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iccl-vathologi cal Studies on V-c~ Adbrabi llitji Special iteference to atia Nigra and Rigidity, IT !~, ~tor 4 ct al. JAPAIMSE, per, Acta Geront_jaj, Vol 39, L 1964, pp 57-63. "Ill S -50-65 (On Loan) 7'-c /->, o Jul 65 283,670 Licmass of Ow CoWtita r4fficicacy In the Ueo of $Ulftr " a Past amm Outoctor, by V.. gaa1cc 4 0, Otapal. 26 pp. CUM, lptg, UJV IS46 "1116s368-V 'A1c~.Omj1:.Ti.Tf4"r, 0.1 at~~ svi/phy July 69 U7,260 !,It t ca.lft~m "AtKAI (Eifitet Of carbvd)a. vy j~Duvagl Wl 27, Dec L~65* p 61i~al 65 tim mochanical, Pr"nies of Plain Carbon sumt. Effect of calitiou an Im and st"l- =Wag& by 1, Ototsmip at al. JAPAX"Ll, par* mi-- Uuxekmo, Val IXVIIv Deco 1963S pp 0 0161 4S46 My 66 300093S Synthesis of a New Cmplmom,, O-Phanylenedla=ina Tetrawetic ACIA, by X. Otomajo 1. Nato. I- APAMlgjp per# Bms6ki Neaskuj, Vol VM,, 1959s Vp 25!;..26o. UL U* 3238 Sol -, Cbem Apr 62 14".1 7" Precise Leveling Across a River, by Bashlavin, Otpushchennilwv, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Geadezist, No 9, 1929, pp 23-27. CIA FDD/X 4416 Sci-Geophys 18 Aug 6o van* LL I JL va F. =mamas" .f .'Aaasurement of the Velocity of Propagation of Vlt2-asonic Waves in Rubber, by V. IF. -QIR=ShSD=- 11 L, A. Shinyanskiy, EUSSLAN, per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXII12 1953, ~)Tf- 32-34. UKSM GE 57/-',6o Sci - Physics 0 c I ' 5 7 Ireciso Levelimg With TU I Zolso Level., by P If. OtPushchmikov, 7 RP. RMSIAN, per,, Qmodesist,, No 5-6j. 19339 pp 69-73- Set - US - "odesy rob 61 Experlm=tu m 03Wgen Enricbment of the Blast for Cupolaol by M. Vi1gusoll. Otobal. azwav per* Slevareastvip Vol 31.- No 10,P 1954j- pp 292-296. Henry Bmteher Tr 50 309 $1.50 -v-31 1g4 Sci - min)WOWS Mar 1957 MS/dex Absolute h1vasuftmant of tha Activit,v we Vlr-WkOld j~attctars~ amd itvalmation 4~f the F"t-Xsutran Flux in the Corp. bir V. Kadjac, P. Ot%val ct al. S, pp. CZE040 rpto UJVQ1547 PH1163268-4 EE Scilp'lly July 6S I- - :Day* pIW-M of OW112 OR swim 3"6-WO- j4N*)mmft 9 nmvow . _mmw . W4160K 4894*9 991m,", f~ Vs", a"* An" 2"A= (w 006%zt= on um =a staxi, ir.-r T- aaumm.t pwo almm-aivoold, Val W, lia 12~, 1 3, 1~1 zr,) 622-6Ta. B= W".) I T. Ototani 311,296 scdL - 3romazliou vw 66 (UT:,ect OIE Ck oil Ina and Ste", by Te t',totani ot *I, JAP'AA.'aSkis por, Alipikm EiaxoLl Cokkaishi, Vol 27 Ihm DO ap 622-6.7b. 7'0 rr 5~"- The Absorption of Ultrasonic Waves in Arr-co Iror. and Plexiglass, by R. F. Otpushchennikov, 1 P. RU*.5IAN, bimu per, Zhur Maper I Teoret FIz, Vol XXVIII, IMBr 1955, P371. CIA C 40846 ,hrierican Inst of Pbysice 57 Rast 55 St. New York 2-21, N. Y. scientific - FIVOica 3 Ij (0 6 (P it-325/64 Mie Atl" 6w Dmtsdm n VItAdn the Ptemagoft or Gelum Noonan" and Geognll)blC Bewmvh an AgrIMItOrOp by Erldl qli~~ 1170r. GZMW* Pwo REIRA rmulmdamo Vol Inv so so 1954,0 pp". 7 4~"-9367/W=Al. law . Glommmy New# Ge"Pugh ftp - - New -Finds -of -Native -Sulfur--in- the--~addle- - -- -- - - - Volga Regicn, by A. I. Otret*p,_ 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, Vol XY, CL, No 1-6, May, Jun 1963. Pmer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 E.M-:~gja~ivq) CraLia and =sotropic-c c~f the Fivsion of Np237 am-d T030~p by B. M. A. G-.rc;3hch=lnc:j JaMSTIP"My pnrl, Dok Ak- Fauk OBSI p Vol C;Ct.VTII,, 1959: PP 1156-1159. 6, Amer Tnst of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IVP. FO 5 Sai 60 The Total Cross ctionr 0 for the Materaction of Neutrow With Ah&gleand Li7 = lo to 45o kevp by G. V. Gorlovj B. M. Ookbberg., V. M. Morozovj, G. A. Otrobbehenkoj 2 pp. NJWIAN, pers Dok Ak Nook SMp Phys See, Vol U., e~ no 6; 1956r. pp go.,- Awr jut of Fbys Sov Pbys "Do~ Vol Ip No 5 Sci - phys J-/ Oe Aug 57 u E m u- t a i -i-v-e- - Net -er m-i-n a- t-i-o n- o -fC-e At a -in - -0 -rg a--n- i c eompounds with the Aid of Dioxane-Sulfur Trioxide Additoi/ion Compuund, by 0. S. Otroshchenko, A. S. -qadykov, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur, Prik Khim, Vol XMV, No 12, 1961, pp 2768-2T70. CB sci oat 62 214.,328 EiSmthes-o'-EI-Based on -Andbasine c-VIT-1. -3~1 o=t ion of Ambasine With Sulfuric Acid.j, by 0. So ftrodbhenko A. So Saaykov., 4 pp. .1-11%,--n#" RMIN wo pw Zhur Obshch MAm Vol XXIVj* No 9,p Sep 1W, pp 16'95. ]M9. CIA C 659. Consultmu Bmreau -0 j," Irr 9 jUn M6/Dw Syntheses B"ed ca Anobas1ne. IX. Sulfanatim of R-AceVl- and N4btkWlvxmbasine v:Lth Sulfuric Acid,p IW 0. 0. Otrm --bmko A. S. Badykov, 4 py. j RTjBSrM* aD per Zhur Obaboh XMm, Val XXIVO No 10j. 19*j, Pp n Mri-me CrA C 4a57 IJ# Sci - Chad try iba lgw&m SYnthesss Based On Anabasine. XIV. allf-onati6n of 4241-Bipyridine with SUMAC Acidq by 0. S. C!LzjpR4q4e_;*v3 A. S. Saftkovt A. A. Zlyayovi 4 pp. RUS.SJM* IW, Zbur Mobob Mdj4 Vol IM; No. 2,9 pp VIC-M CB Mar 62 Sepamtion of Suphora PactWcarpa Alkalo:LdB,, b A-, S, A. mawwwev 5&14kovs 0. A-q'joy'r-coomato PPO FUU tr RMIM# w pars 2h%w Prik Ibb4 Vol 1, No :Loj M50 pp 2334-U37. CIA C %2515 Ird 3 Convultanto Bureau Scieutlfic --chealstry Jun 56/dex .- x~ Z-, :L. S~phocarplmiol---;,~ by .,- r tk- , A. 0 8, Otmohchenko: Yl.. K. XUBIX-1911'ail"'w; XD, MOSIA.1f, ma per, Zhur Obolmh Xhim, Vol MWI., No 7, w. i956, pp 2o66-2068. Convaltants Bureau Nov 57 sulfuric Acid Method of Sq=ating vitb Alkaloids of Anabasis Apbylla,, by 0. S. Otrosbebenko,, A. S. Sadykov.$ Kh. A. Akbarav., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zbur X Obshch Xhim, Vol XXIX, No 7.- 1939., PP &41-2443- CB Sci sop 6o / ::.2 6, 6p 540 On the Solutility of Certain Andbasis Apbylle Albaloid Salter by A. S. S%dykav, 0. S. Otroschenko, V. K. Holikov., 4 ppo RUSSIM., perp Zhu PrIk Xhimr Vol XXVIII,, No 5, I%y 1Y55, pp 552-554. CIA 0 3.9706 4??Yog Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemdotry Bar 55 CTSIM Masurements of the Lj6 (n, t) Ha4 CM13,9 Section for NeiLtims With Energies PTOM 9 to 700 Kev,, by G. V. Oorlovs D. M. Ookhbergp V. M& Nbrozov, G. A. 3 PP- RMIM., tlwice-so per., Dok Ak Nauk SSM., Vol CXI# No ff Nov-me 1956, pp 791- Amer Mast of Pbys Sov Pb" "Wklady" vol :r.. so 6 ~-s sel - Mweics Oct 57 _Sdpoxation-of-the- hllm3 oids-of-knObasis-a, by Ammonium Chloride.. by A. 0. Sadykov., 0. S. Otroahchenko,, A. R. Eshbayev., 4 pp. R=UN,, mo per,, Zhttr Prik Rhim., Vol XXVIII,, Ilo 4,, Apr 1955j, pp 44o-IX3- CIA C--jMW Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 73/Oct 1955 26,,983 Synthesis Based ou Ansbasine. V1. Amination of Anabaoine.. W-Mathylanabasine, and,Nicotine, by A. Smdykov, 0. Otroishchenko; M. Yusupov,, 3 pp. I RUSSIARp mo per,, Zhur (Ybshclh Kbim, Vol XXIII,, Jun 1953j, ft" pp �W---9 2. ITo 6 Uss 9- Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS/DEX 71( 3~mtheses Based Upon Anabasine. V. Study of the Transformation Products of H-O-Hydro- :cyatbyl)-Anmba9ine, by A. G. Sadykov, 0. S. Otroshahenko, H. X. YuGuPov.- 3 PP- HUBSIAN., mo per, Zhur Obsbch nim, Vol Mli, No 63 Jun 1953p USSR# pp 9W-970. Conaultants Bureau Scientific - Chemiatry CTS/Dm 7 7ho ftsolve Dofmoo of Domboxv ASLIwt ftg%ter Maws., by J. OntrowsM, 12 pp. POLIM, Vow, Voiskovy PrzoeW LoUdezrp Vol IX, so 1% 4", NP 3-1-3- JPSS 12BDO NOW - Palmed nu lJO -7, 9 6 d ikr 62 I I . V-F i~cveri Cl;TIT IT 67-5603'J 5ci/ at~icrjpil.sci t 69 390,937 L Fort,lie Czechoslovakian People' B Army Day., by Lt. Co, Miroalay Otrubas 3 pp. CZECH, per, Amaterske Radio,, Vol VIII, No 10j 1959,- pp 263. UBASIA: SC-308a/60 ZE - Czechoslovakia Mil jun 6o mw yAtbod far You='iM LSSSLAS :Lu XL410trc*89- actic D&W Lima.. byYu- R_ OU7"baskov., 5 IT- RMBIAX,p Pws lawrite'l-Tekht ]b h, 1962., vo 30-39- I" set Doe 62 216,231 Photoelectric blethad for Recording Circae Rea&ings of Meridian Instruments, by A. A. Efimov., Yu. M. Otryashankovi, 5 Pp. RUSS10j; per., Astron Zhur,, Vol XKKV11v no 1~ 1960j, pp 146-150. .4 AIP Sov Astron - AJ Vol IV, no 1 SC-- ---Jr 9 OC't 60 lod / =StrV=%Um of UO r&ftstUm LuteMity cif the riot over the G*tb ot tim IV A* A* Mao "32A - Rumi"i per# Q 3t 3 (cm Ion opt, px==) ot, () - ftl - Bag mw Gr DUalbutilm of Flame RsdLatton Intensky Over D -1 the HeIgU of FVa7=e Wallus by 1. P. EpIk 49hftim- 1912MOMM& Vol X, No -% 1963, pp 51-63. CEGB 3219 SCA - Ew Apr 64 255,12D Y&OtiC&tluu Of POIYVW1 Mboride., by T. Otau wA x. ishumto. JAPANESE pars J Chem Sac JapjLn, Vol LIX, No 8.. 1956,'P'P 938-940. MLIB4M39 sci Aug 58 170 Qa the CapolNmerization of Acrylwdde With ViVI Ac&.ate, by Himm Yatsuda, !~~ Otsixj, YAno-ru Mwtop 13 _mP. ~/ - - JAPARSE, per Kobunabi Kagsku Vol X71, No 171, 1939., pr 437j4h;. srA 6o-3-6677 ad ar 6e /VO / Vol IV., No 6 lLactnt Davalx*uent In %hermll Amlyal.-, -- Fe~-ew; by Yoshio Owubo, 12 19 pp. JAPAMM, per., Bunseld Kagaku,, No Up 1962,p pp 999-ICN AEC-Tr-5664 Sol - Pbya ,-Ta 63 -:22 1 --k 02 I Oa Pipe 2r&wport of Coals by Jashitaka Otaubo, 26 yp. JAPAMMM, per, jWrml of +jw ftel Smiety of JaImm, %I IMMIs Doe 1%7, pp 913-924. Dort Imtericir W nT No "3 Sci - t4eir -V ~F~ W 61 ~ 7 rr"bit"100 Of 81114ft GIA Im la MmIumo by NIAIWkirSp Y. Muskmdj, R. otmjl,, lo pp. AUWER.. per.. ftlydat Ohl,, Val In,, -10 6~, ig%,p Assm Ifth Swv 73MJ Gal i. Chow m Ayr Sympulun an Makel - - CaMlexes W Ifickel. BY OtAtftp S. JAFAXEUj, par- ~ v lr~~ ftl* 190 no. Ion lgr*v 1w. 961-74. M91, D. 2.* L=-66-VA62 4(*,,55B MAR 1970 gnar-I'laS LI-I --rnaalrac& the y by b 1948. P, mm B-C-63 jw- 63 Qjulz,a Eiji. EFFECTS OF INERT GASES PRESENT IN' RAV.' CARBON DIOXIDE ON SY'll."17IMSIZING EFFICIENCY OF UVNEA. no. 7 of Studici oil the Syntht~;if, of Urca. May 67, 121). 5 rc(s. Order from SA 418.00 SA. Code - 1 Trans. of [Kogyu KaZaku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, v. 63, no, 7, p. 1208-12111. 2-17045 1. C~S,3:a' E. it. Thie: St-jo,;'~'-... Ill. SA Co. I c -I I"'. A'AA (J.11"In) DESCRIPTORS: OUrea, Synthesis, *Carbon dioxid Cases, Ammonia, *Vaporization, Fhase transitions, Temperature, Uquefiml gases, *Temperature, Be- action time. (Chemistry--Organic, TT, v. 8, no. 3) Offi.. f AEC-tr-4482(p.206-19) Uncl. MEASUREMENT OF FIDW IN PENSTOCK USING RADIO- ISOTOPES. I. Otsuka, T. Gota, S. Kuwahara, I. Tako, and C. Onishi. C-23 P NSA Second Japam Conference on -7,adioisotopes, Feb 1958 N-7 0 AEC-tr-4482(p.976-95) Uncl. STUDY ON DIGESTION-ABSORPTION OF POST-SURGERY DIGESTIVE TRACT WITH ISOTOPES. J. Otsuka., M. 0. Kuraishis G. R. Koshibup M. 0. Arimay M. 0. Fukushima, T. 0. Nakagami, S. Fuse, and T. Y. Furuya. C-23 P NSA Second Japan Conference on p,c-Ajoisotopes, Feb 1958 N-10 0 AEC-tr-4482(p.976-95) Uncl. STUDY ON DIGESTION-ABSORPTION OF POST-SURGERY DIGESTIVE TRACT WITH ISOTOPES. J. Otsuka, M. 0. Kuraishi, G. R. Koshibu, M. 0 Arima, M. 0. Fukushima, T. 0. Nakagamip S. Fuse, and T. Y. Furuya. C-23 P,,, NSA N-10 AEC-tr-4482(p.976-95) Uncl. STUDY ON DIGESTION-ABSORPTION OF POST-SURGERi DIGESTIVE TRACT WITH ISOTOPES. J. Otsuka., M. 0. Kuraishiy G. R. Koshibu, M. 0. Arima, M. 0. Fukushima: T. 0. Nakagamip S. Fuse, and T. Y. Furuya. C-23 P NSA N-10 AEC-tr-4482(p.976-95) Uncl. STUDY ON DIGESTION-ABSORPTION OF POST-SURGERY DIGESTIVE TRACT WITH ISOTOPES. J. Otsuka, M. 0. Kuraishi, G. R. Koshibu, M. 0. Arima, M. 0. Fukushimap T. 0. Nakagami, S. Fuse, and T. Y. Furuya. C-23 P NSA N-10 AEC-tr-4482(p.976-95) Uncl. STUDY ON DIGESTION-ABSORPTION OF POST-SURGERY DIGESTIVE TRACT WITH ISOTOPES. J. Otsukaj, M. 0. Kuraiship G. R. Koshibu, M. 0. Arima, M. 0. Fukushima, T. 0. Nakagami, S. Fuse, and T. Y. Furuya. C-2,3 F~ NSA ZJ.'O_L N-10 Otsuka, Eiji, Yoshimura, Shinji and others. EQUILIBRIUM OF 7n-IE Nli C02-H20 SYSTEM. Rep[. no. I I of Studies on the Synt.1-1 sis of Urea; [Paper] read at the Annual Conference of the Chemical Society of Japan (no. 11) Apr 58. 119611 17p. 13 refs. Order from SLA mi$2.40, ph$3.30 61-10593 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi (Japan) 1960, v. 63, no. 7. p. 1214-1218. (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 5. no. 12) 61-10593 1. Ammonia-carbon dioxide-water systems - - Phase studies 2. Urea--Synthesis 3. Chemical equilibrium-- Measurement 1 .Otsuka. E. 11. Yoshimura, S. 111. Title. Studies ... IV. Title: Annual ... ON- f T-1.1.a S-1- on Titanium Hyd--ide Formed by Reaction of Titanium With Acids, by S. Yamaguchi, R, OtsuRa. GERM., per,, Z. Anorg.Allg Chemic., Vol CC.XCI, Fo 1-h, ScP 19573 pp 131-133. Brutcher Tr 41113 S Zi - Chem Jul 58 ka S SYNTlili.SIS AND APPLICATIONS OF ORGANO I ALUMINUM COMMUNDS. RECENT DLB L NT I IL OF TIM ?,U.HLIM CHEMSTRY (A RE' 119611 11 14p. III Order from ATS $23. 30 ATS-03N53J Trans. of Yuki Gosei Kagaku Kyokai Shi (Japan) 1959, v. 17, no. 7, p. 365-371. DESCRIPTORS- SynthesjE6 *Mcmlorganic compounds, *Aluminum compounds. MeMWccom;xxzm1s. Organic compounds. (Chemist ry- -Physical. W. v. -C no. 8) 61-250A5 Title- Mulheim chemistry Otsuka. S. ATS-03N53j Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. J, staftw Cie VIDASUM Reactims. Part Iv. gm trf*Ot Or 19VU DOW OR tb~ fteCtIon at Acet*iene V:Ltb CarbOFAYLIC A"& In the 14qLuM Fame &t RI& RMOSOM thift UM EWItO m CaWWtsp by ftbl" MA 9. MoahUblm, 6 99. - jO.C~ i APA~s fmffm- i oboe a" Jwn.- Pum MGM sect,, Val mvo so 9j, 19540 pp a* Sol FITS jhl 58 It IOtE~ Lout Secondary Circu!Etir-n in Two- Dimensional Flow, by Shintaro Otsula, JAPPNESE vt-s, Encl to IR-132-5S', Japan, 27 Jan 1955, 6oohth Air Intel Sv Sq, CIA D-181379. AF 65h189 Com~lete Translation available on request. lLkn, OJI. Yoobimurs, Shinji. and toome. Shipu%6 ASWESS FOR THE PRooucnoNOF MM.AMDiR FROM AMMaMA, CARKM DIMME AND URBA~ July 63, * (4 WWWO. I mL Onbc frou SA $140D &A Cadit-P-138 Tmu. of pAlishad Jsp~ pstem IILOA/I%% cL 16-8-47. appL am 41OV/1959 MW 29 Doc 30. p& 23 Avg 62, by Top Kamm bdwarlsi4 br- DESCRWMIS- *MokmdFA. Ptoi=6016 SIM&Mis tchmamr?), VAMMOMM, ecar6ndwalls, oum. #A=Md= CM*MMIS. Cog%mmefto, NMI of IWIMAIdI6 63-17922 1. Otsulm, B. U. YambLunwo, L M. bovm~ L . TV. fttm Oapo* pok W-11 LM V. 9A Codo-P-139 V1. 54 - Acki OSPOO A 2 4 7 9 1#2 famolmr-ofodr- 7T. v. HL aL 7) ~ d lmd*d ft*m 1, Method for Designing Latticed-li'ling-Profiles W-i-th a Prescribed Velocity Distribution, byShintero Otsulm, JAPANESE, Encl to Ir-132-W, Japan, 27 Jan 1955, 6oohtb Air Intel Sv Sq. CIA D-181379. Ar 654169 2= Complete Translations available on request. 1q W6 nentol Studim on the PrIzery Of a- A_Itv Cambust=s by T. Otaukas A~4 PP. MM It F-2]Lv922 r O-fs(,tko- 6"-PWB Sept 69 391#567 61 - 2~0 Orsuk]. Hirmht, Mano, Ichiro, and Takeda, W-v-:amnsa. 'Ah' INVEMC-ATION OF THE SYI,'niFSIS OF VINYI-CARBAZOLE. ITS. 1-2. [19611 Ep. Order from SLA 5 1. 10 61-20930 1. 11. U=10. 1. III . Takeda. T. ans. oflZogyo Kagaku Zussid Cap'.In) 1946, v. 49, 169-170. 'ORS: 'Cnrbazoles. $%Iinyl radicals. Ethyl ,SynthasN. Dehydration. 2 0 8 t') he synthesis of 14-cthylolcarhazolc he fiynthesIr of N-vinylcarbazole by dehydration of the 14-c-thyloicarbazole. -Organic, TT, v. 7, no. 10) offi- f T.A.4.1 63-104-)1 _Q~L-Adolf. REGARDING THE REFINING OF IUN%V PETROLEUM. 1. Ott, A. 12 Mar 28, 5p. Order Nom q-A St. 10 63-10428 Trans. of Polyzeclinisches Zentralblart (Germany) 1875 Iser. 3, v. 29, p. 49-531. DrSouPTOM: *Petrolctmn. Mistillation, Sulfuric acid, Sodium compounds, Hydroxides, Gisoline, Ren- zenes, Naphtha, Illumination 67 (Enginecring-Chemical, TT, v. 10, no. 4) T..W.A Y-Idlixuvwlmoo "Wpmot =-g bj Ex%dn Mt, ar awsi Pat# PAIN" ChEW6 - 2021129ma aw%mtols VIDL Wo No jg# 29w0 W 15 Dip-t-br-Daw 7 SWINDSCOL no 1-10- now 66 366jW3 TT-64-10050 Ott, Erwin. _i7MERNING DICHLOROACETYLENE. 111. PREPARA- 1. Title: Dichloroacetylene TION AND SOME CLASS EXPERIMENTS WITH THE 1. 0", E. SAFELY MANAGEABLE MOLECULAR COMPOUND It. Titim Preparation ... WITH ETHER (Ober das Dichloracetylen. III. Darstel- 111. Title: Daratellung... lung und Einige Vorlesungaversuche mit der Gefahrlos zu Handhabenden hiolek'ulverbindung mit: Ather). I L9631 f 1 4p) (fnreign text Included) 8refs Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-10050 Trans. of (Chemische Berichrel (Germany) 1942, V. 15, no. 1Z p. 1517-1522- DESCRIPTORS. 'Acetylenes. Chlorides. Synthesis (Chemistry), Handling, Ethers, Solutions. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT. v. 11. no. 4) TT-64-10D69 Ott, Erwin. Dittus. Geoirg, Weissenburger, Helmut, iM Bossaller, Walter. CONCERNING DICHLOROACETYLENE. IV. POLY- MERIZATION AND REACTIONS VITH AMMONIA, AMINES, ALCOHOLATES, AND SODIUM MALONIC ESTERS. V. ACTION OF MONO- AN0 DI-CHLORO- ACETYLENE ON AhflMS. VI. REACTIONS OF DICHLOROACETYLENE IAITH ORGANOMAGNESIUM COMPOUNDS, DIAZACHTIC ESTER, AND NITROGEN DIOXIDE (Ober das Dichloracetylen. IV. V. V0. [19631 [26p] (foreign text included) 6refe Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-IOD69 Trans. of (Chemischel Berichte (Germany) 1943. v. 76. P. 80-89. DFSCRIPTO&tS-. *Acetylenes. Chlorides, Polymeriza- tion, *Ammonia. *Amines. Alcohols, Salts. gMelanic esters, Sodium compoun", *Metalorpnic compounds. (01-1111~11)--Olganlc, I-I'. V. 11, flu. 5) (ovvl) I. Title: Alcoholates 2. Title: Chloroscetylene 3. Title: Dichloroacerylene 4. Title: Ethyl diazoacctate I . Oct. E. 11. Dirtus, G. Ill. Weissenburger, H. IV. Boasaller, W. V. Title: Polymerization... V1. Title: Action... Vil. Title: Reactions... offl- t T-1-1-1 9-1- --(XL Erwin, Ottenwyer, Walter, and P*aendorff, i r~rt. CONCERNING DIUMORO-ACETYLENE (Ober das Dichlor-Acetylen). [1963) [top] (forelp text Includ4 10refs Order froin SLA $1. 10 TT-64-10070 Trans. of [Chemische Berichte] (Germany) 1930. v. 63. p. 1941-1944. DESCRVMRS: *Acetylenes. Chlorides. Chemical prop-des, Synthesis (Chemistry), 7T-64-10MO 1. TUC Dich1mvecetylene 1. ot4 E. IM. Ommneyw. W.- M. PWJM&kWlm K. (Chendstry--Orgnnic, IT. v. 11, no. 5) 9MM Md T~dWcji Iffy1c" idiillurida's Lly i~r4ii, --Utt --', per# Bar UOut cho.;z iieti, Vol L-W-11i, M~~j, p4~ 194f-'1944 - I:k,vt 0i Tavy 4546/tA-6 Tr 1046 F,e.i - Omm !:~ar U6 297*7- 4w ?a ao f) &c-3;k=imanU on b6adela or Cadhation ChtmbeTs., by Be O"It G&W-W$ per 3ranjie.*ffV&vse-Mmfts Vol Xp No VP 2M-Vl. IM' CIdef UWMViAmo CAJ.R.O. 311t Albeft Oft"t, But M"baWMv Austmift C', Ox Vice Sol vav 60 Le UnIGm des pexUcules 3 a= proteims du pla=-jm,# 1;~r U. Ott$ 14 pp. amauj to -56r-j, E. Exq Itd., Vol CM=,, no 4., 1953: pp 2V>-e5.5. Dmerse Translation CFA-A-1482 Sel AvRIf* Aug 64 RefleaUon mA RafracrtAon of Sphari"I Wavn; EffeaU of the Socand Orderp byyz.M& (MIMI& por Amom Vol =0 w0 60 2.942#-pp IftV Tr 30MM 335 ol, Iftrdt 2rA CAM f On the Reflection of Spherical Waves, by H. Ott., 13 PP- MMM.. per, Annalen der Physik,, 6th Series, k vol ivv 1948-1949,, pp 432-44o. . S.L.A. Trans 958 Sci - Physics C2 t 6- C/ Al Cionvay DaUction by a SWmerged Submarine,, by H. Otto 19 pp. GIEUMP Feb Igh7. r- 1-,'- 346 4*3 S.LA. iffo 251/1956 1. AJ scientific - , le7 ; . /, r, n -, 0 .- 7 . Camouflaging Submulnes Against Faectrical Ranging.. by H. Ott., 30 iv. GERM Project "Schownstols-few" ("ChIUMV sweep") Jan T47 C, G.L.A. No 232/1"6 scientific 3 #o SndM Point ',bthod In the VIcInitV of a P62e T&th to Opuca and AGOWU=s bv A- -000 der P Val par 0 Amelm mviko Seris vo 6p A Op VP 3V3 10).3- Nov Tr 307ARL 334 March Im ms I'l I I 1111PUffil, , ~'T I' TIT rae Srddle Poiat method In the Viciuity of a Polo, with AppUculms to Wave Optics and ACMItics" by H, Ott, (iUMM, parp 'Am. PhyS1kP Val 43, No 617, L943* w 393-403a ATS 1223-ra Sci - Phys =~, Aug. 67 339,294 all, ww 'ANS" M%m The Isotherms of Various Gaws Bervurmn -100 and -18BF L. bytib. 1-blborm, J. %". GM&W, per, Z f0ei! PhyaLk. Vol XUCM~ 1925, pp 1-12. Dept of Interior TN7 E57, No)705 Sci - Phys Mar 64 251AW Cons`x-uctioii of Bou-Hanifia Dam, Algerias by J. cl~ Ott, 33 Pr-. FRMI CHT., per, BuU 12, ecla Suisse RomandR, 5 end 19 Yeb 1914. MA 3378 aci AU49 58 j HPI i I I ! -11!!111174'~ " 5 1 -1 IUL= OZ LILM z _: A z -~ 1-1 L Tum!clm, by j. C- Ott, 59f PP- FRENCH, per, Bu3_1 Tech Suisse Ramande, No 1, PP 13-22; No 4, PP 41-50, 1945. SLA 3382 sci Aug 58 t71, J-Al Constrdetion of Bou-Hanifia dam, Algeria. Special ed. from the Societe du Bulletin Teobnlque de la Suisee Romande, 1946, ty J. 0. Ott, 37 pp. Full transUtion. FRENCH, pamp MQetin T-eWMLqM,de la Wss2 Romande, 1944- S.L.A. scientffic - Engineering Aug 55 Sec:oDdwy Electrons and -Photons of,/4 -VAeouB in SW 'A Iftterials, by K. Ott., H. Preuss, 31 pp. GMIYAN,, per, Z fuer Maturforechung, Vol ma, No 6, 1957.- pp 451-465. 908W72 AIM Tr-4743 Sci 00'/':~ 7 Sep 61 .0 Combined Reaologic Detmvdnation of the D=etion of Iodinated Contrast meas ana Quantitative Determl. nation CKr lodiney by P. Ott'l W. Ott, 9 pp. GUM., per, Fortacbr it 2 Clablete Romtemstrablenp vol m=., No 4. Arr 3956., pp 447-451. .i MA Tr 15o6/56 Scl. - Physics .2 e-~94 Mex 57 CTS embined Hadiologic DatermimUm of the Excretion of Iodinated Omizast Media and Qtmtitative J~--t-_mj. nation of lodinep by P. Otts W. ottv 9 pp. GM, -lXj, P=s, Pbrtscbr 6 2 Gobleto ItoentGenstrablen,, v2 No 4 Vol LXXU Arr 1956.. pp 447J031. ELA Mr 1506/56 Scl - Physics Mr 57 CTS 7w UM 20 80 ftoM UG IDSODSM M~VUtlktIMs tv wauw ow ~~ m am Mm# =* am as MPAP w 6-7. SAWMW - - I -~ -- _;,- ) -,, - --- .-F - - 80204un my 69 059313 !~.-L 01- o" D.-lux 'ddition A in !.-Did Dtnaina Pow 1~ r1m.,g, !upon Qa~lty of Sheat Y~ram limed Deep-Draving Steal, by j. TairAll, B. Otta. G-W&AN,, ;or,, lbue ftttal Vol X3:,, No I.. ig6i.. pp 17-22. RB 5142 / 7 7 e,4 oct 61 MW! Are Soviwt Trwpg -Stgying lm~ Nw*ax7ip ~i by.-o, Intyan Otts j, 30 99 les"tok - ------ 317ol"ihm-567622 63- ACSIv 11-2257 Hug"7 USSR pol Jul 58 -Nov Math(A (W-Obtaln! ftg-%t=,Yl Wlfato My by S. BO BolplialavaksWaj 0. M. Ottmmu%mkmyajp 8 ~6. 1 -'r mmilm, perp Zhw Obahch lblmp Vol Xs No 8., 1940j, pp -&(0 SOL Tr Oentor BT-3972 SOL - ubmivwy 411.S:5~1 11 Chemistry of Titanium Sulfate. IV., by WSM B. B. Bogualavskala., 0. M. Ottamnovska'is, . RUSSM, per, Zhur Obahch Khinp Vol X.. no 8p 19W, pp 677-682. Sci Tr Center N BT-3033 Sci - Chemistry 3 0 4-Z-Z'2' Jan 1956/cTs No 77 /'-0 7-