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r,, L, di u "2 raa T4_ ,L) Fl-cm Natural Usa~ by Ut~o N, ii-, hui le -2 -PT.4. t~F,Sl,-Mlj Vat.3ntt mo. 9q,0~74qp 952,751. US Dept of C camm Off ice Sci Ub sci - Engr may 61 Micesgi for PariocUe Hithdraval w2d Actauva4atim of late= C*IA for Liqwfactlm or Rev&porination of Pwl ansea,, FoxUwlarly latuml Gamp by Job&=& bUckv Nario *wkv Otto H. Abak )V. --2 61 =am.. PuLtxmt No ljo.*Olmj, Auacaoschrif t (MB). us Dept Of 00mum Pat" 0=08 Sol Ub (6m) iby 6o /M Dry Quvor Uith Shear MAdap by Jobawsm Darlo Rtak.4 Ot%p He 1~1~ck 4 pp" W=Mj, fttmt No 1#037#319# AwlePsabrirt (DAs)- Delpt or rim fttvut ornew Od LAb (SM) lew 60 Wy Muoar ljilllai Sbaw Blexla,# ljy J Racko Dttp H. Mck.4 4 pp. WOMm, Pateat No l.-037.,319j, AuslapacbrIft (DAS). Dept of rce P*b=tl omee Sol Lib (6m) Sol - ragin"rift Wy 60 /4. DbthZd Of Tr&uOOAdP4 URtAMI GOA Fl~w Rewte rwitLuft! (Pan Fielftp by jobaum iftek., wxio *ick.. Otto H. ANks, 5 py. amugp patant'O ND 10053moul, Amoupfichrift (Ma). D~Vt of Comorn ftt=t Offift Sol ub (oft) MW 60 Mtl:od of lilrauqwting ffaUnvA Cu 7xm Remwt-- ~ktta m-1 (Me Flalft 1, by johmm Iftak., Mu-jo Iftek.0 Otto H. mwkp 5 ppo GRRWIJR It&-tAMta 5018053pous AwLwisohrift (DAB). Dept of Comoree P&tmb office Bei Llb (sift) Sol - astwerue 60 )Nthol e46 Tmusjxwtiug riataral W 2rom Remote UM=ul Oks Fieldsp by abhunw *acJ-rp IN-u-to Ott* He DDaekp 5 ppe - - - cMUM., Patentp No 10053#011f AusUassebrift (DAB). Davt cc can"ree patnt Off ice &A Ub (gut) aw 60 (11-15990 Muck, Oito IV TANKER [-OR LIQUID NATURAL GAS, tr. by I .Natural gas (Liquid)- - F- It. B. 30 Jan 61, 4p. (3 figs. omitted). Containers Order from LC or SLA mi$]. 80, pli$l. 80 61-15990 2. Tankers- -Design I .Muck, 0. It. Trans. of German Auslegeschrift No. 1, 059,310, 11. Patent (Germany) 1 059 310 cl. 65 at, internat. class. B 63b. by Johanna Muck, Ill. Patent (Germany) 1 05? 011, noe Roth and Mario Muck, appl. 27 Feb 56, appl. add. announced and Auslegeschrift pub. I I June 59 (Addi - IV. Patent Office, tion to additi,xi Patent anmeldi ng M-258331 a/17 g. Washington, D. C Auslegeschrift 1,053,011). (Engineering- -Ship Building, 17, v. 5, no. 9) 61-ISM6 Muck. Otto if. PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING A I. Natural gas--Processing MIXTURE OF LIQUID HYDROCARBONS CONTAIN- 2. Title: Liquid methane INC A PARTICULARLY LIQUID ME-MANE FROM 1. Muck. 0. H. NATURAL GAS, tr. by J. B. 27 ]an 61, 6p. 3 refs. It. Patent (Germany) 951 751 Order from LC or SLA mI$I. 80. pb$1. 80 61-15686 111 .Patent (Germany) 930 749, add. Trans. of German patent 951. 751 (addition to patent IV. Patent Office. 930,749) cl. 23b. gr. 1/62. Internat. c1. C 10g, put. Washington, D. C. from 29 June 52 (term of original patent began 26 July 50) appl. announced 3 May 56. granted I I Oct 56, pub. 31 Oct 56. The precooling Is undertaken through useful work performing adiabatic rvduci ion anti w ith such precool- Ing throughput that the useful power obtained is ade- quate for the recompression of the completely re- duced gas portion to tht: loog-thstanct, gas pipeline pressure. (See also 61-15685) ON- .17.A." $-.i... (Materials--Fuels. IT. v. 5. no. 9) 61-15685 Muck. Otto H. PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR PRODUCING A 1. Natural pa--Processing MjXrURE OF UQUtD HYDROCARBONS CONrAIN- 2. Title: Liquid methane ING A PARTICULARLY LIQUID MMMNE FROM 1. Muck. 0. H. NATURAL GAS. tr. by J. 8. 25 Jan 61, 3p. 3 refs. 11. Patent (Germany) 930 749 Order frrmn LC air SLA nd$l. 80, ph$ 1. So 61-15685 Ill. Patent Office. WasMngtan. D. C. -rrans. of German patent 930,749. cl. 12 o, gr. 1 04. pat. frcffn 26 July 50, appl. announced 17 Jan 52, grant answunced 30 June 55. pub. 25 July 55 (priority claimed based on appl. filed in Switzerland I Oct 49). *]*he cKn flowing natural gas with its natural probe pressure of about 150 to 170 atnumipberes in pre- cooled and then reduced to utilization pressure, usaxilty to the long-distance pipeline pressure of about 40 to 50 atmospheres. A port is liquefied witbout out- side energy. lbe residual gas is in pan completely reduced in pressure. (See also 61-15686) 001-17 ka S-1- (Materials- -Fuels. TT. v. 5. no. 9) ,j,jIL, Effects of I nizing Rwliation Upon The [Obility of Serum Proteins, to Bind Vitamins., by ;-.. Morcizek, D. I-lacka, 4 pp. RGEMAN, per, Strahlentherapie, Val CV, Wo 1, 1958, pp 13.3-142. ATS-29M,45G '7 vo! 4, i-to !2 Effect of the Degree of.Forging Deformstion on the Elimination of Carb*e 1uhmogeneity in Hi&-Speed Steel* and Noblems of the UGe of learger MWts, by J. Mmka, Jarmir Sykora - C2EM " perj Blutnichke Listy, Vol 3B,. No 10., 1963, PP 18-711 (M/228/MT 352 - 9 A sci Jul 67 335,044 I'MC)l3i :-I. Stahl Und Eisen, vol. 68, No. 25-26, 1 figm-e, 13100 vords; Feeler Device for 11~easuring the ShaPe of Wire Draring Dies. Brutcher Trans, Order No. 2251., ~2-30 Influence tin !~,arojgen in-toeducea Illto Stee1r, on the Phenallera of Dclayed Fracture., by J. A. Miuckleroy, 14- pp. I RT I OICH. per, Academic des Sciences., Camtes Reudus, Vol CMI, 110 241 1955, pp 176o-17(62. su 6o-lo715 Sci Jun 60 H-Phthalyl-Glutamic Acid Indde. Experimental Studies on a New Synthetic Product With Sedative Properties., by W. Kunz, H. Kajjc-r, B~ Mackter, 16 ppe GMIMM., per, Arme-imittelforsebuag, Vol III, 1956, PY 4216-430- Nm 10-3"3- /71 IF, J17-7 Sci - ~~d Jan 052 isowrphism of Systems of Recursively Enumerable Sets With Effective Properties, by A. A. 14ucaik. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Moskov Mateast Obshch, M Vol V11, 19S8, pp 407-412. Amer Math Soc Sci-Math Sep 63 9 V a.'.2 / 2-- Preoleal aml 601lie Goxc,~:tcn Of s., by it- Pl- MLICnil:- Pxobl-CM ~he r&,[,~Owy ()f Also7rithm Tvud~r m4skov ftt abac.- No 7., 19 .r. 7p Amwe Math 800 Saj, - Math Data FrOu oct 63 U-se of B&nonw Smpansion in Suparlethal radiation Affections by K. H. HAsIncm- 7 pp. 3 RMSM Ifedit %d:Lol,, Vol VIII., No 2., 1.96M., Im 25-A. ~q687675 FTD- -hP63-596 Sol-Mmd Sai & Bio wov 63 Pleasing PwAllarities or Sqparcooled ~~%tcr lwq?o.p, b7 vo MO NLIM* HMMMA, parp Tr. Ukr. ad.M.M.MMI.- Imt. X* 260 2964 Vp 64,~13. wz ftes 90RL*.53 (F-170) \I. M. m Bal-plopulsim a PLO" A:wg 6B 3fe.w+ Ourphology and Cenesis of Glaciers in Central TTuw.buyi;aliya, by Yu. V. Midrov, 16 pp. MSTILT1~0 per, votamsy C reficheskoko ~I;erzlotoved ~?Y fologly. L4 - V 1,Y) 'A cl V/ Scl/fiar Sci Sept 69 391,417 t 17~ -J~l ) T Trip Notes on I-Mgolia, by 13 pp. nMONOMAN, npj Hari= Ma Bmkjat.. 15o 17j, 18 Jul 1961. JPRS 3.2D70 - Asia - Ymsolia poi =wt Fe,b 62 w Trudy ll,03hov T;11',I-I Tn3t Zylmcy A~ T. T~o D-SM LIU loan (153- Cd.) 19cl - reb 60 ftlancing the Rotor of a Helicopter, by P. %*. Mtaik, A. N. N - 6 pp EMUNp mo per, Vast Voz Plot, No 4., 1957~ CIA 604772 ATIC Bel - Amronauties rZ '2 .3,4 -Y", -Twx 58 (NY-5193) Effect of Cortisone oi Enerimutal lujuries Beta4tad4attant by X. mwretsol~j 32 pp. . the Course of of the SIdn Wuced by V. Svyatukhiu, N. I. RUSSIU,p per, ProblmW Endokrin.i. Gormanaterapil, Vol vi, NO 4,v Jul/Aug 1960p pp ~-7* Sci ad im 7658 Fab 61 Patholole;ico-Anatomic! Charlacterist-l-cs of l1;_,Ijnoia'ry Complications of Experimental Acute Rad-iation Sicimess, by N. I. Mudretsov, 9 pp. RUSSIPUN, per, Truk- Vses Nonfer I-led Radiol, ffiksper Med Radiol, Moscow, 1957. AEC Tr j,66i Oct 59 lbre Initiative In -the Introduction of Continu- ous RoUL-Besting of Pulp., by V. 1. Radrik,, 6 pp. RWSIM,, per., B=azbnaya Pr=.# Vol XMp No is, 1956.t pp 18p 19. SLA R-1899 7; 14 ~ r, sci Aug 58 701 Intwaction of ZrTU)4 vith Compmas of Oxides of WtILU ill orom" II, Ill, aw IV of the Portodia Tob)m at Rio I mpgrotwomp by L. P* *.drolvftwa, 10 Zbw Prik Mus, pp VbI moav, No 8,0 Sol am 69 DD0150 (BY-5163) Problem of Determining the Probability of Rejection li.i Slagle-Cbwml 8ptess,af Mixed-Type Urge-ftale Oerviae,, by V. 1. L&Arar .~, 14 pp. RUSSUN* ti"$ ProbleW kiberustIld., To 4., !960, pp k5-*52. JPBS 7549 Sol ; PWRICS Apif 61 son= rX., "IL Ummotivo ZhW V)4 9AjOA Deli ft" 267* 151 ii-ow- L ~11_1 ~- ---.1- 1 -- - (W-6551Y:~ Qwqm With "McpatleW Clients and Varia- ble Servicing TLme, Linearly Dqandent on the Time of Stay of the Client In the Queue.. by V. 1. mo_~ 4 pp. RMSM, bk., Problemy Kibernetild., NO 5.1 1961., pp 283-285. Sal - fts 7 Doe 61 r ut NMI x" I$* ND Ue= UVO, w9 A~Wff RI AAMMI, par, Arhiv za MmAju, Vol =11., 1950., 243-257. fc_'~_mtific -Thysics Rae ):r slavar lalide in rhotoci~aphic BauLuiou2, by M. Mudroyie, 30 VP. LRUMNIM, Ver~ Folf-vokemijaka Induetrija) Vol XV, go 2, 1955, Vp F9-FI6. CIA/FW XX-572 r= MMAMLIMP TO PORE= ill-70wm Sei - Pbysies San 59 WD nUMML U33 OWX Endothelial and Eryt~rocytic Development of Plasnodium Praecwr.- by M---41arCWAPjir-A-g-Pasahar-. UNCLASSIFTED GEMIAN, per, Archiv fuer Protistenkunde, Vol XCIIII, No I., Jena, avs- -Ir /0"'a 0 Scientific - Medical -NOV'1951 CTS ,p,-- Rat Leprosy aa a Chemotherapeutic Test Object, by L. Muftv - , UMMO, 2B pp. ,__Ajg&g GROW* pey Z. WRM" u Parnaltol PP W"70. No 61 19552 RM 9-21 Satent4fu - MedUl= 10414" ;F1411) SM 96 CTS cu, the Rat, v-11th b.- ij D, - xf II per t Vol CV.11, ND 11/2,, 19~0, C.TA/.MD/.X-,013 Scienti-vic - Mdicine 1-hy 53 CTS I /s,-9, Xotulms the Deaube With the Rhine 2zd V= Ocl--r (Csodboolawk1a), by V. YAdr=lm, 12 pp. ------- amn, or, Yoftl NpOoodarstid, No 6p P*&jMj ,sun 194, pp 162-10. us ins/ac-L-924 JMw - CueeboaXavakia seen - 090 - wht~amyx P 7 " Q 5r Effect of the Composition of a Ferromanganese Anode on Formation of Potassium Permanganate, by R. I. Agladze, Ya. N. Mudzhiril et al, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Xhim, Vol XXXIV, No u", 1961, pp 1786-17,02. CB Sci Jun 62 200,5060 Mueckenberger Plenum Speech, al Can Equal the ,~'c~j-eV"e'-me"-n*t"'s--of the Best. npp,~ Neues Deutschlana., 29 Dee 1959- FBID Daily Review EE - Germany LISSR Soc Jan 6o wiagulmar, wwal--d lxage-Seale Matel-priGer, :Lu C-ei=n Agricaltuxe., by YmeckeribAr--, COUVA, per,, Zinbeit., Oct 1959. Mir - Mavra Zoon Oct 59 Erich Mueckenberger, World Standards in All r-ields. GEPHOT., np., Der Freie Bauer., 6 Dee 1959- IBID Daily Review ,BE - Germany Pol .Jan 6o Z.". 1410hrilk" 12 jimms ic'niol BonstationaT Next CoaftcUon In MUU-UM" Madis In. thr"- and Fbm-4Mered 41AAMO by (F. P. A. Zffada~,, 31 yq. Rusalwo pwp lmhmuno-Ralchoddy zwmmnl, Vol Vl., ND 3., 3.963., pp 86-9k. J= 2D33k Sol - pbyu Aa 63 23T,388 3 2: Sc i SA 7-/v 7 ') /%I", sci !~Mgr lany 59 TT-64-22012 Mudrok, Alfred. ,;ONTRU;LMOM TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF LLIhU- 1. Mudrak. A. NOUS BACTERIA (Beitrage zur Physiologie, der a. NRC-IT-1118 1-4uchibaktarien) V. NckrasKff, tr. 1964, ISP Ia. NRC-C-4811 17rets NBC Technical Trans. IIIL IV. National Research Or&r truffn NBC $ 1. 00 NRC C-4311 Council at Causd% Outaws Tzans. of zentralwatt Air BaboriolVe. Parselven-i kunde und lubktionskrankholom AbL. 2. (Germany) 1933. Y. S& p, W-366. 34 7 oft1qocd --hucroualow.'rr. V. 11, Ia Ia Contributlow to the PbysioloMr of Uninous Bmteria., by A. Mxlrak. GEE940,, perp Zmtr. MkteAol., Pamulteak. Abt. n, Irol. 88, 1933s PP 353-3%- imc/Ref. c. 4ou mic TT-UI8 (mimo -$1.00) 1~9 v D P, 4qk Sal JuI7 1,967 3Y"647 W19"UTS Rolm In FAUDSWr gjd=ao Qxnlet p/ 1w ID, MA ---Wwf bw a MP. an"# awo L-ama "906- ame x6p 20:6 2m * *U- AW am fto" 0. Muegge vr,938 ad - NOWLSW sd~ ovA 6T TT-"-121!1-- Field 7A Muchlberg. H. DIREMON OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE POTASH INDUS- TRY (Entwicklungstendenzen in dor Kalifficlustrie). 15p, (foreign text lnoludW) 25refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12192 Trans. of Chernische Technik (East Germany) v15 n`12 p708-12 1963. 1. Muchlberg, If. NIR 626 --- - -- - - - -- - *7 ftdwi i of Urrala UDftb AM-4d the (2 Wboydmm,l -- sub)& so 11; m po debmw No 46 MiMpi AM , 4 ,ro_lpj" od - sma 6d A Amm" on" M.70 f=,- uzd czophysil., AT03 LUS"I" Sci Dec 59 Vol 2 NO 5 ., 1 /a "' '? /0 Leavening of Lmulation Froblg4w in Vaking Wau- uremnts of Atnompheric Ilectrical Potential, by 9 -pp. VEMMSIFID G=mo per, SeLtraege rur Pbplk der Atmwphaere, 29 Feb 56, pp 97-99. 6 j-,q ( , /,0 ~)- _-7 J- ATIC r-M-9481/In sci - Phys Jul 58 An Easily Transportable Potential Sonde for Field Wasurement of Atmospheric Electricity, by R. Mueh- leisen., 13 PP. UNaAWVnW GVIMV,, per, Beltraege zur 29 Feb 56, pp go-* W, sci - Pws Jul Physik der Atmosphaere, 0- _r0 ATIC r-TS-9481/1= Electric Charges an Condensation Nuclei in the Absorption and Precipitation of Water., by R. NmUe vp. uwLAwnmo 0=40, per,, Die 14-rriesenschaftenp Vol XLV, No 2,, 1958., W 1-2 (-*-35),, r ATIC F-W--9483/III Sci - Phys Avg 58 J-A- ,-~hspinfx, by 6. 7);nv; StPb). 10 (~'~73 I 3.2 Basic Conalderationsp ZOluencing Factors and Defimitionas Developmat of Surfs" RmUty in HQt Working (Ab%ardt Process)p by Be ftwhlemg. GERMp vers Otsla u SUsup 26 Noy 19591 pp 1792-18W. Apr 60 lastbod for Producing Cation E=h-angers Bewd. on P027VVremi, bY W- MaehlbOxg- GXMVkNs Pateat 1 L42 a IIMA~~ - C - ~/. I sci-chm jui 66 303#528 OL, Relief,. by -11. b]R,. Uizbo--- die AmiendunZ v=n und :R--L-nn3d2-w=; im. 72 64 Dryiqj Agricultu=l produce in Rotary Dries, by H. KbehWorte. GUMN., per, Die Deutsche Imidwiltschan No 10., 1960, Pr 5-463 ROZA Y, gae-Alp--~oete- .4 'EX2 ~ f 6 j P F-&4Q.T e- Sci - ;u 67 334,065 mmuvdo ukwowwv by Dr. Owt VabMA 03 yp, OM OEM,. owtoptat. FgMLmM~md zfrttmg Beni so Do* .2M* 40 Juno 2M= 11),draulic Potentiometer as a Control U.1"tent and Travel Indicator, by Oe ~Iuehlhaeusere GERVAINO Tpt, KFK.734, 76 I-ages, I-'URFI;R-543 J311Y (19 384-724 _hLu P&Td and Hubert -Habart, Michel. PHOSPHORESCENE SPECTRUM OF 3.4-BENZO- PYRENE IN RIGID SOLUTION AT -1800C. (19621 14p. Order from K-H $17.50 K-H 8650-c Trans. of ]journal] de Chimle Physique (France) 1958. v. S5, no. 5, p. 377-382. DESCRIPTORS: 111enzopyrenes. *Phosphorescence. 62-22M 1. Muel. S. It. Hubert-Habarz, M. Ill. K-H-8650-c IV. K-age-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. ;6371) (PhyB1C8--Sj).'~ti,,-:o.pv, TT, v. B, no. 12) DIN- .1 T..h.1-1 3-1... KjaL Bernard and Lacroix, G. QN119CTERPATION AND DOSAGE (TITRATION) 3,4-BP_N7FYRRNE BY MEANS OF LUMINgSCEW SPECTROPHOrOMETRY AT 190C. [1962129p. Order from K -H $23.75 K-H 10969-c Trans. of SocIA61 Chimlique de] France. BuIlletinj 1960, no. 11/12, p. 2139-2147. 'ORS, 'Benzopyrems. *Spectrographic Luminescence. Ticration. Dosage. 62-17537 1. Muel. B 11. Lacroix: G. 111. K-H-10969-c IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit. Mich. 44'- (Chemistry- -Analytical. TT, v. 9. no. 2) Ofte d Tub*af Sonim 61-10915 Muel. Bernard, Hubert-Haban, Michel, and Ngl_uyen] Phlam) Buu-tiol. _ 1. Pyrene-Spectra SrUDY OF DIBENZO- 3. 4.9. 10-PY RENE: PLIJORES- 2. Pyrene- -Separation CENCE SPECTRUM AND CHROMATOGRAPtUC 1. Muel. B. SEPARATION FROM BENZO-3.4-PYRENE. [I%IJ H. Hubert-Habart. M. 5p. 5 refs. in. Ngwen. P. B. H. Or&-r from SLA mf$1.80. ph$1.80 61-10915 Trans. of journal de Chimie Physique (France) 1957. v. 54 [no. 61 p. 483-484. The fluorescence spectrum of dibenzo-3.4.9. 10- pyrene has been recorded by a photoelectric method. A chroinatographic method has been perfected -for separating dibenzo-3,4,9. 10-pyrene from benzo-3,4- pyrene In vJew of an applIcation to the analysis of tobacco tars and cigaret papers. The progress of the chromatography was followed by examination of the fluorescence spectra of the eluates. (Author) Offi-f TdicJ S-A-. (Chemistry- -Organic. TT. v. S. no. 12) red -qL ~y T!,Op,:~rtiez) of Tempe -)twork by Kw~l lkmgardt, Otto pp. ,3MVIdIj, por, Stahl und Eleen, Vol M-VIII, No 16, 1958, pp iilg-ii26. SLA 59-10161 Sci - FAn,~Mmt Sep 59 Vol 2~, No '77 Ij-Holl gook Uaritigs With lh=lng Burfacas ou the lacks for Large Oil TbrougUputp by W. ~~u UML GWJMW,g Verro BtsM u Eisen, 25 Doe I"8j. vp U)61- 180., BKtIsh Iran and Otool W 2220 (za. o. o) SOL - Bw ibw 59 Ron-gook jwariap Witk Ramses surra"s on tbv no.... Nock for Lwip OU Tbraugbpav bW V, MmUsuUah- LIM O~wo prs, 2m. 5r Complete Gasification Plant in Gas Works Practice., by MulleT. GMM, per,, Gas und W" Vol. 74, 1931# im 173- GFC M " &,L ~- 6 /L Sal - JuIY 1967 334-587 .0;, .1.~c Ot iL I j L by f.-jucllor, Lueg. GEIK-KAX, per; StELjj_ ~~Jsenp vol ug-VII, 31. Oct 1957, pp 15B3-1593. iron azd Steel !nut Tr 766 'Ong (L6.1o.0) , 'r, machiTTY sci - min/.metale Aug 58 (NY'-556qji Standardized Regulations for High-Tension Switchpar in CEM Countries., by Mwller;,~ pp. RMAX,. per,, Zlektriep Vol XXV,, No 9,, 1960; pp MOI-MO2. JM 7753 Our - SoNtet Bloc All Fab 61 Results of Testing the Operation of Blooming 141.118. Part 3: -- Methods Used in H5asuring the Characteristic Data in Rolling Bloom, by NwIler, Marx. UIICIASSIFIM G=MM, par, Stahl und Risen, 31 Oct 1957, PP 3.577-1582. Co-op Tr Bch Tr 767 Sci - - Min/vAtals Jul 58 0 L -I L4 I ,~FDD 2G542) Toot Report on Perlon Screw Bolts Conductetr by GDR Lutitate for Tecbnology and Testing, by Ma yner +pp. SEGM .j_ Kreuts, A Full tr GMM.. carbon copy of typed rpt, Enal to CS LT X-M3p Amex to M =050 Berlino 26 Mar 1955. 3",fe P7 CU/"D U-8551 Not Rele"ble to Foreign Ebw - East Genmaw Nationals SOL - , materials testing Qq- - tajf-~ of SaFxtleaa FreciBion I&u Tubesy lby A. Ai!r,.:Uer. t3BMW, jper.. Toobnisebe Pdmdachau, no 4, 1962., 13,P 15. ly BIBI 3226 Ja 63 7-1 -C.. clam2iag and Holding Device for 1juclear Reactors., . Armin ZSCbari5j, 4 pp. by AMC M011E. GMM, p,,t..t AppUMUOU 5 Doe 1961- AW Tr-5166 . 2, /,; 1, / 4 4-f Sci - Nue Pbp sep 62 Clamping mid Holding Device for Nuclear Reactors, by Arno Mwller,, Armin Zacbaris,, 4 pp. GKM4AN* Patent Application, 5 Dec 196L. AEC OTr-95166 Set - Muc MY* Sep 62 '4w Effe?ct a 1.5% BIW Alcohcaj, by B. Moller. UP-CL OMMp perp Zentrmlblatt Vorkebro-Wimin Verlwhra-Psyr.hol Angreawade Gebiete,, Val III,, 110 5j. 1957., -pp 266-269. DGIR 33611/CT Sol - was ph"Lolov Mar 59 Test of Ruming Saferty in the German State Milvaya,. by C. T. Mkieller. GEWM., per,, Organ Flortach Eisenbahnvesensp Vol XCVI,, 1941,, PP 193-206. IMDOC-*1936 sci ~Sz, .6 79' Aug 58 Z-/ ~~ A Dmt*=d,.Wtjm oe the saim and Ult-.-c= couttat of %be Lower ; by (;. awtmmo D. lusume 62 Pp. amml* ADC atft V 0612s,132 10 S"OAUOS a" aw 69 395,6w on the fteblow of the 1965 PIM tu P4PICUItLuso pp. Dootwhe IAnfttrtsdmm Val, -21 raw im"s, pp $25-529. Fob 63 2731,9" Tha mmbar of Calories Needed ir, Doing Industrial Work, by G, Le-wienns E. Mueller,, 11. Spitzer, 6 pp. -WQWMWA%~ GD,Rlm.? . per, Arbeitophysiologie, Vol XIV, E.Io 2) 1949-1950: pp 166-235. = Tr 2492 Sci - Yjadiclue j-;"/ 7 ~7-~ Nov 57 Gup'lyin and Evacuation of Hatione, by E. Mueller, 12 pp. JID 207.1488) ---- GERMAW, per, Der Fourier, Jim 1957, PP 165-175. ACSI H-0037 WEur - Switzerland I Nil MRY 58 6 IZ/ The FormtIon of W Besift Directavastas: Anotbw " Twar MgpwlM State xhmge- sent of 2r&M# b7 Edva-6 !W!!E~ 5 pp. MMMv pwo Dmdcr4Ltlodwr VbL XVU* lb 9v Aw 1962p 2TT im 14m0 jaw w owmw D"R An 6e TbLe Mtmt Advauta"'T'ecus Position for a Foot Lever -to Be Operated From a Sitting ~Poaitlon, by E.. A. Mw, UNCLAZ-SIFUM (MRYMI,p per.. Physiology of Work,,:.Vol 3X., 1935., wo 125-137. ATIC P-TS-8336 - Engineering . / ze 6 1/ The We of Ref leating Subutancesc in Peat Protection, by E. A. Weller. UNCL GERNLMI~ per,, Verhandl Deutsch Ges Arbeit, Vol V, 195B.. P 158. Britiah Iron and Steel Ind 1150 1(~2 5 0) Sci - Pbya AVr 59 //.!~ Xbout the Differences of the Training I'Speed in Atrophied and Normal Museles.1, b~"~ E. A. 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