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V1 7-3 Heilu.ngkiang Work Report, by Ou-yarig Ch"in FOR OFFICL'~L USE 014LY CHRIESE, np, Heilungkiang Jih-pao, 4 ;~pr 6o, pp 1-4- *JPRS FE-Chiria. Econ 1~~' jul '00 (DC-3951) Crude Zaillways Are the Way two Fappinacs, by Ou Yurva-feng.. 4 pp. ua~-SE,, URP Jan-min Jib-rmo: 14 A7Z 1960, p !0. ms 6389 PEI - CtLl= pol / 5 9 --5-1 ~? :,)eo 6o (DC-3981) The Native Railway Is a Blessing, by ou Yuan-Fang, CHINESE, np, Jen-min Jih-pao, Pei-ping, 14 A-or 196o,p lo. *JPRS FE - Pol 9 jun 6o Cb--mieml ftzzti= of Am=ala Dme to Glow Disch-Axv Oaj~OT+b 3) on the Pawr Ylald of lWtru~ by latar- mitt=t ramue ROM Disebea-P. (Madml liamatims Maduead UY allv Madbarp In AM=4-a fts (phrts 3 ma 4)p by K. OmchL. JAPAMM& m_ar* X Meat=oh Soc aapm,, Vol XVj. 1952,p ImDoq:=Tlo Aug MA L ~ , i 14agnetochemical Studies of Coals and Vibeir Rolatc-:d Subutancev (Second Report) on Cpxbonization ana Graphitization (Part 1),, by ax Ouchi Koji. JUARWO i&-, Japan Renources Research Institute, RePort No 31: 1955. Dept of Intericw TN7 IC57 No 3n Se:L - Chemistry ,T= 61 /&W/j j ~/, ;7 agaetochemical Studies of Coals and Their Related abstances,, Rpt 2., on Carbonization and Graphitize- ion (Part 1). by Kojip,Ouchi. A-PAMES113j, xpt., Recources Research Inst, 1955, 151 pp. Dept of Interior TVA E57j No 327 ai - Chemistry,, fuels 1C.1- 60 lo2f Decompeeition of D%Abyl Alcobol by Co 60 -? -RayG, by Y. Vinuka, K. Hirots, 0. rummatosp 6 pp. JAPMME,, perj Nippm Zagsku Zasshi,, Vol LXXVIII, 195T,F Pp 329-131. ABC UCRL 3TO Bel - Pays Dee 58 ~y ,,e e~z , 7-e -f btudAy 'K of Raversib.Le ChemicaI o'L Sulj.,hur at the Surface of Cc;l)--Der at Hip), Tainwir-Uures, by J. W-i28ra 3 PP. FIRDiCI-1, -per, CoaLptes Rendus, Vol CCUiXp No 1, 105% pp 91-93- Broken Hill Propicta-ry Co Ltd (CHL T.267"j Sci - Chem Nov 17 V,/ 3 7 ToMue gater for Power-Driven Aircraft Modalz in the Wind Tunnel., by R. Silber., A. Oadart, 10 P. ... ...- FRMH., per, Sewicas Techniques BuU,, 1939, No 84, SLA 59-17673 Sel Apr 6o ~ //,.-g / g / Vol M, No 3 Observatima PAgarding 42 Criterion or Tgoina Sepmra- tion In the Tba*e4)IsenvIcml boundary Imyerp by F. A. Niebalbremer, A. Omde-rt, 9 pp. FFMM, per,, Recherche Aerocautiqw, No ho, July Aw 195h., tv 3-5. WACA 19-49%A Ocl - PlWalce 4 7 6~ 75- Y MW 57 Oud-awnti, A. C. ACARI FROM ANIP,01',.% (A-ii i i..t Aml.w.) Ir. 1'N W. if. E'VVI)MILI'V. I I hi.) %. 10. 1411. mmird) 4 icis. No. S-6.(4). Oad- fwm0l".SorSI-A5l.NI (0- 1 -, St, 1'.i a tia I trans. (p. 217- 228) vf I It ilk s Nitm um v in Natuorlijkellistoru.. I,c)*dc.nj. 7Aoll"gibelf') ,W:dvduvljing.vnj (Wthei land,) 192'. v. 10, no. 4, DIJSCRI111"Olts: Mavs, Malaya, hi"'rplu'logy. Amitomy. (1111.1 lln,,uncW) 1. Aml-m, 1. ~%. C. 11. N111-5-6-f-I IL N.11-nd 1",![ ......- OuLiLmau-;, A. C. ACARI FROM NNIBUNA (Acari uit Arnkmi) u . 1,v W. 11. Everhardy. I I May 60, 141). (2N fjg~,. onilTIC,i) 4 rtof~-. No. Order Innn OFS or SL.A $1.60 6,)- 17:~63 Partial ttans.(p- 217-228) of riki3k, MUSCLIM ~an Natuurlijkc- Himorv.1, Lcvdciij. 7A~olfogischej M~~dcdccljingcn I (N,!tli,,rl ands) IL)27, v. 10, nf).4, P. ls~-'231. DUSCRIPMRS: Niitc~, Nlaiava. Ni-jipholo;y, Anatomy. (UnaiinmiocW) ni T I Tri1c: Amix)ma I . OoJctiian~i. A. 11. "OH-S-0-H) 'NationM lll~Ultll- Adenw-a of the anan Inteatim With a Contributlon to the Knowledge of Heredity of Tumora, by J. A. Vein "JU; A. ;. P, 04aenaull 10 pp. DUTM -, per Reder3mdoah Tijdschrift vaor Genmah-=de, 28 A-6 3925, pp 966-M. Nm) Scleattinc - XeUclne J= 56 CTS tMOMMANS101 1-110, aE ~wr. 3d AStM MOM 11foorc-U-in--Sans Itivi-ty-am-d- TubarcuioE; i Among Students of the University of Stra-mr-bourg, During the Last Three School Years, by E. Voicher, P. 5~~' 110 P.P. U1 FROCH, perp Rev Tuberc, Vol XV, M 3, 1951, pp 215-228. SIA Tr 2558 Sci - bbdicine Nov 57 Immunochemical Analysis bY the MOthOd Of Gels- means and Techniques of IdentificatiOn Of the Antigens, by J. Oudino 44 FR- FRaCH 'UMIX, ,, per., Ann de 111nat Pasteur.. Vol L 1955, PP 531-552, 554-555- mm Tr 6-24 Sci - Biolow - IMM0109Y 9 ZIAII Jul 57 Olm Ph. andElarlars, N. Al OM THE CENTRAL LABORATMY OF THB mswb ER ELZCTRICAL UMSMIES (ANDI PREC=OH MRAS- UREMENT OF CAPACITANCE STANMULDS (WrM APPENDICES 1-4). Fob 63 top] 9. LEO Tvame. no. 6529. Order from OTS. SLA. or ETC $3.60 TT-WtWW Trans. of Laboratotre Camwel d" bodastriss Elactriques. aullwLm dWar=&Ua&. 1962. a& 33, Sep. DEMMUTORS: LAwstarles, X " a] Ludgmy. ScApeat"Ge bri4ps' Dielactric 1 $ I . /Capacitors, Elmewical 840%SWIN& Messwumm. TT' W. 11, 9& 6) Tr-93-MM 1. OlMW, F. a. Elmalm", M. m - LSD Traxe-6= IV. Swvua loweelk DAD Koji, Mizut&W, Yukio, and Akiyarna, Surnio. ARC15 OF MANUFAcruRUM ANION-EXCHAWE FII.&L Fab 64. top Order from SA $16. 00 SA Code-P-249 Trans. In manuscript of Japanese patent publication 9436/1960, cL 26-A-0 (26-8-131) (13-C-131) (appl. 32468/19S7. filed 27 Doc 57) pub. le Jul 60, by Tokuyama Sada Co.. Ltd. (Abstract avail&W DESCRlrrORS: *Ion exchanp resins. Mastic: 111m&,' *Membranes, ~Uoufactudnj; methob. Mactralywo, Volyvinyl chloride. The Invention relates to a method of manufacturing axion-exchanp film characterized by molding in film form the uniform and viacous mixed solution of water- soluble high polymer electrolyte am anion-aschuw substance with polyvinyl alcohol by using basal " or "terials-nestics, Tr, v. 11, no. 7) (-j* IT-64-12567 1. OWe. K. 17. ?AzutlLnl. Y. M. Akiyama. S. TV. Patent (Japan) pub. 35-0436 V. SA-Codo-P-20 Vt. Seizalaxto Aold, FuJL&4wa 0apso) OM" .1 T"%.k.1 ffi-l~ Uitr i9M'=DYV ELS OF THE MENISCI OF THE HUMAN KNEE JOINT. 11963)113p) 36refs FASEB Manuscript no. S 112-3. Order frofn OTS, SLA, or ETC $1.60 TT-63-24456 figs. available on loan from OTS Trans. of ArkhIv Anatomil, Gistologii I Embriologii (USSR) L962, v. 43, no. 12, p. 77-43. DESCRIPTORS: *Lop, 0joints (Physiology). OCartilage, Blood vessels. (Wolegical Sciences- -ArAtorny, TL v. 11, m 6) TT-63-24456 1. Orlovskli. Yu. A. 11. FASEB-S-112-3 Ill. Federation of American Societies for Expert- mental Biology, Washington, D. C. IV. Scripts Technics, Inc., Washington. 0. C. eq"" 9f 'reeftele.1 Gr'k- TT-64- I iso5 00 N. K. dmk OMER PART OF "F PERMANENT 1. 0041pov, N. K. GEOMAGNETIC FIELD 11, APL/]M-TG-230-T421 B. W. Kuyshinat, tr. IS Nov 63. 13p 211refs 111. Applied Phypicn Lab.. APL/JHU TO 230-T421. )obno- HapidnA Unly., Contract NOw62-0604-c Silver Spring. Md. Order from OTS $0. 50 TT-64-115% IV. Contract NO-w62-06n4-c Trans. of OCWwmgnetizm I Aeroomlya (USSR) 1963. 'i 11.1 r, I Y. 3. so. 2. V. 354-361. (Abstract available) DESCRIPMRi *Geophymice. OTerrentrial inagmetism. Electrwapetic fields. Equetlow. Nvormerical analysis. The outer part of fte pervoemest gootrapstic field I studied froon data taken during the period l"2 to H;8. (earth Science". TT, V. It, It is shows that such a part *z1aw, sad the hypothesis no. 6) that It stowns tram the redlatka behe to discommod. Qtn- 0 'W-kk.1 S-1- (Aulb-) Tr-0-24523 Os'mak. A. A. MMKV-I-OR OF ALBINO RATS FOLLOWtNG DH- c-. Caudate nuclei 9) STRUCTION OF 'ME BASAL GANGLIA. fl9631113pi It , . k. A. A. . FASEB-S-433-2 I trefs FASEB Manuscript Do. : S 433- 2 U1. Federation of Americam Order from OTS. SLA. or ETC $1.60 TT-63-24523 Societies for Experi- figs. available on loan from OTS mestal 111010gy, Trans. of Fiziologichnyt Zhurnsi (LISSR) 1%2. v. B. W-Marne D. C. no. 5, p. 616-621. (Abstract available) IV. ScripLaTecAwks. INC.. W"Mmgtc% D. C. DESCRIPTORS: Behavior, *Ganglia. OC3rsbrium, *Thstsmus. -S 5 After unilateral destruction of the caudate nucleus, slight behavioral changes of abort duration (4-7 days) are observed in rats; weakening of the orleating reflex and sometimes circular movements towarde the side of the destructim with head turned to same sids. The changes are marked. persistent (leatiog a wasth or more) and diverse changes are observed after bilateral destruction of the caudate nuclei. Torpor and weakened ISO d Tedobd bmtm (Biological SciewAs-PhysialM. TT. v. U. m Study of the ynenra~na of Go2cous Traicetion Voiils in aS~A-Violtoge Cablesp by J. Oudin. 'iMPME., per, Rev Gen Elea,, Vol MVk J~m 1955, pp 267-272. ASLM-GBI P5 sci A.,tg 59 ImmunoOmmical Ana4sis by the Mfthod of Gels Heanm and Tochniquen of Identiftcation of the Antigens,, by J. Oudin, 44 pp. FDA=, per,, Ann Inst Pastouro Vbl I 1955p pp 531-5520 5540 55% SUL 57-1W my 58 fill[ QuaLltalive -Chemical AnalVois d Using tL'e Diffusion of Antisens Into t!o cipitating Mmune Serum vitb Gelosep by Oudin, J., 54 PP. FRWR, per, Ann Inst PastefbL Vol Lmcv, 1948, PP 33-51. sLA 3i6q Jul Qualitative Immunochemical Analysis; Method by Diffusion of Antigens within the Gelosed Precipitating Immune Seru 43 pages ;2, FRENCH, Annales do LOInst. Pasteur, V. 75, No. 2, August 1948, 109-29* X-515 Translated at the National Insts of Health Bethesday Mdo Method of Immunochemical Analysis by Specific Precipitation in a Jellified I-L-dium, 5 PP- FRENCH, C. R. Acad. Sci, 222:1:115-116, 1946. x-619 National Instituted of Health Bethesda, Maryland JACQUES OUDIN Immunochemical Analysis of Horse Serum by Means of Specific Precipitation in Jellified ~tdium. Pre- liminary Results, 23 PP. FRENCH, Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., Vol 29, 1947, pp. 14o-149. x-615 National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Dinualon of an AntiVn iD a Colilmn of Gel ',Dn imiug the PrecWtRUM HOM DIOCmls by c"*,4e des '8j C. H. De 1 'A sciences, Vol 2d I caice. �49, i0 W90-low - CIA/= X-W 3ciantific - Chadetry ~jatjonal Institute& of ftaith,, Betbeadoo Md. '/1 ~ r . ~ '~z d "~ im-4;V64 An Anmljmlo of A-M-M Haterlv2sAsan lbor T=Mxfer qrstmo IV MLUW Oue 9if JAPAMM,p pwp Judama of Appll;ms~cs ICY* Bmbvmllo Vol MMKP No 110* 1960a Pp 73-T-73-9- Aug 64 llik --.1 . ~ 11,31" 44 . . sommaws"Dwo "T" =Omsk Lvem at lo*,Tmw SoMMUM4 =am ;x"owlwr,x:*w vo cm = ""a" A=SOW4 30 2232M St" . ma 64kW Develor-mmto Manuftett" of sond luel Rockdts, bV F*. Qlamt1no 14 PP. GULERNI"'T USE amy FRENCHO rpt, ijmm~ doUvered mg Hirm-Inter- muguz- Aummoss JFI-FS/L ScdL.I-"p =d Puels sept 69 390,839 DirscUcnal Thrwt Cmtrol of SoU6.kual Lnglnos, by P., Quava-W421wo 17 ppe GOVElaffilim EBE cau Me lCle rptq hamr deUvywed at-the -h b-Iter- L 30 119 .,cl",;top am FuOls C's 41 Pt 619 3909-61W Poipera iU~ Q~- ilut atlar ~a0wrVutik"R Iq nor Revuo WS C Ems 6as *.IIC.ill ! "Lk e of Poittlc ars= Vilt.4.1e Mt8lS am-d Their Strest', n i cwikp o de 10, 19391, pr V01 Wls Tr - M/14 63 Etude does phenommaes aux extavnites des pcLjpe:; !.Imrd)ms a induction., by L. Ya. Ou7m=U 16 -op. RMSM9 to FM- IMI., pers Trady Institixt Flz Ak lzul-. BWR,, Igo &., 1956j, pp 61-94. RaverGe Tmaslation MA-R-1554 sci Dea 64 On the Viacostt7 of Fluidized 43 Pmmrs,, by J. Funxkzaa., To ~O~wm ~5- ppe JAPAIM., perp J. Umm Boo Japsa Mad Cbtm Sect, Vol LIVI 1951P ]?P 796-6w. WA Tr 57-2684 S-A ~T AU13 07acacterIcUles ef. Fluidized Particles. Part -n Expmaim of Fluidized Bods of gla4llng Gazes., -E.,j Jo pa-n*wvms T. Oumey 9-PPO JAPAIMM.. per., J. Chm Boo Jw_mu Ind Chm Sact.. Vol LV,. No 11, 1952,o P.P 3-6. MA Tr 57-2682- set -T- Aug 58 'g, The NiGer &;., the World Youth Forum in Moscow, by M. !de Omaxou,, 6 pp. UNCIL np, LQ Tenm-s du Niger, sep 4-u, 190"1: Encl 1 to WSP 50., AmEmbassy, Niamey, 12 Sep L961. Dept of State NEIA -.1ligrer, ].Jrench Wast Africa SOC: 140--.r 6)]. / 7 -~~ /J,~) al'A' R*,,An Varivia ~3y 14!wls ox, Isivirtz"i Vikuzea" zq- 0. ik. Ramani, 15 -on. FRENCH ., Par-, Rac Fail ves;q 761 UrMC7., May 195316 pntV',I--352. MA 58-59 AXC Tr -2953 Sc~. t-ug 59 TW Coop bptM b VftW GDONY, fDy SMA SE LM~~ Abft* A-T,I)Iicatiorz of th--a Solex Micrometer to 111. PQ~Dplicatlon of Vae soie;~ kiici,wieter to the StrengUi of Viaterials. 1-V. Application of the Solex Hicroran-ter to the Studly CL,-t:t-qr an .5 by Tools) by Jel--gr4tia, M. 1.. de Lei-2- M,- R- -DmBiwa; 27 PP- FREPACH, per., Macanique, Vol XXI; No 271, 1937, PP 69 -- 3 - SU 59-17015 Sci Jan 60 Vol 2, No 7 On the Mlmlmtion o2 E&o Traek Fhournem in Matl-Tmck Magwtic Ilacrrdars, by 0. Grzvlcwo Gm=s pffs YM& Wid Tws VOI IV: 11934J. vp 17447-8. CSIRO gel . RWO / 91?f 16-11-717 AW 62 p of Tole- StMI-don 1'c.7- T'laC7.1 Lbomi Pu and Toll Operation,, by H. (hwebsnd, 15 p. D -u'-'!:-'H . p e r :Telograuf en Telefoon, 1950',. 'r01. LIX, pp 18-28. SL% 59-17UM Sci mkv Go -7 V ol --0j. No 4 R-311/62 The Ching Odw Flood Dispersion; by Ou-yang An (Nr-7329) ch" zz CA&" FOD:DIIEGP Sbw29b",P 3krab 195% Vp 1-01 Far Bast - ChUm Beon, - Nov 62 Rewlutioa I&wt Be Canled tibmigh to the lzd - What I Ruve Learacd Frcm Vol IV of Selected Works of Mao Tec-tuM., by 04wW Ch'iaj, XS 3.4 VP. CBMEM), nP., Jen-min Jib-paop 13 Oct 1960. AmCouMm.y Houg Kwg CRMMt DMUX"Amd., 641 7 Doe 1960 BE - M113a poi Jau 61 ~14 1-Ugh Temperawe Lubricadon and lnmWudc SoUd SuboMncm, by Chson SbAO-U, ou- MW Cbln-lin# 7 pp. CHVIESE, per, Klo-baugh Ill Z nfflg,~~ L2, 1963. pp 69-61. JPRS 23893 set - Phys Apr " 253.909 cb-y lumigur an~c, of tho arad -LIC ~Z~,~enteed to Reiraim in %ral kraan to S--TV,-% Iha Davelopment of Agl=ltural Produaltion.. by ~1-1 ~Qug Utd-lln., 5 Im- , CIELIM., ap.. M=ns-xim Jlh-r-r-,Op -n Jul p Union Rosmrch Bex-vice P- 0- Bcz, 5381., lCoul0cm Vbl XX, Eo 25 FR Chiua 23 Sep '11960 .')0 (DC-3980). u- Second Year of Agricultural Middle Schoolo in nnunist China, by_N:ao Hui-lin, 10 pp. -MSE, per, Hsin-haa Pan-yueh-k'an, Vol CLXXV, No 16o, pp 84-87. JMS 3937 Chilm '0 0 On 'w-- Adkramue in. the of the r-Etionall BconcW, by G%-4n&.__Chleng,, 6 rIp CHMME, np, Ta-kung Pao, 17 Ysy 1961. AmConGen, Hong Kong Survey of China YzImland Ro 2516 *3 Jun 1961 ~4 F-h - Chian Rom jul. 61 U 73 5 0 51 / 3 Annual Plans of Communist China. Heilungkian"- 1958 Work Report, by Ou-yan'- Chin, CHINESE, np, Heilungkiang Jih-pao, 25 Jan 1959, pp 1-3. *JPRS FE - China Pol; Econ Jul 59 (FDD WIV) Ecoromice of China ir the Last Ten Years) 62 pp "nz.-4n - CM3WES biq, h1h tqktr LQ-LSbjhghunU -&o ChireL -CbA, compiledby China Book*Office Publishir4g Cc,, Sban&aio WW, PP FI-F30- CITA/FDD/U-51M FE - China Econ Now Teabnology in the Dmloymnt of the Power InduWt'7,,:IW VscUv--ga-~ 8 PP- IFOUO (COYYright) =M., Pori, Nnerartlka,, Vol XIs No 3., Mar 61, pp 129-131. JM 9348 OV Esur - Race 6 0 jun 61 (711-5727) -3,alc-stitutea for Copper and Lead ia Electrical Enginearirg., by Vaclav, 21~, 16 pp. CZECH, per, Normalizace, Vol VIIII No 5, !960, pp 67-71, ' JPRS 7951 "-u,r - Czeebonlcxakia Econ 61 Technical Development in thee Third Fire-Year Plan, by Vaclar Ouzkyl-7 PP. CZ=, per, Hospodarske Noviny, Vol IV, So 33v 12 Aug ig6o, pp i.. It. JM 73�8 R3tw - Cwchosloyakia Econ jan 6i Technological Development in Tiu-rd Five-Yeex Plan, by Vaclav Ouzky. FOW CZECH, per, Hospodarske Noviny, 12 kuzi~t 1960, p 1. FDD S=. 2833 Egur - Czechoslovakia - ~? ~? .12~ '.P 11 - - Econ oct 6o COFMGRT SR13 (D-0-35 5")' ) - Tasks of Djaclear TecLnology,, by Vacluv OaZky, 4 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE 01MY CZEC11, per, Jaderna Energie, Vol VI, So 1, Pmumme, !960, pp 1, 2. JPRS 3213 P :P~ EEur - Czechosl-ovrJdA z Ecoa - Fuels, poNmr gay 6 o . COPYRIGHT go: solfta - (2010-NA) Addrese at the lbtloml t"'Coogreas at RIntrical XogImers In Im In MW IW# by Vbclav Ousky, U pp. IMMABBIrm C=N# ve-_049 ObSW VOI XMP SO 7# IVA& Imooft a Pragm.0 vp .4 . tv Uur .- CmahmlowsMa Deali 7 -.. co / Vascular Conditionea Reflexes in Puppies, by R. R. (hrakimyan, 4 pp. RUSSIA!", per, Zhur Vysshey Nerv Deyatcl imeni I. P. Pavlova, Vol XI, Fo 3, 19161, PP 500-503. pp sci jun 62 19-3,959 II- ~jj e,~ I ui! : 111 11 t 11V..; F-.~cla tions hips between Afferent vascular vejflow~r- i-a ~)up--Aes by R. R. 07akiruan, 5 PP. FITISSIA14 -mr, Flziol Zhur SISSR imeni 1. M~ Sc:-bzncra Vcl XLVII, fto 1961. PP Apr 62 Special Foatwes in the VascuUr P-GoPon"s of Puppiesp by Be Be OV&kW&U,, 6 pp. MISEIM, per, Aiia- SM imul I. M. sechenovao Vol XiVo No 8j. JL959o PP 969-W5- Forsumm ftvss sci //,Or Af 7 Apr 60 UfbAeaw Of SOlvent M the Intemitles of Paol~~ Mitrammiecaur Vibrattaw cc carbm 28trachlarifts b7 IL P. LUltaa., L. A. ~1~~r 3 Pp. lawlas Pero aptika I %ektrop -Vol V712 uo 1959s. lm- 632-637- OSA Bel 1~f 'I 5YJ4 Aw 61 LIM I rj or fa VA a W. vu 63 Reqle4oi Scatterlng In. Crystals.. by L. H. Or=ders k 3 pp WSWM,, per,, Flzika Tvardoto Tale., Vol V,, No 1.9 pp a-25. Anor Inot of Mys car phys - 0*21d Sutc Vol Vp so I Sci gap 63 0-1 the %Gary Of "equaw JoUbUM in Ferrite&: j 14P. by L. H. CMRAst -Aussm,q,pwjp It VysobM Uchob Zwed PAdiagiz., vol VIj, xm 2,, Xq63,r y9 OW-274. C-~ im ZLW &d 2 10-5 raw 63 Certain Features of Ramaa Scattering in Piezo- electric Crystal,, by L, Go Grechkos L, N, Ovanders ----------- 4 pp* RUSSIM. per, Fiz TvcrdDgo Tola, Vol IV, No Is 19620 pp IS7-162. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV. No I Sci 210'a Soo Sep 62 Rlanan Scattering In Crystals., by Lo H. Ovander-, 6 upe -------- MMWI pir Fiz Tverdogo Telap Vol IIIj No at 1961p ppo 23;41 . ~~ AIP Sov Phys - Solis State voi m, uo e J '?.A, I sci Tbrm of the Tensor of Raman Scattering Tensor in Crystals, by L. N, 5 pp. RLWIANI per, FIz Tverdogo Tela, Vol VI, No 2, J-964, pp 361-367. Amer Inst of Phys Soviet Phys - Solid State Vol VI, No 1 Sci oat 64 268,216 w The..Relationabip Between the Abaorybion Spectrm and the Dependeme of the Scattering spectrtm ou the Yrequaw or the Incident 144bt, by L. N. Ovauder, 3 PP- R=XM pft, OPUM I SOCktro, Vol X, No 3., 1961, pp 40D:421. D&amU VA"leed Ladex r4ral" Rqw"s Vbl xvp so 2 Sol - MWO jp-f~ V-2-5 Flab 62 L. N. Wander, 1 RU&SIM, bimo per.. Iz At Nauk 886H, Ser Fiz, Vol xvin, No 6,, 1954, pp 683- ciA c 4o664 Columbia Tech Tr Scientific - PhYsics 31,713 Feb 56 as/D&Y. j] gy~ G. P. and Khat'yanov, F. 1. PIRWYM OF OIL DEPOSITS IN THE RASKIR- ORENBURG AND AKTYUBINSK REGIONS OF TME URAUS: POSSIBLE EXTENSION OF THE SAKMARA- ARTA REEFS INTO THE AREA (Perapektivy Gazoneftenoanosti Bashkirsko-Orenburgskogo I Akryubinskogo Pryural'ya v Svyazi a Vozmoshnym Prodolzheniem v lkh Predely Saianaro-Artinsidkh Rifov). Sep 63. 10p 22refs Order from AGI $5.00 in International Geology Review, v. 5, no. 9, p. 1077-1086. Trans. of Sovetskaya Geologiya (USSR) 1962. no. 2. p. 3-16. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: *EcononiLic geology, *0119. Deposits, *Structural geology, *Geophysical prospecting, Geophysics, Geology. Geophysical and geological evidence indicates that the (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT. v. 11, no. 4) (over) 77-63-17713-9 1077-1086) 1. Ovanesov, G. P. 11. Khat'yanov. F. I. 111. International Geological Inst., Washington, D. C. Ofts d Tacbdeid Semices Method of Exploration and Prospecting of Large Oil FieldB in Bashkiria, by G. P. Ovanesov, 5 PP- RUSSIM, per, Geolog Nefti. i Gaza, Vol IV, No 2-A, 1960. ERG Sci 204,024 ju3- 62 Prosi*cU of 011-beuUz capdbi2ity or The Peap-ozoic SediMmU or ftnbk:Lr,, by P. Oftne"WO 10 =no$ WO 08014d3m NONLO Vol 11, No 56, a"&" of li~ 00028a Ptrc*4ure for exploration of structurea In the I~umsbklr AM., by 0. P. Ovanezov and 74. PP~ RMSM-, por,, Geolog 11afti, voi n., Tb io--,Lo 10,58p pp 9-16. Rev of Ruzalmn Do* 59 The Geology of the Wortbera Part or tbLe Bwbki,- AMER, by F. S. Kulikovj 0. P. Ovanesov, 10 pp. RMSIM" Pa.-, ccclosiya Beftij. Vol 11, LOO 8-A, 1958, Ze Rev of Rwaisn-geology Department of GdgUogy B= 6665, coiiegt'sta Duke Uav DQrhMj, M. C. 4 3 Sci - Geol Sep 59 V.A. c>vi4A)CSc),,lq Advances in Forest Mennuration3, by V. A. 07anesova, V. S. Uchenlmvj 124 pp. IIMSSTAN., bk,, lovoe v lami Taksg~A&, No 48, 1964. =IS TT 71-~O~ 2~iyzaioloe,=L cad, Dloauh=iwa IMMStSlmt:Lc-- G:f S-ndm Doadg-, Thair 3WOA-MtA= aaa Trmaltim to Dammey, by E. Z. Maly! p Ko As IV. b1m, parp FU Tsastmlyp Vol TV,, lio 19W., PP 77-M. Amer last of Plol Sci sci - Mysica NOV 517 I A WKMOO VIOW OF IM MM GUMN or Tte ITAUMi CftMW Mffo #N 00" "84 It PP. MWMIA4 V& "U"s VOL XVIIII NO it R 0 1963F# PIP 4m 179* am w ##AQW oft I VW 4, IULV pa - WA (33 nkspD =got of on the ftrwability of the gnu wes"U" tv S. Onrys, 0. lommow Iftrincau 5 Np. mma pw IOU to lul SUM Aws TO, ==t W06979 0-0. RM 12-1 W 4. mid Fab 59 sra, //0'7 Active Ir-mal Cutaraom-n Anapbylaxxis in the Guinea Fig, by Z. 0 -pp- Full +mmsIxtIqd. ITALUN, per,,BoU della Sm Ital dt Biol Bper, Vol XMI, IM, pp 100-102. CIA/FDD/X-1045- Scientific - Medicine Aug 53 CTS/b= -" /0' NOURK.'' RESCURM Of TM SIVAISH. SW IATMo BY F 5~ ~ $ fpL . 0v '" -u..42 mew MMI^ Wo MM WWWo I AM 1961o P 3 jm.*ll76 um em. WT 63 3UP999 A Galvanomagnotic Direct-Current Amplifier, by N. 1. Oveharanka. 2 pp. ------ -- RUSSIAN. per. Pribory i Takh Ekaper, NO 3, 1962,, PP 107-108. IS11 Soi Apr 63 'P 3,~ Y o ~2. 3 -the Kimetics of Themn-I Etcbing of Anne.-.1ing-rAtin )uridaries In Gold nnd Copper, by Yn. E. Geguzin and N. Ovchirenko. pp 6 JSSIAN., per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol IV, No Us 1962,, 3110-3U6. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol I% NO 11 JX/O." 74? 63 On the Anisotropy of the Surface Diffusion Coefficient of Metals., by Ya. B. Goguzin and N. N. Oveharenlm,, PP 'I MOP--- RUSSIAN,, per,. Ftz Tverdogo ToU. Vol 17, No 119 1962, pp 3117-3123. Sci Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid StAte Vol IV,. No U ?.Z/C)" IS 7 63 ftO C=Pwttim Of ZWAb&Oftm -of tbe Gar Of NWd 04 S=S PaDbUm or IU GrJ401n., bV V. V. OvdamAjuW. MSIMP VWj, 2raftr Mentanop Vol Ul 19640, lip la-M. *DVt Of IkVY BW ftm Js66 .-Z/ fti-BUI ftt 69 Dampolyep"s. COMMMUMUM r. shmctLm of Eauftt b7 B- M- M- MN*Wdnj, Va. A. , 7 PP* wsm ver Im Ak U* OMP Wa Imm Imk# 00 12il o 1962a VP CB &A ;3 /J7 av Ch&ngeo In the and H7pophysis Voitk6vichp G., Searetorv Noumns of the ilywthalamue A.asociated with Salt LOadingr by- A- A, A. Ovahinnikovs, 5 pp~ - --- -RUSSIANt, per, We lksper Biol I Hedit, Vol LI.U, No 1, 1962, pp 93-97. CB Sat Apr 63 The Effect of the Material of the Supporting Electrode and of Third Components on the Relative Intensity of Analytical Line Pairs of Bronze I~Iements By G. V. Ovechkin --~- VP~5 RUSSIAW. per, Zhur Anal Khim, voi xvii, No 6, 1962, pp. 66o~664 CB Sci Aug 63 Theory and Design of Pumps for Liquid-Fuel Roclot Engines, by B. V. ~~yan~ikov, 312 pp. RUSSIAHj, bk... i Ilaschet Hasosov Zhil -- Dvlmteley Z6D, 247 pp. 9670775-Y Sai - Pbyu,, EhV e, Aug 61 'Opa '~10-r lf'th C~'cx-'a4lfat Tra=ition Lim. 07-SyOnanikov 13 pp. by MSSIAN., Y101-h. ITOI 7.'-7j.T P.9 COMitt" for h5rdtautics 7b,cl,mjca_, 1295. The Relation Between the Radiation Intensity eind Concentration of 18 Alements in the PlamD-PhOtQ- metric asthod of Analysis, by N. So Poluyektovs R. A. Vitkun, L. A.-Ovehar, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Anal Khimv Vol XV, No 5. 1960, pp 264-271. Sai CB / ,(,5/ -2 ~ ';"' Aug 61 Recording and Its Applicationsp by N. S. Poluyek- tov., S. B. Popova,, L. A. Ovebar 7 PP. R "S TAN., per, Zhur Anal M2im, Vol XV, No 2, r9 ~-., pp 131-137. CB SCI 117-7 Aug J Using the Sf-,-4 Spectrophotomter for Flame Photometry, bY N- S,. Poluektov, L. A. Qmpba - X- H- Kucbmnt, M. A. xikol'SkiY',,3 PP- AMUN., Per, Z%wd Ldb, Vol =, 3r, lo, 196op PP 1152-1154. ISA Sci itm 63- 71 (NY -5 102) Specialized Servicing of Subscriber Equipment at Ukraiuiau Metropolitan Telephone Exchanges, by Ye. L. Oveharek, 8 9P. I'RUBST-M, per,, VestrAk Sv~mzi., No 8, 1960. jFIVS 5919 may 61 Ovchareuka, F. D., 111olth. G. A. and others. PYROPIRLUTE - A NEW FIT -LER FOR CARLE RUBBERS (Pirofillit - Novyy Napolnitcl'Kabc1'n%-kh RezirO. June 61 [81p. 2 refs. RTS 1836. Order from OTS or SLA $1.10 61-19908 Trans. of Vestnik Elektropromyshlenmmi (USSR) 1960, v. 31, no. 9, p. 5-8. DESCRHYMRS: Mectric cables. Oinsulming naterials Mectric Insulation. *Rubber coatings. 00ays. Additives. Theeic"rical andphysico-mechanical properties were studied of cable rubbers filled with pyrophillite, a new mineral of Ukrainlan origin. It is sl n that pyrwdl- lite satisfies the requirements for dielectric flue rz of cable insulating rubbers w 50 to 60% of rubber is introduced. The introduction of pyrophil1ite into insu- lating rubbers to replace talc is proposed- 61-19908 1. Ovcharenko, F. D. 11. Blokh, G. A. 111. RTS-1636 IV. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Mt. Brit.) (Engtneering--ElecWcal. 7T. Y. 6. no. 3) Hy-drophily of Bentonites in Relation to Their Physico- chemical Hatwe,, by F. D. ~~4MVko, S. P. BYkOv, 6, pp. RUSSIAN, biwo per,, Kollold Zhur,, Vol XVI,, No 2,, USSR, YAr/Apr 1954j, PP 134-140. CIA D 167133 Consultants ~Bureau Scientific - Chemistry ,71~ / ~4 ~' CM 65/feb 1955 RATIONAL USE OF EQUIPMEXNKT IS A MAJOR RESERVE OF GROWTH OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY, BY 0. OVCHARENKO, 13 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, SOTSIALISTICHESKlY TRUD, NO 11, 1962, PP 13-21. JPRS 17692 USSR ECON FEB 63 223,831