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ELemoutmaT LB&AWtype IMIUM, bir J- -OTA-44-1 . 65 PP- p0 I Vol -vu, No It. . cubl" " ft 1953Y & 39.5-0- MA 57-2530 sci Aug 58 " / -el I (09 1 On DCIaYed ACtiOn TObletS,, by P. Z Oswald 8 pp. ,~- DAVMI, A PW., pm"f+- Liam, Vol nTl(wtllj3 1955s pp I*Twi3w, " k B.Z.A. er iMA956 Sci - Modlains F*b 57 cislam #- X S-W/ .6 7 --- - - - Tbe-Develoyment-of-Yetal-Wool Braft--Llniug.,--bv Re OxImId.. 9 pp. GERM., perp Dautacb Motor-Zeltachriftp Vol XVIj, Feb semi pp 6-8. Be L. A. wr 642/56 sci - ftalsawing Yr. so S, Aug 56 =/a" J 1, -, I I; ix" 1-?, 14-, -a vt4ou u 1~ - --m t "1, 1 Wal ,YiA3-;ts,-ic vracedc Figilds, by I" -Cwiati"ch, SU* T-1959 Extreme Speedu and Thermodynamic States in Super- eonic Maus; Oalmititscb, 39 PP- GEMM, per, Z fuer Flugw:Lseenuebaften, Vol IV, No 3/4,, 1956, pp 95-108. M RACA Tp 1434 Sci - Phys may 58 I . 0 1 p1! ;!111 ~ if q ~ II .Lhewetical Analysia of Statimay Potent4al rlo%:a =d Bomidai-j.IAWers at Hieb Syeedp by K. 0owstAtochp K. Wlegbardt GEMULN,, 1474ntba-I ae-Uachaft fur Luttfabrt- fmacbms ]Berloht s i3A. Tesiv pp 7-P-4. S.L.A, 2r Pool Scienufl-C /Z/ .29~ Condensation Phemmew in BuWaonle Nozzles, by K. Ommtitscb.9 17 pp, GM" E. Ar4w Jbth u Hub.. Tol XMt Y-o 1.. Fab 54 ~5~ I.-Ix. ORA 584" Sol Avg 59 0 3 Oijiv-atitsch, KI. FOMATTM-OF FOG IN WIND TUNNELS AND ITS INFLUENCE ON TIIE INVESTIGATION OF MODELS (Die Aeb-.Il)ildu,7g In WIndkandlen und 1hr Einfluse auf MDdellverruche). 119611186)p. (foreign text included) 5 refs. Order from SLA W 10 61-16io Trans. of [Max-Planckj InatiEut fill- Sirdmunp;for - schtrig. Forschungsberichr (Germany) 1941, no. 1418, PB 24 080 and PB 36 598. DESCRIPTORS: *Wind tunnels, *Fog, Production, Condensation, Drops, Impact shock, *Wind tunnel models, MereorolDgy. 61-16119 1. 0awgtitsch, K. 11. PB 36 596, trans. 111. FB `-; 0'.G. (Mechanics- -Aerodynamics, TT, v. 7. no. 9) Offi.. .4 T.A.k.1 S-i-I Off Lla=.tty In 171vvin!, b-J. -4W..j V~ --- I of -LbA3 Dcublo-Slit InWrifarca-e-berp * L. C. c I-I amm,W, Ice"r's No 1285, 1940. Ua,c,ll Rea Comail Cemada TT 37 Bclca:~LVic - Aeron=tico / (!~ //,~e jull =AT-.- ?r'co ().25 ,e -:,ViAr4,'U5 IJ A ri)llsutlic r,luwv 1;1 ;kept Intenlaticillul uniun pi Thoulvtical Llli~ M77/ It's I c/,fr-!JZT-(, 't-StWl' Lu'- 6ULY Jun 69 Oswiecimski., A. Soil Conditions and the Planned Measures Against Soil Erosion in the Middle Sudeten. POLISH, per, Gosp. Wodna 1955,, No. 6., pp. 267-268. PL 48o s 6o-21547 P 1961 -L-oa Conditioas and the Planned Measwees Againct Soil &-asion in the Nidd3.e Sudeten, by Aftm OsvLecitwki. 6 pp. POLIM., per, Gospodarlm Wodna, Val XV, Vo 6, 1955j. pp 267-268. OTB 6D-21547 Bm= - rolmd aeog Apr 62 Cent=a Distribution AdmInIstratim for the Unif iod Power System of CM O=txlesj, by Muben Ovebar*v. UMMM Pori. NO 10, 1962,# pp Mro. pw sum 3556 )MUr - Bulgaria F4cn /94- " X:rp- &V 62 -it th-- Of C by D, Dol-- lilysshey !D- jL, y _07 P-1 GE~-71~ 3 Sl? 2 7 IL; Associaticm of Bees With Leguminous Plante oa the Right P-nk Steppe ot the Ukraine.. by A. V. Osychnyukj, 10 pp. per; Butmolos Oboz,, Vol MIK, No 2,, 1960, VP 31*-394- AIN Set H&r 61 (NT-6503) Activities of the Ukmlai= Botanical Society in 19W.. by A. 1. Berbarych, V. V. qp ,yq#pr*,, us..31- me&-*ff pp - RMIM, per, Ukrayins'kyy Botanichw Zhur, 901 XTEII, No 3, 1961, PP Ul-43 - JPRS 10478 Sal - Biology 7 .41 Nov 61 Second Conterence of the Ukrainian Botanical Society, by 1. P. Belokon', A. 1. Barbarich,, V. V. qVqN3y&, 9 pp. RUMIM, per, Dotanicheekly Zhur, Vol XXW, No 12, 1960, PP 1828-1833. im 470 - Diol /5;1) 6L alp=$ *a TM JWW AaddeaU a* to zumtdo 1~7 carAvou of opeft Y&VAJ IW P. o4raft. mmm,p vwp ado"MMAMAW va 5j, ib 14 ig6o,, 3w 923-=o P. Osypka odd Aw 67 Rep.:)rt m 'X'w--, Y-Atal Accidents Am t3 Electrie.m.3 Currimt A 70 Volts, by P. Ooypk--, 21 pp. GEWAA, per, PUIrtromr.11sim Vol 5, Ih 4, 1;61), pp 213-221. P911339567 AM OFdL-TR-1709 0.'~; 7,p k cL Sol-Electronics 'Dee 67 346,215 Acadests Involviag liumm UsLap and AalwaU, bjr P. Van**&, GLIMMO per# TedukLacM HochschmWA 1%3, Sect 7.1 - 7J." SIA TT 66-12589 Jm 67 327,041 Stages in the Development of Brestbing at a Presexibed Rate in Minp by 0,, V. Osygovap K. M. SmIrnow, 9 py RUSSIAN,q per., Fitiol Our SM. Iw=I I, X. Sechenoraj, Vol XMIs No 39 1966, IV M-283 PP Sol out 60 /j 0 ) /,PJ- (Fm 2198G) Ultrason1cm in Skin, Disease, by Migait-au Oz-_astj, 31 PP. POLMM,v b1mo perf Przeglad Dermtologil i wqn2Eap Vol Iva ITO 3.v Wareaws YAY/Jun 1954, At, P-D 193-am. CIA/P=/U-6790 Mur - Poland 6cientific - Medicine cm 63A)ec 54 Telecamaunication. Conference of the Academy of Sciences, by Gyorgy Oaztrovszki, 3 Pp. Ull"CUlSSIPMD ITLMG.IXIAH,~ 7mmu- I un Encl 2 , .fzgyar Tecbnilm, Kay-wY 1954' to L9-3101-54t AA, Budapeat. Ar. 6*,22412 SEur - H=gary Econor-Ac - Conference Scientific - Acadeny of Sciences CTA-D-810c~B 61-10331 Ora, B. and Kawasaki, H. CHEMOTHERAPELITICS. x)av. s ESIS OF SUL 1. Pyrimidines --Synthesis FANIINOPYRINDINE DERIVATIVES (7). Chemo- I. Ora, a. therapeutical Studies no. 24. [19611 10p. (I table for- It . Kawasaki, H. mulae omitted) 10 refs. Ill. Title, Synthesis ... Order from SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-10331 IV. Title: Chemotherapeutical Trans. of (Yakugaku Zasshil (Japan) 1951, v. 71, p. 1309-1313. (Biological Sciences --Pharmacology, TT,v. S,no. 12) Carbonyl Compounds in Fish as Related to De- terioration. 1. Detection of Volatile Carbonyl Compounds Formed in Fish Flesh, by F. Ota. JAPANWE, per, Bulletin Japanese Society of Sci- entific Fieheries, Vol XXIV, No 5,, 1958, PP 334-337. Dept of Interior SH211,. E82, No 253 Sci - Biol Sep 6C) /~7 Carbonyl Compounds In Fish as Related to the Deterioration. II, 7bumal Prodaction of Formaldehyde in Fish Fleabs by yuyucLota. JAPAMM,, par., Bulletin of the Japamse Society Of Baustaric noberies, Vol UVI so 5, 19580 pp 335-341. Dept of Interlor SWU X82 No 2,53s Sol - Biol Apr 62 WPP1.0"O" studus of Chemotherapy of Low by iti"Ji KiwAn, rano Ots 6 pp. .4 RidshIke Towwr ,~D 5c, JAPAUU,, pw, Claw, VbI XMIn, No 414 195TV pp 496-498. NM 4-5 Sol - med 7407 59 ~~, 6 '0 --~ Moc4=41votic PotLatial of Mors SbbJctt4-d to Nu-tcl.,7~V",ing Tvamtnant) by K. P~ma==u,. - , ~ JAPAN=, pw,, J Cbms Soo Japan Ind Chm Soot, Vtkl Us go 5s 1957s F9 6U.-615. AMS JJ-2225 sci - Chm mw 6o 11f Pilot 'rest Plant for the Continuous Preparation of Polyethylene, by S. V Kodam, I. Taniguchi,, Y. Yuasajp T.'2~ Y. Terada,, ."I.. per, J"AIM,Aj 'TrAustr. go, Vol LYn. No 6, 3.954,, pp 4j-9'441. - /.- TFA3/TM Tr Vo T-4405 Scientific Chemistry Jky 55 Ow 1, -.~ On Aguijan Islands by Yasushi Ota. JAPANESE, thesis. Dept of Interior 209(900) qUn33pr No 363 Oct 62 oft Zam% *AI B*wv I oft 64 vp 36-5p, su Otaga. Kpzuo and Nagano, Shozaburo. A METHOD FOR THE RECOVERY OF AROMATIC CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND ALKALI FROM ALKA- LINE ARONIATIC CARBOXYLIC ACIDS. [196219p. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 62-14802 Trans. of published Japanese patent [361-3977, appl. 28 Dec 57, special appl. 1957/32617, pub. 25 Apr 61, by Telkoku Rayon Co., Ltd. DESCRIPTORS: *Carboxylic acids, OAlkaH metals. Acids, Recovery, 'Alkaline carth compounds, Organic acids, Sulfur compounds. Calcium. Barium, Oxides, Hydroxides. The method Is characterized by having liberated alkali obtained by contacting sulfurous acid gas with an aqueous solution of alkali salt of aromatic carboxylic acids to form an aromatic carboxylic acid and simul- taneously form sulfite or b1sulfite of alkali by contact- Jr.g oxide or hydroxide of calcium or barium. 62-14802 1. Otaga, K. 11. Nagano, S. Ill. Patent (Japan) pub. 36-3977 412 (Che=d stry- -Organic, TT, v. 8, no. 8) Offi- f T-h.i..l S-1... mmm In tble owd"I smucture a: oAnmnlft a ChmV or Pbmw,, by Y- Otealri- 6 pp. auw=p VNM. SM Nmoda Z"shl Vol 701, 1090 pp 993-:4. BM wt L ow 398o483 A Busawarin Roductlan Teat rro the DaWraim-k- tim or - QU%lliw of Himt* by IN ObAN3,.N. lbrqpmap for 9SWI Vol X4 us, VP M M;6$-2%3-6 JO 67 328,pl54 M* MW WaL iliW-TWM- IAV Ift YLm AXIUL NAVA Tr Sd ,u&- 46, INMENEM Mw Method of ObwrvM Ausocvlw GraLns &w Gr43-C~ k"Wors cif AI-Med Swd, Ps= Is by K. Endo, T., -rua JAPANES4 Pero "m Glkttrl-�I, Val M, No 2,19SS pp 31-% Bm 3;F0 , sci - m/m may 64 237,= Llqx" some in owfti sp - - a s low, se Losaus v w T.~ Cuba& 29 wamomp Ap MPS JA~4 swo V" ITS NOTO =A i~r~ I/ I o & L. "%M a" Avg Or Now Medkod ct Observbg Austenite Graim and Gain-Growdi Irbibkwa of Al4aued aed, Paim H, ,, cmakp- by K. En&4 7 "-.. j a Kkaalm GskkM-Sl, Vol XIX, No 0, 1935, pp BL91 3460 sci - M/M Uay " 257,CW New MadiDd Cl GU=vlng Au=UdW Gndns and Grain-Grawffi bidUmm of AI-XtUed Stml, Put M, by X. Endo* To OWAmo JAPANEW, per. blowls-w-m. Gaut-S, Vol XM No 6,1935, Vp M-W& U% 34W sa - U/M may " 257,0W - t - - - - - --- -- --- -- -- -- -- OXO*so)wftdlol - I b *0 auk Oda= ftwumoft 2%A IL mob&. VW* Toub to aqpmi, Tel XLVM, f* 11. I%2, of . Iussm h4w" imam A ,cw Mcuixi of Evaluatim I-Ifective TI-termal Conduttivitics and Vall Leat transfer coefficielits in a Pacted Bed* by T. (Aake, S. Tone. j,jPjLN-LsE,, rpt,, Kaguku Kogukuo Vol 24, "klo So 1960, jq- 156-160. A U C Phys July (19 Studies an the IdentIfIcation of Nannetallic Maclualma vltb an lUctrm-Pitbe Hicroanalyzer, by H. MAU et at. ~MWAILAIW JAPAN=, Nor$ 20tou 2o Bqpmo V*l XMj, 1963j Me 3p W 41&19- NB 6o62 mat & mfft 179 GWI087 of tb*.ftrmq4tw 0.0mus"o. PtArto RICOP . ii.0 M*. - i by GQIUSM .4- MIMM? - r . -! M.Pt f U&Ior 963-00) otlkgsb sci - oeqpkys act 62 Dartomelliasis. ReDort to tcle Ministry -of L-_*-_3r (Visit to tho Units of the Anti- Bartonalliasis Campaign in Narino) , by R. Otalora, 11 pp, SPANIS-1 per Red. 'fig. Bogota, Vol XXIII, No 4. 191+2, SIA 57-1519 Soi-Medicino Mar 58 .Qtani, Masatomo, and Mizukaml. Yasut ME-MOD FOR ADHESION OF POLYPRO mETAI, WOOR FIBER AND OTMER )V51iRRMULr July 63, 7p. Order from SA $16. 00 SA Code-P-170 Trans. of published Japanese patent 6132/1962, el. 24+01 (24+04) 27) appl. no. 2587r/M9 [filed] 20 Aug 59. pub. 27 June 62, by Nichirin Gomu Kogyo Co.. Ltd. DESCRIPTORS: *Adhesives, 'Rubber, *Synthetic rub- ber, *Phenolic plastics. *Plastic film*, *Polyethylene plastics. Propenes, *Butenes, Adhesim Metals, Wood. Fibers. 63-17899 1. Tttle: Polypropylene 1. Otani, M. IL Mizukami. Y. III .Patent (Japan) pub. 37-6 132 IV. SA Code-P-170 V. Selzaburo Aold (Japan) (Materials- -Adhesiven, TT. V. 10. no. 6), Mgat=5 and Mizukaml. Yasutoshl. M17RM FOR AMESION OF POLYETITYLENE SHEET TO METAI-v WOOR FIBER AND OTHER MATERMU July 6,% 7p. 1 ref. Order from SA $16. 00 SA Code-P-167 Trans. of published Japanese patent 5561/1962. cl. 24-J-01 (24-1-64) (25-N-222) appl. no. S879/1959 [filed) 24 Feb 59, pub- 22 June 6Z by Nichirin Gomu Kogyo Co.. LAd. DESCRIPTORS: *Adhesives, *Rubber. 4Symbetic rubber, *Phenolic plastics. *Plastic filins, *Polyerhyl- eneplastics, *Butenes, Adhcsion, Metals, Wood, Fibers. 63-17896 1. Otani, M. 11. Mizukami, Y. M. Patent (Japan) pub. 37-5 561 IV. SA Code-P-167 V. Seizaburo Aoki ~jz:ian) t I I (Mawrials--Adhealvea, IT. v. 10~ no. 6) atrwe of yertm.21 smizes Uie Madwnima of tbe Oxygen Ef iec-~ iz- R iobiolo~,,( by L. I%h. Kemp R. V. Randzi4ovaj andl G. K. Ptavoval- 4 pp. FT'NSTWI!, 215-pn~q. Feb 5 9 he lik!chunim of lixe Oxygen =ect in Rwliobioloay, 0 by L. n. Eidust U. V. lCondnkovas and 0. X. 0t.-.r0.=_; 4 "p. I - . __ I 1-- -1. STIMME; PC--., B4_0M:'.Um.. Vol LTI., ft 2., 1958., Pr 215-219. Pers=m i=t Sal - Med Feb 59 a -wra"n-borac outc~rcz~k olf typhoid fc-Ifarg by 1. D. OtarayaVs D. P.M'sm., par,, eta= luixobiol 13pid'u--lul i Imumadbici., Tol 2MMr-a Ito 1., 1958.. PP 53-55. Sul - 1404 J= 59 't,Y-6534) Similarity Iui the Manifestation of Pkidiation Aftereffect in Proteins of Different Structure, by Ytt. E. Cur~aszi, W. V. KoadcLcva, G. K. Otarava, 31 PP RUBSTIAN, per, Radidbiologitya, Vol 1, Fo 1. 1961, pp 14-22. .IPR9 10170 Sci - iced / 7 3, 7el -7 The lbdatence of Sm E=ymaticclly Actiye States of Y408in Vith Different The=00tability, by L. M3. Eidus, G. K Otmrova 14 pp. j_ RUMIAII,, per, Blokbisdym, Vol XXIV, No 6, 1959, pp 982-992. Consultants Bureau sci jul 6o /c?'OY A Situdy of the B 'Fams in the 1956-1961 Perlo4 by Jaroslav SevaUc, Svetamir otawvic,, 40 M SERBI Ml,- . st, No 7, 1964, p&F;? pp 479-494. JPRS 26M EE-y%4p Econ Niov 64 268,844 Ov-Y-6440 The Dew Organization of Property and Nrsonal Insurance Service, by Bvetozar Ota 7 PP. 'R!R3-eV1i-C--1- CROA11DIN, per, Flnansije, Vol M, No 9, i961, Vp 564-575. JMS 13239 hTur - 711'ugoslavia Econ Apr 62 walow- IF! What the Oonmqumist Party Means In My Life anLI Wort, by J~in Otcenmoek$ Rudolf Baranak, harie. Hnikova,, Frantise-E7 Jirl Taugerl Lubcair Linbart-s Karel tgovy, Jan Nootra,, 8 pp. CUCH, 19 ., per,, Tvorba,, Ro 25, PraVe. 18 Jun 1 58, pp 579-581. US JPM/DC-L-UO? Czech pul 2:L DOT 58 T/c and bk review Metalvorking and Treatment of Metals in Machine Repair, by P. V. otaellnov, et al, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, bk, Obrabotka Metallov Pri Remonte Mashin, Moscow, 1957, 464 pp. 615.9 Head, Lib Sv Sec Air Info Div, Lib Cong Wm el Aq qAWjj at Went by L 001-1 bkdwmua**" W 4, IPW W M-IW- auva"K*4 X01000, 14, I . mzm -i t sd .6 aw Va* " 2M*= (Dc-6932) MORPHOLOGICAL IMPAIRMENT OF BONE MARROW INNERVATIONS IN THE EARLY STAGES OF ACUTE RADIATION SICKNESS, BY A. A. OTELIN, 9 PP. RUSSIAN,, PER, ARKHIV ANATOMII., GISTOLOGII I EMBRIOLOGII., VOL XLIIj, NO 4, 1962, PP 34-36. jpRs iioi8 SCI - MED SEPT 62 2og,42i T z a~ratj-.-c 'g-orphological D:~-t- in by A. A- attelin, 23" _Lqp~ miSSTR.', per, Arkhiv Anatom-ii, x~ -60-,iologii, Vol -U-1, Vo 7: 19'6111 1.19 72-84- j1p 2~ Set - Med 2;cm 61 7 ado" Study of SUIAW Diablarl" bar Lm9ft"d Spw- troftows 1w cum om". Jos& 2. DMV8162 It pp. BMM.p verp am slowmas as Floses y Qmd-4ca Ama4so X9%* va &Mp lb 50 pp &A-90. Sol - ohm m it 3LR Our "Guacharo"Tobacco,, by S. 0. Otero, 5 pp. - SPANMH,, per.. The Venezuelan Parmw,, Vol X,, No Ill,, pp 20-22., 43* 1945- SLA 34o6 Bel - Chem Avg 58 70,, 6 6Z Xxtiffeation in the Electrolytic and Mcchange Reaction Process for the Production of Heavy Water, by T. Gispert. SPAY=, paper P/13.20, ProceediNp of Mxternational Conferen on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Held at GeOTM 8-20 hag 1955J Vol V=' Internatl Conf -- UN Sci - Nuclear PbYsics cTA 1-669*9*162 ..S-4j 74Z 6 To I MMOU'W AWWW" PAY MR AM PXM VDA4, or "I MLNP. a OP. NMI% pp* MIN 110004 MV-H ASUUWA (9 DC-3590) AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CONSOLIDATING THE AGRICULTURAL ARTELS.. BY TS. OTGON,, 11 PP. 16~ MONGOLIAN.o NPI UNEN2 8 jUN 1962, PP 2, 3. .jpRs A929 FE - MONGOLIA ECON SEP 62 210,309t Calibration of Light Stnttering, Isy A. Out, J. Out. GOVEIC14,11ENU USE UT:Ly RLIVCH, per, Jouniul of Polyr4er Scimce, Vol IU, No 6, 1953, J~p' 551-5b7. Dept of Nmvy 143M Traris %dk 1149 sci-phys NOV 69 3S5,527 ,.Uhcory and Pmetice of Fractionation, by v . Dnzrclu-, DLT(!H, par, Chemisch 14--ekblad, 1952, Vol ;-:T.J7;TT; pp 247-259. SLA 59-17-1-35 Sci imn 6o ,rol 2. No 8 Oth. A. and Dion CORMOL or THIS IFCLYCUNRsrff Or PCLY- ME" by TURIMCMUFM TrrRA7100L 119") 13P (ap rob awwo Ordw hm SLA $1. 90 Tlr-66-1019d Tnw d man [Owsm 4% MrAlo hA-widw (C~ cir kbeftul CW=t- W) promwa% 1"46 comifte RION16 16 w 1. 066 A. u limb*14 M: It" caw"&.. .2 O&Urwo-rasaw, IT, T. 13, SL OMM of To*." wMM iqm.- 6 TUWSUM 4c payvlvw3daarl&jp I I Vl~ Dow&= , -- ~Vlw IW A-P 0040. INOMP usp. sea ... 9k AWMA Vol 63s IM M w OW.W- & 64~~ a- x e,- k ft& - im AM ST 3L7#497 Oth. Amdre. ~ 1. ogk TT-63-20031 MEASUREbMNr OF 7M POLYDWBRSffY OF A. NM(Xx I I if" NY TEMKDObWTVI[C TrMAMOW ItO631 13p (OV rate oulmd) Osdw bNa StA $1.60 7T-"-30031 Troas. d smoik6l adul"m del - Id, I. w1sual 100. V. Se. P. 2ft-3m. tchamdmy. culil;ration uf UvIst scatteriar., J. -tit. G-I'IrV-Lii!-;I',I".':I' UbL ~ar Scierice. Vol 1u 6, 19S3, -pp M-SS70 CDgnitice of Speech Sowds V11th the Air of Self.-Orgmdaing System With Two Positive Feed- backs, by G. L. Otkhmexuri. 21 pp. RUSSIAN, per, !a2MVkb Vol 9,, No 2. 1%40 pp $9-70. 9700966 ETD-IT-6s-1851 Sci/Entr Aug 66 306,256 .=:A~ fAutumtoscs so = Sim FEEMCK 6.I L. ~~ --a 16 OP. I 1 4. M. .tuAllism4! PC6 AVT"Tftjo NO to 06% FP 41o52 jM41316 W-OCYBOMICS OCT. 63 3%5AW AM 40 FF., MR AM a. IVRY Technical Data and Description of the Russian Expedition Ships Participating In the International Geop"ical Year PrograW A,_Otkupshchikovp Topsedm.- 3 pp. RUWZWP UM World Dau Oftur Imutute of AerocHmtObW,, 1961, 2 Vp. 1kv7 Tr 3055/BD 236-A sci -.00oftv Apr 62 Methods of Obtaini.% rAff luent Blood xrora the Adrenal Gland in Cbronic Exporimental Conditions, by V. M. Rodionov, L. V. a~ L. I. Tuull, 3 PP. ~-Qtjav RUSSIAN, perp Byu:L E~sper Biol i Med, Vol L, No 11, 1960, PP133-1-35- CB sci '&-3~ A?d? Jul 61 M3~ cc spft wav" in rymmaga-tm,, by 0. IL ankino Mi. A. P~M~ 7 Pq- wamj,. PW fts T"Rftv Telaj, Vbl vv so lo.. 29631P Ipp ;w2rw. Awr Imt or plUg av Pftm - wqA ateft Vbl Vp No 3.0 ftl Jkr 64 msolo DrAS of a BmImphora NbTing at Conste-salt; Spoed la a PsrefW fts, byZ* P, 11- pi?. =SIM,,, per ftr Ifttamt l6kh Ailt3on., Fin Dim, Vbl )CM; MAY 19A VP 1746.- ~7c- ? --:) - , 1--. .~P Im 0-lu fti am 60 // 9, //5- Vbl =,p No 5 v 62-14006 _2~m4_~hQya._L. P. FLOW OF RARIFIED GAS THROUGH A DIFFUSER 1. Otmakhova, 1. P. (CONFUSER) (Istechenle Razrezhennogo Gaza Cherez Diffuior (Konfuzor)). [19621 1171p. (foreign text in- cluded) 4 refs. Order from CTS or SLA $1.60 62- 1 40M Trans. of Moscow U. Vestnik. [Seriya Matematiki, Mekhaniki, Astronamii, Fiziki. Khimlij (USSR) 1959 Iv. 141 no. 6, p. 51-57. Another trans. is available in French from OTS or SLA $1.60 as 61-19590, CEA-ir-RI125. 23 Nov 60 116 1p. 4. DESCRIPTORS: *Gas flow, 'Diffusers C2231 32 We shall consider the motion of a gas through a dif- fuser (confuser) connecting two vessels. Since In the region of free molecular flow molecular collisions are (Mechanics- -Aerodynamics, TT, v. B, no. 8) (over) Evaporation of Alkaline-EaXrth Chalcogenides, by B. P. Nikoncrv, N. G. Otmakhova 3 PP RUSSTAN, per, JZjp:_Az nim, Vol XXXV, No 7, 1961, pp Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Apr 62 200,291 =act -of Vemai% AU=tnum - am- zi-mon-lum upm the-pNooru" at 180mt 12% a Austmitio Stalulaw Stselp by & Mamsomm, y. oboe=*.' JAPAX=jj per, Tatou to nka=aa Vol nVII., NO 609ftt a W433- Im 5594 DIRD 62 Effect of Delta Ferrite on Properties of Chrome- Niekel StainIcres Steelsp by R. Nakagavas Y. Otoguro. JAPAN=., pars Tetau to Nqptw., Vol XLV , No 3, 1961, pp 554-.556. 0 51T],- Sci 17d, 1-5~J sep 61 Effect of Molybdenum Upc)n Properties of 1% Cr-12% Fi stainleas Steel, by R. Nakagawa, Y. 0 - JOAVW., per.. Tetsu tQ Hagane, Vol XLVII No 3p 1960, PP 377-379. IM 5216 Sci - Cbem Aug 61 Effect of TwMpten an the Characteristics of 18 Pement Cr., 12 Percent Ni Stainless Steeml, by R. Nakagmmj, Y. ~- JAPAMIK,, per., Tetsu to Ham 0 Val Eft XLVI,, No 3, 196D.- PP 575-577- RB 5064 sci - Ch4m ~7 Apr 61 Studies In Light Diffraction by Ultrasonic waves, Report 1: F-Veriments In the Expected Periodic Disappearance of Diffraction Spectra With Angle of Incidence According to the Raman-nath Theory, by Otohiko Nomato, 25 pp. JAPANESE, per, Proc Phys Math Soc, Japan, Vol 24, 1942, pp 330-400. NASA TT F 13965 mar 72