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(FDD 25m) Flight Into the Ionosphere, by I. Shtefan, 13 PP- '-R,US,SlAllv mo per., Tekhuika Molodezhi, Vol )0,'1K.Q 1'O 11 1. - 5. 14OBCow.. Nov 1954* pp 33-3 CTA/FDD/U-7537 Isci Physics., aerodynandca CTS Nov 55 Davelopmnt of MoctroUtle Prr~cusos the Pnod=tion of Cblorine and S(x~., by Vittorio cL-- Hcaap Patrizio Gallom-, I:Ilpp. Tlk=,Nj pcx, la Cblmim e I'ludust~1*1 Vol 33P No lx 1951A T7-2,- CFSTT TT-C,13937- Sci - Imectrotdco EaRctrical EndinDerirc Mr 61 the -p-VA-traltica a cb3,n and Docral iq vittortli 12a vmv~j patziclo GsLU=j TAU=,* lvzp 2a Cblmlom q I Vbl 34 So i.. T971-J, Inlm- 4.17 .i Saution From a Comender of. a Poutom Company By M Col Ikk.. I!MMEgMa 4~, ]p ) pp, RUISDA0 pws, VoyanoWy Vesiaiks, So 4t 1963, ACBI Z-2614-0 ID 22014a Sol -lug 63 R~12' S/b/ Tborml Iosd Capacity ar Overhead Unass by K. p", Telm TI A Vol LMW 2 No Ij 1955,v Vp 90X-904. ASM-4UO Bel 0 slactron AM 59 SuMish Tank TH * tv Cept BavUlAorbogm MvU I pp. mmmsnw - L... . ID GSUSA P-;= ZUt=7 j S,3 6 i)_ T owe.don m ota 29!:L TV URE OF ALCOHOLS 9Y CAR - BONYLATION. [196118p. Order from ATS $12.20 ATS-90NS61 Trans. of flalCitim[icale 11'Jindfustrial (Italy) 1961, v. 43, no. 8. p. 880-884, DESCRIPTORS: *Alcohol@, Production. 62 12228 I. Title: Carbonylation 1. Norcrofis, G. 11. ATS-90NS61 Ill. AsBociated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N, 4 9 (Chemistry-Orpnic. Tr. V. 7. no. 3) I-Lw,.j Hoptoses - a New and PIT t=ntal ractor in Mnt ana Animl Metnbolien, by Arnold 3m,ftiL 16 PP. NMWWIAN,, perp Tiduskrift, for ag bletalLurgis Val V* 1956; PP MM &3 SOL - Dial Kjoml Bergvesen 77-81 2. i= 59 ?e~, 3.;~, "V, -on-U)'e-Activity Coef me-imut s-of-C-alal-un-I-aw- -and OxELlate I=& in the Plasam &Dd the Sign' lewee = of the Calcium I= *xwentratlon for Blood C10ttIM, by Ptagnald xmm&*. ILL pp. QWWANv perp Sk4U&tnsvUdh" Arddy fuer Pbysialog! , Vbl 7%/"j 3936-37, pp 146. JUM 12-13-61 Sal - Mad 7." 7 z f Feb ; 62 tw,-Zu) rU%iMW*5*4F*U%* 9*i�WdMtMl AUUM In VIM-LUM. UY Jeftf *A*"#&# PaMs, par# Aels Goo0yoLok 702=UY#- Vu*ms Tca v2s, ID 30 IV* vp 9*4w. agn 6MI-0 Sol - ooopbyo Apr 59 Meaxurement of the RaftmictIvity huhmed by Cosmic Radiation In the Bogou Meteorite, by D. Nordemann. FRENCH, per, ComgMe ej:d L _Ls, Vol CCEVZ; pp 3581-3563. NASA TT F-9655 SCI-ES/A May 65 U.S. GOVERWENT ONLY 281,036 A New Era, by Norden. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 8 Nov 1962. FBIS ITIRICS Sci Space Res Ncrv 6P w In the Motherland of and Erigels, by Norden. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 22 Apr 1962. .3 FBM3 'ArDr USSR Pol 18 may 62 Erect a '4nll Across the Path of Revenge, by Norden. RUSSIAN, np, Izvestiya, 26 jiug 1961. FBIS Nire USSR Pol Sep 61 ,".1 ~ 11- -: -11 ~11~p The Danger to the World is Located in Bonn, by Norden GMOM, np, Neues Deutschland, APr 7, 196o FBID Daily Review Sci Apr 6o War CrUdual Oberlaeader Ammed Before tho M= Mole 11cmildv by Ly*rdea. GMA% knt Mama Doutachland, 23 Oat 1959- PBXD DmUy Pcv-lc.,.r ZE - GUMW poi NOT 59 le~ erlg Statemexit, by Albert Norden. _ RUSSLU, np, Pravda, 16 ;mg 1962. FBIS Wire USSR Pol 29 Aug 62 llilkl (~~C) On an Interpetatlon Of a Space vlth vasownto Ifetrics IW A. Unftn. =SUN., por, Vbk Ak Bw* SWRa VOL, 508 19451, pp 5T-W. AAFM ,4, No~ J C--A) Sol/svmw lKh Doe 68 Speech on the Talks Between GDR Delegates and Indian Statesmen, by AlbertNorden GERMAN, np, Neues Deutschland, Apr 10, 1960 FBID Daily Review Sci Apr 60 How Long Does Bonn Intend to Continue its Policy? by Albert Norden 1W GERMAN, np, Berliner Zeitung, Feb 5, 196o FBID Daily Review Mar 6o How Much Longer?, by Albert Norden OERMAN, np, Neues Deutschland, Mar 7, 1960 FBID Daily Review Mar 6o UNWIzIRI - -~ ~ On Vacation? On Triall' by Albert Norden. --- GMKIN, np, Neues Deutschland, 13 Apr 19060. FBIS American Jungle Warfare on German Soil., by Albert Norden,, , 29 pp. (n 1297458) - UNCLM3IFM GEMM, pamphlet, Der Awerikanische Dechungelkrieg auf Deutachem Boden, Berlin, 1954. N0& Kil Jhn 58 Internal IFAmsal Diseasesp by A, I 20 SW=8A,, perj, Nordlzk Hedic.1% Vol XLV,-Tl, No 9 ftb 1952, pp M-275. NIH Ii Sci Md -Am 59 ZZOT 30 76~1 Varying the Excitation laterwa in a CapMary Singing 113a pby V. H. Podymov,, P. A. Norsmy 8 pp. IRUSSI=j, per, Iz VyseWkh Ucbob Eavecl., Fiz.. No 1. 1961s PP 134-137- 967652T ITD-w-61-391 sci. - pb~m 4 May 62 / -Y -5~ DoUble Earth Faultop by C. _ 0,, ~lopUndorff - alp"s Wo DWML---N3u# No 31j, 1956P YY 62()-"- .2 OJI&I.R.O. sci nw 60 Z-5-1 UtItIUM111=1111,11VIII "lif KIWI, fill 11 151,11MUNI, jig.--i-l" 60-16442 Nordenfelt, Thorsten. PROCESS FOR OWFAIMNG BLOOD AUUMEN. 1. Albumins --Separation (1960] 2p. 2. Blood- -Processing Order from LC or SI-A mi$1.80, ph$1.80 60-16442 1 . Nordenfelt, T. 11 . Patent (Germany) 37 955 Trans. of German patent 37,955, appl. 25 Mar 1886. Offi.. .1 T..hW..l Y-1- (Unannoanced) fig-- Daterimination of Arctic Char,, by EWNEGIAH, Wr. Fm=, HDrsk Zoolo-gink Foreidn_gs. Tidrlskr-Lft, Vol IN, No 3, 1956~~ P.P 69-77. Fisharles IR--is Board of Censcle u4mam., Ontario Sai Jul 63 Cak the IllvwuA Dz*!x*Wi,%lov vr C~-Azllr. A Lw IW J. A. SWAVal ;ai Ong V%rJ=w",. 13 w. OZOL45, voir, Pbllt"We3, am. Vol 4,o lb 7p SAB. PMOUWW pw gi~r 350,659 63-17250 Nordenskiold. A. F- ?AaflWCE-X7rAS TO THE IIARLY MMRY OF L. Title: Atlas CARTOGRAPHY. 1963, 141p. 1. NordeaskAold. jk. P- Order from KrAUm Reprint Corp.. 16 E. 46 St., It. Kraus Reprint CoM. New Y"k 17. N. Y. $10.00 New York Tram. of mmidectifted Swedish umm. :L p.. n. d. DESCRIMR& 0HIstory. *)A&ppiu4, Mapc (Earth Scleaces-Goodasy. 7T, v. 9. m 1:4 son of 1016" "'".010&Y Of Rcft-willsr bir Pe- Zoo! Jarbucher,, vol X"; 1906i VP 637 6X, BRO-C2302 Sci Aus 58 U~~-v-s ul; illint4momi i~~,Ln- thf~ --A~Iqants Gl LIAU jWaaSh InStitUtC ~6r JQV'j'aile al-L'U~ac-~Ss ~n sulclitalu* by per, J 0,44al Sm 12-36 W51. N --- W:::::LL. x dist ( :0, .1~ ho "One? CaTIC-1, "'"dill br, luvictod, Ru;1fl About mild Battles, A-ad Ilphat Will He DO No!"?, by pp. 11.1 C DI c4,, b4, idua Voclo Jaiumalon, No 57, 1963, wpuc 52-53, NIE] 10-13-63 sof. - Diol & Mod Sci Nor 63 Dry-Lnj; of Paper an Felt Cavored CyUnders.. by L. Janson, Be'jord ~=,p 1A pp. -- aq Swimsoff" part, svemkp n - ;--tidn,, 1958, Vol LU, No 2.9, PP 8*-&30' MA 59--~1*78 Sci - Mew 018 1 v 12 Jul 59 Explosive IpiUm Prommo amt r~pitar TbaTefor, A. B. Bof=ao V. V. RUbladj. J'. L, BoAgma., 2 pp, Imm,p fttmt go rotomis orfloe Sol XAb (gift) Rosimering Jima 59 .170 / 7,p milton-jacobi Theory of -ulynaraics, by G-'AUNPiN, 13-k. liandbuch der Physik, Vol. 5, C,.a,ptiar 3, pp. 91-130. 1927 X--7103 ed /I Oct. 69 394,351 Scm R:cp9rl=-mtn In the riald of lootonitityo by Erl" Smnde!L. st , 15 P- SMSO per,, Amm AcU Helv, 1952, Vol XN=, 110 179-1-87. SLA 59-20707 sci Mar 60 Vol 3., SO 1 Work Simplificatitm at the Level of the General Manager of a Companyp by R 33 pp. 7Rs=j* per# Rev Ums do VOrgmdostionp Jun 1954. scA 57-3261 Sci Aug 58 Avg A. Reduciug-the II'm*er ok Horses?, by Go Wordlof, B. Horse Yagers in Winteitimej, by Ake :66is-6np 7 PPp OM 1282614)- umissnim swMIM., per,, Arm Wt No 3j, 195% pp 18-22; 30.- 31- G-2., ususk G-4767 NoEur - Sveftn military - 69/Jun 55 Use of Mp-xmoS&Lactan Vegetable Gumi3 in Ue kaper Industry, by KArna,_jcrcbe.__ FIHNIO, per,. Paperi Ja IN=.. Vol. XL, No 2, 1958, pp 45. CSIRO Sci - chem 7 0? ~4 Jun 61 Research in the Phpar PLeld Todqr,, by L. Hordmano peri Ja Puup Vol 1 1* FIMMH., perp P& p NO 9, 1956, pp 404 19)3-408. CSERO fti - Pbys Jul 62 x,176 TT-63-2D727 _Somban.. I- and Gbuwldng, L. STRENGrH OF FIBER-FIBER BONDS IN PAPER 1. Nordman, L. FROM BIRCH SEMIC14EMCAL PULP. (t9631 121p] U. 06ttsching, L. Vrels Order from SLA $2.60 TT-63-2=7 Trans. of das Papler (West Germany) 1963, v. 17 [no. 61 P. 237-246. DESCRIPMRS: *Paper, *Wood pulp, Mechanical prqwrties, Material fornang. Bleaching. It was found that the bonding strength Increases with increasing beatkig. Ibe bonding strength value was expressed In erg/an , tfie work necessary to separate the bw4ed fibre surfaces In an optically measured bonding imir area. This Is explained by the increase of contact areas capable of bonding during the course at the beatin& The change in bonding strength values in (Materials--Paper, TL v. It, no. 4) (over) Offim of T~hnl~l 5-1- Nordman, 14&rs] and Aaltonen, Pfertril INVEMGATIONS ON SOME METHODS FOR THE CHARACTERISATION OF THE BEATING STATE OF PULP. Feb 61, 14p. (20 figs. omitted) 8 rcds. Order from SLA ad$2.40, ph$3.30 61-10931 Trans. of das Papler (West Germany) 1960, v. 14. no. t0a, p. 565-574. (materlau--paper. Tr. v. 5. nm ii) 1 61-10931 I. Paper--Productiort 2. Wood pulp- -Test methods 1. Nordman. L. 11. Aaltonen. P. 0111cr, of Todwcol Setvices -.apar M-omtogmykW of the Ncm4iolatile Acids of the alologima Ljqmida. 1. - Urine. Chromtogrupide Tftbniqmp by N., JWSAMp,, 0. ftuahery, J. P. du Ruieseaut Y. Thamop J. Noramunp 19 pp. PROMO perp Dan Sm fie Chia Blolp Vol XLVII No 10.1 1954v pp 1461-1471. Em Tr 8-5 Sci - Inalm Aug 57 NOREN, B. Safe loads in different countries. Aledd.Svenska TrdfbrskInst.Trdtek.Avd. 22B:1-42 (1951) (CSIRO/No. 9737) ~4n / C-I~ ~k- - -,~- - L Study on the TricarboxZrlic Cycle in Yan by *ans of Paper Chromatography of Organic Acids, by J. Nordmann, J. P. du Buiuseau. 0. Gauchery, 26 pp. FRENCH, per, Rev Franc d'Etudes Clin et Biol, Vol Ip No 1., 1956, pp 67-78- NIH Tr 10-12 Sci Chemistry Oct 57 Paper Chromatography of the Non-VeLLatile organic Acids of the Biological Liquids. II. - (timlitative ChrmatOgram Of NOrml Hwan Urinep by R. Nordmann., 0.- Gauchery J P du Ruiszesu,, -A.. Thomas,, j. FRPA, perj, Bull Sao do Cbia Bio1j, Vol XXXVI,, No 11/22o 195ho py 1641-2651. BIN Tr 8-6 Sci - Biology Avg 57 Paper Chromatography of the Mon-Volatile Organic Acids of the Biological Liquids. II. - qualitative Chroinatogram, of Normal Rwan Urine,, by R. 11 _ ~p~~ 0. Gauchery J. P. du Ruisseaup Y. Thomas p J. Nordmann, 16 pp. FR~Mj, per, Bull Soo do Chim. Biolp Vol XXXVI,, No 11/12,, 1954p vp 1641-1651. Tr 8-6 Sci - Biology ~4 Avg 57 Paper chromtograpby-of the Nod- blatile Acids of the Biological Liquids. 1. ~-~Ulrineo ChromtograVhic Tachniqw., by H. Noranam, 0. Gauchery., J. P. du Rtkisseau, Y. Thoms, J. 19 VP- FMCH, per, bill Soe det Win Diol, Vol XLVIP Ito 10,, 2-954" PP 1461-14i'l. Nm Tr 8-5 7 -41 a0 Sci - Diobw Aug 57 Study on the Tricarboxylic Cycle in ~kn by 1,~eann of Paper Chromatography of Organic Acids, by J. Nordmanu,, R. Hordmanu J. P. du Ruisseau. 0. Gauchery,, 26 pp. FMNCH., per, Rev Franc d'19tudes Clin et Biol, Vol I, No 11 1956, pp 67-78. HIE Tr 10-12 Sci Chemistry Oct 57 TT-64-14930 Nwdmc~,er, M. THE ILLUMINATION OF SPECTROGRAPHS. 11,064) 1. Nordmeyer. M. 12p 5refs Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-14930 ~ Trans. ot SpectrochimIcs Acm (EngIand) 1955, v. 7, p. 128-133. - -- - (Physics- - Spectroscopy. TT, v. 11. no. 11) 1 Offl- .1 T..h.l..l 5-1- Ncedmeyer. M. TM UAMMDIATMM OF WWMOMAPM. 111M) I. plaft"n. M. 12P amb Iran SLA $1. ft 7T-"- 4M ! Tnw. d IpubukhoW Am (Noshkr* IM. w. 7. P. (ftyda-SpearancM. 7T. v. 11. m& 11) owbe of TU&Abm Finlamil I s Future Needs and 'possibilities for Pcryer and Heats by B. Nordqv:Lst. FMMM., paper P/3.106, Proceedings of 3hternational Conference an PeacefU Uses of Atomic Energy Held at Oew-wa 8-20 Aug 1955., Vol 1. Ihternati CoMf UN Sci - Nuclear Ph~ysics ca 1-669.9.3.62 R-4437-D Cmyf ish From the Red Sea, by Oscar Nordquist. S*.-IEDISII, bk. Stockholm, 1907,, !6 -np.' *MSS/Tnterior Sci Sep 64 fte Slberlsa Arctic Oft wd Its Aalml Lifem by o,wzsm6 per imrs va n, igeo, py m-nev stoeft4ms iwe Myr TV MS/W 387 ftl 11*6 "Tr) *j// % An 106 Cut-orf by S, G. Uordatrmd, 9 pp. -,!- , - - smm, patmt NO 143s,999. Dapt of Co=wrxw Batent omee Sai Lib (aft) Sci a Engizmrlrg Jan 59 ; 7,0, Y, 9 6 1 a I:nc:reasin[-; the Lowl Cap!JtY Of a 200-UNT 'Traama- mission LinoA by B. UmMotram, G. Atutterberg. SIOMISR,t peerp Tek 21dakrp Vol Lv.=., 1~154, pp 953-954. PSLID-0125 Sci AIV4 58 ~7Z, ~7116 Locklug Device for Wom.-Typt W--,meUL-h--T3, by H. H. E. Ifernaman., C. ry. & liordf3trom. 7 PP.- s,h,EDisHl patent no ilT,64o. US Dept cE Coswrce Ittent office Bel Lib (04ft) Sci - Zngh4eerlng mar 57 CTS/dox j Studies of Ab=al Control WM Pitohizig In Dix-act Attack. EMat of Lov-DRsa MterIng and Quicken- ing of Control Jnformt:Lou on the Precision of Control., by i0emr, Nordstromp 6o im. UNMAMIF C%MT MajovasIm Aeroplm fttiebolwt) (Bimdis~ Airp2me C*rpmtim)p LIa=pInsp mwtt R-62-low-raj :L5 am low. 17, Nwy 2733AM 829 SOL - masineering rab 61 Mthad for Crystallizing Wbnomclear Aromatic Nitro Productep by A. T. fibrell. 6 pp. BWEXM,p par-, Swedish V.L ,bent Application NO 3.208/19!F4,, 11 Pft 10$4. B.L.A. Tr No 57-66 act - Cbeg"try APr 5'7 ~) ~~ L I- - 6 Strmgth of Boltod Wood Jo:Lmtes Eapecla2lr the Influmce of Wanher Sim an Strengtb and Stiffteen Ii SInA* Zhoar,, W D., Iforam, 15MISUP rptp Asumm macaludw!Atutat TratelinIMM Aj&jEgaM 512ckholp, Hoddolmdens Ito 2MI, 19510 PP 1-37, IfTC-71-10478-13N Nov 71 Glued Timber Stj~ucturcs, by B. Noren. GMLM, per.. ya&- och VattenbyggAren, no lo, 1964, PP 404-408. MMEA / 3. /V 6 R 6,AJ Sci - Jul 67 334,,85:L Hydrogen Eabrittlement, Phenomena in Arc Welding., by T.,_.Wore,n, S. E. Erikson., 27 PP. - I SWEDISHO pert Svetsaren, Vol XrA, 1954, PP 3-19. C:EA/FDD/7,-213 Sci - Engineering,, Chemistry 3,r2, /'F / )PUS-92-7 "I". mn pcn,~.: llc2lt jaloz, Vol ,,ozua~ No pil 76-6~ 0 2.F,56 cmi4cx OUr DefOUSJLVG Taskom by StlgA~pj, 8 PP- U=L WEDISt b k, e.r Or-A Paw - swedou mu aw 6o Stvacturm of 31trUed Saut-Treatablo Stealas by T. U. ILr_euA_L. Kindbam* UNCL QMW~ per, ataU u Xbwng 25 Doe 190, British Iroa and steel Im 3241 (La 58.08.) Sol - gia/mat MY 59 The Selection of Candidates for Flight Training Schools, by I. P. Norenko RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Ned Zhur, No 10, Moscow, Oct 1960, pp 56-57 US JPRS 7961 -G e- I 1+eS J-7f 'tna ), 41 The Effea of Compka-Forming Agems on the Mao-aitude of Rod TISSM ROdlAftl DOMP WUh Adminlsu*adOn Of RaiMosedve Sdmtmwe~6 by L. A. nflx4 T. A. k~q~ et S4 8 pp. RUMKN, per, HIMAMMOSA Vol VIU, M 12. 1963. pp 43-47. JPRS 23678 SC4-Bwl mu 64 251,994 Econcmia RrOwuVepas or an Ivrovaumt of the oattm cla"TZterilitic or y4tor a(munes" by A. ff. BalkNo D. U. Aranov,o - N. l[oreyko&. - 6p. MWIM, per, Mdm T fAq&Jv i ma"Is. 1959, Vol T731 NO 33 ISO.&. M -,6'X35R Sol 7 ASW CO Va Mj, Wo 2 'J . : I . . .1 ~. 4-: I NORIKOV., Is Col (Guards) Per, Voymme vestpiks 1,110 2 -j-, 1=x ikwa- 6 t4 b/0-2 The Comparor Sandbox W.Utary ID 722783 ~W OBUSA F-4tW9 D9 10 pp Russian Da Ots 1951) 953-7 UN=SBIF= - Chain Contimation Mechanism In Gasocus Pbase 0--~ddztion of n-Butane By Yjj~ D. BorJN9-V.Ye. A. B2ywaborg. PP~ 7 RUSSIM. per. Is Ak- ftuk WSR, Otdal Khju Naulc, No 8. 1962. pp. 1357-1364. cB ,-? j/d., 7.~-3 Sci Jun 6-1 dozz =d Raticoal Sx&aWttatlon of roresto at the mst TAxlt of Their Metribution.. by B. A. Fri, B. 9- lkvlut 13 YP. bk, Okbzwm Priro4y I lNqpovsdmW Dolo v WWv 20 aim 60-5ulo /7!7 fix 146 ~rtn 1. G. and Synk"-Y, 1. hL PAUDUCTION METHOD FOR TETRAETHYL LEAD. ILY51 1 2p. Order from RLS $-J. 00 RIS E-805 Trans. of Russian patent 131350, cl. 12s, 2603 119601 DESCRIP711OR& 'Lead compounds, *Ethyl radicals. 2rodwtion, Manufacturing methods. Lead alloys. Sodium alloys, Alloys. Ethan6s, Chlorides. Chemical reactions. 62-1241b 1. Norin. 1. a 11. SYakaLv, L K Ill. Palcat (USSRI 131 350 IV. Ris E-Vm V. Rerearch information Ilervice New York Ilk (EngIr,cLrInz--CIu:u-dcaL TT. v. 7. no. 5) S-5300 O-C-2850's. Effect of Diuretics In the Farly Postuatea Periodp by 0. A. xqrim., A pp. RUSSLO.. bk, limteriay p0 Nyolyutaimmoy nziologli, So 2,, 1957., pp 172- - 180. MS-L-992-N Sai - Nad ?r- -;;, Oct 59 f t~l. - 't moapheric .-Electric Potential Gradicat aad A Ver"cal Current In 1~6 Nor L- A. psala,, by H. jaier, U. israelj R. Silksna., 42 pp'. iT.T=s__s3i?Im GERMILT-T., pers Arkliv fuer Geofysih, Vol II., No 6, 1~ 19A, PP 3.09-136- CIA Y-15136D Air Res and Dev.-Camazd T-1!56 a. 7- Scientific - Geophysics CII"S 71/A'1[,, 1,955 --.- - I "-" 'IM, Iill ill-li . . : I I . i Recent Resulta in the .1mveotigation of the Relation Between IdghtnIng DIscharges end Whistlers, by E. Norinder,, R. Knudsen, 4 pp. $=-3M. rpt. Manctary & Space Sci Vol vs ND 1, jan 1961 F.T1 Sol - Gecpl~ys 16 IV, a 0~? up 61 ,he Mock Rcsi3bm=o of Differmat Elactrcdo owJ nodalre matm-Iftup -.jy 33. Irm-wer., 0. EX Gamm S;.MS# Btao Ana, WsseSUct.j, 42 (.10),. 321,0 327j. R 1905*s 19.a. TFA3/TM Tr lb T 3951 Scientific - Slactricity /~ ~,5 3 LY Aivs Ir IArUtte V"Syjp tiWald amdadero, *c *I I 21 ppo IP#SXW,. PoTs, &#.-of Askit for ivs1k. Val vie No 42* 1"3* Vp 437-4W, am- Dept of -0mv/CAI Tr *0 Is" sci-ophys . JJ ajuck2j TKt--r~, Julk " SQ,149 The PoeUtion Between Idoitaing DischaYges and WhigUmm., by Humld NorInmer, PAgar K=dsen, 33. pp. FOSSIANs Wb, Plan/Sp Sci VOI I') No 3 IV 1t-183 Sai - IMActran 16 IP, -fl~ 22 fty 61 Deterzduaticut of Me-chnnical Cliam-teriatica ol 64eua. During Torsion Testing, by 1. A. Noritryn, P. L. xisl~7, a Y:P. RUSSIAN, perp Zewd Lab., Vol XXVI.. No 8. 1960., pp 999-1005. 3SA Sai Z- JIM 61 xj- 70 4zsaglull e4w~mxa Vil, The Exchan.-C ~Ivchmisb of omqlen Slto= betwe" V~~-v~n Gas =d Water Viopor an the ;~urfoce of Uild= CkAda* CI)IO by NOrlyiDShl Morittle JAMME'Sth. par* Theaulletin of tile Cleuical "Socle =Yo Rimp v-ox- I S 119-129. UZY1409 is solubillty cir cul'orlac Ciao III co"Cautmted Scdiuu a chloride Solutionss by Iq Yola~ -!~~)rl q P~ 12 PP JAPAMS par# Yj4&aluA KoEpku,, Vol X111* 1958., pp 476M. Doe 59 Vol 2 0 NO 5 3 Ile How" Dwiee for Continwis-operation courtters., by X. S. luesin, 6 pp. Rwsrm, rpt.. CUIFW X-5052 set - BLeat" mw 62 215025~0 c-n t.Le SyntA3asia- of Univemsal Functional Convs~rterj with an AsAgned Ymbers of Controlling Parawterap ty K. B. Nozki% 7 pp. ----------- RWSUN,s pars Avtowt i TiDlemkh,, Vol XXM, No Op 19621 pp '105)-10"* 33M S(d mar 63 .2 ? 2 'v 42 "0 "/ Aut=atla Adjustmsub of a Univerval Function Clanwatar With a Pisowim-Linur Approximtion By 1. B. mcftlu yp 8 RUSSUB# pw, Avtmat i Telfowift.vol ani, Ho 109 1,9628 0 IM-M zak Sol f //a.,, Jul 63 i~, ~IULL7' Ili E. Funestion of ~:arw Variables, L-y 5 PP. ejSsj,,,N, par, Avtomat i Telomrskli,, Vol XXII~ NO 5t 1961~ pp blS - 6U. ISA Apr 62 No" ftUatOr Sit ftbbeA TsibulW Ourfafts Subject to zowwr4w rAw, by x. x. xo*inp at #a. U Vya*lbh Mob Zaved Xhla i XhIm U.36 *bmft Swray Authority MAWi! "A Zaf 9w 163(w) 6a ConcernIng ow Cam of Dependeme. of Delay on vmctlxm being souditi, by B. B- Norkin, 13 pp. Mmus, por, vydbimaitevnoy ustamtud i HatMatidwskoy JUj Vol 11, No 2, Uur-Apr 1962, PP. 343-3%8. 9667396 Sol - pbayst math jan 63 /0',z 04 AdboTIMM Of SOU"WO Or & MOBW OWOM seema araw Uaiw Kttorsw" IkWU=,p %W 0. at sublU4 U, no- MOM a" st Art# md& Ujitmodbr. 103,p It W-wo I*b 69 .S-, a. A(O P- A5 i