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'"'he Stability of Solutions of Two Fonlin~ar ,I Differential Equations of the 7birid aid Orders# by A. I. ogurtsov,,,.5 pp- RUSSM., per,, Prik Mat i I*kh; Vol X-X:El-tj, T-?,-) 1, 1959,# PP 179-181- pp ft i - Math Oct 59 aud Ionization Procese-ea Occ=ring Dar 1-1-e Colliaian of Nitrogen Atoms and Ions With-H~rdroVn by 1. P. Flake: .0 N. 5 Pp- RUSSIAN, per,$ Zbur Tek12 Fit,, Vol XXXM,, No 61 IL963., PP 711-8-753 - Awr lust of Phys flay Pbp - Tech Php Vol V111o No 6 Sal - Dee 63 3 4 Charge Exchange of Xe A-and Xe+in Neon, by G. N. 2gart~ov, I. P. Flaks, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLII, No 3, 1962, pp 721-724. AIP Sov Phys - JETP Vol XV, No 3 Sci Oct 62 21-3,187 Slow Ions Produced in Ga6se5 Upon Passage of Fast Atom and Ion Be=s, by 1. P. Flaks, G. N. Ogurtsov, 8 pp. RUSSLO, per, Zhur-Eksper i Teg-ret Fiz, Vol XLI, iio 4, ig6l, pp loq4--llO3.- AJ:P Sov Phys - JETP Vol XIV, No 4 202,742 S Ci Jul 62 The Improvement of Accuracy im Asymptotic Approxiffe ions for the latensity of Waves Propagated in a Lwnizated Elastic Medium, by K. I. Ogurtsov, 4 pp. - RUSSIAN~ per, Iz Ak Hauk.SSSR, Ger Geofiz, No 2, ig6l, pp 224-230- Sci AGU 1:7zl, A-r/ 61 Investication of Powerful Pulse Discharge With Limited Chamal Dimmmter, by N. V. Ogurtusov, 1. V. Podmmbenskly,, 12 pp. RMSXAX, per, OpUka i Spektroskopiya.- Vol IV, .1958, PP 59-541- Am um-Trans -445 Sol. - phys 7~ Oct 61 Z List 60 A q4l--t- r-.Lyjrr, on the L-Ajor lkjvcmnt thc Cbpit.-.Ust Coimtries,. by S. I. 06mrt-gov, 39 !ML - EWSIM., bk, BaboaheWe Dvi--h=17C v JIM 13203 USSR poi Ap r L39luence of the Mdiwa on the Optical Characteristics of Swe Five-Mmbered Heterocyclic Compounds, by L.M. Kutsyna and L.A. 0 Vyfta=4 6 pp. RMSIM, per, It Ak romk MM, Ser Fiz, Vol XWU, no 6, 1963, pp 73&742. CITT Sci Jun 64 261, M ]ILWAce cX the latootiml AbowyUon of Amtno Acides, by, 0& ~L NA"no L. A. qprtowmo 3 W. =IWTMR pwj, plulat I aw ~ 'WrA r. N. Vol XLWIIJP lb 5, iL96x* MARV14a M C04 act oet 62 2)L3j,W Contimms Absorption Coefftelent of a Itirdromen Carbon Plasm at a TempErmture of 40pooft aw a Evesswe of Handreds of Atmon;heres., by No No OQMgtVgm,-- 1'. V. PbdmoWwnWdyl ObwM rp. RMSIMI, I)OW.. z4ftkal jp Vol M.. NO 6, X964j, ;p 957. OgUcal Soo of Amer out 64 267*808 A Pulsed Light. -~ioM*Co Atli :L-AUt-IM -Limilar t4, tZa 1.1adiitim of an Abzaut*Jy 1-1-ack zody el, a 'Ifloqx=ture of 40*IDOe# by 1. if. podmoshouskiyo 9 pro agke:~~- ~dho 0 iio 1* 1960, pp 1-5. ITEU4,T-24-406,613 )) )-) - VtA- uet (F-M 26795) MirWlO ft tbO UiXt(Wy Of ftthOMUCIS iU JapQMp by Mntm OSVMI A ppe JAB%]=# sm W Vol XXVIp No lp Takyoj 7kW* -:Own V3 - raffAm I% I kletbads Used by Zavialavs Muter 16chanic of CommmImUcimp by A. to Ogurcblkmv. . UNCIMBIJIMD Full tmMistion. MWUN,, per,, %estp* igal No 8., 3L9h8,t pp 3L:L-12. SWU So 1731-53 USSR Sclentific RUctronlegiv biogmphic All NAY 53 M The Fight Against Revision-lum is a Fi,,~it for the Purity of Marxism-Leninism, by Ogurtso.-%,,. r-MSSSM19, np., Xraszaya Zvazda, 23 Jul 1959, FM Daily Report, =14 POI Jul ~q e7- 3 '/ ? '_5 Stress Waves in an Elastic Plate, by K. 1. Ogtwtaov, 13 PP-" RUSSIM, per, PrIk Matemat i Mekh., Vol. XXW., No 3, 1960, pp 438-446. Pp Sal aku, 61 / 5-7 z /'? y tUd4n&l latecatties of tboo Qpg StralGht LanziA am Transverse Waves Fre~tlug Along tJm Bwdsr at Bad-&#we# by VA* 1. Q6MtSVwf A. V. SUrOVA, 14 VV'w u=mGVm---'- RMVJ, pm,, In Ak Sauk SMj, B*r S*cCix~ So 20 rob IM, VP 15T-1&- -7- 0 Z Am r-Ts.q5(4/.,rzx Sci - GOOV616 7a 6 df Sep ye An ElectronIcally CoatrvIled Low-Voltage A= Are end Spwk GenarEitors b3r M. 1. Damidov., R. N. v- Poammbauslays 2 pp. FUU - --m"ticuo RUSSUR., b1m pars It Ak Smik Ser nz., Vol XIK, No 1., 1955,# iv 72#73. CTA C U53 CW3 ia Tech Tr Scientific - Panics 3X, wl7r YAY 56 =/&m S EUT MI (NY-3525). Technical Advancement in the Field of Automobile and Motorcycle Carburetore, by A. Ovodzki, 6 pp. POLIM,, per, Przeglad Techniazuy, No 44, warnaw, 1959, pp 11, 12.1 ins 2645 Mr - Poland Econ - Maufacturing may 6o Ribonucleic Acid In the Lypphocytcs of tL,:~ Peripheral Blood During the Form-Ition of Intemse Antitoxic Imunity, by A. P. Gindin, N. M. Ogfenkoj 5 P. RUSSLAM, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immundbiolog, Vol XXX, Vo, 2, 1959, pp 94-98. PP Sci jan 60 ftbouwOmlo Aeld in ftrLplwnl WAod Cans,$ b,'y A. P. wama old v. M. -oommor -3 1,06 . 6 - - momms cr4.,jpa xbpr Ka I X"o Val mip so a.. IMP sp 3 lei -, fta . -MLION" ~m ~ fty " d71- /,0,/ 40 Cole Va-re Equations with Zero and Nonzero Reart NxzveD2 by V..-a-,-OgywmtskIX.. and 1. V. pp. Fiv., amun" pert Mur Vol x=m (10)., me N 11371 ~Ici> Amer 1cwt zf phya 86t PAP Scl mar Co Obar,p gyxmrtry ProivrtNo -and Regreumtstlons of the Ectanded Lov=U Grov A lutbe Swm7 ct BlaiWUtWy ftrtleles by T. 1. CM&W mm Ivauxi, per Xbw norm v I facaft Fix, Vbl (4), ]w 9p&-m. A~ mmt cc vbyw Bar PAYS - Aw Val n (35)" -no I Aug 59 ,~n the Dfecbanism of Umbination in Actonyocin-KP. System :'Iv On the D19sociation Curve of the ATP-Yjyosin Owplex and Its Bond Energy in Ammonia Buffer Milieu, bry H. ~jhara 16 pp. ,YAPAIME,, per, Sapporo Igaku Zasshi., Vol V,, No 5, Yhy 1-954., pp 282-M61 JP S-7 - 1.2 17 Tr 5-6 3ci - Med AY 57 Contribution to Considerations of the Relation Between the Dissociation of Actomyosin and Tem;era- ture, by H. , T. Ishizuka, 15 pp. H. bigikure, JAPAMMI per, Sapporo Igsku &mshi, Vol V, No 5, may 1954: pp 28T-2W. sm Tr 6-5 Sci - B101 Jul. Boom aeogmphlftl lav"tiswums an the West Pactif ic ocems bY lkbOlko ChUS, JAPN~x Dept of intwiar WX90D)4Jn33Pr No 3513 set Oct 62 1 ~Ijvm MVE _01pla, Sefsaku, Takecla. Wauharu and otbers. hWMOD OF ACETYLENE RECOVERY - July 63. Sp. Order hm SA $16. W SA Code-P-103 Trans. at [p"shod] japsueoc puent 4951/1962. c1. 16-8-122(16-8-12D.21)(16-8-511.2), appl. um 16104/1959, 18 May 39. pub. 16 Jtme 62, by Dal NO= Celluloid Inc- D&SCRIPTORS: *WaK* gases. Mcetylenes. Absorption. Aboorbeato, *Aldebydes, Acetykidebydes. Towers (Cbendstry). 63-17665 1. Title: Paxaldehydes 1. Obara, S. 13. Takeds. K. M. Patent (Japan) pub. 37-4851 TV. SA Code-P-103 V. Selzaburo Aoki (Japan) (Eqancering-Chemicat Tr, v. 10. no. 4) an tile Zffect of Chemotherapy (With Nitromin) Co"imed With Surgical operation for Stomscb Cancer, by T, Ohara, H. Tokuyumm, J. Tolm-bire.. 7 pp. 1"'mLiuc jvm JAP.MMSE, per, Gannj, Vol 3MVII, Ho 3-4, Dae 1956, pp 326-328. IRIH 2-7 Sci - Vzd v hr 56 (5- Y Problem of Dietai-y Protein ia Chrorzl~-; Renal Lmufficiencyp by ToObars and R.Youblda, JAPANMI per# gAM V01*46j BoA., pp* 745-752., 1964- su-n-66-u679 P ~, 0 7 Y 6-) c, CFSF-r--r7--662 Aug 66 Grovtb Substances as a Poguible Umne of Coutrc~11146 the Drop of Cotton F,*Usg by JU. V, BaUtin, and K. X. Obaroir. RUSSIAN Aked. bauk Dok. 59.. IM5-16wo March 210 19482 511 UBDA Tr No 32 scientim - Blolows. frorth Gabstibn"$ C - Aarualtum* gnmth subttamme ,q f 6S9' Notion of Water in a Fjdraulic Cyclow,, by H. Obasbl s S. 11"ftp 16 pp a WAPARMIP per, Chmdml Noe oerIng, Vol Mal, 195 , Vp 200-207. Am A%S 3*3 Sal - ftar Oct 58 7,04 6 10 '~' aa, uuAmtlcul aitilki uxpurazls-mrz I 1wle"iOur-ArdAv Vol xxvIlip L-):;,9, iy 201-22(j, b lec h3shi, K., Suzuki, S. and fro, Ii. bDE DE~_IABRICATION DE NICKEL-CARBOXY LE PAR LA NI THODE DE REPPE. INFLUENCE DE LA TrIIIPtRATURE, DE LA CONCENTRATION, DE LA PRESSION ETC. (Preparation of Nickel Carbanyl by the Reppee Process. 1. Influence of Temperature, Concentration and Pressure). 12p. (foreign text in- cluded) 3refs. CNRS-Vl 196. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1.60 717-62-28730 ,rrans. in French of Mo Kagaku Zasslil (Japan) IQ15I, v.54, no.7, p.19156. DESCRIPTORS: *Nickel compounds, Carbonyl radi- cals, Temperature, Pressure'. Preparation, Organic compounds. TT- 62-2873() 1. Ohashi, K. 11. Suzuki, S. Ill. Ito, 11. IV- C.KRS-Vl 196 V. Centre National de la Recher- che Scienrifique, Paris (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 11, no. 9) 000'. .1 S Soma (xv 14Y Zmpnsaions Adle at he Royal Nwn& Stoff CoUeae.. by ramizo (rjmld,, 16 pp. tlrfM JAPAMSEP Enci 1 to 3o5-62 to um, Tokyo, 6 Alw 1962. Dwt of "VY MI5143734 Asia - Xe;m Nil mw SYr.-U-'leCQG Of !L,-,ry:,.at-.s With Nickel K of $5- by Carmh athesis and Wazte Gazi, e t '-Q! JAPIMSE,, per, Koao MgAku Zasahi, Vol. V~, 1952, gp IPO, 12-1. MM JT-185? Sci - chem 6o fc,~- U~,13 N"mill'n-c-taxe of Ancr--C: pert iqpem Pat ).581: 3,C)53. PM JJ-2224 Sol - (them YAW 60 aardenIng of Urushl " Mob Tesperatwva (Part 1) a$ bfy Ke qh~a JUMMp I perj, Balm aw M2&wtry# go 27.9 1953.- YP 154-157- 10=-n938 gel - Ew i= 59 ?- ?J j -w/,z/ Faintins aid Sakim of Lacquers., by & obashi. ............ JAPAWMO per* Sciewe and Mulustrys No 27.p 1-953a vv 950-253jp 9V-00- ISMO-IJ941 Bel . sw i= 59 9-3?, 3 ;~;,5 Stuaies ou the Mmufactav of Wqmrs Coutodalra Chierly sidmmtltwlolw TOUMAIM 2riphonol Trimmshtalp by K. Obas hi. scie" MA bdmtry adpwo Val unis g117-no. Avg 59 9 fte B"devlM of Coades"t1ou Prcdwt of Nwm- mthylane Totrualuse-WIpbowl esd Urablol at Biel T=Verstums (I ~Mft% 'o by X. abl"I JAVAN=, Varp SaSmm sM Modustry Jagans, Vol MrVIIq 19539 ff Ift-03o M-M. IMMM T-2939 Rai Aim 59 7 XYloivj- ft 3- MAIM 08 Par4ossu Darivatlyuos tw J. lawmw",v R. U*Wbl. au"wo vw!p mm IdaNg Zuakdx voi Lni, 195%. pp 2D5-Wls 1b 5- ATS A Apr 67 323#059 (FDD 24886) Clinical Course of the Radiation Sickness Caused by V- DOW LJMFLp xOppme Xiz*o MIT 1 . 01 11MCM 3OUCREtM Bikini Ashes, by Seiichi Ohashi, 71 pp-;------- -- JAPANSE, mo per,, Iryo Vol IX, Ho 10 Toklo, Jah F CIS el) '- CIA/FDD Tr 489 FE China Sci Medicine, radiation aickness A Information on Radiation Sickjaess Caused by Bikini Asbeap by 8 1. 37 pp. JADOMSE., mo per,, Iryo., Vol IX,, No 1,, Tbkyoo Jan 1955, pp 46-68. CIA/FDD/Tr 507 FE - China 84 517 Sal - Medicine, radlatlon sickeness CTS -15/Dec 55 Tr L th Tj-~~ of Takla', 1f'r.:,zhf To- .T P -17-1 3, pp 'AEC tr.-J!:',3P43 Oci Chem Go -a Wid-Im ca the c II i Rjowrao, A. vu ..Cc Advaraft. X1 ccawtutum cc cc -",o Ab On the Wear llatt,2rn for the Unings in Basic O)Wgc-n LD Furnaces, by H. K. Sugita. JAPALIMS-P, per, Teteu To Hegana, Vol )M.VT-I, Fo 3, 1961, PP 343-345. EM 5m Sci - BlIg '/ 7-4,- 'o e-r Dec 61 Zapan's Cattm SpimIng Equipment an Stm isro From Appl:L=tlms for Equipment Reglatntions, by Mzdji MLb_a_- 6 pp. PlomayJ& TextUe Engineering Newp 0 Alo 1 Jan 19r.. CIA/M X-2306 L-f rob IM M/dez Cott= SpUming EquiWentp by K=ij:L Chbat 30 pp. jAPASMs rpts AU Jqan OotWn Spi to Asenp TecbAftl Dats No hl,, AprU 3$55. GU/FM X-2114 n - Taw Y6, (0 ~d Sam - TeatlU vaiducerlaS Jul 56 CM/dex Ohbuchi, K. DIGITAL INDICATING ELECTROSTATIC SENSI- TOMETER POR F-LWrR0PI4OTOGRAPHY. 1196318~ Order from ATS $12.25 ATS-IIQ71) Trans. ot Denshi Shashin (Japan) 196Z v. 4. Do. 2. p. 1-4. DESCRIMRS: ODigital systems. Measurement, Sensitivity. *Electrostatics, *Electrophotography. -17-63-22323 1. Ohbuchl, K. U. ATS-IIQ71) 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. J. (Materials- -Pbotographic. TT. v. 11. no. 1) GERNRN., ScbWLWZI*Cbe 8MMitmg, Vol 109,, No 25, 19 Jon 1937, pq 297-M. US& Corps or SW., Watermys Zj4er Sta Tr 38-16 sci - EmAmering, bondialics., ma I Ecce - TramportatIm., YmM river,, vater '~q s 6SI Available cc ims at, Domemb Center Idbnmy- On the Theory of Earth Fregaure-witb-PartIcular.. Consideration of its Distribution by 1,46.bagg, GKIMM, Die Bautecbnlko Vol 16p -Do -.37, Se 'Z, 193S.. pp 480-W. %:T T USA Corle of Scl Scon Transportaticap *Ivwv motor. 19 Available on Imn at Resear& Canter Library of-Pressure Distribution in Foundation Soilu: by Job2an'Dbde. GERMO, Der Bauingeniqu(K, Vol 20, No 33/34, 25 Au- gast 1939, pp 451-459. USA Corps of BliSrj, Waterways Exper Sta Tr 40-32 Sci Engineering, hydraulics, naval Econ Trar"ortatiou., river., vater d j6 Available on loan at Research Center Library Pell't 2. HU L;633, .;ct 61-12382 __Qhto, .,Kitajima, F., and Ilno. H. EFFECT OF CHEMICAL TREATMENT ON THE 1. Fibers- -Mechanical INTERNAL STRUCTURE. PL 3o(Viscoelastiefle- properties havior of High Polymer Solids (Especially at Fibers). 2- Polymers- -Mechanical figbol lop. properties Order from ATS $11. 85 ATS-ISM46j I . Ohlra. M. 11. Kilajiflue. F. Trans. of [Sen't KoM Shikensho Diol (Japan) 1960. 111. urbo. H. no. 53, p. 9-16. IV. Title: Viscoelastic... V. ATS-15M46] VI. Associated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange, N. J. 1~77 /:7~_ ~ ~~( 76 Offi- f T.Aiel S-1- (Materials --Textiles. TT. v. S. no. 5) 61-12:181 Ohu-i~ %L. Kizajima, F., and lu~o, !!. ST;IESSRELAXATION. PE. 2 of Viscoe' lastic Fohavior I .Polmers --Stresses of High Polymer Scdid,; (Especially of Fibers). f 1960) 2. Fibers- -Scieuses Ilp. 3. Polymen- --hi-chanical Order from ATS $17. 10 ATS- 14M46J properties I .Ohira. N1. Trans. of [Sen'i Kogyo ShLikensho lho) (Japan) 1960, U .Kitaji n, F. no. 52, p. 29-37. 111 . lino, H. IV Title: Viscoclastic... V ATS- 141-046J %`1 Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Orange, N. J. 77/1'~- j .- :,-, L7 7 5- offi.. f 7_64:0 S-i'.. (Materials --Textiles. TT, v. 5. no. 5) A Now Pblypsptide Isolated From Bisenia Bipyalis. HL A 8tudy on the Chemdeal Structure of Bisanin. II, by Tophibi Ohira, 13 pp. I IXOCIAW4 Full translation. JAPAUSE, per,, Journal of the Agag, Ghm Sop.- o jjRmA Vol ZVI,, 1940, pp 293-298. S*L*Ao ,9'7/110~ Scimtific - Chamiatry 0 Z/ a Aug 55 Oblabl. low and Kavemstmu. Noboru. A METHOD FOR IME PREPARATION OF SPICE TO BE ADDED TO TOBACCO. 1196316p Order trom OM SLA. or ETC $1. 10 TT-64-144113 Trans. of Japanese pitem 218.829, 12 Jun 36. appl. 19M-7199. specLal appi. 1953-IMM. 8 ]us 33, as- mousead 7 Oct 55, by Japan Mosopol Amodwr trams. to avallabb from K- =87. 90 K-H-tlM (1%2~ (Clisamlat". IT. v. 11. am 12) TT-64-14483 1. Ohishl, L 11. Kamensateu, N. M. Pa" (Japsn) 216 $29 IV. Ps" (Japan) pub. 3D-7t" 2 9 Ohishi. law and Kanemateu. Noboru. A METMOD FOR THE PREPARATION OF SPICE TO BE ADDED TO TOBACCO. (196316P order tram ars. SLA. or ETC $1. LO TT-64-144113 Trans. of Japanese patent 218.62R. 12 Jun 36. appl. 1955-7199. special appa. 1953-10255, 8 )um, 33. sm- munced 7 Oct 55. by Japan 1 1, '1 ly Corp. Awnher trms. Is avallablo Man K-H $7. 50 as K-H-ii2?6 (M:l~ (Chowdstry. Tr. v. 11, a& 12) 7- ------ 7T-64-144B3 1. Ohishl. L a. Kamematau. N M. Patent (Japan) ilS 829 IV. Pa" (Japan) pub. 3D-71" son= of Tembumm sm-mm A CO.-Iti:UOUS Polyevrisatl*n ApparatuS fOr polystern, by S. Nosaki. S. Ohkava. JAPAINESE, Patent Publ SHO 42-19 27S. UTC 69-10S7 Scl-Clion jully 69 SIS6,67.5 filiil J,A!;"- lBrv Ilectroulc States of Tranalt1cm and Their MtelytIc Actioney by K. QWd. JAPAMM, perp llmpb, No PWlok:L, Vol V3:,p 1952., pp 274-280. Bel - Zlectr= bkr 62 /", 6 6L-25M owd I K. ORGANIC SYNMiESIS AND THREE-CENTER BONDS. 1. Ohld I K. (19611 Up. 11. ATS-06N531 Order from ATS $20.65 AT_S-06N53j 111. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. East Trans. of Xagaku no RyoW Capan) 1958, Y. 12, no. 3, OraW, N. p. 186-192. DESCRIPTORS: *Organic compounds, Synthesis, *Chemical bonds. ly 7 'A Office at Techalcal Servi"t (Chemit-.ry- -Organic. TT, v. 6. no. 6) ..j IT-64-105M OhkJ. Y, . Ochial, M., and Kotnorl. S. THE REAMONS OF HIGHER ALIPHATIC 1. Ow. Y. ALCOtjOLS WrrH ETHYLENE OXIDE USM n. Ocbw' M. TERT.-AMIKE r-ATALYSTS. (1963114p 3,W, M. Kownwi, S. Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-10502 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku 7Asshj (jApsn) 1961. V. 64 too. 91 p. 1588-1592. (Abaract available) DESCRWrORS: 'Surface-active substaLweo, Synah"le (Chentistry), *Alcohols. ORthylese aside, *Cstalym, *Amloes. Baum (Cbemistry). Reactlaskinatics, It Was found am temary avalses are effective cawymw for the rem lons of athyleve aside with Upw buy alcohols at= temparattwes. 7bw iact dwt a ma3dmum exists at about MM mLqVsm a dingrewe in the catalytic mechanism from the Case Vb" KOH is (CbmwdKrlr--Ckrsudc. -ad. A kbouo the nxff* basic aulwo w&W psaw Tr catalytic affect. the acne gum of do asho smuctwe appears to be a am* impwt~M Cowdilwatka. (Aabw) -umo," og Mack by ammoso oft WON no-M WAM 44W AJW " SWAN Twisting and Warping of 1100d, by S- Ohkum 'A , per, Journal of the Jay= wool Research SocieML Vol. 7, 1961., PP 2D5-207 WMWBef - No - 1147 -S 0 /V K a .R 14 sci .- Aug 67 33T-065 Ccwrosion arA CorZoeicn RemUtact AUcgrs for the Cellulose aid Paper Industry, bgr F. Oblp 20 U~r DIG Jbta"" se voi xmj, no 41, - 42., MY 2;~J 1930, VP 6454647, TJA - S. L. A. Tr 639/56 SX T40 /17 Ava 56 C26/dex (FDD 26596) 'LUC stmlwad working Group for Surveying aftl CartogmObvo by 2. chlbergs 3 pp. aw"s no "r,. T, Vol MA No 8, Berlin.. Aug 1955j, Pp 157s 158. CIAJFM U-7984 33 7,0 Set - Geapb7slas Ithe Microsectrie. !! Recording Rva-- queney ll-tmsurlng ir-s-brr"ment, of Very High Spn- nitivitys by G. Ohl: 15 pjp~ GEF"v per, Arch Blek Ubertr, ',.,c)- Xy tic 4, t, 19CA ,up pp 145-150- Aug 58 siA. 57-2689 Acetwe Compounds of Sugm and Their Derivatirce. VI. A%Wl Derivatives ar YA)c=wetwe Glucovol by Ho Obliep 1* DMIdaueers 3PP. GEMNO PWO Alg&c&tq IM Mw Gesv Vol LvMj, No Up IM p 2bM. jMy 1 VUrt Of the artdcla tmalated. NM 9-12 Now 56 Testft and Amucatsm of the ---% ]jolts,,wAmsUm at Omwom for the Of Waten p b7 Va Ma - Vs ppe pwp Vbm Wmwv %I =j, 1952# vp g9jam, Sol ju 58 Tile 4Y-Wiflmic Carbon Ulaxide 'U--cunulatior, US ;ID ImUcator rif 5iological Productivity, by Waldemar k1ble. CL-01wi, MCI, A=hiv fur llydrobioloijS, Vol 46, No 2, 1952, rp 153 85. Dept of InteriOT Bureau of Cutmercial Fisheries Office of Forvign Fisheries A-34-Dec 1969-No 69 h, Loan W i~- L d e- rn i:; C) L Scililul Mar 70 404,7S4 -T~,--~er T,,,)sr. and Heating of Spur Go---- Drives, I~y Gv~ Memann, H. Ohlendorf GM4-An, per, Z Ver Daut Ing, Vol CII, No 6, 196o, I?p 216-224. AW 5q2 -W Sci - Eng ssp 6o English Title M*nownq by K. Chlenroth. Goomp Dws Plmts. voi 62,, 1964,, pp 16o-17o. MAT /84 TT 71-55353 Avail&le 01 Wy e - C) ~ 4 ,-, e " tA J07 71 (6F-185514) EbTort SbiPMats 091nions and SoggestAnn;% Ik~vom the. V. I. Lenin Wofts In P3mm., Czechwaovakia, by oidrich Cblidkaj, 4 pp. CZEM" NmIM., JFo 19, 1961, p 8. 4 70 TT-65-12236 Fleld 13M j?hLig, R.. CONCENTRATED LOADING ON RECTANGULAR SLABS SUPPORTED ON TWO AND FOUR SIDES. 33p, 24refs. Order from SLA: $3.60 as TT-65-12236 Trans. of Lnzenteur-Archiv (West Germanv) v16 v51-71 1947. J. Ohlig, R. NIR 628 The Stockho3in Scbool VerMM the (hvmtitY 'TheOrYj- by Bertil Oblinp 15 PP. SWEDISH,, per Ekonam4sk Tidakrift,, Vol XLVj, 1943, PP P-7-46. Nacmillm & CO Ltd. luteratl Be= Papers., NO 10 Icon CIA Lib MB 31 16 V-10 im 61 Walmotim cc P)Xvl4mvw =a ow"m cqpkwm vm RAW uqprm= 0t AM 1; q Wd stimm. vnh DVVV" Mobwb- c4 16 Auwtw4 UP WISMAMO -P- ammuh wa T=bI34 OeGurlug MuUw Vith osojuating or Rdtating, Knives, by m. chlisoblumserjo 5 pp. OLWX,, Patent 176,048- Patmt office 861 - mbwf. ft 6e n0"694 .'tudivs or Kiretics And the ;,achunism of the i-xidatioTi of flydre"rhms on the Cas Phuse. Part TV, A Cus a-romatographic flethad for the Ap*lysis of the Intersi-e-diate Oxidation Pro- ducts of u-beptesco by E. Schrouder, Imsaft, (TUVAS, Ivro zelt fur Mys Cheno, Vol 225, 1964, Vp 168-174. "Iept 69 Studies on the Lebedew Process, by P._2~ beer,, R. Grill, 6 pp. POLISH, per, Acta Biochimica Polonica, Vol IX, No 1, lo~62. oTs 62--11051-1 PL-480 Sci Sep 62 210,065 !. j;Y-6450. parativ- F,~~view of Freig_hl Shi-.:Deail s i-n Zar-E. C-L-mae-ay, by BunahL!xd Qlsen, 32 -d2? - OERM!, Archiv, Vol XIT TTO .10; l0;-1. 1-57- 1 6-" - JPRS 1.037"C" Y~Iur - Barking Machines, by Borje Obloon, I I pp. ;"-W~ Full tranaation. SWEDISHy Pm, AUMn Inromalgala a IdMm Net=- SU 112RM23SAV .1 JUl 1952. S.L.A. Scientifie - Engimering o917 /0?~ Aug 55 0 f-1 A Method for the Indirect Polaroggraphic DeLlermina- tion of Sulfates, and Its Use in Water Analysis,, by 0. A. Ohlveiler-; 3 PP* R=IM,, per,, Zhur Anal Mim, Vol XV, so 6. 196o pp 793 -'M5 CB -7 Sci Aw 61 An icareat phatafflatria DaUrAUM-tion olp CrudAv by Nomw - of Divalost Anw" and by 0. A. Ag"ner and J. 0. MWfttofto 3 -jr- awwwo pwo Ow A=X ghl~4 "I x1va NO 3v -1939v im -v3-3D3p L%id Aoraotat,, by IM Pelix pp, Fen tr GOWN,, photcwtats, Patout No 2~ Ste Office# bbislon, 1908, 2 pp. ~2 cIs/Box Avg 56 Caxbv-,kv1s,* by 11._gLm.211 pp, MLPJ.Mll,, -per,, Cbemisch ideekblad,, Vol LV,, Fio 10, 1959, P:p 93-101. S'4 A T~r4~ /,Q-?,Z3 srA 6D-lk562 sci Ana 61 DM.. Vol 311j. No 22 / 6 -?/ -9- 011 Olun, J. CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE OF VISION ON THE VESTIBULAR ROTATORY NYSTAGMUS AND THE AFTER-NYSTAGMUS (Ober den Einfluss des Sehens auf den Yestibularen Drehflystagmus undNashny- stagmus). [19611 IMP. 3 refs. Order from SLA $1- 60 61-14337 Trans. of Z[eitschrift) f[tirl Hals-, NaBen7 u[nd1j, Ohrenheilklundel (G6r'many) 1927, v. 19, p. 87-103. DESCRIVMRS- NystagmuB, Vision,'Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Eye, Ear, Kyrnography, Lenses, Dark adaptadon, Light adaptation, Pathology, Diagnosis, Vestibular nerve. I. Ohm, 61-14337 (Unannounced) Offi- of Tckal"I 61-14357 Olln, J. OR-ME INFLUIINCH OF VISION ON TIJE VMM- 1. Ohm. J. ULARY ROTA-MRY NYSTAGMUS AND AFTER NYSTAGMUS (L%er den Einflues des Schens auf den Vestibularen Drebnystagmus und Nactmystagmus). [t9611 [301p. 12 refs. Order frcgn SLA $2-60 61-14357 Trans. of Zfeltochriftl flUrl Hals-, Nasen- u1ndl OhrenhcilkftmW (Germany) 1937138. v. 43, p. 390-410. DESCRWMRS: Nystagmus. Vestibular nerve. Ear. Eye, Vision, Rotation. (Unannounced) 0011- J Twbakd S-1c" 414 Olin., EFlID-1 OF 1,MIAIWI10N ()J' NJ'('JkJ'T I-, UF A%M. ON CER- TAIN TYPES 01: NSWI AGhTLIS (Ilrg~inzdn, olu 0~ni Aklh~[IIZ WIP DT. C) Muck: WITItilig voll Alll%lnliyi- tematniuni, auf Ile,thimitt: Nystagimisarien) 114(11 II 21p 2 rcf~ - Order fwm SLA $1. 00 61 -14312 Trans. of 71eitlichrifil qbr) Vials- jNaHen- und Ohreniheilklundel (Germany) 1939. v. 45, p. 146-150. DESCRIPTORS: NyHtagmus. Eye. Ophthalmology, '17herapy, Vasomotor drugs. Nitrites. Pentyl radicals. i Ear. Kymography, (See also 61-143D9) 6 1 - 14.11 I Ohn, 1 It- hjtl._-k~ j) III (Unannounced) Oh i. )NCrRMINIC TIM INFLUENCE Or.- VISION ON Tif VFNTIBULAR ROTATORY NYSTAGWIS AND 'mr AFTr'(-NYSTAG?6WS (('~bcr den rinfluss des Svtwns auf desi Vestibularen Drelinystagmus und Nachny- stagmu%). ji'3611121,1p. l0rcla. Order frcwn SI.A $2.60 61-143:15 Tranq. (f 71cumchrift) flUrl lials-, NaBen- u[ndl Ohrenheilklundel (Germany) 1926. v. 16. p. 521-540. DUCRIFTORS- Nystagmus. Eye, Vision. Ophthal- mology, Pathology. Har, Kymography, I.Ight adapta- tion, Dark adaptation. Lenses. OtorhinalaryngologY. Diagnosis, Vestibolar nerve. (Unannounced) 61-14335 1. Ohm. 2.17 00" of TOA.1gw