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-'/-7 mm vloo=llv or M~, 1w x" ve P. -,6A & IL To BOOK V^ bdowwo Im Tmodwou ShI& -m- ~OF 0 , he,h i-F /0-V r P. li 2014M sot 69 3nsxqk ChanGes fn the Structure of t-he I.-cE;ative Flat-e Dra:,.-fz~ Opea7aiaion of a Silver-Zinc StoraGe Cell, by A. i. Oshe, I. I. Astq_hhov, et a!, 6 pp. BESSIL-i, -,.-)er., Zhur Prik. Maim, Vol MKIV, Ilio 10, 1.901, !~_D 2254-226o. CD Sci .rvac 62 2o6Ati 7454 Effect of Surface-Active Substances on the Dif-~Cusion Rate of Electrolytic Fydroaen Through Iron, by A. 1. Oshe 12 pp. RUSSMIT, per., Mur Fiz M2im,, Vol YDD:!I, NO 7, 1958, pp 1622-1631. 9095541 ABC Tr-W56 Sai - Phys, Chem mar 6p- A_fz ' _~l a -~ Influence of the -WXrusidn -6:r'Atomic nydrogen ou the Kinetics of Its Electrochemical Evolution, by I. A. Bagotskayao L. D. Kovba, A. 1. Oahe, 4 pp. RUSSUN, per, Zhur Piz Mda, Val XXXIV, No 7, 1960, pp i-t;o&l5i6. Cleaver-Hume Press Sai Jun 61 The Zffeat of Ionizing Hadiatim on the Activila ce MkvtaU Cow vith 8 OnftatlM OKIde n2wo ty 2. L. ROxeftw,dx-A*- K. Odwa 4 P. ROOM,# pftos Bok Ak Muk ON* Val CM,, go is 1959j. pp 3.39-W. ftl 111f, AW"? Apr 60 Change in the Electrochemical Activityof Zirconium Under the Effect of Radiation, by 1. L. Rozenfeld, X. K. Osba. UNCLASSIFUM %ftomm"M RMIAIT, tbrice-mo per, Dok Ak Xmukk SSSH, Vol CM, 1957.. PP 1.43-145. AEC Tr 3U6 -fy S L So i - Mwe; Chem Feb 58 ---------- -.,c!:inLr, d-2 I-J'attineters by the Volta~r-e Sil -j-,i tion Mc U C Let-l*ocl, b., I. TI. Osher, 3 Pirl. RUSSLAIT, yer, Izinerituell Telda, Ro 12, 1961, 48. ISA sc-I Aug 62 208,0z7 Errors in Measuring Reactive Power by the Two Wattmeter Method.,'by I. N. Osher, 3 PP- RUSSIAN per I=eritel Tekh., No 8, 1959, pp 32- A. p Instru Soo of Amer Sci Aug 6o lale 6j-1 An Blemut Attacko at TwIllebt., by 4. 1 - P~~r~wp 6 pp. RUSSM per# Vest Voz P2otst No 1,0 1961., pp 31-iC 96WO53 m usm 147, 7651 Mil 2o sep 61 Antlomeanz ~Ha=lo Modo, by IeAs -s~Orwv. izmtuat no (3Ass .14. 1pontidbution to the Tbeory of Unmlized Perturbations in Large ByEtems, by V. 1. Osberay, 4 pp. RLWXAN,, per, Zbur RkqW I Teoret Piz., Vol XL,, So 4, 1961, PP IY56-1171 - AV SOV Pbys - im Vol xMS IFO 4 Sci sep 61 G~----A-Certaln Poosibility-N-in-the-Qp=t=-Tmorly of ahemisonybimi i)y v. 1. Osbarov, 4 13P. MMM, pers Dok Ak Ikuk SM, Vol =MY j, so 5,p IqWj, vp 1168-1171- 1 1 CB sci ,ma 61 / 4 7, -"V /j - The Tbeory of Chemical Adnorption, by V. 1. O.-herov, 4.i'pp - RUSSUN, per,, Dok IJ, Nauk SSSR, Val MMY No 1, 1960, pp 1-17-119. CB /-5-0 03~r sci 1. Apr 61 The Effect Produced W the MxWra~ctian of 4 4 pp. AdBorbed Ftwticles, by V. I. 9sheTcy RUSS=.. par, bok Ak Nauk WMy Vol CMMIA.- No 4" 1s&., -pp wk-W7. CB sel VW. 61 154 ?1 13 y Y Imestisation of A:Lr-Btmm Cooling of Gas Turbime Disks.# by L. A. Dwtmaj, Yu. S. Osherow# 13 pp. Ruaffmv ver 0 1 9 matrcqmd4a., so 103, 1961, Vp i346% 9979270 IM.Tr-462,1M sal_~ Mar Doe -7- 1 4j 3 4,3 1 Some Aspects of cumut Wlephotamter Byvteas, by A. L. Osbarovichp S. F. Rodlowvj, 5 pp. 10,9 bk,, Iskusstwoup SputMki Zamll., Vol XIV. PP 69-73 -- w CB 63 19. v 3 69A ~ z Concerning the Effect of Temperature upon the Spectral Sensitivity of Photomultipliers, by A. L. Osher Y B. M. Glukhovskiy., 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pribory i Tekh Eks-Der, No 1., 1962f pp 149-153. ISA sci Nov 62 216,385 FIF TI I If, I I (DC-6639) On Certain Tnm of PhotoeleotTic Ozcm ters,, b,,,- A. L. Osherovichj, K S. F, Ftodlonmjs 3.1 y9c, MMMO bkj, AU"erMy 02M - IbZa'taty R3bot WzUb2gaodoop GeWizlabosbXp Gods, v sm,, Noluverentsl7n,, 26-31 OkVab3W& 2959 Godap Dohlady I Muguutelli, 2961., yp 72-81. nM 1340& sci . Geopluo (DG-~.39't On SOMTcm-Ola Erwom In Fater Ononmetry~ by L~ G. Bollshakamp A. L. Oahe--Wicbp e. 22 pp " RUSS11M., bks AtmoeeMy Ozm - lbzul I Babot Ide-zhitm-yadnoso Gealzicheakoso v ants*, 28 -31 Maysbr SSM., lkmfax ya 1939 Godas Doklaay i neicaNutrilio 1961, pp 65--71. a.-Im 13"5 Sci - Gool9wo z for 62 On the, of Lifetim,en cim =c1 31P of Atoms by the Met z>O, of Dz' Lh - Coincidences, by A. L. Osherovich, 1. G. Swrich, 7 pi) - RUSSIM, 'per, Optika i Spektronkopiya, Vol IV., 1958, -Wi 715 -718. 9093263 ABC WRL Tr-767(L) Sci - Nuc PhYB .119~4,11 J:Flp Apr 62 7he Ph-otc-multirlier Tubc! ilhall-on Counter, by S. F. Rodionov, A. L. Osherovich) 8 pp. RUSSIM per, Dok Ak Ilauk SSSR, Vol lXXITV, 1950, pp 461-46-3. AEC TT-850 Sai - Phys may Go / /9) y 3 ~z Measurement of the Lifetimes of the 31S., 31Fa, 33D,?, 3.LP,p and 3LDp'Terms of Neon b;O the Mothod of Delayed Coincidences,, by A. L. Osherovich, G..H. Petelin,, 3 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Kauk SSSR,, Vol CXXIXy NO 3,, 1959., PP 544-546. Amer inst of Ph" Sov Phys-Doklady Vol Iv.9 No 6 Sci Jul 6 MAW Sa/A$tM 4~: AaUw;jW .;ni 69 %Ott" 'Photcalectric Ozonomseters, by Sh. A. Bezverkhniy, I A. L. Osherovicbj S. F. Radionov, 53 PP- RUSSIAN, bk, 14ezhdunarcdnyy Geof izicheskiy God, Sbarnik Statey i liaterialov, 1,060, pp 81-104. im 9291 Scl - Geogbys jbn 61 iiic.,Pbotcv~etry. of Small Light Fl=ess by A . affi 32 pp- a. ftems, S. F. Itodionovs L: XM~p Y'O* run tr Russing Zh=md TOM pits vo~j. rl~,p 1~> 2j. xMcV'r ATIC, F-a-87,04/M scielotif Ic pb7sles cisibm 017 The Prepamtion of Double Suparphosphatas From Apatite Cczmntrates and Phospharle Aeld,, by E. Berlini, A. Antokbina, L. Vlnobwova, L. A. Salmso 22 pps f=5W$ Verg Zhur IMIn hva# No 10p 1933P pp 37-45. MA 'R-2&1. sal - Cbem 10 C;q -Tensile -Tests an Timber PerpemUcular to the Grain, by Li 1. Osherovicb., 7 PP- RMIM., per., Zsvod Lab,, Vol W, Wo 11, 1955, PP 1374-1377- MA R-2332 C-', I PIC, - 3 1 P S, Sel Avg 58 7#11.~;-lz De-termirat-ion of the Anm,11ar Disp-le-ce-mer-te of the Memte:rs of the Upper Limb From the CO-Ordl=tes of Its Joints, by V. Z.-Osherovich, 5 PP. RUSSLIN, per, Biofiz, Vol V, No 5, !96o, P.P 595-5-98. PP Sci jun 61 A Physiotherapeutic Routine in a Climatic Sanatorixr, by KhK, Osherovskiy RUSSIM mo per, Voyerma Med Zhur,, No-5., Moscow., Mv 1958.o pp 66-68 us JMA'r -713 J.'-Z - Tr,.e, d2,t ,r I li~ 4-,Z?7 Weavo TonA~ by t. a pp RIWXMF, PW, SOV PMdBgDgj, IiO IOP 1958, A Y late.-=tX Arts and Set Press Vol 1-t Ito 2 UUSR 8*0 Fob 59 gr/, d,5-6 5 Pr- -vaumdabays Tx2bi Vol rlllj~ 1938y -kp. 934-936. SrA R-33)o6 sci .Axe Photo-T-m-IlAdUmatric Metba cC PetermtWrg; V,3 in Frarmnce ot OxUles at Bitr-.Wn., by R. S. Wbgm,,ych and 0- V. P4b*vmkylj, 5 pp. Rmums ftvcd Lob, ND 6l !q4qo pl? C)FA-653- act mumn I= so 51095 ~ - I , I i i Mkithod of motaxile so"= by umold bjjm-~r tW 2. Oshlbsp 5p- JAVAIM# FIAMts 31-51po 2956. "A it-66-2000 -,q-) s-.z -r, os 4, b a 327P 303 a" m. lblw*vi&u WMAT Oshiba, &Tlakashi. PRODUCTION OF TITANIUM AND ZIRCONIUM BY DE00MPOSIT1ON REACTION IN LIQUID AMMONIA ME-13I.A. [196113p. Order from LC or SLA mt$l. 80, ph$1.80 61-15U6 Trans. alf [japamije official potent aWlication] SHO-31-13014. 18 May 56. by Siowa Danko, co., Ltd., public announcement 21 Feb 59, WovislaW no. SHO-33-1104. A method is described In which titanium orzircmium is de"ited in liquid ammonia sowtion by keeping the liquid ammonia soluttoL of lower graft halides of titanium or x1scot turn at room temperature or higher Wfth or without catalpts. (Metallurgy. 7r, v. 5, no. 10) 61-15286 1. -ntwflum-.pr0&0cn= 2. Ztroonium-pro&x"m 3. A-moinia-Cbemical reactiong 1. Oshfl)a, T. 11 - PkVWt (OW) pub. 33-1104 On= of Tod." S..i- ft INtual Action -of Hyd-xojen Bonds V_ndiated-by-- -)-.'-electron Systeza, by Isao o9hida, A pp. JAPAMSE, Busseiron Kenkyu (Studies of the Physical Propertieu of thtter)PINIO 95-104.. Jamwry 1952 Scientific - Chemistry AEC-tr-4482(p.96-11-3) Uncl. BREMSSTRAHLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE THICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida, H. Miwa, and X. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA 2 ()t / N-5 AEC-tr-4482(p.96-ii,3) Uncl. BREMSSTRAHLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE THICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida, H. Miwa, and M. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA t7 N-5 AEC-tr-4482(p.96-11,3) Uncl. BREMSSTRAHLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE THICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida., H. Miwa) -and M. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA 4- N-5 AEC-tr-4482(p.96-113) Uncl. BREMSSTRAHLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE THICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida, H. Miwa, and M. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA N-5 !I IL~ L~ AEC-tr-4482(p.96-11.3) Uncl. BREMSSTRAHLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE TRICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida, H. Miwa, and M. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA -i 7A- Sj~ N-5 AEC-tr-4482(p.96-11,3) Uncl. BREMSSTRAHLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE rRICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida, H. Miwa, and M. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA 'e N-5 AEC-tr-4482(p.96-113) Uncl. BREMSSTRARLUNG AS A RADIATION SOURCE FOR THE THICKNESS GAUGE. T. Oshida, H. Miwa, and M. Shimizu. C-23 P NSA Z N-5 QjLdda Tidambi, Miwa. Hircidde and others. METHOD OF MANUFAMMING SPONGY GLASS TLME Docry - July 63 171p. Order from SA $16. 00 SA Code-P-172 Trans. of published Japanese pKest SIBS/1953. c1. 21-A-407 (21-A-42) Appl. no. 3661/1951 filed 10 Mar 51, pub. 9 Oct 53, by Kobe bdustry Co., Ltd. DESCRIPTORS: *Glass, *Expanded glow, Manufactur- UW mtdKdo, Moldng. 63-I-)SO 1. CmMda, T. 11. Mlwa, H. M . Nvm (japsm) pub. 28-SIBB TV - SA Code-P-172 V Seizaburo AM (Japan) (histerialm-Cmiunles, TT, v. 10. tio. 9) or" w T�Chmkw the Orm, lk"Vitficatlon of lvma aud Matheas of meadarim T-bem 95--mleasp by 1. vi. 2!~~2uov. V= IMaXa,p Ver., VoGamnekbobsuIV I Saa Tekh;, 1958,p pp wo landim Ph" 59 I'mars in V:Ud Ani=-I a, by Fr-vu--o eshLm--, 10 PP. -------- JAPAWEI, Wv Om (tbe Japanese Jourml of Cancer PamearW,, Val XMp ft 3v 1937,9 p]p 220- 2;Z3. NIB Tr 11-7 S.L.A. Tr 1393 .60 Sci - Medialne Doc 56 cTs 3,yontaneous Beniga Tumors In Chickens, by Pukuto Oshiza, Takeo NaSaYov 7 PPa. Full t=nslatlon. JAPAN=, per$ Gann (The Japanese Zouxwl of Cancer Dezearch)t Vol XL1, Ito 2-3-hp X Dee 1950, pp 150-152# CIA/Y=/X-924 Scleatific - Medicine jai 53 CTS/1)ltx Aumal Collecting In the Yrmyum- and bdyakc)- Hattos,, by Mroshi Oshima. JAPAN=, I*r., 11oftay md Zoology.. Vol I., No 4s 1933. BOA ex Latarlar 209 (900) qUn34pr No 722 Mai - Idol & Mod Sa Apr 63 14 M IP 1'"i I; M EI I I HM4 PIAWITIVI IT I H I 1 1 62-18691 DEVELOPIMENT OF NLW WOOD-CHEMICAL IN- 1. Oshima, M. DUSTRY. 119621 14p. OrcL-r from SI_-k 5 1. 60 62-19691 Trans. of Hakko Kyokaishi (Japan) 1959, v. 17, no. 5, p. 201-2106. DESCRIFFORS: *Chemical industry, *Wood, Glucose, Xylose, Fermentation, Lignin, Wastes (Industrial), Economics. (Engineering- -Chemical, -17, v. 9, no. 10) Vlbmtim and B,mz Body, by M&SBmItSu Oshinln,, 193 Iva JAPASM,, -jAm. Takko F4ft F"ei (Volo 2-1, 2s 3, 1953), 39 pp. 9670274 -ATIC MM,803/1 Sci - MedL Jul 61 ooh!!!~ "Myodd, OiWa. smichil Kashims, loon. MEMW TO L&WFYY LJCM. 5 jdy 63, 7p. Older from SA $16. W SA cod*-P9I Trans. of .8 patent MW 1960v CL 16-C-I%=C-4.'~ M161b-1411) (16-5-541. 1) v;ppL WW1956, 29 M&-r 56. pub, 14 )tm 60, by 7bm Nog=M Fmmfttim Regan-ch tAbmwmy. DESMWMM ougmin, L4q*ik pro kcdcg" vimpounds. &Ubmes, Xyk4wr. Buhurge, Natimm) Sms, Dommmim Comipte, CD11poundiN OAdw. Hydlmidew, Sobems. Pbezwtf4 Ter, POXCIOWL 63-17653 1. OxhinA. K U. Patem(iqww)pub. 35-7MB M. Sh Code-P91 TV. Selubure Aold (Npw* (Mootstry-Orgazft, 'ZT. Y. 10, no. 4) NCH-200 308 Field 7C Oshirna. S.; Katsurnata. A. q7TM-M-M ANALYSIS OF HYDROCARBON BY MASS 1. Seizaburo Aoki. SPECTRA MEASUREMENT OF REARRANGEMENT ION. I Fujisa.i (Japan) IS Apr 65, 19p, 7r--fs. &A-SEKI-4-1-1. Order from SA- $25.00 as SEKI-4-1-1 Trans. of Se)d,3,u Gakkal SIA (Japan) v4 n1 p24-8 1961. StiLulien "1;*.o HaiwMin Exeysted Irp-taccreariae of Faregonismus Westermoni in Vitro., by lq* yokapvaj, T. Oshim IL Kibstap 10 ppo JAPAMM,, per, Melchugmlm Zasshi, Vol. V17, NO 19 Ift 1956j. Vp 5X-55. MM 4-28 sal - Ned NAY 59 Studies to Naintain N=yatad Uatacaroarlace. I a Paraa,onlm s Uleatermni in Vitro. 1. Survival Parlod of ftcynt" YAtaawwwlae in Vltro$ by AM10 Tokopwa, Towo P!hlm,, Nichie Elbata, 17 PP# cV.PAZ=p pw 1* lissichmpka Zaashi,, Vol IV, vo 4.. Dac 1955, pp 388-393. NO 4-27 Sci - Had 2TBY 59 Oshima, Y.. Nakabayashi, T.. and Ishibashi, S, THE FRACTIONATION OF BLACK TEA TANNIN Pt - 2 of Studies on Black Tea Tannin. [19621 12p. Order frorn K-M $15.00 K-H-3580-b Trans. of [Nihon Nagei-Kagakkai Shl) Oapan) 1954, v. 28, p. 269-274. DESCRIPTORS: *Tea, *Tannic acids, Fractionation. 62-17S67 I - Oshima, Y. IT. Nak-hayashl, T. 111. Ishibashi, S. TV. Title: Scudies... V .K-H-3580-b Vt. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. C 101". 094 3 2 0 0 (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry. TT, v. 8. no. 8) Offit. f Uth.ft.f S-i... ,Dshima-y. Nakabayashl. T., and Hada, N. STUDIES OF SEVERAL FACTORS IN THE PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY OF TANNINS. Pt. I of Paper Chromtorgraph of Tannins. [1962] 10p. Order from K-H $12.50 K-H 3580-c Trans. of (Nihon Nogei-Kagakkai Shi] (Japan) 1954, v. 28, p. 618-621. DESCRIPTORS: *Tannic acids, *Paper chromatography 62-17565 1. Oswma. Y. 11. Nakabayashi. T. Ill. Hade, N. IV. Title: Paper... V. K-H-3580-c V1. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Nlich. (Chemistry- -Analytical, W. v. 8. no. 8) Offi-I T-61-1 $-I... 0shIM&j. and Nakabayashl, T. CHEMICAL, CHANCES OF POLYPHENOL COMPOUNDS AND ANIUNO ACIDS IN THE PROCESS OF BLACK TEA FERMEWATION. Fr. I of Studies on the Black TeaTannin. 119621 15p. Order from K-H $18.75 K-H 3580-a Trans. of INIhon Nogel -Kagakkal Shil (Japan) 19.54, v. 28, p. 264-269. DESCRIPTORS: 'Tea, *Tannic acids. OFermentation. *Phenols, *Am1no acids, Polymers. 62-17564 1. 0shima, 11. Nakabavashi. T. 111. K-H-3580-a IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Detroit, Mich. V. Tltle:Studies. C -, '~ 31 Sd #0 (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, TT, v. 8, no. 8) DFR-.f Tw.64.1 Physicochemical Investigations an Irradiated PrOtAins. Commmication, V1. Additional Studies an the 9pectroscopie and Biological DetectiTj!~Mangee Caus6d by Ligft in Proteluff 25 PP, A , .M. Spiegel-Adolf., Z. Oshim.. QUM 1pers Biochem Z,, Vb1 GCVM.. 1929p I j7p 32:4. Y- 9 ,, 9 31; S.L.A. Tr 57-285 Sci - Chemistry Jun 57 -;4 of nvAm 14 Dt - NCH-200 549 Field 11F. 13H L National Fnginsering Lab., East Kilbride (Scotland) OBljn& V lli&~PE CITY AND HIGH ENERGY FORTNIING OF MATERULS (Tvarent Matertalu Velkyrnl a Energierni). 1965,27p, 25refe. NEL-Trms-1608. Orderfrom.NLL Trww. of Strolirenstvi (Ciechoslovalda) v14 n9 P667-73 1964. Blood Level of Para-An"osalycilic Acid (PAS) in Patients With PulmDnary Tuberculosis Report No 2. PrDdactim and Clinical use of the Po*qssium Salt of Para-Amino-Salicylic Acid (K-PAg). I-j, Korrmamski. X. Osinskas A. at &1. 8 pp. POLISH, per,~'GmzUcas ~Vol 26, No 6, 19S8, pp 473-478. 3 j,LA T1964-18982 Jun 67 (N-,-5739/18) Poznan Mater and Gas Meter Plant) by D3gr !P~zimlerz 92SAW5., 3 Pp- PMaMj perg Prwg)Ad MacbmicrjW., Vol I=j So 19-0202 Oct 19w, pp 651. im W55 HHur - Poland q (v Econ -Apr 6x C0110id- CheMiCal PheDOMeUa OIL the Burfnee of f4etals and Fetardation of Corrosion In Salt Bblutions. Part XIII. Chemiqua and Phase Composition of the iron Ox:LdvXlon Products in Solutions of Biccx~bcnate and Potassium Carbonate, by Z. Whis, L. Lepin'. I.- RUSSIMb perk Latvijas FSH Zinatau Akad Vestp No 7 (96)o 1955o PP 119-125:5~/ 17 r '::~ - 5 Navy Tr 1533/5RL 63V Sci - Chem Oct 57 Colloid-Chemical Yhenomena on the Surface or Metals and Retardation of Corrosion in Salt. Solutions. Part VII. Chemical and Phase Canposition of Iron Corrosion Products in Solutims of Alk-li Chlorides and A11-11-Earth Metal , by L. Lepial, RUSSIAN, per, Latviaaa PBR Zinatnu Akmd Vent.. No 11 3, pp 11-9-129. (76), 1957 Navy Tr 1532/NRL-~ 631, goi - Chem Oct 57 The Ents of Corrocion in Relation to tiic pH of a Solution and the Passivation of 4--tals in AlkELI.ine Solutions, by I., K. Lepin, A. Ya. Vaivade, Z. F. OSIAts. 11 Ts~i tr RIUMMIT, par, Zhur Fiz 11 Mim,, Vol )UMX, No 2, 1955P pp 350-355. Vwry Tr 1)" 37 tURL rl',N;j ,cl JT =, 1957 CTIS/Cex 4-Witra-1,3-indanedione, os~": 4 pp - Cbehobei by G. Ya. 'Uraaag,- V. P. Khim, Val xMil, RUSSW,, per, Zhur no 6, 1958., pp 1520-1523- colmultants Burma Sol - cam SOP 59 le57- "7 0557 '--7 .1 Flig I bt-d'EmWing Apparatuo fOr Ground Train of GILOw.- Pilot-, by B. Cishkim-'s, T pp. RMUSlus, per, Krvl lym RodW,- No 1, 1957, pro 3-5, 9=1 to TH-1709-57, JAMM-2A1. AF 1130230 USSR gilitnry - Aviatloa Sci - Aeromutics out 57 The Forging I-Irogra=a of a Large lutegratec3 Steelvorks and the Layout of the Forging Plant Required to Carry It Out, by K, Kupper,, H. pahler-- G=RI(j. per, Stahl und Risen$ Vol I=Xj 31 Aug 1961j. pp 2rm -1179. wai 2561 Sci - Ew may 62 Ust 133 A Simpli�f ied Method for Detenmi-ning Germanium Witia P'nenylfluorone, by V. A. Oshmari, V. M. Volkov, 3 P-D. RUSSM) per, Zavod Lab) Vol XXVIII, No U, 1961, PP 1341-1342. ISA sci Jull 62 2o5,o42 ,~~,olarqarr-.Ohic IIotcz-m'jnoLt*-.rn of Gadnnluji~ in an Ac-'Ld Zou-Ifato-lodide Supportin.- Electrolyte, by V.A. Oshman A.P. Chistykova,, 3 pp. RUS311N, ., per.,, 7.avod lab,, Vol XXV71, No 5t 1961, pp 532-535. ISA sci 62 Tb-- Distribution of Rare Elements in the Products of Concentration of Copper and Coppeer-Zinc Ores, by A. 1. Okumevp V. A. -!!Sh=M' A. V. Petrov, 10 pp. RUSSIM, per, Tovetnyye MetaUyp No 12, 1959, pp 49-54. JFRS 2811 USSR Econ - Teclmological 2o jun 6o =--ressLigut-ion of the f~iotodialectric iiig;!) .-Nuencien.. by . B. iLleksandrov,, Ya.A. ukaman. 6 pp. ,.USSIAN 'r., Pribory i Tekh Ekspar.. ~o.29 14 , pp. 3,52-156, aj %ar 62 On Ipfectioss of Walley* 1*4*lock with Nybelinia L&TvM "A the UtIlUation of rA" PIZ W Fbocts, by P. G. OShWdo, A. M. Pan*hin,, meslAms, a -11,11sullmlo Dalonovostodoo a nusia s b9MUIr UMI A& MOM No IFS'O- 1;31.. rp" TJ6&04.-l - ' Dept of Inceftim Fish- =d: W11411fe S*Tvics BCP, sumau of povaign Fisherl" Coaparatl:~e Dmaxtation of the I Various Wthoda of Treating Lower Li;) Cancerp by A. I. 0abmian j 3 pp. PUSSIAN# b1m perO Vopmmy Ocko" gii,, Vol III,, No 3; 1957m, pp 346-342. Sci, - Jbillcine J= 5 8 Pergemon ftvas 9 g-4 A Case of 1%testasis of Cancer of the 14var Up -~O the Lungs and Skeleton., by A. L. Booomlavnkav aid A-~' I. ---OGbm&bnmkaye - 3 PP MSTM, Per.- VOPrOBY Onkologii, Vol IV, NO 3, 1950, pp 359-361. Perge=m Prems Sci 99 4z oic v OY O~, -40 luvwx TO A., vvwaw~ a ALS asp. po* mmnm-*mu VIN4 ND 10 0: Awl% "m mw ow 63 B-B~ and B-Hala OwboWl Coqpow". 3=. PrePmetAca and lbWentleatim Of Sam B.H&JO CxrboWl of Meopentyl arcaidde't IWIV M. A. Odmem* 5 Im. --- FRSUM* pws Zbw Obdkeh Mnp Vol. xn=,, If* 81 1963s, PP 0944M. CB Sal Jul 263v7M Chemical IlVeaTaformations of at-Halo Ketones.. 711. Characteristics of Diosoze DibromWo as a Broml=tIou AVwt,, by T. 1. T*=Ikovap N. A. Oshuevar 3 RMSMI, perg ZIrw Obshch Xhims Vol XXIX.,. So 11, 1959P ,pp 373D-3731. sci mov 6o I ( j.~: I f-~:c -,Z -Ealo ~:? -( . 11-he At~,tiom of Sotllvz- Fh=alatc and Crizeclat-c on Tcmu=-vi~, AT. A. Obit Zhur Ob*U*h Ahim, Vol-Wlal., 12, .1-958, pp 3224-3m0 Ocasultenta Bvxoai,. reb 60 /er ,;A. D. F. nnd Syurin, V. N. Osid7 COCYNA-nON OF SWME INFLUENZA VILUS IN A CULTU&,E OF KIDNEYTMUE FiOM CATTLE EM- B4,YOS. [190119p] 12Lefs FASEB Manuscript no.: S 222-3. Order from OT'S, SLA, or ETC $1. 10 '17-63-24433 Trans. of Vetc-tinarip (LISSR) 1962 [v. 39] no. 12, p. 58-61. (Abst,act available) Dr,SCiJI1r0,,S: Swine, *Influenza vi-uacs, Onssue culturu, rmilnyos, rattic, Kidneys. Culture mcclia. Swine ieuenza virus can proliferate In a tissue culture of cattle embryonic lddney, which is equal in Its sen- sitivity to this virus to chick embryos. ne presence of swine Influenza virus in a tissue culture may be determined by its cytopathogenic action, by licniagglu- tination. or by hemadsorption. The most sensitive niethod of indication of virus in tissue culture is the hemadsorption reaction. (Author) TT-63-2-1433 1. Osid-ze. D. F. IL Syurin, V. M Ill. FASEB-S-222-3 IV. Federatim of American ' Societies foi Experimental Biology, '.Vashington, D. C. V. Scilpta Technlcm, Inc-, Washington, D. C. (Biological Sciences--Nilcro- hiology. '17. v- 11. no. 5) DIM= 91 T-rt~.! L-kes Seminar of Veterinary Virology, by D. F. Q4 , C, lze - M. F. serov. RUSSM, per, Veterinariyal Vol XLj No 1, 1963, pp 89-92. 9212607 USDA Tr V-1839 Sci - Biol & Med Sci oct 63 ~izO.. 06-7 DatemlimtIon of Random Erwro in the Ctmical AaalpLa o.-? Coological Smunpleal by Ve L Titov, E. P. _QTIXo.. 5 pp. MUMM., per,, Zavad labp Vol p lb 3,* 29,63P vp M.-I A. NOV Ti-o T~,pqa of M=Zaacric Luminuix=av in t-11c: Ceimim, 4ethium Orthosl2leate fhase, by V. V. R[WMIqo per, DC-41'. Ak Nauk SWRP Vol CM, No .A, 1956, r~p 507-- Comultants Burc-'= Scl - Mays Sep 59 ~'7 -1 1 my4d ac the Castal Pbaft of Zim SLUG109 and I* --- - sp of i!4qq 4 Mki AOUVUW 14M silicaft bv V. V. -p!Pwj 5 3m. NMUM# qW. Is A Nwk 8096 Bar ftzt Vol MMEr. jb Ils Imp MUNI" vkh A .3xr Phase Composition,, Luminescent Froperities, and Strwture of Synthetic Manganese-Containiug Zinc Silicates, by V. V. Osiko, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Neorgmn Xbim, Vol V, Vo 2, 1960; pp 297-305. Cleaver-Hum Pnee Bei Nov 6o 1/_3 -:?-, a -S/ -~/ 02e Ism Tarporature T-w4masoance of Zinc Oxide in tbia Red hogim air the Spectrumj, by V. V. 23-1-k-Pp 4 pp. MWTM., per, optilm i 4ektm,, Vol V3:1,p no 6,1 1959.. pp 770-775. OBA scl IW5-V-6 Apr 61 y ft Zinc-Lithium Silical~ Iaminophor Activated by Manganese, by M. A. Konotantinova-Shlezinger, V~ V. Osiko, L. S. Ulanovskaya, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 22aur Neorgan Xhim, Vol Ill, No 6, 1958, pp 1286-1294. AEC-tr-4454 P 14 PL-480 sci jan 62 PSI 376 UmAwomee of Crystal Phosphgro =d Its Awli- CaW=v (Tth AU.-UmUm amfommm = lxuLt=aeo=Q), by V. V. ovilw't IL V. Yak., 3 pp. """A* JVMM,o Pori, Wet Ak No* WRi, Val XWMP SD I-lo 1958i pp To be pubi in an -T-15 SOL - OLdNUU7 Osikowski, 11-11. The Use of Blueprint For Establishing Characteristics of Mixed White Wool POLISH, per, Postepy Nauk Rolinczych, No. 2 1959- pp. 61-73. *PL 480 oTs 6o-21568 1961 Gan,pi= Wtecl at High Raten and EncrGies, , ~r V. Us . -1 C."MM, pew, Strojirerwt-v;L. voi 14, no 9, 1964.1 PP 667--673 -. GBI/228/MT 448 t), 0 -S /,,A 1,4 Sci - Jul 67 334,824 J-4760 (DO-2834-IR) 'We 'Will Unmask Sectorlanism.. by B. 06inavets-, 3 PP. RMrM,# ]Mrj, AgitoatAW, 3b 4., MUCOVS 1959# p 54. JM 73P.-D- u9M Bm - RelJziou; AtIolm Jun 59 "/ 6 /V-~ y 4r