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i- C! concin-nill thn e Eff ect of , ., L , Nervaut; ";Y.~tcln, bv A. V. Nozdrael)(--r- pp. r-,USS'LA.14, yer, Dok Ak N'auk SSSR, Vol CXXV, NO 2~ 1959, 4~54 Amer Inst of 13101. Sci Sci Dec 59 Me Px0blem of Applying Ultrasonic X--thods in the ixmstup~ion or Organic Substenees In the Critima Regim,o by V. F. Nozdm,, 6 pp. MWIWj, qu p;;r, Almt V=,, Vol 3:1,, No 2s Apr-J~m 1,06, pp 199r Awrican. last of FbVico Vol 3:1., No 2,0 Soviet Pbysics,, Acoustics i- Jun 57 The Pulse Kethod of Fixed Distances; its Physical Basis and Practical Applicationo by N. I. Koahkinq v F. V., V. D. Sobolev.. M. G. Mirkavich, V: F. I ev., 6 pp. MMTAN, qu per, Mast Mm. , Vol 11, No 2, Apr-Jun 1956.o pD 161-166. Awrican Must of Pbysice Vol 32, NO 2$ SovLet Physics, Acoustics Bel - Physics JUn 57 Experimmtal Investigation of Ralwtation Processes Uhich Arise When Ultrasonic Waves Pass "!timigb Liquidsp by 7U, N. Bormwovp Ve F,,_4nd=yx-V. D. Bobo3Av,, A* X9 941tvzov., 6 ppe NJBffMj, qm per, Almat 2bur,, Vol 11,v No 2. Apr-Am .1956., YP 118-123. Amrlcan Mast of Physics Vol 11j.Do 2. Soviet Physics, Aemstics Sci - p1weles Am 57 Invaotigntion of the Absorption of Ultrqpc)unfl in f~ LWmber of Saturpted Hydroaprbons by the Impulse Nletbod, by 17. 1. Kaabkin, V. P. Nozdrev, Rusmii. per, Dok Ak vhuk sssR, vol. xen, wo 4, 1953, Pr 793-796. TIE=-T2113 Saj - Jul 59 q1 I'~ LI) % ?' -, Saturation Heasuremente of Ultrasonic Absorption in- Ethyl Acetate Using an Impulse bbtbod With Two fixed Distancesp by V. F. ftmdrevp Ve Do Sobolevy 3 1we RMXW., thrice-no per., Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol CX1j, No 4,, sov-Dec 1956,. pp 8oB- Amer Bwt of P4ys Bov FlUs "Dokl"y" Vol I, no 6 SeL - MYSICS Oct 57 velatity of ultraaonlt Mavis in Saturvi-tea- V-a-- pa-r-a- of OrOW,.c Liquids., by Vo P. Nozdmv. MWIM,p per,, Dot Ak- ftuk &9M.* Vol IM=,t ]b 3LWP Bmteber %maw No 2M ultrasmic va-vosv oramic -liquids /~ Utilization of Ultra-AcousticzL in 1-10.1ecUlar ph~mics, b7 K. r. lqozdrev,(456 RUSSLO, bk, Primenenle ull trankustiki v mo2olimllarnai fizlke.. Fizmatgiz, 1958. *Pergamon Inst May 59 laireotication of the propzsatioa Of Ultmaon-I&C Waves in the Critical Region of a Liquid Va-por Syj3tez, by V. F. ILo ~ry: 63 PP. MSSIM,p qu per., A-Imst Zbur) Vol 1~ No 3, 1955: pp 235 248. A=r Inst of Phyu Sov Phys Acoustics Vol 1, No 31 4 CA Sci Physics Jan 58 The Absorption of Ultrasonic taves in ~'iixtttres of Gatur and Foruic Acid, by V. F. Ozdrev. L~umfu.i. por, 1xv. A."'. Ux. S&Fk Ser Fix. lat '.P-uL. Vol 7, 6, 1 'I'LL kaf; 8732 (1-411C 17-1359) Q sci/chem. Dec 69 397,218 Permian Deposits on the East Side of the Southern Urals, by P. Il Ngzd'n, G. V. nisima, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, j;~r, Dok J~C Nau k SSSR9 Earth Science Sectims, Vol CL, No 1-6. May, Jun 1963. Arrer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 hivearloottm al the ThernmphysWU Propordes cd' I= Pam pbumics onary Modiod, 3 0 by the Nanumd by A. N. S, is pp. Lcoki% L No=bi% RtMMAN, pe , Iz gA d mva r - 1964 -Ipp-u 922bU3 ARC-W-T-644634 sd-phys Jan 65 270,622 "PU 1, E. S~mtheais of Oxides of SiLicoolefins from Chlordbydrim, by S. 1. SadyXh-Zade, L. V. Nozdrina and A. D. Petrov, 6 pp. RtEE;IM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVM, No `& ew%-, 1958.p PP 723-126- coswultm" Bureau Jun 59 7 ChmUeebalce ol OUdSUM Reftettcm CMMMM In Sons Linder Varlaw Types of PUmdons, by L S. r4uricbev, E. M.- Nookunava. RUSUM, per Is WOMN" Sallatakhoz Ak, NO 5, 1958, ;; 161-176. GB/25 W - Boah SCI/Aotraft AW 64 257,2U 1,7 ish-ttor 4-n ~41119j' toy 1, p Ova, 7 pqn. ~Nla 30 Scripts Tee-hrdcra Jun 64 Calculat,kon of the Rig-ration of Ccrtain (Iormrounds jyj Soil '-7. unirr. Chromatogra-?I-Aic columm of LysimaL-,rs~, ix,r I.S. Kaurichav,, Ye. Ho Mozdrunova.. 4 pp. M-BSIAI%T, perp Pochvuvedeirlyep Fo,12,, 7.960.. pp -30-35. AIBS Sci mar 62 - /4P 1", r,onimtica and HISmUca of aroanic 1= OmVrmn,~D in so-tup bv 1. f6 nmrichav, To. V. M*AI=7., Te. M. T.O:rA--"mcrm, 7 Vr- NMUN# wi pecumm"llyeo No 221, 29588 RD 1-8. AM a'an Wbrt hy Yc=-, o? Vctorln-.-,7 Phax-macolo&r in USSR, by 1. E. Rozgov. IOS-SM,, p--x*, Vetorinariya, Vol XXXIV, 916 10, IL-occ-.7., Got 1957, pp 6-16. CrA 9020738 USDA Sci - Hadicine 58 H 6:A~tl iill- I!. -A i 4t Now lbw Crop Machims.. by M. 1. Nozhkj4 'a, im pp. RUSSIAN., per.. ZemledeUye,, Feb 1961., 11P 28~-36. imlt 8T41 USSR 16-7 5;~, ~F 6 laort Aug 61 (DC-2700/43) Now Beat lkrvestlug Nwhimaj, by M. 1. lo%bMn,, 5 PP. RMIW,p perp oakb&rWa Sv*k:Los So los 196o,, pq 29-31. ipm 6666 us= Fab 61 most A (DC-27 93) Now Sugar Beet Machines# by He i. Hoshkinp 4 pp. RUSSIA.vVerp Sakharns" 8vokla.. No 8j, 1960., pp 30 im 6w n Um / -3. ~, / F -3 - -Boom rob 61 Oom:erence on Adsorption and Wathods of Ob-,7-mmtogmpbic Acalpisq by 1. A. Nozbkina,, 8 pp. EILTS-31M., pars ReftekbimIP., Vol I., No 4., 1961, 5, 37-575. m Tr Eulletin Vol- h* No 5* 1962 Chem SePar&tiOU *f the Hi&4101onaar-Welght Hydroo"bons of Pertrolem By a Of the Mothoft or 114010cu2ar Diati &W Ckrom&tW&pbyt by S. R. Sergieolwp I. A. Noshkines L. S. Mayorov.. 7 pp RMSIANo pws Is Ak ftvk WMo Otdol Mdu Ikuk# 110 2o 1960o vp 279-06 ca Sci Apr 61 Calculation of the Particle Size Composition of Aerosols From T,,.o Mean Radii, by D. V. Novozb-Llova, 3 PP- RUSSM, per, Kolloidnyi Zhur, Vol XXV, No 2, mar, Apr, 1963, pp 2o6-2o8. CB Sci Aug 64 26.4,594 ~y - -~ Third-Order Elastic Cuns-.antu of B~r AaAa hw~YANU. PP? RUSSIAN. per., Fitika Tvardoto Telal, Vol Vp No 1p 3.9639 pp'177-186 Amer Inst of PqV9 bov Ptwo - solid state Vol vs No I Sci SeP 63 C1 )Lj Cmcama'ng the Zone Structure of Diamoiricl-Type CrY8-- t.-Isp by A. A. Nranlyan, *5e:zv- 4A& v r- RUSSTARs, per Mika Trardogo Te2a, Vol TTv No 7jp f ze, 1960# pp 1494460- tt- A e.0 ATP Sov Phys-Solid State V01 -TT,, No 7 A~ Feb 61 Computing the lategraU In the Wthod of Equivalent OrbltalA and Svmlwadug the Val*' Band Parawtaro For --- of the AA Tyw$ by fie At Thmlym, 8 ppe RMIMs per., Piz Tnxdogo Tela.. Vol-J34 No -3., 19w, PP 474-WI. AIP Saw fts-Solid Stato Sal Thm Resistan= ruvame TOSIA TVP 300 amd Its Use.. by X=Vl NnotzWo Jilrl grazek., 33m. MOM lprp 5UbqpVvAIW Gbsorj~ Va Xlp I% Up imp m 703"7'06& LSKTA "30/b Md - mAetranies Dw 60 McirwriAg. and Gia-mci-If, t4aditif>-S La latorautional I'AlTitiM 1=41-4-Nn'to. by Loif lirguard, C;J: institute for ~!!i2ej2v Rose Rpt og Cora, (L-Y-5166) Achievements in the Biochemistry of Parasites, by ~iuaug Tso-yaah., 9 pp. CEMME, bk., Ch'ing-chu Chiela-kua Shib-chou-nien .,'Awmh Klo-haueh chleng-ch-lu Lun-ven-obi., Vol 1, J.959p PP 153-156. J-PHS 5952 Be i - Wd reb 61. Like Brothe.-S in One F=-Ily, by Nlurm To~rjl 8 pp. RIOSM, per, Vlyetn=, No 10,, (26), 195~, Pp ',;', 13. ffi~ usAsiA,, Acsi, ii-67o4 rE - Vietnam r.Biogmphic /.g / ~"'/ " --- "I Aug, 60 OF 4~ win . . . . . . 5 by Q~antitative Determination 6f Kbllidon Substanegf, R. Amon, W. Hubling, 20 pp. 95 per, ar=eimittelrorschung, Vol VI. No 9, PP 565-568- MM Tr 5-17 sci - Chm may 58 Nuccorinr,_$. and Menna, G. M=f9S_0N THI: O)MMMIMUTY OF TORACCC~ IV. [1962] 36p. Order from K-H $45. 00 X-H 3965-b Tnms. of [Pisa U. Faco" di Agraria. Amall] (Italy) 1930, v. 6, p. 263-299. DESCRIFFORS: *Cambustion, #Tobacco, Chemical prq--d-. 62-22614 1. Nuccarine~ R. U. Menna, G. 1U. K-H-3965-b IV. Kresge- Hooker Science Library Associsaes. DetroU. I'Alch. (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, v. 9. no. 1) Qft~ of TetbWcsf Serikt3 (FDD 20045) T130 BlOlck-,LCAa SL51llflCQ=e of Aerosolp by Heturich it 1j, Up HOW I amull, blva pwp MI-V tUm Aerowl-fm-ac 11-4~c" TherapLep Vol Zro lb 3# stuttairt, lby -3-031, IV ESur GeTmaW Sci *&Lbdj, savea Apr 54 ars Peculiarities of the Development and Course of Brain Concussion, by M. B. Nudel', 5 PP- RUSSIM, bk, Voprosy Psild,,iatrii i Nevropatologii, No 3, 1958. oTs 6o-pi'T.3 PL-48o Sci - I-led Apr 62 PST 210 -~~-.~4jtjc~as to ~A-x t per,, lzdawl*stvf> i zt;jJ 44 8 Sci Sorlot Antafttlo &T-vqNftt4-=&# 1961-19636 t7 A* Vio IlaftJO It Wo bko 196L.IO6%w. It-14fli ~44h The lee Com-- of Antawetica, by YU. M. I-Indel', A. V. Pludel ' I riUSS:Ukli~, P--T, Priroda, iiG 11, 1959, P.P -1-.5-97. m icc I .A.07 Sel - Geophys I;Eay 60 //0 K ~ ~74! ~ 17 Aniaturutd-o lulacla Tv6vJGvuwl" 1955-1959. M 1957-19592- Ak rvma aza,; Otw) ------ Sol - .itv 6o Britelf Summary of Results, by A. V. Nudelman. RUSSIAN,ipt, Soviet Antarctic Expeditions 1955-1959. IGY 1957-1959; Ak- Nauk SSSR, Morcow, 195% PP 100-103. Univ of Wisconsin (NSF) Sci - Geophys Apr 60 Tim to Cbmp From Wordsto Action, by M. Audel'man, 6 pp. - Full tr -rt- 0 RUSSIAN./per,, GrasMauskaya Aviataiya., No 1, Jan 1957, PP 12, 13 - C -T P ( , ~' '/ ::?- g,5- ATic F-u-9266/m - U30 - military J-:5 Oct 57 , J-dJ Apparatus for the Interpr4on of X-Ray Patterns of Polycrystalline Substances of the Monoclinic System, by S. L. Hadel'man, 3 PP- RUSSIMT, per, Pribory i Telffi Eksper, No 3, 1959; pp 125-127. ISA Sci 201;7X41 jun 62 UnUieu 2--thic Method of DerivIng Mmdicar, c-- X-Raw PhotogrZZ:':-'-- by S. L. g2q!!~Imm.. 9 pp. UNM RMIM, per, Piz TwerdoM Tela-Bbormlk Stmtey, 1959.. pp Acsi R4%6o ID 2162097 Sol - Mrs Mor 63. M* bvowtdm Or 10410A ON"* Cl*ftw ilhau ~Dwsw A WA Mdell M04 Z. K, "Idoys, A. V., *rANarikm, A. SYMMSES OF UWAR ALUMMSILOXANH POLY- MERS BY THE SILANOL CONDENSA77CW hUrMOD, [1961] Sp. order from A-M $9.40 ATS-2DMR Tran. of Vytokomoldadyarnys SooUnsalys (UWR) 1961. v. S. no. 6. P. M-W. DESCRIrrMS: "AIUMUMM COMPO-As, *SUBON, orwyme. , synthals, caftiftoodan reswom 62-12119 1, Nudel'man, Z. N. U. &fLrUkpwa. A.V. M. NoTikow, A. S. IV. ATS-21NMR V. AssoeWedloch"- Swvkm. Inc.. son omm^ N. J. (am-locry--orgamic. Tr. v. 7p 3) !iz ut~-, 2 vuloanising Polyalloxane Rubbers, by Z.H. J;udeLmm, A.S. Hovikov, 3 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Kanabuk i Resim, Vol XIX, No 5, ig6o,, pp 17-20. Res Assoc of British Rubber Manu Sci Jan 61 z-ciLaidsm o--Y' the catalytic reaction between pol~fdimethyfsLloxanss arA polyq%cmYsilanes, by A. S. "ovikov,; Z. 11. Nude3mans 4 pp. P.USBIMr per,, Kauchuk i Rezlm.. Vol XDC$ No 12s i960s, pp. - 3-6. RAPRA sci 14per sept 61 mhurt~sa-p. i',U-rVQov ikryatal. jw!;ki 32 IVL4-01"11 c7A/ C-6 Izte Complications After Cervix Cancer Rudlotherapy, by 0. E. 'IfU40I.Inkaya, Ps. M. Abramova,. and A,;-X.-Pervovp, 6 pp. RUSSM, per, Voprosy Onkc~logii, Vol V, No 2, 1959, pp 209-214. Fergamon Preas Sci 7 / Feb 6o CcAuinad Ra-d-1wetiva Cobalt (6OCo` and -4,u'-:Eziy Treatment of Cancer of the Uterine Cerv-ix: ImmeWate,Reaulefts and Complications, by 0. E. RUSSIATI Der Voyrocy OnXologli,, Vol IV.. ',%To 4, .r ..P 1958, p.9 464-468. Parg=on Press Bel jan 6o adpa" & W" ;ft " 2nAm DevolaimrA oC Driven and MactrLma Nwhims in HoUing MILUS by Y&~~. UM MMS pwp atom u Simi, ix my 3.9590 VP &A-7030 =I 1550 (w.lAw.oA.) act - Bar my 60 Reaults orf Tasting the Mode Orf ONMtIon of Blooming Wllej, by, W. Nwrnberg UMIA88171M) QMWN# perp dtau u Zteen: 31 Oct 19,37,t ,pp 1593-16M*. IWL%Lsh Iron aw OW01 IM 769 0 (1b) act - 3w; Min/Iftt Nov Infrared Photographys by Albert Nuernberto 137 ppp AIP LU5790 - GNOM., Up Wrarot PhOtOgraPhiej- 1957o 135 PP- ATIC F-M-9318/v Sci Phys Fab 0 71 (DC -34o-,-J) - Chinesc Assistance in industrial Construction, by '~,ugyen Vem Rang., pp. por, Cong Nghiep, No 15, Hanoi, 1 Out 1959, p 2- JMS 3202 FE - Vietia= Econ - Industry m3y 6o vll th Pressure asurements on a 214-ri Deen Ri-id Wall, 0 'T. --jUhS r .rKC-!A2-., Bauplani-mg und Bautbecluilk., Vol I, "o 1, 19L,7, DY) lb 543 Sci Encrineerinry 19-51 cTIS Efrect or ionizing Radiations on the Fertility of Mice ancl the Viability of Their Progeny# by pp. Full translation, RWSIANo bkv Conference of the AcademW of Sciences of the LM on the Peaceful Uses of AtcmJLc Energyp 1-5 Jul 1955,, Sessions of tbp Div of Biological Science,, 801 379 eau ON St, I .Yo Sci- Nuclan Ph3mics I'! '- a *87 rpts for $350o00 7 130 :-,.o, 1~~ ,59, 6. 1 3 jj-21621 'Sci - mray 60 .-- I- a-I= T"Wom M*M^ Y=WD md ahma AM&I""M ANAUnM My6% 1* WMMM4 CWdW-P-10 CL W~A-Or-A-0=0L al:n4UA:1%1"0 mm m Nor 4% FA 3p OCR a brTwp My" am or 13 1. Ofta" Y. U. Takalm Y. P~M-MW oa&-V'-148 V- mobwo mm (lopm) A 14,047204 7T. v. 1% @a V) @at d so*" Matual Perburbation and Dipole Mm=U of Local M-aft"A" O#bltaUs b7 K- NmVwlnm, 30 YP. JAPAMB,p pwv Wnw4rm (studleo of the Pbystad Proputim of Unter No 52. jka 19520 pp Jun 56 CTS one-Mnctxvm AVprozimtlm in HoleculAr Thelory. by K. 'Nabuom VV. No !as Jim Im pp 73-796 JUM Tr no 2,2-30 Fab =/des X-nw Mmommmt of the Dearm or MV*AUUItY or Val3t(VIWI &UwboL) ftlm Oftna A Countwo by t. SaWafti, T- ftMd~- JAMMM- XdWl!M -192ft Vbl 12s 1955j, awdp mw RA-limm =d -bAftiom - Vajoin- of - the Heat Trassidited Frtm Metal to boiling Water Under Ats"Phoric pro"Uno by 5, hi*Iyams. JAPAWK, per., Jai Sac. pAcksli"I "TS I EPA.". of ~Jap4xo Vol 370 no M61, J= 1934W IV 3b7*374, *BISI 4737 Rojapan SWAN APT' iw ikmfoLctvm ~i 10t POIY*MtA"j. by K. Nukushint, I. 5 pp. I ..; J"AX=p Pstgat 3b I&A, 1964. : ATS-&-Wni sci - Jul 66 305AW Aparlodic Prequoncy Doubler of" at Electric Sinusoidal Magnitude# by 6"" H. ~Nuovo; PP. 17AL109 jCongresno Internazionale per 5,3. ainquarAtemrio della Scoperta Mrconiami della RadI9.0 Rcmeo 28 sep-5 oct 1947., pp 330-335. and Air Res Dev C A 7--/57- i~ - SCI.entiftC BlQCtrMiCS cm/DEX Experlwnts on the Determination of the MaxJmilm alid Minimum Values of the Beat Transferred Iletween a Mtal Surface and Boiling Water.. by S- Nukiyama, 91 P.P JAPANME, per. Nippon Kikai Gakkai Shi, Vol XXXVII, 193k, PP 367-374- ABC AM-Trans--854 Sci 0 S- Aug 61 A Prediction of So3Ar Line EmIssim in the I~Fd;reme Ultraviolet, by G., S. Ivanov-Kholodnyl, 0. M. Nukollskiy. 15 pp. FdJ Ss W, par, A.-,trcn Zhur*ffloo 5. 1961, pp. 82"CE-843 AIP Sov Astrcn-AJ Vol.. V0 NO* 5 Smi I,xr 62 . . ..... .11-11-11""la""I tj~ lim ?l 1 .1 !1 V~`-] 0 TVO 5-=4? of the DaGreeR oT Senaitivity "In Vltro,' of Gram-Ut-Cative Bacilli, rarticcular4 Entercb"rl'cteria,, to Sam Aratiblotics (Penicillin., Streptacycin,, Dibyllrostreptoal7cin,p ChloromWeetiu,, Aureocrycin, -Terramyrin.. Maaycin)j, by A. Lutz, Mrs. A. Witz,, lbra, A.."Trounael, Ch. Graa., Full translation. Y=Cql., pbotostatp Stragbourg. wa jan 193ijo :pp 1-14. CIA/FM/X-782, scient, if ic Medicine APr 53 CTS I'Mbable of the ltiat Germsn PbpUlAtl(m Figure up to 1980., by Gerbard matachs, 44 pp. GNMMp parp Statlatiscbe Praxiax rw q.. 1962j PP 1-16. JM 16372 zb" - C-mmmv ; ~, ;~ -% .1 am .1? 1 11-0 , now 62 DISTURBANCE OF FATTY-ACID SYNTHESIS IN HU14GER AND 16LOXANDIABETES, BY S. NUMA, M. MATSUHASHI, ET AL, PP. GERMAN., PER, BIOCHMSCHE Z, VOL CCCXXXIV., ig6i, PP 203-217. NIH 7-42-62 SCI - MED, CHEM OCT 62 213)091 Ultrasonic Wave on the Plane Profile With Cavitation (part 1).. by F. Numachi. GERM, per, Forsch Ing Was, Vol XXIIP No 3, 1956, pp 77-.8h. D.S.I.R./28279/CT fiSj4jE5-&p' Al- _4 40 Sc. i_ Ph Ys I C. S May Y7 c7s/der oy W.FH., Voll Mllj, 20, 15 Oct IC011 295-2919. -LPA3/'ZIB T.-L4C4 Scientific - Engineering Effect of Cadtadon on the Rue of Flow of a Vennul Noz22,4 by F.14pxdgo-~ KobayARM. GE=,M---For 'XX, No 1.1, 9. Vol x 1964* pp 93. NASA TT F-9MO Sd-En&c may 65 U.S. GOVERNMM ONLY 2810037 Concerning the Influence of Air Content Upon them Development of Cavitation, by F. ricnachiP and T. 1-7,uro', rava. TMAN, Werft-Reedereil-Hafea. Vol 20, No 4, C~ Yebmal-i 1939, -DP 45-49. USA Corps o:r Sngr, Waterways Exper Sta Tr 40-3. Sci - EnSim-ering, hydraulics, ua%zl Econ .. Transmortation, river, water Availeble. on loan at Research Center Library