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sd -:Ch~ am " . 014M (NY-3571'). View of Achievements., PbZurleuces, and ligrovoineats ia Overhauling Small Ceinent in, hopei Prcrrince,, by fti Ching-ch'ang, 11 ppz. CIIU=11., pe-", Chien-chu Tu'ai-llao K=S-ych, NO 20, 22, Oct 1959" pp 18-20. JPR5 2584 FF. - China 200R - Lidustry Y-,,ty 6o A ta T~Ylw'a 1,2oimber 1--~odutcdcn~ by- Pai Cliing--yu; pai; cl=r is--,, lier, MNC, io nov i963,. pp 21-25. JM 11953 Asia - Ecm Jaa 6p- (FDD 24789) Undersband the Spirit of "Increase Production and Practice BconDW" and Perform Postal and Telegraphic Service Efficient3q, by Pai Ghollanig-wu, 14 pp. CHMISSE pert 'Jerk-min yu-tieny No 24, Peiping, 22 Dee 3,4. C-TA/IMPAL-7575 FE - Ghina F40n. ONY-59153 Clinical Observations on Stropbanthin K in Treatmut of 100 Cases of Congestive Heart Failure, by_ftL Jung-Ben, Chiang Nai-abung, Yang Fu-chun, et al, 22 pp. CRINME, per, Chung-hua Nei-klo Tsa-chih, Vol VIII, no 2, 1960.. pp 156-160. JPRS 9355 Sci - Wd '9z~l jun 61 20 19 arRRS 2434 yell A Draft Roport on the National Economic Plan of Sbantung for -1959, by Pal Ju-pips, !6 pp. CMWZ., AP, Taingtad Jih-ijao, 25 YAY 1959P p 2. ra - China soon - Plejhs Oct brudy CIE twysem - pDrmtIor. -Leavom to Root Syetem - --y in bivrZ Ffther Plants by 4u choeng-hO14 per, A No 6, 1964. pp Sam-539. JPRS 26310 SCI - Agn Sep 64 266M3 righting for Time In Steel Procluction, by Ku Shou-miul Li Chieh,_],Pok Liang-yu, 6 pp. CM3M, perl Hung ChIls, No Ill 1 Nov 1958, pp 24-26. JPM 7836 CUVA Neon o jul 6-1 30 Oly -h roll N The Equal Impoitance of Work and 7amily Life, by la-ULm, 3 pp. CHIN E, per, Chung-kuo Fu-nu, No 9, 1960, Peiping.. pp 28;, 29. JPRS 5168 FE - cuna Pol )FDD 27.CABO) Boly city - PIRrt 2k.. by Pal-w. CBMUM., gar, Tau-yu Cbilm-40ion, Val XXVII, B060 19560 pp 25-26. GIOW/ FE w CILIM Sco - J-763 ,I-- I - , ~ve s /'5 11 - M e Big Change in Tsao Tien Tz Chin, by Pai-shan, .Lh CHMESE, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 11 Apr 1960, p os. *JPRS .vE - China Pol A Jun 60 ~ DQ-5340) Lcm,zn; Live the CUItur8I Revolution., by Sheng, 10 pp. CILIUME; per,, Hung-ch1j., No 12., 16 jun 196o, PP 34-39- JPBS 8476 FE - cbsy-A sce ma 61. 3 0?, VOC-35MA). on "Awt" am am 'Tram"" In the "Mobins aC Mstwys by Ad Ohm-1, 14 MD. =nw PWI aws-d4l 90 -us I W*M Im, pp 3644. AN-WI n - owum ftlo am ?3f 77 7 Aug 39 lntrodu~ing Our Country's Fine Milking Covs, the San-ho Cow, by Pai Shu-klang, 9 PPS 7-7--P CHISSSE, np, Jen-min Ab-pao, 14 Jul 1960, p 2. JM 5505 FS - Chins, -Sep 60 xls -v a w -to T~radn a e- ----;o P-bund= ci Ov 14, cultm'e FrograM.0 by PUi Elsu-chiu, 8 pp. p--r,, Chung-kuo hUng-pao, (Sup), Pe4jpjngj 28 Feb 19"-8j pp 1-3, 6. Lmer half of P 33. us im/By.t..412 7j- V+ Struggle to Advance Tovard Machanization., Semimcbsnizatlon, Automt-Lon, and Semiautomation, by Pai Tung-talai, 14 pp. OPFICIAL LW ONLY CMMISS, npj, Kiangsl Ah-paol, 20 Apr 1960, p 2. im 8089 FE - China aw6con Apr 61 LO Report on Aadustmeent of the Main Targets or Shantmg'c Economic Plan for 1959 and Furt..Lle-r Development of the Production-Increase and Economy Camppaign, by E2~i Ju-ping, 22 pp. CHINESE, np, Ta-chung Jih-pao, 1.6 3ep 1959, p 2. JPM 5242 FE - China Econ '7 Y/Y is concerning B~isf c on 2.,-1 4-11C Of Hiss-tonj, by Pai pcr, Flung-chi, 110 16, 16 G~T PP 23-31. JPR,9 U050 Asiv- Ei cm Doc 61 3v Sd-B&M 2W33 SUILWAO to by Pvd lkwo,"Vots, 3.4 M WPMM, Us a=. 9D Apr 19600 p 2. W,4747 n - ad= L-A THE CONQUEST OF WU-LAN-PUX-HO DESERT, BY PAI YEHs 5 PP- 1, 1, 1, CHINESE, NP, JEN-MIN JIH-PAO, 22 SEP 1962, p 2. 1. 1. jpRs 16385 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 6p 217,129 THE WATER OF HO-TIAO, BY PAI YEH, 5 PP- CHINESE, NP, JEN-MIN JIH-PAO$ 20 SEP 1962, P 2. 1. 1, jpRs 16385 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 62 217,128 Firm Sl-,(aps TvZi~en in 4.,-ViollltuTe, lby Pai np, 20 Jan 1., 1 rz, ~j 8344 n C h, - i= o"i oon Acquire the Ri&t to Spe& FrM Mavestigations and Study, by Pai yehp 6 pp. per, Chung4mo Ch'ing-nien, No 3s 16 Feb AmOve0m, BmS Xmg saections ChIns Mainland mm so 27 Mr 1961 n - ChIns POI AM j-~2 ize The Newest in Planning, by Pai Yu,.__2_..,; /10-p? CHTNESEE, per, Min-tzu Tusn-cbieh, no 6, 1958, p 22. JPRS FE China Pol mirwrities 6/3/550 # 30 (DC-3957) Use Mation Picture Skills to Sing the Praise of This Great Bra, by Pai Yang,, Chao Tan, Huang Tao-lin, Chlen Li-tq;g-,, et al,, 7 PP- CHINE39j, np, Jen-min Ah-pao, ll Apr 1960, p 12. JM 6027 FE - C~Ina log f ~ .2 y POI . I . . 11 Oct 60 Work in Coal Beneficiation (CleYing) Ilas men Conztzmtly L-iproving, by Pai Yu-chih, 4 pD. - ---- ------- CHINESE, per, Ylei-kuang Chi-shu, 3 No 19 '/PG Peiping, 1959, pp 21-24. (Extracts) JPRS-U23-D FE - China 2con - Induntry Feb 6o 'kne Effect of High-1hergy N-Phosphoryl GcWounds an the Contractile Activity of Mycerimtea I.Izcl-- 1: Fibersp by Y. IL Bocbsrnikova;,_~i Ymg-ym.9 4 ipp. RusSiam parp Biothimp Vol XXVp No 4., 1960p pp 653- 657- CB sci - my 61 Op The Xi7wtic Of- thi Rango 700-12500C, by Faidasol J-UNCIASSIMM GERM, porj, Acta Motallurgicap Mar 1958, pp 184-194. iron and Steel Inst Tr 924 (L4.10.0) 6-3 C?2 Aug 58 some Peculiarities of the Oxidation of ~~.gnetite in Air Between 400-1350OCp by Paidassi, Lopez. UNCMSS GMMAN,, per., Act% Met, Mar 1958, PP 221-223- Co-op 9A. Sk, Tr 921 Ga Scl - Chem) AUS 58 Contribution to the Study of Ocidation of Nhgnettte in Air at llleyate6 Temperatures j, bY J. PaldaseI2 J. Lopez. FROM, per, Havalros (Les) lkt Scientif iques de la Revue de Wtallurgiep Vol LVM,, Sep 1961., pp 677-W. DW 3017 JV' Jan 63 c;F- List i6o Precipitation of Fe;?;O in Scalen Ptcmd by Oxl- dayion of btan at Tempratwes, by J. Paidassi. GERMs per, Acu YAt&Uurgica, Vol iM, No 5, 1955j. pp U7451. CSV'* Sel - Yln/bbt A.= 62 Cootsiumpu TO the eftaft or the ozidation or Me= in "r 29, 00 saw 700~2-950t bor J. ftt&aW. Imo= Ift No 8,, MISWJ, Vbl zlvj, com ftt. 6e On the Oxidation of Ferrous Oxide in Alir Patween 6oo-13500C. by4l%idassi. W-CLALSSIFILD, -T GERMAN, perv AcU Metj Var 1958, PP 219- Co-op lir gcrh-S Tr 920 6 Sci - Chem Aug 58 rhe lbrpholoW of Oxidattm FLJ=, by J. -pokidassi. . FR=CH, rpt., Tbird Colloquium an lbta.1jurgy.. CorrosUmp IMS pp 71-1w. =I 20 Sai - PAY$ /6 It lco-llr Sep 61 f list 110 A stbutly of the Fmipitation of F0304 In th-a scale Produced on Iron at RIO TvmVeraturas., J. Paidaval. UML Famar vars BW wts NO us M50 vp a694M. 3161140 (L7.5s.06.) s*:L - Chm via/at 1161-.2 '711 K" 6D 7 F,Jvlr,(~ in Trnn Oto, Oxide F4.1ma wt Irtc'f. Tonnp2rat-ure,- by J. Paidassi. UNCi. per, Act.-a Metallurgica, Vol V1, No 12, 2-9-518, PP 778-780. TIL 45~~ Sc 1 - Chem inn 6o Organo4hosgawrus lusecticidum. S mw Afaf,;1Qgutts of 0-0-JOIs-,thyl-S-2 (Fthyl-Thirmthy!) PhoupharctIA-u, lothionate 01-74) less Toxic Towards Warn Blooded AnImlop by No -Is Ubwbalki T. A. ftstrywkova, Yu, M. Polikarpov, D.. H. bA"pp M. F. Sbab5noya, D. X* Gamper,, L. r. Efloovs., 5 PP. RUWIAN,, thrice-so pers Dok Ak lauk SSSR, Vol CIXI, No 5t 1956., PP 947-949. Bel Am Llb Tr 57/1875 .%-I - Chamictry,, Biology Nov 57 AU-Union ImtItute of PUnt Protection, by D, H2 paikim. RMXAX,, per, ZasbcIdta Usten at Vked I Boless Vol it so 5* off-Doe 1956.. pp 17-20. CIA D 90D5074 WDA Sci - Imol 9- y 7 4~ -? ~ MW 5T z chemical i4athod-for the control of the Grain noth, by D. 1-1. Pailrin, Ka Va No%=111.1073 P. F~ Mande RUSSIAN,, per., 7,ashchita Ranteati ot Vreditelet J. Boleznei., Vol TV; No 2~ 19~9. CTA 9042500 sci - chami.atxyj B1010EW GeP 59 OrganophosPhoriw Insecticides. V1. of Thiopboapboric and Dithiophosphoric Acids Con- taining the R-Ethylmercaptoethyl Grouping, by M. 1. Kabachnik N. N. Godovikov,_k. M. Faikin, N. M. 14. P. Shatanova L. F. Efimova 8 pp. RUSSLU4, per, Zhur Obshch KhJ Vol XXIX, No 7, 19591 pp 2182-2189. CB Sci Aug 6o Resultq of testini thiophos in the Control of Eurygaster Integriceps .9 by V? P.. Paikiny %W. . . ~I. 1 1, RMSIM(, per, Dok Vaes Akod Sell-sk0khOz. Nauk im V- I- Lenina, Vol XV,, No 7., 3.950, pp 33-35 MDA vj - 3 Ov I "~ /0 67,57S sai - Biology of LOX= Floisons on Plant Celir by W, - 1). M. paildn RUSSIAB, Trudy v7p (3)1191-200 (1951)- UMA Tr 353 Economic - ApAculture Scientific - Biology / //./) OX The Effect of Circulatory Disturbances and Edema of the Lungs on the Development and Course of Infectious Processes (Pneumonia) in Them. Communication II. The Effect of Edema of the Lungs Induced by Thiourea on the Development of Pneumonia, by N. G. ?AikqV, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, K Byul Eksper bWAX2 Biol i ~~d, Vol LII, No 11, 1961, pp 47-50. CB Sci 210,620 Sev 4.1 Concerning the Effect of Circulatory Disturbances and Edema of the Lungs on the Etiology and Course of the Infectious Process in Them (Pneumonia). Report I. The Effect of Intraperitoneal Admin- istration of Adrenalin on the Development of E;,Terimental Pneumococcus IN Pneumonia in Vniite Rats., by N. G. Paikov, 4 Pp. RUSSIAMI, per, Byul EkBper Biol i Med, Vol LII, No 8, 1961, pp 37-4o. Sci CB 'Dol .. , 342 J" E7. P r4 ; L, L rr _S Study on the 2volution of 011godendrogliomas Of the Bmin. A Surgica6l Series of 34 CasGF3, by J. E. Fail3as EUMPWO Pwo A-CUL amQUASS e1 Emcbutxica I Sao Val 64, No 6, 1964, pp 537-551 ITTC %4,4665-0" Feb 72 Improvements in Propellers of the Screw Type and More Particul&rly Those With Variable Diameter and Pitch$ by Albert PaMo=2 8 PP. From.* Patent No 439j,256. Dept of Cauvorce Patent Office Sci. Ub (Wt) Sci - Bag Aug 57 The Xtt*4 at A4xm*l;Lu or liam a th Made Usaws P&LUAMO -1 9 Vp* 7un tr aud Mmullu m tho CI=4 try lw V. Be Vaxwip I* Be P means lo- Ram Vol =p go 2r 741%wj"vm X~-52. DOW= fti - Awd4sm -yaj f,?,d xwxod owe= am 1"T "Icaluor, by Jobs Ara;udt &=a lArAls Paim&uo 13 P, rmwo pato rdtfat I* SJU430- Dolpt of com. p4l.t4st offive sai-PAth 4 04& twe ju 1 66 3050"1 A Method of Fecording the- Pul=nary Circulation Times in the Cat, by A. S. Paintal. HIM., papor P/874,, Proceedings of International CoOerence on Peaceftl Uses of Atomic Energy Held at Oeneim 8-20 Aug 1955.. Vol VnI- 3hternatl Coaf -- UN Sei - Ndelear ftmien // 7 7 ~T-T Apr 57 Tkie Bixect of Oxygen at-High J?ressurea on Sulphide Ores*-by-HA - Neuhaus v IF& - Pairleky, 6 pp. 0M.0 per, Er=etall., -Vol VIF- Rc 2., Feb -1953, pp B.L.Ai-I-Pr 1152/1956 Sci - Min/Metals Oct 56 GTO va the I-rolam *f tho adtrtftAlm ckf the Qzido Pbaw In S=t bar A. 1. Paiswo L. U. Sargo7eva, 6 pp. 'RUSSIU, pwo Hadimmi-4a kidtidam imbodkly XMIMIAL BO 57s Wo vp 135-140. 1401asic-a-V J. saititt sopt 68 3648975 60uwd of innatig-Atine v A. 1. ftlwW* PP- Sap gt4xW. Carbon ReqUeaft b. FMSLUIP PWO OdMAU Ageldwo pOpmags-- iclu"Ady ThAlluE. tic 576 ILW3* PP 95-W- rm.8-66-30 5trucuma GhWAPS i)tw~ beating of ~5&pl A, 1. pAiawo Go NO sbaenowt 9 PPO ]W-L'R- kloQlwlb*-V Sept 68 ----S-iRUC,TURE--AK,D-PROPERTIF-5 OF SAPY -BY A. -1-.-PAi;50V, A. 1. I(OLPASHNIKOV, ET AL, 10 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, TSVETNYYE METALLY, NO 10, 1962, PP 71-75. JPRS 17727 Sc I - m1m FEB 63 221,816 =WMA34 am= mum awl"s cr swp, BY A. ~11~ PAiOW* 0.1. Us SHLXWIYO ET ALt fP -Tw lw)"a mwm To""= Ift vp 'ra UM9 43 PROCESSES WHICH OCCUR DURING THE TEMPERING OF COMPLEX ALLOY STEEL, BY 1. V. PAISOV, E. V. PANCHENKO, 12 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, IZ VYSSHIKH UCHEB ZAVED CHERN METAL, NO 7, 1961, PP 149-153. 9678197 FTD-TT-62-507 SCI - MINERALS/METAL 11 OCT 62 212,,374 --MchanicalFab-parties of-Sma-Ultra-Higb-Strength Stz.ueturay Steele., by 1. V. Palsov, go Yun Ro. L RUBSIM, perj Notall ObrmboA"~;llj, No 2, 1958o pp 20-6. Bruifthor Tr 4140 Bel - Idu/not ain 56 ;7 Antl-(kerrina opomt:taw.. by Pimtonlo M=el*-- luf*auxlmv No M/1541 SOP/Oat IM qm 019 viur Partual ml Anti-GuerrIL'La OfflostlOWs bY Aut=lo 9=01 do Pedys &'pp. -;m~ PMMDM, paro rnfmtwlajl No 149-150.1 fty/amm 19". 4m M9 vftr . Pbr%*Apx 14 *~ Yle &I sop 61 CHANGES IN THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OF THE CROATIAN NATIONAL ASSUIBLY AND OF THE REPUBLIC AMINISTRATIVE ORGANSj BY $ B. EA4A, 9 PP. CROATIAN, PER, UPRAVA, NO 8, AUG 1962, PP 414-4to. JPRS 17100 EEUR - YUGOSLAVIA ECON ,. JAN 63 2ig,o4o PeLjm~ c ~Zlwws~jm 113 yp Q LLektrOnWp POJM4Zp Wrs, PrZeFI 90 4.1 Apr 1964j. rp 161-165 - ACSI 1-9514 B iD 220*19366 Sal Meat Apr 66 ;298,6:r;4 ftmyamis Somerlor Due to Cervical S91=1 Cad n4=ys 'by S. F4~4_~j~ R. Stmjdorj, 7 pp. P=Mj- Pori, NwraqsL&.* PMdIIA*IIA POI",p V*l xmp. NO P-40 3j, 3V &d - Dia & Jbd SAft i*c 63 lp 2- A. Our Experiences of Rapid Construction of Bridges From Prefabricated Elementsp by Jan LaLak; B. Prep- aration and Procedure In Construc~Elbu of Bridges Frcet Prefabricated Elements, by Marian Pluta; C. Demining Action Before Autumn, by Boleslaw Micako,, 15 PP. POLISH$ Prze" Imidw aryAny, No 4, 1955, PP 31-34; MW 34-41; 59-73-. G-2, GSUSA EDw - Poland G-5591 O?C;-?r Economic - CT6 75/Dec 55 ftnthedde at Forooleowes of the B&TI Tnmp by EdU#IAWF&Jdkf 9 no. 03 I V VW# PMtAW nlWp VbL Vp lb 2p 195ka, 0 23-g-gtg. 9mrA AM Uto-T40 Sed - Pap ftp 62 -2 .,V, ef 6-,- af XI allow No 16 Um# AM-" 92"m Got", of Vimyl Claloride. ViM. l~UX-t-J."c Chain Leu6th and lbtbmni= in the Pxemucc of Azo:kbisiw-Batyrozdtrlle,, by IF. Dmwsos 0. ftjaro,, D. SIMeal. MALIAN, perp Oximlea laft tria., Vol Xiap Vo 12,p 1959., pq 3.170-3,175. OTS(Chm)-102 Soi 19.f ;2 26 ld%y 62 VCLI- IV,, NO The-Copolyma zatl(xa Ethy -3WWitbL Alliphatic Alpbs-Olefizo. Il. Ulkylem and AMOTiopylone Reactivity Ratlw in copolymeruatim Vith Catalysts Derived From Vam&Uu Oxychlarlde =A Alkyl Almolams by 0. HUBGRUs A. VidVanforit TbMWO pwj, , I& Cblmdm.o ltbdmtrla., Val 0, so 90 Imi, 99 743-70- em 63LTu*73 Ole VOOL No 6 Capolymarim9tion of Ethylene vith Allphati* a_-Oleflnn. M. EMbylene-Propylene Copolymerlu- tion with Catalyets Obtalu*d frcm Venadulz Tetra- chloride, by G. Max3canti,, A. Valvassori.. G. Psjaro, 23 pp. ITALIAR, per, ChWea a 111ndustria, Vol M=, No 10, 3-957, pp 825-831. Re"arab Wormtion Service lRept 96963 sci - Chem - OTS I 1 9 Jun 59 Ov, ?zjcro, Gasionc, and rWdl. Luciano. OF TI:E ISOTOPE EXCHANGE BETWEEN 1 "LrTY~AL.Mf-NUM AND ISDUMLENE- jB611 2750words, I& refs. Order from CTS (Cheni) $i 1. 03 CTS(Chcm )_239~ subsequent copies $1. SO/ca Trans. of Ga=lmta] Chimrica] It&l1lana] 1961. v. 91. p. 493-503. DESCRIPTORS: Metalorganle compounds, ZA,1=1nurn I compounds, 011ury1radicals, Aluminum, . ExchAnge reactions. Reaction kinetics, Pgolysis, Radioactive Isotopes. 62-12297 1. Pajaro. G. L III. W~i 11. CTS(~I;cm)-239 IV. Chemical Translations Scry- Ice. Palo Alto, Calif. 97#9497 (Chcraisrry-Organ.1c, TT. v. 7. m. 7) offi'. .1 With C by Gastope._.Pajaro, 9 lip IMLIAN, pur.. ai chim, voi =iiii, ,, 2, a9,-.3, PP 193-19T. SLA 59-15oo6 Sci Dec 59 Vol 2., No 5 j-476o (DC-2892) Macating Tovards a HaterIalistic World Viev Witb the Aid of Natural Sciences, by L. PajduBakovs4irkosam, 14 pp. SLOXAK., per, Za SocialisticIm Skolu, No 2, 1958, pp 155-164. JPBS-L-1732-D RRur - Czecb Pal Jun 59 6 qt=gt itative -Analysis -of - Production Growth in----J~ PolmW, by Joxef Pejestkap 32pp* POUSH, pero Sk*nmistao no 6. Doc 1960, pp 1229- 12560 JPRS 39794 0 - 7, PCL ko-I EE/PolmW Eccm Feb 67 3180919 or mwhww, b7 icoor *04M, 3 a. PM=,, pw# Ifteglad MatuMUV.. i0l.k2we 1969j, IWI I to ftW A-554j. AMftbwWo Vwmvp n im 1%3. owt of state ROW - Poland ftb 90 No N6m54 tlK W - fr Ice #N Im "Whomw or UK WATimiL ""N, w TAWJU im ommp mama" 0 , -040. la vo, POLIft Pa ow"WA* No 40 1 A-* w JOIFO-mi.., 4m I"v gm * - romm gm 4 im 63 Insopq .i '' I --- chomob so"w" cbnplo la the 16. , U%C# Mm -Vxvg4 No 3,19ft Vp 167-M-1 B ltlg*pauw Z"*~ , ift" 1 =*"7 Hinascita PutAlshes Readerls Letter 9141W Him to lbacwto and ReAY bY Paiettas 7 ppe ItaUan, perj, Rinawdtat ho 43j, Rem# 31 Oct 196,4,, PP 30-31* MRS 27475 M17 ital'y Jan 65 27193.5 =0 VWY AMM INWift PMn CF THt WOkok"Oft UNOIOW NWWWo W CAM I VALUM6. fts L RMT4 =K# 87 A% PP 4 1 op 11. WAMY sw 63 IX7 *44k* pa am" MOW hum Cbmmwaw plow Pwbnmco of bdonew" Cenn=lot by abol"D p 1-41!!!: rtALun, pw,, 4umaw *n x9W 3p so,, m spis sn"I wa-lidy Pd k" 64 wl (DG-3801) Apx-11 1962 Sessicu of the OEmtxal Ccmittee of the ItaUan COMMmist., Party, by G. C. xq~ 39 pp. MALM.. npp L'Unitas 28 Apr 19620 rp 1., 8., 9. JPW 13829 al= . Itn4 pal 11~9140 /---J-151 biv 62 1 . /7'7 11 . t . - . r==m2twWw~- qu - w 3h, ~ --ralmdo, to; ftak7mamblow . V4 AW44 =440 U54W Pd ""64 2U.M in the Pvxty by Fajot~ anO. I.Tatta,. (Am Garlo ~a4etiqi4 Alessuandro Natta., 17 xj- Yd-MR, per. RLmrcita, Vol Xvin, x-jo :L2., 3.951~, TPR3 I-o4,tgl jL -f ob- 62 --Italian Communists-CEI-1-For-United- Action-- - -- -- by Gian Carlo P~atta~, mp 4 pp. ITALIM, np, L'Unita, No 291, 4 wov 1962, pp 1, 14. j?Rs 16423 WEur - Italy POI Dee 62 AN ITALIAN CaMMUNIST VIEW: COEXISTENCE AND STRUGGLE, BY GIANCARLO PAJETTA, 6 pp. ITALIAN, NP, LUNITA, 6 JAN 1963, pp 1, 14. JPR5 17290 WEUR - ITALY POL . JAN 63 220,904 'Mil N11=1111 A CHAT WITH A SOCIALIST COMRADE, BY GIANOARLO PAJETTA, 7 PP. ITALIAN, NPI L'UNITA, 18 NOV 196,e, P ii. JPRS 1664o WEUR - ITALY POL . DEC 62 218, 257 (D0-3801) Pajetts at PCX Digausses -- p ftamp and the 13traSBU, by M ajuli a 12 ppe 331TAXAN, Wr. kt=Lmdta,, vaL =j, No 4., 3.962, pp 293-696. jpfs 23878 WE= . Itay /5p7,, 747-41- ZVI jun 62 W-5651) Telecoommicatims In Yvgmlaviap by MlWlo 2aJ-tvlct 7 pp. CRQkTM, per,, Savroond ftdw&*Q, 29 Feb 1960p pp 319-321. JM 7"l HRur - Yvgoolavla Roan U~ Apr 61