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(SF-2600) THE DEVELOPMENT AND TASKS OF OUR FOOD INDUSTRY.. BY -~~? oz 19 PP. HUNGARIAN.. PER., KOZGAZDASAGI SZEMLE, VOL IX., NO 5, 19UP PP 552-566. jpRs A953 EEUR - HUNGARY ECON - SEP 62 210,282 Speactilrograpbic Deterrdimation of Traces of Beryll-i-itz.-i -1a Uranium, "by P. ft. Pale, E4 V. Bezrogova,, pp. RUSSIAN, perp 7-hu Anal Khixa, Vol XVI, No 1, !96!, pp c7-59. OB Sci Sep 61 1,3 T.Altration of (1,2ndrivalent Uranium Usivie, UL.:x4m as Indicat-or; by P. N. Fale., Hsu LI-Yunn, UTST."tN; per, V~hur Anal Khim, Vol VII, NO l.. 1961t ?-r 61 Organization of Czv--hoslovaL- Public J!e,-tith I by 1.. Paloc and L, Skrbkova CZEUIS UP OrL,,anizace ZdTavotnietvi, n6l, IT 511-5a, bz-bu, ULV-832 181-18-1) JPPS CSO hY 13S,44 Czech Sociological-P& licalth, Sci-tiod Jam 67 317,917 10Y !,'OR CV77,01AJ, Ly,571.1 0'jT(,Y Fol V:C=, Vo 5o 1960, 269-274- jas 6296 sai - MIA a5 iiov 6o COLRIM, "Noe. j* piaoft ADW !" vbe*r Camomom I cou 20 .0's la -mimme A. IPWOM06 to IWAM* . 01 =444dom ~-ta ifts. - so 326A'35 ow 67 OscUlogralphic Polarogra_mby ar Deoxyribonucleic and Apurizdc Acids, by E. _Palecek,.-6 pp. RUSSIM.. per, Biokhft,, Vol XXV, No 5, 196o, PP 803-807- CB sai 15~ 9-17 may 61 ;1 Application of Thermogravinetry in Analytical Chemistry Part 1, A Thermobalance of Simplified Design, by P, N. Palei.l. G. SentyurIn and 1. S. S"renko, 6 pp. "' - RMIANs per,, Zhur Anal Kbin, Vol XII, No 3, 1957, pp 318-323- Consultants Bur Set - Cbm may 58 6'4~ t7wl Awl Pao umm "Mw I ft"Mm L11OVISTP (DC-3901/15) Machine Translation in the USSR, (EXperience at the Conference on Mathematical Linguistics in Leningrad in 1959), by Bohwail Palek, 12 pp. GZECH, per., Slovo a Slovesnost, No 4, 1959, pp 277-285- JPRS 3502 Sci - Mise jui 6o J. ZALDMI. POLISH# PS PUMA PAPIEWICZY& VOL XVS ND 7v 19wo Pr QZ0. NLL m. 63i9 SCI a 0104 q Ox.r 62 RIM97 Blectrochemdztry and Gm7wim of Semicoadue in ElectrolyW Soluticus. M. DdLasolution of Germwim in Oantact vlth Otber Wtalas by 0. G. Derjaglmj, Ye- N. Paleolfts N. D. TOmsb-ov.. 4 pp. MWIMP Pero, Zkw nz Was Vol XMVS No 90, 19W,p pp 1952-IM. CUomr-Hum Press Sel ,kug 61 ;7, c1 lo -e1 awmfor in m smomm aw IN w ADD w nwil PAUNICUs, It VF* czm;j6~;"k~ ONG" $04 1* im I^, on; Olt SK im 63 Atftempte to lintn:blish a Technology WE Manuracturing Nitrocellulose-Coated '31ift-Offll w T-kaLsfw rapers,, by K. ftlen!;zx Z. I'01MR, per, FrEaglad Papierniazy, No 8: 195%, PP 225-229. im. 74.46oi 15U, 741-? may 62 7ae Re-lationships Between Narva Gelia an-a Capil3azles 1u the Pbrenic Nerve Nucleus and tbm Arftrc2ataral Group-of Col3z lm the Spiml Cor4 of the Adult Cats by W. G. RVSSX4*,, perv Bya Xkner Blol I Had., Vol XLVMp No 7j, IMl Vp 2M-U*. commultaAte B=Vau )hr 60 Ila, - tr/,; 7 Blectrocheadeal and Corrosion Behaviour of ,Semiconductors in Blecitroyte Solutionso I. Electrode Pmesses an Germanium in Gulphuric- acid Solution In the Premnoe of Hjydropn Paroxide, by N. Do Tomahovs 9. No paleolog, A. Ze Fedotova, 2 ppe RUSISTAN, per, Zhur Fix Xhim, Vol 7MIV, No 4, 19600 pp 835-M6 Cleaver-H=9 Pross s0i Fab 61 'BIectrode Potentials of 41uminuz Uitb PrOtecti-m Contings of Various Thicknesses, by E. 11. n- mg, I G. V. Akimov, 25 pp. (ATIC 79062-D)- x -, I-er, I LTCLASIZIMM RMSTAN, papers, Iseledovenlya po Korrosil lietallov, Fublished by USSR AW Nauk, Moscow, 1951. ATIC P-TS-8030-A Scientific - Miner-als/metals Sep 53 CTS/DEX CIA 18D3554 f) 0 5~ B-'UQ-'VTO(ic PI-GOesscs On Ge=-Iii~m ial Acid Solutions in the Ilmsen-ce of an oxidizer, by Ye. R. Faleoloy, A. Z. Fedotavup N. D. 'XomwbcV.9'5 EMSIM,, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CXM,, No 3., 1959.- P.P 623-626 wF P-iho Sad A% 61 19,31 13J OTS* Vol M, No 22 On 110a ratios in sow-a minerals f rom ijpcou5 axid metasorzatic roc! sp by It. _g_j Valush-Lelu, M. M. Erodians; ',~,Vv- RUSSIXII,, pcr, Geolchinj No 6. 19582 pp 558-569. Geochardeal Society Sci De c 5 5) Anodic DdLasolutim of Germanim with a p-n J=atimm bV 0. 0. Dwyaglms N. N. Psleol9g, I. D. TOMMhovs 4 PPO RMIM, par, D* Ak Na& SM., Vol $ No 2., 1960, PP 388-M- CS u sci R1,0103 ,&pr 61 f T-9 -11~ 11~11.11"' : , .. -!v, III !v ~ .9 1- 11.1 ! , P ianeticc of Electrode hvocesses and Self- Dlasolutl.ori Yechaniam of n and T) -7~jTje Ger-aniun With Different Specific bi R. P. !I. D I -Z, A. Z. Fedotova, Tomasb-cw, 6 -pip. per.. Lok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol no 4, 1961, i3p 90-0-903. ,~Mio P-167 9093079 Sai / ;7 '1 - 73 r,o-v 61 Kinetics oC Electrode Rmmeasen on a Silicon 191ec- trode In Aeld and Alka3ine Solutionss 3. N. Pal- qP1091F Kd a a xmvtkova.9 N. D. Tanasbov, 4 RUSSTANJ J)ero Dok Ak Nm* S=,, Vol CM=, No 1., 1 , PP 170-173- CD sci /so? a 0? Alw 61 Electrocheinical BULavior of Aluminu-m In Solutuiou With Various Anions, by G. V. Akimav, U. ff. Pal"log, 29 pp. (taw 79062-D). U91CLABBIFIED rApers, Issledovanlya po Korrosil Metallov, lVoliabed by USCR A!md Vault, I-loscov, 1951. Scientific - Minerals/metals se-,p 53 C"70to-113-a CIA 1603554 0, 1/7 ef Rfroat at a adries" Cbaaml owNeutron by X. 1. PasUmp 8 ]W. MMUNS PWO mm BMMS Vol vn, NO li. 1959.1 pp 1&96. CE &A M SL /If .fl 4 4 ,/ Pom Fcmmtion in Talqr-- by L. N. ftlatalma",, A. Po lavxwt Sh. 1. Kegans 6 vv* msd*16 pwp - i go 3p 1958p pp 33-41. AMIS Sol go im 61 J An Extremal 'Resonnt Cavity Level Gauge, by V. A. Viktorav, L, G. Ralevich, S pp. RMSIP111, per, Avtomat i Tolumekho Vol XXIV,, No 10, 1963, pp 14Z2-1426, ISA sci Apr 64 2S6FOl2 A,--:d in Gf Fydruj-,juoj-jc r.Ld ,ooriz ,jcjiu by I.- G. riyci:, M. C, 12 pp. RUSSOTIt'l. per, Zhur F-U, Rhim, Voll X-411 -1330, SIA R 2130 Sci f --I Aug i 1 Nk famm w A"m WMAWO w 6 jm~jr, OW =0 I 40"Nsr SILM INMVII r29 -Ovw~~ OM VSIII task SUL - ~ (a . no, lbruremel V the Energy Variation 4uL--f~- for D~ssct U- . U and Pu 3,. by H._EM2ypjWj_D. J. Dughes, R. L. Zimiermm ik R. It. Eirberg,, WLb. gpp RUSSIAk' ., bima per., LtqMM baergiyay Vol 1, 14o 4s 19562 PP 29M- 7/- 7 f Conmatants Bureau Sci - Nuclear Pbysics LZ 9,1- 1-%r 57 CTS Wkiding of Electrical Mchines and Preface) p by V. I. Zimin., A H. P&Ieyj 1. N. Rabinovich, P: A.-KbA&n (T~-ble of Contents M. Ya. Kaplan, V. P. Fedorov, RMSIAN, bk.. Obmotki Zlektricheskikh Hashin) 1954, pp 3-32. CIA D 3634U mr, Y-Ts-SW/m 28,641 Determizing Roundness from Profilograms, by M. A. 1!~jey, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per., lzmeritel Tekh, 140 3, 1-962, pp 9-11. ISA Sci Sep 62 9i4,965 61-13761 Paley, N1. M. STANDARDISATION OF THE WAVINESS OF SUR- L Paley. K K FACE OF MACHINE COMPONENTS. [19611[8]p. IL DSIR LLU K Z?79 [MR LLU] M 2279. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-13761 Trans. of Nauchnyye DDklady Vysshey Shkoly. Mashino- stroyenlye i Priborostroyenlye (USSR) 1958, no. 4, p. 152-159. DESCRIPTORS: *Dieselengines, Pistons, Rods, Vibra- tion. Tests. The waviness of surface on components operating under condition of dry, semi-liquid and liquid friction brings about a great wearing of the pairs. The supporting power of a cylindrical bearing is diminished In the presence of a wavy surface. The supporting power (load-cnrrying capacity) of a planeparalle) step hearing Is Increased in the prescnce of waviness. '17here Is an optional ratio of spacing to the height of undulation (Machinery- -Engines, IT. v. 6. no. 3) (over) Complexes of Uranyl with,TTiliydToxyglutaric Acid, by P. N. Paley, HSU Li-Yuan, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, ZAur Neorgan Miim, No 10, 1961, pp 2406-2413. Cleaver-Hume Press sci Oct 62 913,240 Complex Formation Between Uranium (IV) and Complexone-III, by P. N. Paley, Hsu M-Yuan, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim.,.No 12, 1961, PP 2649-2653- Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd Sci oct 62) 213,941 comparatWe Swdy of Reagmw for Photometric ntnation of Pbnadftua, by A. A. Nemodra, P. N. P-Alm at A, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per. No S. 1%3. pp &35-342.' AEC-Tr-6311 Sci-Nael Scl Jun 64 260,493 The "Marp Fmd-point" Titratlon in the Study of U--anium(VI) Cmplexes, by P. N. Pale.y, N. I - Udal'tsova, 3 pp- RUSSIM, per, Mir Neorg Kbim, vol v, No W, ig6o, pp 2211-2215. Cleaver-Rume Press Sci /,/o 5F, R'ra sep 61 I I MI 'T Z~ V-eizurat,ioa of Uranium from AooompanyinG Meitals by Meams of Ion-Exohange Chromattography, by D~ I. F~rabchikov, P. N. Paley,,. Z. K. Mikhadlova, 9 pp. RTJSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim, V*I XV, No 1, 1960, pp 88-95. Sai Au E; 61 Th~. R-duping propevrtios 0:~ 1"'t A~;id,, by P. IXT. Paley,, N. 1. Udaltrova. 4 pp, RMSM2 per., Zhur Anal Khimt Vol 7-Y ~ No 6~ 1960 pp 66183-670. Sol Aug 61 Using Ars~.ella-"o as Ind."Cator, by 113. N. Paley, Wen-ts'ingp 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol Xv, go 5, 1960: PP 598-f00. CB sci Aug ~jl A Study o--;' th~D interaction of Se;;Ivalent Urciaiu-- and Complexon III., by D. I. Rvabchikov, J~. IL'. ' gy .. Mikhailov.-L, 83 pp. _ _Rg, _, Z. 7. 1 RUSSIAN, per, Zhurx Anal Khim, Vol XILV, No 5, 1959, PP 581-587. CB E7 c i sep 60 BOACS of view LesisA for Vorll& W-~*.t-h Materialo ~ by N 1. Gusev.. r~'nto' Q RIISSIAIN, per, Zinur Anal Khtm, Vol XIV, No 5~, 195a, , pp 6o6 -611 . CB I:zci Sep 060 'llie Pnalvtical Chemistry of the Actinoide, by P~, R. ftley., 16 pp, RWSrM, per,, Zhur Anal Xhim', Vol xli,, No 5, 1957, PP 647 -6&*. Consultants Bureau j7 *54 Sci - Chem Oct 58 Date-,uinatior, of FIwm3l (biantities of Uranium ia Orooop by P. S. Paley. WMIM., pqmv PAP9, P2000eduw at Tatenotimml Omforouve orm PORCUM1 Umm of Atoodc RwnW B91A at Gmwmj, 8-90 Aug IMp Val VM. SCI - MUSIAW FaSiCS Apr n Taternerm OW& -- TM -,~ -7%rr m 3.-669.9.16g V. PUSSIAN, bk, Ronvektivaia-va -Tep oparadacita I lam 76----- v !-,VI*!-if awl, f.~6t-ok ~f VTTr-i A9C-!VX!--6a77 vc-.38 ev e-V Sci/phys Renction of Stwm 'RitAx Fnel Cnrbon; by 1. Tz V. F. "ludin. RUSSMV,, per, Gazovaya Prom, 1,101 V, Moscow, 1951, pp 10-16. Dept of Interior Bu dMinee Central Exper Str, Pitts-owsb' Pa. Tr 5i6 A0 Theory--of -Burning of &-Liquid-Fuel-Drap,-by F-.- A. Agafanova, It. A. Gurevich., I. I. Paley ,f,yj 7 pp RUSSIM,, per, Zhur Tekh Fizp Vol XXVII, No 8, PP 1818-1825. Amer Xnat of Phys Saw Phys-Teeb Phys Vol n't No 8 sci - Ph" .Am 58 (6565-Nyl Effect of the ftbage of Work on the Arterial Pressure of Mmn in the Arctic and Antaratic.RqSions, by 11. R. P&Leyev, 8 pp. RMSr", per, Kun *ad, Vol XE=, no 5, 1961, pp 22-26. JPRS 9749 Sai - Mod 17q, 1.Z4 jan 6p Threshold Teqmraturo for Surface Ionization on TLaIgsten as a Function of the Cesium Vapor Pressure, by E, Yas ZwWberg, Ve Is Palayevo 5 ppe RUSSIAN* per-, Zhur Tokh Piz, Vol XXXII,, No 2# 19620 lip 208-213a AIP Sov Phys - Tech Phys Vol V112 No 2 Sci Get 62 211,369 an ft #$$1o" . I - EC*l 'It I APOk. 6 . 3 . . WIAP Tba ~"Mwmt SW k-'UtUr3 of Ccul L-inlixs* u" aw t- And etwdta ln~* bV "ID61fa Dim 8XIMP. Blom* wma apol ftu** 34 jal subminiature Electrolytic Capacitor for Transistor Circuits, by,~U 5 PP. RUSSIM, per, RadiotekhnUm, Vol X, No 3, 196o~ pp 66-67. uw.TA E-6623 Sci - Mactranice Oct 60 (NY -.6203) Ten. Years of Electric Paver Management in Hungary, by L~ozlo ~~! ~f 9 pp. RUNGARI", per, Ipari Energiagazdalkodas., Vol II, No 1/2j 1961s PP 1-3- Jm 9364 Ezur - Hungetry Econ o 5- jun 61 Phifrgy. L-6an and ArZlarct. PftuL ORCUMC CHENUSMY; ON CERTAIN NMV ASPECI-S OF UM- DOINFAULT-BL&NC REAcnom [1063] Sp. 6 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-14138 Tram of Acadernle des Sclerwzs rpa~]- conTma Rendus (Prunce) 1946, v. 223 860-862 (pLb. by GautMer-VUlars et CLft, = DESCRWMRS: *Or&=W compmmdo. *M-Astry, - *Alcoholti, *Sbdltux4 Estws, ChenAcal rewtionM6 R&- ductica (Chemiwro. Adjd& (See also 63-14137) 63, 141-38 1. 7W&-- Bouvenult-Mi rewAm 1. PW=y, J- u. AtsLaret. P. M. TUI,-- on cextat[L (Chem, try--Orpmnlr- 7T, Y. 10. nix or= w 7 urvicn Catalytic lbt=Swmtion Factors in Catalysis., by C. Plalfrays 14 pp- UXOM,, P&Vtumrie.- Vol 1., 19431 pp 209-al. mA 2483 sci - ammistry ~-w //.// -4 Oat 57 J Palfr L. and others. a I 7C.j,U AND M PERr!.ME. 119621 Sp. 0 rde r from K- H $6. 25 K-H .5773 b Trans. of Industrie de la Parfurneric (France) 1947, v. 2. p. 83-94. DESCRIPTORS: *ToWcco. Odors, Smokes, Cigaretter. 62-22620 1. palfrov. L. 11. K-1-14773-b "i Ill. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associves, Detroit, Mich. (Biologica iences, TT, v. 9, no. 6) .1 lechtal smke~ ccdr-pilcat~ons AlMer its Use, by IS. Cr. 4. A.. .41JIPJvAi2vvj, B. V. Cor2zvp A. A. Eir.SlAii, :per, Trudy Qoaoud=tvcnma-i Inst-A-Urb Vet;v~kh -Pmpoxatov, Vol vi" 395-S., P-D 22';6-2.62. CYA 90420913 USDA act The Developosat of ClrouMtory and Respiratory Resporises to ZateroceptIve StIm"I, by L, 2, Palo -141, 1 PIP 0 - --fMX RMZOA Par.. Fix zbw son in 1. M. Secbmovav Vol UVO 310 5; 1900 pp 423-416. Parpmon, Lwt Sol - Wd Jan 59 7 f.1 0'-3/ 25586) IntermeptIve L3fluenaea of the Urlnar~r System on BloW Preowtu end BMUvUon in Ontogw=19,0 by L. Ye. PalIgm, 9 RMSIMp 1wD pw,, Byul'Mwpbr Blool I Ned; Vol 33XVM, DO 12,r Nmccvo,Dec 2954a PI? 3-6- CIA/rW/tI-769D UOR OcL - MMUlne, Douropb"101oa (P Jan 56 CM (uy-6613) InUroceptive IL-Cle3wo From the Pericardivo arA Pleura to the CIrculatory System In onto6owsisp by L. Yel. Pallem., 3.1 pp. MWIIAN., perp Iz Ak Nauk Kazaldiskay 88R., Ser Wdit i Fiziologj Do 1 (13)., IW., PP 7-13- im 9949 Bei - I*d 14 7, k fl sop 61 41 Transition of Electronic Conduction Into Ionic Conduction as Related to the Composition of Solid Mide Solutions, by B. F. P~11V-,ev' S. V. Kexpaebev.. A. D. Xeuimin.,-4 pp RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nank BSM, Vol CX=V, Mro 5, 1960., pp 113&1141. CB sai my 61 0 a / Zatione-and Anions in a Pure H*1ten Salt, by IwTachev, S., and waguey, S. NWIM, per, 7-lingnal 7 1,949~ Vol 23, pp 942-952. Sci jam Muse= Lib No 52/0420 3 twigaini nAw-rm.auw- am 2- tact cf ct, '~Iie Tcwperaturc Depenc~~-nce ol tale catramo t iw: L?o-,cc of the coi-I P.F"! A E~',r d- Y"J.Ohi-a, L Karl-ach-v, p, p. Lr-.Ur j-!Z lali-mi VC.1 I-To 2, 1561, 2 scli jan '02 Cbdd",at A& ! bw -5. F. PlOgWevo A. D. 4'*qMli4 23 pp. EWMIMI, J?rt* Aft 42.0am- 1%6mWM 1 o 6 04 1963a 113-134* PIWJL96358-V ev sopt 68 3%09& Electric Conclucmnce a-rid lus Nature-ift the CoQ22j- - BoU. CeID2-Mg% CeO2-C&Q. CeO2-SrO. and ceo by A. D. NetWmin, S. 9 pp- pp 141-147. ACAR 1-4321 W =40066U Sd - Chem Mw 64 254,857 Me apw4lm CC A maivs4& con With A Solid Electrolyte R3ftIbIt1II9 JUjwd COn&WUvItV,, by s. V. Karpwbav., S. F. ng~mwp 11USSIM,p parp D* Ak No* SMp Vol No 2., 1960., Pp 39&30- cm scl IOq Apr 61 The Electrical Conductivity of Solid Oxide SyStems. 11. 'rhe System ZrO2-Cao. Electrical Conductivity and Transport Numbers, by Z. S. Volchenkova, S. F,.XMXK PalIguyev, 16 pp. RLMSIAN, per, TnWy,, Elaktrokhimiya Wp Solevykh i Tvardykh Hlektrolitov,, Trudy Instituta Hiekltrokhinii, A Nauk SSSR, No 1, 1%0, pp 119-X26. 9667894 FTD-IT-62-1275 Sci-Chem Mar 63 CarbM MActiodwis, bLy M. V. Smireav, so F, moguo v# TQ; W, MrWWVp L, A* LySVLnaj, 5 W, REWIM Zh, Xhlup Val X3=., W* ij 0 ws ftft Vo 66-7o.. 59 or -.2 a oc~ W/ 'The Baste-tor Eewspaper, Information - '-re- ViS,3 and Its Rolej, by W. G. FaV9=0vp 55 PP RUSSIAN., mono# Onnow C5, TASS j YSAg roLl., Moscow, 1955, pp 3-~l A M/FDD Tr 595 USSR Pol - IN'Cas Oct 56 .Cue, Bin&Le Electrochemical Bond in Solid tro4tc., by S. P. Pal,guyev, s. v. Kamacbev. L, D. YushIalp-, 4, pp. A JBSIAH, per,, Dok Ak Hauk SSM no 6: 1959., PP 3339-13112. CB Sal 0 3 c~--t 6o Relation of the uarjar Quality Of or Isickal. the 2== PreGonce "E~-IMLILt, Impurities iu theu=j.-Ji Blectraiyt.-c-, 114by S. r. 'Valgucv. , M. v -~ atirnov, S. V. Xl-rpachev, 13 pp. RUSS14J1j perp Zbur Frjk,1g$njm, VO:L %,-5CVIJ Jail pp 50-54. 19~ IV Con" tanto EurL~&u ScLantific Chomilry J J -r~j Exe-havior of Cacim Oxid--Chrbcm -Moc+a-o&--o in tho Moctrolyuls of Awed Chllorl&sp by M. V. yu. N. Kmenovp 7 vp Zhw Prft xhIm., Vol EMIt NO as 1958., PV kt6-m. C=Sultsnts BUIS= Bel 0. Chm Iftr 59 cathodic IXOP0,4itic)n Of Nick*l From Fused chlori(I-C riatho. ii., by_~~~-- H V. Smi l-G." a pp. RUBSIAllp per,, Zbiur prik Xhim, Vol XXVI., F oir" 1 1166-1175- CIA. D 1671_322 .0 U'. USSR, Or-su.-Itants Bureuu J4- Mcm SOIOntifiC CheMil3try 65/Feb 1955 lurmod4frAindoo ~ cc tin B~~ or Am". oam. - with Alksal MWa Qaojrldo JbItat by X. V. ftinmo Yu. M. mram2ov,, 3 RMIANO PW am PRIk M"o vat ximt no us un'r pp am 16,W-160% , Sol - Chun Fab I - ~ w 4* Food .m " ,.I- gm*oiuw W two AS NOW NL Too lrs=uy 4W-Ltco3o by sh in ?adasow, re = . r. 1. 0i4 i U006 , 9160 bb 36 am flwx~mo M;AW' F" OVNXIIAL Un O&T am" 3,pthesia Of Sciae IsCM;XIC 214-Ab"Y-Allyl- Difathylaminoothovybenzeaca, by H. rallgy,4 IMSSIAN., per, Zhur Ciushch Mim, Vol XMI1, ljo 8, 1958r pp 2239-2241. CB Sai - Chem Cot 59 UL~ chap".-8-inz of "Elactrets" - * ~L - - .-- - -a-,.i 1. '1 Pp ~ GBRbM. pery RXptl TE%C!h Mynik, Vol -TV, lgz:,, p3) 253-262. IV ABC SCL-T--_61 Sel c' xua 6a y / -3y Trial.; on liexoasstrol Ivia.-antatiom In Fattening iether Lanba, by L~. Palian, 8. Markatic, 15 pp. S LRvM)- C,':IOAWI All, bk1t, Terenskl OqIedi sa Estrogennom u Tovorivia jiW-7T-a-q-i Cr-SITI TIT 1964 Feb 70 403,259 A3Z AL A D'-*Zr-f,"tlc Tmroducer vith P- p8=ryjjjt Y-agmet'o by V. N. s. A. 7 ppa RUSSIOP Part Izwritel Tehh, No IVO 1958.. PP 47-51. mmatru so* or Amer SOL Apr 60 113- X of the Populati= CC SICTOde C=Ms vws Ww PrdaaAj Jon/Feb 195% DOW AM N Iw. WON" Aesomb offift (igau) Oct w 5 1 TV VT - Irrect or Der, Mw Vwk Fdm*U= at, sm IRV 6SWUM ;IN Im - L. A. PWLIVI =saw* pwo fts ft va nit me lop 1wil Alp o1w Ifte - sau Mat* %t nx, ib lo Sol 195S725 M. P. po- h k 04&4~w omit 4. 09m U w 47 3 Wv =-- ~ Pemliarities in the D&velopmnt of Sidn MW witesp tv M. ~!!~l ~BtDV. VoA RVWMP rwp Veftrlaftr48P a"hp 1,9417P pp 9. cam 2v 5hw OT-S NI/6 Bel - bbd oat 61. /7/ 2-117 Attempts to Establish a Technology of Manufacturing NitTocellulose Coated,Slide-Off Transfer Papers, by K, palinoklo 2. Myslinska. GERRM, per# Przeglad Patierniczy, No 8, pp 22S-229. GB/15 Sci Feb 63 Attempts to Establish a Tecluiology of t-Unufacturing Nitrocellulose Coated Slide-off Transfer Papers, by K. Pal~pg~s Z. 14yslinska. GaRMAN, per, RUPrzeglad Papiorniczy, No 8, pp 225-2290 19S9. GB/15 Fab 63 Hew Comaercial TvAk Uader the Maw Sltaation,~ by ?a Liug-Tvlo 7 PP- - 0 Mmg Poop 58. (Av&ilable ripp TA A7 So 19 CIA Lib) AiWZCOWIFen lbag am Xxt frm sund of cklm -t Mb le6oo 6 * OL n . VAUM "At 6 S~J, Bem /71 Oct 56 Tav Teellmlic Tvou& of the crrlol~'-Illrc~ by Sm;LQlm Falinkasevics Ljubom:-:r Do-dic. 7 Dr. W9 Vesaik Zavodo. za Goolooka i Gcofisicka lwb=4-.lvm4ap Series A,, lio 20, 1962s p-p 289-294. Plo-4W Geog An