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Vast 1,Svicultural Possibilities in thm Wcetern Part of the Country, by C. V. pp. np, Rc--rinia Libera, 1 Sent 1961, p 2. MRS U079 V .K.con T,-- c Invistigation of the Oxidation of Zinc and 2=g, P. Jagodic, 14 gD. Lead Sulfides, by F. 0 SLOVENIAN, ]CjjM,nn,, per, Rudarsko-Metalurski Zbornik, No 4, 19631 PP 345-357- oTs 63-i-145o/4 FL-48o Sci ,Tim 64 26o,884 Ife-chanism of the Oxidation of Iron and Copper Sulfides, by F. qRKea 22 pp. SWVMIM, per, Rudarsko-Metalurr-ki Zboraik, 110 3, 1963, PP 193- 212. oTs 63-114o7/3 FL-480 Sci jun 64 261,421 Investigation or Byarodynanic CoupUngs, by U. Oprecht GUM". per, 4 MMO Vol Ml 1955a pp 285-290. BBIR/28735/CT sci - ftainvering j -4., 3 9 ,.1 Sep 57 t4vow- I$* A" 46 j"wj% lmw I Aft.63:, - W-0479T arouth lyl =ialwa *f S. tv X* U&*Uftp I* QW-ft-m-mr, 15 Up, MlWgSs Pwv IWNLm* EOMOutu% So. 9j, Skvt 64o Vp 24-36,t im 275W 272#273 sel-mm r4b #s 2"0" . . Fbotogrametr7 In the UBM,, by~X9-C*..,,Qqr4kaquj 1. INWItas et a$, 8 pp. RWJM, rptp DdAtin lqpgranc., 1959j, pp 5-8,- 16-a. I AM 1-36T8 ID 995ITM um 02 //4 #410 oem ftb 64 Ch th* Use of P"Jecftd NstwoA2 sad gains for Plottiog Cvataur Linesj, by U60100 Ch* Opomm""t Pumme, rpt., son Cos= Intaustimal do Pbot 2 - m - tire& COMISSIM V LLSDCO, Sept IM46, pp "3c TC-1003 Goes Apr 66 2970737 ~--r C"-* LL-Llk--k~ TbormphI31c Bactorda4 by V. Opresc% 20 pp. GMANO per, Arch -Hyip- AWgtjdML Vol 33, 1898, pp 164-186. HASA TT F 13?95 Oct 71 Research :Ln Connection With t6 Prevention of Colour Changes in Vegetables and Fruit DurIng Presorving Processes, by S._ Opris.. I?OXMPIIO-per$ LgduejUa AjAmentara. Mdueo Vemetale, Vol 15" go 6/7o 1964t-PP 289-293. IM-71-40377-06H C.T-Tlaol 16 Nov 71 KINETICS OF VINYL ACETATE POLYMERIZATION 114 METHANOL, BY L. ALEKSANDRU, I.I. OPR I SH. RUSSIAN, PR, VYSOKOMOLEKULYARNfYYE 0 SOEDINENIYA, VOL III, NO 2, 1961 PP 3X6 09. .1 b-3 NLL M-348ni SCI - CHEM JUN 62 iq),io4 Aahievem~nf,a In and Prospects f or the 21fevaration arL Uac of alllc M-' nemir, by Yon Oprlqor, Andrei BaUauy., 27 PP- RUMANIA3.. perk Revista Idnelor, Voi X!, 40 '41 Bucbarestp 1960,, pp 152-161. JRBS 59,23 M. wr Zh=nia Econ Nov, 60 The Role of Bloolectric Potentials in the Intabo and Trazwf*r of Hmt~rlQlz in Plantsp by' V. A. Opri,tov" 8 pp. RUSSIM# per,, Diofizika,, Vol Z11j, No 1. 19580 pp Perammon Mast Sci madl Doc 58 ~ "$A73 v %w - - - -1 MMIN INCREASE OF LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN FOREST ROAD PROJECTS, BY V. OPRITS, 5 PP. RUMANIAN, PER, MUNCITORUL FORESTIER, VOL XIV, NO 451, 22 NOV 1962, PP 1, 3-A. JPRS 17152 EEUR - RUMANIA ECON ~ JAN 63 219,684 Even A Strong Enemy Has Weaknesses, by fi. A-. Y 5 PP - RUSSIANj per, Vest Voz Flota, No 2, 1960, 657949 ATIC Sci Sep 60 / a? ~9/' J -.-2, ,3 ~ 'Lasti% ewe of CheA ft" by X-rVW TheraW. by A. V. Kantia', 3. 0. ~!-~ ~ , 3 vv. RUSUM., Oukologir, waa 17,9 NO it imp pwwnon lust Sel - -I" Apr 59 t,4 RO&ld. AIN"Chl-h-ARST CANCER AS A HYGMNIC PROBLEM. 11962113p. Order from K-H $17.25 K-H 5470-d Trans. of Norsk Lsopforening. Tidaskrift, 1956 [Y. 76] no. 16. p. 549-552. DESCRIFYrORS: 00garettes, *Cawer. U-17562 1. Opsahl. R. U. K-H-5470-d M. Kresge-Hooker Science L.Ibrary Aamoclates. Detwit, Mich. C 2'0! 2 8 8 (Biological Sciences --Pathology, TT. v. S. no. 6) offic. of Techm"I sff'k.l oir ta iv ~"l 3sp 19,62, 65 Effect of Psycho-Active S03tanm on ~btabolism, by 9, Optizo Gams per, Arsneivittel-Panchungs 2962p pp 333-540, No Mft.479 Scl-Uol & =d srd may 63 r,,.:2 1?, IF6 e CombetUng Plant O#er-ft*vth in Heated "ters awa the IIIvb2ms of Flablary k%nagement in theoep by go OrisayMMU P01=0 per$ 002924MIDS Vol 24,s Bo 6: 3-gas py 219-mi. ULL (126") fti-Agricultuxe K 2 y AI 5 K July 68 360,07 -R~ J IJ Certain Problems of tbe Car-azign Atc~rai=3t Crl-~tc and A.-ainst Economic Crima'a in I~rticulax-: by Zy&rant Op-azzynski, 2~: -p-p. IOTIJSR~ per,, Pro-uo i Zycia. 2 A-or 1961. Soc Dec 61 jpm, m26 a& ow &WAS&U= 0t Mom ot AIUM 3AP 67 Oft the EXCItalft"Lon of AtAms of Alkali Metals, %iy L. Volvishcolas V* OffUtins at al, 17 PPO RMSIAN. per. A"dowA12 no,& SSSRA Insutut FjjAkj Upoft A-55* IW4. ARC 103-166 Sel/physics Jag 66 301,109 Detc=inctiou Of the Vapour Teneion of Tantalum 4 and njobjum Chiarides by 11. A. WktLt.=# n. A. nviaer, RUSsior Wp ZWw ObI&Ch nims V01 Me No 14, 1937.. pp 2016-2021. TPA3/TIB T h289 Scientific - Cbe-I trv Peb 55 CTS ,?d ---62-18234 Or. I . de. DETERMINATION OF THE MOLECULAR WEIGHTS OF SYN17HETIC POLYMERS. [196219p. (figs. formi refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18234 Trans. of Revluel Genl6ralel du Caoutchouc (France) 1947, Y. 24 [no. 121 p. 425-431. DESCRIFrORS: Determination. *Molecular weight. OPolymers, Osmotic pressure, Ultracentifuges, Spectographic analysis. I. Or. L_ de 2 #277 2 .1 (Chernistry- -Physical, 717, v. 9, no. 4) Ofta c4 Tubakal Svr*t% TT-G5-27599 Field 7B Oradovsldl, S. G. DUERMINACION DE ULTRANUCROCANTIDADES DE MANGANESO EN AGUAS NATURALES POR EL METODO CATALITICO SEGUMO DE FOTOMETRIA (Opredelente UltramLkrokolichestb Margantsa v Prirodnykh Vodakh Katallticheskim Metodorn s Foometricheskirn Okonchantem). llp, 13rels. CH)-65-719. Order from ETC or CID: $1.60 as TT-65-27599 Trans. in Spanish of Zhurnal Analiticheskol 192imii (IJESR) v19 n7 p864-7 19&4. See also 'Translated or Abstracted Publications,' In TT Vol. 14, No. S. 1. Centro de Informaclon y Documentacion Madrid (Spain) European Translations Centre iuto tilt Spectra oi- Llectr-D- Pautc-IL-Amx,-Mht 'elhasl4lon ;=ivacc~,C~ SC; by 1P.-avo by V, L, UmnowUp Z. A. Trz.T-emailrova. p*ro Vol ~do S-0, 19!i6, W2-sub, 9239753 .6'rIc TRI 1651 V P /V o V-5 Sci Fob 66 294,672 Thazmal Dissociation of Gold Chlorides, by S-A, Shchulmrave M*A, Or=skmva,, 7 pp- " .. RUSSIU,-par, Zhur Haorgan Khim, Vol 1, No 5, 1956t pp 881-886,.. AEG-Tr."86 Sei 9-1/a " ?~? & Apr 63 "Utdverzal" Instability of an lnbomogeneou3 Plasm in a VAgrwtio Field By A. A. (hawv. V. IR. Oraevskii pp 6 RUSSM, per Zhur BkvW i Toore Fis, Vol XLIV, Wo 3. 1963. pp 903-9U Aaw IrAt of PIW9 SM ft" - JRTP Vol zM, Ib Set ftp 63 Tbeoretical hweatigation of Stability of Fmquescy of a Eolecular Generator, by A. N. Orejewskiy,, 85 pp. MMSI.AX,, per. AN ELR. Fulebeemy Tmt, Tru4Y VOI 21P 1963s PD I-bT- P100364267-Y PTD-mT-65-467 Jan 6.3 346o474 Absolute Stability of a Maser Using 4-jkva-mof Ammosis' Molecules., by N. 0. Basov,, A. R. Ornevskiyp 17 ppi RUBSIAN, pars smaloukh I Zlektrom, Vol Ivs No 7p 1959# pp Im-U95- pp Bel oat 6o On the Poulbility of Cmatmaiting a SmIed-Basm Vi3lecular ozailutor VaID8 RD3j NaA and NM)~! Molcculaai,o by N* 0. BUD"# A. IN. Oraev&Uy. I OOMs pars, Iz Vysiibqkh Mob Zand Pzdioflrikas M Val x; uo h.- igOp pp 63-68 &my T* 35R~I/APL 3a .or 63 Thoory of the Hyperfine Structure of the Rotary Spectra UT Moleculea SpecIfied by an Electric 24-pole auclear m=nt,, by R. 0. Basov, A. B4 OraevsklYj, by K, SvIkzInskIT, 8 ppa HWBZAS, per, Optika I Spektro, Vol 1, 3o-3, 1956, p 285-289. lHorris D. Friedman B 128 sc! Jul 58 Uninnal AistebJ2ity of Plasmp'by Ao Ao Weyevj, Be, Z. SmSftywj, 21 pp. e Magmtlcvl2y ConflwtA V. N. aramkiyp ITUSSIM., iTto Mwtituto a Nqolear Pb3micao 1962. 9901%7 Sal - Phys (al 21 Fab 2963 r4m*lopmt Ind PrOMA ftdAw or NvoAlmatea sciaw** by Do CtW"*U# 27 PP* WWWIAN& porp ' 1-kontsam i ~kmcqlo" va nit 130 20 AP%-JM 1962& pp W.-95* S4 - BUa 4 Mod MS Zrp43 ZA990 Thermal Cracking of Coal, Communication III, by ff. I Oransky, 6 pp. RUSSLANs, Vw, Zhur Prik MAm, Vol XXIK., No 8, Aug 1956.. PP 1250-1255. Cousultants Bureau scl - Chan "~4 ~ -I ~;' -5 Jul 57 2be 2432ma st"Utv at comw saudesp by B. A. ghda*uwp Be V. *.VA~nslm)ft~lo 19. am ob"A =ft.* vbl ztivo no no Auk .3. 3.7 7~ a 2b,., Role of jCAUatjd-m~"ttmtia" In-tba Zzarmody- mauics ot the W I d at Hotels In the rl"t Sub- xMm pWUd of Qw Ym-th Period at D. 1. ndely- a 8pt4as IW Be A, Bbdmkwmo Me A. u Ir: ,qENmMm4, pp you tr YMUW,v as per,, - Sor Wmbeh RW~Rp T& IM4 So 32j. 3.954o pp 2100-2" CIA ART& Cp 1"13- .37, 4 Jlo-k Dwrew "I w - Avg ON of aaa Bruddells IV uhanox. ,A. Oxama-pal 7 pp- S& A. awmaerms, an IL meem Irer, now snows Mao ftL "36 so TIV 1"16 jr 3*76-Imm. A=-tr-4435 PLJAD aid OW 62 300315 7a 31T Ow giberml StabiliV of Cobalt ard nickel maialwo 1w a. A. -.-- j v# To A* TolvAcbmap IL A. QMWWSo FOU tv sw Gamb XM14 Vol mava No 321 794,p PM4MW# M. 5%rOj Oj 2"1 3- "Itauft Baum JW 0 CAMMAUV #7 jj-/ An 96 an* VI I The Rate of Saution and the PotmtUl of Dimclnelm~ !rzon, Ya. V., Dird-Ino M. A. Qm=ko~a. The Jo=ml of Genoral Cbmd t%7 cc tbor uml, Vol ra 2 NO /,-, Apr 19521p pp 669 ~' M (6ma p ~04). CWAnLItRUtS BUMU Im Tork V4 usm barrrA.nescence Properties of Cerium Activated Alurdinum Oxide and Helenite Under Cathode-ray Excitation, by T. V. Oranovskaya, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser r:Lz, Vol Xxv, No 3, 1961, PP gkV~~x 327--32c-). CTT sci May 0-2 197,623 Co*atW Toobolqao% br A* 14 WaadgkVq 193 Spe PJWIwli, bko am Tddmlk4 19616 C. An & ltw Eli *ORO" MOM to Icon so, Q;.jaLkLI. 1. E. Tgr-AZUELZROMETRIC PRECORDIAL BALUSTO- CARDIOGRAM (KINETOCARDIOGRAM IN HYPER- TENSION. ft9631116p] l1rds FASEBManuscrip no. S 130-3. Order from OTS, SLA. or ETC $1.60 TT-63-23853 Trans. of Terapevticheakli ArWv (USSR) L962, v. 34, no. 12. p. 27-32. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: *Ballistocardlography, Dispoeli. *Hypertansion, Medical equipoise. Electrocar4log- raphy. Rom dirge of the ultralow frequency vibrations of the precardial two of the thwaxic cavity of ptients with hypertension were analyzed and coonpared with those of healthy person*. From tbme idnetocardlopams (KCG) the phase structure of the cardiac cycle for persons wit) (Biological Sclowes-Pathology. 7T, Y. 11. no. 7) i loier) Tr-63-23853 1. Title: Kinctocardfography 1. Oranskil, 1. E. U. FASEB S-130-3 111 -Federation of American Societies for Enerimental 9101off. 'WashlrWon.D.C. IV. Scripts Tochalca, Inc., WashlApon, D. C. Tborml cracking or coas, by m. T. c"p-wy, 6 pp. wasm'o pw,, a= pra man, Vol xm=i, so 4, 1960, vp 935-;-939. Cs sel, /-0 Cf/ my 6L StudV ef the ElectrcOmeimsemcce of *-Cu SiUgle C37Bt"AY- B- B. A. nmlinlu,~ 3 r,.p - I . ki =SIM., perp Optilm I Spektxoi Vol M, No 0.4 3-9~9.. pp 542-3w. OSA sai IR wg 4r 61 Some Results of Iaveatlgmt~ons of Electrolum- Ineaceneel by So E. Bukkep L. A. Vlmkurovp V. B. !O~~~ x Z, A. Mroftmorip 5 PP- RUMM, pars, Is Ak Ikuk SM. Bar Pis,, Val XXIs No 5s 195Tj PP 716-T20. Colimbia Tech ftl - phys Avg % !7/j 7to r A Capil3Ax7 ljbra=y-A31mllne Pick-Up With Air DwMins far Ibcording AP-eel=at.L= BmUlstocardio- gram., by A. A. &ftenav.. 1, E. amwkiyg N. F. aud=ovp 3 pp 0 - 9=10j, Verp Bra Ekspw Biol i Wdjo Vol 4 No 80 1960p pp .116p 11T CB aw 61 A 113wraod of Rgeo-a-dIng the SQUIS14focardioww, 02 ACCr4.Qm.t.im3 by 1. R. Orsaskiyo N. F. Sai=cm, 2 Sp. -L waamos ptro w amper Bioll Yle-i vall uv--t,.# no 33 1.9590 NP 193-- . CB an! - / 0 :~~ /,;~ f row 59 (SF4MIS) WILLISTOCOMOWAPIN AS A -MMM OF 04=M 7W.- A"WRAIDUR W WMVftffIC TWAMWv BY 1. YL, "WIT .a 9 amms P06 KPION ON w it Am fix I LOGINOW ,;;k. fit OLOWW'o VOL wilo No I 4m Oct o M &L at (NY-5785) Ballistocardiagran in Hypertensive Disease, by I. Yo. Orausklyy 7 9p. MWUN,, pero Klin UM., Vol XXXVIII, No 121 1960,p pp 39-42- JPRB 7w SOL - wbd mar 61 (,7,y Investigation of Phenolic Impregnating Materials by Aftorption Owmatosmphy, by N. I. Orsnakly.. 5 pp. Russia, iper, Zhur Prik Xhlm,, Val XXXIII, No 2, ig6o, pp ~~412. CB SCI Apr 61 / -J17' 619 S-1~11 -- -- - Thermal- Cracking-of - Coal.. - Commmication II. , -by H. 1._Orn~ I R. 7 pp. , RWSUN,, per, Zhur Prik Mda, Vol M=9 So 7.. Jul. 1956, pp 1.086-2W. Consultants Bureau Bel - CheWstry 4 g, 5- m- Jlmn 57 Tme Thm=l emcking of Coals p by N. I. QMWIW, 6 pp. mmrAN, mo per, Zbur 11rik MAms Vol XXXK., No 5j. MW 1956, PP 750-763- Sci - Chem Feb 57 CTS Investigation of the Burning Process for Incraenic Salts - A=onlum Dichromate and Ammonium Tri- chromte, by A. A. Shidlovsky, S. A. Oranzbereyev, RUSSIM.. per., Zhur PrIk Xhim., Vol x1vil, No 1y Jan 1953jh pp 25-29v Coneutiv(D* Dweau Scientific Clumletry 3., Method for CFbtalulug ZatAmm Be= of PblerLzed thamal Smtnmt tW A. D. Oullko., Tu. A. Cmtawakii., et als 51 pjp. - I RWUWs, Us AbOndys Am* ~s ZutLtut Towatlebe. skai i mppWimmulsmi FAM4*1 - 19fe. AW.-m&-%O Sol - NWI Sol jui 63 .I.Sif J~ / ro v Y4~iwd fox Obtainins Intance Bz-.,= of Polarized Ubemal Neutronsp by A. D. CWL'ko., Yr,, A. OmLovam,y, et alv 4.9 P9. MISSIAN,, per,, bastit, Amper i TerW,; Ak ftul-. SSSP.. r-To 61, 1962. o I & Illo AFP,.Tr.5625 Jun 63 -The--Deionization:--of Acid-Protein-Hydrolyzates- With Anion-Exabanging Resins,, by A. B. Davankov, A. N. Oratynakaya, V. M. Laufer, A. G. Upiaskiy, 6 pp. RUSSIMp per, 7-buir Frlk XhIm., Vol XXXII.. No 10, 1959.. 1* 2269-2274. CB Sol sep 6o Loveilas the Resistance In F--tervtzwzpl=tat2jou mms mAch inflnewe the ascipiento by C. ~Omvoo~B. Ondrus. Mumi POP$ ftopmem" Vol vmt no 5., 1961., w 5W-5m. Em 9-A-62 Sol - M" 0 IR FIR D" 62 j Iftser With Two Resonators In Series,, by S. G. Dworl, A. N. 9ENMMUY* at Olt T PP- REMiANp, pwp Zkow I Teoret VIz# Val Mo. No 6# 1963,p PP lT68-177T- Amr mast of Avg saw Itwo - jmT Vol xv=v so 5 Sol #ms 64 26308Z Molecular and,Atomic Frequency Standards by A. N. qUkUxgki Zj 46 pp. RUSSIM, per.. ~ Is V3rsshikh Uched Zaved, Radiofiz, vol vz,, no 1, 1963, PP 5-23 - JIW 21326 Sel - Electron Oct ~3 On the Meory of the Molecular Oscillator, by 9 pp. A. N. Lr!~"Mkl RLUSIAN, per,, radlotekh I Blektron, Vol IVp No 4, 1999, PP 718-723- pp Sci sep 6o (Ily-4341) Qmut,an Radlo ZnSlueeriuSp by N. G, Basovi Ao H. a*mxf.yy " 28 pp. RUSSTAV, Imr,, Is Vlrsebikb Uoheb Uved WO, SM Raivb~~,, Vol llp No 1,0 Jan/nb 1959. Jan 61 or The FmqumW 2WAieg of "82008"w Ossluatm by NWMIL&tiug tb* adod4m um vith On AIA or m Bzterml pladip w V. V. KUU&.. A, N. 6 yp. MWI, Rok AM 63 220,288 on the Spontaneoun Radiation of a Reso-zator, by F. V. Bunkin., A. -N. _Orwrev,~],~,- 10 pp. RUSSIANp per,. 1z VysshiLdi Ucheb Zaved, Nl,*-O SSSR~ Ber I.Tol 17.,, Iflo 2, 1959, PP 181-lB6- JPFO 5153 S el Aug 60 /47 44,~~ V,assrs, by A. It. OrmMWdyo 217 pp. 7~ MMUNO bk, Ho2ok v aIMMMM 2segmary TrA.,m "NaWa% 19640 1-294. AIIVMA'M!"24-IL10-67 Sci-Physles Nov 68 366.,296 Use of Slav Maemaes in a Weer,, br N. G. ftsovo A. !.I_~Jdn, ~3 IP- wMIM,, perp Zhur Emper i I*uvet ?is# Vol Inar"Tij, No 4400 1"90 pp W68-1m. Awr Imt or FdWx Bar a" im VOL (IOL, so 4 Ile, fd' 7 Aw 60 by k=toliy 141:01VVAQ~h bk, .'4sorz i0~z'olokaYarnYle :~*-ZlcratOrJ), 2~14- up. T," ,.-Iect-ra~7jcZxaphic FindiaGa i intrac-~aniai Proc-use,3 by. F. hargifch, H. Orbmch, 7 PP~. ;.4.- GKIVAM., pdr,~ Deutscim- Zeitspr; ~er-venkunde Vol CLXXI., 2.954., pp 16941-2. T r %0 -F 3 3, "3 nm 326 Scientific - Medicine .:coac;-.J~c 14tchaniaca and ,:ulture, by Lo~xcxlo pp. per, Va,loss I*o, 1, Aidapest, 3968, pp. 106. irlis Ounr 355.76a pract.i,cil u-till.utiou of L:vv-,rt Profitability t%ajlYrxsp by tAtazzux Uegar, Attila F, pp. JM: 273U, ,J'an 65 271 ObZ2 Im (SF-10"76) CHURCH AND STATE IN PEOPLE'S HUNGARY., BY SANDOR ORBANo 5 PP. RUSSIAN) PER, NAUKA I RELIGIYA, NO 5, 1962, pp 65-67- jpRs 14657 EEUR HUNGARY SOC AUG 62 205,719 OivgX-6iphy of Rlo ~kai Province Uad ita korcwt Miliz/Ationo by S. DaIguLdD Orbaueja. SPtj=H,* per, Afr:tca,, No 2.L4.. 1959., pp 12-14. (C-till No MOA24s M~ng Tr) AM M/A - rdo Bud coo ?epf Apr 60 3- 'r .7 1.11apping Our GWt of Guiwas Territories, by H. Dalaado OrbaneJej 3 pp. SPAMM U,, Africa, Ito 202, Madrf-A,. 190, pp 434336; PI-S Lib VIE- G"g Vor 59 y -1 Ilf ~ The Cara of Tobacco Seed Bedsp by K. 2n!~k~3 PP. GEWM, per, Deut Makbw, 1953., - pp 11, 12. BrA Tr 3030 usm - 6 0, .0 / a, Ecoa - Agrimdture q6 mur 50 -ORBELI, L.A.- - - - - - - -- PaperS Dresented to the Acad of Sci USSR COW-643/48 A - I.-,, I,)- V Features in the Development of Higher Nervmis Activity in the Child, by L. A. Orbeli, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vysshey I-Terv Deyatel imeni 1. P. Pavlova, Vol DC, No 3, 1959, PP 311-318. PP Sci May 62 195,034 Effect of Ionizing Raliations on the Animal Orpnisms, by L! _~r~,-10 pp Full translation. RUSSMS bkp Conference of the AcadevW of Sciences or the USM on the Peaceful User of Atcnic Bwrgys 1-5 Jul 1955p Sessions of the Div of Biological Sciencep .94; 374L 'an au GPO ~259 ~k or Scl - NuO Physics *87 rPts for $350-00/ Gams Spectroscopy Using Cmpton Electrons, Iq B. S. Debalepav, No L..q*jLjj..6 PP* RUSSIAN,, thrice-no per,, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR.. Vol Tzii,v No 5,y i9h8,, pp Q5-617- I sci mu Lib so 56/3145 scl - Physics if J~5 0 A 7 4 lic Past Yeav., by Orbite 8 -im- - -a !961 imi,irsGiriti~, pe;7., Fa=znd,, No 54, 23 :,L r -MITCA= Y.3 5-9- jpy,-q 15-:,427 :ISF,lLr - lloww 1-101 /19:~; 64-4-& r, ob 62 ~ - ( W~ ) - - cow-Actift Istavroutlaos of Peacefel Coodstemes by Orbiter, ftrommag, so 6j, pp A,, 25. *am 9 tsm, =a pal i= 61 inatx~arai PA4, Ellll OFFILIAL ra~is by Oiazz .~ "- zi 1l%-,. v USE CNILY SNUM",v"t, rpts, 1964, &IA-,Sa644)I9SC-4 LA - Ahuico Pul Mar 65 Z77,214 The Leaoorz One Emergency Situuaiu---~an 1)~ A.-Cli.- ordin, 4 pp RUSSIAN, per, Vest Vox Flot, No 2, 1959, pp 38-40- 649524 ATIC usm ma '~?Y Oct 59 / / F~7~1 Main Features In the r3lotorical Dowlop=nt of the * (from "Alviation of tho M.0,11"by Soviet Air Fc--ce U A. G, Ord in,,'IMR Air Forces" by Col V. KbalmmIfty). RmcmAx., bitn,, 1948., ig5ox Rpt M-A3-53. PX 572807 USSR MIlUry - AviatUm