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D-ater,mination of Lunar Geomwvgmtic Variations by keh the Aid of Caluclating VAchines, by A. Ya. Orlov 17 pp. RWSIAN,,bimo per) IZ Ak WaUk SSSRj Ser GcOgraf t Georizi 110 2,v 1937P PP 195-206. c Iq 6 e 0 7 ATIC F-TS-9095/M &ooi - Geopbysics #,~7- 0 6 6, Mr 1937 CM o~q%eA cmteuL in Gmiza wtraxm of tsc-L:k W-1 (DviqNq of the Vaogaa Cblwt I;, by A Ya. 0--ims? lo pp- HU&",-4W,p PW., FOChVVMd*EdWCv So .122, 1958.P M= pp 36-41. Ans E:aj .4 am 61 /,.;? /,~ .2 ", ;?-, k Observations on Absorbing Boots of Spruce (Picea &celsa Link) in Natural Conditionz, by A. Ya. OrIciv, 16 py. I FIJ-3,131AN; SS&'I, %IcIl XL11'. 8, I)P arg. 6o-aicq PL 48o Aug 60 / ~ 3j 1% Increasing Pedagogical Skill , by B. PElov, 2 p. RUSSIAN, per, Narodnoye Obrazovanye, No 11, 1959, pp 21, 22. Interntl Arts and Sci Press Soviet Education Vol II, No 4 USSR - Soc Apr 6o Early Clanges in the Blood Serum, Resulting-From - -- X-Ray Treatment,, as Shown by Ultraviolet Spectro- gmpkWj, by B. M. Grayevehaya,, B. A. 2=j 4 pp. RUSSIANp thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol CVIII, 1956, PP 623-625. AM Tr 2874 '7 '9 61 sc:L - Physics j Aug 57 F,EL--Iy Ch=ges -in Blood Serump Res-altina fxcm ,Ae by Ultra-Violet X-Ra,) Treatment# as f** spectrographyk. by., ]~. HkIGritevr4myaj B. A. orloyl.. 4 gpi HLIMIMp per., Duk Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol CV1112 no 4.. 1956j, pp 623-625. SIA B-17 ABC W W4 Sci Aug 58 -2-~, 3FJ Properties of rhospbines, V. Reaction of Pbos- phines with Cbloroamines,, Su3fenic Cb3orides, and Amines By K,A, Petrov, V,A, Parsbina, B.A. QEIOV, PP -5 RUSSIAN, per, "Abur Obabcb Khimii, Vol XXXII, No 12, 1962, pp 4017-40?1 CB sci ;2q1 -02.9 Oct 63 Spot Electric Welding of Duralumin Clad with alloys of the Aluminum-Magnesium System, by B. D. Orlov, A. I. KolpasMikov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 1M[M)tK Tsvetnye Metally, Vol II. No 8, 1961, pp 66-72 PS Sci 214064 Sep 62 X-Ray Tnaumec'Aon of .9pot-Weld 113=ar~blies of Mgh.-Strangth Aluminium Alloys, by B. D. et al. RMSXAN, per, ftarodbnoy Proiz, rio 1, 3.957, 20-24. - . . =/=a Sci --Min/f*t AIV 62 Strength of Spot and Boller Welded BT14,'Tit-luilum Joints., by B. D. Orlov, 6 pp. MMSIAH, per, Bvarocbnoye Proizvodstvo, No 5, 1957, pp 19-22. C-TA/FDD X-3037 Sci - ldinerals/wtsis Aug 58 7~ a?' 9, M=mA*vWWW =-MZMMM m :ammmr - UNKMIMIL JPM ubg V 'a Im ZAW03 , 2"O"N OiY-3904/3)- Status and Flampectives in the Development of Spot and Roller Welding of Ligbt Alloy We.'Ldments, by BD. 0 DY.. P. L. ChLikoshnikov, 15 Pp. --qr-1 - RUSSIAN, per, 3varochnoye Proiz, No 7, 1959, pp A-19. jms-21o4-N Bel, - Kin/Met jan 6o spot and R*U W*241ag of Opecial BUsIA &W A21oyivp bY Do 8- SAUOTOUP So P. otuwv P. t.. Vil 536 rp '0 FMUvv bko, ""Chmys :L soliwmA smim SpetsWItWO Btaloy 1 SpUva~., *=M* 1957,p 430 VP- C-/~ (,Zr,5,j4q-V ATM W-U-A59/v Sol sw Apr bV ft- i- DaltrUwo "J6 ;4 LeLov, 7 poro VN9V - - OVA& AAmifiL2:-m DIM&P-1 57* IM* pr- 114-119. s*'Pt 4~a Toobnalw IZW Spot and RcUw uelding of Oad Svp bw 16 A. CAP2*vv Tm. Vv Udtrl3we 8 Y9. All. pwp Maknox ad-OwAmm- ZIME-49ft ubm" admalp K* W-9 1963o pp 12D-UG. PIOOluukm-v FTA4466~:357 x~ ~ - Celo v swftt 561468 3649W3 larmUsittIft at the Monal AeUvaUca HooW ficir aptitmi qmmc:hllng or Sam 097st" lboopimmop by 1r. L. lovabft,, N. X-A~ 3 PP. low=# jwp In Ak Nmk BMp Sor nap Val XXVI ED 41. igai, ir 46046P. 022 Mp 126 Bel ja 62 Mavestigaticu of The TheTwl ActIvation Emergy of photostimulated Flasbes in ZnS: Cu-.Fb -Phoi3pbors., v. L. Iovabin, B. M. QE 4172. RWXM., perj, Optika i Spektro., Vol VII., No 41 19591 :pp 530-53b. OBA SC4 1/6~7, qo Ift 61 di-S, Iftlua, .an", 5" m__ a Nfrect of Toloolty or Topour an rwtlal Mois- *wujf4w Coofftelents In the Vapmw and Ijiqu-l,-, phomm in awtift"tion lo Plate oolums, 1,y W. OrImp A. 19. PImumMy. FLwrm IbIn I T4kh Tr,*rCjd'V i Namli Vol VIS go k, vp T-10- zz m 38% -C'i Sol - chm iftr 63 ! I If, ; .1, WVllT3,-!v! I'll'i ~V:O, lbOMID41MUMiC 4nIa-"lliStiC fundanontals of Solid-Prw .Lmllaat RQavL F-skgi"SO by b. V* Orlov, G. Yu. ma"Ost 391 13.20, VJSSIAXs bko SaUistlcbsikmrF~ Prayoxtanwauiya Rake!MNA 1wilatelay a& TvOrd" Toplivo Mscavo M"o pp 1-406. PIOLVSS167-V FTD-Dir-65-191 o9 LOJ SCi - P3rRp 4 FUOIS Fab 67 uo,m (Nr-?aOO) 7he Role of .41ver Transport a In tAe usifled TwAvort lkt of the MR$ b7 A. WIWAhVW,, 2SWmj, D- Orlov, 13 Redum Transl)wt, No 10'. JM 13285 VAr 62 Isotopes of Uvanium in Natural Conditions. 11. TIGG-tapic Ccm~pozltian of Uranium of 14ineralB, by V. V. Menlyntsev, D. F. Orlmr, E. & Z;abvjcv. rrwsn,.;: I?e:v., GwNAndya, zo lo, 1961, pp BW-W. 909344-7 AM Tr-5101 Sel - chm W -jui 62 Stews v235 in magwtito with a Hloi cwtent of Actudums -by V. V. p Be A. Uvbaye7, Tu. At Surk"S I Do Fe ("., le P. usators 5 py. RTJSSIM; per# OwNhInlYaj, 20 Its 1960m 1V 373s 374. Am &-u6q Sci - cbm ftr 61 /IN, 5*69 v Infrar,sd AbGO%v%,icn SWtr& of Huda Acidst by D. S. Or3mw wA 0- X, R034,,~va., P, 7 WSSWs perl P*Wmadmdps Sc~ Is 1962g PP* 17 ~ 25 Tedmica sai J1119" -1-6 7 Aug 63 'ri, DVVJLCe for MqaGUrjXbg B1300trft and CorrelatUm r=OtU" at LOV-pXeV~WW prooommo* by V- A- vmwvo orlovs a NP, --------- ~-q- zmvX verp PrlboaW Shift Zkoer., lb 1* 190* iv ;;759. 30A sci war 61 O;Y-6410'~, On the Speed of Traas-mission of Wormatioa cn Channels With Propagation, by V. A, Zverev, E. F. 18 pp. RIBSWI, per., Iz VysehUh Ucheb Zaved i~A Radioftz,. Vol IV,, No 2, 1961. JPRS 10223 Sci 73, 7 corxelation pathod for Mmauring the Acoustic Ratlop b.V 84 0. Gerebmna N. F. Orlov, 4 pp. PAW==, pw,, Axwt- Zbwp Vol. Me so 3m 1957, pp 205407- Awr INt of Pbys Ow PWs - Acoustic* Vol 111, No 3 Sol - awn Doe 58 %"0', 3,;- 7 ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE REALM OF STUDY OF BRUCELLOSIS IN ANIMALS: BY E. S. ORLOVL RUSSIAN,, PER., TRWY VSES INST EKSPER VET.. VOMIIIP 1959Y PP 257-275. 9090891 1. USDA TR V-ITT5 SCI - MM AUG 6-2 2o8., 165 The PtOblalfl O.C the GaiA18 &nd Sh6OP .Ln the WSRj by E.S. Orlov; 3 pp. RUS510,1 per Zhur Mikrobiol Epide-mial Jamun-~-Ibicl, Vol M1, flu 2, 1960, pp pp a -41 61 Brucellosis of AgricUtural Animals; Per Mterial Submitted to the Blitorial Office, by E. S. Orlov. RWSUNs per., Vetarinariyaj, Vol p NO 2,, Feb 1956.p Nbsomp pp 35-39. CrA D 900&-)97 USDA sci - Blalozy YAr 57 CM/dex Must Scientific Probjer~B-- S-OB~~~?- by E. S. Orlov. RMSIM., mo per# VeteriwrLjLaj Vol XXXIIP No 10 Jan 195~, pp 92-94- c--_rR-.D yo7;t/;Z Sclentitic - Medicine CTS 72/sep 1955 (DC-2700/71) I-rae-re Are the Vegetable-Harveating Machines, by 1:1 Voy-uov., V. Zototarev., F, Orlov., 4 pp. RUSSM3 np, Leninskoye Znwva, No 290 (12425), 11 Dee 1960, P 3. JFM 8477 USSR 7 jul 61 (NY-7098) THC WMANT WWlQN Of TW PROKM OF A"LlMho TIZATION OF PAW IN THE MM,, BY Q. A. -OFtLOVp A* P. MINA, 4 PP. MMIANS, 004M$ UOWM WDIT SWUAv vft 11.4 w 5,0 t 9610 rr a 1 .84. 201#993 (r,DD- 3z-o68) Dc-n68 Discaue of the Lover Extremities Rcoulting Fma Repeated Exposure to Frigid Water, by G, A. 9rl4zj,,,. 9 PP. RIUSSMIN., mu per, Khirurgiya,, Vol XXKT-tI, No 6, Mosc Jun 1957, pp 101-96. US JPRS/M-L-420 Sci - Medicine d Problems of Automated Pcuring, by G. M. Orlov and V. K. Serganov, 4 P.P. RMIAN, per Lit Proiz, No 2, 1962, BCIRA Sci oct 62 214,1 P8 (DC-5050/3) Progress not In Fulff I If the Degree at the Central Camidttee CM and the Cmw:ii of Miutaters UM an Awswes to SLisduate the Lag In tho Pap and Paper Industry,, by G. U. OrIff, 6 pp. up# 'Asova prm"wm=wqt,-S No 91 18 JM 19fts PP 2,v 3- im DC-5050/` . -d Ra:t-e of' Ful-fil-I.:uent of~ the CIPSU and Council of Ili 4Lni slue vs LGSR Decree on Measures to Liauddate 'be Lag in the Colluaose-Pa-per Industn;, by G. 14. t Orlov, RUSSIAE, np., Lesr4Q,-&a Promy-a~--~t, is jan 1,P6"i, PTI) 3. --------- - W.RS USSR ECO-11 -C-i veb 61 -LI"HITS'V ORLOVI, 0. N. plastic Daroomation of Ceimentite in Steel, DOUADr AMWMI NAUK USIN Vol ?02 19509 No 2* pp 229-301 700 words. Brute"r No 2523m, 7-he Siberian Scientific Center, by 1. Orlov, 6 pp. RUSSLW: por, Na Stroykakb Fd~soil, No 1, 1963, :pp Ill-el-19. (cau Fo. TA4 au 1963 Fc. 1 awf) Army ft Service usm RIM= 4:x, (C P. a y 6,z "~,3 a., 0' 7 hOll" t0 ftWO29' Qu~~ cu &MUery nriW, bv ODU Vo BaNbeg3marjo 1, Is= 5 ppe IMMX,v wo vormmy vlstnjj4 so ( )* 1962. AM ZDWk P ID gx%m Md nor 69 21606D.9 CR~IW62 Damigulng and buildlzlg of a Solentlats City of the 131bar:Lan Bmwh of the AusdoW of Selemen UMp by 14 so orloto 3 c g RMUls bkj, ProbloW Smetakw GradostwAtellstvap NO 13.p i9Q.- Yp 99-43 "P 62 Professional Training of Students ir. Higher Schools of Pedagogy, by I. I..Orlov, 3 P-D. 0 RUSSIA'-q,, per, Sovet Pedagoglke, Ho 12, 191:0 38-43. Interntl Arts and Sci. Preo.7 SovIet Education vol ii, No 6 USSR I/ C2 0" 12 / C17 Soo jun 6o -rim Flow of Ajubmw Pmt slurry in P40-8 p IW 1. 1. pp, RMSIM 0 bim zhurs, val. xvii., No 6., Nw/Dec~ :743., CIA $k27W Cr real 3. :37" ConmItwA& Buxem Bei - Obomistry 17541.5 Aug 1956 Ua 'the tpm of ?Axin Praftatlott of Firso, IV lo I& (*low* RUSST"P Iwo IGMOA ama (MftRmjljj)j, Vol 60 No ~6 1W39 op #CSFTI TT Fob 68 by ~ x* Z* Mostpow #AWA Zo So OrIAW comwo wo mdadmee ,b 70 vp 51-A# ILL Vmil% 9091.9r (=&W 2350) , L :Ir - ftl4Mfttrmdm ,7027 iss 3600w- Experimental Investigation of the Possibility of Realizing Maltiple Component Electrolumi nes cent M Devices Employing Ferroelectric Materials, by I. Ya. Lyamichev, I. X. Orlov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, ~[z-AJL SSSR Ser Fiz, Wol XXV, no 4, a963-, Pi 467-4'!~ CTT 202,720 Sci jul 62 The Starting-Up 'I'Jme and Its Effect on the Characteristics of RX Gyro Motors with B~ysteresis, by N. Z. Mastyayev, I. N. Orlov, 8 pp. RUSSIVIT, per, Avtomat i Telemekh Vol XXII, .1, 1961 _'=T~ 140 0 ~p 2 -12~~ ISA Sci Jun 02 200,6s62o EXPKIAmtel SUAY or Lipt n in a nPrAtocanductor-FaToolmtrIc-In ro3jmdLnww aommt, tar 1'. N.,_2EIwva_ N. 1. Tabor s, 3 YP RMSMS pWg OptVM J Sp*tM# VOI IXj WD 5p 19w, op 62M30 Bel NOW 63L ML /--r/, 0, 6 0 V Tnflu3v,oe of the Meetrical PzebUtory of an ZLOC on Its raud acence Character- latics MR r Excitation by Mort Voltase Pulew.. bY I- la- Liendabovs- I- N- OrlOvp 9y jWS&T,W.t perp Optlka I Spektroj, Val VII, So 3, I-Mp Xp 3,98-4"- OSA sci Apr Q The Motoelootretic I'Dtatls im = zmm- mim aviv Electro.photogmphic Proossaesp by B, Fl~ Golovin; 11. T. Kashukeyev, I. N. Orlov.-5 PP. MISSIM, par, Rx T+ Talal Vol II, No 5, 1960, PP 1004-10101 AIP Sm PMs-,%IIA State Sai Jau 61 Proces3, by mans of Combined Electret Layers, by B. 14. Golovin!, 1. S. Zheluev.~ N. T. Kashukeyev,. I. N. Orloirl, V. H. Iiridkinj~ L,, Ya. 11-logilevalmyu, A. S. Anlo-nov.' 4 pp. RUSOSIANm pery Dok ;;.k Sauk SSSRx Vol C.~CM, Vc 5, 1959j, pp 1008-1011. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Pbys -Doklady vol iv., No 6 Sci ~2 t/ ~7 .ja 6o ~X-Moral 7heol~j Of llyStererir, Electric l;;';-jt'cUrs, lo~~ A~ N. Larionov, N. -1. Mastyayev, 1. Ji. Orlov, 14 pp- RtrSSIAN, per, Blekti-ichestvo, No 7, 1958, PP 1-6~ 9093256 ABC Tr-4972 Sci - pilys .iinr 62 Zinc Emm Blectrolualnophors.. by 1. N. %if lop 16 pp. RUSSIM, par, Is Ak &uk SM Ser fts, vol )M, No. 5. 1957v pp 731:ia4i.- COI=bl& Tech gal - pas Aug 58 7/1 rld I-L.-I'lixic Sz,-- tatilivi al, On stant L,,V i. wr ijukaaxil ~6 pol CL i~o Vp AQV ~H; 2o. I t1 aa ~'Ietwea- Articles, by 1. V. 7 RIEMAN, par, law yash- utiWilb F-av Tel%L Wilox Prclq. -NO 3,0 150. -VT, OMIT.- AL 1 1*7381 I D 2204024365 1 Msll 1,1:e L-if,),t L-Idustx5r Of the IMCMARO, I. V. 0 311- xrp RUSSIM, blss Legkx~ Procors].Ovistt Ulan-YinY, 1960., IY2L 546 JPRS 11323 4z IM SM Econ - Licht Inaustry J,nl,- C-2 'idta-t 'WestLer ?4iaimLim should Be Y-stablished for a Pilot?, by I. V. Orlov, 6 pp. RUSS10j, per, Vest Voz Flot, No 2. 1959, --op 46-L:Cf. ATIC usm Cct 59 ~7 Calculating the Ecoacmic Effect of Innovations and Inventionso by 1. V. Orlcr7,p h pp. IRUSSUNIv =o per# Nefty=lk,, No 9j, 1956j, pp e3-28# sacl to nt-n?6-57,, r2 rob 1957# mm-ul. AF 1074900 mm USSR Rem Wr 57 (FDD 25499) Americau Agrivultwal Delelption to the USSR,, by L. Iveww., 162 pp. RUSSIM, six-time vk tV,, Salla~= KhoEMtvo J4caccnr,q 24 Jul-2h Aug 1W-- c:rA/rDD/u-72og USSR Econ - Agriculture Soo - Deleiptlan visit 0751 ~97 Pol - Americans in USSR /Y fj CM 72/80 55 The isomerization cf Ugher n-Paraffines c15-c-,Be, * Ya.M. Paushkin., Kh.YA. Orlovstp- RUWIM, Oer.9 Iz Nk Nauk S.Wlt~- Otdel Khi= Nank, No 49 1961s PY. 657-663- CB sci ,kpril 62 .2 6 kZ isomerization of C16--Cig, Normal Paraffinic Hydro- carbons Over Sulfide Catalysts, by A. V. Topchiyev, Kh. Ya. Orlov, Ya. M. Paushkin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per.. _Dok Ak Nauk _86ffl., Vol CXXVII, No 6, pp 1235-12-38, CB Sci ConaLruction of PlatrIx Typo Logic SWtvis In agital a"Putars, by A. Orlov. -.9 M. ma - ." t f%VS;Sr-k% bk, i~ - "M Ta. samtotiks. Vol 3. Pp. '~83.17. HIM 1733 'Jul .67 332,330 An Electrcn Micrmcope Pftatogmphic Study of the laarwachanism of tho railurs Promas in Stwl rod Iron: by L. 0. Grlov$ L. X. Utevaldy.. 25 pp, RUBSrM,, bk,, ProbleoW W4&UmftmUv i Flzlka NDtaUav., Sed'=W Sboroik Trudavp Ymcmi, 1962& rz 156-174. 9667&* IM-TT-62-2290 &A--ldn/got lUr 63 3, Electron Microscope Observation of S Dislocations in Metals, by G. Orlay, M. P. Usikov, et al, 26 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Uspekh Fiz Nauk, Vol LXXVI, KKXXXt~W~ No 1/2, 1962, pp 109-200. AI P Sov Phys - USEEKHI Vol V, No 1 Sci 213,581 18 Oct 62 I 'IMP01,04PPOO Electron Microscope Observation of the Mlotion of Dislocations in Q-Iron, by L. G. Orlov, L. M. UtevskiY, 3 PP. RUSSIM, per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol III, 110 10, 1961, YP 3242-3246. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol III, ri No 10 Sci m. ay 6 2 iIQ5,743 11 768 Fr-11 US-20 ORLOV L. G., UTEVSKH L. M. Methods to examine fracture surface by means of the electron microscope Mdthodes d'dtude de la surface des cassures ~L I'aide du microscope 6lectronique Zavodskaya Lab. , 25, 1084-1087 (1959) 3099 U 251 -A. 65 (Fr-11) - French US-20: English Euratom Thiwdng of Metallic Specimens by Electrolytic Polishing for Investigations in X-Raying Electron Acrosoopes. by V. Go Kurdyumov. L. G. Or.1-6 ~ 3 ppo L-1-11r,lovs, RWSIAN., per,, Zavod Lab,, Vol XXV111, No 12j, 1961, pp 1490-1493& sci Aug 62 ISA 209,905 Application of Microdiffraction inthe Investigation of Metals of Electron Microscopes, by L. G Orlov, M, P. Usikov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zavod Lab, Vol XXVII, No 12, 1961, pp 1486-1489. ISA Sci Aug 62 209,904 On tho Method of Studying Fracture Surfaces by Means L. M. Uteva of Electron Microecopasj, by L. G. Orlov UY pp. RMUN, pwp Z&vW Labj, Vol INp No 9p 1959, Pp 1084- loa6v Instra Soo of Amer sai Avg 60 ry EI-3ctron microscope analysis of the dislacatioa structure of X-iroa By L. G . Orlovp w 7 e1 P I . RUSSIM1, per, Pis Metal J M3tallovs Vol XIII, No 2, 19621, FP Sai Avg 63 #;Z~ /// Z Locml X-Ray Spect-rul Analpils W-nrn Electron DITTimmeli'Lom Fattarm 'AToruwd by DaZ"Ictioia are Cbtaimmd,. by L. G. PKjgy-g-,L- G. --ki7m 3 L. lltalblls RUMIAH,v per ibory i Wkh Eksper, wo 4. 1958, pp aie- Dwtru Soo of Awr 23 Q&W~, L_ 1. and Gimaev, R. S. EFFECT OF OVERBURDEN PRESSURE ON Tiir ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY OF CARBONATE ROCKS- 1196315P Order from ATS $6.75 ATS-65Q7IR Trans. of Prik][adnayal Gcofiz[ikaj (USSR) 1962, no. 33, p. 206-212. DESCRIPTOILS: *Carbunate minerals, *Rock (Geology), Loading (Mechanics), Electrical properties, *Resistance (Electrical), Weight, Pressure, *Geophysics. 63-2271P11 1. Orlov, L. 1. 11. Gimaev, It. S. Ill. ATS-65Q7111 'IV. AssociatedTechnical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. 4) (Earth Sciences- -Geology, TT, v. 10, no. 10) OWEN of 1"Mcm iavim Tt~e vsv-of -Efectro"t Qspunerzw 'Adistlen Distrubances in Motalsg Calculate Wd L-*y A* K, Orlova AO ppo RUSSIAN,, Iz Ak fisuk 0048 Fig-matemat Nmkpl 1962s pp 111~o FLUU005067 6 t/ sci - Eloct, 4 filoc vasr Feb 67 3181,777 Eillecctn~kywcogrkph, by Yu. Akim-ov. L. 11. ()rlav, 20 pp. per, 10joyet Meditsina, Vol 1OW, pp JP.RS 10731- v,cv The Clinical Signif-icance of Ln-ect'roIWm-:or_-&phy in the Diagnosis of Tricuspid Stenosis, by Yu. 1. Akimov, L. L. OrIcri, ~.' pp. R I WMW, per, Klin Wed, Vol XXXIX, 1.906-1, pp 110-11b. SU .- Yx-d iiac 61 (NY-6374) The glectrokymWan or a Kealtby Individual, by Yu. I. Akimov, L, L..2i .Llovo 22 ff. RUSSIAN, Ver,, Terapev Arkbivp Vol ==., No 2., 1961, pp 58-71. JM 936B Sel - Had 15--7 ,, Od~ 9 jui Q. CTerating Conditions in the Use of Pramssaws,, by M. H. Orlovo 28 pp. RUSSIO, per., Lesnaia Prom, Vol X,. No 10, pp 25-29; %x2x'-lT-; No 11, pp 22-27, 1950. Sci Trans Center RT-149 USSR Econmic - Technoloa Jan 54 CTS g r76 0 Este~blisl=ent of a Practical Temperature SCale in the Range of 10-900K, by A. S. Borovik-R=anov, M. P,. Orloy, F. G. Strelkov, a P.P. RUSSDY, parx UntrItal Tekhs No 12,, 1959) PP. ~2&32. Instru Soc of Aw*r sei )J,~ j J`2'? act 6o (DC-4439) Basic State or the Electric Standards for Plauning A-F Rediffusion Nets, by M. S. Orlov, 9 pp. RUSSUN, perp Ventnik Svyati,, No 10, 1947P PP 7-9. JM 6594 Feb 61 The Effect of Certain Factors on the Duration of Incubation of Benz' Eggs, by M. V. Orlov, 6 ppe RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Maucho-Isoledovatel'skogo Instituta Ptitsevodmtva, Vol XXIV, lnkubatoiya, 1954, pp 202-210. Tin Assoc Tech Sv 39.Tl4R sci - Biology 9 C/o Oct 57 The Selection of Fertilized Eggs Witb Vigorous Embryos, by M. V. Orl 12 pp. f II-Ov I RUSSIANp per, Trudy Bauchno-Issiedovatel'skogo Inatituta Ptitsevodstya, Vol XXIV., Inkubatsiya, 1954, PP 156-169. AMR Assoc Tecb Sv fl7-S f~T- ?61 sci - Biology jw, e?7 Oct 57 On the Aimmalous E=Itation of Rydrogen In . the Atmoulbare of a Boo, by M. Ya. Orlovp 8 pp. RMIMs W$ Agtrou Zhur,, Vol XXWj No 5j, 1958, pp 755-762. Awr Imst of PnW voi n, wo 5 Scl ~- Aotavsk Sep 59 3j-g~' (Dr,5970) Lat Us 141- ~ pzoftwxuwy bwveuv -the scl=Uric Bwln or speclaUzad0% IW N- OrIOV,- 9 3%P- ldmm., r4p, am owwta* J10 18" 4 r30 1961" Inp 11-22. JM 13231 WSR /?0l 4-.Cll PC= .vr Cc ---------- -ta do mambo S"ddbuum and C*m SL - Ow PIAMM. lb 6. AN564 26LM The FnroiL-,n Trudo of -b-he Soviet Union um~::~;~ P,-r , _y MSSIAll. -pr, -vo-02r-z;y Kzcn-, VOI 1-L, 7Z0 1-7c): Pp 43-5~-- Maternstl =d Sai Prcrw: Dec -71 911 A Textbook on Nird Brancheis of Soviet Pinancial ftlence, by N-Orlov, 3 PP- RUMIM, per, Voprony Hkonomila,, So 2. 1958,, PP 89'~--93 InternU Arts wA Sci Press Vol it no um scan Avg 58 gaz r1li Orl~v, N. A., Shestakovskii. M. F., and b' irov. V. V. TIIF MANUFACTURE OF CYMOHEXANOL tr. by C-L M. Fritschy. 7p. 6 refs. NIIVI-: 334. Or r from OTS or E-I-C ~1.55 61-17928,;. of ZhurnA Prikladnoi n-Jiniii (USSR) 1934, v. 7, p. 700-763i-,--L----,----- Dr--',Cltlill*Clt,';- *CyrlohexanaU, 'Phenols. llydroge- nition, Nickel catalysts. 61-17928 1. Orlov, N. A. 11. Shestakovskii, M. F. Al. Shih-trov, V. V. ;V. NITWL-334 V. Sticliting I'llocillft ToeganLelijke Wetenschap- pelifte Literamur 0(14- -1 T.Am-l S.-I... Evaluation of the Wficsqy ckf Primary Debrideomt of Burna by tllma Villb-:z-Le7sch Method, by W. A. 9ft9y~,-F. Z. Lavrently4v, 4 pp. HUSSTAN,, NOW Shir Arkh., No 4, 1961, pp im 992D fti - Wd 16,5- Avg 61 A ContribLfticn -to the Xnawler~e by 11. RUMIANp per, Zhur Prl'.- lWui 1935., MX: No 3# .9p 501-504. SU 59-20395 6o Vcxl M, ITO 7, IZIo 2- 7.!F ll*=ucal 'pr tho R=, T, c1cf~wn.?h Opcratcw, by 1". A. Orlov, 265 IMSSUM7 bk' -Pomoblvo Tale0am-Pic-tull ~ .. -P - CTA/FDD R-9w (BY-3000/2). SpOC4 --14 s&tIM of PzoMwtiM cif Comwn Uadt& and PkrU of Msehl~,, by It. A. Orlov,, 11 pp. FMVA# per, Us j, No 3 o 19%., 3-8- AMB4B3p-n um lk= - AAW 59 f 3 (NY-3000) SPO-1cialization.of Eaterpr1sep and Automation of Production, by N. A.* Orlo'vp:7 pp. RUSE910, Vest Mob, No 11, 1958, P-D 7-10. JM-1734-H USSR Econ - Teebnologleal - USSR Industry Jul 59