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(SF-1875/9) Agodnat Moderm AntimarXismp bY K- Orlovs, A. Pavlaw, T pp. R=im, perp Kamumistp No 9. 1961-.. w U6-120. JPRS 10233 pol 176~ 7.3 4 oct 61 React-im of Parous-Glass with Alkali and I~ydmnmoric Acid&-O. S. Malchamova, L. A. ~~O- "-P 5 pp 0 :71 HUSSW Pori, Zhur ft-& KhIm, Vol =v s, NO 7., 19630 ; 3393-2397- CD sci Sep 64 2665U Me Problem of Fibrindlysis, by L. D. Orloyaj 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, ProbleoW Gemotol i Pexallvwd3~a anovi., Vol V., No 92 1960., PP 15-23- pp sci ./w, //d. Ap? 61 v Separation of Vannalum From Titanium and Ircn WI,W a Catimite, by L. U. Orlova. HUNIMs per., Zavodskqa Laborstoriya., Vol XXIt No 's 1955Y PP 29-30. BrAtcher Tr No 3654 Sclenttfic - xinjuetala Jan % CTS/~ 4.50 SaW Hemorrhagic Diathesis Caused by Deficiency of Factor Vif (Proconvertin, by Yu. I. Loriye, L. D. Orlova, 9 pp. mato RUSSIAN, per, oblemy v j2COVI-, Vol VI, No 3,-1991F,-a~pt~p22-3~~O. pp Sci jul 62 202,617 The Concendration of Serotonin (5-Oxytryptamine) in the Blood in Certain Rematological. Diseases, by G. A. Chernov, L. D._Prlow~, 10 . ._ _ pp. RMSIAN, per, Problemy Gematol i Pereltv Krovi, Vol V, No 2, 1960, pp 21-25. pp Sal oct 6o / -7'1e 6" The Effect of Different D~je's of X-Irradiation on the-Corticosteroid,ii in Rabbits, by V. 14. Rodionov, L. 0'. Qrl&M,. L. 1. Tluul', 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Patolog Fiziol i Eksper Terapiya, Vol IV, No 1, 196o, pp 24-28. jpftlk. 2929 Sci - Mad, Physiology,,. the~rapy jul 6o '2- . Im mWoll wrool to m ". r." me 7w movem w ION* *r RMIANO p fb= TOORM INR PFAGN=Wp VOL MIS Moo PP 123*1310 lk ML IL 38W SIC --Qconm OCT Ise 2141&775 4 S-4285 (w-i6-ip- ) Results o.*k' tl*w Prognosis of rmssure Field wear the (;round and map ojr Baric Topography by the GraphoAmlytical M04hodp by A. S. Dubov; L. S. Orl~or~,, 22 PP. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSUN, irreg per, Trudy,31&vnoy Geofiz Obuervatory imeni A. Ii Voyeykova, No 71, lAnirt- gm-de. 1957v PP 34-48- US JM/NY-L-316 Sci - Geophyslas Ir 46; &* # 0 IF 4IDD 25803) The Dehydration of Frozen Tissueo in Vacuump by Ya. V..Hamullm L. V. Orlovaj, 10 pp- RMSIANP.bUo per,, Zhur Obahch -Blolp Vol XVI, 110 13, NOSCOVP Junfteb'1~55j, pp 69-720 CIA/FDD/U-7505 USSR Medicine, biophyaies .2 S-194/60 (NY-3803). A Comparison of the Action of Total X-Irradiation and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (AM) on Corticostervid Secretion In Habbits, by L. V. Orlova, V. M. Rodulonov., L. I. Taul',j 8 pp. RUSSIAN,, per., Problemy Eadokrln i Gormoaoterapii) Vol V1.# Bo -1,, 1960,, PP 33-37- JPRS 2687 Sai - 143d, Endoarinology jun 6o 117, Kinetics and Yk-.cbmuism of the Decomposition of the Rexa )vnoferrate(II) ion In the Presence of the Thiourc*gold Complex, by K. B. Yatsi-I skiy, m. N. P-rlQye,, 4 PP. IRUSSIAB: per, Zhu-- Heorg Xhim, Vol V,, No 11D, 196% pp 2184-2i8q. Clewirer-RL= Press Sci /-/ f F-51i sep 61 The Influence of Gold Compotw-dr, on tilic Pvalc of Substitution in Cyano Cc--plcxc-s of Iron (TI), by K. B. Yatsimirskii, 14. 1-1. Orlova, 3 P. RUSSSUN, -per, 'Z.hur Peorg Miiiii, Vol W, Ro Ali.) i959, PP 74*1-746# Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. London Jan C4 RODroduelb-i-litly of the Boil-Ing TfeirVOratAwc ~J-- by 14. P- 3 PP- RUSSIAHj per: lzmeritel Tekh., No 5, 1959j~ pp 23-24. Instru Soc of Amer. Sci-Pbys //? ?&P jun 6o .PX.-0d!jc-Jbil'tL~ of `e Change Te,,npc-ratu-r# Of' SO--id Oxygen, by 4 PP. RNUSSYAN, per, .-,zmeriteJ- Dakh, No 2, 1~61, pp 21, 22. ISA S r-u I F eb '02 Vagnetic Properties of Cobalt and Hangunese Carbonates,, by A. S. boravik-Romanov, M. P. Orlovs... 3 pp. ~- AA, IMBSTAN,, Ver,. Zhur Eke r I Thoret Piz, Vol XMIj No 4JI 19560 PP 579-5870 Amr lust of Phys Soviet ftY54 J=P V0.1 -TV, Iffo Sci - Physics Jun 57 On the Chmi al Chnracteriatics of Some Union (Soviet) I:Ojbbers and of Latexx From Asclepias, by M. P. Orlova, 14 pp. HMIM., perp Mmruik ReferatoY VI Mende4wkogo S"ezda po Matol i Prikladnol Xhim,, Vol Il, No 1, 1932, VP 753-760. Scl Tram Center BT-3196 sci - chemixtry Evolving a Practical Temperature Scale In the Region of 10-90%", by D. 13. Ar,-Lrov,, A. S. Borov Ramanov, M. P. Orlovay P. G. Strelkov, 4 pp. HUSSnHp per, lzmeritel Tekh., No 11, 195% pp 35-38- Instru Sac of Amer Sai Oct 60 Industrial Trials to Replace Sodium Sulfate With Pmtrakanite In Glass Melting, by 11. V. Kerbitskaya, M. P. Orlovu, V. N. Sesoroval E. I. Smiraov, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo. i Keramika, Vol XV, No % 1958, PP 3-5. CB Sci 14,P -'-P P- e) oet 6o ?-Jm~etic and Thermal Propertles Of V'reO Modificationze, of Solid bY Ao G- Bomvik-Rcusnov; M. P. P. G. Strelkay) 7 Pp - RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Natzk BBM, Vol XCIX., 1954., pp 699 -702. ABC UQRL-Tram-554 sci - Cbe= lo &,ov 6o List 45 Melting Accelerators -- Powerful ficans M for Increasing the Output of Glass Tanks, by M. P. Orlova, V. V. Pollyak, I. D. Tylmchinnskiy, 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo i Keramika, Vol XIV, No 9, 1957, PP 1-4. CB Sci Aug 6o Sh.-Ift of tha Curie Ta~rabmrc by IL-dxostatuic Compression of !%nganese and Cobalt rlluorlides, by D. N. Astrov., S. 1. Novitova., INI. P. Orlova, h pp. RMSIAN; per,, Zhiw Eksper i r0owret Piz, Voll )0=1, z H 0 5 (11), 1959, R-D 1.197-1201. Amer Inst of Phys sav phys-JETF vol rjulv=. No .5 Sci JTMI 60 Tharmodynamic Studies at Low Temperatures.- L. Neasurl ment of Temperatures Between 12 and 300OKp by P. G. Strellwv, A. S. Borovik-Romanov, M. P. Orlova, 15 pp. RUSSIUs per, Zhur Fis Xhim, Vol XXVM,, 1954, pp 345- 3520 ABC Tr 3U9 Bel - Ph"Ice .Ton 58 The QqWu-ContaimiM Compounds Fors*d During the Synthesis of Ry&ocarbc*kfr= Carbon Momdft and Hydrogen Over am Irou Ontal"to IW A. N. BsoftirowO X. 1. lKhatimkaya wd N. A. Orim. 31 Fu2l tr RM81"s UW a*-so per 8 bak Ak Zmak SSSR vol on, so :Ljl 1"6p p 65 +t1j .6-rd cousuluou 'Bureau Bel - Cbmdstry- Doe 56 CIS C" tbyU" of KAM" In the 87othasis of umaturatec tAetomm. 6-LactAme with a ReptacyclIc Doble DmAp by R. T&. Levlnaj, N. pe N* Ire. Dow)am* V. D. 9 LIM -&A. you tr summas orlee-m pwo DO A NNO =Wp V61 CWI No 2# IWO 1p set - Due 56 m of Hydrocarbouss, c;9(, la,-L-wues vith Tva QuatiaiL-a-Y Cart-o5 Alu'leas. by AR, Ya. Levina.r. Kim DIM. Gtrp ll~ "'P. Smirmove, it. D. Z~ G. Trealiebova, 5 pp. RMSU.N. per,, Zhur Obrbcb KhLm, V*l Xrv'7:E, No 7, 1957, Pp ).7T9-1783. Sci - Chax Oct ;'etc-T-MmUmn ok IdroCfm Lux 'aw--Ars-(v% Allc7a try the ineLhod of 'I'satople 14 1". t,rlova. pp. 6 wrl 6-3: 7E. -. Li f1pr LEI Coq?ulat:Lve Aualysix of the Radioxensitivity of Spammatogocim of Various Types in Mwaca HAAttaj, by E* Do BWw)Lllna,, No H. 2!1~ 9 pp. WSUM, per,, RadloblologLyn.. voi ni., uo h, k 1963- 9222264 AW~5437 Scl juy A a6o,o36 Cmvent D&ta on the StiololMr and Npldamlolou of Unuema, by A. A. ftlma, 8 pp. WWWO Vwx Vast A MaUtallaskikh Nauk SM.7 Vol xvn p 30 5p 1963P im 20M ftl Auji 63 ?44 .3 J14 Seroprophylaxis of Influenza in the Period of the 1959 Pandemic, by N. N. Lr1ova, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Virusolog, Vol V, No 6, 196o. PP Sci may 62 194,767 Dry A-atirable Fomol Vacclixi -liltb Stimulator, by R. bl. Shenj N, fi. Orlova, B. T. Turevich,. H. Y. 111CIM -wz .W Chev, V. M. -arov; RMSM., so perj, Vaterinarlya,, Vol XXXIII, go 1,, Jsm 1.956t pp 30-32. crA 96oool 37 MIA Scientific Bialou Wiclue Aug 1956 CTS/dex A StWy of the Influence of CaUlum Fhasphate on the and Antipide Properties of JUM Japanese R EmeqUIStla VaCcInal by A. N. Orlamp 7 P- MMU3, parp Zhur Mlmvbiol Epidemidl I Imraw-Diox), Val =j, Ito 3, 1959, vp 95-2-00. Pergamn Press Set Apr 60 8onie Aspects of the 2pide-niology of Influenza.. by N~ N. Orlova, 6 pp. mr.ffqruw~pl, RUMUM, per,, Voproay Virusolog!y,, Vol 111, No 1, 1958, pp 33-38. Pergamon 1--st SC i - W-d - -n - qtl. /e).:~, A Study of the Development of Antibody in Dop Vaccinated. With Different 7~ypes ot Rabies Vaccine., by Re M. Shen, N. OrlQvaffl S. T. Turevfthp V. A. Naza=vp M. 1. Bezelyi*p 5 ppo RUSSIM,, per., Voprosy Virusolog., Vol 11, No 3j, 1957, pp i56-16o. Pergemon lastitute Sci - Mediciue way 58 Purification and concentratim of polyvalent Influenza autisera by the methodof fraclo-io=l salting out., by A.V. Ballinson.. N. V. -07-94LIT, IC. L. Shakbzuii-ua, lipp. 4 AustAim, per., Voprosy Virusolog: Voll V) No 2, 1960., pp 140-145, scl Zj/ Jan 61 hivastigation of the Ckanges of the I!Qtaticm- vilo"u4m slloetruw of cartain Sisq-10 bissolmUeno by M. 0, biAsuln, PJASIANI, pot,, getihik Igo so Mas pi, "ip"574, MUTT F-116021 U4-rh" Ato 67 "M 16 VT wA, - w tIsm on " I sul *b a M. so & $mum JOL 43 "m IM40V D-lagrams of Light Scattering for the Tuna ftrface.. by N. B. Orlovs, 4 pp. RMIM., per,, Astzm Tslrkular, No 156.. 1955., pp 19-21. LWA TT P-75 Goi .. Antron ; I P 7 9 2o sept 62 of IAAt RaDectko as ii7t--*Mm iod,mosme Rot% Warklaw by A tbmr%k pow* p2d LWV, 5w him so Moab" Ud*AMM %I=$ or am U=W asp Q* %dam ""solo nowswo pmol~ - ems no me. ;a!'. -, 0 j am v 1 zoou"m lv4ft ii, N. V. Popryia. L. A. and ot~e rs. PARW&L'Airrrs IIY5IOI,9GIQUESDFS0RGAN15- 1. Orlova, N.V. MES PRODUCTEURS DES TETRACYCLINES (Fiziolo- It. Popava, L.A. picherkle Osobennosti Produtsentov Tetratsiklintw) Ill. CNRS- XVII hiq 72 h sioiogy of Tetracycline Producers). 30p. 31 refs. IV. ~cntre Nadowl de ]a Recher- CNKS-XVII his 72. cheScientifique, Porls Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $2.60 TT-62-28823 Trans. In French of Akademiya Nauk SSR. Insritur M1krob1-oTo-g-ff-.'Tr-udy, 1959. v. 6. p. 251-264. DESCRIPTORS: *Tetracyclines, Antibiotics, *Acti- nomyces. Biosynthesis, Physiology. (Biological Sciences- -Microbiology, TT, v. 11, no. 7) The Role of Certain Organic Acids in the B of Oxytetracycline, by H. V._2rlova 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Antibiotiki, Vo.1 IV, No 2, 1959, pp 34-39- BLA 60-10959 Sci m, vol m, No 6 1o2 .5 e So= RhyoiGlogical Feculiaxi"Cies of Inactive Muttats of Act. Rimosm j- .p Vie Producer of W tetracycling" -by N. V. -Orlova. MISSTAN., per., Antibiotiki, VcxL VI,, No 7., 19:;1, pp 6~9-635- ATS RJ-4175 Sci-Wol 8o bled Sci Dec 63 02 Camparative Pbysiological Characteristics of Two Oxytetracycline Producing-Strains of ACIII. RD40SUS,, by N. V. Orlovap . P. Verkhovtseva., 9 pp. RUSSIM, per, Antibiotiki, Vol IV,-Ilo-l, 195_9, pp 26-31. - sLA 6o-lo954 Scl. m Vol - I* Ccmpaxative Inveatigation of the Physiological Properties or Terramycin and Biomycin Producers by N. V. Orlam, T. P. Verkhavtoeva, 7 rp. RUSSIAN, per,, Ml]krobtologiya, Vol XXVI, No 5,ZX1.51 pp 51;572. Amer lust of Biol Sci Bei - Wd may 58 V ce or the phospbzl:,a-,y m,hz~ the Biosyn~v PLcid Of corn ar -, , 17'. Tlova., cygy-Latracyclirl-aip by N, Vo 0 pp. 7ITI., ITO 1959, PIP Of Biol scl. y 6o V _4MMI sum . t ALI, 10 wo, RAMIA "off PITO14 vft mats, W.% ift win INo scl J" 63 47000 The question of the Importance of Phosphorus in the Mrmation of Ox)tatracycliine, by Z, F. V. Orlo%m, 5 PP --- --------- -- R1531kNO per$ Dols Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIV.- No 2,. !959p.pp 436-439- ATBS Sci - Bio Oct 59 Synthetic M-*dium for tho Biosyntheois of Cbcytqtracycline (Tarrmwein) by Act Rimaus Culture 18-T-118, by V. N. Shaposhnikov, Z- M. Zaitseva,, N.-VI.-Orlova... PP& .R=IM# per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXT, No 2, 1958, pp 366-- Amer Imt Qf BiQI Sci Sci - Pad Ity,pli v Z - - ation of the iindial Paper Chromato.xupny ~.Lcthod for the Separntion and Identificution cf Methylated i-bnosaccharides, by 0. K. Qrlov% E. P. RcmerzkEjn,, 2 p!). ------------,. RV~STALR, rier, Biok-Um# No 4, 1961, p-) 646-648~ CB 3 Minur 62 Papor-Chrowto,graphic Study. of the Structure o-l' Carbobyd=twa ot Diphtberia Bactoria, by Oo X. -Qrlava,, E. P. Efimtoovaj 6 pps RLM310, blr,,ci per., Dlakhimlya, Vol 2=,,, Ea 5, BOY/Oct 19157., PP 505-509- camultants Burftu Sci - Ked ~-61 ).:la Dec 57 Structure of Maman of Diphtheria Bacteria, by 0. K. Orlova, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Biokhim, Vol XXVI, No 3, 1961, -pp 439-443- CB xw Sci Apr 62 194,578 Structum, - - ---- by 0. K. Orlova, 11 pp. MISSIM, per, BickhIm, Vol XXY-II, Wo 4, 1955, Pp 502-310. Consultants bamau Sci - Biology q 6) ~ Apr 59 ~3) 17-1P, 'I oscillographic Wthod cC iftasurlug the RFte of Notion oC a Wtol In a Casting M Id.9 OrImp 9 pp. V= NJ&IUM,, per,, Lite Proi2s No 7., 1954.. 95-27- 966Wa AM IF-25-oc45/= Soi - Pbys,, Mn/Mot 17e Apr 61 OW-1504) Nm TmUtlow of the Lattigh People., by Z. Asoym, L. Kapdap R. Ocim., 9 pp. =SIM,. pw, NsWka I ftUgL3%, No 12, IW, 3W 69-T2. im 4w sm 1--t1 7 ~q *47 Aw 61 In the Hame of Mmikind, by H. A. Orlo%-a,/ -0. RUSSIAN, joer, Znmiye-Sila, No ", 1957, p 35. ATIC PM-134/1 sel Dee 60 Imstigatim of the bdfor Proputles avA Metrical corAwtivity of Ckwadva Cblwift gleetrolytes axd of the CathoSe Prwess ft ftese ZUmtro2yteop by S, X, sma U"Wwr.. V. N. nudduaj, at all "V* *W JjrAk W"p Vol MMV,* go ca ftl awn Ce Rroduction of ciwam~lum Chloride in I'd-alts, by V. N. Pit'ahina and S. I. TL-Ilval Orlo 0 5 PPI ~ RMSIM. per, Zhur Prik Khtm, Vol XXXV, No 9, 62, pp 2Q,.'3 - 201)7 CB Sci Jul 63 The EUiewagglu-tib-Eition~-R--action-as-a-ygthoCI of D-Atermining the Prese=e of VI antibodleis by T. 0. Orl pp R=LAN.. per Mmar YUkrablal EpAdmaiol i !==umabicl, 'Vol X=t so 5,7 1"8,p Vp hq-52 Imt Set - Momd Feb 59 Virulence and Autipalelty of Salamella Typho" Stralas and AntlWmaity of the Carrespondlag Vacabass In Relatlou to Coaten't of Wmatirm " MUMted by M"ps of the BA4mggb3+-4qn Pmattan, by.?. Go pEiRSL 6- pp. Mazi RMUM, pars, Zbw Wkroblolq ft1dandol i imanabiol, Vol 1=0 so 8,0 IMO 105-109 got - w Apr 59 ftrueture of Acetals and Retals of by A. V. Anikem.. T. 1. ~3~ 5 pp. RUBSW.t r* nm Obsbah Milmii, VOL '311 No 12, 1 2* 3925-3929 pp. CB W Oct 63 RjY2., .0 eyll --- -- - -- - - - - --- --- - I - , ~ 1 - 19 L14 O,rlova, T. 1. -1 OSCILLOGRArHIC METHOD OF MEASURING THE 1. Metaln--Casin,~, ILkTE OF M0I'ION OF A METAL IN A CASTING 2. Liquid metals- M(gik;, MOLD. 9 D~c 60 [101p. (8 figs. omitted). FTS-9945/i. I .Orlova, T. T. Ord,r from L.C or SLA mj$1.8U, nh$1.80 61-19-129 H. F -TS-9945 11 I[.-. 'Yec1:m,::aJ ~nfurma!ic-n Hough draft i rans. of Litcynoye Proizvod3tvo (USSR) Cer.E~r, Wright. -F-,mc, L~nn 1954, no. 7, 1). 25-777. AF!1, Ohio Thu osciHographic method was employed for measuring the initial rate of motion of A]- and Zn-hase alloys in Cs.tings (th--- p~ing temperature was sufficient to w.-irrant the flow of the metal in the mold up to the point , the rate of flaw of of crystalb-2ation) and for measuring the metal in thz.- range of precrystalli7vion temperatures for the purpo~ic of estahlitffiing the relationship bc~lween the fluidity and the rate of flow of the molten mass. The values of the rze of flow mLasured under uniform com- ditions of "N.- "periment coincided. Good conformity of the results was observed during rep2ated pourtigs. OM- .1 T..6A-l 5-4- (kiaciiinc!rv--t~iiiiufaCLtiring, 717, v. 5, no. 11) Ejectxoredjt~,;ioa-of -PdpUd"-6f - Prolirn am~j of DiaLw1waides oi Amino Acid-:~,, by T. I. Orlova N. I. Gavrilov, 4 PP. RWSUH,, pero Zhur Obahch Rhin,, Vol XXIXj, NO 10 IMP vp 55-57- nuatauts BUMU Sol Iftr,60 Ile- e~~!;O, z -UY- I ! - 7, Mmasj, -&or CmV by PrOOINWO DIC C&Gtivgo by If . I. OrIOM- =CLAWVW r4WSUX,, pm., TAt pmis, so 6, 1957.. p 7gS' co-op Tr Bch SOL -. 1w gap % IS, 11 .7, Modi-lication of Ileat-Stable A114VJI With an Al-61 Bacep by T. I OWIOV&l MBSIM, per., Liteynoye Proizvodstvoj, 1958, No 4p pp 31-32. - MA 59-17623 Set Fdb 60 Vol 21 NP 9 Manufacturing AUt=Obils Cylinder Blooka Frq,,a Pressure Cast Alminum AlIOYj by T. I. Orlova., pp. RUSSIAZI,- per$ Lit Proix., No 6p 1957, PP 7,, B. 966M96 ATIC F-T8-98W SCI, - Rugr my 61 ElectroreductUm aa a *tbod tcr lwmtigmtlng Protelzi. 1. Study at- WistsnoO FA, o I by the ElecU=%fticaca of Oert4dn V.ActqftmWjUwp by 2. 29 orlafto 1* 16 OmLvrlu 7 RMX41s, .'tot# Zhuir" Vishft Akin# VmL ZbX4 3b iM7. pp 33lb-3300. ftl - Cbm whr 59 101,210 Ar4inc P-erivatiyes and Zrop Acetals Of Vitd. SYlitaft, by A. N. - Arikeyeva, -I'. Is. Gri 4 S WJSSI 'UN* per,-, Zhur Obs'.1ch Khira,, Vol XX-Xj, ?'.~o 11 pp 351W-3549.. CD Sci 213P135 Au.- 62 Sma Proftets of the Electrolytic Raduction of GramIdIdino.j"j, by T. I. Orlova, R. 1, MOM Gavrilov,, 2 pp. RUSSIMj, imr,, Dok Ak Ykuk MM, Vol CXVI, No 2, 1957j, pp 239Y240. Consultants Bureau Sol - Chm Oct 58 C.~ 7 gr r oxi e %eactiona af 15oprene de with Hy~or n Su:Lfidel, ~-~:!7crnptins a0. KeLctnes., by A. N. Pudovik, T. M. Orlova.; 4 pp. W)SSIANs perp Zhur Obsbah Mdw., Vol % , No as 1960., pp 2614-". CB 3/ sep 61 (NY-6373) Cmeerning Some Changen in Chronic External Irradiation, by A. V. Grinberg, T. V. Orlo 20 pp. ~ RUSSIAN,, per, Vest Rentgenolog i Radiolog, Vol XM, NO 2., Mr/Apr 1961, pp 1.0-14. JM 9477 &i - - med 15-g C)07 Jun 61 i.-, AdoorDtdxm *rtbod fbr--tbe te nation and Sqmmtim of Utrlm In UO Uri= of vwVmVmwt Wmm~p by Be At SubmMUn-A T. 0. - Mms 6 pp. FM W jws~s mm Dws Memo Lap Va =0 110 is awlm xq%A W* 1kd - mebw DM 96 dm ;97 I& 71,e Volume of Schwaite. Crystallization at 0* in the Marine System K.Na.Mg/jCl. sm 504-H20, by 0. K. Yanatweva, V. T, Orlova, 7 RUSSIANO pert Zhur Noorgan Xhim,, Vol III$, No 10, 1958, ppp 2408-2413. AEC-tr-4458 PL-480 Sci Aug 62 PST-380 209,962 oil - st & Orion* 7 Np# vw aw I ~ A ,on Zdap %I wo 1b Is 100 aw Pm 300 ~i 0 . a SyF'-em K, Na., Mg Cl., So . H 0 at 0 p by 0. K. u 4 2 Y'Dr-tye:va, V. T. Orlova; 8 pp -RUSSIAN; perp Zhur Prik Khimp Vol XXXIII, No llp 1959,, IV 2397-2404 CB /3 C. f, 6 0 / 3 2, / -F-,3 of Equilibrizi in the 6yst,~u; K2SO4 - Ija2S-04 1120 at 550, O.K. Yanatulyeva, V,.T, Orlova 'iUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Rhim, Vol 1, -NO 5, 1956, ;LEC-Tr-45P6 Sci- kor 63 A Study of Equilibria in thm System Koft - K42SO4 - YzBO4 - H20 at 5f., by ?A 0. K. Yamtlyeva, V. T. M60MIL 7 pp. RUWIANJ, part Zbw ra"gan Fadmi, Val 1. re .5. h 1956, pp. 988-994. Aw-mr-4586 Sal Aw -63 0 ~ea S~fstem K, Naj llg Clp S04 H20 at 0 0 by 0. K. Yauatyeva, V. T. Orlovas 8 Yp RUSSIM, pery 7,1-, Prik Kbim, Vol XXXIIp No 11., 1959, Pl? 2397-2404 CB -)et 60 L / 3 2, / ~,P-F b) IT. v. orlova, s. V. 02 et ' i~LU~AAJ, 1"Acat: No 120271A (Jass 4~0118 Fkq) lgs',~;Jj -ict 66 Cliu-EaC6-of the LGSR, Tssuc 4, i..bstern Siberia, by V. V. Orlpv~l, 389 pp. RUSS-M, bk, Klimt SSSR, Vol V. Zapadnaya Sibirl, Leningrad, 1962, pp 1-360. 9695759 FM42-63-537 RGOVIT USE UILY Sci - Earth Sci :Jan 65 271,433 Coner-humSuw9e golf-Pbodog br V. V.OrlAwa, S. V. Tom 2 MWIM, pat"t X* Uftl)., 6 ftb 1959, 1 P. PIOWJ29067 Dee 67 -:4 x seu-pluxins i idif-, . by S. V. Lasbkojs ff. P. TA , V. V. Orlma.. 3 PP. MMM,t patmts No 137.v386,p )by 1960. 96*IW VOW4562-W um un /IfIll 91~F~ 5 ftr se Mpmleropdoe Oscillatims of TrOPOpause, In ConmectAan vith by Ye. M. Lb:Ix!!!, 10 pp. the Altitude of the Bywptlc Processes., MWINj per, Ikt I ftdj. Ib 7; Lmdugr*Ap 1958., PP 3-20- im 674-D Sol - Geophys MIRY 59 Deter-=L-1-10-n Of 14- , by Yz 1, 'Usn-tengo =,d Y, i, OrIoYm., A on arc Steel 3 -pp - PMSUN.~ parp Zavcd Iz7b.. Vol X7. YO 1.19 1949; P? 3 L 3 6 5 r. 13 6'je 4 ) SLA R-aO61 ci Aug 58 71; (sF--,9-"16) Problmn of Tmuernational Socialist Division of Labor and Coordin tion of Long-Term PlannIng, by Ye. Orlova 10 pp. RUSSM, Plaaovoye Khozyaystvo, -,,ic; 3, 196'l, per, pp 1-6. jpRs io627 USSR 7 Reon 11ham the Ob ' River Flows, by Ye. OxImm, 1, 'p, -- S p Imam, bk3 T=) Gft Proteicawet ob,, 119,54. ACSI 9 313 ID U7958 USSR Geog Ai% 6.1 /)- Q, 0-Y I I k;> Cermin Data on the Movement of St-,iatllium im Gm,-md Water, by A~ S~ Ye~ I- Orl A. L Ryzhov, 12 D RUSSMi, bk, Ruspredeleniye Biologi&,esloy-,2 Deystiviye i Migratsiya Radioal-ti-mykh Izotopov, Moscow, 1961., pp 306-314. JPRS 15067 Sci - Geophys Oct 62 M30 Chemistry an& Techwiagy of High Explosives,, by Ye. VI. Pz%ova, T52 pp. AWIANj bk2 KhImiya i kImojS&!jM &Ammtj~gM- YZI700MOM Vaubc stv, 1960, 397 Pp. 967OM-Va 967OT76-V, 967-0774-V A&?_~j 14t* !_-er-d Pn)6-NM-844/1 7y'/ E,4r,l 31 Sci - Omn / 6'- Aug 61 A rmT,-.- ox-dl~-r cc PoIyaorpblic Convers-Ic-Las of Ne2B!Y4$ by A. V, Novoselova) Yu. V- O-rl-ov-a~ Yu~ F. 81=civp L. M. EDVbl%p 6 PP- RUSSIAN., per,, Dok Ak Hmk GSSR, Vol CXXVI, No 1, 1959, VP 0-96;, Sai Cowultmts Bu-s.N-%au Jun 6D _U314TEMEA.-Yu. --I - UVODSKM U&MkTOMAs WI 15l ft no L949 Photaeo2sAimte" DeUmi"tion of Silicon in U~ma am 3fttehar Tr 0.30 -13 7 Nonmetallic Inclusions in Spheroidal Graphite Cast Ironj, ty P. P. Arsent'evp Yu. Ya. Orlova. .WSSMW, per, Liteinoe Proizvodstvo., wo 4,, Aprn 1957, PP 23-4- Brutcher Tr 4096 $3,10 Sei - Min/Met % Apr 58 Characteristics of Wires WM Cod4al~~ used Ibr Windimp, by A. 1. Birjukova,, T. M. Orlovichp So S. SWomm"ri. 26 pp. A 13 Z- 1. 1961a TUBUM# per Vwt Maktro Pvmlfl~ pp 25-3L. FIMT.61-126 2 Mw 69 -2 7 ,A/ f--C)o An 1,rv-es'u-~gatklion of 'uh-- Pararac-bors cf Wind:D)C AM Process on Flyer -Frames When Processing Stlapio I'llbare, Z. E. Orlova, 12 p-.-L-).- RUSSIAIJ, per, Iz Vysshihh Ucheb Zaved, Tehh Telkstuii 0 Prom, No 19~0- Textile Distituto Sci 193, 043 ,,Iay 62 (11-~:-,6523/2) Qhmi,!~es cX MAlcular Efficiency in Individuals Worldng ~Mder the Effect of voise, by E. p. pp. RUSSIM, -mer, Gig I Son., No 4, 1,o6it pp 23.-24. JFM 9639 Aug 61 1~4