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(NI-3982) The Excretion of Deaoxycytidin in the Tirine After Irradiation as an Early Test for Radiation Injury, by 1. Parzhizek, M. Arient, Z. Dinstbirp I. Skoda, 18 P"P. RUSSIAN, per, Medit Radiolog,, Vol V., No 3,9 1960. im 5124 So - Vad 1,2'r. 3 9-8- -w v AAMW :*a ICRP -31- of as chmmum b4mmy lw a. 0 is I& -owl I, aftla, no 7. l9ft aftw Im 5= pas ; p The A4r ParnembUltr ot Windowa and Do=s in Inbabited Promises. Report on a Notbod of Stuaying its junumce an Beating,, by A. vaWav Vwx Ann Mwt "" butiment et Tmv Publo 3061).03-U*; 693-60. 2? N* 709 Bel - EW Wety Lock for Buttons,, by M. Francois# ftacal,, 3 pp. PWM16 PatOut NO 472j995,, Brevet dlinvention, Oet 1913 ATM P-Ts-iong/in 4F 2f Feb 1957 =/a= Tbe Motion Plature Industry in the Arab Countries.. by Jacques Psmn~l 7 Pv- FRMUt perlp Cim-Fi3mg. Caims Ajpr# May 1959p pp 110 12, 9. FWA-31149 IM/A - YJAR Econ - Industry Mvie Oct 50-J Posmible Relationchip, Direct or InUrect, Doweva tb* Wadmr of Casm of 7Amkenin and the Radio-ActiVity X or the Boll., by Parcel Rawmultv ass* pasca now Omemsp 4 pp. MIL MM, pw, Cowus ftvd= Ae" Sciences, Vol Omm Ib 3, 190. VP 367-3n- RM 4-3 Sol - Mhlia buy 59 0., Y ObWplementary.Remarks on the Freceaing Vota, by ?&real Rombault, Joan Pascal. Pane Coppatis, 4 pp. per, Onotes Ron&* Aft& Sclewoa,, Vbl OMM, No I lWa PP M, 372- Nm 4-4 ftl - pled May 59 f 6,~ 0 / b 61-12333 - ONE hIFF968 OF DETERMINING THE PERMEABIL- Porcus materials- ITY OF A PCJRCXJS MMIUM. [196016p. Permeability Order irom ATS $7.85 ATS-471%144R I Pascal, H. 11 ATS-47NI44R TTans. of Izvestj iyal Vysshikh LJcheLjnykbj III AsSociated Teclinical Zav4eniyj. Neft' i Gnz. (USSR) 1960, v. 3, no. 4, Services, Inc., Fast p. 49-53. Ornnge. N. J. (Matedals, TT, v. S, no. 6) 2be Annealing Ot the 0. 1. GraNdtap by M. Ponca, 3 PP- FPMM, perp Sp Bulletin d1informstimn Bel et Irecks ]w g3p i$)%# ]pp up 320 AIM-AU-42(RD/R) sci - Wn/Obt a" 59 n/ 71S Re e O--V- -e --- r Y- arlker4 Produce" Air-_-Cooled Graphite Reactor Glp by P. Menbadalp IL Paecal. FRUNIM., paper P/333s PzoveedbW of Inte=ational. Conferaiwe on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Ikersy Held at Geneva &.20 Aug 1955j, Vol M. 3htermatl Conf -- UN Sal - Raclear MWGICS Apr 57 uA 1-669.9.3.69 Betting of the Air in Spring-Frost Control for the Protection of the Orchards to the Rio Negro V&Uey,v by B,. Damario &W A. Pascale. SIMNISH., per, Iftteoros, Vol Vo No 3, 1955s PP 185-2o6. CBMO 3164 SCI Jul 58 Appr=im%te lbtb*A of Ans4zing the Prosswe Restoration Cwve in the Case of Two-Hmae Water-Oll Innows, by ff. RLaml., MMUMp ]pro. -In Tyaddkh Vabob Zavads ilefts r a!;&.vjol mo lb is 3- MmgWlt Bel va iv., rw u lyl~ -7-16 7 j= 62 ar Grala-Bouad=y I p Im 'cy Calais.* J. XWCIL ~t al. 46, pp. TAXIM., Fourth VletaUurgY C0110TAms 92025!f,-LI 'tim-T.-Irel"78 Ch= v 11 Her 63 . I 1 -1- Dy I-'. 2 a7, t.- pp HIZA Let" 59 110 r - -/ Faerclses of AA Defense, 4 pp, Comand Po-sc&-novi~.) 4 SH.M-MMnMp mW perp Rucl to 24M-558 CUM, CIA b-393250 ,*& a P/ Olo/ law - T"NUVIS odbmnap no 4# IM& Delp-adep 14 Sep 1955. ID 1289514 Nov 55 CTS A W UO (UM Or 1*),, ur ROW106MV, RMSUSEGNMIC S) OMAZATION 'TMIMIUL04 NO JumM 1963~ VP A*$. -~i- W'W11th1c 3-A'Ifulng COARtAlIcUon SYBV~S, by per,, rzvlC;ta C=GtMetillor 131 a Mterimlalor dt 0zwt=ctUj. Buchmmstq Jan 3-959., PP 3-17- CU/FM &M 23-93 EM? - hamle ECCM huy 59 8'6,, V4 a, pin: 3w 61 A gtud~r by 'The-mal Anallyoio of the AUotropic T--=sformatlona of Plutonl-W, by, P. Fw- card. OMAN,, per, Acta Mats V61 VII: 1 959, PP 305-318. AX, C W-3918 C!h= Apr 6o ThO Firat Spaco Enedittam. by :~. Paocaru. RMUMANt POr, 91.44991 A zelmiga, ITO 11, 1964, pp 26-28, IMC-71-10234-22k F 7-D- -, -~r- & ~-- (,,F'7 Ifov 71 Aluminothermil Production of AlUmInum-Titanium Alloyat by J Cueilleron and C. Favcaud, uIxoiA6F0ZFZ TREWCH.. Comptem Rjernadius, Vol 223,, 1951, Oct Ii, P; Brutcher Order so 301-3 PrLoe 4.2.65 Scientific - Metallurgy The Study of Crater Formation,, by S. R. Pasob 4 pp. ut Will ., GERON 'I perp Farbe und Lackp Volli.0 No sp 1952f p 356s MA 60-IW sci Apr 61 /*(o /go ULU" Cromistim Of cast IT" upon Toppin Most INC%**" fts I a" 9 of the Jomf ste"- Wadis be mobw om Cie, by T. paschal. name pWip Colgfo-gins 90 So 1963ir pr 1197-120A. *KK $"# Oct 70 "m*v4ftamwjb who ftnmcw4 it' P wmmbxsk% via 1=0 SW Stuay O:r the Wo Movements wd their Zffects In tbS ShAft Of US MAWt Fw=we, To resuballo re ltdmw. Isis Now pressated ad* the jowneen lab labla" as alawwMIS In LUMNAXXWSF ftt lot Vp (o)-ft. 2= 3M Study of the Movements of the Gas in the Shaft o-f the Mast Ebxnace and Meir Effects., by F. Paschal, F. Hiriber FIRMICH, 3apaper, Journees Internationales de Siderargie, 1A Oct 1962, pp 69-84. *~YBISI 3032 Sci - M/m may 63 10 Att"t @A usum Pusue *= in kAvmwLo. 7,z 200mal *pwxk"qp tW j4 pmftb&UUr ON14 osv~ Awl -am sommmasm Vol 6o abb 1% Wo W ALTOJIMI DA" at bftrl~w rub aud muwuft o"WAM MW,% BNOW fAdwri" =4?olmW 339v234 -aoo. al- z *y Sci - tInt A ti ~,, 6! -,~ Direct Granulation From Melt to Taphole. Blast Fur:naces 1 and 9 at the Joeuf Works of the Societe Wendel & Cie, by P. Paschal, FRENCH, per. C.D.S. Circ., No 5, 1963, pp 1197-1202. BISI 8669 ~ . ~ C&I 'per, Pulskie Vol "JAI, low, Jo Archiifm,,., !-,il 117-125, of tile -- - - -- - -- -- - - --- - --- i e -, I V A I W.41D , 7 tro-and a Bod3r by a -Flux of Strongg2y Rare- fied Plasma, by fl. T. Pashchenko, 14 pp. F-rilJ-Adnoy r*l, per, Zhunial - kban!Ud i Teklmiclhssk~~!. iziki. No 19&~, PP 3-10- 11000c)616&V ;3ci-i~bys Jun 68 356.426 DOI&W Aw not tam wm *W#Ai4*- %w 06 uo 4 so* So 0 MINA ) pow rob Sulat-bolial anA IrltbrocyUc De"lopmt of Plaamoam .!Praec=, M. Hartmmj, A.. Pasober, VAMASSIFIED. . .......... AN) &PL Va 'OBFJUN,. ArrJdv 9& Pr*Uste&un*~ 97 Bank Heft 3L, %'@map ighka *Navy Tr IONI - Modiciva 1951 cm Luu,jtuUuaI-Slut Ljw-.tional LoWler for aw -s, by Halvaut Iascimr, 14 Iy. per, Arch. Jor lilak. Lfbertra-un- Vol 13: No 2, If).Sg. pp 76-82. 1,911277lbEi-V 140V lus 3-19 at -1" Go mo in Sam via Inca IV 14. P"d*&. MUV06 pwo halb EAMM6& 90 1935~ pp 3D5-3D9. I k- OUM IT 70-.V364 SCA-4" Aug ?Q Pr\. qa-sc.-W