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yffil"Im or wow"os in *MIOLTWO By laws "Mcib 8 -W. c"710,40 pu* Pa"al"004 VOL Xa NO 70;3* pr 36AS. im Idw =o # rJOBLanA Sm , M: to 218#136 .be Czrmlzmuo PReaei(xi e Form-74ob,-dos bV Vo Wunw- (MUMMV.r. tim OCMY MMARMAV, pw, -12M Vol 23M# IMP pp ZIWZ4~w Tr r.Tus?u sel DW 371.o220 Rigy.I-Econonw centrifugal Fama With Shap-c-6 Bladeo. by_Pak,, Babak. RUSSUN, per, Ugol Ukrainy, No 3) 1960) pp 411 42. rvCB A. 1898 P.54o Sal Avg 61 A-3, List No 41 :.6&*Amuwg i -, imm I 1" 63 costal" im-mymn or'. fw t -575h) Themes and National Character in Korean Literature, Choug-vik.? 1-6 pp. KOFMM,, per, Chosun Munbak, No 2,XM= 1961, VP 9T-111- RES 8493 FE - Korea SOC ) 5-r R ?4 jui 61 11~ (D0-.3282). What Are the Owwal Leadership cad W"viduAl LwAcmblp and in Wh4t NuwAr Vky May be Correatly Ccabitmd,, by Pak Ohong-munp 16 ive KOR&U,, parp Tang Kembuduleso Chun= Ch lankgo QWXY00 Ito 60 1959j, Pj? 96-33- im 3049 73 - Korea POI - Legal /0 31f vAr 6o 7 UMCAL AND AM [IMIll 4%104 13 PP. NNW 00"16 t M 1963it, 63 - --- -- -- -- Lnpimv= imt In tlm -leadership of the ?eoplot s - Temn Work, by Pak Chfun-bok, 5 pp. KOREA11j, np, Mnj 22 Oct 1964, p 2. MS 28468 -Korca e Asia Pol Mar 65 2761003 Communist. culvan--- 7 j DID awn -2,0-14 "c. on J- unif.-I ism CAL (FDD 254-64 For the S=cessful Development of the Econam:Lc- Productive CooperwfAves., by Pak Gea Sup 8 pp. RUBMNS MO pw,, Novik-a KweWa.. No 1. Pa=gyang, Zaa 105p pp 3.10 3.2. CIA/FJDD/U-7601 FE - Xwea 3 0, 63 Be= CTS 75/Dee 55 W" :f 7~ -1. ~4v*z (DC-3568). Learn Actively the Advanced Education Experiences of Sov.':.f-,t Russia, by H. PaAj. 4 pp. /*k'V 1-COMUN, Per, :Wmin KYOYWt, No 9, 1959, PP 53-61. X:'RS 3312 FE - Korea Soo - Educatiork Jun 60 117 ?-d? La to =0 *M.. m awm an W=IVELYS, w on :~ ww.,*.;6 00, -6 ~ - xamm MVM6- A"i .*Poo low V&. rp vi;t6 ok I imew . m al- Im - * om --I ow 63 A&70 Y'--'crr.-,trntion of 'n-anic Unit b:7 P112- Ho-rilp~ rar, K~ongjc Chioik.~ Ro Asiia K-ozea Elcon Dec 61 arri thm Prablom of Its i~zU 14-16. MRS 28W "isla-Iraum Vol, qOb Har 65 276,W-3 (FDD L513T) Post4ftr ftetaration Work and L=S-range Plan for tore= Coamnicatiom,, bY Pak 11-u, 7 PP- MUSBUSs so Ver, !me Norays No 12, Plyongyang, fte 1954P VP -13,p 14. CIA/M)/U-72-73 f Ikoft - cc~lcstions 71/Aug C" 55 Moral Iduc&tilDn in Rmolding Humin Pereonsilityi by Pak Itrom-bopgo 7 pp. J* KOnWv pwo KuUojas IPI'j=4Wwgv 20 Aug -44P pp 27-329 JFW 27602 Asia-Kerm 3 Fcap see =#P7 THE OBJECTIVE IN THE EDUCATION OF CADRE IS CONSCIENTIOUS PERSONALIZED INSTRUCTION, BY W jwmQkp-. 8 pp. ,rv;"", - I KOREAN, PER, TANG SAOP, AUG 1962, PP 25-30. JPRS 15913 FE-KOREA soc Nov 62 215,200 .... ...... dw LOY llaW IV okm =26 Ar MOM *w Too ar Pm*Aa misim its PAw Tnum W* W4, m JU406 W PP. XDWJ4 sxP* IM&OA6 0 *DV 49ftor PP 4po lam AM 163 'Reuort or. tue Fuxthe'.1 S-treriGthening of Farty "Jriity and Solidarity,, by ?~ak~--cb~pi t~, 3.6 pp. XWOM11, np.. Choson Minbo,~ Plyongywg, 6 mar 3,958F pp Is 2. us im/be-L-977 I* vMlails OF TWU Gam"Ics a Uft im iWMINQ Twit OALITTO sy I . . . . . . . pole. NXM SIMS6 VOL 8%o 3 JKY 1061 MAMA am 886 ,libmquature MoUlbudon in Blwt- F=3=oo Cia4w Imae WaUo by X. A. Pak, A* V, Chalazico. BMW., Wo Btalo Vbl Vlo 10 T., 1956.. vp 652~653. IB 5570 Sel - IW / -P, 94 am 62 (FDD 25135): 1 Further De,41opmut of Xorean Agriculture, by 10 pp. so per, pa"A Kw*j!I ~o. 12, P"yongyang, Doc 195~v P~ 5-7. CIA/PW/U-7171 YX - Korea Boon - Agriculture CTS 71/Aug 55 by 7 mt?- np,, Nodong Sinmm,, jul l!",61, p jr-Rs m aa:O~~-, Korea Pol 13 Spark Counter for RecorcUng Porbleles of Conde Radistionj, by X. I. ~pka_ U pp. RMIANs pers Truibr Inst Yadernay PI&W Ak Nauk &K Kaz smv Vol Vil, 1963j, PP 105-111- ;a9 MHU-&-4.5 GOV'T USE OMY Sel - Rml Bel Sept & - 26709 ilou to Improvo and Streni0han the lubAnistrative operation,, of the National Developmeitt Program. by Pal, Nun-k-yu, A 12 pp. KORFAN, por, Kulioja, No 15, Aug 1964, pp 2-11. MINS 27.329 FE-Lorca ECOJI-Pol Jan 65 2710493 ruriDuivuco ikssuatated wiux-I'd4wra-ture atratiii- cation of the Atmosphero Xftr the Caotmd, by Pak Pei-Rion. 27 pp. OiIWF.SBJ, p*TO Ch*I flpimg Hsuoh Pap, Vol 34v No 2g, 1964s pp Mom. PIOM320" r-TD-TT-65-6014 T11) PAP scl/Rtaospheric Scl Oct 66 309'"1 10-09 003mwjm To cum ow- Im 000194w, M'T& so" sw or 1,463.: oxwu =MR 0u016 NO 7# VP 2-5. . 11 . M-- mul me 1. ..,.. do -- I of .. 1. .. I - thiii 01466 am CUdkAS*wA9A4ppl-%% .1, utbi . i7. / P*," rAws Pak. S. G. CUNICAL MCWPICANCE OF ELWrROPHOR19M Ff=BS OF SERUM PROF8118 AND LZCPR0rNW POLLOWMG R80111WERY FROM DIFBMOU5 NVA- Tffu (olvicimah" Zathede ebb aft twebw l"ladmamlya Belim i Upip - ~ dew Sym KmW v Uts, Perimmulift 800mmichokii CopmW (161sn' Satkims). 11%41 j l9pl (lomign ma kwbd* 22reft PASO h" so. Sm-S. Drdbr trom MS. SIA. or RTC Il. do W-61-13m i Trans. of Terapevm"W Arb*dv (USSR) 1963, v. 35, no. 6, P. 85-90. J-1 local Selaftem-Slockefstury, TT, v. 12, no. 3) TT-64-15465 1. Pak. S. G. H. INASED-5-763-3 M. Fodnw*a of Amfumm Sadetift ftr Export- w I 910kv, W"mmvm, D, C. IV. Scrip* Tecludem, Im.. D. C. w offt~ of T.."aw k- . .I:.II i Control or- Circulating Funds by Banics, by -- Pak Swig-kwis 5 pkia K(MMIL11, per, Chaojong Kumyuag, No 3, 1964, lip 8-109 JPRG 27213 r-E-Kore-a Ecoll Jan 65 271,S32 Per, ClIgashm Lolgqw-3.ts SO 121, pp 10*13. Mar M,740 P=~C'Giou of Pig Imn Wlth the Use of Coke I=nj, * Re-k Aka-Mkj- 3 PP- zmrm.. wt UNWIMUP No 61. lm., pp 5-7. sai Apr 63L I T-;:~ 5-36P 1HE UGREAT -VITAU TY OF -uIUR- PARTY I -S ART POL I ClY, BY PAK UNG-GOL, 7 PP. e~ I KOREAN, PERS KULLOJAs NO 16j, 1962j, PP 2-7. JPRS 17107 FE - KOREA POL,. JAN 63 219,583 Calibration of Thermocouples in a Dynamic Condition, by Vanbo Pak, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Izmeritel Tekhnika, No 6, 1962, PP 23-27. ISA sci jan 63 220,256 Ccrma~u~-- Ili-on of the Dasic ParaL-let-cra afor V- of an X49CEEM Radiation P~-romeluer With an Thea---i--to-, b-j,- -Vr-nbo Pal-:, 4 lip. RUSSIAE', per, Im-nexitelt Tlelth, -,,L,-.o 12, 11061-1 - ':'3 .L)l) J I&A Sci AuG Q-2 208,031 4nthedA f p.WUim ""Me and Iheir Wdramirve CINOWS by No So lemjm~r =d To Do P&ka-Po 5 RUSSWO Vwx am amba UdJ4 TO& 31=* lb lot 369up Fro 3w M 3m as ftL J,.44,9,, Avg 63 OMITICAm"(WAL SIONLI AM MATMAL STIIALI FM L"R in axtalm anumalcuip of PM =Dooms * W. 14 - "N amax vmwo w 46 1*# w WX V, - im IJW6 re 1w 42" fraL PaL wa 9i - 0%0906 Tic lumovt AMCIUML OMOM Is THE MIC WHO W VH9 MTIWL bt#LIMTICN W LAW~ SY ro va"Oo p spo I WMWIV PW,# KMW 0914 MD 4# 1*,o PP 1,945. an 17616 ft 0 NOW fto 1W.63 90403 FROMATION OF A FIRM FOUNDATION OF LOCAL INDUSTRY AND ITS NEW STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT, BY PAK YONG- SONG, 12 PP. KOREAN, PER2 KULLOJAI NO 15, 1962, 20 sEP1962, ep 16-23. JPRS 17109 FE - KOREA ECON JA N 63 219,454 BotWaish -Zhwvodi3.y Impocti(in and ManteowAo system of c . Equipmnt and FacOit:Lea, bV k!kTang-ows 5 pp. - 1W.M. np* NRLwA MrAom 6 Dw 1964s p 2. JPW 2A7 _ AaLa4roma Ecan Apr 65 278#933 Fifte-an Years of Progress ~ir-; Nvturnid Sc-ir.ences, by ivc -pong-uk, 16 pp. e--- - j'jO,-VWjNp pQr., Cj-jQ.5Oj-A JUWU Ch'Uj Trmirl 1:=,&.. hvaVk Xwehakwon Tongbo, No 5, 1960, pp 1.9. -MRS 9393 .i01 b .21 Ang 61 "PWO .m I Ime VA^ Now Hlgb-Ufic:Lency Rigb-Pr*28=6 GOUtrlfug-ul Faus for Mines,'by V. S. Pak., V. D. Semouenko, 5 pp. Russul,, per, Dopovidl Ak 36uk Ukrainian MR, No 1, 1958, 41-44. ARC Tr 3230 Sci - Bw Jun 56 NAtfenit u7ttou Fabric Yr, ot al. 14 'WAJ 4 i Beat$ Ot Wetting- of Viscose RUSSTAM~, bl=o Veijj, X011.0id 10s *'933-236- Fayaa, by Ya. V. r-ak. Zhurp Vol XVM, No 2, CIA 9DO1M C. Reel 1111 55 Distribu~ion of a. Labelled Prep=ation of Bot-unam-Toxin in the Body of White Hice, by Z. P. -T!!SL Y. I - Bulatam,, 7 PY RMUNP per ftrmakolosiya i Tokeikologiya, Vol xxv., Ib 4, JU-Mg 3.962, pp 478-4802. JMS 16309 sa - Ned H/ sav 62 B, on the Internal The 4ffect of BottfLimis Toxin Respiration o'L a Guium P1,92s Bra-in, b7 Z.P. Pak, 4 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Farmakol i Toksikol., Vol. XXIIj No. 5, 1959, pp 4734~75. CB Sci Aug 60 42 a 1111 . labloolod pse"Wim Imad6 by ow, Paw lot I & VA V06 to 10 30 10" --- .1 . --- wow^ Armusu V1408M ir" 2516 SU (M-5755) The Korean Peoplela Arzy Frov-1dee the Revolutionary Armea Strength of the Partyv bZ hk_U-sm. 5 PP. KMMN,npp MinJi ChlougnYono 7 Feb 1961, p 2. JPRS 8355 F2 - Korea Nil / 5-t~ z Y/ jui 61 of Lhi:: ~ry, Dy TP-Irl Z,6, JA I C, rzov iV,3o, pp 46-53. i j y - -2-b / 4 Development of Local Industry, by Pak Yong-song, 3 PP. KORP-AN, per, KyonWe Chisik, No 6, iol61, pp 406-47. JPM 10741 Ania - No--th Korea~ 7 Y J- IIJ wov 61 f kay-28/41) To Expand Fruit Tree Acreage, by Pak Yong-h=s 3 1v - KawAN.. W, KyamWe Chislk, No 5, 1961.. PP 31-35. JPftS 9867 / e( 5- 0 Z- I FE - Korea ECOU Aug 61 (DO-5904) Hao Of tb8 FaOtOVY Cmtra Waagement Sy8tem for Moe ased Pxo&i*UvitV U Ristorima Und rtaklug., bV_M Yma-kun.. 20 3W. MMM,p XTv R01mg Mmm., lb 82,p 23 Mar 1962P V 2. JM 13BYr Asia - Sava 7 POL am 62 -PF-ML-ffw.:W WK SUIMIM CRMIZATION OF LAM In M W. PANP "Mo-smalavemcly um.. No Be F=h Nw Experimental Cheas on New System, of Vlaterial Iliccative, by Yu. Pak. 6 pp. PIUSSIM, np, L-konomicheskaya Gazeta, No 41, 10 Oct 64, 1) 3. JPRS 27,7S2 USSR Ecoll Jail 65 2720420 vv Typu it butiAlinal. Twdn on the Level. of ilyruvic Acid in Tissues of Guinea Pigs, by Z. 11. Pak, RU&SIM, liar, Fimiukol Toksik, Vol 25, i4o 5, 1962, pp 614-618. 1141H 6-81-66 (On Loan) 2-- Jan 6 7 318,011 Method of Organizing the 4*0 by L. P0 V l1ber . _~!~k3 PP . ?, 9 Revision of Topographic R. 1. Volllpe,, Ya. K. RMIAN p--r,, Geoftz I Kartog, No 4, 1959, IPP 31-3L AGU Sai jul 61 1w-- 7, EW - 1178) Experience in Vaccimatirg Against Poijacorelitis With Live Attenuated Vaccine, by A. S. Pentaikp V. H. Lisitua, H. P. Pakabuhs 9 pp, RUSSUN;.per, Klin Med, Vol XXXVM, No 9, 1960, Vp .IM 1+312 Sci ,Tan 61 On st-Iriact-urc Of Matriney by A, S. Sady-lov, Ya-- 1 pah-ur~vy:!vp 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Fauk SSSR. Vol ._4 1959o PP 568-589- CB sci oct 6c) 8.Udlas of A3WOM at the Cj~ owl . Vn. Nw psat egg, I Faetwomms** bw Ta. 1. I ~p A* 8* owwsqwjp 5 72-t - mosmo vw am awho AdA4 va X)=* no 7,p 1. 1101P " QOWJgwqk as ad 23 J~m 62 2DO0335 rxepurutiou of the Alkaloids of Sopnora Facbjearpa, by A. S. Sadykovs Ya. I - n!!T~v ~ 3 Pp - YOWIM., per, V-par Obshch Xhim., Val XY-3X, No 7, 1959, PP 2439-2440- CB Sci sep 6o ."~ 6 164-11, Electron W.Croaccrplc Investigatious OIL, the Structura or laterce3lular mlclawn in Cczcc- of i,-'.-lr--ndblaat=a ., by H. Brauaateim-or, M2czo--h, F. -%Itesch, 4 pp. (GERM-41q, per, Klinische Wochenschrif t, Vol MUM., No 6, 15 Iftr 1958,, pp L>62-263. NIEI 3-36-6o Be! - Vied vay 6o 3;V 'Efteczron Mi.-roacopic Obsexnjationa on Livcr C n ir- Scr= 11-TePstitis and EpJAd--mj.c HepaUtir, by R. r. !~Zyrzdsr, 12 GZ-uv'M,. par, Uin Tischr, Vol pp 9C)I-305. TfS- 7-18 SOP 53 Brcvn CcvU as ftv fAterials for Carbaninationp by 1. F* FAPWSIokp Yo so posrAwkwp MMUN., pers ugol., vol M, pp 32-35,o lfo.-f CoSolaReOq 108 tmiyeismw or meu* Lanvmow ftmaty of "I sci vay 6 0 Mvejopae3x(~a in tube C=tr=t:Lon o'r Eigb-Pressure Preseen for Briquetting Brown CoalL b.Y Is. F. =81M, pers Usa,, No 91,- 1955.. V-P 35-37. Natl Rea Cam 02338 sci Aug 58 Oxidation and Ikocarburization of Steel in Furnaces Pired with Natural gas ,e by x. m.,P~4~4zv, i. v. l,rbdvedwa, V. V. Andrefava, M. N. kulik=a..' 3 P.P. IWSBY-AN, per, Stal, No 2v 1961, PP 155-- BIBI ,/ !~ .5- / -~, eq sci Aug 61 An ruwattlaution of t1w AL"Wold of TbaUstrum Olwv2mz Le Thexamma at Gonna cumifftry of tis IBM$ Vol xxx go 9# Sep Me pp 1779 - rM Omm P IIW) 9 Com"dUAs Somwa Investigating the Clessincation of Ground Grog In an Air CUMent, by K. N. Shiskin, S. Go ?U~h-hmm~ 5 pp. 9 MMM, per.. OMeWmry., No &-10., 1963., pp 43B-423.. CE elci juy 64 1~25 ~ --2 3 ~-, The I-Ilechanism of Action of Acetylcholine on Urine Flow, by B - A - 4 pp - RLISSIAN, per, F-Iziol Zhur SSOR imeni I. M. Sechenava, vol nvii, No 4, 1961. Elsevier Pa Co Sci oct 62 214)053 10 .4 lip. WSSi~mIj. per, A:-,:-*,wbu'nyye Dorogi, tio 6, masewf. 1958j. --au wo Asi--:! Lib Tr Mir - Czechoslovakia Etc= 140V 19 58 R-aD6/sS3 StatInUes of OnaliqlLml Prompect1w Vmfto by Jr. BRUAP mbwmp ig6e,, w 79-83L, 91-92.7 400/90cUa (W4M3) um am im 63 A3 Forcea Cauaing tho 8 go 0 Gels Daring DzWingy by Die S. Ostry 14.6; 1. Famcmu, IF- P. Sina#Ulkau, 3.3 P. RMIAN, per,, AMd ftvuk PM., Minsk., Vetstai Serya Pit-Tech Havukp 1956, No 4,p pp 119-13'-'. AM-17L35W Sol Apr 60 tW4 Vol Z:a, 'no 2 To the Theory of the Twperature Dapewlence o-f' tht- Sp=taaeoun YAgastization of Vatals aad Alloys in the Lcnr Temperature Pauge.. by SSBEESONIM E. lCondomkiy., A. P AW=mox#. 7 pp MSSUN.. peer, DOkledy Aked A=k, SM~ Vol MVI, .uo 6~ 1954, pp n3q-1x42. Em R-868 Feb 58 Soms Proble" of Amortizatiom ir. Agriculture, by A. Fakklmoyp RUBSrMp ]?or, Vopramy. MwwaDd,, So 11, 1958, pp 40-58. Istermtioml Arts and Sol Preimm',Vol lp No 30 May 39 c-2 Z 6 amaxa,p Yuprany Stwn, Do 12., 1957., 50-63 Iyaterratl Arta ex-A 3--1 Proms Vol 1, ED 2 Eton :*,za, Jul If7 On the Theory of the Temperature-Dependence of Spontaneous b1agnetization in the Low Temperature ftnge., by R. 1, Kondorskiy, A. takhmov 7 Pp. RUSSIM,, Per., DOk Ak Fauk SSSR., Vol XCIIIj, No 3, 19531 PP 431-434- SIA Tr R-Mg Sc i - Ilectr ic ity., eh, S , C 5 ;2 76 Sep 57 Synthesle of Optical-4,- Actived-Alk;--i-j- Butyrolactone-p-Carboxylic (ac-Alkylp=aconle) Actilds, by M. E. HauriV,' R. P. Ghterabarg, A. M. Fakhcmm,, 3 pp. FMSIAN, par# Zhur Obahch Khixj, Vol M.. No 7.9 1960.9 pp 22%w2258- Z- ca Sol AM 61 Free HgAlcul.Moobanisit of the Tornodegradation of Calluloso-and Formtion of Lovogluccoan, by A.M. Pakhocov? 3 pp. R=YAN., per, Ir Ak lauk SSW, Otdol Mdo ftuk, 12P 195To, pp 11-97-1456 Consultantg Bureau ScA - Obas sky 59 ;7 the Mochanium of the Merml DacocWoAtlon of IUose We Vha= and the forAsUon of 4W2ydro-l.. 5-GLU *-Iavoslucos~n K.=anw ty P. Golovas A Wvj I. A. ArArltvsksys Mw L Ro 0. xm~iiiis-w -pp. RWYANI Nei* Ibk Ak Niv* SSM,, Vol EM My No to 19570 3?p 1122-1125. 16 conuatooto Muram It Bel - Chm Aug 58 %tftWXOnMtlc= of CeMUIOW at Nlemtc-A ftWMWM. CC=WAC&tlon 3. Yoimntion .a ' rem 8-041ucwe.. by ol F* 0;2om, S. N't 4 A. Is At MA 9=,, Otdal Milm Muk,? so lp IM VP Burma Sci - Men lbw w New Data on the Bonds of Polyaaccharide Structure and the Course of the Chemical Reaeticno Occurring During Thermal Decomposition,, by 0. P. Golom, A. M. Pakbowvt E. A. Andrievskaya, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,# per., Dok Ak Nauk 88M,, Vol CXII, No 3., 1957. pp 430-432. Conmx1tanto Bureau Sai - Chemistry Mml 58 06 Ferrites --- Structure and Certaln nysical Properties., by A. S. -Fakhcmo-,rt S. A. Smollkov, (8 pp. RUSSM;, UWAVAI~hs It-04 YOA*ls AntlfGM- magoetlzm I Fcarity,, Ho 4jp 1962., PP U9-M3. ACSI 1-2409 :cD 2229444 Sel - Cbem.. Pb&s ,,;;? 3 e, el,~ 3 Jul 63 1 The T-heory of Ferromagmetism of Metals and AUoys at T~ow TemparaWmaj by R. S. K=dorskiy, A. S. Pakhomov. 13 pp. AMIM; no per., 7.1-11 Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol 323- /f 07 Oct 57 Amr D2at of Pbys Soviet Pbws.- JMT Vol Vil NO 2 Theory of the Spontaneoun Magwti2stion of T'arrit , , I en by E. X. Kondorskiy, A. S. Pakhamovp T. Shikloshq pp - Ru*310,9 perp Hadiotekh i Elektron,, Vol 11, No 3, -1957, PP 33U-AJL- Pargamou last Sci - Electronics Nov 58 74 ftSWdlft AM SUNOL SAWAS NOW Ot to Idth %M NOWUS SAG&MMoo, VW A. A. anwo A. 186, 6 W. MMMM6r# U A VOW Was ftr Viso va& mm, Ift 310 1r 1* 1130013"6 of 8*1 now 60 21892SS