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WNW" A* 04 at Art* Immuml 17- ~.IC717= L 433. Be! At" ftib 68 Quantitative Relationshi& In the Nodels of Expandad ReproductionA by_p~* Oparin, 6 pp TQ%LUI, pe.-, VuProw Shmmi)d -- Pmbiew of &==Ics, No 3-3). 1959p pp 145.152, IfternsUawl Arts and Sol Press Problaw of ZwaamUs Vol 11) No 10 USSR - Roon P/ Apr 6o On the question of the Relation Betv"n Respiration and the Synthetic Prooesses in the Bigher Plimts, by Oparinp Gelwnp 10 pp. UNCIAWn?= Fall travAlation. RUSSIAN, thrice-mo :per, Dok Ak Nauk 8=,, Vol LMMV, 1952j, pi) 1357-136Q. AM T 2047 Scientific - Chemistry Jan 53 MS/DzX Multi-sector Economic Accounts, bv D. 1. Opari-n. RUSSIAN, bk, 84 pp. Pergamon Press Jan 64 The Lithium, Sodium Bromide, Nitrate Teniary Reciprocal System, by A. F. Oparina, N. S. Dombrovskaya, 3 pp. & RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan h[him, No 10,-1961, pp 2364-2370. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci Oct 62 213,235 Reciprocal System of Thiocyanates and Chlorides of Sodium and Potassium) by A. F. Oparina, 15 PP~ H. S. Domorovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol III, No 2, 1958, pp..4i3-424. AEC Tr-4450 PL-48o Sci may 62 PSTV 372 195,280 The Synthesis of 20,5,6-Tetramethylpyric Line, b~y -1% P. oparina, 5 pp. PUSSIAN, no per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XIX, lio 7, Jul 1910 CIA/7"DD/X-361 -7 191/" c F- 7-c- 4 ~77A - If c Xx'l c Sep cts ;;ethod -'or Clbtainin(7 ll:~-II 'NP-235 High Tcrperaturc Lubricants, by Ye. 'I. O-parina, L. SentyurilJiina, et al 11USSIANI patenz, 1!o 131433, application r"640859/2.3, 23 -Apr 60, 2 -pp. FTD-TT-61-48S Sci-M,Uilcls Jan 63 218,699 L2 5the D-,cmaslng of the Thezvol StabiUty of sillem W~L:s by Y&MLS of Ultammonics and Antioxidation,, by A. S. Ye=ilovv Ye- M- OParlaa., 7.PP- Rua3TM,, bkj Trtoy Smaxodmyye Wterialys PmlsalOl k Nim i PG=Cim,* V4 71 19>-8., pp 409-414- 9660793- A= =.-327/V Sal - Awls Apr 61 %~Iecam 41790 (FDD 26416) Intermntional Student Paper To 8tart This Year pp. (Finl=d), by !~~iEi OMo FIMSH, wk np, Kansainvalienen Ylloppiles ehti Pankmisee 90 2%= Tuonm, No 34 HoWnki, 30 Sep 1955. C.TA/FM/U-n75 Im NEUr - Finland Soc ip nn'l of Squirzoel-Cage Induction Motors of C- I ction, by 1.3 pp, ~ MM, v'-"U - Pero m Electrotehnica, Vol VII, No 81 Bachexe9t, 1-959~ PD- 238-3(Y2- JIFRS 2555 EC(M /X ~ z 7,~ may 6o AN IMPORTANT CONDITIONS FOR UPLIFTING LIVING STANDARDS OF THE SOVIET PEOPLE,, BY L. OPATSKIYp 15 PP. RUSSIAN., PER.. VOPROSY EKONOMIKI, NO ll,, 1962, pp 56-65. JPRS 17704 USSR SOC.. ECON FEB 63 223#912 Inrichment of 1110 Isatope by Chemical 2xchange. by Tstvan Mas.. Istvan OpauszkI, 7 pp. -11 M am, per., Moar Kemu yoiyoimt,, = V03. UMV, 1953, VP 7., 8. WMM AND-tr-5383 sei - mom e~ ci~- ;, Dee 62 Investigation of the SeparWAOrl of Ba-ron Isotopes, -1 L)y 1. !ass, 1. Opauszkj, L. Matus, 5 PP- --v rlo-)~~ .mer. Rocznild Chemii liziR5k.- .. . , Vol XXXIV,~ 1960j. -pp 385-389. 90937-03 PM Tr-).1527 Sei - Chm Dec 61 1/7'/1 Data an the &W Separation of Boron Isotopes, by Istvan Kiss, Istvan Opauszkys 12 ppa liUNGARIAN, per, Magyar Tudolumyos Plad. Kosponti Fiz, Kutato latezetenek Kozleranyei, Vol V11,19S9 pp 391-398. 9069450 ABC-tr-tS384 Sci - Chem Doc 62 Thirc! Group. Indusixial Plants# by R. G. Opazo. UDI,MUrM,, First Section. Chapter X. Oleaginoua Plants~ pp 387-ol6T., op 12,, Ed 3, v 3. SLA 3357 Sci, - Chem Aug 50 Calla= (Hewp) - Part of Book: Th:L-,d Group, Industrial Plantsy BY R. G, ~P!Z,04_~ PP. UNIMM., Secood Section,, Chap-ter 11, Textile Planta, PP 1185-~593. SIA 3356 Sci - Chem Aug 58 ~7,0, /I J-77 J. A. Improvements in Cameras, by OZ.!Le ~Beeek~ 13 PP. t% FFMCTj, Belgan Patent 110 514.,432- Dept of Mmerce fttent Office Sci Lib (Gift) Sci - BUS 64 ~? y9,") Jul 57 Planning and Design of an "Observation Ward" for Post-Operative Oases, by H. W. rbecka., 6 pp. 'IMMj~ Imabk.. Mmmug und Qwtaltung. elner "I.-Imbstation" fuer Friseboperlerte. CSIR Tr No 226 9.~ Sol Med Boa- Oct -02 The Problem of Strengthening High-Pressure Vessels, by M. G. Gonikberg, D. S. Tsiklia; A. A. ~~ekunRy.,-3 pp - RUSSM., per.. Dak Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol MIX,, No 1, 1959., pp 88-90. Amer Inat of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IV, No 6 Sai jul 6o Vq~ , I 11:11, ;11~ I "'rl'!.IT I MM VP X'F'- z;--- ~w -r4~~;,-;-Joraturv iWate Arourid I GLta", per, Arch Eisca., vol 3s. DOC "64,0 Pp. 1144. D 19 4132 fp- LU-0or 113"r 65 2790551 62-12498 Op--l. P. THE EFFECT OF ALUMJNIUM CONTENT AND OF I. Opel. P. WORK114C CONDITIONS ON THE HOT-WOR)UNG 11. BM-2511 PROPERTIES OF HEAVY FORGINGS. jan62. Ill. British Iron and Steel Order from BISI ;E3 159 BISI-2511 Industry Translation Service (Gt. Brit. Trans. of Paper presented at the Conference on Heavy Forging, Terni. Sep 61. DESCRIPTORS: 'Aluminum, Forge presses, *Forging- 19 71 .1 (Metallurgy, Tir, v. 7. no. 6) The Effect of Aluminium Content and of Working Conditions on the Hot-Working Properties of EL-avy Forging.. by P.-Olp-I., GEMO, Paper Presented at the Conference on Beavy Forg'Lngp Ternij, Sep 1961. BUZ 253.1 Sci - Bw war 6e list 121 Y)etezzdmtiOn of Defect 8120 ln ForaLuGo by anultrumic Moolmiques bY P-- OXIp G- IVMG. A perg AxdUx 31senbattenw-sonp Vol no 5j, 19(jap pr -~;U-326- im 5655 fti-min/vAt an 63 -,? -;z a/ 410,7 Inf luence of Al Content and For--in:- co"I" S I-- - Workability of Heavy Forgings, by P. Opel. GERMAN, Paper Presented at the Conference on Heavy Forging, Tern!, Sep 6 )tBISI 2511 Sci 11 Dec 61 list 116 A Laxgs Deposit in Carbonate zlefwrvoira in 20--ha Fie.14 oad the Frospacts of Dific-07ary of Similar FiclAc in Atans by V. E. 1 at al, 6 PPO RV-cASWv Pare 000109iYa Neftit Y01 11, NO 355z 195811, PP 55-59.. The Reviewof Ruszi= Geology. 533 Bexten Stmtv Columblap S. C.- ,7 Sci - GeoAW NOT 58 Use Of the Chromtognqft Notbod ~ on FUter Paper for Study of PhftVwrw OmWwmds, by!fa. Opalsim- Blinalt, U pp. - smams vft*s mchaluu&'o Val xvmo so 68, 103j, pp 746-7524, m D I$nw -sl- - ~ /m, NZ 5 SoLoutiflo - Cbmdstq ol .0 141 on (6/mw 105 olff/ Stud,y of the Mixing Efficiency of a Bwic-iror. Mixer, by E. Rickworth, H. J. K-OPi pf e:~- - necL G. 0 GERMN, per., Stahl u Eisen, VOI L' VM, no 16., 1956) p*p 102#1032. HB W48 Sci - Eav Doe 59 'le g X Man jm:cm at's New' Continuous Wdrochlorlmtion of Acetblem Over Alundmu OxWe,, by Ke V, TopcbUva,, As M., R"6#rm, 0. ~ ~itx 4 PP. -PP RUMUN't pwm, Sok Ak ftuk SM,, Vol C0112 No 6,* 19570 pp IPIO - Sel - ohm Oct 58 -741 .0 %% -/%T The Oxnen Supply of the Brain and tbe Webanism of Deficiency Effects, by R. OPItz, M. SCbmider, 122 G==.r porl Ergeb AWsiol Diol Chm u Exptl ftarakol,, voi xLyi,, 195o., 1v 326-26o. SU Tr 1 57-576 Sci - 21010gy NIIV111-3-~ -Slim 14 q $~ e7 1a,2 Sep 57 Directing, C=trWIJjmg, Starimap - CmpUting: Steps in the Developmat of Drive N*dWudsm Towards 'Wumtiou Of HOIIJUK NLUSPIW a. GERW, per$ Stahl und Risen# 14 Apr 1960, pp 503-". B131 =7 Sai i- 1W Jan 6L Equi=zent, for Driven on Rollin.g. Mille -11 n Cyem!a-ay, by Cgitz. GER,HS .'W, per, Stahl u Eisen, Vol 1-IXIIIs No 18, --95-1;: sluu, ca JANSH, H Archiv Eisehuttenwesen, vol. 11, pp. 385-391, 15 figs., 2 tables, 4700 words; 193B. Drilling tests on plain carbon steels. Brutcher, Trans. Order No. 585. $4.70 Effect of Vibrations an Wear and Service Life of Twmizig Tools,, by ff. OlAtz, S. SaIje. GMMM, per radustrie-Ameiger, Vol LXKU, ND45., 1.9j4, yp 690-697. CSIRO sw Sci - Bogr / -71, 4 ?/ Apr 62 Effect of Oodde Incluslans on the Mabinability of CI). !~~ Steel With CarbIde-TIppbd I=nlng Toblat by H. ppitz U. Geogisch. GEBM,p perj AvdUv YCA XXXXIIp Dee 1962.. py 841-W-. sal iia 63 B181 3152 ~Z 3 -r, '711? L2Pfeet o2 Iii'ate,--lal and Uschining Cor4itlow an Rake and Clearance Face Ifear,, by H. Opitz, G. Weber. GMMN,, perj, Indueurle-Anzeigert Vol XXXXVt Sep 1953, pp 906-914. Blal 2M sci - Env vab 62 ust 117 uum=itlon ot wghule Tt-zuo Iry R. nohs.. a - 0;4t z -, 41. =Mao ZmMra~ we J, vca 49, Do %, Im, IFT-490 4=/85/2603644 t~ - C, P, -1z-- sei - -Jul Of 335sca (8F-185643) Some Problems of Eacande Cooperation Between the Germe Democratic Plepiblic and the Socialist Sister aWntries., by mwt Oj;dtzi 13 pp. GMM., peri RLdwat, Vol al., no 4., .1961, IM 588-6DO. JPn 4892 7 sep 61 Miperc=&iction and Resistance of Thin Tj2dium Layern With Lattift Perhutatiow and Ad&ftloms of Fore4p Wtasp by Wolfgang Opitep 25 pp. GMWB.. par# Z fter ftMik# Vol C=v No 3s 1955P pp 263-276. MA'59-IM5 S" 59 Vol 11, No 2 J* ma"Mor wisaftw6app" fto vsnb*o, 7: 4 I I tm=t-. .--- vd, wt. :. .,0" . . I- ;. 6-1 . - m , sl-~" i Ty! 1 4 , ncm w I .I : I Frinci-olez; of RaUroad Investzent., b~y I.Lulos ,I vztir"41 CZFjM., per.. Dopmva, Mar 1960j Prague, pp 86-90. FDD Sm ZW75 Mur - Czechoslovakia Be= - Transportation, Commmicaions VAv 60 copyright Experimutal and Clinical StLuUw in the Anticancer Effect of Autibloticum Bulgaricura. Report, I. %be Anticancer Vftct of Autiblotiamn 1411Ax low on CrwJwrls sarcoma 1W1.., by I. Bogftwr.. P. Opokhristov., 9 PP. bk; BULGARIAN., AMp BkLU Solent Fles Imt Aut3cmn Antibiotics, Book I, 1963.j, Vp 7-nj 82-85. NM 2-h6-62 Sci - bbd -,1e (DC-56W) Inter-Vtm Scientific Conference,, by N. P. OpolovnlkDva I V. L. Kiaolova,, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vyoshikh Uaheb Zaved, Yh,4m i W4 TaMj Vol Ill., No 4o 1960Y PP 771-7T5- ins 866D Sol - Chem - mlso /e~ ~e, -3 Aug 61 Inter-Vuz Scientific Ccmfex--nce, by 14. P. _R~2~~vu ~V. L. lUselova., N'l 5 pp. RUSSVX, perp Iz llysshM Uaheb Zaved, Ehim i Xhlm Wkhg Vol 111.9 Do 5s 19W: PP 771-775- im 1366c) Sci - Chem Aug 61 2 (NY- 5070) A Crombar Telephone Branch Office With a Capacity of 100 N=baraj, by G. A. Novikovj, Ye. Ks, Opol'skaya, 6 pp. RLUSTM, per, Vestnih- Svyazi., Ib l.. 1958. JM 5915 Sci qj Y ,qo-,, 61 CauTarison With Respect to Nucleotid-- Composition of Desoxyribonucleic Aelds Isolated From lasects and 1%mmalz by Various Methods, by 1. F. Kok., A. F. Opol'sklys 6 pp. R=UN, parv Blokb1m, Vol XXV, No 6, 1960, PP 1073-1080- Sal &161 CB (NY-06390) Services in Czechoslovakia, by Czeslaw Opo,lski-, 6 ppr MACH, per, Przeglud Drobnej WyV4arczcscij, Vol X, No 24v Dee 1960, pp 7p Be JPRS 94W FRur - Czechoslovakia Econ aun 61 tzo ~~Uaaw "wiewats* ilit-hout per, Wr vout lagr Z. Vo I 27, sa -eitsCI-rift vdi:p Vol- F'6'3-OCD4, 21CH) words; Coatin- Yeflncd for Optiml I'leasulfe-ment of Sur-face S~rcE:., 0-f Stru~-tlur-al Vembers under Load without t h. e Us e 0 f a I;cdel. Brute'ner, Trans. Order No. 544-y ',~"2.a/0 A Smooth Muscle Protein Salted Gat by 25i~' Saturated S04, by V. V. Oppel, T. B. La-ilyustixia, 6 pp. ("r"4)2 IOSSIAN, per, Biohhimiya, Vol )=, No 6, 1961, pp 1051-1058. CB Sci jai 62 205,220 On the Heteragensity Ckt R owns from Vario= )kmo-Ua by 1. M6 lktsyM &W V. V. oppair ps 6 HU&qM,, per BLOI&LWLYA, Va xxmo NO 5,0 sep-oat 1962j, pps WA - $42 co ad gove , Aug 63 --- ---The -Structural Proteins of -anDoth Yascle of -Warm - -- -- Blooded An'-n' , by V. V. Owe" 1, T. P. Screbrenikoi 5 pp. I RMSTM, per, Binuhim, Vol XXV, go 6, 1960, pp 1035-1042. CB Bel jai 61 / 5- 7, T- 0 :p CM4MIN-ME-ONW9 OF COLL*MXte PRDTEItZS OF THE SKIN F*IMPG AN DMINUXAL WMI, BY Z. P. KVUZv V. V. _T~m .9 pp. Rmim, m. vopm moinumm %VL VI I I* IID 4,w 19Q, PP 37.9-334- 1. oja 16%41 SO -0 f4w mc a M7#239 The Neutral Fraction of Low Molecular Pepsin Peptides From Equine Hemoglobin, by V. V. Oppel, 5 pp. -- RUSSIAN~ per, Biokbim, Vol XXVI, No 3, 1961, pp 462-467- CB Sci Apr 62 194,582 Strnatin-al Proteins of Smooth "Nusale, by V. V. Onell., 2. P.. Sere.branikova.,* . * RMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR,, Vol TAXII No 71, M8, pp 271-'x ?#. Amtr IwMcC Biol Sci sci - Biol 9~~a - 02 Apr 59 Effect of 71-h-radiation. on Solutions of hemoglobinj I Va V. 2RP-qVJ'--lO pp - of RUSSIAN, por, Diokhim, Vol MIV., No 3, 1959., pp 441-450a Consultants Bureau Sai reb 6o 'leg/ f-?;7 U- ctural Proteins of Striated 1-iisc-le in Animals 4 ru S of the Chordate Type, by V. V. Oppell, T. I. Serebre-nikovat 5 PP. RUS61AN, per Biakhim, No 4, 1961, pp 608-614. CB sci mar 62 /,P 2 " P-,>,9 h.:k Aimhoteri c Properties of the Actin-LIke Protein fra'a Vne Smooth Uuacle of Dog Stomachs by V. V. Oipellp T~ B. KWyuetina, -2!24 pp (/ S~, 'Pr FXSSTRi,p per., Biokhimj, Vol M. No 3. 1960, pp 409=M- 3 CB 6X Vol Sol MOICISY 59 2he Pmblem of Omtmetile Protelns cf Smooth Nleclep by V. Vo OPPel',p T. P. Sembxenlkova,, 8 pp. XMIM., PW# BLOVII14 Vol MVp No 4p 193.9,v pp 6"56. Nov 60 Changes In SkIn Protei= After & Ther=l BLu-,, by V. V. Oppcl~~ 12 pp. RUSSVOT, par, Toprozy !led Nh:Lm, Vol Vl'-r, No 2, Mar/Apr IqUj, Pp IT2-178- JPRS 9694 Sci - tftd Au's 61 3 mature Of the Products of the Musymatic D*cQDPo8jtU4LmqwQ fte splitting or " by Po"Inj by V. V. ona,. jg pp. 'ftu tr RUSSIAN,, b1m pgro Alobbim. Vbl 3=10 No 21, *r/Apr IM, VP WN-2--o to &new SOL - BIGLW AIA Jan 57 MS 91-tj fli-00 63-18966 W'n'r i ed. IR-N&TION OF DIMLLATION COLUMNS- 119631 1. Oppelt, W. 12p lref Order from SLA $1.60 63-18966 Trans. of Chemliel-Ing(enleurl-Technik (West Germany) 1951, v. 23. p. 39-41. DESCRIPTORS- 0DIatilling plants, Chemical industry. Material separation, ItAustrial equipment, *Ccmtrol. Design. Towers (Chemistry). (Engineering- -Chemical, TT, v. 10, no. 10) The Application of the Describing Function Miethod for Determining the Stability of Smrpled Data central ayatmo, by W. 90!tli. GERM, iper, Elsaw3unwtechalk.. Val Yll , 1960p Ipp 15-3A. BIBI 1w Scd - sleatrM IzLg-e~LLI- Apr 61 1.7 1 -r-W Fwnace Control Procedures and Their Zv&luatio-o by Henna of Block Diagram,, by Winfried Oppelt, 12 pp. GEMUW,, rpt.. Frankfurt on VAIn,, IS Her 1953- CIODD X-3M Sci - I&ngr Dee 59 61-12557 THE APPLIC.ATION OF THE DESCRMING FUNC- 1. Data--Analysis TION METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE STA- 2. CA)ntrolsystems-nicory BILr" OF SA.VPLED DATA CONTROL. [19f1]. (. op[wlt. W. Order from BISI X2 15a BIS11697 11. BISI-1697 111. British Iron and Steel Trans. of Regelungstechnik (West Germany) 1960, Indust ry *rranslar ion v. 8, Jan. p. 15-18. Service (Research Methods, Techniques aid Equipment. TT. v. 5. no. 6) Offi- .1 T-J.1-1 S-A-. A StWdUty CrIterim D"od an the Xothod of T" - 0 'by = We ojpatr J& M. um Xw=j, pwp Avtomt I p %I x1vo so 9s l9&.. " 3.175-IX78. IRL ftl Jm 62 2D0.,604 Theory of Regulatlan and Control, by W. Oppeltp 19 pp. GEMN,# Pers nats 1939-3-946 RePorts ]NO rarther Reference. BIA Tr 3115 sci Aug 58 6 j 4~ 2 A-- LTO.:uc, Ourve Uethchl for Regulators With FrIction, by-i!-- Oppalt. Full tr=slation. GMIrAN, per, Zpaitschrift des VOI 901 1948, P-D 179-03. AW Tr 1356. Sci - EnGr? ~e 7 Aug 52 CTS mx Dr Insoniur -,-,Qdl.. pip ,Qtl^ TP al,,- Oxidant: Tertiary Butyl Chromate, by R. v. F_-gpenauer, H. Oberrs=h. 21 pp. Bpj"NIBB, W, Azalea A60C.-QuIe. 0 Argentina, Vol FUEMLI.p Vo 34 186,p Doc 194% -pp 246-262. No SLh Scientific - Chemistry JUne 54 CTB Sources cle l'ordre du lalocumle en Radiothera-pie, by B. OppenbcrG., 11 pp. MR1,111 to FRENCH, per, Aton6cemenergie, Vol V, rio N 4, ig6o, pp i4l-i43. 9093470 Reverse Translation CFA T'~? Elo A-10.91 7 Jun 62 Tba Stick O:f the Sbams.. or the Rabbi Cra Calvary by 14. 9!~M, B. fuibbot,, 12 pp. mmm, L lteligiyss Vo go 1960.1 pp 26-31. - im usm J~ ,Taim 61 IOW,-G -h-pp. GERM mAvv&Ua der Chmd'e-su"Ielafto Vol vi: PP 3745-380P SIA Tir IMO sci - cbm dallvl%-r7 W 1957 . 07 63-14403 Alphons and Vogt, George. MODE OF FORMATION OF RESORCINJ I. OppenheLm, A. [1963] 4p. I U. Vogt. G. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 63-14403 Trans of [Justus Liebigs] Annalen d[er] SuPplf;-entband] (Ge-ny) [1869] v. 6,Cphe97611k. DESCFUPTORS: *Resorcinol, Synthesis (Chernistry). Chlorides, Sulfonic acids, Phenols, Sulfonic acid. (Chemistry-Organlc TT, v. 10, no. 6) otr" of T 31 SUTIM gibe Gestalt gbwry In the Light of the Ikv I-11SLO) by r. GreUlMp P.. Qanbopp 24 pp. =Mgt pw* NAmmoftiolp VOL vnp 19388 iv 2n- 9"o oye, M Tr So 5-30 Nomalmoo PW*bolW Avg 280 (=/4M I im, rovad Proo-c", iiith Added &kXQW-r% Sulpitiu-I by I-P_ Oppeiiheivi, N,, Jariran- CUM-14, per, DEW-TachnUschc Bencli-te, Vol 111, No 2, 1965, pp 58-62. n DISI 54310 Sci-WM jam 64 1/ 763 Propwties of Rust2mas Austmitte Chroiduu-Nickel Steela Coutaluing Bor for Vwlear Reactor Comvtructims by K. DamprOts R. .9mobalms QXWW,q pwp Arddv rwr Alasedwttemoses,, vol m=, rob x9fts, vp 95-im. =1 2305 sai - Cbm /6 -P, -/I W, sep 61 161st 108 The Influence of Deformtionl'at Low TenWratures ,Do the Properties of Austenitic Stainless Stes"s by 11. BwW"t# R. Oppenbeins a. I" sche"rj, MMN,, Wp Arch Ilmerbutteuv,, Vol XnV,, No 9-10,, 1953p pp 423-430. 40, A ~ 2FA3 Alqm T t ~i93 ScleatifIc - min/MetaU '' Feb 55 CM :147,nition of Ox4iydroZon Gas Througb (By) Hydrogen ~';.OMSS by F. Haber, F. OWcheimer, 20 pp~ Ga-YMk per, . f. EMIkalloche-MMLe Vol Xn~., 2ection B.- 1932, pp 443-459. CTA/PM/X-1287 .JcIentific - Chemistry -,;TS/DEX The Zen= Lam.. a Light Bowco for the Fcxtbeat U.Cxavlolet, by j?aul Rarteck, P. Oppenhelmr, 5 -ED - I Re I Ul .4-9 33 3: P M GZP-Mll; /er, Zoltachrlft Nr Physlka3 Ische Chemia, 110 15-i6(B).. 193'20'.. pp 77-81. r Aiif Bee & Dav Comwncl ne Baltimox , 10. sc-f-.antVic Astronomy I-Tar 54 CTS/=,,-,i On the Quant= Tbew ot Y42amUns, by m= Born and R. 26 pp. 1 QMM.p perg Ammien der Eolkk lio 04.. 1927,p P 457- Full trawlation. AW Tr U96 Elcicr4lfia - PlWaics A q gi- L-me-Tom Debxvious or ryu imuss Twimtwe stwU r-t Tuveritum 9~p IW G. lenwrts., P. Oppeabaim. GUMi, Wp PM*MMacbe Berighta Vol. 4, 3-- :L., 1%4, Y.P 1.8 PP e ftl 67 335*045 Developnent Group on Ice Formation, _'Leport No 6 - _7ront Exoeriences on Ice Formation, by Oppermann, 10 pp. GEETM,afl, Serodynamic Resoa4 Insti+4~W Gottingen: Inst f or Low Tem -o Iles----"-. F2 2178-50~ - ;T Navy Tr 175/BuShips 386 JULY r_?S HistoricO. Retrospect, by A. Oppexmil= DAU=,, per, Sbrsoegovaesen 3: Dnma,-,,'tcp Vol X--,I; CbnPt -U.. 1932, Pp 34-3-380. SIA r1tr 57-1L--24 No Zi - Norvay / j C~ Econ 60 J Mr 58 i~matlm of Gimt Spwm QkUs In Argas Cobmbarw-- (Sbsw) (adims F.),O IV :-:, Oppm"Im. C-8w,lut. PWL# Zu mum ~&Mt ESMO& Val 37, No 49 t93% pp 53~-W- MIX Oli LW4 e- P- ry- CL,.i rj se- 1-4-1'm- 1.4166 3w,11% DeNrolorpmat of Cemnt Indus-try, !949-1958, by 0. Oppeiicu, B. B. Harecovici, POUD. RUMMMM, per, Revists do Statistiem, Feb 1%,"0, Bucbz.-eat,, pp 16-22, FDD Sum 25M ZZur - Rumania Econ - Conatraction mw 6o ccvyri&t The DeterrAnation of Uranium in Rocks.* Geochemical InvestiM.-tions. I., by H. Erlenmeyer, W. Oppligers K. Stiery M. Blumrs 17 PP- CORMO, perp Helvetim Chimica Acm, Vol XE=, No is 1950. S.L.A. Scientific - Chwaistry 4 0/1 Canon of Eclipses, by Theodor Ritter von Oppolzer. GERNMI, bk, 376 pp. Dover Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Jan 64 The Czechonlovak Automobile ludu5try, by S, K~ olmacowal POLISH, pol. 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