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(Iff-5100/1) ftr 800-Iforeeponr Cargo-A&ssenvr Mator Veasela,, t R. SorjA S. EWSZOV.9 17 Pp. - ~j WSSIM,, per,, HAmhmy Tranopmt,, No 5., 1960,1 PP 17 -22. im 7199 USSR Baou Dv-,- 60 (ff -5103/1) Tik _%. Self-Propelled 300-HP Ferry,, by R. N .P EM 4 PI HUSSIM, per, Rechuoy Tratmport., No 8,, 196o, p i9. im 7199 ussn soon - Doc 60 .-,. Polarogmpltic Daterminations of Iodidos in M-olten Saltsj, by R. M. Povilk azd Yu. S. LyaLllcw; 4 pp. ... ...... .... R ,USSIM.. per.. Zhur Iliml Ehim,, Vol Xnl,, No 6 1958, pp 6gi-694. C=nultantz B=mu Sci 7, reb 6o z Effect of Stirring on the Kinetics o;- Absorption of Carbon Dioxide by Solutions of Sodium Carbonates by U. Kh. hinevm~W# R. M. Novikj, 7 HUSSIM,, mo porp Zh= Prik Shim Vol XIVXI N 0 7. 9 5 3, pp 9 T-: W--~ ~-" -~ --- - 0 CumultsoU Bureau Scieutif ic - Ministry Cm/= Kinescope Beam-De-flection Amplifier, by V. G. Npvih, 6 17,o. RUSSIM, per; Radio i Elek, Vol V=, No 10, 1963,- Sci sept 64, 267, 090 r klqY-2900/63) The MM Type Meehine f or the Y.Ultiple-Point Auto- matic Regulation of Tegpemture, by G. M. Saamtkina, V. K. Novik -Giprokholodp V. S. A. V. Karpov UAmmakly.. 9 rp- RUSSIM, per,, Mwlod:LllnaWa Tekhp No 1, M 1961, pq 11-15. aw 99a Umt soon (FDD 15754) Carboniferous and Multicolored Deposits of the Dnepr-Donets Depression,, by-Pror To. 0. Novik,, 63 PP - sh a - - Cicheske �pwe HLOSIAN9 bko -T4v HSbRq:Q-eOzQ f.w . j!krq-jr[r&,Qj,-SMj Kiavq 1949v pp 250-263j. PDD Dod 375952. USSR CIAIFDDIU-9" Economic - Fuels,, coat-onifeivus, xul#coloried., Dnepr-Doneu A 1100 4AtOm Of OGWAMS, IV " pp. MMST,.kJ,* pw# russgrNfl~ flo 27# 19.5%, pp 3-W. ,4( / I A0950 (NY-4856) Let Us EV Put fiev Equipmut into operation; we Must, Autcmte and HeaMnize Comanjoatious Facilities,, by N, A. Novikay 12 pp. RUSSUN.p perp. Vestnik Svyazi.. NOO., 1959. ORS Sci Fab 61 :3 Atratiull ui Titwiiw-- a ;dloys at 1""I ll'r~ssums, by E. N. Novikova. RUSSIAN, per, Izdatelrs-tvo--.,-&&-a 1964, pp *F-tD-IT-65-1630 scipil&m Jov 65 Loaad-Silver Salt Nuclear Kuulsion--, by R. R. Novilfzova, 2 pp. '-RUSSTP.11, per, Zhur Vauc:h i Prik Fotogra-f i Kinematograf, Vol V., No 2, 1960, pP 145-146. CIA/FDD XX-970 Sci - Physics Mar 60 Novikov Speech. (Delivered to CPSU CC Plenum) RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 23 Nov 1962. nis wMS U3SR Pol Dec 62 We ftve Great Reserves P b7 AQYLkmt,- RUMIM, up, Kmanpla Zvezda, 4 JUEI 1959- 7M Daily Report. usm Nil Jul 59 F40" 07 to 7" Speech at SS Session, by Novikov RUSSLUT, np, Pravda, 21 Dec 196o FBIS wire On Iloscow's I 'Javelength, by Rovikov. RUSS110, np, Izvestiya, 19 Oct 1961. FBIS 'iIIRE USSR Pol 20 Dee 61 r DC- ( Ywhines for Vegetsble Walng,, by A. Novikov, U 3PP - RUSSTMj, pw., Tekh v Sall skom Khat, No 3, 1961, pp 45-49. im 8740 / ~r c ~F 9 1e.1 USSR Pean 61 AW;owtic Control of the Level of Liquid Interfaces in Coke and Chemical Plant., by A. A. Noirikov., Ts. P. Krivoi., 3 PP- RU.I1,)SIEN,, per, KokB I Khim, No 5,, 1960- Coal Tar Research Assoc Scl, Nor 60 Pa=uatic for Aut4=latjon of theThenZI Systems of Open-Hewlt-h Tn. P. Kr:lvt)y.. A. A. 1=11cM _ ~ ~ P. M. Mwntlrlu.- 3 pp - RMOMp purp No 10p 1960,, pp 126'13. 2&ylor & Francis Sat -0 /4 &- Apr, 61 j ~~ / A Large ReCUMV13= Wilsm 02amberj. by I. L. Ivanovska 4 pp. A. G. !? RMUNp perp Mar TOkh Fix., Vol XXVI,, No 1. Jan 1956p pp 209-212. Amr Imt-of Pbys Soviet Phya-Tech rb" Vol lp No 1 Sci - ph"ics Aug 57 77!T i ~WIX 7! "90 qP Ff TUMMW rr f~f tA THE PWBL DETOMING MW LOM IN TmMiRAC", 0y A. Go v RUSSIANS Mp GICAMMOOCS10YE STROITEL#STVOP NO 10,0 19wi, PP W I NTER I OR I A358 NO 377- sr.1 Dow SEP ~52 rela=tim of the Tvaperatum of a Neutron Gaa, by E. Ya. Doillaits3as A. G. jjqv~ihov~v 5 pp. R=I=, per, Astom Eaergiyaj- Vol Xvi. go 3., 1963., pp 255-258. CB sci Aug 64 264,791 r~lp,Gjj~lj, p2rp AvtoTrci,, i Telem-n; V02. NO So 19571 PP 7419-755- Illstru L300 of Amr Set r. eb 6* ExPonential Cormertera -4-til a Logaritinic T-ranz-ft;,-mation Lawj, tqf A. 1. ~!2~vikov,~ 6 pp RU3,';TAH,- parg, Avtomt i Telemkh., Vol XXI,, No 73, J9156. PP IM5-1025 ISA Sai /-~Wz W/ 4-1-d Apr 61 KFK-tr-.150' Uncl. MITFALLUNG VON PLUTONIUM MIT EISENHYDROXID. (Coprecipitation of Plutonium With Ferric Hydroxide). A I Novik!2y and 1. A. Starovojt. Translated int; G~rni-5-5-9-y-Peter Buriks (Kernforschungzentru.m, Karlsruhe Germany), from Zh. Anal. Khim., 19: 346-52(1964). 14p. In NSA, 18: 19915. Chemistry; Translations MC-21 C-4 NP RC Dep.(mc); $1.60(fs), $0.80'mf) JCL N-5 colommmmmmmumummir 21417 .-:AAw.vey of Rulticlor 31 Pu2me Tellem-Acring Syntens, by A. Tl-':Ln; A. 1. XMMM 26 p1p. R LW I A 1-9 1' BM FM,, Avto i. Tel(=--M, - Vol %71" 1,10 Mwcovs ~dhl/ AU9 WTi -PP 372-3U- o' CT-k/FDD U-8150 New Syatbesiz Principles for Telamtering Systerin With Pulse TIm and Pulse 'W:Ldth Moauintion, by V. A. Illinj, A. I. fiovikov,. 6 pp. RUSsIA'a, per, Aytomattka I Telawkhanilm, Vol Z=tx X3X, No Ss. 1958, -PP 757-61. Automtiou Express vo*Li. i, ito 4 ladez & '57 59 4 & F A IdIdAW4 An lbponential SelocWr for PIM Systms of Rmote ContrOl Providing lAcreasW Freedm from Disturbances By A. 1'nQqto~v lip 9 RUSSIAN, per, Avtcoat t Tolemokh, Vol XXIII, No. 10, 1962, pp 1375-1--4y~ lu Sel. J ul 63 Ravi= at miltidbuml Tolowborl"s Systmas by V. A. XXIIU# A. I. xWoms 23 Vve mar. =BnWp bMD fWaEkas A mamm Vol xmj, NO 4# pp j Fa-34. mmy-=-m/in SOL m Wl - I - - N 4Z.R -3 .of C7,5 jjgX)JkW., A. 1. AGE CHANGES IN THE MENORANE PCYTEIIMAL OF THE STREPED MUSCLE FIBERS. [1963][7p) l0refs FASEB Manuscript no. S 33-3. Order from OTS, SLA. or ETC $1.60 TT-63-23978 Trans. of ITIziologichealdl Ztrarnal SSSR, 1962, v. 48, no. 12, p. 1504-1507. (Abstrazz available) DESCRIPTORS; 6AgIng (Phyalology), *Muscles, Musculoskeletal system, *Membranes (Biology). Bloelectrons. In the early postnatal period the UP value In low (average 23.7 mV in newborn animals) and it reaches the tipical adul! level at the age of I month. During all subsequent periods of ontogeneels (3 months. 2 years). the MP remains unchanged. (Autbor) 17-63-23878 1. NovikOVS, A. 1. 11. FASEB S-33-3 111 .Federation of Arne rican Societies for Experimental Biology. Washington. D. C. IV. Scripts Technics, Inc., Washington, D. C. (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT. v. 11. no. 5) ff" of 726nical lervius SOM*tt= Ot MMdWa IMd Maybd== by comweawtoktion of tko lattw with W&Mdfto W Aa To spribm 3 we ~ZW# Ipwo Ow AML Iblap WL Ms 3b 50 19610 Im O&M, 909A7 Caprovelpitation of Tuagaten with Ferric Hydroxideq by A. 1. Novihov,. 4 pp. 7-~ RMS3:Mf,g pers Zhur Aml Kb-im., Vol XV, go 6,, 3.960; pp 742-745. 115~,,11 -7 . /If Z coproalpitatum of Trlvmumt clummalualuuva Fey! BYdrCdAl*s b7 A. 1. Noylbovs- 5 PP* -%A J.A RUSMOD Vws Zhur WIM"makoi lwmj, Vat xvul IFO 9$ 1962j. pp Sci DIP-0 63 Lk I oc~i Spatial Correlation of Plane Bending Waves, by A. K._jovikotr, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Alkust Zhur, Vol VIINo 4, 1961, pp 462-469. AIP Sov Phys - Acoustics Vol VII, No 4 Sci 2o6,615 Aug 62 Co.1--affbmittion of Vibration Frobe#2 for Meaeuring thIL-9 Vilbratiopo., by A Norikov PP. RUSSIM porp Dimrital Telchp No 2., 1958., pp 32 34 - In3tru Soc of A=r Apr GID (NY-718r,) THE TECHNIQUE OF USING THE UKL-6o APPARATUS IN LUNG &XRKW RESECTION FOR CARCINOMA, BY A. N, ~KOVI N. D. GARIN, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, GRUDNAYA KHIRURGIYA, NO 3., 1962., PP 13-17. jpRs 14884 SCI - MED AUG 62 208,,38T on the Prevention of ComplicaTWns Alrisir-g, irl Arjgjopn--VMgraphyp by A. N. WovLkov- A. Kh. mira'Lln'taubar&J, wan chZ~TZ, pp. RUSSIAN, perp Voprusy Onk-ol., V01 Vi, NO ll,~ 19519s, pp 592-599. pp Sci sep 6D ,gtaiuing t1w fttkagam of Fowl Cholomp by Be 6, 1956p pp 9DpSl. CIL 9W6551 48M Smi - Bialw ir Oint 56 CTS The Possibility of Occurrence of/LO-Wson Penetrating Radiation During Collisions Between High Energy Protons and Nuclei, by A. V. Novikovo B. M. Pontecorvo, G. I. Birivanov, f pp. RUSSIAN, I reprint from I.N.P., Ac. of Sci, USSR, Azc Tr 2266 Sci - Nuclear Physics Impr*goatlon of alueon-CaftlGe Articles With MOUUO by A. No.xovLbwo SUBOM 1"# 08, PS-3 v Ib 12v M7# I* 557.5a,* Um~w MratebAr 4%* ii-A Bel - mQuot My 59 (;Fl- 6 S i0 ,a Co I/ One Longtem, -Results o-, sirGical ~L-eatme-nt of Lv-n Cancer, by A. 11- 1."OVilzov, V. -~,- Ptoddonov~ et, al, 9 'I-)J). Vol VII, 1 r,usc,zrjj.j, 1'er, v0prosy Oni:010'r, i0 10) 21-29. pp sci Auc.; 208,111 Dirgict. 156din-a-tion -of BenzGwp Toluone.. Chlorobanzwo, Iodoboxmine and p-hlitrotoluena, by A. K. NovIkov,, 2 pp. e PUV6 trawlation. RUSSIM, w Per, ZIM gah2h KUM, Vol XM# No 4, 1954s pp 655"'J" OTA D 151347 I-W ConmItants Bureau sciimtific - chemi0try r JO"" , cf .01, Angiopnownogmphy an an A=illnx7 Diag=atia Procipelurla In Carainamn of the lAlm_gj by A. Z. govikoTy S. Ya. YA--mrahtain., A. Mi. Tra N-1+4 a erg:, 9 pp RVSSIAL~. per., Vcmrory Oakologii,, Val V;, No 4, 1959P op 449-456- P*rgama Frcr~;e S c i // 3 Apr 60 The Intermtional Siguif iamee of So-eiet Ortoologyj by A. N. fi%~avikov~ 8 pp. MJSSIAN., per, Sovet Zdravookhraneniya., Vol XXI., ik) 6., 1962., pp 9-14. JPRS 15291 Sci - Med 7w oct62 (NY-6353) Results of Sclentific Research an oncoloa in the Xwtitutimo of the Kimletry of Health RSMR (1958- 196o), by A. w. T. Ameyenko, 7 pp. RMIAX,v per., Byullaten' Uohooolp Ned Soveta Wn Zdrow MMR., No 1s 1961,, PP 7-11. im 9858 UBOR am Set - Ned An 63L r,et.ol'zaizatiou of "the Indium by Radioactivatima Analvais A. AbdULs-7ov, E. M7. Lobanov., A. P. .9 by A . J IdArovy 6 pp. _#gv-lkcv-p A. A - Ma RtaSUN.. Zhur Anal M,4im., Vol XV,, wo 6, 1960., pp 701-705. CB 711 sci Aug 61. N volya L-is vy !,;utLoJj, by A, b, ~iwvrikov, D;. A. Galil-iu'jjy' Is 1-ij, li' p &sokwl zic 14 par, kyods Vol Pis i~O 12m 194xZ* ilp ITXa-lii--A. 90~)62% VA 0 Q Web (k Effect of Fillers on the Structure and Mechan- ical Properties of Fluoro-Elastomers, by A. S. Novikov2- F. S. Tolstukhina, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XX, No 12, 1961, PP 30-34- Sci Nov 62 216,46,T6 Structure of kfulwiisstes of Pure Gw2 jPP Stvchs Containing IndLme-Coumarone Resint by E. Ya. D-ovirts, As S, Novikovk 4 lips PXSSXAi"-t P(me fKaucliuk i Rezinas Vol Ut No lot 19GI, lip 11-14. WIPPA c 210,683 sell 62 Efreou OC Uw S*Mwdng 1b I I is I MUM of Madam-- *xm3we awsm Oft the p"pru" or stoww DSM4 an SM OVA POWAOMPows '0Y 2- Y&- Devirtso A. 8-,M4~-Wt * 3 VP* RXMZ45.0 VW# lbuchWc I Mmdm# Val Up No %,t pf 194%,, Iscd 2*1wk 93 Jul 62 Fluoro-Elastomer Vulcamisates of the "Viton 9' Type Containing BenzoXyl Peroxide, by A. S. Nov-1kov, F. A. Galil-Ogly, 5 pp. RUSSM, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XXI, No 2, 19062, pp 4-9. 0 RAFRA Sai jan 63 220,23a- Creep of vulcanisates based on fluoro-elastomorsy by A.S. Navikov,, F*S, TolstukhIna,, 5pp. RUSSIM, per Kauchuk i Pezinp.., Vol X-U, No 5,. 1962j, pp 9-It. RAPHA Sci May 63 ,,7 ?2 5-(, 7 ViO,cawisation of V-itan type fluoro-el-at9tomers with hexamethylene diamine, by A, S. Novikov and F, A. Gajjj-og~y, j PP, RUSS-TAN, per, Kauctruk i Razina, Vol XXI, No 3, 1962, PP 4-9. HAPRA sci F eb 63 .2 Y'q' '0 Y 7 Study,of the Properties of Reinforced Nitrile Rubbers. 1, Tho Properties of Reinforced "Silicate- Nitrile" Rubbers, by V. A. Shvetsmr, A. P. -Pisa-renko, A. S. INLvikoy, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per) Kauchuk I Rezina, Vol XVIII, No 12, 196C), pp 4-7. Britlah lbabber Manufactures Sci jul 6o 7 The Effect of Fillers on the Structure and Prop- erties of "Vyton A!' Vulcanizates, by A. S. Novikov F. S. Tolstukhina, at al, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Kauchuk i Rezina, No 12, 1961, pp 30-35. 9678076 FTD-TT-62-905 Sci - Phys Sol) 62 Structm-e-Formation of Polydimetbhylslioxanes in--G-ol Vulcamising Polysiloxane Rubbers, by Z.H. Nudelmua, A~S. No-vik-ov, 3 pp. RUSSIAH, per, Kauch-mk- i Rezina, Vol XIX, No 5, 1960, pp 17-:20. Res Assoc of British Rubber ILI&= Sci Fall j Jan 61 Preparation of Vulcanization Accelerators in Pell-at Form 11 by A. 8. Kovikovy F. A. Gmlil-Oglwy.. Z. G. Povewom", 3 pp. RUSSIAN$ Pert Xmuthulc I HOZIVAv No 9w 1959t PP 37- 40. Res Assoc of Brit -Rt*ber Uszu Sci - 3higr Fay 6o Y~?45e Avallimble Be 5,, Lib am"tialk VWLGMimtlca of nuwl" capaym=, by F. A. G&W-00ys, T. S. MUtl=,, T. N. ftwoomi, A. 8. ftvlkovt As S. mululaskly, 5 pp. ==Mp pWp At= ftwav VOL Vlv So 5, 2" ca fti plob fil Influence of Fillera on the Fropertia-B of Polydimethylsiloxane, by A. S. Novikov, F. S. Tolstukbina, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol XXI:[,, no 1, ig6o, p-p 42-48. CB sci pay 61 . 15-3 3.3"), a) P -1 roperties of Soft Ilitrile Rubbers and 7heir Use in le-lanufacturing Yeehanical Rubber Goods, A. S. Novikov,,E. Ya. Devirts, 5 PP. RIBSI-AT-7, per, Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol Yo 5, 1961, -p'p 20-25. RAPIRA Sci Mar 62 11P2, P-87 Use vZ Dark ladan"cramrone Resins in Rubber Stocbtsj~ E. Ya. Devirts,, A. S. jLc! 6 pp (. I =SIAN, part 1~*huk i Rezina,, Vol M. No 9,, 1960p pp 27-32* Sci Jul 61 j 167, 317 c&~alytic react-ion Lietween - 'L. 6 and polyqP4~o~silzmwes. by A. 3~ p 'Novikovp "U'. N. Nudelman,, 4 pp. RUSSIAII,q pers Kauchuk i Rezina, Vol XIK., No 12, -L96o, pp- 3-6. Sci sept 61 Effect of Structurizing Agents on the-Plasticization and VuLcmuization of butadiene-Styrene Hubberp by A. S. ft6vikov., F. A. Galil-Ogly., 'I pp. RUSSINW; - bimo per,, Kollold Zhur,, Vol XVI,, No 2,, XMSR, Mar/Apor 1954, pp 226-333. CIA D :k67133 Consultants Bureau USSR Scientific - Cbmmistry CTS/65 Fab 1955 Avpl4c*tlcn of R&Glogmpby -to the Riatimtion of BiU-W I)Iatr:LbuUca In Rubber Kizea,, by A. S. ftvlkovo X. V. Saaskows 6 pp. ran fm XNEM bim per WWIIW Zkwp Vol Ir"33T,, ft 3m lolov VP il43_"- UIL - a="" 442v, a2-07 9" 57 m I)emendence of the Bwic Properties CFf, DO.I.-tures and Vdcmnlzates of Butailiene-Styrene Rabors- on the 'Value o.? the Initial, I-jolecular Weiglit.. by A. S. !-~ovil=_# Mo B. lhaikinaj, T. V* Dorokhima., M. 1. 9 pp., RMSIMp biw perp Nallold Zlnwj, Vol XV., go 10 ".953Y WaMW pp 51~--59- Cousultants Bureau Scientific - Chmaintry MS/DXX Z ~~4 grreat of ftructitare on the Uacqoltty of )9utemUsne-Styrene Rubbers., by A. a. Noviikov.. -Oblatukbimp 8 JIUSS.Ulp.; ;:=, M=,r Vol =,g go 52 IlPT7; S.~ Way Of the ProperUes of Reinforced Mtrile Bubbem. b, e0= .t 2je plvpertdes of Balm_ ced Rabbe=,p by V. A. Sh%Wtzov., env,o 79. A. S. 11cfelizvp A. P. Pizea x -Rws-rAu,, Per, mmxc&ma i P----Sna, vca. =,, NO 4.0 9( . lbs Issisoo uZ BritUb lUbber Mr 1 31 Sol Dec 66 J5 Certain Current ?roblems of I-Alitary, Fi6ld 7herapy by A,,T.Ilovik-ov RIUSSM9 mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur., No 69 Moscow., Jim 195% PP 1-9 US JPRS(NY) W sci - meacine Dee 58 ,77,,-9- Y6 FLrst All-Russlan Congress of Internists., by A. T. _NpX=y RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, No Z, Moscow, Feb 1959., pp 88-92 - w., k' US JPRS 1634-14 S-7 gig:, (DC-1098) Rearalts of the Treatment of UlcerouB Diseases and the Prevention of Falapsess, by A. T. Novikov,, 8 TN. UWIASSIF3XD MMVJ,v w per, Voyenno-Ned No 5" MOBCOV, May 1957,o pp 22-27. US JM/Do-L-276 Sci - Medlelne 00, wtezzimtion of I;bo Voi=a of a molt= vat--'- Bath In tb* Are Farmas Whau Malting 'Ittanium, Robart Br=ar. GM010j, I*r, Z fuer Mattalftmde.. Vol =., No 4., 195PAo -P-P 199-201- Dept of Interior T"j, 957p No 118 Set - tun/met 1610 NOV 59 / -~W Epidemlology oAWhoid Faver. by B. P. Yovikov, 3 pp- R=.TAMp per# Zhur Mlkroblol SpLdealol L Imunobiol, Vol XXtK* Ito ht 190o pp 36-37- Pergawn Ust Sal - vAd ftb 59 -Abs*nption Si--.ctra of Certain Callium Clnajc!I~~- F-enif"u- GvYntuds, b- !I. ~". "I OV-1 .r E. F. Gross Ll - -1. - rn C, J.) psr Optiha I Spektro, Vol V*r, ~,,n 1, 1959f PD, 509, 'Ihe Optical Society Oll America 0 /0 Structs.we of the Spactral Cvx"ft og the imtzrzal Photoelectric Effect In Caftim SulfWe Crystala by E. F, Gross,, A. A. 1CuWjawWyv B. V9_9a.1h2u 8 pp. EW-5jiu* per,$ zLar wuu ru,, vvi zzvi:,, 1956, pp 913-s"16 - Sal Mae Lib Tr 5T/1787 set - B461cm // 0 Nog 57 Exciton Structure of the Spectral Curves of the Photoconductive Effect in Cr7stals, by R. F. Gross, A. A. Kaplianskiy., e. V. 5 pp - KISSXM,, perj, DDk Ak Mwk S8SRj Pb7a See,, Vol CXj NO 5.. 1956., pp 761- Amer lust of Pbya 130V 1?13~m Vol I.- No 5 Sal - FbysicB Aug 57 sjwft~lnl _ Mma 4 Chookg Sdom* and III I qedn!Vwdq uwm4w4l*-v. XWOM4 IL A3dftg6 7 w Rummo qP6 Am slums no as 9 "M 1"o, imam Us* so" bA." Sao "I A GIP, zc~-,r, D 6 -per, Owar 22,05-2301- Imt of Phu?, sov phyr, - q~--Ca P114-13 Vol III , NO 10 Sci - phya Jun 59 .~Iwnjlol itivil 17 ic by As A, clasov, D, " goviltov, ttiSglool, pot* AW ARI,-~Tr"59 SO Sairt 47 ~Fov"~ r;:,, 342,29S New Data cn the Absolute Age of the Taurian Shale of Crijrea, by E. A. Novikov. RUSSIAN, per, Virl ~Naul~-,ESR, Earth Science Secticns, Vol CLIII, No 1-6, Nov, rec 1963, pp Auer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 "71md,cm Forco Itbthod In Turbulence Theoi,7, by 13. A. ~Vp 1-7-MOXATi., per., Zhur Eawpur 1 %~-aret Piz, Vul XLVI, Y4 6, .1-963; vp 2i5g-a68. Awr lust of raya C-" nys - JBITIP Vol =1 110 Sol jau 64 sev owcorydns a Ttrrbalf mt rAlmilelm. in a s4s~--T. vit't s Tran;;,irceoe Gradl=t ag Velocity: bor k,. A. 4 7jp. nUMBUS, porp PAk Hatomat I -Melibo Vol No -3., 1958.. Vp 412-413. set - mitbe IT 12, /Oo Rio, 59 dl Fluctuatims or Electron Density in the Ibuospbere,v by R. A. Novikov, HUMIM., per, Dok Ak N=k SMI Vol am=,, NO 3., 1961, pp 587-589. NAM 2T P-8106 Sri 6 lkr 62 dyZ00 us CMIT ONLY The Moont- I I or the Ionoophere., by -8. - A. - 6-j-p. - 5 awsim- "or- Is Alt ** S=j, Sw Gooftsp No us igW*'pp 169h,-163k. AGU ftl AV /V* my 61 . .......... PDD X-4231 6 Novikov, E. Ch., Farber, D. A. and others. TR"NOIRT DEAGNOSIS AND LOCALIZATION OF I INTBRACRANIAL TRAUMA IN NEONATAL IN- 11 FAMM. r.1963] [10]p. FASE3 manuscript no. S 399-2 111 Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-19362 IV Trans. of Akademlya ?AeditsLnxkM NaLuk SSSR Vesm*, t962. Y. 17. no. 10, p. 44-48. DESCRIF.rORS. Diagnosis, *Brain. Shock Oftthology), *Wounds tnd injuries, *Infants, Gynecology, Neurology, Edem, Spinal cord, Hemorrhage, Mucles. BlectroencepWography. Reaction (Psychology). 63-19362 Navikov, E. Ch - Farber, D. A. FASEB S-399-2 Federation of American Socierie3 for Expertmenml Biology, Washington, D.C. (Mological Sciences - -Neurology, 7T. Y. 10, no. 3) OHIO ed Teckkw sankes 61-11403 No ;ikov. G. A. CARNIVOROUS MIAMMAL.S (Khishchnyu Nflckopita- tr. by A. Birron and 7. S. Cole. 1962, 284p. rciE;. lat. Ord~v fruin 07"S $3 00 61-11403 Tr.;r.i;, of Fauna S. S. S. R. 1, "'vaya Serlya 11956. v. 62. DI_~S'_-Pd?TOM: 11%1:irnrna~s, *Classification, *Anatomy, 'Eco.0gy. Economics. Zies, Skull, Teeth, Growth. Age. &,zy, Measurement, Fur. Agriculture. t,., prLii-_-at volump is an attempt to provIdL the rcader, first ol all, with a practical aid in Identifying predator) aninials and. FtL!co,,.diy. with basic data on their mor- pwk'._y. dAGtributicia and biology. to familiarize the r"L~_~r with thia subject. and at the same time to en- cour3ge I~arn to ack,~owleegv Yhe as yet unsolved prob- I.--m; on which attention must bL focused. To facilitate (Riolopcal Scicrices --Zoology. TT. v. 7. no. 7) (owr) 1. 'Novikov. G. A. 11. PL-430 Int (61-11403\ 111. Nattonal Science Foundation. Washington. D. C. Offi.. f S.-i- r=rd-vor,7uzi 1. s o-"* tho Fmm~r of' the G - A. NcNlkn 284 p-D. RTjEESjANj bks =sbcbWe MekqpltVuBhcb-'e --lw SSSR., Ho &,~, !956. oTs 61-ii4-03 PL.J'Jo Scil - Biol May 62 "?-, PST W i I f; . . , I I I . I o . i . . k: F.V: - 5,: 3 71 ) All-Relay AM (AutomtIe DimaOffice) vith 40- Nmber Capacity., by G. A. RE~_s 12 pp. RMSIAN, per,, Vestalk SvjasIv No 21.. 1953. im 7099 Set vwx 61 /.Z/X, 9'