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( IqY-3315 ) Deactuivation of te the Skin After Contamlmticu With -Radioactive Substancesp Ya. Noseks Vo Khmlarzh., 5 PPe RMSIM.p perp Nedit Rsdiolag$ Ito .110 1959- JMS L;1195-N Sci - Medicine oat 6o /.:?0 1 f q :I M -3436) The Effect of X-Irradiation on the Level of Nucleic Acids in the Liver and Spleen of Rabbits, by L. Cheyka,jLa~-.~Tloee~, 7 PP. IMBIAN, per, Nedit Hadiol, No 12, 1959- JPW 2743 Sci - Ned Sep 6o '/J J- -'2.a1 (NY-392-7) The Effect of Protect-l"'Ta Substances on the Nucleic Acid Level in the Organs After Irradiation, by D. Milich, Ya! 6 pp 1-_jRq RUMIM, per, Medit lRadiol, Vol V, No 2, 1960. 'M78 Sci - med, Aug 6o /,477 (FDD 21OW) Therml and X-Ray Analysis of the System UY - BeF20 by A. V, Nteelovat Yes I. Taremlash Tu. P. Sumnov" 37 'wosra,, mo yerp Zhur FU Xhim Vol MI,, Wo 9j, 1952, pp M-3-258. CIA/M/U-619T / 7, Sci - Chemistry Ja 54 M Ambmm+.I6 Smbm"aa& Are Welding of-IM&.W-Staol Plates by V. F. Kbabovoyp A. I. Nmenkos 7 PP. pussim, perp svuvoch Proup So 6p 1962.* PP 1.5-17- BWU ad jim 63 233sOM lite Electro-Slag lial-ding or WxI8M Steel Plfta, I. D. DavydeWw., V. P. Yzshavoys A. I. Nosenkq, MWIAXi 103ts OV6200h PMIZw No 3p 19150s, iv 23-as. Apr 61 Concerning Excitation of Crystal Riosphors by Ions, by B. M. Nosenko, N. A. Strulrov, 4 pp. RUSSIkil, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Seer Fiz, vol )=, i~io , 196/1, pp 314-317. .3 CTT Sci May 62 197,626 Mermostimulated Luminescence with Different Forms of Excitation, by B. M. Nosenko, L. S. Revzin., 4 pp. C- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nawk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol xxv, No 3, 1961j, pp 31-8-320. CTT Sci may 62 197,627 The Use of A CaSO4-Sm Phosphor in Dostnetry, by D. M, IsLasenko, L. S. Revzin, V. Ya~ Yaijl-,ol'3-"aY 4 pp. -- RUSSLO, perp Atom Lherg, Vol X, no 6, 1961. 9672112 FW-TT-61-30 Sci - Clem lklol -7-6/ 2-2 jan 62 Mplication of Ca SD4. 1b for Dosimtry Parposes., by B. M. S. Rmln,* V. Ts Yukolko. WORMs, pwp War Tekh na., Vol'XXYI.* No 9,, 1956.. pp 2Dh6-a*8. U OU D 901= A,CeSol.L. 2r 946 Sel - Pbysics - ,15?, Ja 57 POLYAKNO 1. V.10 UFANDVO R, V-j, X)MM D. S- ion of Fqdragem Paraxide bV the Explosion P"Pant Nethod Zhw Fis XhImit Vol IIIv 19.31B WSSIAN ABC Tr CTS lay 39h9 (2A9) Tmprovement in the Lubrieation off Spindle plings of Rolling Mil-L-., by 6-- ii. z~okr B. P. RumYantsev, 4 pp. per, MetaLUurg., No 6, 1960, pp 27-29. Acu MataUurgics SCI Jul 61 Do Not Repast Wrong Declaims in PIww for New Killop Iq S. M. Nozenkot 3 V-P- MWIM; per, MetaUurg,, No 10.. IM.. pp 1-3. AutA Mrballurgics Scl Apr 6L - /-9e',05, 446 -7 (S F- 3-PRB 1, Local Industry at a liew Fiontier) by A. 6 pp. 1:111USST-431, np, Ehon Gazeta, 13 Nov 1961, pp 18, 3.9. J-lBs 13814 MSR L-1 y The Syntbesis of Certain SUbstituted NexabYdrO- pyrimidines (Piperimidines), by 1. Ye. Pvotavsky and H. G. Nosenkovej. 4 yp. RUSSI"j, per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XMI., No 2., 1957, VP 526-%2A Consultants Bureau Scl - Chm Jul 58 47,91,111 The Application of Ultrasonics in Industry, V. F. Hosgreva, RUSSIAN, monograph, Primenknie Ulltrazvuka v Promyshlonnosti, 1959, 320 pp. OCB (available after Doc 1962) Sci 12 Jan 63 inio taken from OTSO Vol 8, No 2 Spwtwtm An&lWsis ot Ma&mIte and Open Bau~- Dattam )kterlalo by A. R. UMWboako, 2 pp. A331 RMXM,p bim pw is Ak Nm*,p oar pU, Val XIX., NO lo 19531, 3M N-105, on a Gm Tech Tr , 6rf sclentilu 3 Al Aw 56 =/A= I'liell TT-64-27278 Field 13B Noalch, 1. A_ DIMENSIONAMENTO DE IIAVLMENTOS TENDO ENI 1. Laboratorio Nacional do CONTA 0 SOLO DE FLWDACAO (Proeldirovanle Engenharta Civil, Gruntovogo Osnovaniya kak Sostavuol Chastt Dorn- Lisbon (Portugal) zhnol Odezhdy). 9p. LNEC-T-197. Order from LNEC: $0.45 as LNEC-T-297 Trans. in Portuguese of Avtomobtlnye Dorogi (USSR) v27 n6 p24-6 1963. European Translations Centre The Influence of Cprtiaone on Vaccination Imunity Twards Poliomyelitis., by N. N. Nos;Lkp 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per.. Zhur Mikrobiol gpidemiol i Lmnobiol., Vol XME, No 22p 1959,# po 87-90. pp Sai / oct,6D iflfi~ A Study of the Course of Experimental Poliomyelitis Under the Influence of CortiBunej, by N. N. Nusik., 4 pp. RUSSIAN., perj. Vop Virusolog., Vol IV., No 4,, 1959, pp 439-"2. Pergamon Press Sci jul 6o Crystals.. by K. S. Aleksaudrov., 0. V. Nosikov, 4 pp. RMIMI, V per., Must Zbxr,, Vol 110 No 3., 1956, pp 9~4-247. Amer Dwt of MWe Boy Pbys - Acoustics Vol 11, No 3 SCI - ftsies J-3 j"1.2 f Oct 57 I " I . 1. DaterLAwtion Of the Blustic Prowrtirus O:r Glass and Fine Caraalcs by the Ultrusunic Dapulue Method., by Be K* Keler., E. I, Kozlovolwyu, 09 Ve NuGiwvp--;r. PPO RUSSI&N, zao per, Steklo i Keru,-iikm,, Vol XIII, 110 50 UQY 195C.. pp 7-12. Co4m4tants Bureau 44 Scientific - Eugbwcrifi,- q Feb 57 C~m ~ .. 7, , .. - w sma mm awm of WWMW41~ sy ft A., 4 ** !!L4M "-.P IV Mo. 7 "* , I ~ t I *t)3,#196.*4# 10:1$ -%, ~ 4~ L 4m=%" so, WN X A ASTI T 3, ZONAL SOILS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN DZHUNGAR DEPRESSION, BY V. A. NOSIN,, 16 pp. RUSSIAN.. BKj. PRIRODNYYE USLOVIYA SINITSZYANA, moscow, ig6o, JPRs 15o84 FE - CH I NA GEOG SEP 62 210,786 (FDD 24556) A Short Description of Soils in the Rew Land Reclamtion Regions, by Ye. I. Ivanova, A. A. Yerokhina, V. A. Nosia, N. A. Nogina, N. N. Rozav, K. A. Ufimtseva, V. M. Fridland. RUSSIAN., bkj V Pomoshch, Spetsialistam Sells Sboimik Materi&lov i Statey, Vol I, Moscow, 1954, ~3- 2~ CIA/FDD Tr 431 USSR Econ - Agriculture I i-A oo~~ and bammumal AsommU at the Xrr# on* & 4 Pdallowo 12 ppq BMW*, KL I ftufti~v no to, IW. vp 49-09 am ##MG (J-), us= FAMU Jan 68 3W9206 i I ~ I .. . -. , z!- 1. - -.- , -,~--'j ~ I - . -- --- - --- -- -- --- -r- - - I - - - -.- -- - --. -- -- - --- - - - - --., - - - - 7 - -: i CryBtals, by K. S. 4 pp. of , 0. V. Nosikovo RMIM., qu pers Akwt Mars Vol Ils No 3.- 1956, pp 944-247- Awr Imt of Phys Boy Pbys - Acmatics Vol ZZ, NO 3 Sci - phylics j- -I.' 'el.2 I Oct 57 Deteminution ot the Bluslic Proportion ot Gluva and Flne Ccvadca by the Ultxusunlc Mapulse H*tboe.,-by ba Ks. Kelar., B. 1. Kbzlovalwyu., 0. V.-Duaikov, - P-1). RUSSUN,, 2ao per, Meklo i ~ku Vol XIIIP "o pp T-12. C04m4teats Aueeu Stientific - En,-:LworihZ 44-9 0 Feb 5T C~s so W". .11 awm of MUSH34 OT IL A* AWN o 14 mv~ ~044 I PP. I SMM;r M VMM UM W MWI# W % IAMP MP A .1 10 ~-- - IV ~Mgl*jp 9* wo a4k Asr ZONAL SOILS OF THE SOUTHWESTERN DZHUNGAR DEPRESSION,, BY V. A. NOSIN, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, BK, PRIRODNYYE USLOVIYA SINITSZYANA, Moscow, 196o., JPRS 15oB4 FE - CHINA GEOG SEP 62 2io,786 (FDD 24556) A Short Description of Soils in the New Land Reclamation Regions, by Ye. I. Ivanova, A. A. Yerokhima, V. A. Nosia, N. A. Nogina, N. N. Rozov, K. A. Ufimtseva, V. M. Fridland. RUSSIAN, bk, V Pomoshch, Spetsialistam Sellskogo Khozyaystva Po Osvoyeniyu Tselinnykh i ZaleEh!&vkh L' Sbornik Materialov i Statey, Vol I, Moscow, 1954, pp 36-62. CIA/FDD Tr 431 USSR Econ - Agriculture A- cupw*mw mmbmmmalv at the bs5i; w ad IN&-WO*UmWa AeomwU -Wp- a**- & M6 ON1320 Ipwo awflai s itadmL . _ _ . U . $v ha-mg Ago wt 119W4, - ass 45ik usm 61, "M i= 68 3W~W6 ww SON AIW:" us ZI bl:s' TP 955 NOSKOV A. A., SOKOLOV V. N. Calculation of the pressure drop in sieve plates columns Calcul de la. perte de charge dans; les colonnes AL plateaux per- fords Khim. Nauka. i Promyshl., 3, 518-520 (1958) Commissariat PL 1'Energie Atomique, Saclay- French Euratom Enrichment Coefficient of a Singel Rectification Sie" Plate., by A. A. G. V. Burova, P. Fel'desh,, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXXII, No 10, 1959, pp 2211-221T. Sep 60 Enricbment Factors for Sieve Plates in a Rec#ication CO-1w=, by A. A. Nosk N. V. Ozerova, 5 pp. -i2R!M~ RUSSZM# perp Zhurs Pr1k RhIms Vol XXXM, No Us 1960 vp 2506-2511. CB sci '16 5,? Sep 61 Use of Antlbioticaj, by V. I* Retovin., Aa 1. goelm. U&'MASWM RUSSIANr Ver., TaterloarLyap Vol XM,, No 5,, -May IL95Zo Ipp M-104. CIA 9032984 Be i - Chem 7-1*11 Oct 58 Wiqposit,ioa of Stocks of darring and Hake L- La the r**rps sak ind How Scott& Shelf Atoms. by Aw S, Neskovo MWIAM,~!Per sessly AM HEIL Smis PjXAD,"-P*ftMt*t#m InI*d,v ~ft, no 60 lig"10 pp 900 *Dept of U"rlor Fish =4 wimuds selvice bwtww of Camw4st FL*Wrios Set-Sol Jm 67 The =ect. of Additions Diffusion of Iron, ty U, Noskorl P-q V, Pavlov., 5 of Vanadium an tha Self- S. Zollms-kAys B* Me wo nussm, per, vis metal I Metall.9 Vol tic 5,p 1960., pp 725-730. pp Sci mar 61 Noskov, B. A.. Rozenberg IYU). G. and others. COKE--GAS CUPOLA FURNACE [Koksog3wraya Vagrankal. [19601 [121p. (foreign text included). Order from LC or SLA nii$2.40, ph$3.30 60-18349 Trans. of Liteynoye Proizvodstvo (USSR) 1958. no. 11. p. 14-15. A cupola Is described in which nnrmal conditions for gas burning and reduced coke e3q*nses were obtained by reducing the number of tuyeres from 6 to 4. (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, Tr. v. 5. no. 3) 60-1&349 - 1. Cupola furnaces - -Design 1. Noskov, B. A. H. Rozenberg, Yu. G. ON- *f TecWml SoMms The Eotation of a Polarization Plane in the aarface Layer of the Atmosphere, by F. P. Il'os'--mv, 4 T'm. IRUSSIM, -per, !z Vysshikh 'Ucheb Za-ved, Gz-.,oL' i Aerofotos, ETo 2, 1,061, pp 65-68. ~~F`,S771116 1 -1 -RTD-T-i-62-4-8 Sci - Geophys lo jul 62 202,28~ Certain Characteristics of the Structure of Are-Discharge Clouds (10"Pondenzation)., by M. M. Noskav, 0. P* Skcwr4akov, 2 pp. RUSSIAN,, bimo per, Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Ser Piz, Vol XVIIIP No 2p 1954, p 257. AEG Tr 21,c,,4 Columbia Tech Tr Scientific - Physics CTS 72/Sep 1955 The of a Quinary -by 11"eans of a Munocentr-Ic Squarc~ b.y T). RUSSIAN, pcr, Zhur I-Imorg D-im , Vol IV, 140 3, 1959; pp 626-644. Cleaver-ft-re Press Ltd. Sci- ionaon Jan 60 The laf2L==t-cwy Reactim in ftlvas During Oatoomes by N. IL Noskov,, 3 pp,. -- I RMOMN,p gerp Wa Eksper Biol i 2,1;rA,, Vol T. No 8,p 19(sop Vp BD-82. CB sai- tuy 61. 15-:R P ., S13 The Wfect of Vibration on the Structural and %--chnm- cal Properties of Asphalt Oancrete Regarded as a Thixotmpic CoU Idal. System, by S. K. No no V. Mikballov.9 6 PPO - ni~p W3SIM# blao pe;- Nallold Zhur,, Vol XV 9 No 42 jul/Aug 3.957j, ]?P 461-46T. Sci - Physics .349 ? r4 akin 19" Tactical Training of Figliter Pilots, by Ye. Noslmv., 7 PD - FULL Tr HIBSL41j; nl?., Sovetslmya Avlutuiya, No 67 . (2645)) 12 Apr 1957, p 2. C-rI4 6 c e ~2- Ape- F--LS-9290/71I usm Oct 57 On the Theor7 of Corona Discharge in Nuclear Radiat: Counters, by V, Ya. Savellyev,.Yu, 0. Nr,-,qkp-VF y pp'. RUSSIAN., per, Pribary i Tekh Mceper, No. 1, 1961, pp 2% -qwslo. ISA / ?/ " ? /Y Sci Mar 62 TT-65-13791 Field 13F -Npskov, Yu. A. MECHANIZED UNLOADING OF FROZEN BULK CARGO. 9p. Order from SLA: SI.10 as 77-65-13791 Trans. of Nrsesoyuznyi Nauchno-Issledovatelsidt Institut Zhelernodorozbnogo Transports. Vestftlk (USSR) v23 n3 p42-6 1964. MR 665 P~~duction ai! a Strain of Human Lies Feeding on Rabbits and its Significance for the Skin Nbabrane Yathodij by A. V. Psheaichnvv)avA E. G. Nookove, 3 PP- TAUSSUNt per, Voprosy Vdruvologiy, Vol 11, No 1; 1957, pp 53-55- Pergamm Inst Sai - Mod e, Nov 58 Some ChaTactariatics of Post-Infectioml Ummity in TySbuz Foyer on-Re-inftetion of GuUma-Pigs in Different Zones of Plovw- tiont b7 A. V. PsbwdabWvo 99 O.A"kMt L. 1. RalAerp 1. 6h, VjwAn., 3 PP. RMIM., per., Zhur Mikrobiol EAdemlol i Immmoblol, Vol M=,, No 10, 1958, " 99- Perpum lust Sci - Had iuu 59 Variability of Rickettsia PraLmazeki an6 Prospects of (btaining Live Typhus Vaccine., by A, V. Pshenichnov, 0. N. Sheveleva., A.-G-. Noskova; 3 PP. RUSSLAVp perr, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol I Iww-bbiol, Vol XXVIII, No 7, 1957, PP 11-14. Fergamn Imst Sci - I-bd Mr 58 71 Influence of Vacum on the Hicroflom of Befrigezuted Food Products., by Gel. NpWmvap G* Yu Pek. RMIM., perp, Vws.- Nauch. Impled Mwt-pKholod.Pran., YmIacm 1963 FV SA J'aY 1967 334-719 .fndte6t~it~-g-the-Yie-l-d-of-Memical -Froducts -from Coal Carbonization, by M. S. Kotelenets, L. V. I .! 3 PP. IRMSYAN, per, Koka I Kh1m, No 6, 1961. CTR& sci Dee 61 ~l j;7 c?/ Z/ XCH-200 071 Field 11F, 20B ~ 1. National Leading Library for Nookors. N. 1.i Avlov, V. A. Science and Technology, STACENG FAULTS IN MCKEL SOLID SOLU71ONS. 1965, Ilp (foreign text included) 16refs. NLL-TA.5332. Order from VLL in M.033 Trans. of FizikaMetallov I Metallovedenle (USSR) v24 n6 p899-903 1962. See also 'Translated or Abstracted Publication., in TT Vol. 14, No. B. X-Ray Studies of Distortlon and Cobes!" Pbroes In the Crystal Lattic of Alloys of an IQ-8dUd bantLcm of Alminom and MWoolvin, b7 N. j V. A. Pkmdorp S. ~L Tom1kaws 5 VS. RVBWMJ, pwv AS m1stal I am-tallovedo VQ, =J, ]b 3p *09 WA 60-269M Sol Vol No 1b 9 Nar 62 An X-Ray Study of the Distortions and Bind.:Uig Fo-rces In the Crystalline Lattice of Nickel- based SoUd. Solutions, by N. I. Noskova, V. A. Pavlov, 5 YP- RLESIM, perj, Fiz Yfet i Metalloved, Vol VII, 110 3, 1959, pp 4oo-W4. Porgmm Press Sci jul 6o 102 a., S Y-(O Inflmn-a of Kdditions of Silror or Z-~Inu Aluminium an the Rate off Diffvaion of Copper, by f. I. Arkb6mv, H. I* Nookova. RVOSLAV, pcrj Piz Mte-11 I Metallovedenlyrj Vol 11* F-0 3, pp 472-476. Sal Iguo Lib Tr 57/Z-509 801 - PbYZ 6 e P .58 Isothermal Bright Qr1enching of Cold-Coiled Springs of 11 0.60% Cp 2% si steel 6os2A, by B. V. Venkoyj 1. 1. Borisava, M. A. Nookova. RUSSIAN., pars VArtal i ObraVatka Metallovs No Ux Apr 1958p PP 44-45. Brutcber Tr 43B7 $2.25 Sci - min/met Aug 58 Hydraelf-,cride for af Eon- omer in the Folycondensation of Esters ofc(-Amiro Aci&, by T. D. Kozaren , N. B. Nookova, K. T. Porosbin, 4 pp. RUSSIXT.. perj, Iz Ak Ikuk S* Otdel Milm %uk, No 73 19591 PP 1324-13T- CB Sol -6) jul 61 stacklAs Faults In NICkel SmUd OdIntlonsp by N. 1. ND&Xom 1, A. FOUM. MmItsorm riz abul 1 BruUo"j. Vol nvv No 6v I v PP 899-903o is& so: ADA 1963 (5 333) (LOW) md - Wm Aug 63 The Effect of ftall Additions of Silver or Zinc on the Solubility of Copper in Aluminium,, by L. M. N&&atl 1. 1. Nookova. - - RUSSUNs, pw., M Hot I Met&U,, Vol 1,, No 2. 1955P Pp 307-310. Sci Mae Lib Tr 57/0126 SCI - min/met ,~z ~7 5;76 Jul. 57 .4 An Identification of E=itlxlg Stars and a Daterm1natlan o:C ube Paramters of Eminsion Ifebulae Fx*a Radlo-Astrammiml Data, by A. D. Nus fain, R. 1. __PqT~~ 5 PP. MBSIM,, per,, Astrou ZbLw, Vol No 2., 1962,, pp 241-246. Amer lust of Phys Sov Astrm - AJ Vol vlj, no 2 S(d Apr 64 2540285 Obseorvatiom of Discrete RadrLo Saxwees on 9.6 by A. D. Kus I =in, M. T. lam'lenko, R. I Skova., 4 PP. RIMIANs per,, Astron Zhurs Vol XXMIj, go 6p 1960., pp 975-978. AIP Sov Astron-AJ Vol Up No 6 Sai Jul 61 11 913 US-4 NOSKOVA N. I., PAVLOV V. A., YUM[KOV B. A. X-ray studies of distortion and cohesive forces in the crystal lattice of alloys of an (alpha)-solid solution of aluminum and magnesium Fiz. Met. i Metallov., 3, No. 3, 557-560 (1956) 60-16988 - English Euratom mm". E. G. ciN im sEtEcnON AND RVALMATKO OF GLOA V*fWIIORS AND 107AL MACfTVAT(MS FOR FtM 9p 111% Zkcb a! Old= ban SLA 1. 10 Tr~. of lawdu ad KAb (Wd- GWOMW) 106. V. 9. m 12. P. SWW. Tr-"-Igm 1. "ImA46 R. G. Odmwrkb--Pudo. IrT. v. 12. a& 7) 10 627 N. P. NOVIKOVA UK-30 Effect of iodide on the properties of extra fine-grain nuclear emulsions Zhur. Nauch. i Priklad. Fotogr. I Kinematogr., 4, No. 1, 49-55 (1959) On loan: UK-30/ M. 1573 - English Euratom Protective Relaying in Electric Power Systems, by M. V. Titarenko, 1. A. Nesk-oynlhAal. RMSIA,'Io bk~ ULL (Loan) Fab 64 ,;2-44, 5r21 8a i. smomom adomm VAW 67 394SO) (DC-41120) The Tuaks and Possibilities of KzAcrn Szience in Overcoming the Economic B.-m-lic-dardness of Certain A .' - ' Countriesp by ~~~Ov, 15 P-&- RUSSTAF, per, Vent A Nauk SSSR7 Tin 12, 1959, pp 3-15. JPRS 3632 US 3 F. 2cun Aug 60 The Effect of Temperature on the Irritability of the Conducting Tissues of Cold Blooded and Warm Blooded Animalop lby.p.. V. Nosouav.4 I. P, StmdallokW. UNCLASSIFIED RMSIAfij, bkp Evolution of the Functions of the Nervous Systsmj publ by State PubUftlug Houce of Viedleal Literaturep ImIngrad,, 1958,, PP 45-53- Navy 2392/OiM 496b Sci - Medicine Dec 59 (NY-3605). FAwtacturiag Chemical Equipwat Pro= Titanium, by A. V. Vooov., 9 pp. RUSSInip per, KhIm Mab, No 5., 1959,, pp 35-39- JPRS 2677 801 - Mia/got Jun 60 //7/ .73 f (IiY-4694) Let Us Cm*lets the Bxtezwion of Wic Service to the VUbwes in 1960j, by G~ A. AWYJ 6 pp. EMS=.. Per., Vest Bvyazi,, So 5 (24a)., 196o. ma 56-16 SOL Oct 60 91 0-5-7 1-11/64 Czmouflnging of A=ored Pquipmnt. by G. riosovo ;2),1f j RUISSIAN, per, Voyenno-Inmhenernyy Zhurnal, Vol CII, No 4, 1958a P 37-38. PPS/SF-MI/SPECIAL LISS R )'r, t 0 Mil Jan 64 at x0em W-m""Im . - AAlmd =mL Ion Goa W mwx9ces AGX ANg 66 3006342 -Tiqla, chall~ an-C T:I-D-111 inf-DiAer-ee On 11-ts 1-Impertien'. by G. 1. N-caov., 5 pp. TO UMMAN, par, DoIz Al;~ Zsuk WMp Vol M=11, r.:, I 1957P pp 179-- ConoultaWto Burecut Gai - Geophysics Jul 58 b;f q~70 I=ro"iug the Prodwtion ct SomkIM Pites by st alo 4 jp. RMWMP POrp Stftlv lb 124 1960P 3MP x9m SOL aw 61 Glzmaonite rram Paleogene Daposits of the StUt."111-9;11-- Volga Reglon, by G. 1. liosov, P. Ye. Bego'cins, per, lz Xt TZ~.Vzk SZO, Scar- G.C-0.1, :-Z-,) 10" 1959, pp 69-77. Sol fty 6:L Soviet Marlmaj, t!y Col. 1. Nosov.- pp. - wl-,~-,-M-- RWOM.p pws, GMUkly rlot.. go 3bgj, 11 Aug lg",* MCI to ftpm-t so mn-mis 6 ar 10. cu D kM3%, AP 72.7555 um 33-3,09 xmtu7 ow 56 =/am Increasing--the-Production-of SwAtmg Pits, -by G. L. josn et al, 4 pp. RMSIAN, per, Stal, No 12, 1960, PP -U31-1140- Brsl scl YAy 61 / S-~a' I/ VJ- M-057) Su;erficlal Tbtantiated Gan Anesthesia With CoaU=us Curarization in I Trau- Matto sawlea Xutw"muOns (1)., by B. A. Polyanaldy, P. P. Bulgakov., L. M. Nbam, 11 pp. RMSUR) yar, 80"t YAd., ib 8., ig6i., pp 123-Wf. JPBB 11941 Sol - Nbd Jan 62 19 wia kiti-I'AAction Prvpmies of Poilysilm"MA c4cpaun"* by 1-4. 1, -AA'scv,. vo vlmo~zradov* 9 ppe SIAN't -peps KIM I4a i TeWmelalily UVA 4!s _p SO-Sla !aa l4o So M40 p NOV 6s 1 2920446 Calculation of the Basic Dimensions of a Singel- Stmep CaantripetaL Turbine by M. V- -ELr--W, 87 P-m- RUWrANj bk,, Rasoh*t Oowvny" Razmarov Odno Chatoy Toentroetramitellnoy TurbixW., Moscow, Pi) 3-63. 96W855 rn)-TT-63-682 Sci-Saw HDv 63 .2 4Q4( _,) ~a Ef-lEiciOncY of a Systeui of Absorbing Elements Located Sy.r.mictrically in a Ring in the Core of a Peactor Idth a Reflector'. by V. I. Nosov. -Z~ RUSSIkI, per, Atormaya Energi4ya, Vol X, No 3, 1961, pp 269-270. FTD-TT-61-514 Sci-Muc Phys Jan 63 218,704 Effeft Of ROPWW Ixtemlon of SpOstic Fibers on TWr RooldvAl Cyclic Dermnation at Break,, by 34. P. X~i~ 15 V, Pori ftkftUlwpoo 1959't Vol =,, No 3(10),v VP ~5-53 SIA 60-IWM Sei 11dR OM Apr 60 voi ni, ma 3 Air Aosojr,..G. 1. Tsyupko, V. I. Petlyuk, 341 Ppc -- Ml,,":iWrl726) RUSSM., bk, Vozhdeniye Odnomestnogo Samoleta, Moscow., 1956.. 248 pp) c I ~ 6 / 7 3 6 -~- \/ AnC 17-TS-9337/V Sci - Aeronautics J~m 56 4 pages comp;eted as AF 1076906 6p -3