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Coniparattive Findings Obtained by a Second Exa-mination of the Typological Features of the Higher Nervous Activity of Monkcys, by L. 11. Norhina, 7 Pl)- RUSSIANT, per, Zhur Vysshey Ifferv 4 Deyatel imeni 1. P. PaX-vlcrva, Vol XI, Wo 3, 1961' pp 4)0~-449. pp Sci jun 62 193,952 IT An of the Alimloids of T'l-LalictrIm'. Sdmpie-x, L. th The jouzrnal of General Cheirdo-I d of e UsZR, Vol r,:,) 11:1o 9, Sep 1950, pp 1779 1780 41 I~ev; YorI: USER / Use Of OsO4 As A Catalyst In Titrimetry, by F. K. Norkus. RUSSIAII, per, Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii (UsSR) , 1965, p612-4 TC-202-629 - TC-1278 T K. Nor-Kk)5 344,817 Simultr.,.'I:.,mz Determination of Hypochlorites, Chlo----'tes, and Chlorates by Means of Arsenite, Using Or.04 as Catalyst, by P. K. Norkus, A. Yu. PrOkopchik, 4 pp. RUSSTAN, PER, Zhur AnaJ nim, Vol XVI, No 3, 1961, PP 323-326. CB Sci 201,855 jun 62 Air-Drivert Drilling YachIme for High W SpOeds, by L. Nw3An,. 18 pp. wt Ilwakv SmUstjoxmal (Nome Dental Tvarmal, WiLr IM, pp ],*-142. MM 362-U Rw Bel - Modo m 59 125 Years of Port Policien in Yannheim., by Gerbard Norling, 5 PP- per,, 'i, J~uer 'Kanenschii-fabrt.. Vol Yl 1959, pp 234-23B. ACSI, E-771P iD 2147179 Zlz~ir - Gemany 1112.~ 1~711~1 Econ Oct 60 (DC-J'ZOI) Clo-Vi-nism rxa the Insuce of Oar Timo , by lb liorlmd, 51 IT- DMUSE, per, TiCen., No A-51 1961. 4 JPR3 3.1534 licour - / -7 .7, / ,p .71 POI j -nil 6 2 -(DC-3801/~222) The Commatatio World Ho"umst, by lb 9 pp. DA=Xj, up., LarA as YoU., 21,, 23 Dea 1.960" ~~.A im 8018 NORW - Donwrk Pol - aw 61 -%-.1 /,~v (;t A Oo--Awl) Daniab CommAwlst CrItIcIm of Soic"W" t People's ParL7,, IW Ib ~I~Orlvud~ 33 PP. wimf w# 2tami, VC1, =rS w 82 ILga.0 IV W740. JM 32631 MM, - Damout ftl 1,A6., /.cr WX 62 awl$" ammis -mm VMLTJM w INIUMMAL =N&,:I* is man% pp. PAO 18* or; im Oslo's to" By Is "WUM 1 1W-11M -=I," TfW4 10L MY, W) 5x C04WAMo 4m alp* vqx OCT IL) i"Orl U-1ad :liclevi, vol NCE. ;Tr Dallnolxl: vc)- L lk--c 6,~ DANISH C0144JNIST EDITOR IB NORLUND ON THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATON, BY IB NORLUND, 22,PP. DANISH., PER., TIDEN., VOL XXIII, NO 6., 1962,, pp 181-192. JPRS 16936 WE WEUR - NORWAY POL 1. JAN 63 219,o28 (DC-3801/25) Danish Party Secretary Reviews Moscow Declarationp by 1b. N,o.rW, 3 PP. DANIIM, per.. Tlden, Vca XXr,, No 8a 1960, pp 269-271. JPRS 8435 Nogur - Dommark Pol '7 jul 61 15- / .11~ 6)02, (DC-3801/21) Ideologiml Aspedt of Daniah Cmwmist Furyy I a Ilemwal J~rograejk (Speech by Party leamation Worlund at Party Coeorence$ 16-18 S&vb~r 1960)9 br 1~~Iu~nd., 13 PP. DAMM.p vers Tiftoo No 6j, 1960# VP 203-211. ON 6722 10 Demark POI Peb 61 Ehruiradw Ounter and "-,vnt PnOt-Ir.-m of C=mm4tm, MootMw&l -by tDatob W C4v2trtV- Cw"-tteep by 1b &U'Lmb& U W WrAr,, pw:, TLdm So 'r-31 19-64., IV 249-257 JPM. M" wr--r"=ftq9 POI Apr 65 2TI05k:L (DC39-3601) TV On the am] wtar cc the cmm=ist bV 1b !RwUWo 25 139. WkCWBj PW* MWOUP Vbl M=. No I., Jan-Feb 19fai. VP ]As- ami3m NCL%jx 4D D3nmmwk 4,J-64 POL /IP91 jur ce kDC-3601/30', Mandat EcUter Morlmd an Dwish Social De=- cratic Draft Progrm, by Ib 1jarlun4, 1-1 pp. DANISH erp Tiden, Vol XXrI,, No 2, 1961, pp lav. MRS 8879 161:r scv 61 rb tgt)rlxd Dlsc4mv w20. I klej. 19 by lb aV ppe Dalm, vers T.12M JPR9 9N)61 Sid JLJ., 1964~, pp 223-2422. tx.xwsmrk P*i Mar 63 ' 3 / -3 276,404 NORLUND ANSWERS PETERSEM EXPLAINS DCP STANDY BY 113 NORLUND, 7 PP. DANISHj, NP, LAND OG FOLK, 30 DEC 1962, P 5. JPRS 17290 WEUR - DENMARK POL , JAN 63 220,9o6 IB Korimw; Replies to Oddershode, by 1b hSil X,IU-a, 5 Pp. DMUSH, np, Land og Folk, 6 Nuv 1964v p 2. JPRS 27059U xoflux-Denmatk' Pol Jan 65 272,405 'QIIIIa Rydrostatic Leveling Over Oresund, by N. S. 11 Norlundp 11 pp. NORWEGUNp perk Geodactisk Inot Skr4.fterv Vol M. No 8, 1946, STA 57-2o16 my 58 Hydrograstatic Iav*3.114g Over Store Beelt, by N. 1. xorl=A,, 26 ----------- NMWMDM, per,, Goodactisk lust Skriften, Vol ma NO 6a 1945. GIA 57-M7 wy 58 dy, Ms" ftwomil no to fit ow TO^ D* lavmo 0. It, OTT, --- -w J% 4"~H 1 $0 AL IM #0 ki Woult 3 Wh -Draswion (a-Roommmon-pukamion az-4- ---- -- -- - Bremsma-Wung From a Plamna, by L. M. Bibeman, G. E. NomAn, 35 pp. GEUVUT,,-pe-r, Sow Of W~ndwvo aem2im and RQ ju, XV04 yp 2n-2-2b. V22625a ma Trangm, Vol AEC-UC Tr-IU57 (L) 16~ Feb 65 274,263 sad-pqgrlcal Ebtbod of the Cross SMUM fm limue Scountm Of SLOW gLectrmo b,y Atommir bV L. M. Ubau=4 0. 11- ZftmMp 6 3M- wimmp pwp zhar mLqw I ftwat Yu-gT-a XLV" no 6* JL063p pp 17ro-Wn. AS= M=t of FMW Sm pqrs - im Vol T,T-ry, no 5 $a Avg 64 263#841 Ute Photoirtization of Excitud CoWlex lams and Icais, Bibernaa, P.E. Nomm, RUSSI.M. per, Astrca Zhur, Vol XXXIX,, No 1, 1%28 pi) 107-115., AIP Sov "istronoaV - AJ Vol VI 0 No I sci Aug 62 233.94C* On the Ca3culation of flaotoianizatiou Absorption, by L. M. BLbwmnp G. & moman 3 Pq RWAWS pwm Op%Mm I Sp*tro# Vol VM# go 4j, 19Wv PP 433-438 USA Sci MY a JAZ 05% V Econwic Aspects of the StAndardization of AgritAultural Produ;tj, W M. NomndO 20 p. C. - FRM=g.o per,, Eaon=ie M~ i97~j' No 21, PP 5 -10. SLA 59-2M51 S al Apr 60 va in, so 2 ///. Pz Devcio~j-ment of W'and.150 kV Net-vorlw oZ Electric Unes Supp1yivg-tha*-Bmsse1a Areay by R. Noxmand$ J. GOO-A7go FRENCII., per, Sobilatoa-Royule Belge des Electricieus Banetin., No 4o ~ 1959., pp 273,, 27k, 278-280. (Cull Nvo TK 2, B98v Rug* V.) Econ S 60 POS q Simplified Methods for Datermiming the P&r-.Ieujar 1-itegral From Linear Differential EVatiom Witil 0032stant Coefficients.. by M. Normnilin, 6 pp. PRMCH# per, =W L'Ingenieur,, 1957- MA 57-3554 Sel - Feb 5 8 Vitga Derivatives. of Bwmv ty R. Nozmntv J. S=un, 3 P- RUSUM, pwo IZ Ak Nauk SSSRj Otdol Rbla Nauk,, 1959., NO,8* PP 1397-1390- A20-9CL35R Sai AVr 60 Vol Ul.. No 2 Normant, Henri. THE FREPARAMON OF VINYLA)P.GANOMAGNESIUM 00MPO1JNDS. [19611 23p. 42 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-16743 Trans. of SDcl6t& Chimique de France. Bullelin, 1957. no. 5, p. 728-733. 61-16743 1. Nom-Lant, H. DESCRIPTORS: O&Ugnestum compounds. Metalorganic compounds. Vinyl radicals. S)mthesis. 040- f Te.4.0-1 (Chemisrry- -Organic. 17, 1. 6. no. 5) T Lhermmwgnetio Effects in Semiconductors with Degenerate Bonds, br YeA2MRn!!!_~nd 0- E- Must pp 21. RUSSTM9 part Fft Twerdago Map Vol IV, No 10, 19629 PP M92-2707. Amr L29t of Pbys Scm, Pbyv - So2id State V62 37, No 20 set Jun 63 Coordiriatim of AaUvitles In fte neld of Elmtrecla MmmwIM bwftmmntep by V. A. ftnotas. 6 YR.* FMVAO vwp no 4" 3,963j, p 29. 9M5515 SOL-lumatraAas 5063 -?o 4 -5~4 2, Conparison of Two-Stap amd Thm-Stap Rotax7 Amp=ism With AxIal FUldl, by B. I. Norwvski-v,, V. r. Batkol, V. R. ift'JahwakLyl 10 PPS IUMMI, I?erj, lokWicbwtm# No 3,v 1958p pp 9-14. Feb 61 oxvi"* by -169ddda 41A MA-W66-113a Ms 66 63-10084 ,NgK9_Ken and Takida, Hiroshi. INVESTIGATION OF THE REDOX SYSTEK ReFt. 1 1. Noro, K. Of Solution Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate with Redax U. Taidda, ti. Initiator at Low Temperature. [ 19621 14p. 32 refs. Ill. Title: Solution ... Order from SLA $1.60 63-10094 Trans. of Kobunshl Kapku Capan) 1962, v. 19, no. 2D4 p. 239-244. DESCRWrORS: May1radicals. *Acetates, *Polyrneri- zation. -Dddation -reduction reactions, Catalysts, Reagents, Methanols, Solutions, Vinylplast(cs. Methanol solution polymerization of vinyl acetate (VAC) was conducted at 300C and at 00C with respect to redox systems regarded as being effective up to now, redox systems which are expvcted to be eftective, and, for comparison. a number of single Initiators which have been claimed to be low-temperature active. The objec- tive was to acquire Information regarding redox low- 0MM of Ttcb*g Seftes temperature solution polymerization of VAc. (Chemistry- -Organic. TT, v. 9, no. 11) 62-t8982 --NoXQ, Ken and Takida, Hiroshi. POLYMERIZATION BY r-BUTYL PERBENZOATE-X - 1. Noro, K. ASCORMC ACID SYSTEM. Rept. 2 of Solution Poly- 11. TaIdda, H. merization of Vinyl Acetate with Redox Initiator at Low 111. Title: Solution ... Temperatures. 11962] 14p. 30 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-18982 Trans. of Kobunshi Kagaku (Japan) 1962, v. 19, no. 2G4, p. 245-251. DESCRIPTORS: *Polymerization. Butyl radicals, Ben- zoates, *Ascorbic acid, *Vinyl radicals, *Acetates, Oxidation-reduction reactions. Low-temperature re- search. MetbawlB. Solufion polymerization of vinyl acetate in metbano, was studied in the temperature range of XP to -20RC with t-butyl perbenzoate- I -ascorbic acid. Ilia optimum mole ratio of t-butyl perbenzoate for I -ascorbic acid was 4/1. The average apparent activation energy for offim d TUMCA (Chernistry--Organic. Tl~ v. 9, no. 6) (over) Noro, Ken and Takits, tUrombi. METHOD OF POLYMELR17M VIINIACETATS AT LOW THWERATURIL 5 July fS, 6p. Or&r froa SA $16. OD SA Code-PS7 Tram. o4 published japs patent 10, 593/19W. cl. 26-5-131, appL no. 38, 522/1960, 2D Sep 60, pLdx 8 Aug 62, by Mom Gowlkapku Kogyo OD., Lad. DEWRWMRS: Oftlyvisyl alcobol, OVI"I plastics. Production. VIW radicals, *Aceuwm. Polymerizouan. Butyl radicals, 09evzoates, *AscoMc acids, Solvents, MetbRwIs. 63-17649 1. Noro, K. 13. Takita, H. III .Patent (Japan) pub. 37-10 5934 W. SA Code-P87 V . Selzaburo Aoki (Japan) OfAterialm-Plistics, Tr. Y. 10, no. Dffkg 01 -Irchdcal UM." 62-18981 _Nar.Q. en and Takida. Hiroshi. STUDIES ON POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. Rept. 3 of Solu- I. Noro, K. tion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate with Redox Initiator 11. Takida, H. at Dow Temperatures. 11962) 9p. 11 refs. Ill. Title: Solution ... Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18981 Trans. of Kobunshi Kagaku (Japan) 1962, v. 19, no. 204, p. 251-255. DESCRIPTORS: 'Polyvinyl alcohol. *Polymerization, *Acetates, *Vinyl radicals. *Oxidation-reduction re- actions, Infrared spectroscopy. Ultraviolet spectroa- copy. Low -temperature research. Properties of polyvinyl alcohol derived from polyvinyl acetate which was polymerized In methanol with t-butyl- 'L -ascorbic acid redox initiator at low temperatures were studied. It was found that the equilibrium degree of swelling and densities of PVA films obtained at var- ious temperatures had not significant difference but the Me d lechak3i Stmices (Chemistry- -Organic, TT. v. 9. no. 6) (over) A Trip to Russia , by P. B. Aschan; Medical Service In the Soviet UnIon, by -I*o Noro; Our Doctors in the USSR, by Toivo Pihkanen;-iqii-e-tQW6 in the Soviet Unioaj, by .0 P. 1. Tuovinenj, 13 pp. UICIASSIFIM FIMSH,*npr Encl to Rpt No R-104-54,, OMVA,, Finland ID 1225750 USBE Finland SocialogIcal Scientific - Wdicine April 54 CTS/DEX CIA 2508828 TT-65-14089 Field X \'are T - Takida. H. eELAt1'VE EQUATION OF INTRINSIC VISCOSITY-POLY- MERIZATION DEGREE OF VINYL ACETATE-CROTONIC ACID COPOLYMERS AND THEIR SAP0141FIED PRODUCTS. 11p, 11refs. Order tram SLA: S1.60 as TT-65-14089 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku Zasshl (Japan) v64 n7 p1302-4 1961. NIR 672 (DC-5903) Radio Cammmications in the Forty-Year Post-Revolutionary., by L. lWrob. 5 PP. MONGOLM, np, Men, 21 Jan 1961, P 3- im 12623 Asia - 1430gals Boca 1,P-?., 7,ry Feb 62 Why the Construction Work Is at a Standstill, by D. E2Lqbj,-.J1chib 4 pp. I P MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 3 Sep 1962, p 3. JPRS IS928 FE - Mongolia E-con Nov 62 'I'll m 5-402 (5r-2258) vas Soule" wastAwat of you" of sah ftesues in IA414%tft $1000"t bY At 1, Mu"Wo 3 PP- RVISUNO parp Vest motsm& L an"e,10 V" XZMM6 Ib lit 140-Api Mak vp 86's ST,, am DOI am jow all, ~li Cauc, cE Allergic Reaction to the Adminiutmtiai; of Li-ve Dry Antlplaaus,, b7 H. P. Kozlovs D. Uwov. m par. Zbur- PAkroblol Epidesiol i RMSW Val 7MIXj No 9p iwA Pr gqT; 77; 76, cjA/rDD s= 12oh 2:~rt ~.Jq .17 Yhe Relationship Beween the Vaccine Reactior. a-.4 Allerg!.c Reactions in Persons Inoculated with Plague vaccine-, by M. P. Koz1ov., A. E. Lemkhom) D. Nm-ovd, 4 pp. BLISSM,p perj, Zh= Hikrdblol zAa.,IGA M=Moblol, j Vol-)=I no S. 3,960, pp 10Z-105, pr S(d Aug 61 Study of Active Principles of OGymema SylVeStrelg by A. V. da Piedade Normha, and M. S. T. Velaw Pinto, 24 p. SPANISH, p6r, Canarosso Luso-Z!Tmaol do Farasel VolIIII* 195ZO pp 197-ZU7,, Ell L 19 7r /,V za-, sci-84M Jun 66 3028759 Ionization of Neon$ Argon, Helitm, and Hydrogen in a Pulsed Dischargej by Yu. D. Pigarav, P. M. Norozov 7 pp. RUSS:i.P-'-. per, 2hur -.--,;;:a Piz, Vol X)=, No 1961. 3m Alp Sov P))-----Iech Phys vi, no 4 Sci sep 61 Cliaical Experieunces With Marsilid in Poychiatr'-c Pratients, by L. No,, C. G. Ma. Gottufrics, 1'7~ PP. J MITIEDISH., per, Svenska Iakartidningen, Vol 191, 1959, PP 90-97, iqui 1-29-6o Sci - tied Feb C-0 A-, 7 "I and Korallus, H. SMOKING: A DISEASE [196217p. Order from K -H $8.75 K -H 5613-b Trans. ol Svenska LAkarildningen, 1956, v. 53, 24 Aug, p. 2140-2145. DESCRIPTORS: *Cigarettes. Diseases. *Tobacco. 62-22613 1. Norrkoping, It. Korallus, H. 111. K-H-5613-b TV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Arsociates, Detroit. Mich. (7923296 (Biologtcal Sciences- -Pathology, TT, v. 8, no. 8) offic-fl-".it '--- Bi=uth and Its Effect on Not WorImbility of Stainless Steel., by N. 'Jensfeltj, T. 0. Norrmm r~ SWEUM,, pwp Jorakoutorets Amal er, Vol CXLVI, No 6, 196~, pp 438-45P~. M/m Joe 63 ym-urz, L. A* ~ EIIIII i 1-11. - - I - I - I I Jornkmtomts Awmaer, vol. 128o Bo. 3., 5 1200-abStract trawlation; 1911. Fun^ ummhere in Electric Am Brutchor Tr=, Ordel' No. rU27.9 U-50. /), 4-0- 18677, A. atki Lutiticlusst. S. llii` 09MMI.HY GAP IN TIIL Fv-S-C SYSH-'M AT 1. (.'Altll()N SK111RATION IN "ME' I.W)-2(x0k:. TFAl- 14 tkilt'S PI:ItA'IIJHI-' RANGE'. Ijan 471 Op. (I fig. Annitivil) 2. Irm-s-tillm hyAvnw-- 4 ;,f.. llmw ~amhvs Order from SLA nu$1.80. ph$ 1. 80 60- 18677 :1. %uIfur--I)i(fll.,14xs I . N,wril. A. Trans. of jvroikt%wr,~; [Siockholml. Antuder (SwL-tk-n) 11 . I Anklkluita. S 1946, v. 130, no. p. 118-120. (Unailumnevd) 01111k. of TdwA.A tV hy Vert-Fu-Tozyun, Yu. V. bWU-qM!m ot al. 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, ItodMUmly-a. Vol V, 1963, pp 851-355. AEC-ANL-Tr-29 scl-phys sm 64 265,M A Morphologic Type -of -Skarn Forration in- the Tur*yinsk Copper Deposits. by G. S. Norshtein. 5 pp. RUSSIM, per, Tnid)r Akad Nauk SSSL Institut Geologii ueomimi No qig mis pp 01-Up AGI in Mntornat. Geology Review, V.6, No S. pp 763-767 (~. Is, /A/ Sci/Earth Sci May 67 326,7654 row4wtoo Im pittosm r) DM THO NMTMVW molvwgm An I a 3 be rtb%vs vt AN c0apoiAviah " of 0. 1. vow, (a. 1. "NOW4 WAOIAM POks TWW MKML INST PXMQMj, No "s K4 M C. glh,p5 Magnetic Behavior of Chelates, by.T. Wortle, 7 -PP. i-I FINNISH,, per.. Suomen Kemistilelbtij. V01 Ms, 1957s pp 92-98. SLA 57-3147 scl AUG 58 7,p- I /,~!? Fmcuons (Ewtees) In the ~3yztc----a **-- 11. J. Albart J, and qG-T4 -I. -. Plarmeaberichte Iur AMMAN, pair voi Ii, ~Lu !, pp 2-6. MA 59-10525 Jan 60 Vol 2, No 5 If he Soviet Army aeW Party,, by T . ftrvid 3 -Pp - UNCLASSInED SM15% no per# By H111tar Tidskrifto No 11, 1953, Stockholm, Rucl VFW 3-336-5.3. ID 2193162 USSR MIM& CTS/JD3V CIA 22083W Nose, Miss. A PROCESS FOR MANUFACIURM DAITAMN LXA7WER CL07M FROM POLYACRYLONITRE.E. Feb 64, 2p Orderfrorn SA $16.00 SA O~P-231 Trwo.- cd pubitsbad Amme pma 2734/1963. cl. 25-N-18 J27-111-23) (25-H-361) appL 31174/1960. is )A 14 PA, " mw 6.% by Ulu" lAh. b&m" cb,. IAL OimwWs--rAsdm 7T. v. 11, mm 12) 7T-64-1230 L NDse, A. IL %tent ()tpim) pub. 38-27U HL SA-Code-P-231 IV. 'Sel7,aburo Aoki, Fujisawa 0AW) 1'o8 t329 .5 $NOW sLalp vwU Nft 1# 2 fljpaNms Lunn=" at al"SAs tim md Qmln 31" mpon AVA44MUO T ~ M,- r wiatim &ad ftrdrl~ Ponotration., amtobw Tram, Wder No. 1.8m. Congress Speech, by ilosaka. IRUSSIPJI, rip, Pravda, 24 oct lc961. FBIS I.Tire USSR Pol 20 Dec 61 Tn tbe Joint Rank., by Nosaka. RUSSIAN, np, M Izves a, 15 oct 1961. ~Oy FBIS idre USSR Pol 27 oct 61 On the Road of Struggle and Victcries, by Nosaka RUSSL4N, np, Pravda, 12 Oct 196o FBIS wire AddM-ISO tO MUOMI SOCCUUVIC'S CQaVCVCWep 4~t ww"s thqMta Tokyo,7 26 Jau 1957. TV no 93332 (80 ftl - Commmist ftrty p, Occupat4l.mal 112fection by Brucella Abortus in Czechoslovakia, by F. Niznama-IV: M~ Rosal 01 .. Velvart, 12 pp. CUM, per, Bratislavoke Lekarske Listy, No 13,, 15 Aug 1960y pp 156-160, JPBB 9258 Sai - Had zw, 61 Imp ovlx4g tr-- D-ozlu; --Z pr ?5 Mom,' a. by A. A. Korolev, V. V. Hosalt 8 pp RUSSIAN, per, Stal, No U, 1962, pp 1025-1034, BM soli pimb 63 233 W*7 Improvewat of tLw FractLonation of Cool Tar in COntiMl;M-l- PiPe Stillfl; by 1. M. Y%n A. Frou. A. Po I- QcMref-,--6 -Pn. u-scl-ASS~= =I. RM-5vop Xmr, Koko t KUM; No lop 1957, n.P 36-38- SaL Mum LLb Tr 58/0334 sai - chem. /~Y, 9 6 d sa-P 58 Exr,.tience in the Use of the Radioactive Isotopes 3-96Au and 32p-in the Treatment of Carcinoma of the Endometriums by B. I Pavleakop 0. M. Noealevich,, E. M. EM;tiral 3 RUSSIAN, per., Voprasy Oukol. Vol VI., No 10; 196o, pp %ut&. PP Sci jun 61 Jsr-- of Radioactive Colloidal Gold in the Treatment of Caroinoma of the Cemri, by S. i. Pw~rlenho, 0. M. Nosalevich, E. M. Krastina, 12 pp. RUSSIA", Per, Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, Vol V; i-ic 4, JM 5016 Sci Aug 63 Yhoory ot Residual Electrical-Resistivilty of Bnwiry Uaordered Alloys With Distorted Crystal Lattice, by A. 1. Hosar', A. A. Smir-nov, 17 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Piz Metal i Metallov, Vol VII, No 6, 1959, pp 8CO-824- F? sci Sep 60 / 1~1? 11~ Yd ~~- Volt-Ampere Characteristica*ofsekconductor Pawer Rectifiers, by S. I. Hashbas A. 1. Nosarlp pp. FMSSUN, tero Zhur Takh Fix., Vol AD No 7, 1957# pp 1431-1 45., Amer Imt of Pays Sav Fbp-Tech Phys Vol no so 7 Sci - PhwG May 58 POIPWMVAti4M or'34rem LAttated tv tar"- PMwl Pwootwoo tV G. A. licamv, To Ve Holowlithe RUWIIWO PW-t Vol 60 SO U* 196% AT$ PJ-"% Fab 69 3M?57 Conversions of Saturated Carbon-Chain Polyny-ars; ky vjj. javestligmtion of CopolywrIzation of Styrene and Butyl Methaerylate and of the Convernion of the Copolymars into the Tridimensional State.. by A. Ya. Drinberg,, G. A. 1215'rvp 10 PP- L RMB7M,, mo-per, Zhur Prik Khim) Vol XX]Xp WO 1,956o rP 1730-1739- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Mar 58 tMtnmwm& in MWW&trlga Pzommosing and Oxatrol - so.dat pxqpmn In AppUed UMUSMdess V. F. no 6 - is Ofttw)t 9" MP.*- NAMUNO IICMD* uxotmINVUWA v Pz=va-h-- J"mu VOL I .a, Im. Aug X4& mw 2565 TT'-64-12543 Nom Aklm A PROCM FOR MANtMACMDIO DAITATION LEATHER CL07H FROM IFOLYACKYL.OKITRILIL Feb 64. 2p Ordarfrorn SA $16.00 SA ODde-P-231 Trs=.. cg pubibbod ftwme puma 27WI%S. cL 23-N-IB(V-Z-23)(2S-H-361)qppL 31174/19M 13 Ad 60. pk& 29 Mar 63. by Mdbm Rubber bodusts CIL, U& L bbse, A. LL ftcm (ft") 38-rm IIL FA-Code-P-23TIb. IV. Sel7aburoAM, Ptijlxawa ()&pan) 8 3 2 04morals-ftsdm 7T. V. 11. am, 12) Iaftka, ~ ~ 63-164* JaM, Yasuo and Takelsiti. Tusuhlko. SMCDNDUCrM DEVKZ OF NEGl%TM RIMM- ANCE CFMRACMRWM. (19631 3p. (tip. ouftteQ. Order Iran OTS cw SLA $1. 10 01-16"S Tram. of japmes pum publieWas SHO U-16.05k 9 Oct 62 &W. SM 33-18610, 3 J* 38. by Oki Denki Kalyo a*. Anotter tra". (mals claitm, lacholklag ft bp) Is M $2. 00, ?6w 62. DBSMV7M: *SemWAw&=or &Mcm. 3b& OC wynau. Ito&, Ixemarim, owmalm, Napdw reguKeave drev". 31 "Cal F 'F , . MW INIMMUM cmew" a OOMICOM&Mcr dowice of a swulve reals"Me cbezvoorMic be *we we pffmidlecl an Imbaft w ahmo lowlsoic WO specift resismu" SOMWO&OW red. we obcirefts Which me NS& of a delactric-tM somicaeftoor bm" (3W I --MsffmwK 7T. Y. 10, m 7) 1 1. NOSS6 Y. 11. TobdW. T. M. ro" ()&FEW Pub. W-16 M S. 46, Studies on Aneurinase. XXX. The Second Type of Bacterial Aneurineses by A. Fujita, K. Xuratanit 3 PP- JAPAPIR per, Bitamin, Vol VI, go 2, Her 1953, pp 233-241. SIA Tr 57-&4 Sci - ftdicive J%4 0 7 ~? Oct 57 (4659-3) Tin Sr9O Combmt Is MU to Cwtalm Aram of Ca"boalMakle IS 2"7#19"s b7 :. ll"ekp V. samaouws 3 pro RWIMO, pwo X"Is WASolmr no, 6v 100 - im 5&9 set - wd Oct 60 0=2MO nuctwtIms in Foreiga 9 Trade (Czechoslovakia), by J. Mwaski, j b PP. an=.. no Pw, E!tmLm-d MwJwd Vol Xv No 7p So Pngn,, Jti/A~j M5j, pp CrAAW/U-7922 Eta - COWAMIUMMS Rem - Xamign Ixft regarvas 33, Apr 56 An~ cot Gastmic Cwwr# by L. Choloval H. Nosek.0 3.0 ppo p=Mp per,, Novot=V.. Vol =,t No 4j 1962.. pp eg4.g34. ms 63-=)*9 phift Ek-A - TA03, & *4 SA A 1/.'/, 9 4 4 Doc 63 papid Mc!thc?- for the Polarographic b S P. Bukhman, ly - P N:~Sch, Mi. T. KcyzloGAiY, 3 PP. 0-4, tzer Nose1c. 7MORY OF FABRIC MVJDVM IL CDMrMCMNr OF IA7SRAL OOM7.ACI"L )an 64, 3WDwoc& osdar bvm LSA $M. w .g uM TmdbmcblW Otw nonj6 of Faserforachun Germany) 196L. v. IZ no. 36 p. 3PS-4M DESCRUTM& 0`1*110M liedodal mrs I. Mask rh n. 7u6st Oudoduc.. M. Lkagotors Sorwks, Bond (kiatoolds-TudGM W. v. 11. m 11) OR%* of T600iftl owva