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Method for Srfe SUrpge of Lm-Temperature Liquid Acetylew Solutions. TUventOrG: 0. Msseu, H. wener, m. tinter, 7 pp. OFAM, I?rftted Awlication Wo I D A- y 941. PUla I Aug IM. *Y AIS-44JI80 Bel Jul 59 477 4c/-.57- Regencratiou in the Central Nervous SyStem, by 0. Sager, 7.k. Nisolm., E. Appel., 18 pp. RMAMM, per, Exceil" MmUca Houro PMfch, voi ni, No 4.. 1958., pp 361-373. KM 7-29-60 Sci - Med Sep 6o ~;'71 method for Nigh Speed Destruction of Rocks in Warfare,, Twonels and Atmic Bmbproot Shelters (Rock Drilling),, by IAon No Nissimv. UNCUSSIPM FEUWCR,, rpt,, pp 9-12% Jkvy Tr 1836/091 322 scl - EW se-P 58 A Z,# 14"Wparatwi-Buto Fwtor IQ the rVa3mat'lon or thu- Ulicbi2lty 02 IMAI by tha Tmlon lixthad, ipy L.T. ft-300huup R. L. Histr0mv. IMEW or, zovod Ub i-_,, i,~;?63, 0 ._v Val 29. ze B-320~ Vr4f,9828.4- 114 N (5 TR t4 Fe 6) bAla 336,059 aqe Isolation of a Choline Receptive Protein From Cardiac Mascle, by S. N. Ilistratova, T. 1'-. T~npayev, 5 PP. ------------- RUBBLAIJ) per) Biolthimy Vol =I, 1-10 5, 1961, pp 952-955- CB Sci Jul 62 2o41298 .wo r4~t Of ACOtYlcholi-.-,%z; wj~~ In Tissue Hwxom=tes, 'by S. R. Histratova, T. M. M=M, pqrj, BloWm4ni, Vol X=.. ft 1, 1959, w 171 cm Oct 59 Problem of the Mechem' m of the Interaction Between Atropine w4 the Cholim Receptor in a Wbole Cardiac Musclu azd In a Tissue Homgmnate, by S. N. Nietratovaj, 5 pp. R=IM, Pw$ Fiziol Zhw am te Imm' I. M. Sechenom., Vol XLYUP No 32,p 1961. Mzwrler ftb Co SOL Jun 63 233$067 (PO 25575) Me Mect of AcoUlchollm andL StImIatIon of the T"m Nwn of the Cmbmt of "Free suirby&y]L Ormp In Ww Tl"unp by N. H. DMIAP a. R. ustmkow L. 9, Razanmmo 10 pp. RMUNO tbrlre-w pwv Dak Ak Nauk SM Vol Op No 3j, Mmewt 21 qbn 1-4~ Aes rC - C77S tam Sol - Medialm, "'Olqw (Coryright) ff. row FWAP w Dut w ftl*^XM mmmo PAP 03SM~ CWM&Ap IOD Isoss #r 3011. TaaW- ~;z UiLh Processes of Destructive Hy&aSmation, by I. A. Nakamv, V I, U - Mgy-"Tp 0 Rbin i Takh=1 Topliv i Manal RMSUA, Per, WS, Vol M, VO lp 1958P PP.9-17- x ATS-9W4R VJ-153-0 May 59 L ..aziur I~tra;4~14 lwu Llli~,,Lical Ull-iAts, by ig'~& 1.4. ~iita. hi zqp. i,r WaCM4 ~ ~~4-icata~ VOL Xly .10 S. 17. b750-5bve. ~Puvbboit pli 70 278054i) CameralixatLan of Ow Problem CMCOZDIDS tM jWMljz&tjcQ of & Statim,"y Osbital Spacwcjsft Above AbWo My Point Of tbW TSTM$tribl GIQ** by R6 ~6 ataks 22 Is MRSAAMMIn Arm waasse" W-xvTw-- *no ^MW~ d RWW= I Oct, "fir - RUM 722 && h0AorG40)v9kN'"T Um ONLY im " m Nita, Tadashi. NPW_VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HYDROXYLA- MINE BY USING LOW "LENT VANADIUM AND MOLYBDENUM. 11. THE ANALYTICAL METMOD BY USING TRIVALENT MOLYBDENUM. June 60 1111p, 3 refs. Ficatinay Arsenal Trans. 87. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 60-17431 Trans. of INIhon Knpku Zasshl] (Japan) 1953. v. 74, no. 1. p. 8-31. Dr-SCRtiyl'ORS: OAmInes, *Hydroxides. Volumetric analysis. QVanadlum, *Molybdenum, Chemical reactions. "r. solution of hexavalent molybdewin was introduced in the reduction apparatus. and the solution was main- tained at 0. 5 to 1. ON acidic solution with sulfuric acid. The air was replaced with carbon dicoLide, and hcxm- (Chemistry--Analytical. TT, v. 9. no. 1) (over) 60-17431 1. Nits. T. U. PA Trans-87 III. Joint Publications Research Servict6 Nv- York I 10-16-62 010W W hch" ber0a, Rei;eaxch on the Mlotilitj ol" the iiLuza~ii in Sfa-all-i WLmiiiantG, 'by B. YAM LeBars, i'. N-JWi:vu, Fl. jimonet, 10 PP. FRENCK, per, Ba-Lletin Acad Vet de Prance, V'ol XXV, 1953, L)p 351-330. SLA 160-1i--'541 /c? L?/ 7a6 Sci jLln 62 (DO-4603) Me Seventh CongreaB of the Comintern, and Problems of tbe Contemporary Communist Movemain, by Dimitur Nitevy 15 pp, BUIW,Rra" per,, Novo Vrew., Vol MCMI, 50 9., 1.9503 PP 17-29. JaS 6267 nim - Bulgaria MM 2?01 30V 60 Niflizin, B. A. _MEMITRY OF THE N013LE GASES. IV. MINED- 1. Nitikin. b A. CRYSTAL FORMATION BET%kEEN NOBLE GAFES 11. Title: Mixed-crystal AND CynirR SUBTrANCES. Dec. 61, 7p. 8 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 63-10110 Trans. of [Akademiya Nauk SSSR1. Comptleal Rendjus (Dokladv) de PlAcad[emie deal Scifences de I'U.R.S.S_ 1 1939, v. 24 [no. 61 p. 562-564. DESCRIPTORS: *Crystal structure, *Crystal growth, Crystal lattices, Piezoelectric crystals, *Hellum group gases, Particle size, Molecular structure. Heavy noble gases form mixed crystals with those volatile hydrides which have a large dipole moment HCI, HBr, andH2S- Inaddition, they form mixed crys- tals (perhaps only within narrow limits) with materials whose molecules c43nsist of sevaxal atoms, such as S02, C02, and CH3C0CH3. Since the substitution in the cd Irdmicii Serykas (Chemistry- -Physical, 7T, v. 9. no. 11) (over) Present Status and Outlook of the Technical Standardiztio of Mining Equipment, by Frantisek IWIS 5 pp, CZ12H, I.A:!r, Nomalizace, Vol X, No 71 1962: pp 218- 219. JPRIS, 15422 ErEur - Czeeboalovakia Econ Oct 62 The Formation,, Elimination and Dangers of Electrostatic Charges, by H. Nitka.. 77 pp. GEWX perp Z. Ver Deut Chas.. no 42, 1941, pp l-R. CL4/]PDD/X-1640 scientific - chemistry cm 681ftY 5 5 The Characterization of Conarcial X-fty Tebes., by H. Bebnkenp 3. Mtka, MWANP IWO Phys Z. V VOI =M, No l3sp 19509 pp 459-462 TPA31'hB T 3T94D p 2178LT AR, 7 Scientific - nweles Ch?mgea Li the Ad---ml Ginnds Ehurins by Witrochlorolienzene, by 3, R. Fren-kel, 6 pp. ?nmn-hol 1- I-Poksikol, Vol No 2, 1957, pp 63-67- Consultants Bureau Sci - Med Apr 58 THE DEVELOPMENT OF WIRE COMMMICATION ON THE VOLGA RIVERp BY YU. K. NITS. RUSSIAN' RECHN01 TRANSPORT., VOL 111,, 1959, pp 48~p ACSI 1-1636 ID 2200126 USSR ECON 14 AUG 62 2o6,297 Sd, -Afte MW04 3m, s" RaceLvu'- Dovulopmmtu in the QonGtruc,";i-ou u--.' P"itoma for Internal Combuztion Engines, by K. Schneider,, A. 11ituch. UNCL GMM21F7,. per,, Metallp MVZ/* No 5/6) 19156; PP 20-211, Aliminium Iab,, Ltd sci - Rngr imn 60 7,?-7 Recent Davaloy=ntv in this Cowtn:ction of Pistow for Interml Cobwtion Raglnesq by Kurt Sebb4ders Alfred NI+Aah, 20 OZKV.,j, per# Nmt&U,, 1936, Vol Ii No 5/6,1 vp 205-M1. 9MA 59-M314 SOL Wr 60 i4azI Vol 20 No 21 tw elk & sp. 7 C. Nits ch absotow ftr 6T- tw gas&= 04 or llk*Xo 0, u mill a AMM C. Nitsch 67 ac tag AUVIM md or mmm" No an so &so* CC Toombsuve TIMM VARUIM& sa YMN% 1w J. P. won xm~ no 96 not J. P. Nitsch pme Or Act&= booms fte ZOVIVOUV" AOU a" AcIds up. AMOC16 Saloom do W'so W -Ovs.,WT. J- P. Nitsch 30%sAT ALW Action of Tomsto Sap an the Growth of Crown Gall Tissue Cultivated In Vitro, by J. P. Hitsch 6 p. FRENai, per, EMUS !Man- Vol CO=11' 19519, pp 676-6770 SLA TT 66-10220 sci-B&N Jim 66 3039664 1~xlopertieB of Chemically Modified Wool, and the Pbosibilitles of Its Practical Application, by G. Nitocbke. GIMM, per., Deutsche TaxMtechnik, Vol X, No 2, 1960, pp 75-80, RD 3, PP 133-156. CSIRO 5268 Aug 62 SETEE (NY-31~3)- The MaiataLmcc of Agricultural Machine ry After I Its Tranzfer 16-o the I.PGsp by K. Hitacbe, 13 PP- GE-a-UMAINj per, Deutsche Agrartechnik; Vol U, No 9, 1959, PP D-7-401- JPR9 2530 Mur - East G--rm=y A 0-7 14 fe Ecoa - Manufac:turing, Agricultural Hadhiner7 may 6o A Hew Test Method for Budened Phenol Resins for Ana4sie and Determination of the Stmeture, by W. Esch, R. 1!jjaw=~' 6 PP. GMWAN., per., Visa u Tech, Vol M, 1938., pp 249) 250) 2521 253- SLA Tr 57-1054 Sci - Cbemistr7 '~- .4 '~j~ 6--- reb 58 WIMUM of a Tegtor of I - rarcrAm Lavai, by A.-Asto"10j. =mil pwo W~ - - kp ND 9# 19WO. IV 2"-M. . ACIC Sad - Bw I, JRab 63 A ClAnicol Trial Ca)&u:ta& m a Sed&Uve =A Wpzot:Lc P"pustimp IV W- Mach# u. Ck)obel. I=M, per# We Mbdiziln-fache Welt# Do 20j, 1963j, N 2235-W. MA W-66-10M w I 7U:L,:Z-j Sei-BIM AM 66 303*863 jk- ~ L-Cclr-~ The Prewure Daluendenco of CaCo3 Formation Prom the Oxido, by W, 111tach, OMILAN, per, Zoitacl"ft fur r1ektrochemle, Vol 66, Ito 8/9o 1962v Pp 703-708. 0. A. trans 1117 sci/mOchan Onar Nov 71 SSW-ftowum I !r44 Development of a Bursting Viso With a Mzre Accurate Response, by J. Mtachke. MMI, per, Chemie-lagenieur-5-acbnik-, Vol M=J, 1959.. pp 5LI-516. CSIRO Sri - Er*W Atts 62 -2Z)' 7, 3~5-7 61-10114-- Nitschke, Karl. GUIDES FOR THE LOCATING OF SHEETS (OF 1. 17itle: Perforation PAPER?) MUCH ARE TO BE PERFORATED. 119611 1. Nitschke, K. [11p. (2 figs. omiited)~ IL Patent (Germany) 232 765 Order form OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-10114 Trans. of German patent 232, 765, 6 Sep 10. DESCRIPTORS: *Paper, *Processing. (Unannounced) HEAVY REINFORCED CONCRETE RAILROAD 5RIDGES AS ~Ro~ABRICATED COMPONENTS, BY WERNIER NITSCHKE, GERMAN, PER, SIGNAL UND SCHIENE P 300-301. NO JPRS 15554 EE - GERMANY ECON OCT 6*2 214, 146 14, ) Crystalllsatleng by Go litschmnn. GWWANq per# Tapia louts Oar Tam-mi'murs9 %~Jtmmk=p Tel 106p 19649 pp 1458-1465. STC 72-10451-20D Apr 72 The Regetion.gAw"n Caeoln and Formlldebyft. k. t the Wfeat of rmvalddwao ardenum Upon fte &maUjog of Cam"ns, by R. NItedmm, go 116domp OMMv pws Relv Chm Actsp Vol Mli 1943, PP 1084-160. amo-0931 Sol Avg 59 9,5,r -3 r 7 A Pasteurizable Btuan Plasm Protein Solution Obtained by Deseltim or Plasua v:Lth Ion Exchanaara,, by N. Nlts_s_j, P. lustlers lu- PPS GMM, per, Bav Wx Actas Vol MMazo 1954.. pp 1.767-ins. SrA 57-2= SCI Aug 58 .7 Nimchma=n, H2. ard Schrade, fffZ-MM~ff FORMA'nON OF LIQUIDS AS A VISCOS171Y ANOMALY. (1.9611 39p. 38 refs. Ordar from SLA $3.60 61-2D292 Tritma. of li-.1vatica ChImica Acts (SwituTland) 1946 v . 31. p. 297-319. Ity. DESCRIFIMS: 01,1quida *Thread3. ejascos *Synthetic fibers. *Textile industry. 61-23292 1. Nimchmann, JL It. Schrade, 9 e me. (Materials --Textiles, Tr. V. 7. no. 5) OR- f T.AW.4 S-.4-. A Sin-plifted bLethod for Obtaininr, Iltman Alb-unin and Gumma-Globulin. From Blood Plasm by Alcohol PrGeipitatiorip by Res. Niftchmann., P. Kistler., W. LergLer., 17.PPO, GERMU, per, Rely CUM 4ctal Vol XO=, 170 3) 1954$ pp -4J73. e-" -r,9 p I) d Scientific - Chemistry CTG/D~X- / -q., S > Physllc3jagleal 'Differeac-es Batlir-,-ur- ef EW"lule Bact--ria of Pea a=-.,-' Vlatch Mffem--4-a ir-, ffitroVa-FI=Lv-,x Ketivity.. by Lf. V. Fel-n--ov, L. Vitse, 4 pp. rf%=IM, per., MI=Wo2D8;iys., Vca. ra, Bo 3, i.961., pp 43-M. AIW sa 6 Fab 62 /ew, S= Controversial Theoretical Probl=s in GedbotemQr, b5r A Sitsemko. MSSIAN, per, Botanicbeakil Zhurnal, Vol. ~,8, no. 4, pp 486-5o1 CMW/]GD - 6Bff 14, Nirt)CINIK6 Sci - Aug 67 355-dT5 Som Controversial Wwwetical Prob3A=s in C,oobotazW,, by A. Hitacako. otmichealdi Zhurnal MUM$ p=3 JL_ .jp Vol 48p i7o 4p 1963j, pp 1486-501 CSIRO/No 68n tq. All;r.-,. sai - Aug 67 335.v143 AEC-tr-4509(p.192-7) Uncl, PRINCIPLE OF MODELING OF TRE ELECTRIC FIELD OF ELECTROMAGNETIC PUMPS IN AN ELECTROLYTIC THROUGH AND ON ELECTRICALLY-CONDUCTING PAPER. L. V. Ritsetsk'it __. Translated from Voprosy Magnit. "Gidiodinamiki i Dinamiki Plazmy, Trudy Konf., Akad. Nauk Latv. S.S.R., Inst. Fiz., Riga, 1958, 221-5(1959). C-34 P NSA N - ~_'; 0 On the %not.,-,n ge the Nowtic S"Mytonm a WtOllie LIftm6. by A. Q- !Ltsov!Qh. 3 BMb::r4V, Wo2., 19(Gs liz AV Scw PbP-L;z-,4d State On TbdTboory of Kiwtlc Pbeu&,N,-na in ae=L- omluctm"z Ulth a Mr.-= Tppurlv*rand, by V. N. Nitsovicho 9 pp. RMIAN,, per,. *,, Vol X"Zlr,, pp nol-=6. , AM NP 170 gel - phys Dac 58 ;7yd*o 2'3/ lateractloo BwAsIn Semiconduatcre,, by Af 00 SAUOVIch, M. I. Ulnger, mW V. IL MitsawUhp 2 pp. MaIMAP no-v" 2bw 2*16 FIS.W VOL iwu,, Igo 220 1070 rm, Amer Zwt at ftp aww aws - %%Oh fbw* va Us 0 Us MY Sol - 7 am -, *a~ solow &4 or Vapor Precoures of DII-alecular Cry3tals (Eighth Haport) . vap4r Presomms of Armatic Intro COMP"nd"s, Aw USAU AA&U symc-saki, -O-ft% No"tabl, Mmtm But4l pp. JAPAMW A2 per" wippm sagom &81;bl, Vol im, 1950" PP 378-3 Sol, - Pbys Dee 58 CE Vf 1.14.tA U,,L L I X. Nitta .77": T. and Lk-hlyma. K FLAME IGNrrJM DEVICE (LIGHTPft JIM] 8P Or& r fram A7S $13. 85 AT5-85Q72J Tms. of published Ppanese pawt 17SX1963)6 Mar appl. RW 20 km 61 oz m 2Z 043. by 1humis Chc=tW Cb. MSCRIP1X)R&- 91gal6m Twches. TT-64-12= 1. 7U1w. LIStmer 1. Nftu4 T. n. mmysm, I& M. P Ow") Pwx 38- 1735 IV. ATS-SSQ72J V. Assodowd Todinical Swrkm. kc., Best Otarow. X x " " S 't 0 Yr. 11, 3) M~ at led." Iff"m Eva,porsOw tem MO(TI/simb I-x/Zr/sub &/)Os ~o COAj,icoitims an FIrir4,v ur Km**M ftlasoo, Ts=ohmm SU406 JAPAMP-OW, V*r.# gat. Tock -!Mp Vol 100 so 2" 3964. VP IA3-!;. set - mat Oct 67 342969S The Wienfte Coated-film Scribing Process for Preparing Maps,, by Dr. Nitti2W, 41 pp. UNCLASSIFIED MRM~, publ by Niedernacbsinches ftMzv Jan 1954. OCR / f/ ~ 73 EL'ur - Germany Geograpble - naps Nov 1954 M IfIgh Spead Highway Trompa4stion and Truck Te=&"Is.p by Nittem So$* Kookyujoe 11 pp, JAPANOSRO poto IZU= No 94 Pp M.0 !!!MR 1%49 VIA IN 7-67 Set- 301 67 (WAL -59e3) Present TrouGm In Doololog RummUu Blectric Power Fl=tna by V. M 1. WaLuscrup 16 pp. MUMITAN,v per, Somqptlea, Vol VII:Es No 8jr 1960# pp 359-30. Econ my 61 SETEE OY-4092). livolution of the Principles of Thermal Power Plant Desiga in the 1949-1959 Period, by Vasile I. Nitu, Alexandra Bristoforov, Nelu Vasilescu, Ij pp. RUMANIAN, per, gaergetica, Vol VIII, No 1, 1960, pp 8-11. ipm k 5644 EEur - Rumania Econ - Fuels, power Oct 6o FMJQNI..Nmt " WN Vol-mm powl"04P f . BY N. J. mily. 70-T .0 F"'t &a AUXONOMU we Im"Op"Salm ~ iql~6'fp ads., ~ on M060- wo ~ wo I AM63 =%W CDB-UWR ECO=Xto Commmity POW"s Active cool),-*rution by Forelga Trade., IW H. J. vitz. GERM., per# Der Aussenbamdelp V63. X3:Xj No 4-5.t P-8 Feb 19623 Vp = 17-*. Fm fta 3~56 Econ may 62 mamma N" HezbM. A cotlrmKMGN TO COWUMMON OF 7w L "mx, *L tNPLfr UNWANCE FROM WE OOWLAX VALAM OF THE REFLEICION COEFFICIEWr AND VICE VEISA. 27P Order bm SLA $L60 Tr-644588 Tnm. otp -- (VFW omr~ low W. 17 Im 31 p. 163-172. 5264 gbrfts--Zkcwkft. Irr. V. I& m, M Nitzsche. H. CEh(ENT RESEARC" IN GERMANY IN 1923 AND 1924. 10p 23rids. Order from SLA $1. 10 IT-64-18293 Tram. from Tosiodustria-Ultmg (Gsn~y) 1924. Iv. 441 no. 22. Ps- Tr-64-19293 1. NUxacbe. H. (Mmwrbls. Tr. v. 13. ma 7) 11aterials Testing of 1--Etals (Volime 2 of 2 Volumes) by Karl Nitzsche, ot al, 9S 4 pp. GEP14MO bko Werkstamruftmg Von I'letallen, Vol 2 and Vol 1 1963j, pp 1-620. P100138868-V FrD-!iT-66 6 11 FOR OFFICIAL WE ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE 07111N THE DEPARTMM OF DEMSE ONLY Sci/Materials Jul 68 360g636 -A ow-A wa m MV4 MoAlm ME I s -licstiviT of '. L'ta Is ('joh I I. K) 01' a I tL-ms) by iaxl Nitzscho, ot al. 638 pp FOR. OFFICIAL USE UJLY FOR 1,141-13NIAL V,1: 11-IM11A TUE DEPARTTEITr OF DEVENSE ONLY GrI.-M&T. bk. Nerkstoff-pni:RmE, v(xi Metallon, Vol I and Vol 2 1963, pp 1-448. P100142968-V FIT-Ifr-66-611 S-ci/iMaterials Jul 68 360,637 iier-action-s with mathyL Uyclragev by S. liitzqche~ 13 PP. GUMS, per, DUOxomolekularc Cj%--miej Vol MMY, 1959P pp 231-239. siA 6-3-io7o6 s0i QrS; Vol 1114, No 7 r:9c 60 Increase and Patbogenic Opamtim of Virus, bY E. Nitmeakes 9 Pp. MWN, per,, Mossener Hodbodbublatter) 19&, pp ACSI 1-8141!.,A ID 2203436 Soi - Biolo4ml & Jbd Scimces J?j wx 63 (EW-1856/4) Socialist Reomstruction of Indastry and later- natiama Ewmede HaUftoms., bV V. Ititzsche, 5 pp. GZMNj. pw,, Dar Ausseubmadel., No Us 19613 32-33. JPBB sep 61 irWspalilor'" r,.f li,.Sul" FVM-" A u3m :3 -~~iainii Of blsm4ju actil ~,.Yiutliosis cd Popti4i" Gi A a U-44ii-I! UiL-i pi? 43 at; 1A.Ii Consumption Increwwo in Co=mmist CbJza, by Niu Chung-hugzgp 5 PP- It CHn=j, mo per, JJmmJn ChWpkul Jun IM,, Encl to IR-3653-57, &)04th Air Intel Sv Sq, Peiping- . Py u32624 FE - China JWS Econ Oct 57 W-5000 (DC-2871) pbati.operationa mNmagemnt or Amlgwmted larlp-Scale Eaterlwises., bymu mung-huang, 7 pp- CHIMM, per, Hung Chi, 50 9.- 1 MMY 1959j, pp 18-M. JMS-795-D FE - China Bcon jLa 59 On the Technical Transformation of China's Agri- culture, by Niu Chung-huang, 13 PP. CIMIE , np, Jen-min Jih-pao, 26 Aug 196o. AmConGen, Hong Kong Survey of China Mainland Press, No 2334 9 Sep 1960 FE - China Econ Sept 60 (W-5864) Agriculture Being the Basisp We Must Grasp Agriculture Firmt, by jiu, Chung-hmng., 15 pp. U SH,, per, Shlh-ahih Shm-te 'a, No 20,, 21 Oct 1960., pP 30-34- JM 8124 FE - China 11W ?44 7 Boon Apr 61 (se -:L 1 -1 -Z ,; Proble=9 Concorning Agricultural T-a4zhhalcal Thnsrovewnt In Ch-Inaa by MU Chung-huang., 34 p~?. CRELMSE.. np., Joa-min -Ah-peo., 0, 16 Atis 24o., P 7- I JM 42_46 72 - =tn &0n zjj;- 7"'71 Dee 6o The Development of Socialist Construction and the Improvement in tbe People's Living Standard, by Niu chung-huangp 4 pp. CEMSE, per, Hsueb Hal, No 15.- 3 Aug 1957. Mpt of State, AmerCoriGen Hong Kong, Ext froma China Mainland Vag, No 10A Nov 1957 FF. - China rol Feb 58. fKv PRMtXTION TEW ARE QMWING LAM KvmgEmw4p By xw RuLyumawtap ET ALq 6 pp:~* w4w*d"'M my CHIM=S, PERJ~ oammm um-PApp No 3,* IqQs, PP 28-63b. 'k, im low FE - CHINA EM MC, 62 218j.019 mapatism -it the -inwratic -Chem. istry., by R. S. A~~ RUWUN., ma per, V"k2d Khlm., Vol XXV a no 4, JL9%., pp 517-544. T"h AW Cma Tr $280.00 Oct - Obudgt&T ILA ik/ Jkw % M 7-11/1 i;.y jtWvaiAo Niutta 2.71 _Dp. MALTAN., per; XLectronica, Vol IX, No 3, 1960), P2 98 ACSI H-W3 ID 2343972 SOL - mactmics Aug 61 Ig A P*mehute ftbric Mdng a VW-aMe PWomityp by nerre JILvap 4 PP* 1'Mmftstrle Textile., NO 838v 3,956,v 10 6k?-6%8. -- - MA 60-a39B VOL UP Ib IL lqip~ -2 J%M 62 i7xicjji,sh loitle Wkwail by J. L. ldveUeau. 6e la Lwmix--M. umuul -21-IT LUE amy F-m'XII, 1-11te Office Francals de lecherches Som- Marirg,- (2) et K=tMe M Illysiolcgiel 19570 pp 1-3. *Del-t of Navy Nav5Ujs Trans Do 1129 S L. NI*Vt-IIP-Ou, Ck#- ICL (3lZtLNiC-V-t- See Cheryl ser,t 68 l=tammatluc Control of Water Sprays Provi4ing Pavbection Against Degrade of Logo in Stomg% by E. Vintilay S. Hivin. lualms per, Industria Lommmlul.? No 6p 1961; 218-m0. mLL m 8W SeL - Q)~-v d-, ~ 6" ~/ mr 63 ").-Iie Probl-em of -Pul-l-mational blyuca-rdlal C.haagpc. in X-Ray Therapy of Patilents WIth Canc2r of toe Female GeniV-I. Organs., 4 and Breast, by 11. M. Ilivinskeye, K. P. Buteyko, 7 PP- ROSIAN, per, Dbd I%diol, Ila 7, 196i, PP 14-17, jTq.S 11419 Sci .7 q, .Tan 6p- %-diaum- rlb=apy of Ganwrf by Ml. 114. 8 ppo HISSUNs -car, Vast Ak MbUl, Nwk WM., Vol =III,. No 3s 1�Q- JMS 12974 Vol - Rol Md raw 63 .2 2 X-Pay Thompy for tDoperable Lmg Cancer, by M. M. givinglayso 7 pp. ' MWDZ# par, Toprosy Oulmloglyj, Vol Ili# lRo 5s, 19571, pp 6*410. poxguou last soi - Wd J" 59 7f; 6wl';& Skin Canzer With Skin Haematogen=s Skeletal Matootuala Formation, by M. M. My~~-m, `;1 pp# ]RUSSIAN, per., VoprM Onkologii, Vol IV,. No 3, 1958, PP 356-358. Pergawn Press Sci Dee 59 Aa"2 1~'fq