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-1111Ej Erosion of the Electrodes of Pulsed I'lasma 10-5 Accelerators, Part 1: Anode, by B. B. Miaksliantsev. RUSSIAN, per, IzvestLya VUZ Fiz, Vol 11, No 6. 1968, pp 4-6---Yl-. NASA TT F-12,080 Sci-Phys Apr 69 579,494 Erosion of the Electrodes of Pulsed PlOsAlm Accelerators, Part 2: Cathode. BY B. B. Mokshantsev. RUSSIAN, per, Izvestlys VUZ Pit, Vol 11, No 6, 1968, pp'52-53. -'ASA TT F-12,081 -- jt. Sci-Phs Apr 69 379,4!)S Tectonic Structure of tho Yakut AOSIL, ble K, 8, Mokshantsevo RUSSIAN, bk, Tektanichaske" St!=Qake~ Yakutskm A&SE-M am pp. ACLC TC-IITs Sci-Bar sci Sept 67 341.347 Reou" ;; of.' Analysia of the Worzkout ChIcel in It %I L I Intervals at t'L-- h%AhancYwskiy Field, by A. S. Mokohin. R "'OSM, per, fleft t-,,%ozz, Vol IV, 1957, pp 6-12. Tech and C= $8P.00 50 Sci - Engr APr 58 6; Cinetioues dans wic Substance lrradieet E. A. 22 pp. RUSSIP-F to per, Soyedineni-yc, Vol 11, 19060, pp 119-129. 90013414 Reverse Tmislat-ion Mk Tr Do R-1400 Sci 21 i,~,--y 62 'Ernid'! -:'Cf~J '-LU" bl, A. G. ILl Selo%r, M. Yll- S: 201 i,--,-47og S al - Phy c Dee 61 -- 74 1-1 i '; :E f 4' e C i av-~;rzlblaz E2 .0 -1 Z by kj. A. P..).I;ullzkiy,, Yu, S. L-im, urkin, I-1. B. Fiveishiy, V. 1. Kovdn'. k Irp. f A RUSSTAA_, per, Dot Ak Nauk SWR, Vol MCKV; N-6 5, 1.959, PP 1007-1010. Amer Inat of Phyr. Bov Pbys - Dalclaiji Vol ivo so 2 scil Doc 59 Abstract of Low Temperature Relaxation and Mechanical Losses in Polymers, by M. A. Mokuls , Yu. S. Lazurkin S. I. Vavilov- Institute of Physical Problems Acad. Scl., USSR CIA/FDD X-2731 4uiruk ~.iul or 14- R*U=kllip W lib.L App'BE:aS6 DW.$ Kanud Eason jC_VOku*-I;hi cyn, no 192 iqwf- WZ 9022-065 1-)65 (1690) M. Mokunska &a-MU&I Etc Mosr M3kr 67 230$ 2%) Sykimtrys A~faayzma.47 and Faaudc.-Sy=atW7 0.4- Inducted Surf=va, lay V. A. MolWankly,, 1. 2. Sh-aftanavaldy.9 parp Kristallogm9blyap Vol Up Sri 1,1 1957, PP 23-28- Amer Imt of Pbys sai rob 6o /a t?, f4 -? Xnfluance of External Conditions on tba Mm" of Orptal Growths by V. A. goiWeva kiy, k4 pp. RUSSIMO por, Kristaus so 4p 1955P PP 3-k6. W-U-123 Eic i war mair 59 f7 Theory of the Carbon Micrephone (1), by U. F-61, ~4.. 21 pp. DMCH: per, FTT-Bedrijf, Vol III, No 4., "n 1951, PP 12M34- SLA 57-1020 Sci Electron 'a SA,!, f Feb 58 Thicary c:? 'u-1-- -'--71;,jn 1%acropIx-ne (11.). 2. IbI I.. . 17 PP. 0 1 DUrCH, per. PTr Dcdx-njf, Vol YV, Vo 1, Ott 1932, PP 311-41. A BLA 57-1019 Sci - Electron ZI-9, .2 sf--~5 -- Feb 58 Theory of the azbon Mcrophone fIII), by H. KA, i- -- -- I .) feb, - DUPCH, pery PIT-Bedrijf, Vol IV, No 3, Jun 1952, Pn- 118-124 SIA 2526 Sci - Electron Fe'h 58 of thi Carbcn Hicroplac-ne (Y), kny ---- 10 pp c DM-'H, per, ETT-Bedrijf; Vol V, No 2; Ap~^ 1953., pp 84-&8. SLA 57-1018 S ci - Electron 3 Feb 58 r;-,o-Gz!;icz of Caezon Mcrcphoneu, by H. 21 p 7%, e C=--Cft~ per, PTr-Radrijf, Vol III, Fo 2, Aug 1950, PP 85-91~ SLA 57-955 Oct - Electron ~7 ;2 Reb 58 Theory of the Carlbon MAcrophorm,,IV):. by H. Irol DUPCH, per, PTT-Bedrijf, Vol V, No 3, Aug 1953, pp 112-115. SLA 57-1017 Sci - Elect.-on ~ ~ - Y'- ? I __'? e) bUcrobardness Thets and the Validity of Heyer'n Lav,, by A. Holaroni. TEALIO., per,, La Metallurgia Italiana,, No lo., 1956.. pp 443-446. T.I.L. Tr 4786 Sci - Engineering Lf Jun 57 Subdivisiou of 21-Totions and Asymptotic Methods Ln tllu-~ Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations.. by A. 14. 1401-cato1r; 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol M:M) 1.9,01, PP 1030-1033. Amer Math Soo Sci -jul 61 /1; o,, ;~~ I,,-- The Coudeamtion of Fbrmmldehyde With Perfluoro-Olains-Tatrafluorootbyiew., by E. P. Kulchvllmp B. L. DYatklnp 3 PP- RUSSIM,, piw,, Dok A Mu* SSSR., Vol CXX)=s, No 1, 1961,. yy lo6-log. CB sai "?, e 0 " 7 7 41 aun 62 ram ploagaMStat AndWY to Lk gW- ".- Assessing the Quality of Autcmtic Draving Frames) W A. MIchanov. RUSSM, per, TechnoloM of the Tir4dj.le Mg, v0 Indur. -ryl L 1. 3, M. 34, 19937-pp UB 125 CSIW/ No - 7300 /I /gloi-CAAvad Sci - Aug 67 337-OCT M-eeting of YlLruqvLrhev With Scientints In Sibartm, 't%y M-Olchanovj~ RWS'EAN; np; Pravda, 11 Oct 1959- MD Daily Revit"I W-SR pol Oct 59 Q 7 z bWetirkL of Khruqvkhev With Scientists in Siberia, by Molchanov, RUMM., npj, Fravdap 11 Oct 1959. MID Daily Fev-imw LT)IM Pol Oct 59 Observations of the Locali3ed Radio Sowves on the Sun With the LarSe Radio Telescope of the gain Astronomical Obsermory at Wavelength of 2.3 cm, by A. Molchanev. RUSSIM,per, SolwchMm Dannye, No So 1961# pp 68# 69. CSIRO/No 6073 Sci-Astron May 63 ~.;2 q Y.Tj V Padio Astronomy Observations of the Solar Eclipse of 15.2.61, Carried Out by the Win Astrmomir-al Observatory,, by A, Holchunavs. D. Korollkov. RUSSIAN,* per, Solnecbmya Dannyep No 41, 19619 pp 62-64. CSIRO/No 607S Sci-Earth Sci 4 Astran A,? ~ ?4() may 63 The Rational Use of Copper &nd Coppor-Zina Pyrites, by A. A. MolchanovD Do 'Ac Yukhtenov, 6 pp. - RUSSIAN, per, Te"tj:ye 316tally, Vol 1, No 6, 1980, pp 21-25. Primary Sources Soi Fab 61 1~*"z';:f -6) Spectra amd MAgnetic Fieldo or Localized Sources Which vere Observed During the Solar Exclipseb of Febi-mry l5thp Ln6iv by A. MoIchimDov. RUSSIM# per,, �ejEecbW RM00, So* 20 19&20 pp 53-58 CSIM/No. 6868 - /7, 121 c,/- C h q A) ct o Sci - JWY 1967 334-442 The Hydrologic Role of Forests, by A. A. Molchanov. RUSSIAN, bk, Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, 196o, 464 pp. 4PL-480 oTs 63-11089 PST-870 Sci jan 63 ,:Z,O02iU9 and ThRuiM of Bolls by A. A. Milabamoirs PPO RUSSIAN,, pars Leanoya Domp Vol n10 So Ip 1990,1 27-31. 01,3~1 t,) Sai Tr Center RT-2207 Scientific - Goophl"Ic Apr 55 M The Reserves of Veedles in Fine Trees in Tizaberstands of Different Ages, by A. A. Halchanov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN., thrice-mo perp Dok Ak* Nauk MR) Vol LXVIIj No 5, 1949y pp 909-912. Sci Tr Genter RT- 7. 7 Scientific - Biology / ce 6 (, 21 Correlation Between the Result3- of Rudic AztronouW and Optical Observations of the Chromosphere, by A. Molchanav. IRUSSLAH, W, Solnechqre DamVe, No 11, i,;6o, pp 6k-66. C83RO 562~j Sci - AstronoW Aug 62 ";' ;/" 3--) 1 SQUWde AcM the Ssd*M 4C QWWSMrg by Ao MO6fi"miw- s RUSUAK q~, EkM amoo Va 00,1* On 19"j. lp um PAM Th* UY&doow Ras 4w FWOWAU~ IN &W" MUL W PL40 Set - Agd un Applyins Biological Yi--thods lbr Regulating Water Conditions in Areas Undergoing Swamp Forrmtion, by A. A. Ymolchanov. RUSSIAN, bk, Trudy Inst Lesa, No 49, 1959, p1) 45-53. *PL W0,C) De pt Int Mar 051 Pha5e DiscrWinator,, by V. 14. Vyaf;k-irv-Ap '/,. K. Pjarkovap A. Bs-14uIcha=vr 9 pp. RWSLUIv perp Radiatekhp Vol XIII, No 10,; 1958j, pp 39-44. pp Sci - Ehgr Oct 59 ~ ~ 10-2 6 Molchanav. A. L. TUf TE7QPER-,TUrE AND HU?XDrry OF THE AIR AND THZ SOIL TEMPZRATURF. IN FIELDS BE- rNEEN THE SHELTER BELTS (Rezhim Temperatury I Vlazhnoatl Vozdukha I Temperatury Pochvy n4 Mmhpoloanykh Polyakh). 1961, lip. 14 refs. PL- 480 Agr. Order from OTS $0. 50 (0-21898 T=nx. of KazaklAakil Nauchno-Is.led9vatel'skiij Gidrometcorol[ogicheskill Inszj1ru1j:',~X6 y (USSR) 1956, v. 7. p. 5746. DFSCRIP`rORS: Air. 'Soils. Temperatu 7 Humidity, *Plants, Grorwttu Moisture. Climatic facts Agriculture In 195(X 1951, 1952. and 1953 the moisture and tem- perature of the air and soil in fallow fields and In fields (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation. 7T. v. 7. no. 4) (ever) 60-21998 1. Molchanov, A. L_ Il. PL-480 Agr (60-21898) Ill. National Science Foundation&. WashirWon, D. C. offi.. 0 UM-. Stability In the Case of a Neutral Unipar Approximation,, by A. K. ILO ~Chawv-- 4 pp. MMUN, per D& Ak W=k OSSR, Vol CXI,]:.* 1961,, pp 24-k- Amer Math Soc set 'Peal JIM C-2 The Bounded Variation of C(intinu.Gua r the Hydrodynamic Equations,,-by A. IA. MoIcLanov; 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXXIX,,, No 6~ 1959a pp 1257- Amer Inst of Pbys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol ivs . No 6 Sci ju3. 6o Finite Setc and Scalar Products, by A. 14. Molckiapaov. RUSSIAN, Dok Ak Nauk UHSR, Vol CXVI, r..Io 6, 1.957, pp 92-0-922. 2~ WTLincoln Lab Sci. - Electronics,(~ Mar 58 Turbulleyme MwmyJ)er Inflart for D-35-2.uginest b,,r 0. M. vin-lac-IlLklm., A/0 Molchanovo S. A. BhchujlOV4 i Trak From A o Aug 19541.9 Ipp 24-25. oTAIrDDIr,u-m no jilki usm Eacraomic scie'atil"Ic THE SPECTRUM OF A LOCAL SOURCE OF RADIO EMISSION ON THE SUNI BY A. P. MOLCHANOVI 4 pp. RUSSIAN, PER,SOLNECHNYYE DANNYYE, NO 4.f 190/4' PP 72-75. 9678378 FTD-TT-62-594 SCI - ELECTRON 212,795 12 OCT 62 1:! ~uj 1,119,41 191 "MIT Use of 11-literina ScemniiG n Certain Radioas-uronomic Ubservations, 'Ll,r A. P. Molchanov, S. S. Grem-fachensIdy, 6 pp. RUSSIATIT, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb Zaved, If IWO, Radiofiz, Vol -TV, No 5, 1961. MIS 13656 Sci 1-lay C2 1-194) 3,66 ............ ............................................................ ~'l L M;~; rhe Spectr= of Local Sources of Solar Radio Cunission. ,oy A. Pa Holchanove 4-pp* ------------------ i . ,2ZEER- MSMW, per, Astrw 2kw,lNo, 5, 19619 pp. 649-854 ,AIP Sw Astr=.M Vol. V. no* 5 Smi F~Y.~t Kar 62 Kra Roome" Id, W& WSW, PWO VOW rlgT F4 w U Sal-issaAft Low 44 VA Goww"Raw GMT Antenna System for the Radioastrononic Sun Service, by A. P,__~Icha~novp V. tf. Vyul:kina, I I pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, Moscuw, pl) 162-168. OCR/FDD-,'%Y-9688 sci-phys Effect of Frequency and Phase Jumps an a Tuned Voltage Amplifier.. *Oy A. P. Holchinav? 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Radio Tekh, Vol XV1.0 NO.41 3.!961. Sci A ~'& , to v-, / mar 62 Lvestigstion of Ante=e lustallmMom Accordim to comic Sow%ces a& Radio Radiation with Finite Size, by 0. A. logugLevatev, As Pe Mlcbowv, P. V. Clianiuk, L. M. POmOmsAsW6--�-ii." p MMUN, per, Ptedioteft I nektro, Vol 2, no 6, 1956., pp M-M. OU R-3002 sci Jul 59 5~7 Molchanov, A. P. 'ITIE POSSIBILITY OF PREDIcTING 'FlIE APPEA11- ANCE OF SOME SUNSPOTS BY USLNG RADIO ASTRONOMY DATA, tr. by P. A. Kazakov. Preliminary Communication. [1960] 3p. 4 refs. [CSIRO Trans. no. 15068. Order from LC or SLA mj$1.80, ph$1.80 61-15648 Trans. of SolnL-,chnyye Dannyye (U%R) 1959, no. 4, p. 82-83. 1. Sunirkn5---l~ansucal analysiq 2. Radio astronomy- - Applications 1. Molchanov, A. 11. 11. CSIRO TYans-5068 Ill. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organizzation (Australia) Offic. of 7-6.1c., S.M... (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, T-L v. 5, no. 9) APT "vro Vulkova. auviioi mtro- ni~--,-icilzsisdi -tjservutrjrA,;Lt Mir I CF1771 IWO& D 872 z-:) 76 i~ A The Eleventh All-Union Scientific Conference of Int.drnists; Yoscow Internists I Meatinga, by A., S i~~oichanav, 16 ,7p. RUSSIM-1, Terapcv ArIth, Vol. a7n, Vo 2, 1966, pp 86-95- JM 3415 z Sci/Med jun 6o The Atomization of Liquid In a Carbwmtor as a Iftthad of XwestigatU4 Mixture Formationp by D. N. Iblebanow. OM WWZU, perp Aftw Wass, No 4,v MS.. pp 36-M. DM Lw-we l1w Sol - Fuels i1a 59 J A (a p 7 w/ Struggle Against Foot and Mouth Disease - Report a Professor WaIdEmm at IV InterwLtinal COngrOiss Of 3 athologists in Rome, May 19390 by D. P. Molebanav, P 4 pp. RUSSIAN2 mo per, Ma Sovetskaya Veterinariyaq Val XVIIj, No 8/9# 1940o pp 97-98. CIA 9004232 USIA Tr so 523 16 ?-" /x/ Sci - Biology/ Medicine Apr 1957 CTS/dex- EnfocLivinnerin o~~' Galiva 111 10 % .' ~~ot and ~~ ath Dicc-aso o1i DaGia c" c-ri cal P-xperiment, by L. S. Ratner., A. A. 1,,-ucL,ya,.,tuev, 11. 1. L-conov; D. P. Ftolckwxtov; IMUSIM., mo perp Veterlmiri;n, , Vol ),Fwj, NO .3" Nar 194-7y pp 23,, 29. Scienlk,Uftc - Meaicime Ors' 65/Feb 55 --7 //// ectro-Slag Welding of Turbine Discs of stenitic and Pearlitic Steels, by M. M. mofeyev, E. P. Molchan v, 7 PP. SIM, per, Svaroch Proiz, No 11, 1959, 19, 20. British Welding Res Assoc 60 / -,)- 4~~ 10 198 E. 1. MOLCHANOV UK-20 Calculation of the temperature distribution In a gas turbine rotor under transient conditions Teploenergetika, No. 1, 53 -57, (1956) TIL/OT-2770 - English Euratom. Atlas of Dia-irams of State of Titanium Alloys by 1- K. Molchanov RUSSIM, bk, 346 pp. REF: 0678.23F AD 670 090 N July 69 595'.360 Wichanov. L 1. and Tyzhnov, A. V. EkKrrmr~rAmomim OF SEDIMENTARY ROMS AND ITS VALUE IN PROIWECTM. rOR MINERAL FUFl- 1196219p. Order from ATS S-7.93 ATS-37P59R Trans. of Raivefta I Othrum Nedr (LWR) 1961, ,. 77. m. S. p. a- IS. DMRWT0R9. Minerals. Fuelth *Geophysical pro*- pectInIg. %rdlrrwrK&tkwv. *Rock. -Cmlogy. (Ea rib Scierknes- -Ckology. *TT. v. 8, vm. 7) 62-11263 1. Wchanov. L L U. TrzAnoy. A. V. 01. ATS-37P%9K IV. Amex fated Technical Servicm Inc.. Fam Ofjnp,--. M. r- f f-,.! -33 s A i Clinical and Treatment Problems of Acute PneumonlaB, by 1. S. Holchanov RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, Rio 12, Moscow, Dec 1966, pp 27-33 US JPHS 7995 Se.; -IV4r Ionization Chambors and Apparatku :.-'or Ru6yirZ Wide Atmosphtric Commic Bay Shanroo by I., M. Bakkerman,, V. A. Dmitryevp L. P. MolabaDmr, 0. B. 1.2=iutyuwaup P, 1. 7arni RUSSIAM,O gerp Pribory i Tekh Rksper, No 4$ 1958, pp 31-36. Imatru Soo of Amer sci Apr 60 17 Characteristics of the Course of Radiation Sicknees Under Field Conditions,, by N. Holchanov, 11 pp. RUSSUN., enoyoloWis# Bollsbays bbditsinaka Entaiklopedlys,, Vol XVIp No 2. 196o., 425 01. JMS 7902 Sol - YAd Yar 61 Rebuilding the OX-3 and by V. 1. Veresbehagiva N. (A-.F 654 372) XV-1 Transmitter "XyWe. I. *acbawv 7 PP- 1---l"'.. A HUSSIUS WS vestolk BrAXIS, No 2" 1955" w 29~-30- AM F-JM-8535/11 sci - nectronicsq uginwwus USM - ]&--Ozmxmdc 3,3,, a AW 56 t I 7,,IQ US 12766 5 t DlzpGnsary cave of personnel -- The DA0 Link in the System Of PrOPIV- laictic -and Therapeutic Measuresy by N, S~, molchanov RUSSPIN" V-0 De".. Voyenno Med Zhur, NO I., Moscow, Jar. 19600 PP ZZ-27 uS JPRS 2641-N j Sci // ?) " . -Some Problems of Current Import-aace in Military Field Tberapy, by N. S. Njolchanoy RUSSIAN, rno per, Voyenno Mcd Zhur, No 6, Moscow, June 1961, P? 9-14. 7J, US JPRS: /0 3 PL fvO V- 6 1 Concerning the Fifth Hilitary-Scientific Conforenco of the Military-Medical Academy imani Ya. E. Purkyne in Czechealovakle., by A. S. Georgiyevakiy,. N. S. molchanov. RUSSIM., per, Voyenno-Wd Zhur,, No 9., SeP 1957, pp 91-94. CIA 9016432 USDA Sci - Ned H&w - Czechoslovakia Nil Mar 58 Pi-ov--.Cts of lfrcati-,-~/ p 13 11 r 1 S i e s s -l'.'! 0 Ic ha. zc; I =r, -pcr, Voyennn Mc~ 0. (),-t 1961 p 15--~3 Some Results of the Study Of the 1,101ld-1- tion of the Internal Organs In Burned Patients, by 11~ S. Molchanov- RUSSIAN, mo per. Voyenno Mod Zlitir, No 6, Moscow, Aug 1966 , PP 36-48 US jPRS 76og / S /,*/ V1- V Certain Problems of the Theory -.nd l1rartIcc. of Oxygen Therapy, by N, S, Klolchanov RUSSIAN, rim per, Voyenno t.~ed Zhur, No 1, MOSCOW, Jan 1959, pp 31-36 4~e~ - -nz4l US JPRS 1555-14 MLT s I C"'// S'l 41 // (SF--l.8T2) Science Is Blossoming in Siberia, by B. Abom-henko, k". 14olch=ov 4 pp. Rmnm, np, Pravda, U Jkr 1961, p 1. JPRS 4T45 8-ci - Mae - J61" 7dj ,u1 61 inmusition or naeuv1=10"0606 ftla4m a Xmitted by Z[kStCmtAl RmpWW* Wlth a RI& Ca CGOOMtrOtIm A bY A, X- DbWh-RrMVlch., Y* A. molchmnw.. 5 Pp - RUMAN., per., Is Ak No* am,, sor Flsj a vbl =vp so 4,, 1961,, pp "TAft- crf Sol 2=$M Jul 62 a Phasc Fluorometorx-, by A. Etc Bonch-Druyevich, I. V. lCoxazzin, V. A. Molchp-no-v, 11. 1. Shirokov, 8 PD. RUSSUJI, _p-er, Pribory I Tekhnika Eksperlmenta., No 2, 1959, pp 53-56. USA.'-',IA SC-59/n/59 Sel - Physics Apr 6o 3 Angular Features of the Disin-logration of Metals by Ion Beams, by V. A. Molchanov, V. G~ Tellkovskly, 14 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Seriya Piz, Vol XXVI, No 11, 1359-136S. 9683146 FTD-TT-63-326 Sci-phys Jun 63 The Dispersion of the Spedd of Sounds Iucarbon Disulphide, by V. A. 14olcbanov, I. L. Fabelinakiy, I RUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk BSSH., Vol CV,, 1955, pp 248-249, UKM T. 1689 Sci - Physics J-.2j Y.I;e (~ Sep 57 1-7"ahe Reaction of Aldchydea and KetonQa WV,-h AcatIc Ar-hydrida. 111. Reaction of Cyclopentanorej. Acettone., aW, MethylprODY1 NOtOW With Aectic Anbydrides, by 1. V. Xachinnkaya,, V. A. Barhhaahp V, 1. Xolchanovp 4 pp. Uu.CmSsUra Full tranclation. EUSSIAIT., tao per., Zbur Obabch Kh1m. ITO 5, 195.3), In, 759-7559- ,Y-TIx -0, Val UIj, Cousultanta B=vnu Scientific - Chemistry CTB/= Corrosion of Silicate Glasses by Alkalime Solutions. Con=nicatiom 6. Mcn=enom of "Sodium Carbonate Paradoxes," by 7. S. Rolchunov, H. Z~ Rrikhidlko, 6 pp. RUSSIM, per, Iz A. Hank SSSR, Crtcleal M:Sja flauk, No 6, 1-9-59, pp 975-9W. CB Sci j,-m 61 / 5- ? " IF 7 ()1-, Gor-maion of Si.Ucata Glaosen by So.Lutions. Cows-ituaication 5. =Zact of Alkall. Concentration an the Degm of Daitractlan of Glasep by V. S. 1!~D 1. B. Prikhid'ka, 6 pp. RUSSIAN.. per,, Iz Ak Zrauk S=,, OWel Xhim Mmkp No 1s 1959s PP 3-8- consultanu Bulvau Sci - ebam Arm 60 L 11-11, 11 1. I I ~-~t 11 "1 Corrosion of SiliCate (aaZVOO bY AlkslIDO 90lutirmw- Comunication 1. Breakdown of QuarU, QRMFte OUU; and som tabomtorf Glwcoa by Sodlus V ft And Sodium Carbocate Sautionso by V. Be NaLchanw.. Me Me Prikhidko, 6 pp. MMI=j per, It ft Mau% W=j Ot4ol Xktn Nst*p 19W.. pp 1131-U57. CIA/PW XX-583 Wr RZLrJZAWLk TO P== NAITSM" gkd . Chom bbr 29 tf J tars INZERM USE O= .-ouremut of thc- Dissociptiola Pot=tial of- Furcd Po.. -zaium Fluoride and Sodim :2 Muctride, by V., S. !"Innovo translation. SLIN, mo, per# Log UsixUb ffisep-7, vol 1vp 19351 2 -31~ -~,,ntiftc - Chamistrys, potaosUm fluoride,, sodi=. fluoride /I () -7 1/ SOV Spa CTSAXX k',clating to EloCtrolyals ThaOry of Crjolito A-LuLlin-A 3olutions., by 1. P. Tvordovakl3i, V. S. 19 pp, per. Zbur PrIk rbim Vol XO igo 6., pp 10111-1019. Sci Tr Center RT-4152'I aCltatific - Chemistry ctroosmotic investieation of the Surfacib Layera .n Glass, by V. S. Mlchauov, '14 PP. SM U S j per, Zhur Fit Rhin, vol xnx,, no oo lg;,)go 1124-1130. ciantific - Chemistry Scl Tr Center RT-1208 Jul 54 CTS A New Phase Fluor=eter., by A. M. Bonch- vichj V. A. Hole-h-n v, V. L, Shimkov, 4 pp. FOSSM, mo per., Iz Ak Neuk,. Ser Fiz., Vol X'Cp NO 5, 1956., pp 596-600. Bumau Scl - Physics Jun 1957 Emma qp=d-wwsmtmdlw OF OLT* Ak Kok MWe Yd Rusumort ow loam so