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An ma-vortioatiou an the M=swem%t or the F.=t,roU,vation of Morl~ Using a 2., by AWxa Pioca:dlaga cC, -Vae Fourtb JA-Aan conference an Hadl-oloot%its., Oct 10.12 1961., Sci - lbya 63 ON Tim Nhwm, 4w "Mmow nwml iva, By o 340ail ris, 5 Fo. "WMf'FM*' OU44 'a *40 19615 J06 PP "- 4m 907 nwo*u we , wr 61 ghepl,96 OSUIN, JR.iL-11. Archiv Eisenhutterrues5n, vol. 7, pp. 89-94, 8 figs, 1 table; 5400 words; 1933. 0 Temperature ?.!easurements ivith Tirimsten,*!olybdenum Thermocouples. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 508, 15.40. ~lol 59, 1938 Critima. Revier.- of hilpthods Devised for -Eaving Gok-e in uupola It"alting Brutcher Traris -,111, '44-90 Y' Tl) I.-k CC)rL'0C2U0ll de L'Auto-Abso3.-ptioii der, Pal- tti cule-s 0C a--ns la Mesure de l'Activite d'Echant-illluns Plats (Corrections for Alpha-Particle Se-3-f-Albsorption in I-jeasuring the !~,ctivity of Flat S~unples), I)-" D. P. Osanov, v. 1. Popov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN TO FEMICII, per, Priuor-, i Tel~h Msper, No 1953, -PP 32-34- Reverse T2ano CEA Tr-l'--79b Sci 27 Oct 60 Application of & Continuous Secondary Electron Multiplication for Amplifying azall Currents, by P. K, Oubehopkov, B, No Skvortoov, B. A. -9sarlov, 4 pp. RUBSWj, per, Pribory i Tekh Moper., no 4, 1960, pp 89-91. ISA set 15-3~- 19 may 61 The Effect of MatIple ScatterIng In Attenuating the' Gamm Radiatien of Rztended Sources,, Be No I(Ovaleve, D. P- 00antwo 3 PP- MWIM., pery Zbtw Tskh FUp Val XXVIn,, No 7, 1958,o PP 1610-1612- Amr ftst or Pbp Sm Pbp - Tech Ph3m VbX XIIP No 7 Bel - Pbys var w 19/ / 4 z;xperD,,uemta-1 Dat-a -an -Shi-elding Attenua- tion of Radiation of Extended Souces, by D. P. Osanov. r-.USSZAN, rpt, Inzhanerno-Fix Inst. VoE!rasy Dosimt-r-Ey- i Zahchit-yot Isluchenlyo, No 2, M3# pp AIR/F-XD/MT-24-79-68 AD 679 515 T, P 0 S,~ sci-mucl sci Feb 69 10 703 GE-1 D. P. OSANOV, E. E. KOVALEV The shielding of rectangular gamma-rays sources Abschirmung rechteckf6rmiger gamma -Strahlenquellen Atomnaya Ener , 6, No. 6 670 (1959) Kernenergle Ro. 2, 201-263 (1960) 336 - German Euratorn 11 713 Fr-I US-20 OSANOV D. P., POIPOV V. 1. Corrections for alpha-particle self-absorption in measuring the activity of flat samples Correction de I'auto-absorption des particules alpha dans la, mesure de Pactivit6 d'dchantillons plats *.Prib. i Teklui. Eksp., No. 5, 32-34 (1958) CEA-tr-R 796. (Fr-1) - French US-20: English Euratom The Systemt B&SO4-ftS04-320 (250)0 by 0. 1. Vcwobyeva, R. Osanova, 2 pp. Full tramiation, RUBBIWO so p.or# Zhur ObWmh Ofts Val MMIO JIG 8v 1953a pp 1288-1289. Sclantiric - ChemUtry Doe 54 *to/&m ,1 (0 /.6 & Reactioiis-of-PentaarylphosphOrus. Determaii-atior. of the Equivalence of the Groups With the Aid of Deuterium, by G. A. Razuvayev, G. G. Petukhov, N. A. Osanova,..3 PP. RUSSIAN, per) Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXIX, No 9, 1959, pp 2980-29B2. CB Sci Sep 60 3? 9- .0 stuaies of -Radicai React-ionz rif Pents,-- D'y 0. A~ Eazuvayev;, N. A. Osan ~ N. P. ShulaYev, 3 PP- , .91vz~ 'TRUSSIAN, per Zhur Obshch 10aim, Vol XXK.. No 10, 1960, vp 32A-3236. CB sci / 71, 7.,?- ~ Oct 61. Stud-, of Rn~Licel- Reactions of Pentsphenyl, 1TV, Reactions of Fh-j3phorlie Pe:xtaphenyl with Mathyl Iodide. Study of the 14--clianism of the Rad-4cal Reactions of Mhca- phoras Pentkhhenyl -writh the Aid of Diphenylpleryl- hydrazine and Diphery1pecry1hydrazy1j by G. A. Ratuvayev, 11. A. Onanova and 1. A. SUlyapnikove, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol =111, No 6p 1957, pp 1466-1468. Y Consultevats Bureau Scl - Cbem -- Sep 58 Se-o 58 Photolyals of Fentetcl-01=oetbaue, by %PZ-. A. pj=lrwom, N. A. 060AMP RMIM no pert Zbw Obifth Ths 0 Val nivs, NO 102 Oct Z94, PP 1771-lTfh- CrA C lel" cammatants Bur"u a27 Sci - Cbmiwtw 3~ am pentapheV1phomphorus.. by G. A. R&mvayevp H. A..osauova, 6 pp. RUSSIANp W pert Zhu Obshch Xhimp Vol XY.VI,, No 9, Cp, 1956, pp 2531-2536- connatanto Bmsu SOL - chemitstry Feb 58 Alalysis of tlw Bohavlour of Coapommts Under cmallms of st"ss 801=4tions, by V. VO Osasyk** RIWIXN,, per, Vap VY9-9k!=r4tu=*l Proch v H&SUMSts IS KISV A, X, ULWS5lKrl9b3* III. - NLL RTS 279S Sci q. SAM OcIt 67 3420722 NCH-201 462 Field 20N. 13E 1. National Lending Librak-f for Science and Technology, Osasyuk. V. V .-. Dubinin. V. P.; Pisarenko. G. S. Boston Spa (EnglEnd) Aj7?X?ffS-0F THE BEHAVIOR OF DETAILS UNDER CONDITIONS OF STRESS RELAXATION (Analiz Raboty Detalcl v Usloviyakb Relaksatsil Relaksatsil). May 65. 12p. 2refs. RTS-2795. Order from hLL: 15a its IITS-2795 Trans. of mono. Voprosy Vysokotemperahnnoi Prochnost! v bfashinostroeall, Kiev, 1963 p110-5. OSATO Shunrro Kk-ff_110'. Juniciro DIABUCHI, Shichiro -On the inhibiting effect of citral and some other aldehydes on Yoshida rat Sarcoma. (5 Pages) Japanese, Gann, XL, Nos. 2,3,4. 1949, PP. 150-152 X-541 Translated at the National Insts. of Health Bethesda, Mi. The DquIll'brim DLWm ftf the IronMA SiUcm Systm,p by Atod C"Wp TSWI *A=tdp 29 P. JAPM=j, porp Sibm Xtmobt GskUl-s~v 19400 Vol No So 7j, Pp ZS-A2- stA 6o-ux*o 19ci 6 Apr Ob // -7 J~f f Vol MM " No 2 The RquMbrium Diagms of. .-.the Irm-, Alimimm Systemp 'tW Atowd Ofmaj, T&k"JL YAVM r 26 p. I I MAWR$ perp Nlbm Kinackm GaMl-ftip 19Uj, Vol V, vp 259-M. MA 6-0-2=33 Sol I/ Og Apr 60 ./ a Y4 101 M.. No 3 Effect of Sulfur AddlUmo an the MachInability or Auatealtic StalaU" SteeIg by R. O"m X, Ztoa JAPArOMp I *per# Totau To Ragm* Vol XLV=j, 1963s, ft 3p vp 623-254 IM 5m t 1~~.ectron Yacroacopic-Sq~dy-Of -Toat~---st-rUCLL- I) Microstructure of ILI~th Ltemeelo by Shasaburo Atsumi Suzuki, Yasukazu. Osawa; Hidetaubm Toucbikura,, 5 pp. 7-all lwanalation. JAPAMM,* perj, Nihon Byarigakked Kaishi, Who Kaigo.. -.1ol XXMIT,, Ndv 194,w, pp CTA#W/Y,-844 Scientific - Medicine Jun 53 C72 Electron Microscopic Study of Dental Carleo and Ito Preventionp Reporte 2 and 3., by Atsumi Su--ukij Shozaburo TakL=,# Yaoukuzu Osavat and Hldetsugu Tauchikura, 4 PP. Full translation, JAPAIMM, Nihon -AycVrIgE~1dvxi Mmi2bl _1 No 35t Apr 1950, pp 255-257- 0,TA/FDD/X-791 Scientli:ic - Hediciue., dental fty 53 CTS Study of Ilental Hard Tissue UE;inp, Slectroll- Fa-vt 1. 16licrcctructure c~ Ena=-I., by Atawmi Suzuki" Shozaburo Takmm,, Yasulmzu Osava, HidetauLm Tsuchl~m--ap a m-4 6 pp. Full translation. JAPANESE., per, Rinabo Shika. No 89. Mr 1950,* pp 14 . M/FDD/X-845 FE - Japan Sc ientif ic Had ic ine Oz flle5l Jun 53 CM The moo spectrum of the uwbwipd Fraswnts ftcm IDA ant a --- Inectraft - - - or MagaulAss by Do ])Olckp 0. eaber*mnv 25 jo- aMW, per.. Z fow Pbplks Vbl CUm 1960s PP "419. 90&353 Sol - ROD act Q AM OCK&TMM-692 / 7 491 ;?.1/. r The Isotope Fre~pwucy of Boron Xhas Spectrometric lamstSgatlon or the Xlectron Impact Products of W3 SM W13j, by".' 0. 0! 17 PP. OMMI, Perv Z ft"Wo Vol. MVIns 1950, PP 366- 367. AEC T, JSW 3 2 qly ftl v TAYSICs A& 58 MHegW*tedc*nui9wFI2=j IW~R. 0. Oubo=,, 22p. at .. r # fttcnt I 3R a SFA ft~4~1057& - -- -- - ~. C). okvrtm-, scl-m . Jbi 66 306.,093 Bad gmt SuMandft lb 00 Darmwe . . (jVoNum~ GIU)s by W"v A. U. ftftrp 62 ppo amN% vw, Pnwaws Amar cam axplaugu* va 02=0 ~IrIM.". wn I-s" W. walw M " A AM Tasting 149.ahines fbr Dotm-mining the Fatipe Strength, by H. Osebatz,, 20pp. FuLl tranoUtIon. GIRWq per., YAltagbrM don XMIn a d&AvWW -;WMUAMP VOI =, So 48v Nov 1936,, pp 1433~-2439. S*L*A,, Aug 55 SO all aMpadw SO ad a Aftd MV" The Ra&,to~Amateiurls Fandbook, Chaper XIII, Radio Receivers of Donestid-Manufacturre. 61 Dp. Uncl Publ [louse of Russian, state ch 'Pv-k"- Theoretical Liter. AM, -TS-70-4 The Clinical Differentiation of Reticulosis, 'by, 0. 1'. Osechenskaya, 11 pp. RUSSYARp perj Problevj Gematol i Pereel Krovi, Vol Vo NO 2.- 1959, PP 13-21- pp Sci - Med Oct 59 4-,PJ~ Thu Diagumis of ALjWmanlc act-1culosibp by 0. V. Ck,.;CWnakQYS,v He Po gim)WIMP 9 pp. Nr.a=,, Par., rtalmw Gamtologiv V41 Krovi, Vol mcls so 2j, 190P VP 29-25- Pasum ftevo Sci --wAd Sept 59 2be Probba of Butbaft LailkaNdF',, by H. S. I)Ultta% Gov* as ob~kvsp .7 30. VWb oe Tmatmmt CC I.QUtA IOWWOWA., by 0. Y. 9 ---1- # 1. S..4AU%SMp 11 3?P- ------------- mono# vwo P"bum gowtolagsq I POZO21vanlya 8 v" To No 6j, 200 pp 2342- Ir &d / -3~ F1 f 2~ / JIM 61 OBChMAW. F. -CMTfRffi_Un0N TO THE K~ONVLEDCJ Olt PHENOL- FORAIALDEHYD,z REW45, 119631 Ilp ?Sr&s Order from SLA $1. 60 1 Tr-63-205M Trans. of mom Congrfes) TechIniqual Interaladonjai del'114usule deal Peintures fet deal Indjusuleal Associlees] (no. 1) [Paris] 1947. (Proceedings] P. DESCRUFMRS. 18Phenal-for-skiehyde Maine, MethA radic" Phenols, Catalysts, Tempazaturs, Cavoume, Condensation reactions. (materials- -Plastics, Tr. v. 11. no. 7) 7r-63-20505 L Oacbmann, F. Mee of Tec"kal S~lc" Oschmann, F. MANGANESE BLUE OR PERMANENT BLUE. [19601 1. TIrle: Blue 3p- 1. Oscbmann, F. Order from SLA $1. 10 Trans. of Peinifures] Pig[ments] Vernis (France) 1944, v. 20, no. 4. p. 110. DESCRIPMRS: *Pigments, *Manganese comjxxunds. SynEhests, Colors. 016-1 Td.I.J S-4 (MaterlaIr, TT, v. 6. nt,~ tI Tissue Cultum of Ramtopoletic CallA From patlefte With Flaticuloolop by B. 1. To ut#va, G. Vs 2!!Sh ._qpjiaM 6 MUSSM, blw* parp ProbloW amostolog L Forali- vanlya Xrovlp V" IMP go 1, 1951, pp Porgown Press Sci - ma Jun 57 (for NZ) tl4s ust4valat of Watal suvitme "Yen by OFTD 40*24-10-67 v:', ~ c /~ 541-matertols Aug; 67 326*170 L--a%w=:Ld 11--acticusp by G. V. AMMs, peri, Pzobl=W aemtolof-W J perel MvK,# VOIL Vo No 3.- 2Wj PP 32-35- pp mi oft 60 1.,1d j // 9 On the Stokers Formu3A and aRelated Problem in Hydroayna-mics, (Second Report), by C. W. Oseen, 34 PP. GERM4 p rpt. CIA/FDD/XX-43 IAC INTERM USE OZZ Scientific - Physics Mathemtics jan 56 cTs/DEx 'j ~.j 0 0 9 On Vortex Motion in a Viscous Fluid, by C. W. Osoen, 11 pp~ GEWAN; rpt. =/FDD/XX-39 na nmEMIAL USE ONLY Scientific - Pbysics Jan 56 CM /DEX Mathematics 4p~ 9~ Stnplifled Presentation of Scme F=ctionq*Which Occur in Hydrodynandco, by C. W. Oseen, 3 PP- GERVAN,, per4 Arkiv for 1-latemtik,, Astronomi och 1?3raik,, Vol VII.. go 12. CIkftDD/XX-40 IAC INTERNAL USE ONLY Scientific - Physics jan 56 =/DEK ,,,v C Om the Stokes Foxmula and a Related Problem of Hydrodynamics,, by__C. W, Oseen, 18 pp. GMWlj par) Arkiv for Matcmtikp Astron=i och Pysik, Vol VI, go 29j. 14 Sep 1910. CIA/FDD/XX-42 IAC IRrERHAL USE ONLY Scientific - Physica Jon ~6 =/MM Mathematics I:z 9 10 j On the Stability Problem in Hydrodyaamicap by C. W. ODeen, 19 pp. GMMt rpt. crA/FDD/XX-35 7A0 INTERNAL UEM ONLY Scientific Pbysics jan 56 am/DEx On a HyCwodymamia Lau of V. Saolu--hcwaU, b;-.,, C. W. Oseen, 9 pp. G=M p rpt. OIA/FM/XX-38 IAC IMMU" UBE om Scientific - Physica jan 56 cm/m i 011W %W OM. M MWAW low -qp- qww At WOW. Woftmo"M%, VOL Miss, 10 2"2"I NY-6450/' :') Realization of Resolutions on Road Construction of the FmrtkL Flown$ by Jerzy ~rolikovskl, Marian Oselm, U pp , POLISH, per, Drogmmletwo, Vol XVI., No iq6i.. py ioi-ioC ipas 9764 PM= - Polumd all 13 5--0n ma 61 Via =fact of Ma4vides ard SulVastais on tho Growtl-h and Devalopmut of Tobacco Sewllw.p by N. go Oselefiets. up"M MMW;p per# labas Va XMp No 4l 1956,p vp 53-55. DGIR IM =6 1456 (50. Oa.) Sol -3101 Aw 6o finmy E. xittoiuwm X. W. In'stitut J, Vol. 16P 3 flem"o 6DO-worA "Mtrwt; 19A. "Gantt of prictlas "A Crow�92LIUMI Ama of t9rk ME.72or Sn ftvtcbor now. gr*w N4 -%%# ?rice 41-00 7 S-S' Synthetic Materials Machined With Ceramic Toole, by W. Osenberg, 7 pp. ammm, per, Ina matt, vol XXDL, 16 Oct 1938. SIA Tr 2345 SCI - Chemiatry, Ragiftering Sep 57 J-9 '; /4-P, J-15o4/64 Revolution in the Congo (Brazzaville), by Afana Osende. FTM,CH, np, Dipanda., "o 47-590, 26 Sep-24 Oct 1964, 5 pp. *JMI/SF-3439/special AFRICA-Congo Rol, soc: hTov 64 Reactivit,y of Laboratory AnIms I s Following In- jection of Various Types of -Rabies Vaccine.. by G. S. Osenim 6 pp. - HUSSIMp per,, Voprosy ViruLologiij, Vol IV# No 6, 195gy pp 693-698. Pp Sci el- Oct 60 IV/ 4~2,g A S-L,,;.dy of Actliolcgy of T.Tevxculogii~~al in ~~n Fo2aowing Antirabies Vaccination, by G. S. ozenina, 6 np. IRUSSLO,. perg ZhLlx MiRrobiol Epidemiol i 1=mundbiol, Vol XXX,, NO 5, 1959, PP 103-106. Pargamon Press Sci-Med Jun 60 (NY-6798) Concerning the Ptoblem of the Training and r'Teatment of Children With PoliomyelltiB T Sequelae at Special Boarding Sabools, by M. S. Zhukbovitskiy, Z. N. rxeyn.. A. A. 0 13 PP. RUSSUM, per,, PediaXtriya, Vol XL, No 10, 1961. JIW 3-1653 ~-f7 jan 62 -4~2u,z kxlo Loads, Road Speeds.. and Load Capacity of Savaral Truck Types I-Muractured by thee'Yarasla-url Dutono- bfle Factwy, by Eng V. 5 RUSSIAN# per., xnageaM-Pover, No 10., 17;0j EL-A, to ATI-0-1211. AF 548670 la /7/f f Economic ~- Mwchanlcu J, , automobiles, 4=cks,. motor uorks M 1511720 Mar 54. CTS Development of the Function of tb.- Taste Analymr in Puppies., by V. A. Ose*ang y RUSSIAN, per, Fiz Zhur SSSR im I. M. Seebanov, Vol XLVI No 1959P VP 137-141. Pergawn, Inst Sal - M-d Jul 59 The Application of Neutron Diffraction to the Investigation of the Structure of Crystalline Substances, 23 pp, by OSEROV, R. P. RUSSIAN, mo per, Uspek Fiz Nauk, Vol YJa-VIII, No pp 413-427, 1949. ;British Sci Museum No 52/1630 Y1 76 0 ravestigatien of the Jb3 + RA RuLation., by TA OOL Youn,, lwkiy!g 0. me oset No Sodwmip 3 pps RM=., pwp 2hur M j m I Teowet Rzy Vol lo 2(8).- 1960., VP 925-M- AD &W ftu-JW val 2no No 0 3c-i Ilil- -?,75" ipr 61 717 S -0 "CO _wciXic SWpVing Pmtev of lilelDel r 15U-1- - J%v Pmtonw, by G. Ho CastimkiyLl YIP. RIUSSLOv P~Srj, At--MsYfi Boerplya- SiTP-la NO 5r, 19571i RP CID, 5105W3 " Consultemts Bureau sc i - NUC 341" phya Ilov 5B d;7f Yu 21. GOV, 7 Prilbory i Tekhaiku. Uwpar~=nta, ITO 2~ 19503 pp 3.43-150. USAGIA SC-59tt/59 Sci - Faectronica A-or 6o Measurement of the Thickness of Thin Foils, by G. M. Osetinskiy, M. V. Savenkova, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Pridbory i Tekh Eksper, No 6, 1959, pp 114-ilf. 5 Instru Soe of Amer Sci Sep 6o method of Coirbrollingtke Operation of an :Ecn Source, by G. M. Osetinskiyj 3 P.P. RUSSIAN, parj Pribory I TeRh Ekepar., No 2, 1958, pp- 3.01, 102. Lmtx-u Soc of txaer sci Apr 6o / / -? -15-12 ~ D Reaction in tba Defte-r-on M1,5c,-v_v Rnr_e--T Th!~t D-1 100-1000 kevr by A. S. aaw"Vo A. M. Govortv, 00 V. S. 51kaina I PPO RMS10j, pAw AtamayS EW-glyav SUPPIO Do .5, :LV5T# YP 26:4i- CTA 9033743 Consultants Buftau Sol - mumle= Pbyo now 'r, "~44, a -, imminil m 11 ism pabiI6 vd.% Mb 4 N" In . p - a ftA FL4* Act - Sim, Ir & no *A MW Present Forms of Primry Encephalitiej by Ewa oaetowfikt~~ M pp. POLISH., per, Polski T~rgadaik LakaraUp Vol XV, Fo 33., Aug 1960s pp MI-1276. MS 6TO6 Sai - bbd Feb 61 cortsin irabimw or -mwt-mtwm--aw--ndinc. o"', 'JoDw1bigm, by D. Z. C"tM. RMWM' PC, ft"ctsikb$' Va-MIJ, lb 12, la5B, p lkwy IW" Sci mw 59 Work of Veterinary Specisliets of the Briamak District, by H. Nikonoyj V. 0.50'rptav RUBBIANg per,, Vetwrinarlyaj- Vol M=v" No 9, Selp 19571 PP 3843- CIA 901&3A 9 USDA set - MM 1,07 13 61"1 Xar 58 Ore!;ov, V. L :MFaNMmv.rAt;-~ATA ON. THE ToxicoLocy OF THE INSECrICIDE HEPTACHLOR (EksperimentaYnye Dannye po Tokalkologii Insektitaids Geprakhlor). [Dec6116p. 13refa. FL-4801nt. Order from OTS $0. 50 61-114" Trans. of Gigiena Truda I Fwfessional'nye ZaboLe- vanlya (USSR) 1958, Y. 2. no. 5. p. 15-20. DESCRUrMRS. *ToxJcity. *Insecticides. Worms, *Peat control. 'Heptanes. *Chlortne mmpoundso Animals, Liver. Kidneys. Lungs. Agriculture. The une of beptachlor In agriculture requires IV prophylactic measures against poisoning. in of 1. accordance with sanitary regulattoas concerning the work with chemical poison*. HepAchlor can penetrate (Biological Sciences- -Toxicology. TT. v. 7, no. 4) (OWE) 1. Title: Heptacftlor 1. 0actrov. V. L U. PL-480 Int (61-11488) III. NaLlonal Scicxkcc Foun- datIM Waahingtoa, 1). Q 191052 Of*- .4 T-b.&.4 S.-A- (BY --4787) Labor Hygiene WTen Using the New Insecticide., lleptachlor, in Agriculturep by V. 1. Osetrov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, por;, Vraahebnoye Delo, NO 3, 1960, pp 297-301). J Mr, S 5 7 -: L0- sci - Chem oct 6o . /J/ / ~)- ~' I / C.-rbemetice aml by D. A. 259 PP- MSIANJ rpt" Sistmna "Chelovek i AV Imtiv 1965, Ot 5-15P 16-19v 20-27, 28-36, 51-46, 47-5e, 53-61, 62-69j, 70-85, 86-93.. 94-111, 112-118, 119-127, -128-146, 147-154, 155-159, 160--164, 165-171, 3.72-176, 177-181,- lap--Isji, 165-1-96, 197-el4p 215-223j, 229-e34.. 235--:-1*), 241-244.p 245-25L> JPW 370V UM R Bel-mupp Sept 66 310,117 -qtem!3 of Gon-trol, by D, A. 0:3'-' i 1-j ~~n jr. Paltcmlvic Sy D. Yu. Pancrv., 12 yp. RUSSSM, per., Voprokr Filosofti, Ho 5., 19-61, PP 47-zr6, Ms 10337 Sci - IVisc. 7 c,-t 61 SOIMIE - MEANS OF -1 NCREAal NIG- THE--EFFI C I ENCY OF AN OPERATOR'S WORK IN MAN-AUT014ATIC MACHINE SYSTEMS, BY.D. A. OSHANIN~ V. F. VENDAy 18 PP. RUSSIAN., PER, VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII, NO 3, 1962, PP 23-- 26 JPRS 164o4 SCI MED DEc 62 218,o37 sloxx 3-5429 WY-3014). The ftychological Study of Industrial Operationa, by D- A- Cabaniu, 17 pp- MMLINp per, Yoprony Paikhologil, Vol V, No 1, 1959P IV 64-75. ms-L-iok-N us= Sci - Ned - Psychology Nor 59 / 0 study of In ~s ~~ Soal&"A -qoolot6V Omba*wo 18 W. h&A&Ubmft poompta, Sonao no '10 Ipp 7=0 ovas 4.0w =/Aa4pru Pei am 69 3?2*16% 7-1-141,~ bs-4-vk.v $WL14 Retalons In Dulgaraa,, bit ~'blvko Ovhav- (t,w 22 pp. BIULGN.Murl, pew$ i've 196(iv 22-39. VMS M.25 j2 MmoBulgarta rean Mar 65 276,721 A Pxwoked StruEgle Against the Chinese Leaders, by Zhivko Oshavkav_, 5 pp. EMARUM., DP., Literaturen Front, Vol XX, N6 15p 9 A# 1964p JM 24699 EX-Bulgarls, POI Jun 64 259p194 The Object.* Naturep MA PVohl9m of SclantIfic Cam Coanwdm and Historlml Materiallsmp by Ztavlw Cdmdwra 20 FJ?- WLGAU=iv 3?Wo F12000ftks MUGIs NO 3p &d'10,# mw.%~ 1"s pp 5"5. JPRS 15637 Ils- Jkll =rig pol olat 69 Chrowtographic SeWation of Nj2,~ and CoZ~, Ions; by V. V. Oshchapovskys a Pp. Russia# Pat$ ZbLw Anal Xh1m,, Vol XI, No 5, Sep/Oct 1S?56., py 606 1-2. ConndUatv Bumau Sc I - Cl= ,/ ~, -5 . 2 5 Jul 57 -An Electxmnic Miotcmter for ColcrLrnetmle Analysis, E. V. Vasi3evsklyp I& G. V. Y, coliallemkivp 3 PP~ RI M-1010 perf Zmrod. labs. Vol XXV!j, M 5,, 1960., pp 63o-63i. Beak Apr 6;L jolvared Wormospot by Von Man" Vat,, Vost Ak Ma 9M# 20 IN MrAs Lowift ubnwy valls Bulletin set AJW MIR W 1:1 The Design of th~ B1cc1"f--'w11Gt& -,a '~ iwLh~~ka Streetuj, by G. 0 hchepkov. SaCA-- RUSSM, per, Arkh1tektura i Stroitell Vol V, Ila 1950. SIA 59419099 OTS., Vol In, no Dee 6o ---(VDD -26570y-- r Typical W Vacu= Ccobimd 4pazratuz for th3 Maw Bui I ding bf atioam ftiveratty, by P. - K. 0abobe E. Me Beykbrodel2'j, T. 1. Stiwyuk, 22 pp. RUSSIAN, 6-time-yr Ver, Veat Mock U. Ser Fiz-Hatemat i Yest-est lbukp V61 Vla No 9p Noscow.9 1953., Iv 65-77. C-TA/IMD U-8675 USSR T75 SOL - Emin"rIng-, Aue % M/bU lutc-l-nal. IM2-nur Detettion in CirlQ'Ile a-' 2 2 ~ ~he ho- m a. 5 , p p - RLUM, par., Zavod Lab., Vol )Mr~, No 6, igrg, pp 684-689. Instru Soc of Amer Sci JlLm 10 a Application of a Continuous Secondary Electron Multiplication for AmplIfying Small Currents, by P. X. Oahchepkor; B9, N. SkVortsov, B. A, 4 ~-P- -- RUSSIAN, per,, Pribory i Tekh Eksper,, No 4., 1960, pp 89-91. X8A Sci may 61 PW* At .1 1 41" Jul 0 Moo-rotica Main ct the coefficleat in crabolom*8 ForodA 9i= cuouletina tax CbLroateriftle Vg robves tv 3). V. ogbdwru4 mwzwo V4 3-s. 12-13 CM J - -, ~or fti MotaUurgy How Foimmlas for the Calculation of Some Physical Characteristics of Sabstances., by B. N. Oshcherin., 8 pp. MISSM, per, Poroshkovaya IL-tallurgiya, Ho 6, (12), 1962, PP 3-11- CB sci may 64 ,-2 5-Z, 9 Z ~ 114---ove,%= 33810 L9 Wso 113 COMIDWS Cbftvwacvlomo 69p, Tavocabn** qlabd"lat IRMA16 -10 Stamm M23. id 3. camnel .tk--g