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Properties.of Flutonyl in Nitric Acid I. ftfirolysis or Plutonyl Nitrate; by M. E. Krevinskayaj, V. D. Sikollpkly, S. 0. Pozharskiy, R. X. Lastenker, 5 pp. HUSSUN, per,, Radlokbilm, Vol I.- No 5s 1959, pp 548-553. 09 9079524 Infosearch Ltd. Loadon as RK-59/5-9 set - Chen 2- Aug 61 Preparation and Properties of Plutonyl Nitrate, by M. R. Krevinskaya., V. D. Hikollskiyj B. G. Pozba.rskiy, S. E. Zastenker, *v -Pp -- IMSSIM, per, Radiokh1m, Vol Is NO 51 1959~ PP 562-566. 9079528 Infosearcb Ltd. London as RK-59/5-11. Sci - Chem Aug 61 Studies on the Extraction of XX Ruthenium ]Nitrosotrinitrate With Tributyl Fhosphate, by V. D. Nikol'skiy, V. S. Shmidt, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan 12iim, Vol III, No 11, 1958, pp 2467-2471. A= Tr-41159 PL-480 Sci Apr b2 PST 381 200,267 4' . ur ", Padiation-Induced Thermolimdnescence of Organic CoapolmAn., by V. G.._Nikol~~iyj. H. Ya. Buban, k pp. RMSIM,, per., Dok Ak Nauk. SSW, Vol CXXXIV, No 1, 1960, PP 134-3.36, CB 8101 W 61 / 5-~A' ~? ?6- On the Mechanism of Selective Absorj~tion of the Sativatdr In WILINj PhMyhcn~s -(A), X. L. Kats And V. IL - Nikol I sk4j, -I p. RMOUN : to- per, Is A Ikuk OW, Ber Piz,, Vol XXI o 4, 1957, pp 553o 554. Colmabla Toch Sai - Pbys Jul 58 i El"Ummemuc cont"I Mm4uonujl br 1. I IL MMNCWo V* N* Ilkataidy- 4 W. 7 BMW. uwj, AV boot t SAUMokhp VOL M=0 no up Wo w ILW"4*90 at I.. S4 AA 69 x4om (BF-1323) Hatioml and Foreign SoundVooofing Standards,, by J. 1. Nlkollokiyj G. L, Oelpoys A. K. TLmofeysv, 8 pp. ---, R RUSSUR, Pers Oig ~. Umi- NO 9j, 1960, 'PP 60-65- JM 4371 Sai - Med Mar 61 /-~~ / / ? R-", Thermolumineseene of Mium%lop 'by G. IP. Komankiyj V. S. Ilkallskiyo 0. W. Lozbnftoval 4 P.P* YMM, pws Is Ak Nm* BWp Ow Piz,, Vol XXIs No 50 19571, lm,7u-7]k- COIAMMIL Tech Sol - ph" Aug 58 7/0 r0;7 A Tvo-sl6od Appvw& to the De Nation Of the lbtuml Frowmass of Cmity lbsorators OwstAdmIlls Aniva"Le NKU&,p by V. To Ithole MU p A jp* --y ~rm, Dw., DMIotekh I Rektrons 1b 4, 1962. AM sel a* 62 2L7s923 On the Ritz I'llethod f or Hallow Systems With Anisotropic Media, by V. V. Rikol'skiy, V. G. Dikhov, 8 pp. - RUSSIAN, per, RELdiotekh i Elektron, No 10, 1961. Sci jul 62 203,040 (NY-5253) Xffect of X-Ray IrradiAtion on the zPormation of Razymp tu this Paw"sup by, V. V. Nikollskiy, G. V. Rubtawas 6 pp- -------- EMIAII,p per Vwmy 041t Man, Vol Vi., No 4p A&VAug 3.960: pp 365-367. JM 7269 Jan 61 g6 ~M In the Blood of pat-i-ent3 subjuztco P-i cliation by V, V. I.,ilkol I - ;,,, 14. :p-p. MrzJZTAN, I-or, lbd Rv-A-IoI05, Ko 127 2.960, PP 13-L7- J-PIR S 12 0 0 3 Sci .y8 n-6 F, investigation of Cavity Syatem with AIA50trOPIC Regions by the Eigeraftmation method, Part. ill. Waveguides, by V. V. #AoV~j~,L- 6 pp. RUSSLUI, perl, Radiotekh i Elektron, Val VI, No 1, 1961, pp 74-80. SIA 17 d, -Z F f wt 61 p -,the -vrromaSuetic Amplif ier Theorj Bwed on Pezturbation Prinalplep by V. V. nilmllskly, 13 pp. RMIAN., per) Hadlotelch i Elektrmp Vol V, wo i,, i.96o;, pp i4l-149. Pp sei /1/,, 71 /--? a Aug 61 SlOw ~Iaver. in a oy=tropio 1,)edium., by V. V. livwllsk'~Fr~ pp. MWIAN., perp RsLdiotekh I Vol V., NO 1., 1960j, PP 39-C-45. Pp i sci k Aug 61 1,eo, ,21 a 9? Investigation of Hollow Systenis With Anisotropic Regions by the Method 2 of Eigenf unc tAons, Bart II, the Wavegwide Transformer, by V. V. Hikol'shiy, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Racliotekh i Elektron, Vol V, i,To 12, ig6o, 1pp ig6o-190"7. pp Sci may 6p 194, 0635 14mauramant of the Complex Dielectric. Stwcoptibility and the Magentia Suseeptibility Ten--"- of Iftrrittz in the Millimeter Region, by D. 1. Mash, V. V. Nika'BMY, 3 P. R=10, per., Zhur Teich F1z; Vol XXIX., No 9, 1959Y PP 1070-1073. Amer Inst of Fbp Say Fbys-Teeb Pbys Vol IV, no 9 Apr 6o The Mfeat of Imizing Rudiatiou an the Lipid Ccr-- pooltion of the Blood and Liver of the Rat, by V. V. HUDII!~&j R. A. Hakolayeva., L. P.. Chumkova, 7 pp. UKRU3MAM, per$ Ukrain Biokbim Zinir,, Vol XM,. no 6, Kiev? 19,591, Pp bu-rT-M7 jpw 5004, Sci - Chan Oct 60 On the Theory of a Ferrite Microwa-- AmPlifle.;', by V. V. Nikol I skly. 5 pp. per.. Radt:#Gekh i Mektram, Vol IV, NO 4, 1959s pp 726-728- pp sci sep 6o s-lo4/6o (NY-3~)6A. The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Lipid Cocpositiori of the Blood and Liver of the Rat, u_ V. V. Nikol's N. A. Bakolayeva, L. M. --71- ~~y Ch=akova, pp- UKRAINIAN, per, Ukrain Biokhim. Zhur, Voi AXXI, No US, Kiev, 19;-9, pp 8T(-882. MRS 5004 Sci - Chem Finding the Inner Field in a Perturbation Method by Using tkw Solution of a Diffraction Problem, by V, V. NIkol'!9k-!7,- RMIU,, per,, Radlotekh I Zlektron,, Val Ill., no 5,p 1958, pp 690-697. IM LiDcoln lab Bel. - Blectron Jul 58 p1 ;7 Variational Principle for the Ron-Absorptive Gyrotrople IrregulArIty in a Waveguide, by Y. V. mikal I Wdy, 3 pp. . . .... . - - -- -- . I.. ~ RMSM, per, Rediotekh i Slettron, Vol IIII, No 9,, 1958., PP 3207-3206- pp OL-b 59 I Rfil A Tranaverse Ferrite Rod in a Rectangulax vjavs- gtdde) by V. V. Hikollskiy, 4 pp. RUSSLANp parp BeAiotekh I Elelfturoal voll ro 6, a.958, pp &M 826-328. pp Sci - XLectron oc t 59 ?,~ eox,~,Z/ on tho QjuGtj.QrL Of inhomogenadus GYZ,4tropic mdisy, by V. V. Mjt*j,s&-Vj, 5 pp,, MMSXANs, per., Radictehh i Alektron, Vol XXI., N-a 12, 1958a w 1518) Fab 60 Coaput-UtIon of rhase SbIfta of *rotropic 7-n- ham-%~ndltlm;s in $HMMW Wtvaguldes by a Per-tur'bation Method,, by V. V. Nikollskiyp 17 RMIM, parp RadiotekAlektrp Vol llpAI957.- sci Aug (DC-19,17) The Effect of Yeast tfsed In ELydrolytic 'Froccesee on M=unologlcal Reactions in Calvev, by_y...,V.l Nikoll.gUy., L. M. Syuzymova., 7 pp. --EMSIM, ixtreg series, Tmdy Institut-a Biologii, No 4.. 2t Sbornik Rabot Laborstorli Fi%iologii i Blokhimii Zhivotnykh, Koscav, 1957, pp 135- 1.39- US JPBS/DC-L-745 Sci - Medicine V. Alisal Is -- 5r 'inx, pp. mo per;, Radiotexh i Elektrj, Yo! .-Eli No 2, 1957., PP 1571-1722-- X-ssp_ Oan, ~'. D-,c !ib mn i3,266o, Calculation of the Intrinsic Valms and Functions of Gyrotropia Oystams by the Method of SuccesaLve Approximtions, by V. V. Nikol6skiya 7 pp. RUSSDA# pwr. Radiatakh L Electron, Val 11s, No ax 1957o IV 1074-Ir-176. Fargo-cm-, Sci - Blectron4to Doe 55 Heasm,ment of the Par~ters of ?0:4v at Ultra- High Frequencies, Pwt n, , by V. V, N' I Wd i , RUSSIAN, peur, ,i k miektrmlka-, Vol 1, no 5, 1936, pp 638-647. WX-71-10513adi0c C, Neir 71 't-I ~) - '. Meamwment of the Parametera 0 at Ultra- f Rish Frequewiea, Part 1, a by V. . Ztikoidd-t I RUSSM, per, Rampt"It" I R ;3, Vol I , 110 4, 19% m PP 447-468. HS~-71-105 f 2-20C NOT 7 1 ~,Colo,~,O-Ucomomic BaDis and Davelopmnt Ckf a Systm. of Control Measures Against Pests a&,j Disceacen it the Established Cotton-Groving Dirtricto (Utbehistan)., by V. V. T.11hal I alal'. RUSSM, lust Zashch East Itogi nauchno-issledovate-11- skikI, rabot 1935.,217-M. 423.92 L541. usDA Trans rTo 147 usm Beientific - Biology# planto protectionp peoto Ecowxdc - Agrjc4twe, p1wt., protection,, pests Determinatlon of the Ratlo of the Average Fio3:Lw Cross i5ectiom of ft239 aa u235 in slulp of Uranlim-Wter Lattlew,, by V* P, lfataovp Yu. v. ldkolln~p G. A. Stalyarovi 4 ppe 'WSSM., m Per, Atcm=Ya RawgiYa, Vol I, No 3, 1956, pp 61-Q. Assoc Toch Sy 52M R (5.00 - 1.00) awlear Ph.-MICA S-(A Ptb 57 Mam Goes to the Movies, by A. Nikolsky, 2 p. RUSSIAN, per, Semya i Shkola, No 11, 1959, pp 14-15. Interntl Arts and Sci Press Soviet Education Vol II, No 4 USSR - Soc Ap~ 6o C Sci/- Mo 11atht-nAtics- Flow of a Gas in a Local Supersonic Zone and Some Conditions for the Breakdom of Potential Flow, by A. A. Nikolsky, G. I. Taganoff., 43 pp. LMICUSSIF IED M TSSIAT-T.1 mo per, Prik latemal i Y4kh, vol x, 1946. 55 7,YqJ 7-1~~ AF 22696o Drown Univ Tr A9-.i.-17 for Geogmptdc Distribution of )ugwtic Distur- bance j12 the Cirounoolar Region uf.tho Arctic., by A. P. Mikollsky 7 PP- WSIM, parp Dokk Sauk BM,, Val OIX., NO 51 1956s. VP 939-942. CrA 90M80 SU Tr 57-786 11'7 -f SOL - 5-7-9, Ava 57 P-mima-bion-of-Slow- --,I~tlasonr.-in-Photoo~aphic---- Ejall siou Haalei by 460 NEV Protons and neutrons of 4oo MV EffocUve Ruergy., by V. V. Alpers,, L. M. Barilov, R. 1. amw"Vu, 1. 1. anvvich., X. N. RiUn,o B. A. E. P. TOPOrL-Oval G 1ni 1UMIM, no per,, Zhur R$UEE i Taorat nzj, Vol xxx., I No Op 19561p pp 1025-1033- Amr lwt of FAqal" Sorlet Physicap JJW Vol mo No 6 roal - Phpico Apr 57 M at--t-- of Wftt:Loa-Foftc"v:Lon tr=catcav in solutit by B P. RlkolWW.. T. V - YtLldwvvkyo a pp MWIM, por* la AIL MPA 8=,, Otdial Min ftuir., so 5p 1957o, pp 532-3k0. Due= Bed - Cbm O~7 Oxidation Potentials of E~niacttlorlte Solutiocep by B,F, likolpky and LN, vlwo 7 PP* F RMIM# no par, &bw ObsImb _Khim.. Vol =no No 8, Aug 19520 Im 248-1306. Consultants Bumu Scientific - SIjRg2MUtcj, Cbesdatry rob 54 CTS Mae Structure of Solar Corona on 25. February 1952.. by G. V.,M'NikolIaky,, 9 pp. MCLASS3712D RMSTMP r,, Aetron Zhur SSP., Vol XM., - No 3., 19,152, pp 286-2 Navy Tr 965/ML 469 Scientific Astronomy Mok 54 CM PF aw ova" of la um at nohvv~ V* Qll~ sib no mA isiamo souraw mrs $61MM fto of AIPM Contribution to a Biological Fatmdation for the Salmxm Flabin Industry of the An Bms:Ln,, by G. V. llkolsl% 10 pp. RUSSM, per., Trudy Soveshebanii M K=,p No h,, 1954, 1v 166463. Flaherles Ifta Board of Canada Mol Station Nanalm B.C. Bel reb 6k On Certain Laws Goveraing the Dynamics of the Fecundl.-by of Fishes; by G, V. Nikolsky. MGSIAN, per, Ocherki po Obahchim Vopros= nth, 1956, PP 199-205, NLL/M Sal-Biol Oct 63 ;? -~//, 3 7,v :!,.;:q "If fiV- . 11 . , ":.. on Certal-a Lwg Goveming the Dynamica of the Fecuil=7 of Plaheftp bY G- V- NikOIBIW- MWIM., bkj, Odberkl p0 ObabAMM VogroM nhticaogllj, 1953, pp 199-2D3. Z& MW: 5828P4 1958 (5j.233) (lc=) Sol - Idol & Ned ftl Ja 63 On Cartaim Lam GavernIM the Dynamice of the FbeuncUty of Plrbe&sj, by G. V. Nlkc3slW- RUSSIUj bkp Oebamft po ObabWdm Voprom :jkhtjoUgUp 195% 1V *941*. MA RW: 580.4 1958 (5j2:R3) (lo=) Sol - 2101 & Mod ftl ja 63 .0 Amm? 341 /// Oongce=lnG the Influenm of Exploitation oa the SU=V= of the Population of P- Cc=ercial Fisht by G. V. T~~- WMIMY PwP Z001 2bw s PP 41-56. '11~0 4) Sol - sica WI XXXMY No l.- 1958, Dot at ZC&Wi= QM C273 No 28D X= 62 Miscellaneous Information on Predatioa an Various Far Eastern Salmon Species, by G. V. Nikolsky. RUSSIMI, Special Treatiees on Ichthyology, 1954. Dept of Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Bu of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory Seattle, Wash Sci - Biol j,L,L 6o an certain Love 90pusuls vw wnkmics or the nculditr at x Fidwal 11W 0. T. J* xMms pwo Odwrld po Owbehis v0promm w 104105. Dwb at ut mod" TV et ftshmy On Ows go 171 Oartaln Chamoteristles ck T Goosraow or ZaAern SLberIA4 tw 1. v.- lull-lau. MMASSIFIED RUSSIAN,, pwp egg v Aftlat so 61, mosamo 193bo pp 17 - 22. OQNOI OM 4b Avg -ift lots mler-m-physiml Bmparties of Moltan Wtals, by V. A. 03wl ky? at al. k RUSSLO., Ver., TIVIMMIPWMI No 2, 1.959, Vp 92-95. C131RO AVr 62 Methods of MewurinC Fast Houtron Multiplication Factor, bzr G. H. Sto1srov, L. V. Yxmizs=ov,, V, P. Xatkovs V- V. Rikolskyp 8 pp. 12"Ju RUNURp bkp CmWerence of the Acad of Sci of the USSR on the Peaceful Una of Atomic Energy,, 1-5 Jul 195% Session of the Div of Pbysico-Hathamtical Sciences,q 4, J'a au w0 B*rk< Sci - Nv4kear Physics *&I rpte for *x;O-00 Photometric Determinwbion of Microamounts of Uranium by Means of Arsenaso III, by V. F. Luklyanov, S. B. Savvin, I. V. Nikolvg!no 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal MAmp Vol ICY, No 3.. 1960., pp 311-314. CD /V 2 -7 -7 Soi Aug 61 SIMFICAW-t lw PMMM TMTvW w mm Wil" "OrMA lwmmm wu wmwAtm or COW 46 M&TMDAPP 5 ppo AU4 WL.40o 104o 496%, w W41. ft.#.m 61-23361 Nikomarov G. M, ON THE PR6VISION OF CHECK VALVES AFTER 1. Title: Pumping station PUMPS (Ob Ustanovke Obratnykh Klapanov Posle I. Nikomarov. G. M. Nasosov). (1961](61p. [DSIR LLUIN12971. U. USIR LLU N1.2971 Order from OTS or SLA S 1. 10 61-23361 Trans. of Vodosnabzheniye i SanRarnaya Tekhniki (USSR) 1959, no. 12, p..4-5. DESCRiPTORS: *Check valves, *Pumps, Effectiveness. Experience suggests that it is to dispense with check valves, either immediately after the pumps or in the adjaccat sections of delivery pipes for all pumping stations which have P_ reception reservoir or cham5er with reliable overflow device. Office f T.c6ic.1 S-i... (Engineering- -Civil, Tr, v. 6, no. 3) (Lmaral Org=ization and ReGuamic of SWUM r-u= Fisberies. for Clap-acn-v2ae, by 1. V. Hilwaorov. E=M., bkj LOV raspliskoy rdilki Fdb=uQ5Om pri ftdvoftom Osveahchenli, 1958x PP 18-50. D--pt of Woerior Viol Lab of the Swrom of commoral" Fifiberles ftattles Wasbingbcm (LO=) ftl - B101 13;tRI 9~R7 Ap.- 6e 1. Underwater Observations an Bebavlour of Clupeonella in Muminated Area; 2. General Orgaalzation aud Economic =icieacy of Suctio: Pump Fisheries for Clapeonells, by I. V. -nnPEM-28 ppe -- AUSSIM, rpt, Fiebery for ftspian Clupeonella by Meaw of the Swtion PaV aud Underwater nlumination, pp 16-50, a9-94, 1958- f Fisheries Research Board of Canadr, Biologica Statims, St. Andrevs, .1 Tr No 647 15-15V-1 ~l t--J) (SF-1912) On Certain ResUts of the Activity of the Ka Affiliate of the AcaftV of Science USSR,, by K. V. Nikonarov, IS pp. I- WOTAN,, er Iz Vostoobnykh FU Ak Nauk SSBR, So 195T$ pp N:~q. JPM 4910 scl - Chen /w/ 7, 4~,a sep 61 of C;O._ Z. G. PMESIM, 'por., Iv. Ah NauLl MR, Ctd6l Wm 1170 p-p 951r.~ .96 It- JW'7 C=sulltanta Bureau Gel AP-7. 60 T~m, Svrffnesd q ut' t---rr, of c-ldu aal fj-hiah- Derivd,~.ivas. X. V0 TZ A.%. " "MIR Ott'lel IM"I'm ir'" Qc~cj NauL-,, No U., 1958., YP 1340-134. comultants IlAmall Sci p Alw 6o P~topylanc G3,yool F4orpiioric ana Proyjlr-r,- .:Lycol 7aloplioup1wric A,,Iclz by B. A. &rbuzovo K." va Z.0 G. Shish=j.g pp. IUSSIANg b1no per Iz All. TkWt. SM (MIAL-1 Xhim ILVIIZ Sep-oat 1,9A, Conmatuft Dureau Clmmiatry Some Enters of Phosphorodithi-oie Acici-af-i insecticides, by B. A. Arbuzcnro K. V. Bikonorov, G. 14. Vinohurova.. 4 Full translation. RUSSM* bimo per, Iz Ak Hauk,, Otdel Kftim Nauk., No Jul/Aug 1955j. Pp 671-675. CIA C 41476 C=sultants Bureau Scientific - Cbem' try Par 56 ms/dex ow Sol Mil The Fishery for Kiljka (Sprat) With Fish Pump, Combined With Underwater Light and Impulse Current, by P. V. Nikonorov. RUSSIM,, perp Ryb Khoz., go 7s 1959j, PP 53-58. Dept of Interior SH211, E82, No 250 Sci - Biol Sep 60 sLA 6o-17117 Vol 111, No 32 Synthesis of YAxed Ester-AxIdea of ftnothio-amd Ditbiophosphoric Acids, by X.V. Nikcmorovp Z.G. Spar- avskaym, 1~ pp, RUSSUM, per, Iz Ak Nauk SM, Otdol MAx Tauk, 110 9p 195T., P,? .1039-1963- Consultants B;~Au Sci - Cbem MY 59 Y, 7 -Obtaining Several Esters of TrLeryIwthylpbospbinIc Acid, by A. B. Arbuzovp 9. V. Rikonorav,,, 11 pp. UWMASSIFIM RUSSLOp per$ Zhur Obahch KbImjv Vol XM# No 22j, 1947. AMC 7-"-6981-IM AIC-2269 Also A~all. at Broolffiaven Nat'l. Lab Scientific -.Chemistry wy CTS 61-19759 Nlkonorov, P. N, SEMINAR- CONFERENGE OF VETERINARY SPECIAL- L Nikonorov, P. N. ISTS (Soveshchantye-seminar Vetering ykh Spetsial- IL Trans-V- 1671 Istov). )0 Apr 61. 3p. Trans. V-1671. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-19759 Trans. of Veterinarlya (USSR) 1960, v. 37, no. 10. p. 93. DESCRIPTORS: *Veterinary medicine, *USSR. *Coaferences. Offi- f T-I.J-l S-i- (Agriculture- -Animal Husbandry. TT, v. 6. no. 2) MUSIMMAp OP XMMXRMAg. A. I. lr&luenm of Daformtion Upon Mwtics of Noftermits Tra=trormtim RMSIU,,., Dck Ak Hauk SSSRv Vol 810, ljo 2,v lMs pp 183 - :L86. Brutcher Tr;R 2838 -7 llqo 62-90 "Do ic FICKAWCH Or wm AT VMDA -wr wilmim UK wjiK w pokus BY is P.Ps MMIAWO Fm MIT" Tom I MMMIONAL* OHM ZOIKILVMIYAV mo 5,, igkp pp 8-13- im 1491; SO M-MM sm (a 2090996 Measuremnt of Surface Temperatures in Sliding Friction, 'by A. G. Nikonovj, G. H., Klebanov. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, Chern Me.tal, No 2j, 1961, pp 122-127- xB 5146 Sal - Engr / 6" -511, 3 -3 1!5; Aug 61. A Re=stractim of the Neot"tonie Conditions au& the NUoVxigmphy of the late Macljkl ftriod with the Aid of the Epaimaeac Spectrum In the Con- t1nental Part of the. Kola ftminmda, by A. A. I~ikcpqy.- 3 Pp - IWSUM,, perp DDk Ak Hank SM., Vol Camp No 4 1959s pp 866-869. A01 sci jun 61 by -A f;'131, D-Dk Ws Enuk I Oci 17t2ty Dear-on the 1-ate-0-imalal air! Poctioglaciv-1 BagI.M in tha West of the ]Kcda Paninoula., by A. A.likonov., E. A. Cheremisinova., 4 P. R=VMp perp Dok AU Nauk SM., Vol C=I.. No 3p 3-958Y pp 530-533o CD sai Feb 60 I 91 c -in the Sma3l Cultivation of-Vibrlo latest.lne of Gulme&-Figs, by A. G. NUmnav, V, L Yevoeyeva, Fe Do Bic.hull, 3 P.P. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur YAkrobiol, ElAdemlol i I=unobiol, Vol XXTK, L"o 22, 1958, pp 46-50- pp Oct 59 /,/a - 19 1 1 VWP - . I I z : I I - I I . I I I Conewring, tho pathogauesla, =2 dicgrozin of tho- pervisterit carrier aWw In q*rfsoaq recaveria-iC, by A. 0. Xikcjr4Ov,, pp. RMSIM, por., Maur Mikroblol Rpidcmdol I Tm=mc~blca, vol MUZ3, RTO 't., ]Lg;-3.. PP 43-47. FIV. gam =- inst Sol - Hud, Jan 59 avow= at am IV IL P. I Ubomwv N. 4L. ebmbhovav 3 pp. - - ~=;*C* am Ra Okla* va Mw,, lb 7v . s -10 lk*lhgL Rum . ii so for to I 2DOS,991 The Study at-Nickel Alloye,for Use as Cores of Oxide Cathodes, by B. P. B. M. Tearer, 14 pp. HUSSM., per., Radiotekb i Electron, Vol T11, No 3, 195c3, pp 313-321. Pargemon Press Sci - glectromics, Sep 59 9-51" ? ~? 'go 7he Imflueace of Tem9ersture and Dmoo Material m Odde-Catbode Life, by S. P. NIkQww,, 1. L. Tarash, B. H. muu*v.. 5 -Nw#~ ..... . BMWs pars BmdIvWk I VbI in, No So 190, pp zommm N*3 - sci Aug 39 t75, 10 0 / I-im-eri 12 Vor Cares --Of -ID, ~~C- -a .ew I ll~l - P. NikGaov.* P-4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, T-111dY blinisteratV0 Radlalvelzh PrcW: Nauchnoolsoled lustit, Ho 1,. 1956, PP 17-33~ siA 6o-3.o57i sci OTS, Vol 11-1, lqo 7 jeF Nov 6o .por&t4on of Bexl= and Sturo-nitium FrGm DV- an Oxide Cathode, by B. G. Mantiev-, V. B. Mi-I'ler, B. P. Ifibonov, 4 pp per, ReAlotekh i Blektron, jol IlIj 6o 1958,* p-p 431., 432. Pargamon Prest; S--i - Blect-fonim 8--P 59 j3vapor&tjon of ca1cl,"r 17rcm Une core to tte Oxide Layer, by B. F. Nikonov, I. P. StMrodubov, 3 RUSSjfiA,, I?er,. Radiotekh I Blektron, Vol 111, No i958, 2p 43o!N Fergamor. Prean Sc! - Electronics Sep 59 NIIMASH, vol. 2, pages 181-2ol, 3 figares, 5 tables, 1100-word abstract, 10,32. Satdy of Saturation of Iron and Steel with Alumirnim in Al-Fe Baths tp Make them B~at Resistant'. BTutcher Trans., Order No. 16, $1.50 .A 6~mthesis of a PeucedaaL,.i Amino Derivative, b y G.K. Nikonov, 3 PP, I .. . I . .1 1, ., . Ix:.,- 7.hur Obshch iadm,, VOL X:'XJ, '-:0 :1, ISIC-1, f-i 305-3407- CB sci mar 62 / f ,~p ,rr Jr" (irz-65,11) RX Phterials for the Study of CIA:Rese T~r-adi- Umial Rodicine Used in the Treatment of r*T,crtonsive =easeo I.Tepbritie., Diabetes; and Cancer, by G. K. Nik=uv IAyu Chi-no-Wing, et. all 19 pp. Au-;^o MU-3WM, per Aptechnoye Delo, No 2,, 14ar/Apr 1961, IV F-93. JFM 9700 163110 301 - 14Dd Aug 61 luvootigation Into thLlection of 8 R"tional Tachw1oCf for tho Parpoce of Sluicing C6-al Seams in -~ha Hydraulic Mechanization of 113 ?Spec, by a. P. -monov. I ~ 'N-1 6 Rtmsuj~; .3w, UVI, No 3-1, 19%, pp 2%-32. SOL - ftr Apr 59 DVt of Ut us sw Of min" ar of 91tuninme wa ~ht" - wo 61 11 C"I ROD W/ pp; ATTACK BY A TANK PLATOONj, BY 1. NIKONOV, 3 PP. RUSSIANIp PER, VOYENNYY VESTNIKI NO 1., 1962. ACSI i-o42)1-A ID 219030 . scl 17 JUL 62 2o3,,644