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I . , I ~ I I... -tIA, r"X~ ~ ~~7 6 le) ~zo rqxs I ~ ~.dwm., .~ (NY-71 10) REQUIREMENTFOR GRAVIMETRIC SURVEYING CONNECTED WITH PROCESSING ASTRONOMICAL-GEODETIC AND LEVELLING NEP"KS,, BY L. P.,PELLINEN4 23 PP- RUSSIAN., PER, TRUDY TSENTRALINOGO NAUCHNO- ISSLEDOVATELISKOGO INST GEODEZII,, AKR&UJXKXU AEROSIYEMKI I KARTOGRAF., NO 1391 1960,.PP 3-20. JPRS 14455 SCI ;2GEOPHYS 2o3,714 JUL The Processing of Triangulation by the Projection Method and the Associated Requirements for Accuracy in Determination of Heights Above the Reference Ellipsofd, by L. P 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, Geodez i Kartog, No 10, 1961j pp 3-9- AGU 199,033 Sci (NY-7G4)0) ERRORS IN CALCULATION OF PLUMB LINE K DEFLECTIONS IN A UNIFORM GRAVIMETRIC SURVEY, BY RX L. P. PELLINEN, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, TRUDY TSENTRALINOGO NAUCHNO- ISSLEDOVATELtSKOGO INST GEODEZII, AEROIYEWI I KARTOGRAF, NO 139, 1960, PP 83-XUXXU87 - JPR3 A435 SIC - GEOPHYS JUL 62 203,716 InNm- stlZbticm of Triangulation Angle Veasure=ntf3, by L. P. Pellimn. I. ......... RUSSIO, per,, Trudy Tsentral Nauch-Issled Inst Geodeval., AeraotoslyetakL, i Kartografii, No 114, 1957s, pp 53-325. ACM jaI 1?,~, P6,jr' Jan 62 Towarr3 t!-.e 't rc)*-,I.e-1. on t',,-e Re6uction :)f Triani.;uIntion " a ; 1. -F,e.- to Tl I.-I Droicl of bk, Trid,,- Tsentralnof.-,o 1,.'auclinc lssleclo~:Stelsku ",erosyemki i Karto.--r-ifii, Vol p7 !~)7-104 It [!C' t -11!1: 1- 4aft;,"! , . VP IcI 11 L COMPOUWS or So)Aulum and of Tellurium With Marewy, by G - FaU112i p 5 pp - i ITALIM., per,, Gazz Chito Ital,, Vol. XL,, pp 42.49,, igio. Assoc Teeb Serv 25EM Bel a Otm Aug 58 7, 0., J -0 Al -- bumAmprv by 1pub" f t t? . I W*M** ft" . ~!. ~ p !I, kill 17rl=,$p -1 &1 1* 1% 1. i "rFasa & u rl4yzow jw" SMW -DTLumiler. A. NE EIMW&M RESEARCH ON IM VI[RUS 1. OF EPMEMIC =MRUS DI UBANGI (FRENC31 E AFRICA) 0hisivelles Recbercbes 2. -.n- mimitahm mw le Virm de I'k2;we P-pidfirnique d'6ubaupd (A. E. F-)O tr. by P. Hmjdu- 24 May 60. 1. 10p. No. 5-21-40. 11. Order from LC air SLA nd$t. NX pk*1.80 60-17656 M. Tmw. of SocI&9 de P-wjqw. BalIed (France) 1950, v. 43. no. 7/3. p. 398-403. (BlokgiciLl Sciencm-41adm9off. IT. v. S, no. 5) 60-17656 Hepatitis virus-- Identification Hepatitim-French Equatailial Africa PellIssier, A. X[H-5-21-60 National Instirixes of Health, Bediestimi, Md. Offi-f Td~icl S-i- 1-24-61 60-17653 ISOLATION OF AN ULTHAVIRUS IN AN 01,713REAK 1. liepatiris viru3-- OF EPIDENUC 1CMRUS IN UBANGI (FRENCH Identification EQUATORIAL AFRICA) H- EXPERIMENTAL STUM 2. liepatitis--l'nmch (Isolement d*un Ultrivirus dams un Foyer cl'lct~rc Equfftorlal Africa Epi&raiqw :*~sam en Oubangui (A. E. F.) 2e note: 1. Pellfavier, A. Etude Experimermale) tr. OT P. Hajdu. 24 %lay 60. If. Nlli-5-2D-60 25p. (6 figs. ocnittoM No. 5-20-60. M. Narional Instimes of Order from LC cir SLA mt$2.7U, ph$4.80 6D- 17655 Health, Bedwada. Md. Trans. of Soci&6 de Patholooe Evotique. Bulletin (Francc) t949. Y. 42, no. 5f6, p. 197-209. See Man 60-17657 00- f T..hW..l 1-1- -Pathology, TT. v. 5, no. 5) 1-24-61 j~1g.WomAer.4..A:-j~nd LAUnaret. R. ISOLATION OF AN ULTRAVIRUS IN AN OUTBREAK OF FJIDEhGC ICTERUS IN UW4W (FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICA) (Isolemem d*un Ultravirus dans tm Foyer d'I ' Epidemnkpw S&vissant en Oubangui (A.E. F.)) tr- by P. Hajdu. 24 May 60, 19p. No. 5-19-60. Order ft an LC or SLA m42- 40, pb$3.30 60-17657 Trans. of Sadife de PadmW E-riqw. Bulletin (France) 1949, Y. A-2. no. 1/2. p. 52-62. (Blokgtcal Sck-ncev--Pdmhakgy. TT. v. S. no. 5) W- 17657 1. Hepatitis virus-- Identification 2. Hepatitis- -French Equatorial Africa I .Pellissier, A. H .Lumaret, R. M. NIH-5-19-60 IV. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. om~ of Tc6wcnl Swvi ms 1-24-61 ftlLtasie-. A. and Ltunaret. R. AN Ul,~~RAVIXW isoLATED IN AN ouTBRRAK OF EPIDEMIC ICTSRUS IN UBANGI (Stw un Uhravirus Isoli dano un Foyer d'Ictire Epidindque SMasant en Oubangui) tr. by P. Hajdu. 24 May 60. 4p. no. 5-19-60. Order from LC or SLA miS 1. 80. ph$ 1. W 6G- 17665 Trans. of Institut ftsteur [Paris). Annales (France) 1948. v. 74, junal, p. 507. (Biological Sciencea--Patholca. TT. v. S. no. 5) 60-17665 1. fleparms virus- Identification 2. Hepatitis - -French Equatorial Africa 1. Pellizzier, A. 11 . LAwnaret. ft. 11. NIH-5-18-60 V - National Instimes of Health. Bethesda. Md. 1-31-61 aji:ffjff*'0fVWdRY0MC EGGS AND IM?.IJNOLA)G ICAL WEIMMATION OF TM VIIUJS OF FRENM EQUATORLILL AFJ13CILN EFUMIL&C ICrERUS. (C~ftjre sar Do-4 Emhryomme cc lium-w-mim lmnrm3o- L-Viqaed-Vi"-dellco~mEWd6miq 4rA.E-F-)tr. bt P- H&J4j- U bby 60. V- 5 -&s. Na. 5-26-60. Snl-zrEmmJU1:cwMAm4l.50.p4l.8D 6&-17576 Tr--r.s. if a Ummut fts.,j=r. Pixis. A-les (Friacr) 1953. T- 95. p. 492-496- -1 , - 60-17576 1. Hepatitis virus-- IA-rifiration 2. tiqativs-French Fquatorial Afnea I - P-mllissier. A. 11 - NH-5-26,-60 M. Nariaral Institutes of Hashh, Bethesda. Md. on- .1 T.A." 3- QkuAogk~al Sciences TT. v. S. no. 5) 1-31-61 Tringuier. Emile. I'lill' I~WOHATORY DIAGNOSIS OF VIRUS-CAIISED FRENCH 1:01WI)DRIAL AFRICAN EPIDEMIC ICTERUS " Diagnostic d. Laboratoire de llct~re Eodernique a %lirus de FA. E. F.) tr. by P. Hajdu. 24 May 60, 5p. 4 refs. No. 5-23-60. Order from LC or SLA tnIS 1. 80. ph$l - 80 60-17666 Tran"; of So_,me de, PatholVe Exotique. Bulletin (France) 1952. v. 45. no. 5, p. 592-594. (Biological Sciencev--Patholo&. 17, Y. 5. no. 5) 60-17666 1. Hepatitis vlrus-- Identification 2. Hepatitis- -French Equatorial Africa 1 .Pellissier, A. it. -rv,mquiv, i.,,. 111. N11-1-5-23-60 IV - National Institutes of Health. Bethesda. Md. 001- .1 T-A.I.J S-i... 1-~)4-61 ftj4qVje.Tk..AJRw..#nd Trinquier. E. EXISTENCE OF ME VIRUS OF UBANGI EPIDENUC ICTERUS IN BRAZZAVILLE; ROLE OF MOSQUITOES IN rrs TRANSMISSION (Existence a Brazzaville du Virus de l'Ictt:re Ettderaique d'Oubangul. Role des Moustiques dans &a Transmission) tr. by P. Hajdu. 24 May 60, 3p. No. 5-22-60. Order from LC or SLA rni$ 1. 80, ph$ 1. 80 60-17574 Trans. of Socidti de Pathologie Exotique. Bulletin (France) 1952, v. 45, no. 3. p. 304-305. 60-17574 1. Hepatitis virus-- Identification 2. Hepatitis --French Equatorlal Africa I .Pellissier, A. It. Trinquier, E. 111. NIH-5-22-60 IV. National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. Offi-I T S-1- (Biokocal.Sclences- -Pathology. TT, v. 5. no. 5) ,-24-61 60-17664 BEHAVIOR OF TIIE MOUSE NEUROTROPIC STRnINI I. Hepatitis virus-- OF FRENCH EQUATORIAL AFRICAN EPIDEMIC Identification ICTERUS. ATTEMPT AT EXWRINIENTAL THERAPY 2. (Comporten)ent actuel de In Souche Neurotrope Souris Equacrial Africa & I'lct 41c Epi&mlque d'A. E. F. Essals de 1. Pellissier, A. Th~-rapeutlque Expirimeatide) tr. by P. Haldu. It. NIH-5-24-60 24 May 60, 5p. .5 refs. No. 5-24-60. Ill. National Institutes of Order trom LC or S LA mt$ 1. 80. ph$ 1. 90 60-17b64 Health, Bethvsda, W. Trans. of Societe de PatholoVe Exotique. Bulletin (France) 1953, v. -16, no. 1, p. 24-26. 0F%.; .1 T-Wed swk.. (Biological Sciences- -pathology, TT, v. 5, no. 5) -24-6t Military Gcoaraphic Study on Central Alpine, Eastern Europe and Continental Italy, by Colonel PelUssier, 36 pp. FMCH., bk., Etude de Geographic M"itaire our L'Europe A3.pine centrale et orientale et Litalic continental, publ by French P-nW Staff, 1954. IF EM r - -SO V t*oh e I OCE Tr WEur - France 'T. *0/ ty military Geographic Jan 56 msIDEx '? 40" &:~l vil -, &:; --~ Haftch.uniam of the Corona Effect o AC Trenumiusion Liness, by R. Pelissier and D. Renaudin, 56 pp. rRMH,, per,, BtLU Soc Franc Elec, Vol u2 1949v pp 53-71. SIA 3443 Sci Aug 58 "i=iri, Guido. 61-14932 RESEARCH ON GLIANIDINE. 1. ANII.GUANIDtNr-_ 1. Milizzari, G. [19611 1201p. (foreign text Included) 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 60 61-14932 Trms. of Accadernia Nazionale dei Uncei. Randicond otaly) 1891, ser 4. v. 7, no. 1, p. 40-47. DESCRIPMRS: 'Guanidines, Clernical reactions. offic. of 7*46C.1 S~scts (Unannounced) pj, ", - . I- I I ~, ". !t - .. l" ~ ~, I Floreace- Rcw~,, Ubtor "llighways b~r Clu&upi~- 4 pp. ITALT-0, per,, Le Stra6ep Vol XXYj, No 1,, Jan 1955P pp 37-39. G-2., GsusA G-4635 WL'ur - Italy Pby 55 CTSAMU scolacesic A Printing Wthod for the B 1 T 90 CcRmter Mibe, I by M. Klosa, H. Fallkafer, 6 pp. ............... , . GMW, per,, Elektronik, No 10, 1938p ipp 313-315. USASM SC-200b/60 Sci - Xlectron // d 6 (o ej Oct 61 Li 7 OL' by 3. Pel'men, 5 pi). RUSSWI, 1,roprosy Criukol-cig, Vol VII ~!'.O L', Elsevier Pub. Co. '-a-y 62 197, 623 Proceedlugs of the 51st Meeting of the Scientific Society of Oacolooists of Roacov and Moamp Province om 3 Harcb 1960,, by a. C;. Pel'm-q.t- 3 PP- RUBSLUI, per, Voprosy Oakoll Vol VI,, No 10, 1960, im 115 -117. pp eci 1,5-6 j o ~' i= 61L I Proceed5iigs of the joint Session of the Soientifio Society of Oncolo.-ists of Moacow CiV and Prov- Inoe, with the Mwcow Province and City Sclem- tific Soniety of Obstetricians and Oynaecolo- glate Sold on 23 October 1959.9 b5r So a* Pel~- PP F13.13STAII, per,, Voprosy Onkol., Vol VT.. No Tp 3,9600, pp 117-119. T-? Sci Mar 61 Scientific Coaference of the Society of Ctlcol=pts of Moscow and Moscow Oblast Conjoin y With the Haemtological Section of the 9.berapeutic Soclety) 27 Nov 1958, by S. G. -pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voproay Onlcologii, Vol V, !1'40 3, 1959, pp e^-41, 242. pp Sci Atxg Go Effect of Actincoycin D an tho laduccel Syn-thna5r. crf F -Calactouldase and the Speatifle IM Synthesis by a SacollXul= Fmation of Escharichia Cali X 22; by MS lkmtdcn NIB=mj, Jean-relmontp et aL# 7 13P. 1"VERCHO I)OTp CoWte llwAusj, No 256,, 1963, PP 5C13-5206. ABC-Tr-5709 Sol. .. MMI IPOI ?-3 ?1119' ,Jul 63 Achondroplasla In a 55-Year-Old WLe- Autopsy Fludinp p by J. Pelnar., 8 PY CEMJ. per# CaDUAD iaimm onawcho Vol XLIV NO 24.jl of 1903) pp Q51-656. P oc Tecb Berv 'Dr A so 23J15. mal 58 A VOW CaSO Of )v Gla at the oaa of PUty-SJLXj, bW J, Ptklmws 2 pp. CZ~nj, jw~ CooogsAAkwu Ceskyab.. Vol XLI:lp NO-24p 1903,p PP Assm Tech Serv 25n5% ATS r- T- "? 7 6- ja I i C: ~ I i IIC r)' at Ti I i 17L,' CZUC, I JS i JV :11., 1 ci I I e -(Iii,)itioii in ilrno, ina" va, 27 r!it, .~lo 2, Vol 9, Foh 195', pp 95-102. I -- 3 7 34 E;: (:zcc)i ,~'Coll June 65 1955, Sol Dec 59 Val 2. MO 5 !btlua ce IIIInx-c-Axle GyToscopic ftrbilAxe-6 L: a Tumbler Bua-lugp by D# S. PhIlpor, U. P. Sum=,oImv,, 16 pp. EVrkWAZF,q.vor,q Xm V~sahlkb ttebob Zwmd NViSM SM p0 ftzft3.1; PrOwcaftwenlyes Vol Vs No PY IM-108. im lam Apr 63 MAW MAKE FULLER USE OF WORKING TIME, BY A PELSE, 9 PP. RUSSIAN,, PER, KOMMUNIST SOVETSKOY LATVII, NO lo, 1962, Pp lo-16. 1, jpRs 17416 USSR ECON JAN 63 DriwillUre de- imacticia entre !c plaml~ Ilt,juide e4- loci mr.Nes vaetW I I ques.. by E. gq_34e_1, 22 pp.. GE)IM to FFM~,,p perp Z Lxzbersabau hetal- lbuttenvea, Vol XI., N 1958., pp 56-63. 9222311 Femrse TranslaVim CEA41A-1498 CO'd aul 01 (FDD 26123) Can Scientific Research Be Plannt!O What the Ustory of 1%,thematlco TvUs Us,, by Jean Pelceneer# 7 PP,- FMMCH,, qu per, Isiu, Vol XLVI, Part 2, Eo 144, C=brIdEp# Mass,, un M 1955., pp 95-99" CIA/FDD/U-75iD4 WEar - France Sci - mathemtics 9 TnMatW~ Pazwltss of ftrim bW'xmm,, IV Po Amy !My zKy Vb& Alop 29w, J%ft UK *Luuft anwift INWO swom or ftmdip PL*Mrjm S"4" oat ST 340M The Mufluence of TwVerntare on the Transfer Fu=tlon of a Beavy Water Pteactort by J. Fielser., .. p%vro P/934, Proc"dIAP of International Oonftrenft on roomful Uses of Atcade Energy Beld at Geneva 8-90 Aug 19550 Vol V. Lmternati Couf -- UK Sel - Nuclear ftelce crA 1-W.g.i62 e 49,0 Aqm"O'.1z" Syct X- 20 E by it. I val , 8h M"MCIIAM, par, Visas N-nuch-loolod !mat CA.Lurffili; ThOy, Vol M, 3-949, Vp IJ50-185- ATS-7214M, Sal A? go Vol lvjt 1;6 Aw 62 fli'll ~Iil ConZroos l3pcech, by Pelshe - I RUSSJM-, npj Pravda, 26 oct iclul. 5 FBIS Loire USS2 Pol 19 rne! c 6 1 Pelshe Speech. BUSSIAIN, np, Pravda, 24 Nov 1962. FBIS WIRES USSR Pol Dec 62 Repcrt to CITI~U Central Committee Pier=., b7,- P e 1 f7 he RU5~ijl'~Tl, rp, Pravda, 1", Jan 1"621 rBIS wir-~ tuft ON" V ww;il x NO" MAO s" ..... ..... . . , - ,, I I ~ I --,~ I I I i liv. " ~ , I I I, k pealwrebe our I9A,,pUtAe de Diffexamt-efs Sortas do A%U a I* do I#Amldmo IV LudKn=$ 2L pp. Gam" to! imams pwo Die BtWL*Dp va Vl';p lb 8# 19Aa pp IW-aM* WJ9366 CrA A429 rev"" EkA w Dw,Ce . 1,-'a1) of ',,;as ~y J - U -tern Turkmeniya Pastures and the ~Vl.'oinirl- Regions of 11721abelizistan and Kazakhstan, b--y !-'e*.'Lt,. N-. 1.1. , L. E. Rodin. RUSSLAN-, per, Voprosy Osvoyeniya Zeml Sredney Azil, 10c Na:4i: SSE, 1955, 4"JAS not dittoed Nmy 61 FOMIWOO 4111d Salf-XVIOOLOn Huchanism for PSONVOtIlep by--Robert .-,snault Falter'le., 10 pp. MEMO, flaUnt No IpOggpO62. Dept of Commee Patent Office Sci Mb SOL DA; Jan --A- - " "*=a Ufteft or mwtrft IA3 am comm"s w a- folum. mej, ftd &W# so %9, m==#, vwj, Ammum wb4s " m 7;r~ - 805,09-mm 3WOU fto ov 61-18983 Peltier. R. 1. Peltier, R. PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ROADS: TESTS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS. [1961][25]p. I ref. order from SLA 32. 60 61-18983 Trans. of Institut Technique du atiment-et des Tra- vaux Publics [Paris). Annales (France) 1960. v. 12, no. 145, Suppl. p. 15-28. DESCRIPTORS: *Concrete, Construction. Maintenance Tests. 'Roads. INvements, Cr&M Buckling, Defor- marion. 'Reinforced concrete_ Beams, 'Runways, 6MaterWl!;, Stresses, Surfaces. (Engineering- -Civil, TT, v. 6, no. 12) RatAmatUm of the Resistance of the Foundation BaLU of Soft Road Surface, by R. Peltier. 0 7==,, per, Rev Gen Routes et AerodrAes; Val ml 19558 FP 59-74- 3310DOO-TlW Sel Aug 58 70,, CaIculation of Rigid Pavements for Hlghwaa2z and Air- ports, by R. Peltier 40 pp. _~-Jq SFAMH,, per., Inst Teanico de la Cons~ucclou y del cewtltc~ so 135. S.L.A. Tr so 474/1955 Sc I - 41miki Zz A Jan 19'57 OVS/dox 9-111/ Y~~ey A blbudv of the Chtmical Stabilizatiml of ibc Carrindpmq of the Khornmebabr4h:mE -RDai Jai Zr=; %r Raywu& Peltierp 4~ FF=13., pew., Rowe Gnex-il Gas L=tes et dar. AcToftomaj, No 366, JVI 19602., vp 53-TI, CM Tzr No 252 63 '917) Peltier, Simonne and Duval. Clement. CRITICAL STUDY OF THE GRAVIMETRIC DETER- MINATION OF CALCIUM IN TTIE PRESENCE OF MAGNESIUM (9tude Critique du Dosage Cravim6tri u du Calcium en PrttstXe de Magreslum). 119631 [ 21p) (forelp text Included) 30rets Available on loan from SLA TT-63-18576 Trans. of Analytica Chimica Acts (Netherlands) 1947. v. 1. p. 408 - 416. DESCRIPTORS. *Calcium, Magnesium, Oxalates, Chemical precipitatim Gravimetrfc analysis. IT-63-18576 1. f'el:ter. S. NvAl' (Chernistry--Analyrical. TT. v. 11, no. 1) 0~kf ef Tchww U-~' Wluftce of Bypotbersda and Genaml AAsextboola vu the Pbagoatta kativity cof %30 Lm*o*yUm &0 ftetwlold*,l Proportles 9t the Usedo, by 9. 0.-L%~ ~. 1. Tam"t"m 3 pp. 11muno ]pro Zber Muroblol Xpldmdol I '"Mchlolf V61 3=11 'M 7114PP 72-74 list serstaft Imt Sol - Ned AJW 59 1.4-~ 9 71 10 L~aatribixtdiori ---- -whe j-)ztc=mcL,-ron of --rl-n ,fur R~!ZinIM111CO of VohielcC, by. J. Pcltncr, 22 pp. GERIUM; per.. Ant,)Mobilteehn Z.; Vol LVIII,, 195G., PP 219-223- S.L.A. Tr 57-136 SagUieering sc., -A~Chuology 62-17,V4 SUOKilid LV SERVICEMIEN. [19621 9p. 1. Peltonen, T. Order from X -H $11. 25 K-H 11128a 11. K-H-1112aa tU. Kresge-Hooker Science Tram. of unidentificd mono. from the Office of Ubrary Aseociates, Cardioditgnosis of the University of Turku and from Detroit. Mich. the Military Hospital No. 2, n. d. DESCRIPTORS: *Smokes. *Cigarettes. Tobecco, 'Military personnel. C 2 0 (Biological "enceu- -Physiology, TT. v. 8, no. 9) offi-4 T-W-1 S-- PIP-dwIkw4w Ufts 0020"Poor t1w1bume Rem 00ft- to Malow slommik month* of Pau a X004 IV & r 14 Vf6 C I. Ob J2, "63. $07-mu. - DPWXM I 25U13 Mae Effect of Pain on Basic ImmuniVy Ileactiow- IV, The Effect of ftin and Ansesthesis on the Phagocytic Activity of H=mn Blood Leu- cocyUmj, by D. G. Pdts 3 pp - RUMffMp per,, Zbur Nikrcbiol Epidmiol i Immmbiol 0 Val. =I No 10., 1958,, pp 70-72. Pergamon Inst SCI - No Jun 59 le TDc -4 4 5 0 1 - "F%perlence in the Exploitation of Interurban Cables v by F. A. MM PelvUr pp. ~116 r 4 RUBSUNs perp Vestnik Ovyazip go 2j, 1948j, P 5. ipm 6656 Sci r-eb ft I.-e- d f 1.1v C; vNn % .0 The Intensification of Scientif ic-lLmseax-ah 'jurk In the A=a Of PXM=Iaa In the BlectrIcia E%lncerdj3g Industry., by Yet 14. Pel'TuL-m a pp. RMZW,, per.. Vest Elektroprm., Apr 1961, PP D-5 UMR Ila ECOO Jul 61 The Practical Application of a New Metbod of Select- ing Egige for Incubation After Preliminary Warming, by N. F. Tret'yakov, S. 0. Pel'ttser, 7 PP- RUSSIANj, per, Trudy 11auchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Ptiteavodetvaj Vol XXIV3 Inkubatsiya, 1954, vp 176-18W. Assoc T*cb 8v 4OJ14R act - Biology o Oct 57 ~iAnffix; UjAW,12,M Of Mt-61110 SM-tQGOSj, IDY 0. FQltzor,,. Ulm CoMWRo pforp SUhl u Si"n# 15 Doe 1955p I,p 2682.-16,91. British Iran and Mel Icd (no n=*Wr given) so i - Smer Sop 59 5px .3~.2 7 ~130 T411fif air tho -aa~A 1 .1 r!~ Tzl.etw As Fa--isoo Jr.* 266 LA MOM" 0 1-1 I I 'l- i "Olftsvowma" 68 AS""Umwo by Apalon I',' 17 a OIAK SMUMOM4 ,114" -- MM186 val XLA *6 41 SONO W& and I 844.Apt s"" Mkon Air SMIM of Pcesage Flows in the Bity, IiJ3-1) by P.F. PLIschet*e. GIMM, per,, J)ie Muhle Vol 98., 110 45, 15)61,, pp 92-587 GB/114/(Z~B sci Atir, Gf 335,108 (M-5061) Mechanization of Agricultural Work in tb-- TBZ,,r. In 1959j. by Agostan Pelys, 14 pp. UWARIA10, par, BUtiestUmi sx-,miew vol Immi., Ito 819s 3,960, pp 841-84. JM8 76A Our - Eumgary ECOM / > ~11 / 1-11 Y, reb 61 An Instrument.for the I-L-asurement of Timer Intervals, by A. N. Pglyl~h, A. V. Pronyushkin, ~ Pp. RUSSWi, per, Pribory i Tekh Mipser, !'~o 19')1,, P.-, 83-36- ISA Sci I Q-31 , 3 b'3 i: TT-65-6312S Field 9C Pelykit. N. A.; PronyushkiA. A. V. DEVICE FOR MHASUREM&NT OF TFNIPORARY 1. Foreign Technology Div., INTERVA" IS Mar 64, fip. FTD-MT-63-276. Wright-Patterson AFB, AD-619 549. Ohio Order from CFS*rl. SLA. or ETC: IIC$1.00, NIFS0.50 as AD-619 549 Edited machine tram. of Patent (USS11) 144 890. Patent appl. no. 697051/26, 9 Feb 61, pl-2. TT-65-63123 Field 9C Pelykh, N. A.; Pronyushkin. A. V. DEVICH FOR MEASURENI --KT OF TEMPORARY INTERVALS. IbMar64,61). FTD-MT-63-276; A D-619 549. Order from CFcrr% SLA, or ETC: HC$1.001 MF$0.50 as AD-619 549 1. Foreign Technology Div.. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio Edited inuchint trans. of Patent (USSR) 144 080. Patent appl. no, 697051/26, 9 Feb 61. pl-2. tun Instrumont for Measuring 'lime Intirvals with a High Accuramy,, by N.A. PW,,vkh A.V- Pronyushkin., 5 pp. -LEE^ RUISSImi, pmr., Pribory i Takh &-sper,, No 2,p 1.962's pp 76-80. lm sci ~X.3 3j I b ? Dee 62 *04W zsm mlw WA lawma of fta&wsw~ zb~p 1w SO Woku 4WWj, 60" lb UAW, R9469-11MW;~~~ I- 1~~Ize- t - OcUmb 80069 ~%Pgvh Mw Surriace Tension of LIquid Mcctalc aundt A.12oyvp t-jr E. Pelzel mbmj, per* Beriq-u Buttmm DLhbKvcol XCII,C/Xcl-v$ Vo 10-Irty A.R.R.P.. Efamall U/3/5/405 Ot/810 Bal=tlflc - Hlnerale/mateas Pelzel, E. WICTUMCAL AND CASTING PROPERTIES OF HIGH QUALITY 7INC INJEcTiON MOULDING ALLOYS CONTAINING BERYLLIUM. 77 Feb 63. Order from TTIS $36. 00 TTIS NS 64 Trans. of Metall (West Germany) 1962, v. 16 [no. I I) p. 1120-1122. DESCRIPTORS: Mechanical properties, OCantings, *ZincaHoys, *Beryllium, Injection, Qualitycontrol. -63-17003 1. Pelzel, E. 11. TTIS NS-64 111. Translation and Technical Information Services (Gt. BrIE.) (Metallurgy, TT, v. 9, no. 10) Offi.. .1 T-6.i-l S-1- TME COLD AND WARM AGE HARDENING OF ALUMINILIM.ZINC ALWYS.119601 1201p. 5 refs. Order from SLA mLJ2.70. ph$4. 80 61-10149 Trans. of Berg- und HUttentntinnische Monatshefte (Austria) 1958, v. 103, p. 114-118. The cold and warm age-hardening of solution -treated and water - quenched aluminium-zinc and aluminium- zinc -copper alloys follows a simple law. if the --ri- terion used IR the time required to attain maximum hardnesa. In the binary system, age-hardened nUoyB with up w 83 at. -% ulurninlum (67 wt. -%) are. the moo stable at room temperature. Copper-bearing alloys c thin type extend to about 75 at. -% (56 wt. -%) zinc. Binary alloys attain their maximum hardness during room temNrature hardening, whereas copper-bearin alloys must be tempered. From the temperature- dependerce of the &ge-hardeming times, values were (Metallurgy, TT. v. 5, no. 4) (over) 61-10149 1. Nlumlnum-zincalloys- Hardening 2. Aluminum-zinc alloys-- Aging 3- Aluminum-zinc alloyn-- Temperature factors 1. Pelzel. E. Offi-I T.AQ-1 61-20205 Pelzal. Edch- SdPWOdg-TENSION OFF MOLTEN METALS AND 1. PeLzel. E. MEIR ALLOYS. 1. 119611 [221p. (4 figs. omitted) 15 rcfv. Order frcoa SLA $Z 60 61- 2OM5 Trans. of Berg- und HUttentrilinclache Monstshefte (Austria) 119481 V. 93. no. 12. p. 248-254. 191089 DESCRIPTORS: OUqkud metals. *AUoys. Surface tension. (Metallurgy, TT. v. 7. rao. 4) offt- A T-W-1 Detendnati-cm of very Sa&U Amounts of Frogestarona In Rmw Plasus by L RtnabeMj, IL Wz", Adelpinde Oeukwp 29 pp. OMMS Pero Blacbma Z. I Val. **=T=p 19561 vp Bei - ad Alpr 61 j 770 A/, Felzer-~ OCI-ftdsd 11.111 1 I on 04 2701M Now pbum" In" M. T ad Run omwPL- irziffles. Part U, by N. Polzer. GERMAN, per, Me Atomm it I No 6, 196-4. pp 277-221. OAEC scl-bluel set Aug 64 Pulzol, Erich. 1 1. Pelz 1 61,14762 SURFACE TENSION OF MOLTEN METALS AND o. E. THEIR ALLOYS. IL [1961120p. (13figs. omitted) 12 refs. Order from SLA SI - 60 61-14762 Trans. a &-rg- und MittentnNnnische Monatshefte (Austria) 1949, %,. 94, no. 1, p. 10-17. DESCRIPTORS: *Liquld metals. *Alloys. Surface tension. The surface tension of molten binary systems tin-zinc. aluminum-zinc. aluminum -magnesium and magnesium- zinc was determined by means of the bubble-pressure method. The selection of the systems permitted acom- parison between the characteristics of molten systems with and without compound formations in the solid state: an interpretation of the molecular structure of molten Wk. 0 T-W-1 S-i- metal allo-;s was attempted from the characterizing measuring effects. (Author) (Metallurgy. TT, v, 6, no. 3) f L-IU564 Pelzel, rrIch. THE SPECIFIC VOLUME OF SOUD AND UQUID 1. Antimony-bismuth alloys-- A1,1TIMONY-BISINIMI ALLOYS (Das Spcziflsc:.ic Phase studies Volumen Fester und Flussiger Antimon-Wismut- I . Pelzel. 13'. I-Verungen). [19601 [131p. (5 figs. omitted) 17 refs. Order from SL& mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-10564 Trans. of Z[eitschrift fUr] Metalliwnde (West Gernwny) 1959, Y. 50, no. 7, p. 392-395. Offi- f T-6.1-1 S-i- (Merallu rgy- -Nonferrous Metals. TT. v. 5, no. 7) Pwified Adsorbed SairlAt Fever Toxin-l- Admwv*lo*t of Faftfled Swwlmt Foyer T;212, V ftVIDYj. T. T. AkiWrap A. N. -V hufar;0vick, 3 ?llJSr.4Tj par, ~~bur SKkrabiol Npidesdal I timmugblol., Vol XXlXp t 2 nup I 6*1 - lbd "Iby 59 (HY-2800/8). PL=Vacts for tba Development of Asbestos -Ceiwat Constructiam Mewata, by S. S. Pen, 4 pp. BUSSIANs reir) Iz Ak Stroltel I Arkh SM, No 2, Pag 199, pp 1-u--u3- Boon - C=ntructim /0 7 ftb 60 CUBA., A MILITARY PROBLEN, BY MIGUEL A. PENA,' 8 pp. SPANISHp PERj REVISTA FUERZAS ARAADAS, 2 MAY 1962, OARKA, COLOMBIA, ENCL TO R-167-62. ID 2201726 LA-CUBA MIL 20 JUL 62 203,745 -The Mq~--~c Actlau and Base of _tb3 licarta.-L-wam-Bloodind Ani=als =a the T-Wavo Theory in the BOG, by H. Sche-efer., P. Schol rich, 9 pp. GMMI, per Pflugers Archiv, Vol CaXLVI, Do 5, 1943., pp ii6-732. YM 7-25-60 Sai - Mcd 6060 Ll"'~ I~ational UOngrCG& Of CT-"--R; py. llo'~n 5 Stp lQf')20 ims LA Cuba t 12 -TT--"-14541 ntdd 81, 20F P-KJ6-9,~-d-N- STUDY OF AR11FICULL ME NUCLEt WrM ELECTUOK - MICROSCOPE BY THE AEPUCA ME-MOD. 13p, Ift-do Order lk 9LAi U.60 an TT-6544667 Trsms. of JourAl do ReaMrobBa AbmspbeAqjes (Frukoel vl I&= 2) uS P121 -31 1%4. MR s" LAW 1076, DWH KW TO SPECLUT ION BY JAVIER IMIGMi REINS= ;Nirvas 9 pro SPANISHp MR* WMIAq ND 50s 14 DEC lg&,g p 664 J" 17367 LA -w CMA JAN 63 211#173 Tiae~ Rifle and ~~chlne-Gun Plate=, by SantijuZo Pewavers 5 PP- UMIASSIFIM SIPARIMs MnArldo 1953; VP 69-73.- OCZ Tr No 7 (March) VE - Spain Milttm7 Apr 51+ CM/DHX FINNISH MAN MffRALITY COWAREDp 13Y JARNO PENJU4Mo 5 PP. . - 1-- ~ FIMISHS PMp TILANNIK# OCT a 140V 1962j, PP 3E~qgp qk JpFts 16W WE - F I NWV P(41.1 LA 40 0m POLM JAN 63 218s636 I I I ~ fill I' C ir A. V. Ierii~ vD pp. b1zo por., Blokhtr.,, Vol XMI, 11:11o "'n DIU1,01I.Y llov 51~ UTS 63-18762 Penati. F. and Ruats, R. THE ELIMINATION OF COBALT IN THE URINE 1. Penati, F. FOLLOWING ORAL ADMINISTRATION TO MAN. n. Ruata, R. 119631 10p 14refs order from SLA $1. 10 63-19762 Trans. of Rasscgna d1i Medicina Industriaje (Italy) 1940. Y, 11, p. 372-180. DESCRIPrORIS: *Excxetion. Urine. *Cobalt, Man. Tolerances (Physioloo. Metal poisoning. `:J 0 1'!) (Biological S,*ienceq--Toxicol0gY, rl*, v. 10, no. I-) Office Cd Itchnsal Strom amd" Thm"Aw the ewes% ap"Wolowift"W" Incono. . = o- ur* 0. - =0 a- -Ths~sk" e 4w invow rt, : 1 , %M4W,iQ;wmw I R.-A & " so 11 I'll III C Go onx 2WAH