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1. Hew Chemical Warfare kgents. 2. The Working 14echanism of the Nerve Gases, by B. Ottar, K. Haess. NORWEGIAN, per, Tideskr Kemi Bergv, Vol XIV, No 5, 1954, PP 73-78. CIA 9033790 TIL T-4817 Sci - Chemistry Dec 57 S~ ~? t:2 I i-IC b. enri Benoit , Pierre Grivet, ucrar I Qt--l"LYA't FRE-NCII, par, Ccmiptes Renduc, voi ccyLvll, Eo 22, 1 Dee 1958, pp 1985-1938. NRL Tr 871- Sci - Ifuc/Phya, Phya Fov 0' 1 Neu Dlreetl=s m4 Nov Tests in Central Awlitm7 SMtoMtOlOW (first results). by A. Ottaviani, A. AzzL. ITALIM. per RLy. Audial. Pralt. vol. 12, No. 1-6. 1962 pp 145-149 CAn ,e7 ,V Sai - Aug 67 338-457 New Tftcda emd Rev Lttboft for the DiagDOGIS Of CLentral AudltmT Diwrdem., IV A. Azzi A - Ottmvlml - Ir.wlkv*, W AV Im. -"i&qamw ~R. .. Otol. BAN! Vol. T4, 3b. I., 2963s. 0 1W-lTl CACL o r74 u 1',ogWI Aug 67 33B-449 Histologic Aspects of the Regeneration of the Central Stump of the Obtarator Nerve Grafted Into the Vesical Wall,, by G. Ottaviani., A. Binotto, 6 pp. IT.4LVW, per, Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper, Vol XIV, 1939, pp 623-625. ,s:/, /~ T, --,? 7j NIH Tr No 1127 Scientific - Medicine, biology .6 LIO 7 7 / On r-acessity of Diatinguldhiug FrCM t:,20 k-.-hatuc System the Pitculiar Spaces or Canaliculi to b-- Combined in a "Fainlymphatic System"j by G. Ottavianij, 4 pp. FuU trams2stion. vol xxv3n,# nAL=j. per, MI Soc Ital Blol No 1., 3,952# pp 2-3. Scientific - Uedicine Jun 53 CTS o:? 71 --Rega--d=S--the-PrbbleM-of the-Optical-Activilty of Glutamic Acid Isolated From Tumor Proteinp by H. Ottawa. GEWAN., Wj, Z Kmbsforschp Vol XLIK,, No 6., 1.940.. pp 677-678. MA Tr 5T-20 Sci - Med ~P6 ~? Jul 57 201.51.553) OMMAO". Mi Entuicklung, I*xra' a-is So-v , Jebmeorielem I.Te2+.ehrr-wesem (Dmr--" pw3ut- =3 1:1--o'Flaws or Soviet Zono Tie-ITTle, Dorlin: 1955, V,.-26. CIA D 537365 AGS p 1j, "774. 7, .?--onor-4 a - Trannpartatiou., road Au,rS 56 OTS/d= .. k2m GOP LON" ft QWW QVM Ch=&W. AL m k low an sci A- Spam Fab 64 M725 btt~l, Felix. I .. 62-10997 -Ifift ELECTROLYSIS OF CALCIUM CHLORIDE 1. Ottel. F. SOLUTIONS. 119611 10p. 4 refs. Order from SLA St. 10 62-1099,7 Trans. of Wtschrlft fUr Eicktrochemie (Germany) 1898, Y. 5 [no. I] p. 1-5. DESCRIPTORS: *Calcium compounds, *Chlorides, 0 ! -~ -, f-, r) Solutions, Electrolysis. I or. 1 0 1 , j (Unannounced) I Will- f T-6w'.1 S-4-. 62-16292 Otterrumn, I him. FLUORESCla4T X-RAY SPECTROMETRY AND MIN- 1. Ottemann, ERAL ANALYSIS. [19621 21p. (figs. omitted) 26 refs. Order from SLA ~2.60 62-16292 Trans. of article from an unidentified source [1958). DESCRIPTORS: ohilnerals, Ores, Crystal srructure, Analysis. *X-ray spectroscopy. Fluorescence. After a brief summary of the historical development Csf X-ray spex:Lroscopy. Its fundamentals and particulars are discussed. (Author) (Earth ScWnces--Mineralogy, TT, v. 9. no. 1) Office of 7ecissical Services t 62-16292 Ortemann, Joachim. _W&MENT X-RAY SPECTROMETRY AND MIN- F 1. Ortemann, J. ERAL ANALYSIS. [1962) 21p. (figs. omitted) 26 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 62-16292 11 Trans. of article from an unidentified source [1958). DESCRIPTORS: *Minerals, Ores, Crystal structure, Analysis, *X-ray spectroscopy, Fluorescence. After a brief summary of the historical development of X-ray spectroscopy. its fundamentals and particulars are discussed. (Author) (Earth Sciences- -Mineralogy. TT, v. 9. no. 1) d 11do" Serwkes of Toxoplasmosis, The DC'S no Sourco of Infection for Pan, by Erwin :~n, Alberzt Westphal Elisabeth Kajahn, 15.pp. PP It Full translation. pg~,. GF2,31AITjjKliniache Woebenschrift, Vol X=, Ito 19/20, 17) NOY 1951~ PP 343-346. CIA/PM/X-1067 Scientific - Medicine Aug 53 CTS/DEX 4-'/g ? 4? - - oute m Gexhard, Scherer, Otto. and Schild, Heinz. PROES~ FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF 1, 3-BEN- 1. Sulfonic acids-- S~nthcsis ZOL DISULPHONIC Acia [1961116]p. I ref. 1. Otten, G. Order from LC or SLA mi$l. 80, ph$l. 80 61-10396 11. Scherer, 0. Ill. Schild, H. Trans. of German patent specification 1. 063, 151, IV. Patent (Germany) 1063 151 c1. 12 o 23101, F 23251 M/12o, internat. cl. C 07 c appl. 13 ]une 57, appl. announced 13 Aug 59. by l Hoechst Dye Works Corp. In the reaction mixture accruing with the familiar production of 1, 3-benzol disulphonic acid, sulphur trioxide and benzol are so converted at temperatures above 1000C that to I part by weight of sulphur tri- oxide reaching the conversion about 40 to 100 parts by weight of the conversion mixture fall out. The molar ratio of benzol to sulphur trioxide amounts to 1:2 to 2.5, preferably 1:2.2. The conversion Is carried out_ in the presence of sodium salts. 1, 3-Benzol disulpho cyanate of sodium Is present In the reaction mixture *Mm of To&WcW Sovi- in amounts of 3 to 15 percent by weight. (Chemistry- -Organic, IT, v. 5, no. 11) woo Tom ad WMM Txub as natdwpftfti MOANS SUM.- F-22=4 Iroambf^ Ift 1% IM Vm& 2*sft od Vower ftla2s or lbidutproofed Mdtled wool rowl"s bw I.C.Ott"s ~~s "r. ffmltmhm4 rear Ae ammmma %M~Ml M 0 200 60 l9t*~ PPO "a-nso w 70-17031mm ,,Ql -.0. am;u J=W 1972. Investigation in the Field of Rhodamine Dyes and Cewpounds Related to Thme no Miodolq its 'Production and Prap"aes, by I;, S. Xaffe,, V. F. Otten, RUSSUN per Zbw Ob9hah Dims V63. x j, so 4s, 3962# 0 WIrWo Ipp OB SCII mar 63 Studies in the Field of RI'lodwine Dyes -nd C,.-,lqnoun&s Relpted to Them. L Thg6 Siyqplsst aboapnine. Its PreDaratinn nnd PrO'3+i-'!G. I-S-YO-1-9., V.F. Otten, pp. RUSS' .fA"., perp Zhur Obshich Khirt., Vol TXYI,, VO 5 19f I, pp a5Q6-w-I5a CB qci Mar 62 I , I , I z , I ,- [it -q IlIP'. , , I "" of IL-Polyisaprene Using Or-artasodil-im Oo-mr,ounds zand Titaidun Tetrachlorldo- F'onnat-dr-'r! ol irv `-olyraora by the Cn.Taly-'Olic 0~ Dlierar-j, by E,, N. Kropacheva, a. A. Dolgoplosk, y . G. Golodov--, 3 pp A- T- pp 1853-1656 Consultants BuIvau Soi - Cherdstry / 1~2 (SF-1855) PlamAug TeaWdeal-OrguilAtlaual YAMWIMS in Machim Camtruction, by Volkswirt Dieter Ottemberg, 18 pp. GERMM., per, Fertlaumptechnik und Betriebt Nm 16o To 29fty 3PP 400-4(*, 436440- im 121e76 Af 7, 6 4/~Z Boca war 62 Es (NY -0-!Vul Po7wer Stx-ugSle In the llistandru-t,, by Kmrt 0-t-L,2nc-co- 1, p- er, p. zz7~-- 1-061 IMID.T.aYedio-th Mtyom, 21 J1 p JFRS 3-127 5 Africa I sracl poi -7 -7.. De r C'l I CaUaid SyuUmes byntanim(in)-chicride. Report To CQIJOld Bl~th =A CoMid Autlwonyj by A. Gaftler,, P. All=,, 13 PP- per, Z Amwg =d AUsym Cbms Vca aLuv, ims, VP 2ST-996. AW UCRL-Tram-619(L) my Q Joist SLWpDrtp by Mtz Grusseggerp Oster Otter. 9 pp. FINN't P Imal, Bb 10095jm. Patent OMOO ftl - mw. oat (W M,OTTI Daternizatiork of ChlorLde and Bromide in Halide Mixtamop by at I"r, ORFWAX., per,, Aqpv Chm, Vol LVI,,. No 20., 1954, vp 636;638. C. S. 1. R. 0. T440 sci Wy 6D / /-:~, 4 ?1 5;1 Tha r-.roductice or x15 comautrates iu a Ceseada ApW&t= by th* CbMICal EXCUUM XGth0d* bY D'b V 9 Otte$ X. 3 a Afroy" 17 pp Russump pv zhur ris maw, volL =, vo 6.. M6f pp 3339-2366. 07A/ftD X4150 set - Cbem# pbys H= 60 ;203 (D.0-3410). VC/ Oaa Production of 1115 Coacentrates in a VD-weado Appamttm by tba Chemicta Dccb=ga Hothod,, by D. V. Attonenp M. S. Aerov, 18 pp. RUSSIA, per, Zhur Piz XhImp Vol =, go 6, 1956, Pp 10-1-146. JM 3U 3 Bel - Chm kv 6o Determination or the isotopic Cocygen compoeition in organic Compoundsp by Be V. - KbdryavUev., 33. V. Ottesnalpz Di He awitAwo 6 pp. R=TP21p mo per., Zbw Obabob MAm,, Vol Mlp No 4., Apr 1956, PP 1035-1039. C="Atwtv Damau Sol - Chmistwy 4.4--40 Fab 19,57 CM/dex The Structure of the Heterocyclic Five-Ijambared RIUP; PYrrOle, Mniftwlev 1,3,4-Triawle an-I Tetrawle, by W. Ot;tiz:NK. - GEMS,* pers Am- " Bericheta. Vol LXXXIX., 1956s pp 3288f- TC-191 Apr 67 323s077 On the SO-Call" 0 9-Bwwh1orocyclohcxano.'1 111 (1), by R, Riewchw1der,, 0. 21!LWAI~ 15 pp. GERFAN,, %Wr,, Z. jktWfWfthW4; Val V bs 1950s pp 307-311- 8 B.T.A, Tr No 530/1955 Sci - Cbmwistry 91Y Nor 1957 cm/dim .1 Screw Threads and Berew ftrft4 Wessurommet. in Automobilo and Aer*92=e Maridi *&CtUrov W nahn, ottot 8 P. GEWAN.. per, ATZ Autmobilftebxdzehe Zoltsebe-ftm 1939P Vol I=,. No 5, Pp 151-153. SLA 5.9-ft418 Sci /0 7 /,:f/ m= 6o I/ Vol 21 go 12 Oki A IA Ohm ra"aft INOW, DMOV~MUFAWAM Sd *..29M 006u- The Lowest Characteristic Energy Loss of 25 kov Electrons as a Function of the L8yGT Thickness During Trradiation of Thin Ag- Layers, by A. atol W. Steinmann,, 6 pp. GERHM, per, Physica Status Solidi. APW, VO 1%2, pp K187-191. MC-tr-5376 Sci-Phys Sep 63 3 Electrophotometric Irrvestigations of Night by L. r7. B llshakc'va' Yu. N. *~kcrglyevckiy, A. N. Otto S. F. 'Roaimov, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, irreg per, Mezbdu=odnyy Geofizicheskiy God-Informtsiomyy Byulleten', No 4, 1958, pp 58,,59.-, US JM/NY-L-233 Sci - 'I'leophysics Jul 58 1~ 71 J 2 Z Zjm&,rQpha=etrjc Stu&4-w of tbz 411lumir-e- tion- of thn wight Mwt by L. G. yu. 11. aecargi.-m"ky,, A.21. Ott-o- a ad 3 P,,,Adz,vzov3 3 w - 5walm., r, Iz Ak Mank SMR., Ser Gooftzi, "no 80 19--rp vp 1044-1"7, Amer Geophys UAion Sci F,ec Blood Sugar Reduction by Meam of Bean Podsp by 2. Otto. MUM., PWP NLPsdmugp Val 1X, No W, 3-938j, pp 1317-1325. &A - Ned Wr 62 114 Membranes, by Frei Otto. GEPMAN, per unknown. USDA North Carolina State:College Tr 49 May 58 Gerhard. CIiROME COMPLEXES WITIi FILLING PROPER- TIES AND COINIBINATION OF CHROME W111i OTIiER NIINERAL TANNING MATERIALS. 11%11 6p. (3 tables refs. discussion omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-14054 Trans. of das Leder (West Germany) 1953, v. 4, p- 289-292. DESCRlPTORS: *Chromium compounds, *Complex compounds, Minerals. Materials, 'Tannicacids, *Leather, Processing, Pickling compounds. 62- 1-1054 1. Otto, G. 2;; (Materials- -Leather, Tr, v. 3) Offi.. 0 T.6.1-1 S-0- Fi:tW YeWB Ct WAwtlc TAMI"s VA. -OttD. 16 P. (Nol%PW am Uders Vbl 13s, No 21P 21.we,. =A-tf-66-20ft j om) sci-MR4 ja 66 306080 -I t-,-- - IN-lk- -- PAMMM M-.. 7 ~!504,6 ~WIIORM , 1" '111,11,11,111,10 1 ~ I ~* ttl W man joiv I IMF- afte , A* 66: 2"J" Mdfied AWlie4lon of the Wft ClaASLMAUMD In Datermlnlag the Booncoc Remato of rareigm Tr&de, by S. FwAsp G. oft*# 22 GNM.v p"s var Vol xis no 93Ls 1 Nw 19&# VP 9-' . Zbw - B. oarmw --rx~,g Boon ra 62 G, - r, 4-- -L o A.Qua&upol* JIM" n1ters, by G. Otto- F4KAXM,, rPts oppossam OIL Elect= =d Vacuum -- 1. p2wMics. prc---,-. ; ~ ,-,-a Pub 1963.p yp 4"-43r-- WrC 72-14179ZIO Jan 7 3 mmerce in Radio and Television, by Gerhar-a Otto, 10 pp MOM, per, Zlektro-Aazeiger, Vol XII, No 18, May 6, 9f .59, PP 173-176. wAsiA sc-3.56/6o ci - XLectronics ~eD 6o 11.2 J- 711f f-C-11632 a trAGOOr 194) 1. Closer Coopos%tica with Frimdly Or.~mtviee,, %V Goati I-mt*# 2 ftpS*au4"4v makposto 25 JSV' 1960 2* A "ru RapIA UMIsatlaw of the A"u1sto of :~~cjem* in ftmetleog * Ad md"4*0 Pravol, Ilravw,, 24 54V 19" md comb 9 P% no@ P, lot via pro"uLt 6t-atAis or our FxavledEi, th-- OzIrsin aue. pl.=~ H. par? Ma.-I laimik; Vol Mvp ro lo.., 1961" Yp 377-.3,810" ,.Txa 10-22-611-1 991 Da-. 62 On an OmW EfTeatAve AuU-Disbatic Substan e (U ~5),, br F. Butmj, 2. DwMoldtt 11. Otto,, 2D pp. U~p pwj, Dtmb ad Vachr,, Val LM., 193% lip AL06 WAFTFW SCIMUM - VAAIGIM Apr 56 ,/. ROU606 TAC MMMNU M OW 33 ,., 7 Plztw bg "imanu e V*~ S*Lrm*;,, PUM wamo lZIMI by C 31 ~r ~Iute t 'ra4trQ4a----RvpMU 'UNISIout pps ,,T,1 M.1-23 .72-63 36P ou 363#267 2510-D On the Situation of tha Tramp Cargo MArket With Speclal Nmphasls an Gerwan Comi 9M 011 imports, by HaInz Otto,, U PPP# GHTMO,p perp D*utachea Institut fuer Wirtscbafts- forachung YlertaIjahrehefte zur Wirtpcbnfts- forzchung., Vol 1,, No 1, Berlin, 19580 pp 54-62. M JM L-14ho-D War - Germany Econ - Imports 7y, 11v Jan 59 Orto, Hellmur and MA Klaus. FEASIBILM AND LINTATIONS OF ORAL nMRAPY I. OF PVENILE DIAB9M MELLITUS. [1962] 6p. Z Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16058 3. I . Trans. of mono. [paper] fron Kongress der Inter- H. national Diabetes Federation [hdd at] Dusseldorf, 21-25 July 58. [Proceedings, sect. an diabetes meWtus]. . DESCRIVrORS: *Drugs, *Diabetes, *Children, Benzyl tosylates, Children, Insulin, Guanidines The practibility of oral therapy in juvenile diabetes is still limitod~ its irdicadons are very restricted. With substances available to date, sulfonylureas and biguanids. only a few juveniles can be satisfactorily treated. (Author) 62-16058 Titl(-- D-860 Title: Orinase Title: BZ-55 Otto, H. Mal, K. C'~-') 9 #_ w 04 (Bi(gogical Sciences--Pharmacology, TT; v. 8, no. 7) OM- A T..b"c.1 S-4- DU-O. Helinlut. CIrMC ACID EXCRMON IN THE URINE AFTER ADMINISTERING -.,?-(4-METHYL-BENZP-NE-SULYO- NYL)-N'-BUTYL CARRAMIDE (D 860). [196212p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $1. ILI 62-14935 Trans. of die Naturwissenschaften (West Germany) 1957, v. 44 (no. I I p. 12. DESCRIPTORS: 'Citric acid, *Excredon, Urine, Drugs, "Lliah-2tea, M!phrltia. 62-14935 1. Titk: D-860 1. Otto, if. (226' 2.5 Tv~h-rzc-:=-try "Za6suremamtFl rat nich, 11. Determination of the Crold ftm Point , by H. Moser, J. Otto,, W. Thomas. * N-M--4. UBMU13j, per, Z Plays, Vol CALVII., 1957, PP 76-91. DSIR/31027/CT ScI - Physice ,-s- g-'? 7- Fub 58 %a WMM4 ou" vmrs"",Ct 14-amanvetwooe'l and nT! ASSM A Bell ill 2 -JLV Jp4b-47 ftl - Mo ~Md an cbm Jd7 6T 334956 Gac at Rlj)" Te.Lpceaturas 1. A iia-ti Method of Gas Themomtry, by R. Xoser,, J. Otto, Thomae. - CiFdULLN, per, Z Phys, Vol CXLVIIO 1957, PP 59-75. DSIR/31028/CT SCI - RWOLCX '3- ~ Y;elo Yeb 58 Therml Expansion of Quartz Glass in the Temperature Range of 01 to 10660c., by J. Otto, W. Mamas. GM4Mjq per., 2altachrift fur PlIvalk, Vol. 175., No- 3., 1963j PP 337-3W-- CSIM/No. 68W Z 0 rTO Scl - July 1%7 33"19 Sciendlic Tcduucal ow-ruwa uess-aer, I'llepubUo of Poland aW dw German Dumocradc ILOPUbUt in the Area of S* Pfttinp and Deck Machinery, by Ifewyk Wolawwak4 Jan ouo 9 pp GERMAN, per, m 1k oct 1963, pp 511-SI& Navy 3954/0N1 1019 SCI-N=K Ertgr Feb 65 274,233 Has the P.M. Conveyor Belt Proved itself Underground,, by K. Otto, OMMY, per,, Gluokauf, Vol XCVp No 21p 10 Oct 1959# PP 1380-1311. NCB AA865 Sci Aug 61 /J~yps-", List No 41 Y Kl"tl*4 ot UrmIum KYMAO ftnauoap t~r I- vtom 40d IMO otsq~ 39 Poo sommomms # " M-f "UM"I AM ATOW F* 63 Folam-gimpby With a Vibrating Pleitimm Meciclroae, by Wilhelm Dimchorl, Klaus 2~!z GEEMM, Dor, Le-jbold Polarogmpby Bar, Vol. I, No 3, 1953, Rp 49-52. ABC Tr-4001 Sci - ch(m mmy 6o // 7) 36 Y rLRdA*.RQWO Bono= Rgmb 81&t, IW H. Otte, 3 pp. GEMWI- VPto AN4V9!A-Z9L*M -((; Mig), v 6. Fm=?M '%d-NaAt Deteet" old Qvw*mftor.6 oat 60 367.50 T:21i:in 1),,, Parachutes, by Otut-lo 2 np, Dic! Volksanace, ACSI ID 22-4--i-j"ID5 525th 1~;T GI) :2ur - E. GelmaXly ~,!:Ll Oov 63 i An Electronic Brain Flies Along, by Manfred Otto, 2 pp- GERMAN, np, National Zeitung, No 143, 22 Jun 1963. ACSI 1-5123 ID 22o4O25464 525th MI BE 41, Sci - Electron Nov 64 on the Applicability of Woven-Motal Clotb in the Filter Techniquep by R. Otto R. Rerfarthi. 9 P. GMWN,. per, ZeUvolle, Kunstneide, Beide, 1942, Vol XLVII . So 1, pp 2 -8. MA 59-17634 Sei rob 6o r Vol 2g No 9 v Experimantal Investigations Conceraing Typi-a-to Vaccine-s.; rrom. rdckzt-1.-rA3 Coata-izias = Iiia6r. oxi' '.1ic0i by R. Ott.0 R. B-lekbaratp 10 pp. ORMO., pcr~ Z 1jxyg u Infektionskran",,, Vol CLUN, 194-3. SLA 57-1520 Sci - kp r 15 6 J, ~C -,t7D-- Semiconductor Diodes as Radiation Sources, by I.I. Otto. aMLhX, per, B_adjo =d Fernsehan, No 2, 1964s pp 50-5 1. In-C-71-10283-09A Nor ?I Home sd.~Ol -~ - MAX 3pecial Measuring Devices for MTI (Moving Target Xndication) r Otto, 8 ppe ,~"roe . NM&X w vp per# Radio und Fernsehen, No 22, JUn 1958, pp 389-391. FJ)D/X-3956 59 AnlicatUs at S M JbUallc CCWtUG cu MOM IPilmomputs, by MMVY 3- WRItIAMOt, otw. latent no 10092OW ovem-ownum FAMS12" OMP. Dovt at ommmorm ip&tmt arrift 8" Lib V6 aal - sw Aas 59 Studies on t1te Influence of Low Frequencir i-lechanical Vibration on Changes in the Blood of 'Uhite Rats, by E. Otto-Buczkowska, E. Stoklosa, 6 pp. POLISH" pel., Acta Physiologica Polonica, Vol XIV, 1\10 5, 1963. OTS 63-11407/5 PL-480 Sci Jan 65 272076.3 __ --Specific Ilm-SpecIfic Vohune,- TenVerana-a UMT,w C;D*~Vlv of In& ptiymers, by Kurt Ueborralm, Evelyn Otto- 22 pp. GERMAN, pus Vol CXXXM, 1953, Ipp 26-= 92264,41 ABC-W-T-64-1633 set-Phys Jan 6s 270,623 Cytology, FhYsiOlOLY' by C. Ottol".a. 116 pp. SPANMI, per, Ministry of Health Social Assist, Vol 12, IN" Ir4, pp 98-214. *NMS/1480 m4y 71) a - cidiu-x- of Schistosoua tf-4usoni, Anatotfyv Cytology* Physiology, by C. Ottolina, 145 pp. 1-4AWSII. per, Pav Veact Sanid Asist Soc, Vol 22, (1-41, 1957. pp 9r-214; Dept of iiavy/.MS 1480 J Sept 70 Schistomm Hoommit NIMIdimp br C. OttolInIms 63Po JWMZMS 9w Jkwww 40 a soo.p Val 220 go I~co *0 Impt or sowAlis 2m SCIL-M 342t379 Oct 1967 BAlbar Influence on Spinal Cord Dore= Potentials am4 Ventral Hoot Berlexes., by Tj. F. Lindblm, j. 0, o-ttoevon, io pp. uxmmnpIZD GROM, per Acta Pbysiologica Sam Inavice,, Vol xxus go 3:4, 20 Feb 1956* VP 203-214 NU Tr 3-19 M 1* 58-685 Sci - *diciue BIA Tr 57-3459 my 58 Altev* 40 =a fto no No *9 mm a" mumsm ". Cb-"V-U-. IF' ~ U__t "M VISA Map Sizing '.Papor Vith Pam"in Rrailcion, by A. 1. atteontmo 6 p. ........ EMBLEM, per. B=azh Prom, 1950, -Vol Mdll, 170 1.9 pp 9-U. - SLA 59-17163 sci ID&C 59 vol 2, v* 6 /,Y- _? F" ;111 -3enz:;--JGothiou--rea ancl ito Application to thf~ nt-fication of Organic Acid--, by S. Veibel. M e OtIt 3 PP FRENO., per., BuU Soc Chim France, Vol VI, No 5, L0139 - op 1434-1435. 9093283 AEC Tr-h896 301 ME= Apr D~ q-117 --Gamral, Survey of Hun garian kiulqmr ei,,Yj Reacarchm by Mark t Climk6j-pQ-t~td--Ot. UYI-.. 5-PP- tva UNCLABSIFIM RUXWUAN# MONUM per, .Ujitak Iapja, No 22s 20 Doc 1957,, pp 10., 110 jbcl to IR-14W-38,, AYCIN-IAI. AF 117go62 Scl - ftelear Pbra Jun 58 A Uaw Rt-gbly Wee"Ve ThOMql *y N. 11. Otvsgiu-. L. A. Lakoshki=., S. D. SvencUlk-,--W -pp. ,qMSIU, pzir, Khim Prmp NO 1/2, 1944, PP 38-39- su (10-18497 .2 ~:-, -,/ sai im-, 62 fill Investigation of Irt pt - ei- Decay vith the Aid of a prc>pana Dubble ebp-mber and Sp_intillation Counters., by M. P. -101andin, V. A'XoisAxao, A, 1. Wdiin, S. .7, Otyinavskii, 6 pp. Zhur Zksper i Teoreet piz, Vol XCAM(9), Ito 2., 19591 n.P 424-432- Amer Inst of fts sov Phys - MP sci - P*5 -0--pt 59 Msfjor-" I-elt'h -'Ei2evgicca of M"Out. ;1~0 If--tim HLICIOIL, b-df J. V. 1-1. ?. Dr-landin, S. Z. 0tvin-a-ir.51,Lty, yp - IMISESDOUp Zhur nspar i Toomit- Fiz,.. Vol U-0 3(9)., 195D-v wo 634-633. Am.,2r Im"Up of Fbyr. Sw,r Pi3,r&-JrTP Vol 3=11 (10): go 3 70 Apr 60 I'wwr, by E, Cttvos. i Ar"QUIX4, per, Orvosi Ileti1q),, Vol 73, 1929, 544-548, UL-iuvt NUI 10-45-66 (On Loan) v0 5 Doc GG 314.726 The National Organizationss 10 by Fetah Ouali 14 pp. FRENCH, np LfActiont No 674.. Tunis,, 17 Oct 64,, p 3- Afric JPRS 27583 Pol 272,282 The National Organizations.,II, by Fetah Ouali, Ii PP 0 - FRENCH, np, L'Action,, No 675, Tunis, 18 Oct 64, pp 3A. JPRS 27583 Africa -Tunisia Pol 272,283 A 111istochemical Study of Inflannatory Proliferation of Epitheliwn, by Ou Bao-syan, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Yledit, Vol LII, '140 10, 1961, pp aao-ll4. CB sci jul 62 205,,154 (Dc;-425'1) owica or naising the octane Value of Gas- oline, by Ou Fong, 3 pp. OFFICIAL ME OKX CB3XM, perj, Sh:Lb-yu Men-chih.. No 7; 9 Apr 1~(4, pp 23-28. aps W4 FE - China :3 Econ jun 6:L Study of Milk Production in the Salers Breed, by G. Oulion. FRENCH, per, Etude de la Production Laitiere dan la race de Salers. Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College Sci Feb 63 "0. 01' yor th cT-, ") 113 ut 0 f On Meng-chuehjp 9 pp ~TIIMSI. np, Vam-fang Ah-pao, oct 4~ 1960. AMCOnGOnj 1102!9 ED:;,',' CmTeent Bacxvmmd zo 6`43 25 J= 1961 FE - China Pol reb 61 ANALYSIS AND SUGGESTION OF THE TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDEX FOR HOUGSING, BY OU TZU: LIU YU-K"O, 13 PP. 1. . - CHINESE, PER., CHIEN-CHU HSUEH-PAO., NO 3, 30 MAR 1962., PP lx2...i4,, 16. , jPRs 16378 FE - CHINA ECON DEC 62 217, A3 CHING CHIANG FLOOD DISPERSION,, BY OU YANG-AN.% 62 pp. y- %. CHINESE, BOOKLET, CHING CHIANG FEN-HUNG, SHANGHAI, KAR 1955s PP 1-81. JPRS 17437 FE - CHINA GEOG FEB 63 2211e62 (Nr -56o8) Regular PatUrns of Caulm ftstrIc Mommuts and Their Jkrvmw ftcbavl~* by Chu Jon-Pao, _q!Lyang_ymjj, Chm" Ymn-holangs, ShM Shou-chilen, ?3 pp - M~~p Us, ChItag-du CbUm-lmo ftib-chou-nien I-bxush K'*4mmh Chleft-oblu rAw-wen Chi, Vol I, Dde 1959j. VP 96-IL03- OW 7q63 Set