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Mouly, Raymond Jules. DEVICE FOR CONTINUOUS CALIBRATION OF A TRANSPARENT TUBE DURING DRAWING (Dispositif de Calibrage Continu d'un Tube Transparent en Cours d'Etirage). [19631 [23p] OrdLr from OTS or SLA $2.60 63-18581 Trans. of Belgian patent 590,908, 17 May 60 (Priority- U. S. A., Z7 May 59, no. 816,294) by Corning Class Works. 63-18581 1. Mouly, it. J. 11. Patent (Belgium) 590 90,9 111. Patent application (U.S.) 816 284/59 DESCRIPTORS: *0ahbration, *Pipes, 0ass, *Drawing (Machine processing) The device for continually calibrating a transparent tube during drawing, characterized in that it comprises a device for rorn-dng an image of the rube- a de,6rice for scanning this image in a plane perpendicular to the drawing axis of the tube. and a device for detecting the (Materials-Cerannics, TT, v. 10, no. 11) (over) Gratu%d j6wmyw in Zmftarn Normy, 1?~~ Iccoms To Tho R(mierqristj, I& p. .......... MOM pars look Goolmisk Tldjwkrift, 1957o Vol X~xv v No 2j, pp ),-?* ATS-17L339 ed Apr 6o Vol M.. No 3 n 0, JPIRS 30'95 HOUNDRITCHO G. J. Contribution to the Study of Titantium. Part I. AUTHOR's University of Nancy (France), 6200-word condensation. Brutcher No 51, $ //, S-0 the Coating of Iron with Se. D. Thesis, 1931, pp 12-48; ,/b F ~~ E '/ , UNDIRITCH, Gligorie-J. llontribution to the Study of the Coating of Iron with Titanium. Authorld Sc.D. 'rHESIS,, UNMRSITY OF NANCY,, 1931., Part II, pp 59-76; 3500-word condensation. Brutcher No 1052, $ 6, ~-v " 1, p 6 7 Au"t*r.V DISOMers WlthMt nMCR, Pcr-AW4- 0-10-lar, PP 23-17 CACLL Sci - AUX 67 Mounier-Kuhn Deafmos, by P=nier-labn. V01. 81. Do. 2-2. 1963, pp 338-456 ~~41MYEIJNJ -tit ACT,Uma =a R"ftft CC A"UmUm QC tJw *WW QC &wWMm CUW*LU M the Artwla IN mm I= I'ma an the N I tw pill do MWR# um --3wvg va 55# jM# ib 4,* JR, 53 MA 1266MMM Gas - Rull. Am. 62-17926 Wurg Rob=0 Soares dm~ AND EFFEM OF ASPIRATION OF SMCXCE I- MOUM R. S. d. OF BRAZILIAN CIGARETS ON ARTERIAL PRESSURE Il. K-H-9856-b AND REM"IRKRON. (19621 llp. M. Vresge-Hoaker Science Order frorn K-H $13.75 K-H 9856-b Library Associates, Dew0jr, Nuch. Trans. of 0 Hospital (Brazil) 1959, v. 55, no. 4. p. 553-561. DESCRIPTORS: Oftespirstion, eSmokes. Brazil. 00ga- rames, *Arteries, Pressure, BloDdpressurc C')qqqe>Q Aw 0-0 Aw 4,1:1 (Biological Scicacem-PathologY, TT. v. S. no. 6) offi-I T-W-t S-ic- MrVIVIMUMM. ARPOIJUIR0.10311t fr:q!~~ 1; , Ulm- T-mm A OMNOPPMM 4FJW -MMOOMWO(ANWAN"Wombn ad now-" Ad - JOE* 90 A AMW= an On Kinemtics of Spicules of the Solar Chrmo- sphere, by Z. Mouradian. FMCK,, per,, 196P-, PP 3372, Comptes Read=, Vol CCLV, No 24, 337*- 3 n8U TP F-8351 Sol Apr 63 us OMIT MY ;z 11 q1 17R 1 A. Rt!Vor"~,- on ttr, G--rma and ~Lalian -Votor Rightraya by-14. Cambournac; B. Conatrixtion of Penstration RouteB Over Mountainous Terrain, by a~ I,'!.. MmuralUG; I'll. At tto x1l"th Clongross e, the gi--10~wi Federation of FUAU~Vvmy Transportep 31 pp. UNCIMSIFTED M-12CS, rpt, Routes at dea Aerodro=s, No 310, No- 1957, pp 65-79., 87-89, 107, ACSI, H-OE607 M"'Ur - Grrmany VEur - ltaly Econ - Transportation bore-cu4MA= Agmmout, tra rwarlt-Lm F-IsUiLlo, bV rGAM IMW IbUM a0d Be Pw CWinkO. W NO 7~71.7,k SUMN6 Dori 2!L)M 204M-1-P la too lgaj, vv* 730-7m JP410 3=7 uwctma a= ag. 0 E03j,266 Efht..-at of Conditioaad Relex Maboration an 'the Tw*erature of the Blood Entering and Leaving the Central Tiervous Syztem, ny ii. mmrek, 6.pp. RUSSIM, per, 22m, Vysshey Nerv Deyatel ;mew. x. P. Parlava, vol x, iqo i, 196o, Im 96-100. 4P /9,F -5--Z -2- sai Fei". 60 Czechoslovak, Health, by JindricIr Mourek 3 PP- CZECH, mo per, Ceskoslovenske Za-mvotnic Vol V, No 5,, Praguet MY 1957" pp?~-?-97- Ltmil US JPRS/NY-L-75. MW - Czechoslovakia 601 - Medicine, Biographic Stv4 of Omlw Wmaeaft Owaved In Mbn In the Catww or Vddas wA of XLev# 'by JL ft Jemmfttodj, :. lbumbp 5 Im. XMM# ywj OamMUs RwAm 4w Somom dg la S*wLeW do MWinges Vol WIp 3$r*p No "p X9690 0 OW-Aw. wm 7-&43 Sol - Hiol & lbd -1 ~1, t/, -? 0 * ev 63 Crf bho Ratua of Air ctizass'; by j. -Ko=t+...Av Weact. URCL FBM,rCEI, per,. lodustrio Thom,, Vol 111, Illo 7: 19557j Pp 369-393. DSIEt 32694/CT So:L - Engr, building Mar 59 ,9 'Tr!Ggt.~r l7iuota, lt~r` in ;7% I'llid Gi-rl, bv male LI.W qL' _r- , FREMOH, -,cr, 12 Lyca M~adical, 'Vol -=KjV, 1g1:; PP Navy Tr 291.5017 all 14 sci - Jam 62 - -Drathod-for Cbemie Al-Pro-ce-asing of -Low-Grada -- Uranium Ores, by 'P- Pogny- FRE:~W.. paper P/339p Proceedings of International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic lbera Hold at GeMV& 8-2D Aug 1955j. Vol VM. - Internatl Coaf -- UN Sci - Nuclear Pbysics .4.474; Apr 57 crA 1-669.9.162 Acrylic Acid and Its Estero and IMlogenpropionic Acids and Their Hatexa* by C. Koureuj, M. Murat# L. Tampier.9 32 PP. IMEM., per,, Ann Cb1m, Beries 9, Vol XV,, pp, 221- 252, 1921. STA 3279 Sci -v Chem Aug 58 741,4;-4~1 AuboxidatUm and AvtloXWn Action. CabalAic properties of SWfur and of Its DarivPltives; C19"araUzation of the Phenownon,, X,, by Cberlas MMTmO Cbarles Dafralsee. FREMM per., ~~-Aa pajogs Academie dea Scienceas voi crj=, -0924,, PP 2n-243. mA 2T 64-2a33. (LOAN) CIA. - APP 67 323mO20 yin iM I Proo-ess and Appamtus for the Industrial Production of Urea,, by Leon MqFgeo 4 pp. F M CH, Patent No 566,143 Dept of Cc=erce Patent Office Sci Lib (Gift) Sci - Q06 Jul 57 ~:IA 1, L The Lup of Oar Body. Aewrding to a Recent Wovk of Jimm Lbormittep by B. ftu--&ue. Ymm, per$ Ysa V-0 vol=a 2 Bog, pp 339-350j, 19 HU 9-12-62 Sai - Md ror. 62 - n. / P, ff 6 (-, Applicaticm of the Sro-Oroqn. Theoxy, to the Calou3aiAoas or Graphite,, B=on-Graphito azyl kW.k-UpS In Miadep by 14, 110t., A. 1,50~s, 24 pp. I------------- rIFOR=, rpt., 31 Jon 1962. 921611P AEG-Tr-6062 Sci .. Hat & Ibt jar. 64 -,g 14, /3 S Bar Lines vith Periodic Structure, by A. Le- blond and G. Mourier, 47 PP. AZ-. FREICHO perAphdioelectricite, Vol IX, No 38, OCt 1954, PP 311-328. SLA 57-3323 Sci Aug 58 /7 12 1-'-1337 A Study of "Bar Lines" with Periodic Structure for U. H. F. Electron Tubes, by A. Leblond and ~--,,Mourier, 34 pp. FRENCH, per, Ann Radioelectricite, Vol IX, No 36, Apr 1954, pp 180-192. SLA 57-3324 Sci 17 1) Aug 58 Definiation, Wasurement and Characteristics of Phase Velocities in Systems With Periodic Struc- tftwe,, by B. Rpzteinp 0. No=ier,, 29 pp. PTMM, per# Ann Radicelea CompW Franc Assoc TSF, Vol X, No 39., Jan 1955., PP 64-73- KA TR 57-6o2 Sci - Electricity 5-0 W/ ezl- 7- W Aug 57 The Treatment of OL-juriasis vith Piperazine, "i- -3,MuriQuand, E. Rominn and J. CoicrleXd, 22 pp VOJL. MTJ, 1951, per;, j Med %r=, TD- 189-195 - GLA 3250 Scl ~,/// ,,~ ;7 A u' g58 The MMMU7 rop"Oslon. Qvtopstbolo8j=l ftudyp by !Lt-rtwl 14. Duvent., 17 pp. .9"#- .. 8 max p 12* MR W.%-" - ;.;Cd NM 58 711,1141 -r,"on. ItcaGeiiiy a lcleazf.,a of tle US'S'11. L L.IG, iu Of thL Cb -jr~tj--,r, phosphatea RU,S':SL4j1,, 4 ~ik- Matemat i Mekh., Ie 0, Index Vol VI Is 1943 - . Arro May 1950 ,,$ 49/4670 ,,9" F~ 21555T /I fl 10 sbd"W m cbmdaa BwAtIcam of un cftvbra Cc" W- I MUM -Ot ladjaes IV 16 -- 11 mvp imp .mu gmdft amw" ~'bummw va * VV,# so .....I a v . ,=w, - 92-2,4~~~~ IN" w-,JmM am, of 32spow ActUa at licaUm m the Rexad mmommts at ow Mooft nwAm" ---- ve area 1w 3N. upoombehow il- VSOWA =M* 5" =;.--#- =0--o VAL;. -- 11 e elm" m am 6T 3281.847 N Alder's Orientation Rule,, by Max Mousseron, Francois Winternitz, Georges Rouzf-e-rn--vp-.' MMCM,, per, Comptee RenduB Habdowdaires des Seances de 1"Academie des Sciences., Vol CaXXVIIIx 1954o pp 1661-1663. S.L.A. Tr 42o/1955 Be i - Idece" " a ous //-i- 9d .2- JDLU 1957 CTS/dex Quantitative Mousseron, J. -! ".1" MMM, por, IL958v PP 3--.,- SvA - Chem Jul 59 an Determination of 1#2-Epoxides., Jullienp A. nV7 pp. Tro' Parfum Comet Savons, Vol XMp pm 67Eaft by 14. No Ij 62-37177 Moussez, C. 5T-N-T-'H-E-91-"F THERMAL TESTS. Special rept. no. 6 1.1hioussez, C. on Contract 017-60-4 RDP(86). 11962]122)p. 11. ELIRAEC-147 Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 EURAEC-147 111. EURATOM (Belgium) Traits. of a rept..from Societe Nationale d'Etude et de Construction dL MoteurB d'Aviation. Suresnes (France) July 61. DESCRIPMRS: *Heat transfer, Fluid flow, 'Boiling, Temperature, Pressure, Reduction, Vortices, Test metliods, Tests, Boiling water reactors, Nuclear reactors. C 2 2 7 5 (Nucle:ar PhyBica--NLaclear Engineering, Tr. v. 9. no. 3)1 Ofte d 7ocbdtW SwAm Production of -%ltiple Cancers in Mice Having Raceived Ruclele Acid Extracted From isclogaue or Homologous Leukemic Tissues, by R. latarjet, Reboy-rotta, E. MDwtaccbi, 5 PP. .RIENCH, perj, Cowptes Pendus Acad des Sci, Vol CCnVI? 3 Feb 1958, PP 853-855. No 8-6 Sci - Mod so 'p 58 7-q ImaurioloLgic Studies on tbe Activating Factor 0 'n Rheumatoid by G. Ch. Dulong de Rosna), P. Du Pa~i,~uier, 11 pp- FRENCH, per, Annrlc3 Imztitut Pasteur, Vol XCUI, NO 3, 1959, PP 3~~ 2&9-2,94. Sci Jun t)2 Iral 4, No 12 Comparettive Study of Peactivity of Cakes and Their Internal Surfacep by 14. Bastick,, J. Bsetick, H. Houtach, ff. Guerin. ORENCH, per,, Compteo Rendus, Vol CCXL,, 1955,, p 2124. Dept of Interior Bur of Mines Sci - Chm Apr 58 Obsumatlow MM cm Mmgmto-Opticap bV A. CeFttzm., 110 moat=$, L6 pp. MEM', pwo Conwtes ReDftsp Vckl C=.p Imi. pp 317-33-9s 34,-~Ulj Val = a, 1906s, pp M-W5. I- AICC UMVTr-Ml SPA - phys oct 62 MOUTET, A. and others. Optical method of instantaneous measurement of flame temperatures. Recherche aeronaut.. (68):9-19 (1959) (SEC) Instantaneous Reasuran--ntc,-P Flr--c Tcmparaiturias by A. t4outet. LMCL xTENCH, per, Onera I-Tote Technique., no 88) 1957. TIL 4973 'Fe - Sci - Phya rf jan 6o 61-22502 Moutet. A. and Barrere, M. COMBUSTION IN HYBRID ROCKET MOTORS. [19611 1. Moutet, A. 17p. 16 refs. 11. Barrere. M. Order from RIS $40. 00 RIS T-23 111. RIS T-23 IV. Research Information Trans. of International Congress, International Service, New York Council of Aeronautical Sciences (no. 2) [held at] Zurich. 12-16 Sep 60. DESCRIPTORS: *Rocket motors, *Combustion, Fuels, *Rocket fuels. (Machinery- -Propulsion Systems, TT, v. 6, no. 2) GM- f T -1 5-1... &Cerj?t;3 Frcn cappacitew-T ~Ancmter for the X-j,uu.1v.wuY- of -Rapti-ly Varying Pmssuroo, by A. I"", j 21 pp. PMLU,, rpt, MaMaotre a (Xpacite pour la Waure des Pressims Rovideomt Variables, AEC SOL-T-311 54~i - angr 9, mar 61 j - j ':~7 1-iybxld Rocket PrcgtdrAon, by M. 138---rere, A. tiTL-Itss- FRENCH, rpt, wr Pamm~Lw at the xxvth hale-r- natIOVAI Ammwcal ioNE02% ParI4 m 122, 2-5 Swep-I Get ma, Vp 1-69. NASA TT P-830 8d - F-Uels &L prop May " W% GOVERNMMT ONLY 258.676 IgnItSou w4 Durmiug; in Rocket Engines Using LIW4.M PropelUntsv by M. Barrere,. A. bbutets 60 pp. 7200j, rptp AGM LIqpjp publ by Universities Prmss Selalums 5-9 Dee 1955, PP 1-32. ATIC 7-0-8794/V Bel - Aeracauticaj, RuSLneering, Cbmistry 3 3, a 3j- Aw 56 wt!wll Hethcka of kLaasuremen:fl- and of Fast FeSiE;trati,,n of Flarx-, Tamparatturres,j by A. Houtet, 2'f pp.~ FiL'-' tranBlation. FRO-CH, per; La RQcherche Aero, Vol )D'-VT--L, 1952, pp 21-32. CIA/FM/X,--950 14 Scienti-fic - 9 Aercnautica2 pbyaic& 3,6 Chloride by the A-r nia-so6a Procatir., 17 13. 1-opia~uvm, W, Mouths v 12 pp. Full translation. p, =-Kq j!anU_qhD&, Vol III, GEMN., per, BqX. ft Go r 1930P pp 135-IJ4. S.L.A. Scientific - Obamistry Jul 55 process for Prqpxkg an Iron-Ahm"um AUoy, by Gerard CAW16 Pierre MMW3&,et Al, 9 ppe FRENCHe Patm No, 10323,724. 922194D AEC-~W-Tr-1123 Sel-mat & ma kuy 64 257,479 gility O:C a Solid SOI~-'tlol-lt by 1! -pp, Pierre Gerard Cabanrup FMCH,. spaccb. 9066994 I,= Tr-5290 Sci - Cbem cet 62 ot-11 of the hve, Loq-Fencent Cil-,-anilm Alloy. J. o nn, I: Ibc 14 JIl IT C, Sci - 173V 62.. or the rAtrx)nl coqpsio or Bwo ftwo by ftdi*a*Pb D%Wito- =MW,o by 1W. V F"42j. 395PT75 C9 .- -0 ft I ~ I 31P - momwe Morsum lboopme to 30 - , -ow 11W Famomww Nava HMPAW. -*-too no BAN 62-18856 Mavchan A. A. OF COWLEX EIGFNVALUES IN A I. Movchan, A. A. PROBLEM OF PANEL FLUTTER. 11962] [II]p. 1 ref. U. Boeing Trans -R49 Free copies available from Boeing Scientific Research M. Bodug Scientific Research Labs. Library as Boeing Trans. R49. When supply is I-Abs., Seattle, Wash. exhausted, order from OTS or SLA $1. 60, 62-18&56 Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Institut Meldmuliki. lazlienernyi Sbornik, 196% v. 27. p. 70-76. DESCRIPTORS: *Aerodynamic configurations, *Panels (Structural), *Flutter, Supersonic characteristics, Numerical analysis, *Complr4 numbers. In the problem of the flutter of a thin. elastAc, rectan- gular panel. moving In a gas with great supersonic ve- C227759 locity, results or additional calculations are given for the region of high velocities, id which the elgenvaluex of the corresponding non- self -conj ugate boundary value (Mechanics --Aerodynamics, TT, v. 9. no. 4) (over) Oft~ of TecMkil Semkt& St-abillty Of ProceMa With Res-1xct t-0 tuo A- A,~ .. Mqvj ~ _ -ma.. 19 pp. RUSBAW, per Prik Hatemat i Mekh, Vol =-v, no 6., -op pp Sci Aug 61 On the Stability of a Ninal Mvin in a Gas$ ty A. A. tbvahan, 23 PP- RtMVM, per, IbrIk Matemat I VQ&anIk*,, Val Ma., No 2$ Ign, pp 231-24. RAIA Im U-21-59W Sol - pl*,*, ~%tba Far 59 dr -7 4 or, On Vibratlow of a Mte Moving in A osep by A. AJ-la-7ChAZ, 19 pp~ RUSSMU7, per,' Itrik Matemnt J Makb, Vol =, ft 2, 1956, pp 2n-m. MA M U-22-58V Sci - P241; Ifer 59 q,2, ~-d Z The Direct Yetbod of Liapunov in 1"Itability Proble= of Elastic Systems, by A'. A, Movchan, 15 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Frik Matemat i 14ekh, Vol XXIII, No 3, 1959, Pp 1183-493. Pergamon Press Sci Feb 6o / .4 ~' - 7. '-7 --~' E.-.4raction of Vegetable Oil From Liquid Milt With D-'-.-.-h:Laroeth=e by A. G. Zabrodzky, A. A. Movehan, pp. RUSSIAN, mo pers Zhur Prik MAM, Vol M, 110 1, U&CM, Jan 1952, -pp go-5-T.- Comult=tn Bureau Vol 25, 110 1, Jan 1952 Sc.iontific - Chemistr7, axtraction, vegetable oil, liquid malt, dicb1ormthane S Mll QFFICVtL WE "%It I ta- A-sh__Cc)vteat-6--Pit-!,a _5 of wcx a, L ~ --Cok-.? by V. Peller, A. T. Movehan. USSTAN, per, Koks i MAm. No 6, 1958P PP 17-21. Dept of Interior TN7: E57, No 328 S Sci - Fuels oct 6o J-W/ St,-wtllral PecaUarit'A of Rattle md Tv.4-1 .M3 Frwtmrall Of Stoollp UY D. a. per,, U Ak IV&uk SWnp Otdal Teth TIOuk, 1956t vp 151-153 - uE 4686 sai - Ran/Not nb 6D 1 f V-, I *%.M dvlwmPmftuv lba.A, I.. p I .i:: 11 I.... W9 6w Sd 3p" XISAW .012ow - Vdamscople Heteros=city In We3rl , bV B. A. 8 pp. HMIANA PW AVto=t Svorkas No 9* 1960j, sw 24-32. am 165 1-57-5 x Gel Aus 61 Folygonization of Cast Votals ard Alloys, by B. A. Mwchans 3 pp. MWIM, per, Dok Ak Sauk SM, Vol M, No 3., 1958, pp 521-- Amer I=t of Ph" Sav Phys - Doklady Vol M p ITO 3 Scl - Pbys Jul 59 The Selective Pena-tration of Dissolved Slaments from a Liquid Rmse into a Cmak,, by B. A. MovU,3an,, I. Ya. Dzykovich, 4 p. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak ftuk 65Rp Vol CXXVg, No 2,1 1959j, Pp 354-355. Consultants Bur"u Bel Apr 60 q C 71ON LAYERS ON INTERPHASIAL AM SURFACES DURING CRYSTALLIZATION OF ALLOYS. [196019p. 8 refs. Order from MDF $5.50 MDF M-140 Trans. of Afkademiyal Nfauk] SSSR. O[tdWeniyej Tiekhnicbesid".) Njauk]. Izvestlya: Metlailtwglyal I TopIlIvol 1960, no. 2. p. 72-78. (Metallurgy- -Skructural, TT. v. 5, no. 4) 61-12259 I -Alloys- -Crystallization 2. Alloys--Phase studies 3. Alloys- -Surfaces I .Movchan, B. A. U. MDF M-140 111. Friedman, Morris D.. Inc., West Newton, Mass. Offi-I T.A.1-1 S.M- DistributIm of AlloylM Elements Baft-ma Solla and Liquid Phases In Alloys, by B. A. Maraban. RMSIO, per, It Ak Ikuk SM, Okwftl Taltb Sauk, ft 4, 1958, YP M.- i23. - - ReW Bmtober 4M Sel - min/mot Jan 59 7 '17 )m the Naturv. of intergranular CracU-ng of Velcw At High Temperature, by B. A. Movehan, L. A. IOznyak* ---- --- - ~: 1. - - .IUSSIAH, mo per, Avtomticheskaya Svarka, Vol 8, 'lo 6, 1954.. pp 59-72 Brutcher No 3572 $9.40 -3cientific - min/metals .P,eb 56 an/dex 3 /' '2 31- r St,%aCiy-of--f,ontour--Lines-in-Hirh--School, by F. m. mv w mmag, 49 pp. MMSW, b~ Izucbeniye Gorizontaley v Bredney Sbtole, 19 j, 79 PP- ACSI 1-2679 ID 2235115 LWM soc sap 63 .9,9- ~ - - IT'j, i11 1 11 - I ,1.1i; Inf3iaen e of Anodizing Currents Upon thee-Re-fractori. neus of Positive Reflexes., by N. P. movehan pp. IWWrM., tbrice-mo perj, Dok Ak ftlk SSM., Vol CM., No 6.o 1957.. PP 1149-1152- Amer lut of B101 6-ft-i Dokla4ty- W Bei Sec JUVVeb 1937 Sai - mology SOP 57 Cca2 DIvIalon wA Uetg6bolic Processes TIU~ Place witun tae awmUu.. iw ftrb n. mitotic P-ouvity amd Buma XvWIbOUm,, by:l~- A. VVIln arA 0. T. Xovcb,-t *MWOMS ft" nmpe Dial I NO&J, VDLUVp No 5j, 19A Im-no. fob The Dally Periodicity of the Mitotic Activity in the Corneal EpitheUmu of Starving Rats and Fdco,., by 0. T. Amhan. 3 we RUSSLANI, perg Byul Ekqxr Biol i lied, Vol. Ln. Vo. ?* 1961* pp. 203-206 ca MY, mar. 6a 'ArI.F.1 1"1'l . i -I ~. ~ 11 it I r I '. . I -. ~~ 1111'4 ' I -, I ! Relationsbip between Changes in Mitotic Activity of the Corneal Epithelium and Body Weight of Fazting Anival.s. by 0* To MovChan'-4,PP. I ~ RUBSIANj pe:g Byul Mwper Biol i Mad, Vol L; .11o 12., 1960p pp 86 9. CB Bel Jul 61 Mitosis and Respiratory Exchange under Conditions Which Suppress the Normal Reaction to a Change of Eawira=ent., by 1. A. UtIdn, 0. T. Movehan, 4 pp. HUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk OSSR., Vol CXIII, No 4, 1957j, Pp 9D54w. Amer Imt of Diol Sci sci - Biology Aug 58 . z 009 17d, gitosis and Respiratory Excbange Under Conditions Which S--,:Vmss the Normal Reaction to a Change of Eaviron- ment,'by 1. A. Utkin and 0. T. M 4 pp. RUESSOM, tbrice-mo kvrj Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CKIV, No 4# 1957P pp 905-908. Amer Inst of Blol Sci Sci - Had ~b 58 In or ne 'vitotjc ~,ctl-lty - c nie a , r -1 11 g , by 0~ 'I'. JUSSIVAIN, per, rVul Eksper Piol i Med, Vol L., No 19 60, pp 90-013. GB 61 Methods or Quantitative Spectral Analysis of Minerals and XX Solutions. Fart IX. Effect of the Components of the Ore on the Intensity of the Spectral Linen, A. K. R"anwv B. I. Bodunkov., 0. U. Wwchan,, 16 pp. R=IAN, per, Zavodskais Laborstoriya., Vol X, So 2, ighl,,pp 17o-176. Set Trans Center RT-3243 Seientific - Physics, NWHetals ,OaLrotmoid Pigumts Frm Petals of Calenduls OfficinaLis 4 by S. D._"=, 3 YY- R=IMP IWA Zhur Frik Mdo, Vol XKXMI No 2p 2.96D, Vp tft~hw. CB Sci 1117 6 6 r Apr 61 Ccr.- Fingerling In a Qmc-yen- UU3-,C, DY 11. A. Mavc Strellnihov. ban RUSSIAN, per, Vest Sell,-kolc-h lmllo!E, Ro 14.; 1963; 0 mi 81-8L-. 9215196 USDA Tr A-14,041 Sci - Biol & R'ed Sci oct 63 Study of the Corlation In Wficiency of An A:Lpha- EmittIng Soume As A FumtIon of the lbtLUV at the SURY=t MA Of the A"Uod 7bvexbcld,,.~~~ V.. souumd., X6 pp. n=R,v rpts Coandsoarlat a 112cargLe Atmdqm. cealwo t. WztUdes ftelmdresp Baclay, 1962* -ran 64 P.u lnt,~;vas-Ung Case of InmenIzatioa A-mmong the =.T)ha;'v-jc Hill-ro Cox-poinaS, by S. S. A. A. Fai=ellberg, S. A. Shevelmr, I. S. MDrsakova, B~ T. Bawlevaldy, 4 Pp. RWSIM~ per,, Dok Ak Rmik WSR-, Vol CXXITV, No 3, 1959, PP 589-591. szt Cmsultants Bureau sci i= 6o S:Wcaec-ts of Orgaumercury lutra cmu'utalalf-i. bT S. S. 50-411MY, T, I. Godov-ll=.7a, V. PIM1419; par.. Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol M-lv, Eo h, 1959, pp 834-837. 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