1 W. gwoo. Mwo VWP AR.LAdWp Vol T.- 110 1.1 19%* pp 99-33. WC-69-16373-UG 6(j. scd-ftbarsau a& 70 403s133 Application of the Method of Second Differences for the of Ilultiple ScatterinE in a V. V. Propane Eiibble Chamber,, by I. I. Pq Barminp V. P. Kanayets, B. V. Morozov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN.. per Pribory i Tekh EkBper, No 4, 1959) pp 44-48. Izwt Soc of Amer Sci - jul 6o ,:;tutt, ;bind Tratisl-art Properties uf Ar~;oi) by i,luus versido GLP~Lvij, poT# ClAcuuic-l _% Teclis No 340 1A,2, *Ar-CRL 4 -s Sek/Chem Cet OD Tlalio I oTi cal Erc) 'uf-,c Lion -47orca-0 and Polmn,'-, POLISH, -per, 1hLkleoniha, Vol III, 11c) 4, 10,53, 417-11' 27. A:-;C-tr-)Ll47 PL-48o Sci mav 62 -1?3,133 J. Pensko Prablem~- Ochroiiy Radiologicniej Za Granica I W Polsce FOLIS11, per, Nukleonika, v. I .o. 4, 1958j, pp. 417-427. 4 *Pl 450 CfIPS b0-21334 AF-c 4147 1(,-16l IIIA Nei., R=nticn fer the Study of Serum Ltbillity, '?iocculetion of Tripuflavine in Norawl Serum of Various Species of Auimals, by G. Pa:~sp 9 pp, lMkT-.T-kffp I!o.U Acced Mt-d R=,q Vol 1M,, 19381 pp MA T-r 57-15U loci - Biology ]Fob 58 "I". 11"I !;I Re".sw end Dmlolimmt of Wator-Cooled 04alw, by c. lowz"u. C. pensotti. 0 Ploo"dbw or the latermuomi Ymnary O=grwsp Dm"eUx 1958s pp 70T-739- scak 9T5 sai - mw /Vf, ?;A~ may U v On the Utilization of Underwater Natural Water Vapor and Thermal Waters, by rNe-nt--a~Francesco. UNCLkSSIFIED - --------- ITALLM, rpt, No 0043, 1954. *AEC UCRL Tr 365 Sc 1.