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roratid Aga=-the-Laoctwa a-t a-jpdcAj-_c4m--l-of-tb UnivOrfdtY of Tel AV ,xvo by A. De Fries, A. L.gt2~y 14 pp. HEBREW, Per. H W-ft0h. Vol "XV4 No 4.1964. pp 123-127. ACM 1-5910-D M 2204052664 Scl - B & m Sal Ian 65 270,825 84*48imad -- 111 Sao$ xww . --. GUERRILLAS IN PERU, BY ENRIQUE LOPEZ OLIVA, 9 PP. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY --------- SPANISH, PER, BOHEMIA, NO 51, DEC 1962, PP 12-16, 74. JPRS 17231 LA - PERU MI L,. JAN 63 22014o3 Wag$"., Fvl~ vum,owm~p mi lqi~6 vp so by somy c ~ mmm~ = Datat C~ ft"" arfift /I-& fj"~,e 041,11 t, 332p3A =*r"" k!"5 1A) la~vujui Olivvirax 41; &-era $,&Vista 14~A, -'lur Portugal U4-- -2jlow The Actlon ot Hydrogen Perodde an Witriles and On Amidem; the Formtion of Wdroxwmic Acids., by R. OUverj4iaW%U, 12 p. MALSOp pert %za Mlap Italp Ignp Vol Litt No 3., Vp 107-U2. MA 60-10430 fti. my 60 Val 30 Wo On the Reaction of JgLtrous Acid With Hydrazine aud With Hydraxolc Acid# by B. 011verl-46andula 1A I I I rfALfim', per, Gazz Chim Ital, Vol LI, go 2t 19210 pp 201-207, TPA3)$Z.TB T 4143 Scientific - Chendstry ~-- 'k C? ~' CTS)b-x-X- Operative TEz~etmant of Varicocele Lo Oliveixlil. 2 pp MRTUGISF-SE, 7sr, Semana Yed Buenos Aires, Vol XLV, 1938, PP SU 57-1517 Mar 58 Expwimnt-sl Tareatwxit of bUnsou"a Schiat-Ofloulasia. Application of the Dbthod o;r isole-tion of. GranUomm From the -T.4-viw of Wee., by Z. Bremarp Js Pellegrino# FId&Im C, 9~~v~im, -10 pp.' ILPAW.Mp per# May BTesilairs do Iftlarioloalm- e Doences Tropicuisy Vol VIII# No 4j, 1956,* Pp 583-587- MA 59-15602 sci DOC 59 Vol 2p So strajtvj~7~, of ft-talistiwv, by giiaram je Axaujo clivekvu. -wr., !~*vista Vilitar, Novmdmr, IM, IlZ5 jxl;~A 1-6471-A. 10 1204012565 Clinical., ratbaogical and Pathoganlc mstinctive maraeteristice or Acute or Sub-n-aute Mrfuse aloneracnaphritiso by H4 L. de D34vf--ir-,- Jose F131wi, 5 PP. PORTUGUESE, Pero Reviota Asmiation M-dia BrafM, g: Vol Vn, ftr l9&.. pp 3-14-118- mmy Tr 34-06/m5 790 s-.1 - blal & Wd /1 931 j~m 63 Prelimimry Note on the Action of DDT in Lmect Vectors of Chaps Disease., by Herman Lent and S.J, de Oliveira, 6 pp. Pm7uGmr ,--Per& RevIsts Bragileird de Blologiap PP 329-31. Vol 3CVg a%44~,SiP MR Bcie~ntiflc - Biology CTBIMX Cit *9 AlUtais Vvtwmt Wthad in FadMaw CaPsIgn at the Raft. F* do auvalri jodw, a sp, ru Us AnW oiW"his ftnloo Braid L Lo AM a= JA Bmwl Am 2VA Ors CVA tCr En ZIPPO ulkbe un cr md 4910-AbU to AU J*"do~4 S-M agaw; Elm 3PUM br Notdm C a " 0 .-sm Tr OVWX Mn 84d TA A Avk IM C" Tonarod2a jutm-prct,ttf.on of &,-Asmic Arrivals W4 h Parallel Curved Tim palhat by H. Berckhamhar- J. Oliver, a M-Y.U.. per, Z ff-wr Geopbyslk, go 211, 1955, P-L, 152-16-4. U-niv of Wisconsin Apr 6o ;01 Oliveri-Mandala, I- CARBYJ 63-18919 EFFECT OF HYDRAZOIC ACID ON ME7UYL f.- Title: hiethyl carbylamirie AMINE. SYMMESIS OF TETRAZOLE HOMOLOGS. 2. Title: Teirazoles 11963] [5p] 3refs 1. Oliveri-Mandala, E. Order from SLA $1.. 10 63-18949 Trans. of Accadlemia Na7ionale del] Lincei. [Classe de ScIenze Fiziche, hiatematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti (Italy) 1910, ser. 5, v. 19, no. 1, p. 228-231. DESCRIPTORS: *Azoles, Synthesis (Chemistry), *Nitriles, Methyl radical 3. 'iydrogen compounds OA7ides (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 10. no. 11) Office of Tedn" Services Calmissaricut, services in war 15 ipro. ITALLA-E,, rryt, I Se-rvizi dl -Pommine-ariato in Guerra, i mov ig6o. ACBI 11-9211 ID 2163245 wx - Italy ml v Aug 61 /C -~f Olivet, jean-Emile. ELEMENT FOR HEATING BY RADIA71ON [Element de Chaurfage par Rayonnemeent] tr. by JB. 25 Apr 61, 10p. (15 figs. omitted). Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 61-19837 Trans. of Frewh patent of addition 65,273 (to 1,079.860) gr. 15, cl. 2, Appl. 4 May 53, grimed 5 Oct 55, pub. 8 Feb 56 (original patent appl, IL hUr53) DESCRU'TORS- *Radiant heating panels. Otsign, Heating, 61-19a37 1. Olivet. J.-E. U. Patent (France) 1 079 860, add. Ul. Patent (France) add. 65 273 The original patent relates to a surface for heating by radiation, characterised in that It is constituted by one or more radiating panels detachably mounted on tubes traversed by a warm fluid. permitting particularly an easy moijaing of the panels on the tubes and demounting for maintenance purposes of the panels or of the tubes. offico of TV.61C.1 S-1-s This addition relates to a heating surface In accord with (Engineering- -Mechanical, TT, v. 6. no. 7) (over) EagGap Carrier for a Motor Vebicles Provided With an Unroll.ImS FaCawme Arrmaement Uhich Entirely Covers the Vehicles by Renato Alessandro 031veti, 5 PID- MLUN, patent no 506..%8. Patent Office liov 63 242,9465 (Ind ikrological Study cn t-.,0 J-'~13t,jiproll-.oicd)~"Anti-ootly M) alwa JLa th-.;y Of the latent LeUtic, b:7 Livio Oliirf-itti, TTALVIN, liar, Gior. Ital. Dermt. e Sif, 1101 --VCIV# VA) 3, 1953s pp 21T-229. C -T A 0 '/'J vntific Mdi;:Ine Spontaneous Ca-rcin=a of Hamry Gland of Mouee in High Incidence. Introduction of Carcinam type N (*Jsous) into the Scheme of Classification, by K. Olivi, 0. Bianclfiori,, G. lkrblori, 11 - -.- . jj. IMUN# per.. Levori lot Ana% e Ist. ratolog,, Vol XVP No Is 1955P PP 5-31- NIB Tr log Sci - Biology S L 4 'A I q--6, I'i4i tho Horphology oi Mu ~-. Ttj~wra lw;mad by ~~kthylA-.401=tbrana iz E4~wlc id-co I-Alover Up-o"d to t4e A~lt,, by Dd, olivio et *I, 1'rjkU*VJO por, Umri lat Anat -kjaiv pon!'2A,20, no 230 pp AA 1-34-b5 Ahqp, 2374,460 Mast Cells and bUciparous Epitbella in Maucary Mande of Nice SubjectO to Hormonal Stimulation by M. Olivij, 14 pp. ITALIM, perj Lavori let Anat e let Patologo Vol UP No lp 1955j, PP 77-85- A 9") -Y q i g Tr 1010 ,3~ RT-7 sci - Medicine 61-19485 Olivier. Roger, Corne, Robert, and Coulombier, Roland. 1. Mortar-Rinders PROCESS FOR PREPARAMN OF HYDRAULIC 1. Oliver, R. BINDER AND BINDERS PRODUCED BY SUCH If. Corne, R. PROCESS, t-r. 6y J. M. Ii. 22 Mar 61, Sp. Ill. Coulombier, R. Order from LC or SLA mi$1.80, pli$1.90 61-19485 IV. Patent (France) 1 062 148 V. Patent Office, Washinblon, Trmns. of Frunch patent 1,062,148, gr. 7, cl. 1, by D. C. EtablissenaLnts Poliet & Chausson, appl. 22 Aug 52, granted 2 Dee 53, pub. 20 Apr 54, Agglutinating and fluldizing properties are imparted to the mortars by adding thereto an amount of synthetic plastic materials. 71be plastic materials utilizW are preferably of the class of vinyl synthetic resins, C. 9. polyvinyl alcohol.,;. Offico of T-Wof $--tco* (Materials, IT, v. 5, no. 11) REALIMENTATION AND MIGRATION VELOCITY OF FIBROBLASTS CULTURED 114 VITRO BY THEHANG114G DROP HETHOD- BY 0. M. OLIVO, M. A. GLIOZZI,, 3 PP- ITALIAN., PER, BOLLETTINO DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMEWALE: PP 325-329. DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA VOL XXXVII, NO 7, 1961. N I H &,47-62 SCI - BIOL OCT 62 213,Ti8 (SF-1 100) POLITICAL VMRK DURING TArTICAL EXERCISES, BY WL. _RWYA,,- 22 PP. POLISH, PER, ZOLNIERZ %401-11OSCI., VOL XIII, INO 131, Do juN ic62, PP 3-4. JPRS XkM9 143'- 00 EIEUR - POLAND MI L - JUL 62 202,427 -7 1~1 Information an lower Silesian InduBtry, by A. 011-m PDMMj bk DOIIW SUGkj, MM03".# 1959.w PP 48-54., 56P 59s ;a, M5, 226,p 228j, 232., 235j, 2440 2256, wj 270, 2.72 11 273, 216y 291.. 293,p 294s 29% 302.- 307;v 308, 315a 31.6, 31.9j, 320: 322. JIM 8350 Eftr - round F.Cou jun 61 Reservoir Properties of Carbonate Rocks of oil-baux%. ing Horizons of the Paleogene of Forgmia, by V, 1, Danchev, to V 011 kha? 2 pyw RUSSIM, per* Goolog Hafti i Gaza, Vol IV, No 3-B, 1960 RRG Sci Aug C-2 213AX125 Sme Pzmblmw* on tAm OrSaW ct Uzwdm HImmUmtIon, 't 'n comwoom wItA the obww of Ifreftl" Famity Df 0imawrift al~ts bout by T. 1. umeboys 9 pp. RMTAN, per, Ts Ak Ikuk MM,, Ser Goa, No ig5go pp 16-2!5. Aal got Apr 61 f i- Quantum Statistical Theory of Ferromagnetic Resonance at High Temperatures, by 0. A. Olliffiov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz:Lka Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, No 9, 1963, pp 2448-2454. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 9 Sci Apr 64 254,538 CX,,,~ntum Statistical Thcoxy of xr! Systems Vith Strong L-cchangs Interaction By 0. A. 011khov and B. h1o Frovotorov pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Zhur BImper i Teorat FUR Vol X7.IV,, No 2. 1963f pp, 514 - 521 Amer Inst of Pk~ys Sov Phya - JETP Vol W.U. No 2 sci Aug 63 Dermacentor lluttalli as t,be Carrier o:C Tul-IreMiUl Dy E. Ya. Ol":bo-.-ik, A. 11. Leontlyev, L. P. Shvedko. RUSSIAN, bk, Tezisy Doklady Mezbinstitutakoy Haucbrioy Konferentsiy po Zabolevaniyan a Prirodnr.4y Ochagovostlyu, Pbaviasbabe=oy 50-lettiu Tbmakogo Naucbno-Issladovatellskogo Inatituta Vaktsin i Syborotok 19-22 Noyabi-ya 1956 gp 1956, p 81. 9072197 USDA Scl - Med oat 6o Dermacentor Ifuttalli ap. the CaTrier of '.-Mftarcmia, by E. Ya. 0111chovik, A. N. Leontlyev, L. P. Shvedko. RUSSIMp bk~ Tezisy Doklady Mezhinstitutakoy Fvxuchnoy D~mferentsiy pu Zabolevaniyan a P-rirodnoy Ochagovostlyu, Pos-AashchennoY 50-lettiu T=skogo Hauebno-lesledovatellskogo Iustituta Vaktain i Syborotok 19-22 Noyabrya 1956 g, 1956? p 81. 9072197 USDA Sci - Med oat 6o IrDtt;ba .1z Vowpor-Acy Vpmt Lei the ViltnaP a TuTaVWQw b? V. 7 Pp. OVS9101, np,, 28 fbv t964, p 316 JPVS 2"41 F It USSR DOI, F.Axm Mar 65 2760671 Tests Conducted for the Purpose of Increasing the Resistanco to Miermal S S hock of Rmner Bricks, by I. A. 04K-Wqnkixv 1. 5h. Shvartsnan. RUSSIMNp per,, Opoupor/. Vol XX111, Me 11, 1958, pp 498-504, BISI 3530 Sr-i-NIM ?/// " W6 Jan 64 A Boundary Value PrdbUm in Omeralized W.A I W-1 8.0 tw 1. 3:4 CILIftw-0170 4 P. RUSSIA31 Dok Ak Xm* 8=0 Val. no 2s 19"# Yp .2w-. Amr Imt of Php Oft ftf-DAIMOY VOIL U1.0 No 6 sci wr 60 ~ I fqj f ,-MpI wil!lt - Gewral Hydrodymac 7heoz7 of a fternonic lnterfermeter~ by 1. 1. 01'khovokly,, 3 pp. RTJBSIM,, perp Dak At Houk SWE, Vol CXXX, go hp 1960s vp 747-750. AIP Sov FtWs-DoklsAy Vol Vj, No 1 Sol 0060 On a Pl=c Lincar Boundn--y Value Prob-lar. of Generalized Hydrodymmics (Theory of the Ultrwanic Xaterfercmter), by 1. 1. M 'khovuldy, 4 pp. MSSIM.. perp Dak Ak Nauk S&M., Vol CXXn:Ey No 5, 139513, PP 821-324- Amar Imt of PbYS Sov %ya - Doklady vol m, wo 6 Sol - phys Jul 59 61-13790 01'khovik Ye..Ya., Leont'yev, A. N., and - - S~V76&6 L. P 1. Ticks- - Physiology DERMZliNTOR NurrALLI AS THE CARRIER OF 2. Tularemia- -Sources TULARENGA (CLarmacentor Nurtalll kak Perenoschik I .01'khovik, Ye. Ya. Tulyaremii). 2 Sep 60, 2p. Trans. V-1604. l1. Leont'yev. A. N. Order from LC or SLA mi$1.80. ph$l. 80 61-13790 111. Svedko, L. P. M. Trans-V-16N Trans. of mona. Tezisy,Dokladov Mezhinstitutskoy Nauchnoy Konferentali po Zabolevaniyam a Pr1rodnoy Ochagovost'yu, Poovyashchennoy 50-Ledyu, Tomsk, 1956. p. 81. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, TT. v. 5. no. 6) (NY-5100) Macbsol sat cc and Autmution of the Reeordlm m2d WormtIon on Train and FrelfAt OperstIms, by A. I. jq~ ~khovqy, 12 pp. RMSUN., per, M*l=odwozhWy Trauvwst, NO lip 1961, PP 63-67- im 13915 WSR peon mar 62 Tests Conducted for the Purpose of Increasing tho Resistanco to Mermal Shock of Runner Bricks,, by ja-A-- 012khwakLyt. 1. Sh. Shvartsium. RUSSIANO, par, Ogneupory,, Vol WHO No 11, 1958, Vp 498-504. 8151 3530 $a-"/m ilat Jan 64 (DO-1.102) A Rise in the Productivity apd the Automtization of the Operations of an Acetylene Filling Station, by A. N. Shwbkovi 1. 1. Str:ixhvokiv, V. F. Ollkovtjklyp N. N. Hstveyev, 14 pp. ummmirm RMUN,p elght-x-yr per., Xblu Prom,, No 4, Moscow, JUn 1955s vp 222-227. US JM/IDC-L-229 Sci - Chemistry 64f #9;7 %J~o A Obac-rVatiori of IS-010atiOnD 12%. thz B~'=m EX4 t' C a Bigh -wrequtnty Swrces, by T. Grjabjrm., R. Moramnj~ B. oLkovsky. UWLAWnTIM par,, JOIX do my'Zigm e'U In Eadit~aj, Tol XLZ. Jan 3.958. /ML 754 ftvy 9361 Bel - ftsics 59 / 0 ~ I/ o Of SPectrcmtry Tootopic Analysis of Ura~ws, by J. ODWSICY.. La Coben* -W-M=,v X7?tj MA 1840 1961. 9205= Soi - Nual Sal '4AW-Tr-3606 Apr 63 ~,-2 ~/ Y Study of Uranium Fission With An Autowtic Wilson C.Lond Mamber. Bectica 4. Probability of Triple Fission With a Third Frap*jxt of Mort Path I&xqo:h, by E. do LOoalaye, 0. Vmwra, T. -01k 14 pp. per, J Fhp Radim., Val XVj 1954, 477-4W- AM-tr-3712 Sal muc Mys Aug 59 - zfroc;% or tba Pmearmt1an Mcdi= cmd tbo Dqmtlo"- 01 ~,Itarap, of ala~A au 7b* BQXVLVUI grytbx"Y~as -A tbos Leftth of Tint Vier Cirs- cwukt,e TM no of tha Recipleate 'by P. 1. 12 pp,; pokmaklys Sa To RUNIAls, mmigmpbp SaxamanaM ProbleW Gamto- z0gli I ftrouvamys xmv, macave ).956.9 vp JuSk- 77 Doe I-Pa-11-sw Dlagnools of Peanuta raid Level of FertiUzers., by P. GMIer., P. Prevot, M. - 0 North Caro3lua State College um Tr Bu Tr 91,79-1) scienuric - IBIOIOV PI'OteCtiVe WlUe Of Earth COnftCWrr. COMeCting Yovers of H.T. Overbead Lines, by F. Ollendorr, "N"N-;' Wy M jmk&mtecbn't%cbe Zeltsebrift, No. 18, 1962j, PP 5T3-580 1,4.- 0 j 4 6--,A/ 0 0 1?,C Sci - Aug 6T 335-T08 The Amlo(W Between Slectroognetic Machines and Induction Xsehineep by Pmus OUendorfp 8 p. =F=Nj par# ZZ MAftratech Zelz# 1900 Val XLVO No Ilt PP 22O-M3- MA W-17954 Sai War 60 / 4r f. f ,7f Vol 2j, no 11 62-17554 jL=p.Gmnev, A. and Coca Galan, R. CHEMICAL METHOD OF DETERMINING THE NICOTINE CONTENT, Pt. I of Studies an Selection of Tobacco Plants for Their Nicotine Content. [19621 35p. Order from K-H $43.75 K-H-2762-b Trans. of Inst[ituto] Nac[ional del Inviestigacioneal Agronlonilcas). Bolletin) (Spain) 1951, v. I I [no. 251 p. 1-27. DESCRIPTORS: *Tobacco, Plants, *Nicotine. 1. Ollero Gornem, A. 11. Cots Galan, R. 111. K-H-2762-b IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates, Detroit. Mich. 6 (Chemistry- -Analytical, 17, v. 9, no. 2) d 7eckkal Serwkes 62-17553 _Qpuiez_.A_ and Cota Galan, R. MINATION OF NICOTINE IN TOBACCOS. 1. Ollero Gomez, A. 119621 14p. - 11. Cota Galan, R. Order from K - H $17. 50 K-H 3236 a Ill. K-H-3236-a IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Trans. of Soc[iedad Espdi'ola de] Fisfica yj Library Associates, Quimlical. Anfales) 1954. v. 50B, p. 413-420. D-troit, Mich.*- DESCRIPTORS: Determination. *Nicotine, *Tobacco, Cigarettes, *Smokes, -Chemical analysis. (Chemistry- -Analytical, 'I-r.v. 9, no. 8) Drainage Of Cholesterol By The Combined Action Of Choleretics And Sequestering Resins. Paper presented at the Annual National Meeting Of The American Colloqlim Of Physicians, by A. Rodriguez Olleroa. SP&NISH, per, Asoeiacion MAdica de Porto-Rico, 1963, p481-8 SIA TT-65-i4282 od r lc~u e z- 0 344,813 ~riqy- 6-560) LIbservation of Radiation Over Australia by Ynann of Sputn:B, 1958- J., by A. G. Hertz, IC. V. Ogilvie, J. 01-ley, et al, 15 PP IRUSSIM, jer, Trudy Z.!ezhdunarodnoy Konfer-entsii Po Kosmicheskim LuOnam, Vol !m, 1960, pp 36-45. JPRS 10963 Sci - SD Research 9 7 Dec 61 C-P Of E,.:, c Tau "L,Igc lope of tho Eouthora Unals aucl t2m Urz. S *DY It. 1. 0-111, V. A. lbmmwv. RIUSSUIT., bk,~ 0 Slopostavlenii Dopaloozoyalrikb Zn-padaoggo VUlona Yuzhwtp Urala i Mir* Ur U-Tau Clf F::e - - D..., usm a--OZ Jan O~ Seamatric blvestmeut casting Of U=IUMP by H. OLIler; RUN ,, per., am do MIR i p so 59,0 jum 196'-,.. P.P 5W-M. a* 92DM AW.-BW-Mr-47 Sol - NWR&t CA A c- Am_w 63 " ~F,9 ~( Tambility of an Elarptic Circular Cylindrical Sholl at Sigh Rxternal Lateral Prioos=s., by Kv X* OUIk# U= MWUNj porp Trudy Tvalinsk PoliteM In-taj No 650-19553 pp 54o-60- TIL T =4 act . ft" //Z!(, Y '742 Ifty 60 7 The Surmy Branch in ftn3und In the Years 1958-1960..- by J. OlUl% 17- FMUZBR,o porp Tokid"'Anon Alkskonlahtip 19SIj pp n6-29T. (CLU ND %.6967. V- 51 NO 5, 3 TO 'IF- " AMS NOIW Geag Sep 63. 14 On Ak!rie-l TXJ.&mGUIe&tdon) by J. ollila; JILWMHI per; TakUllitLen Ai'k-,.I--auGlehti, 1963., p 152. WU No T-4-T267-p Vol 51, No 5, B Trif A-10 110-41%W Geog Sep 61 d?,"eq The Autaaatic CoordinEttograpby., by J. 01111a., 1 P. XU pwj Tow"jDan p ~r=-11,0. W.. No 24.T26T., Val 0 NO 5., E TO ANS Nallur ows ft 61 14; 4, 9,9j? Algorithm of Identification of Estonian Designations of Moments of Time, by M. Ollissaar, 0" pp. RUSSIAN, per, Soobshcheniya po Mashinnouu Perevodu, No 1, 1962. JPRS 19793 Sci - Mise Aug 63 Parwrts in 721=h ZZmtorlza Afriez.4 '117. 011-1-n-fer. TMOR, par, Tmva=t No 294j, 19591 pip 264-n6- (Cau iro TA2oT7Tp Zug TO AMB IM/A - Africis Eem rob 60 LL-dtation of uvervoltago in. Auvw~ 1:'lactrical Aming Singlo-Pham Short-Circuit, !UkOIAA-~# r4r, L%Msjtj~ -!;Jp~rskegg Wejon~a sss; ~-kh 2'4~uk hkjKlardi N=i It. 30dy-a T45kbnicbell v -..i. -;, t 0 - pp SciA"lec x!ww!tsigation of CoLvatuada CGr--t,=Ud-ng a kht~=,jia I;-- Ring, 27,o rmiotion r-f lltbyl Ffat.?rs of B-aftvom-,*hamvIL4yZidia Aalda ayid Acid Ath- Amatia aWlim. V. 1~. kh--t=-,ov and 0. 7 v-0 RUSSEM, per,, Mur Obobeh Mina., Vol X.,"-ME2 -r-a 3p 1953, vi~ 5r-Goo. consultrXibs scl - Chem tk IV 59 did" AbWj ]CM1 so avair at am al - or AMUM VIS Up W** BOW or Ambsolovad" JMW;*;r# Aw Cbdi& XUM~p Vol IM14 No 2806wasuo Od Immatleation In the Field of Ccnpmnds ContainIng a Threa-Mmbeftd Wda Ring. XIX. InvestiVition of the Reactlen SaWeen 19-Arylglycidle Aeldis and Amonia azA Armatic Aialues., by V. P. llartywv., RUSSIANs Per, 2bur Obahch Xhlm; V401 XXVII, No 7, 1957" pp lam-1w. CaumItants D=cau Sci - C1,40 Oct 58 #7 W/, -% -Y 41 Compounds Containing a Three-Membered Oxide Ring, XIVa Reaction of Some Ethyl Esters of a-Moncal-tyl.:_ substituted Q1,w.IdIc Acids With Ani2lne, by NI. F. Iftrtm,wt 0.!-~C)IjwU~6,?P- RMSIM., wo p4w Zhvr Obsbch Mim, Vol XXV, 190 8., Aug 1955 P pp ;&7-1565- RA c 4ei% - Consultmts Bweau Sci - cheldetry 3s,-.4910 - jun 19%/Daz ?Jim M.ftotw* JOUPWA salt &AUU4U*o, by R. A. OWWIGh and 8 vp* $MtAll, MW I-Us va go" lb I'v 1954.. 0 19-25. PAWFUW 0 0 oal 3U*526 S"t 67 (FDD 25036) Book.Reviews of Publications by Ye. L. Nikolaij, V. X* Shlyandinj, Ye. V. 01mal YELS I. Solovyev, V. P* Toku-evv on Qio'scoWs amd Autonatics sad Telemechamicas 7 PP- GM43,t typed msaj, date end source unknovn. CIA IDD/U-7387 Usm A fcl..Ij Sci - Physics CTS 73 Oct 55 Erpidemic or Riclam-ItAwimem on thhe Fle-ditermucem Coast.$ by R. 01~grj, -je= 01meri, 19 pa FRMHp parp Rev do Path Generale et Comparee,. 1-9560 vol LVI., No 674.* PP 80-92. sLA 59-15433 Sci Feb 60 Vol 2. No 12 14,7f, C2 // T,,-- pidamic of Mcl-m-ttuiosem on the Xeditc=-anccm Coast,, by D. 01mero Jean Olmr..-19 p. F,W,=, per,, Rev do Path Generale et CcaTareep. 1956.. voi Lvt,, No 67kj, pp Bo-92. SLA 59-15433 Sci Yeb 6o Vol 20 No 22 (DC-5965) Mro, Effeat oC Hev Econwdo Nbam=s oa Agricultuxe., by Gabx~ln SpqM., Menek ata==~y, 26 me 0"M= USE ONLY =M, :perj, Planovam Umpodaritwi, No 3.1j, 19611, 119 90-3woo, jpw 12365 Mtw - ozoobos"Ovolda PC= IN, Jf -/j Feb 62 Cond' -Jw)od Reflev ChMi-eS i',-- E,.,.-oharjg-- and the -13io-eleotnic-c). Df th:-- Brain and Skelet,)! R. P. (,'-' 'iiyei--5k--y-,,, G. A . ltrublt~3yaa 7 1101 071a;'DIIII, rb 5, 1961, pr i245-i-C47- JiFIS 12cf-)O Sci - Med jun 62 QAKM METML13N #A 810MURIC ACTIVITV Or'lW WIN AM NM= W IOX PAtING WAMM VMS, a wrwn " too atrAs BY L. A. P. %qgjtq~WA 5 pp. RMIAMs PP# MADY AWMI I HKM MRv VOL CAM* ND 3s. 1A, PP TS-TP. Jm 16360 SO - NM 217*123 I- Basic Metabolic Rate and Typological Features or the Nervous System in Micep by R. Vikt. X. Fedorov, 4 pp. RMSIADI, per,, Dok Ak flauk WSE, Vol CXXIV., No 1, 1959, pp 237- ADS Oct 59 la The Devolopmnt of Series Fvod%~2tion of Hcpxa:Lrxg in East Oermany, by BtwinolonacbAk, 17 pp. PCIL-T=j, per., Przeglad Budwrlaux, Vol X=, No 8, 1960P pp 350-354. JMS 76PI6 mar 61 Xaveotiat?tUous on the Canpouad Poination and I~Aectrrxiotilva Behavior of Ce-rivm in ita A21oys with bon and Zinc, by Fritz Olotoffski, 21 pp. U&MY.. r-cm.. Ult fuer Anorguisebe und AUamoine Chemie., Vol CXIVI I= 191-20, Vp 1-23, 9207679, AEC-Tr-5674 Ecl - kb;'. & Rat j-= 6-> ~2 .3 )j C~ ~ ~ A Canknrison of the Antlamic Properties of Pare Antibodies amla of Nouapeci:Mc fb-m-Gjcbujjwp by A. R, Onwichp A. X, Olovalkovp 5 ppo . ...........- RUMM perp BioWdat, Vol XXV, Bo 4, 1960, pp 646- 652. CB Wi - aty 63. ;�iw r)ae- =t In t2o Rave Aresp by ff. P. 42 IV-! wouns pmq*aoto zadmlbdta 0t RnWa aftemeN -seem lssl~lg LCOX '9b" 31, pp.! JM 3Wn N, MGM mu 94W 65 M#252 A ftd,*r c& the Intc=g--l Surf ac3 of 0=2s by tb- Up-A"orDftM-ftthodj. IW Maria Wealawk5j, Sojolmh Ob ,21~nsld 3,q ]Mo porzmjr p=p Prwo GUNQUIS-0 lasvtutu oamdotwap no 236.. rAwas zv 2M. 0' 3w 2-e6. geooft;O SGI - P43M 9,93 i= 63 OlpinsIOL, S., and Gabrys, P. Research on Some Canditions of Determining the Ignition Temperature of solid Fuels POLISH, per, Biulbtyn Instytutu Weglowego, Komunilmt nr 59, 1949, 14'.pp. PL 48o oTs 6o-21353 / i961 Olpiriski, W., Gabrys, p., powlilwwslU, T., and Rozmus, J. Sponte,neous Ignition of Bituminous Coals POLISH, per, Prqce Glownego Instytutu Gornictwa, Seria A and B, Komunikat nr 139, 1953, 35 PP. PL 48o oTs 6o-21354 X 1961