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Defto Unt Swo ou a Vbdkw DRdar PPI-Scapop by MR=* ~a~ 93 We JAPAMW VwA, Jonaml of Notsoml 0~3 Bmpewmht Tb& xp lb 5ITP 19"s VP 51T.52k. 9skkTIL NO M30-30 ad - 1248%m Aag 63 yVvj1p4 Cheracteristics (-)f tbe Fo=stton af th" t7rhi-rif Structural'; Types of Metallurgical Coke, by B. A.:-Onuf14UrP 19 pp. WJSSM,, per, 1z Ak Rm&h SSBR., Mel Tekh Hauk, Val IV, 1956., pp 85-93. Dept of Interior BU of Mines Centrcl Exper Sta Pittsburgh, Pa. Tr 473, Sai - Fuels SLA R-4380 ME COLLOID FROM1113 AM THE CAKING MECUM194 W COALp BY Do A. ONUBAITIS- RUSSIAM M- 11 AK NM 3M% OTM TM Mwo Z 7# 1907, OF M4110 M~ N.3%l "scl - P/ w im it I."* 118 onig&ITIS, 13* A* YURVEVSnYA, 14. P. Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, vol. 15x 1949. no. 80 PP- 955-956.9 1 figure.. 900 words. Fluorescent Method for the Deticrmination of Fisouring In Coke* Brutcher Trans, Order No. 2432, $1.80 /-~ 7 7 / Y/ ONUSAITIS, B. -'koR-E',V~46'Lf~' 1~. P. Bulletin De LtAcademie Des Sci. De L'Urss, Cl, d. Sci. Tech., 1946, No. 7, 12 figm-es, 3 tables, Ijq'I.';O i-:ords. Study cf the Fcrmation of Coke Stoticture. Briitchor Tran6, Orde~- No. 219$, 'J~'6-55- D AA) A, OVIY,9AITISj, B. A. W. P. Bulletin do L'scademle des Sol* de Mures, 0140se des teiences Techniques, 1946, no. 11, 6 f1gureaj, 8 tabless 5900 words, Study of the Formation of Coke Structure. Part 11: Electrical Conductivity, Host of ,g, and orp vv Properties of Coke. Wettin Bru't,~h-~~ Tra-YiB, Order No* 2077, $8-85 I-IJi, -/I / )L- 'An awas" in collolft-awalma stmetwe Of (kal on** Oddatkna by 1. Om~~ aud Ac I** vuenflomma YMSVil,p V*r# Is Ak xw* sam. ftua ftkb mm*-, Vol MR' 1,047a PP 895-9W- soi Characteristic of the Degree of Heut-Treat.,.mt of Semicoke, by B. A. OnusW1,16j, H. I. Kof.-I-Ova.. 3 pp. RjJSSW4j, per.. Zavod Lab., Vol XXIV, Ho 2, 19582 pp 161, 182. Im,Btru Soc of Amer Sai // -- g -,3-,7 Apr 6o (NY-7015) Chem*v:Lt&aye M"t,, by V. V. OWdye&.o, 25 PP. R=DN, bklt, OWmmivetalka Obl"t', 1960, NY 54-56s, 77-79, 88-1M. JM 13541 am Iql 6"4-f &M A,= 62 Propagation or very nue Czndw, k K ra. L006yi, L-V. Orosbko. lossm, Pwr VMa --- ftehinm.-J~Loft - Mwblnmt Vol. Ts 1-961, 5 i I f 4. U. OX/Y s A 9 .0 set- Aug 6T 337-590 Statutes of -Une "Polish Enter.prises, by Magister Qnys~~,l iSL-, 12 pp. State Railroads" Wincenty POLISH, per, Przeglad Kolejawy, Vol XIII, Ro 5, 1961, PP 316-350- JPRS 11603 EF.m* - Poland El-on f :~-2, / Jan 62 / 7 / Corx*slon *t NDlybdmm 1w 3blton dLassw. tV 1. OMm. JAMUM, pw, Z. w - Joran. Vol 72. No 7, 1964. pp 23-Uo AU 41.10 K - n c K P- a"- Sep 67 340.278 Cl.inical Studies on the Treatment or Bladcier- Cawer vith Wo-Tepa(Tespamin)p by X.Ookita and SoUsaka. %TAPANESS, perp Gan no Rinshop Vol-8j, PP-.97-101., 1.962. SIA-TT-66-11705 Tr- JU19 66 308P721 The CUACAI Uss of calturcia in the pot* KkYop VOI 1, SU TT-4A-13281) Field of 1964, 67 327,08S Investigations of the Degree of Acidity of Heat P. Healthy and Diseased Animals, by J. Schoon, A, M Omm. Durai, per, Tijdwjkrift woor Dies oeskundeo Val Uj, 1933. pp 393-403. CSIRO/S93S Sci-Riol A )bd Sci Mar 63 jhv Clinical Use of CoUr.Wein in the Field of L,2~ UT019 0 00wro H. Omftl. 17 pp. JAPAN 9U,'Yps'rj, UXO, VOI X, 1964, lop 822-028. TF-IM)"'15209 Jun 67 327,08S ,T-1321/63 e Disillusioned Comrades of ZXM Carpi, by Carl Oos. "I- ? OWM., np, P~litik,. *4~/DC-8959 WE= - Italy Pol Oct 63 La's Trans IVq'k 7- 61-14530 00st, P. Van. THE SEWING THREADS IN THE MAKING-UP IN- 1. Title: Making-up industry DUSTRY. [19611 [8)p. 1. Oost. P. Van Avaihible oc loan from SLA M-14530-1 Trans. of Rayonne let] Fibres Synth[6tiques] (Belgiurn) 1957. v. 13, no. 3. p. 289-298. DESCRIPTORS. *Threads, ISL-wingraachines, Tensile properties, Textile industry. (MLterials--Tendles. Tr, v. 6, no. 1) VAN F! MAWVVW46 by lm:pp 29-436. 0 1 zXwWdGmwbyRuAQomom, -- A "ludsvp.190 sd-cbmw M*M " I TT-64-10146 Ootuka. liaruo. HldrWV DILU"rE SODIUM FLAMES, N2-Br2. 1. 00tuka. H. Na-HgBr2. [19631!9p] Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-10146 Trans. of Z!eitschrilt fdr] Physikalische Chernie [Leipzig I (Germany) 1930. v. 78, p. 407-422. DESCRIP`rORS: *Sodium compounds, Bromine, Mercury compounds, *let flames, Light, Intensity, (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. It, no. 5) ofte of lecka" Unkri The Aelation betw"n M-artness and Response Fmations, by S. 00=a 14 pp. JAPAUM, per, QV* butsurl, Vol Vs No 2, 19630 " 38-41. ATs-6m6z ,~. 0 ow-.v- N/X ja 66 305,M4 Mn Re)Atiooi-betUM Shupmes and Responm Fwmftms, by BQMU, ]A PP- jAn~s Var, a" Wtswi. VoL =a# No 3, pp i.78-xW. ATs-6mv6j s -4 - WH Jul 66 305,8& of EdLe. ISUMO.-I 140, i"y -..L, ~or, ;yo uutrusi tv V'o I xx v I I I S - Ooue i-yr Ooue S. and Ueda, H. LffEN CAPAC[TY OF PHOTOGRAPI-11C MATERALS. [196318p. Ord,3r from ATS $8.50 ATS-90Q69j Tram. of Nihon Shashin Gakkal Kaishi (Japan) 1961, v. 24. no. 1. p. 36-40. DESCRIFMRS. *Pbotograpldc equipment, rho"raphy - 63-17727 1. Title: Letter capacity 1. Ootle. S. U. Ueda. H. Ill. ATS-9OQ69J IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. TT, v. 10, no. b) 4, Car-OL--, Experinental Researah on Forphyria, by He Qoyanae 4TAPASSOEs port mingon saika Gakk&i &gLVUO Vol 52# 1963s PP 1190-1199 NTC 72-11307-o6E J'une 72 ---tari- . . I --~jt-~t:iorwo -A "A - , Ll I Y. 00yama 0 heckerboard Vernier Rod, by 1. 1. OPalev, 3 Pp. 11 --------- I HUSSTAN,. per, Geodaz i Kartog, No 2, 1960, i Pp 57-60. 1 AGU Sai jui 61 /(/AO/ 6 /0j, v~ Mysicocheudeal Propertles of.' Chlorine Trifluori4j, by ru. D. MUdikavp A. A. QPMI d7 - ._EIW ? T VP RUMMo Vw* V4Pd& XMI4 lb 6s I*s VP T60-7T3- a", ftr a /-4/3; 3 4 f syntaegla of Hiiher Flucaldeb -of -Nioloiam, T wt-a-lum and Molybdem= With the Aid of Mox-j'ap- TrIfluoride., by N. S. HikolaM, Yu. A. Buslayev,, A. A. Opaaroklym, 5 pp. RMSIM, par,, Zhur Neorg Shia,, Vol 121, No 8j, 1950.. PV 1731-1733- 90010 Am ML-IUA Revwme Translation CIA-TRA4.631% 67 Bei - Chem jan 61 Solubility luovararla at 00 0 Z. e System, 'by 11. S. M`Rolme"L_~.. A. Opalo-,rs"d A, 14 BMSIX-1, par, Zhur Neorg Vol IV, N~o 5, PP 1174-11S3. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd. London Sci -C-~-/" Jan 60 Synthesis of Higher of Niobim, Tantalum aud 1443,Ybderium With the Aid of Cb1orine T-rifluoride, H. 0. NikolaZMv., Yu. A. BaalWv, A. A. O.Palovs1dy., 5 pp. -- IMSSIM,, par,, Zhur NeoM Maim.. Vol In., Nb 8,1 1958,, Pp ITJ'-1733. ATIC ICL-151A SM-L - Cbemistry Doc 60 / F,4"4, J-76 Salts of Fluoraoxymolybdic Acidep by D. 5~ Nikolayev, A. A. Opalovskiy, 4 pp. RUSSUIN. llr'Y~ J1.1; Vir-uill 18[150'j~ Vr-' =7ux - no 4p 1959, pp 801-804. CB Sci oct 6o Zdfl,uoi-jxyiwl.ybdic Acid (SyntheSis ana P-roj)altieu), M~ a. NikolVav., A, -A, 042~vsk~lyl. 4 Rp. RUSSIM, per., Bok Ak Hauk SSMj* Vol CXX-TV, 90 4" 1959, 830-833. Cowultmta Burcau scd //~ J%M 60 Investigations In the Field of Synthetic Dyes,, XV111, Synthesis of Isomeric Quftemery Salts oi Hk-yl Quin- s1dinium ead Their Conversions, ty G. T. P11yugin, E. P. Opanasenko,, pp. RUSSIAH,-per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XM. No 4,, 1961, pp. 3233 - IM OB Za,, 7d1 Cyanine Dyes. XIII. Monmethinequinothiacyanines of Unsyrametric Structure, by G, T, Pilyugin, E. P. Opannsenko, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur (Ybshch Khim, Vol X)C[X, No 9, 1959, PP 3065-3075. CB Sci q, 37/5 Sep 60 Reseexch Ixt the Field of Synthetic- DyesTLLCfs - X, S-.ynt-hosis of ji-Axyl-2- jG i-~--rivatives and Meir Trans formt-Jons, by Cr. T- Pi.lyugin.- R.- P. Openmer-ko., S. 'V. Shinl~orezmho., It PP. PtUSSIal., per, Zh-u-- Obshch Kbfim, Vol )D=, No 5, 1958, pp 1316-1319. Consultants Dia-eau Sci - Caem. 0--V -;, .Aa 59 7,2., 369 P --helation of --Size- of Oparim - At Sultanov, 3 PP. '_~_aUj S RUSSIAN, per., rieft Khozp No 2p 19571 PP 35-40. ciA/FDD x-2748 sel - Eng., Km operatious of volle Apr 58 ev // '? .3 (a Cyanine Dyes. VM . Synthesis of Alkoxy Derivatives of Qmtermary Be=oqu1n&Id1nItzm Salts and Their Tftnsfor- iations, by G. T. PiIy*mgin3 R. P. Oparmeeisko,, W. A. Tevetkowat 3 PP- RTJBSIMp pet,., Zhur obabich Khimg Vol MMUj No 4,. 19570 pp 2028-1020. comultants Bwaftu SCL --k Chm Aug 58 e. Studies of Synthetic Dyestaffs. XXV. The Synthesia of Isonwric N-Ar7lquinaldina Salts and Their ConverAon into Cyanine Dyestuffs. by 0. T. Myugln, E. P. Op&wqw*G.. 5 pp. RUSSTAN, per. Zhur Obahch Kbim. Vol Xrm, No 1962. pp 3.398-1403. CB Sci A--? 3, -!9'3 Mar 63 heir amd S 5 ---^.r Zdmr Obshch c-I 1303-13C6- Cyaulme Dyes. Cyclization of Secondary AromtIc Amime with Vinyl Etbers into Arylquinaldialm Deriv- ativesp by Go To P11yugins E. P. Opamsemkoi, 3 PP- RWSIW,. per$ Mm Obtabeh Xhimv WA. XIVU,, No 4, 1957,, #P 1015-ID17. Conmatants Bureau Be I - Cbem Avg 58 Mechanised Methods Of Surfacing With Aluminium Bronze Compared, by Ve V. P0d&Wet8kiY, S. A. Opanasanko, 9 pp. ;19, ' RUSSIIN'.. per,, Avtwat svwkas, NO a., 1960P pp 66. BWRA Sci / ~ 5j i -~-e- Aug 61 -NDdificatioik-of-tba-Stracture--of DesozyrLbowele AcLd in HiciroorganLem, by 2. Opare-Rabimaka, IPOUSR, per, Postmw Ripebas Vol 7, no 2. 1961, pp 280-2916 ATS PJ-S486 e4ex, 1 Sew" J~ 70 62-12394 Opara-Kubmqka, Z. IMODIFICA11ON OF T11E STRUC71JRE OF ] I Oparn-Kubirska, Z. DESOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID IN MICROORGANISMS 11 ATS-95N56p [1901] 9P. III . Associated Technical Order from ATS $17.20 ATS-85N56P Services, Inc., EastOrange. N. Trans. of Postepy Biochem[ii] (Poland) 1961, v. 7, no. 2, p. 289-298. DESCRIPTORS: *Nucleic acids, *Microorganisms. M~Iecular structure. (Biological Sciencea-Biochernistry, TT. v. 7, no. 6)1 014~- f T-61-1 S."I- U* AkWdft*VA At" CMMUW Psqbao6 by U. PmOM looppowbNal4ow x=ahN6 46 Lt*mkw =Oak. 06% = lim w 1. & JM=79 Ima I* J4004M 2"alm +~ 41111"PIV I I M',!11KjlFH9"ll I W11M - i ;!!! I , 1. ~ . . .~ I'll The X UniverBe and Talfe, by A. Opa-rin, eLY)r,. mr, OFFICM USE ONLY RMIM, ll~.r, AVI&tSiya j moomnavtika., mo io, 1962. 9683307 - - - ; .4 PM-ST-62-10 sci N/.2 YV akm3fb3 -61-14047-- Oparin, A. and Rogowin, S. A STUDY OF THE NA'lIJRE OF COTTON PIG- 1. Pigments- -Chemical MENUS. [ 19611 5p. 16 refs. analysis Order from SLA mi$1.80, ph$1.80 61-14047 2. Cotton- -Chemical analysis I Oparin, A. Trans. of Melliand TextilberichEC (Germany) 1930, 11 Rogowin, S. v. 11, p. 944-946. Offi-f T-6ftical S*mlc,s (Unannouncu~-J) Extent o,,%* Life in the Universe$ by A. E. Oparinp V. G. Feuenkov, 5 ipp BUSBUN,j I?kp 14fa in the Universe# Cbepter VIII# mosump M69 crA/FDD x-hm Sol - space Res Fab 6o 16 7 7d6z I/ WOU&MGM, by L Pp O-SL set-mitta "m Dot.." wf Nurritivo Ccqa,wsizIau of Yeasts and Their Wzymatic Activity, by &-h-O'ladus Ot al. PMIM, ger, D&I ALmd h4a. SSSRP val 99, No 40 1954, pp NU 5.22-6s 19. Sti- May 65 278.362 Ictivity of ZK Ribontzcle=e lnal4d.- in- J . -A Zq ComearvatO Drops,, by, K B. Screbravakaya, yp 1=10, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol CX(n go 4., 19,~8,, pp 661-664 Amer I"t of Siol Gai Sci - 3101 Apr 59 Y-ilp' ,, a 2 Sct~nUiic Prodgrcs6 in China.. by A. 1. Optxio. RUSSIALT 14, p-r4Rrircda. Vol XLI: NO 3o 14= 1932P pp 91-9 . 2b-m-- USDA Mmns-~ UMII.Irt - -'If,2- Sconamic - ASrIculturep progrovo Sclent-Ific - Blo-IOZYP Pro5x*t-'Zu The Effect of Desoxyribonucleic A,Ye-!.d an the Tryptic Hydrolysis of Proteins, by 0- A. Deborin and V. Z. Baranova, pp- RTISSTAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR, Vol CXVI, No 2j 1957, PP 270-272- Consultants Buraau Sci - CA-*~ 7 J, 6 6 el Aug 58 2be Orl~ -of L:Lfeo by A. I. Oyarln UNCLASSIrM MOUN perv Vauk X I Zblwo Val 1=0 no Apr !V'j(, Vp scle"Utle - moloow fte 1"k (28 0l 6t ZISY OPARINt A.I. Papers presented to tIB Acad of S(A USSR o(Tm-642148 The UniYarse and Life, by A. 1. 02sriR- RUSSIM, per, Priroda, Vol VII, 1961. NRC/C-3847 Sci Jan 63 ; I Va AbM *a BMW" Discovery of Znvertase in Saccharosyces Globosue 249 With the Aid of Ultrasonic Waves, by A* I. Opurin N. S. Gellman,, Xx I. F. Ellpiner. RUSSIM Per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol XMI, No 2, Jul 1954, PP0293-M. CIA 901M13 USDA Bel - Ned may 58 (IIY-6503) U There We On other Plan"?., by A. I. Oparln,, 21 pp. Vu- UMM, nPs Maimmkoya lakra, 2 Jul 1961.,, P 3. JM U*34 Gel - Spene fts la 7, A 7-?~l ft 61 The Action of a Surface Active Substance on the Enzyme Sygst= Which Wdizes Malic Acid In Cytoplasmic Membranes of Micrococcus lysodeiktiaus, by N. S. Gellman, I. G. Zhukma, A. 1. QpAxin, 4 PP . RWSIU,, per,, Bidkbimlyap Vol XXIV, No 6, 1959, PP ICO-1078- ConsuItents Bureau set Jul 60 Tlffl 7-ji -a! Ynrri )1v z ~3 -1mv I -dd IMO 1, t - !, -, _A*n -)V Ls:; --LC - I p Svc -Lr :3~].L Jo sl 3HI NO G38012A30 38 01 ?7333T!-3','-j Tid !*VY) '4: : 1 J.'"ll Not=* and A. I. OporlA. IN -3 -b W RAWAX., =as ZWLM To nlrq*j. PX anwitim" swam.. NP. "'-Z' AZ Nor Synthesizing Action of Micrococcus lysodeikticus Folynucleotidephosphoryj~i-sein ~03:Lition and in Coacervate Systems., by- A. I-Ep ~~i ) K. B. Serebrovskaya, 6 pp. RUSSIAN) per, Biokh:Lm, Vol XXVI, No 3, 1961, pp 499-504. CB Sci Apr 62 194,588 A Stuxky Gf - the ActivIty or Ribowtic"m to the Pm&4d*o cX Om Arable by A, I.. =i4r Par.. D* Ak am& am,. YQI cxx,.. P-O A, 1958, to 13U-1313 . POW Iw% se BM ud Bel 0 310161w# Cbm to 19 r0, Rd 41 Activity of the Bazymas of the Di- and TrIlearboxylic Acid Wle as a ftnation o4f the ProtoPleat Structure of Microcoacue L.Tsodcjk_t:lcus-, by A.. 1. Oparin., ff. S. Gel'man, I. G. Lultoyanova, s pp. EUSSM., per, Biokbim, Vol XXM, No 6, 19.58, pp 909-916. Cousultanta Bamau Sci - Bialj Chem Jul 59 S-4318 (rc-1936) The C Status of the ProbleK of the Origft of Lifes by A. 1. Oparin, 20 pp. RUSSIMI, blmo per, Uspekh Sm Diol,, Vol XLIV, NO 2(5), Mweav, Up/Oct 1958, -pp 15&172. us jmft-L-468 Bel - B1010G7 Incorporation of Labeled Glycine anI Iacweasv in Protein rvitrogen Coutent as I-Ametions of Sta'ucWre of Bacterial Protoplastsj, by A. 1. Oparing N. S. Gelman, 1. G. Z.hukova., 1~ PP. HUSSIM# b1m perp Blokh' .9 Vol =p No 1,, 2p Jan-Apr 1957.o pp 399-405. Sci - G%smistry Apr 58 Comnatants Bareau &/j 6 ?/ The UrL7,-vcrse mid Life, by A. 1. Uparin, 22 np. RISSLAII, F~iroda. No 7j, 1061, p-D 5-12. Sci - S-o R3search Dee 61 10'Xidation of L-YAlic Acid and of Re&zL--ed Mphosphopyridin Nualeotide In the C~rtopjamjc bkmhmme of Micrococcus Lysodelktlcw,, by N. aellm-An.. I. G. Zhukova, Dok A *uk 8=,, Vol 11 1 llrlrT,, 30 51 1960., pp 1M-aMg. AIBS Sol -T3,; 6 7 kv 61 Ths Cyboahrme ByE;tem--in - the - Cytoplamic --h m.. branas Of Llicrococcus IYsodaikticusv by 11, S. CrelfWm.g lAn A* lAlkoYanOVa3 A* To lrps-T= Blokh:tm., Vol Mj No 3j. 1960, 7, OB sci- ftb 61 Eff ect of Desoxy . ribonuclea-le on Oxidation of Acid b,r Micrococcus Lrsodeikticus Lyzates, .1 by H. S. Gel'ms-n, I. G. Mukovu, A. I. Qp~in, 3 PP. RLISSIfi-N, per, DOI-C Pk NaUk SSSR, Vol CXOWI, No 1, 1959, lip 1.98, 1919- P,,f:er Inzt of Biol Sci Sal iatk 6o 1117oblcL of Ttchtdcal Biochemiatry in tiia r.,4.Gjd of Food IndUatry, by A. I._2E2nn 6 pp. PIUSSIAIT, per) Biokhim, Vol XXIV, No 5, 3-959'. pp pp 769-776. Consultants B-tmeau Sci Jun 6o /;7 .) bf9 34, 0 IMOL AL no SO Wollb MA 13 -Owrlp- A. [L I and Feseukov. V. LEFE IN THE UNIVERM rr. by IDL Myshne. 1961. Iv. ordrr frcm Twayne PublIsLicrs Lim-, New York $4.50 Trans. of unidentified Rus sin mmo., n,. p., U. tL DF-SORIPTORS. *AnImals. OFInts. OPlancts, Galaxies. 63-12124 I. OparIn, A. I. H Fesenkov, V. 111 Twayne Publishers, loc.. New York (Biolagical Selences-Gesicral. IT. v. 9. no. 1) Y 16FDD 27763) 9- Infl=4 of Chanp in the Eltructure of Bacterial FrotGplasts on Respiration aM Inclusion of Labeled Glyaiw, by A. 1. Oparin, N. S. Gall-, 1. 0. Zhukov, RUMI"s thribe-w Vero Dak Ak Nauk 6=3 Vol CV.9 110 5" 108cows 1-90.. pp 1036-1039. cjA/~qm u-8642 Sci - ChmUtryj Biodhemical; Biology. Avg 56 cTs/D= bX K. 14. SavebrovskeyaA A. 1. Oparl-pi 9 pp. RUSSM., per., Dok Ak Hauk S8911.) Vol CMM., wt) 0., i-96-op P-D 1532-xin-535. AM Sei jul 61 =ect Of D--OXYChoUt& On OxIdStion of ft4aced Diphosphopyridlne Micltotidet L-Malic Acid, and L-lactic Acid In C*toplAnde Membraw of Nimococau lyso&lkti=o, by N. S. Gel Imnp L G. ZWWwmt A, 1. opa= 4 pp. IVSSWp perj Dok Ak Nauk SMO Vol CM=, No 1.- 1960: PP WO-203. AZW 16 7, ;3 7Z Jul 61 Ow 20785) "he T=lw of the Bioloalcul. Science., Depts of the T Academy of Scienow., SSM.. in the Liaht',of tho 19th Conaress of the I= md the Brilliant Ideso In the Rev Work of I. Ve Stalin., "Economic Problem of Sociallm In tho UM., " b7 Z 44 pp. 1RUSSMI, bUw par# Is Ak Hauk 68M., Ser Diolp On 2., 11108cov., Marlftw 1953, pp 14-33. MM_ CVOM"31 sci Biolory developunt of biology wd allied ociew in UM MR 54 OTS The Chemical Origin of Life, by A. 1. Oparbe WIISSIAN, bk, 1964. C. C., Thom" PubUshors Sci - B 4 HS May 66 301,210 Ojok - ip as wy Data abcmt We" at orwa or TAfts %V A* to OPkrb4 96 pp. UMMW4 C" at Arby 11 w $"-UM "ft Go DMW A ~!--