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Application Of the Skoda-Savin Maebille to 'Testir Plastice for Friction and Wear, by V. P* Uitrolrich, 3 Pr RWSM. per, Zavod Lab., Vol JUVIs, No 12.. 3.9601. pp 1108-1410. 3BP 2 sai Aug 61 NY-1390 F,=erpts from 14fross ond Shrubs of Alb&WW,* by nia 91truabl, 539 pp.- AIZANL43,, moacWaVb,, Drwmt dhe Shkarret e Usiparlamm- Tivemo M5,, pp 6-10p 29AW, pp 5).9-5*, M:ki7. go nater-L-wi ZKw - Albarda Bel - Botaw M /17/ NOT 58 Albanian Discusses second Tome of tlao Selected Works, by Nikolla I-11trushi, 11) pp. ALIMIM, Per, Rruga a Partise, No 8, Aag 64, VP 66-DOVO JPRS 26785 Ef:ru-Al'.)ania Far -r-ast-Otina Soc Jm 65 271,217 Inveoti-caticas in the Field of Thclbaizl~a- 3:1- SIM'" c," the Product- of Condeaalniz X-1909101 thO'baillo WRIL A01'1*!Wo'.--) by S. I. Nawnrck&~-a,, Mltryaelw) 4 TTI. r IMSUNp per., Zht= Obshchei Millmli, vol v-m.:r, lzo 6.. ig.,'+", Scl Tr Cot~7&ir RT-1576 Scio-atific Chemistry 7/ "I M-11 Lkuli Transmission of Telemetry Data by Heans of Group Codes, by Ye. V. ~-Litryayev,. 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol VIII, No 6, 1963. IEEE Sci Apr 64 255,051 Fa"tr--,-,gwtlc larASSICA U"D-wUG%ttqAI Tw'.tatrIA by V. I. Usla, titst IJB r9. HMTAN, ver, Val Set Lamm nee 67 Synthesic of, Polym-at-'.Wl Methac ntrlates With Re~,Owv i4laro~' structure, by A. A. Korotkov., C. P. I'litFAMgIndlex"~ V. ti. KrWuLtna, 10 W.. ROSS=, par,. Tfsokmol Soyed1n., Vol Ip No I., 1939v pp 1319-1326. IV / , a 6. 1/ 7-63 sci Aug 61 Copol=arization of DIwAc Sydrocairbouz viAh Alkyl Vinyl Ethers, CommicewIOZ 1. =f*ct Carb= Tetrachlor-fda on the Wdwzdon ar this CopolywrIvatiou of -DataUssw wilb AMWI VUWI Ethers, by S. No Uchakm,, S. F. ba"evaundiart V 0 H., Emmunap 8 VP & EMUR, per,,. In Ak Flauk SM.. Mel M%im "o 3, 1957~ im 366-374- conwitmate BUIQU Sal - Chm M-eq 59 9- _M1j_pcb". and Weinberger, R. 62-20187 AUSTRIAN DEVELOPMENT WORK IN THE FIELD OF 1. Mitache, R. HIGH-STRENGTH CAST IRON. J06211201p. 11. Weinberger, R. Order from SLA $1.60 62-20187 Trans. of Radex-Rundschau (Aurtria) 1953. no. 1, P_ 28-35. DESCRIPTORS: *Cast Iron. Liquid metals, Casting. Graphite, Slags, Tensile properties, Austria. Three methods of developing high-strengih cast iron. e. g. overheating, influencing the slag and the formation of globular graphite, are described. A method based on the addition of Ca-Mg-SI-Fe alloys in the ladle with subsequent Inoccularton with Fe-Sl or Ca-Sl Is des- cribed. Ills method was also applied successfully to acid cupola iron containing up to 0. 12% sulfur at tempera - tures ranging from 12500 to 1350 C. The basic lined cupola furnace was tried as an economic equipment for (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, TT. v. 9, no. IOXover) Mcrocinematograpby of Tranaformation Procooses to Mtal, by F, Gabler, C. Retabortp R. Mitoobe. UNCL GERWp per., Kotall,, Vol XII,, go % 1958p PP 362-365. DSIR 34158/Cr Be i - Kin/mot mr 59 9r j 7~ Pig. zron. 'by R. iii-tteche and E, H. Onlt-13ch. 14 t: perj, B--rg- u Jbie=emanniuche Monata ehoftei Vol C, 19559 pp M-126. ASLD-GB-(O Sci A-119 58 The Micro-Butuess of Mineralog by He Nitsobei, E. M. Onitach, am=Njp perp lulm~oacoviep Vol Ulo sm 9/igj 1948P pp 257-309. %. T.I.L. T-4713 Y LA ;~undamamtala of New Heat TLeating Processes for ;-steel and a New Yjartensite Diapgramp by R. Nitacbe-. . - ~. i.-A. GE.IDIAII,p per., BeELI- und Huttenmamplache Nbcatahefte, Vol XCVI, Wo 2. 1951o PP 25-28o Bruicher Tr-2833 q.icntific - Minerals/metals . Price $4.4o Dov ~3 CTS 7a 73 Von KMq O-s XMM!.,Rp LWATs, A.v MMMERI, IL Inflmnes of lammUMc 9mlod on the arajftte um of Cast Iran* ARCHlV Pta DAS BMMMUUGM,, vol 7v No 20o 1933-314 pp 57965*j 4900 wrda* Brutcheir AD 24v $9.50 r , I-) "-'/ A -- I LEGAT, A. Ecrg- Und Huttenmannische I.-Ionatshefe, volt. 90, lic. 121 2600 words; 1942. On the Supercooling and Superheatinf- of the Transformation Processes of SPcel. 3rutcher I aris Crder Lo. 10/71, .~ 3-90. Reflected Light Phase Contrast Microscope and Ito Appl1cation in Hetellogmphyo by P. Gabler, PP- G=4U1, per.. Arch1v fur das Elzenhuttemweocn,, Vol XXIIIP No'a 3, 4, 1952, pp 145-15o. Scientific - Pbysics min/Metals Dee -55 03Z/DEX I I,Iode of Actiba Of EtchlUg Reagpets for Corbidest toy .% E R. Mitacbe. . GMMM, per, Areb:Lv 8l6eGbutt*Uw*4eDjp V01 ZX# 1935. Drutaber Tr 1314 134 oc;?~L A eclentific - MID/fttals IF $2.35 SCHOBM, A. Ur T .-.R --La ~31- - Stahl und Eisen, Vol 58, 34 fimires, 1 tabled 3400 words; 1936. in-Puluence of Suyxarlacatip.7 in Electric Furnace on 2t Structure and I-bachanical Properties of iMoy S,Yuctural Steels. Bratcher Trans, Order No 1300. %C4.25. /) 'f 0 3 -1ci7oscopic Examination 6 o' Suriavj3 at High Temparature, by R. Mitscho, S. Jaglit,,sch~ 62,*W4, per, Radox Rtmdachau, f4xz No 2, 19-63. pp 405-41-2~ DISI 3259 sci - Phys Jcn 64 New Alds to Metpllogt-phle EzmdAtgtlou Pud DamustvA- tions by R~ Ylteche. 0=40. per. Z VetoLlkwde. Wr 19%, Vp 171-175. Jul 59 KRAINER9 H I~tmmmv R. Archiv Fur Das Eisenhuttlcmfe3e-, v. 20, 1949, #5-6, PP. 197-198; 2 tables, 1350 words. Contribution to the Knowledge of the Carbides in Vanadium~alioyed High Speed Steels. z ~. 6 -~' , 'I / '~ - I.. ~' :'~ Brutcher Trans., Order No. 2346, $2.30 ~i :DZI-rujaco Of, ~r,oy Mme., Loads. Theovatil=1 ami MP Pawt T. Offaw--W,: by N. _N~~ 0--%M43., pt~rr., V. D. 1. ftitsicbrift.. Vol HO 10p 2.96P-., pp 361-372. MCESKIR/Raf: Vzo 274 6.R V/ 4 3,~havlo, and Safety Qi. ny 36 p. GFMEAMN, -"r, ATS Auto Zeit, 1958, Vol L~r-, NO pp 168-174. S~ 59-1773'. Jan 6o Vol 2, No 8 by '111. G r i".T Z; 7? (4 1 i v 0.1. 1 SLA 59-17385 Sci Jan 6o Vol 2, INC C, MITSCHE, R. and others. Direct observation of sinterin phenomena by high- temperature microscopy. Plansee Proc. pp.799-829 (1961) (CRL/D. 994) UE UMT W VJWMTIN3 W Tw MmIr am TM STRXM.AND THE Ifffmmm amAcTOISTICS OF ALUN STaKriPAL SMj, IN A. SCHMMt6 F4 HITSOK. GEMM - PIER STAW tNO EISENo, V(L LVI I IMAY 1"80 pp Tuwq., 813120 Scl .6 MIN/ MAO ww~( ma ce wfol*7 Contribution on tho Zazwtic Virm Abca-tion in ftas. Part I. The Etiology of the Virus Abartfon in Evas, by X. Idtach-trItch, 18 pp. MMM, pari Vetarinwy - Ma&cal Reports, No 1, 1955, pp 1-15. CLA/FM X-3422 Sai - Md mar 59 Piezomagnetism in Antiferromagnets and Ferromagnets, by A. 1. Mits k, V. HG. Shavrov,7pp. --s- RUSSIAINF per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol VI, No 1, 1964, pp 210-218. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol VI, No 1 Sci- Aug 64 265,387 On the Theory of the rature Dependeme of Ferrom4p2atic Anl8OtrOWj by 3- A* TUrovi, A* 16 MiUak, 5 ps RUSSIAN per,, Zhur Mmyer i Teorat Pis, Vol XZKMp Wo 4(101) 1959s. 1* 1127-1132. Amer Inst of PbUm saw VA" - im Vol Imm, Two (IOL NO Bel Apr 60 r9 Themodynamic 'Iffiaory of Plazoferrompetism. A. I.. Hitsek and G. A. Smoleuskiyp pp. 8 PUSSIAN,, per, Fiz Twerdogo Tela, Vol IVt Ho 22., 1962, pp. 3581-3592 Amer last of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Tol IV, No 12 soi J./,d " '?dg/ Jun 63 Mitsengendler, S. P.. Andreeva, G. A., Sokolava, K. L, and Korotkov, A. A. TIJE SYNTIIESIS- OF GRAFT COPOLYMERS BY THF ACTION LIC COM OF POLYMERIC ORGANOZAETAL , POUNDS ON POLAR POLYMERS AND A STUDY OF TEEIR PROPERI.IES. L STYR EN E-MM 11M MEMIACRYL%TE GRAFT COPOLYMERS. Sep 63, 10p 6refs Order from PP $140. 00/year In Polymer Science USSR,1 v~. 4, no. 3, p. 436-445 Trans. of Vysokornolekulyarnye $oedinenlya (USSR) 1962, v. 4, no. 9, p. 1366-.1374. (,%Nitra -t available) DESCMPTORS: *Craft polymers, *Styrene plastics, 'Acrylic resins, Copolymerization, CaWysts, *~. Temlor gp rile compounds, Styrenes, *l-ItMum compounds. TT-(%1-22211-3 Jp. 436-41-53) 1. Miwengencaer. S. 1. 11. Andreeva, G. A. III. Sokolova, K. 1. IV. Korotkov, J%., V. Title-, Styrt-1-io- M 2Lh v1... (Materials-Plastics, TT, v. It, no. 1) (over) olf~, 0 se"m usmove B.S. unamaRIME4 S.F. MLWSKDUO SJL THE WE= OF S(MIM AND TSOMMIM UFCW THM COPOLMMZMON G=AUTS OF V221L ACSTAIN AND MOVOKMM WALEATIP 7 pp. RMIANO nw Prik Odive Vol. Ma Me 3,, gar 19% awrom ?Voca-tiom Y6 a/ Cabolymrization of Dienic Ryd~&carbonz uitti Vinyl Ethers. Ccmln4 ion 1. Pecul"r Peatux-eo of the Copolymerization of Chloroprene vith YIWI I. Ethers,, by S. P. MitsengenAl F. Kraoulina,, L. B. Trwftmmva-7XN- 14 dt RUSSIM., per Iz Ak Nauk SSSRj, O~Pl Knim Hauk., No 9. Sep 1974~1120-1129- Consultants Bureasu Sci - Chem Jul 57 USEELK07, S. ff*- -y=EuaER=,, s. P. PMYATSKINAS B. V. USING THE COPOLTIMMTI(X EQUATIM TO COMTE TO CM'OSMM, AIND STIW== OF COPOMWRS.~ 9 Dag". MSUNj, Mmr PAk Mfts, Val ' . o wo 5s Imr 190 CounItants Ban= Tz4mlaUm y Iq - 1) Cepol,--serization of Dienic Hydrocarvong witb A Vinyl ftbars, Commzdcatlom 2. Lw- rslawl Targerature MmIsion CopolywArization of Butadiese wIth A1krI VInyI ftbArs, by 8.111. Ushmhovp S.P. Ititeengendlarp VA. Krasulims, 4 pp. RMIAN,, per,, Iz Ak Mauk O&M, Mal )adm IkulLp No 4, 1957, PP 490-493. Coasultacits Blareau Sci - Chem buy 59 gr 7 The Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate with Maleic Anhydride and the Properties of the Resultant Copolymers by S. N. Ushakov, S. P. Mitsengendler and V. A. Chekhovskaya, 6 PP. RUSSIAN mo per Zhur Prik Khim Vol XXIV No 5 USSR, May 1951, pp 495 - 490 Consultants Bureau Vol 25 1951 Abstract of The Nature of Copolymerization of Chloroprene With Vinyl Alkyl Ethers, by S. P. Mitsenhendler, V. N. Krasulina, L. B. Trukhmanova- -- High Polymers Institute Acad. Sci., USSR CIA/FDD X-2731 (NY46502) NUMBER INSTEAD OF INTUITION, BY A. MITSKEVICH, o' PP. RUSSIAN, PER, ZNANIYE-SILA, NO 10, L961, PP 4o-4i. JPRS 12315 sci - misc wv4 misc FEB 62 182,173 --- Gersoulm In the ardnitolftor-tba-vjm*~Aw- QMta31l MUM,, by Z. S. erg X= B. F. Sitskoviabs 6 pp. resslas, pwo Gmuda., No 6p Wi. - am sei I Nov,62 216*Wk M49mtlcu Ot %U tn a EWMtools Z*Mv by S. F. Lum RMIWP PW# D"MUI Ak Nm* Gknt=koy Mv go 2# 1954v pp 223-M. =a un m 1076 Set - min/lot 19A 4 4?0211 JUL 59 7-/ The Hydrological Structure of the Atl=tic Occan t=4 the Norwegian and Greenland Seas According to Microbiological Datap by A. R. Kriess 1. N. Mtskovich, 1. R. Mishuatina, S. S. Abrzovj, 4 pl). q RUBSIM per, Mikrobiologlya., Vol XXXXj, So 6,, 1960p pp 875:W7 AIM '14 91 '? Sci f - T*.-.-- Di-oc"rZa3j by M. K,. T,zn Inst, Ak gaw" Belmusakoy La-aRp E0 119-128z PP 213-219- DSI?.:LW =S 11151 Non-untformity of the Process Of PrIMILM C Dr4A ikodupftadon In the CoUs of Monmallb ArCO dng to CYtOqPV=OpbOwmetrlC DM, by V. Ya. Broddd M. S. DUtw?yLgU6 8 PP- t RUSSMIN, per# BM Eksmf'Wo I mdm= Vol LV14 No 3, IM04, pp V4-V7. JPRS 25464 Sd - B AU9 64 265,L7$ Tian 011-1--drs of Internal &aeration in Z'Lbw Dsvelopaeut of BUlds and B%=Ias by It. 3. mitake7lah. IMOCAM, b'-'-., MzAexy Vmdrouwy SakratzU v Zaridy- shavom RazvitU Ptits :L WskapttarmhohM., Vubl by tba Acad of Sai USW# Yxqoowv 1Mq 230 Ipp. ,727 am-W-21087 / /4 f v M 4w) aun 6o 3=er-pto fma "EiAcerino Olando In tho M03!~MMIA- 0 tizft and U==-te- by IL k9 pp, P,LW-TM,v bk,, 2nisle2y V Zarodyuha-ma Rawitli 1957, pp 40,4; 84-W; 96, 97; I-A, 137; i4kp I&P IQ# 170j? 171# gll&p 21.5p 216-Mlo us JES/NT4-339 Sci - medimim nm~fl 7,~ 63-14682 Mitskevich, N. MMME-7OR PRODUCIING GRAVITAIION FAMMSI 1. 71de. Craritrons OR REAL POSSMLXrY? [19631[91~. 1. bAftskmIch, N. Order from OIS or SLA $1. 10 63-14682 Trans. of Yunyi Tekhnik (USSA) 1958, v. 2. no. 4. p. 44-48. DF-SCRIPTORS: *Gravity, Production. LIVAticn. Tbeory. Madflnes. Relativity dwory. *Q-n= Mechanics. A popuLLrized accmint suggesting thu en's hopes for the control of gravity hinge on the discovery of "gravitrons"-quanrum carriers of gravity. (Physics-7beoredcal. Tr. v. 10. no. 4) Offim d Tahmad Savims Role of the Phase Transformation V%n (IV 3 (111) In the Caking of Amonium Nita-ste, by NkIM D, ve Eror+v, x. x. RUSSIO, per, Zhur FrIklad Khlm, Vol XM, fro 12, 1958, pp 1805-1809. ATS R-7-1703 Sal - Chem Jul 59 The Kluetlca of the tmmformtlw of Polymcnihous v4dif Ication of hmmt= Nitftte* 11.,p by B. V. Rnweyevo so le ~6 pp. IMUNO so per Zbor Fla 9blop Vol XMm, IF* lap'? 99 L. T 4308 Sel - TbpIcep Cbadstry Sep .14 Concomitant DecarboyxIation Daring AutoxidntEon of lscprcpylb=ene in Admixture w1th fttty Aelday I by N,-NAltukftla, T. l. Soroko and Xx B. V. Erofeyev.. 4 pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Dok Ak ftuk SSMj, Irol CXVI, No 1, 1957s Pr 103-io6. R'rS CoumatAmts Burew sai - Chem Aug 58 ,7J f -/ The Scalar Field of a Stationary Nwleon In a Linear Theory., by No V. Mitskovich () Ipp. RUSSUNs, mo per, Zhur Eksper i Tooret Fizi. Vol ]a=# NO 32 19550 pp 354-361. American 3tnfft of PbWsics Soviet ftsicas Vol. II# No Sci - nysiall X/ -5 rd --f - 31 Feb 57 CM 'If A Hc~inzvutl Ve-,nnm Wfect, in Gravitaltdon ~-J'Illqory, Iry 11. V. Mital.-M-71ch., 3 PP- RIUSLan, per., Zhur -ftw,,uw i Toorct Piz, WO. (9)) no pp IM-22U. AIP Sm Pb" - JIMP NOV 59 '71ilr' 7 Influence of the MectAic Field Strength on ths Fbotoconductivity of UcrAd ftenic System# tv ?I K. M-takT~kos V. 0. Botw1' 4 pp RM551U., per,, Is Ak NaukSWFtp aer Fiz., Vol XXIV, No 2. 19600 232-936 CTT- acl Apr 61 414,71A1 infrpi-sl Absor-t-tion ari Disnarsion In UP and HgO. by V. V, Mitskevich. on 9 -o Tela, VA 17, No 11, RUSSIAN, ner, Fiz Twerion. 3.962,, on jQ35-3047. Amer Inst Of PhYs Sov Phys - Solid State Vol IV, Ho 11 Sci Jun 63 Dynamical Meory of UaCl-Ty 1 pe Ionic Cryztals. II. Dielectric and Optical Properties, by V. V. T.Utskevich 7 m). RUS-SIA-11, per, Fiz Tverdogo Tbla, Vol III, No 10, 1961, PP 3036-3o4q. AIP Sov Phys - Solid. State Vol III, --N'o 10 sci i.,,,qy 62 Effective Ionic Qaarces in Cubid Ionic Cr-.;stn:L.,3, b -j - V. V. Mltgi!2v~ih) 7 PP - RUSSIM!, per, Fiz Tverdo-ro Tela, Val Vp UO 12, 0 1 9~3; pp 3500-3509. Amer Iw3t of Fh~m Sov Piys - Solid State Vol V, Ho 12 Sci jui 64 262,396 A"'proximation In the Lcu'ation Stz,,~-c- -~or Solia's and Calculation of Cerzain PropertiQz of Ionic Crystals. by V. V. Mtskoviih, Pp, PUSSIAN, per, FiZika Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, No 6, 1953, pp 1552-1560. i'Lcr Inst v- Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 6 Sci D,:- c 6 3 Dynamical Meory of NaCl-Type Ionic CrysLals. I. 'Cherm, al and Elastic Properties, by V. V. Ritskevich, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fiz '16,rerdogo Tela, Val Ill, t7o 10, 1961, pD 0022-3035. AIP Sov Phys - Solid State Vol 111, 1.10 10 Sci Mlay 612 195,724 Cycle of P.1aphostmbylux ikaujiforl AS.. 19s8& by V, Vu, ~UiOtAo-* kWSLAINO per, Parasity S4fij ~hosiasmtm vauuLk~a My a amtana, Val II&I 1964# pp IftCFSTI TT 67-51239 IIJ Roy 66 The Elucidation of the jAfe Cycle of the Nemtode FuPbostrongylua PAaguerl op. Bove From the Reindmer, by V. YU.- Wtskmv"icbv 3 PP& USSIO, per, Dok Ak Nsuk SMv Vol CXtKp SO 3s 19%.p pp 621, Amr Inst of Blol Sai Sci - Ned ~?6 49J-4/ (I'fy-3000) The Use ot C4pronee in H*,c;b:Lne BuildinZ, by Z. A. Hitskmd541 5 PP - e--. - - - RWsrM,t;4;a, Mashin iz Kaprorpp $orllvs 4, 1961, YP 14-23 JPHS M3 USSR / 05~ ~~ 10 ~, 5-) Ea= Aug 61 Cham&ar of Farlodle Me-tastions in ft-.- ZlActro3rvic Reduction of Cbromic Acid# by M A. Mtolms., Y. Y. Hatulls. IMSSW,, pax~. T=dy Ak Rawk LIftyawy1ft-t7a B" Vol IV., 1(0 16., pp 71-80, 1958. Sci - Cb= t:L Dee 62 1 1 LT Study on Increasing the Nutritional Value of Wbite Rice.. by K. Kondo, U. Mitatula. K. Iuaij, Ko Sa,-zwkaj, 7 PP- JAPAMEE.. rpt, Report of the Committee for the Study of Enriched Foods (Hpts for the Year 1951),, Min of Bducation Sci Testins- stiulicap May 19512 PP 4-7o Scientific - Biology CTS 70/-,Tul 55 ~~t 2- +invo7m.-Lati. on on Cav, I.;;, se . by , ~ii at, i lY - zu na rivoiki, Vo) All, -12 'g. NIH -7 Jun 62 DizericInatlas of ftw* in Plamt, Cmmattiesil ljy R - IIUAP-tO(, x - Utowem. JAPARWRi, r-,-r jaLma. -B&gkW~ca !I siA igM_ or _$ara Womm's ligyp"lu. Vol so. I'a, 1A. IF -pp 57-62. csiso/go. 7421 /V 7-6 " de- e A~ Jul 67 ;I.,- -I; I I I '~ 't JU,c:r-imftmtLou of Pcok in Plwit Calwall-lilm:: bi W Nu=ta) U. IUU4~1'4- JAPAIM) am. AP-I-*Ac-g gh, &M lb. ID., 14XO, pp -~T- 62- AuG 67 .313 5 -5 67 ,I.iEies oll ran Beaa!img Stealt5 (7,1". Ocu-n getUlurgical Factors on the Life or 13W1 Bmring'Steels)., by Mandbu Uenop Tetmtara Mitimhashi.. Yutaka Nakano. JPSANESE., per.4 Journal of the Iron and Steel 1wtitute of Japan# Oct 1955s pp 11 -1107. Tr Navy Tr No 1442Akwhipe/612 Scientific - MinfiWte's o~ct 1956 m/dex ACtlVVW Ot CQUW*$A Ae:*IW. OlvaU w A*U*o Rools4ot Re 2 C64 and smadlow IV Dam= ilRdm4wip wm!4000 UPA mwmda- 2 Namm *WbbK*op TodAm". amomol bw~ IOWA=# uw* VbL lb 59 0 -V&3V IZA rf-&k4=3 Ocl - BID MW 67 Studioa on the Constitumts of Udmaliferae Plants. on the Cauponests of Be%wlom Lonatm Var. Aslatlcm Ham, by IL Idtm!"q F 2. N=uxsv U. igmipdp 8 ]ni* JAPAMB., Per.. Yab*du Z"ddy Vol LMIP Rb 3v 1,961P pp 464.W7. NZ 7-l-& Scl - Ned 14 ;7 ft 61 , q'/all JIM-OWNW(CAstmammm QWddWWWAVtMlAfdKWtlftAb*- tbiw. by - - JAPAWN66 W Abftffao 26 KM AN3, V & 0"22M P271s"n Pd jam " W1410 AUrt-OARTY REVIStORIM AM" WN THE. AWM CMKIL AMUST ATMIC AM WWAM DOMOjo W MWO MITSWI~Qo 8 PP. JAPANM* We AMM14 19 WAY t963# P 5- im save M - JAPAN pm. JUL 63 93705t8 UA 71 03kw- "Wift Gas at Jiz,,,4Shida 1140. 5 Blast Furanot, by K. I'litsui, etal. JAPI'U'll; r, Tetsu-to-Gagwie, Vol 50, Nar 1964, pv,) 366-369. BISI 4178 FIE-Japan .y 65 ;Iciylcn-'t i,,- llul by G~ ;,:ttinj. T, PAtMIt no 154,815- !,o-Tilted T'Cll' 71,2 /41, OV5.421, imaxled T-ch 0.37 WOW( .1 57-dy T-ne importance of Isotopes in Agricaltare, by S. Mitsuij, ,TApAkm,, paper P/Io4o., Froceadimp of lateruational Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Held at Geneva 8-20 Aug 1955o Val xn- Sci - itaclear Physica, Ihternatl Conf -- M ciA 1-669.9.162 StUdier. on Plant Nutrition.. Fertilizer and Boll by Use of Radioisotopes, by S. 14Ltzui. JAPAMMj9paper P/1049, Proceedings of International. Confernece on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Mergy 3fild at Geneva 8-20 Aug 1955., Vol )=- Internat]. Couf -- UIF Sci - Nuclear Pbysics MA 1-669.9.162 On the Volatalization of the Agmonia Transfromed from UREA, by So ?4itvA$ me M0riyIIM4p JAPANESE, Per, Ninob !!2jo Ifiryogaku Zasshi, Vol 25, 1954* pp my. SIA 7T-66-10732 Sci-Chem June 66 303#511 AEC-tr-4482(p.1679-91) Uncl. STUDIES ON THE PREPARATION OF LABELED LINE Nll~ROGEN AND ITS USE. PART 2. THE UPTAKE OF Ca'~' IN LABELED LIME NITROGEN BY CROP PLANTS Shingo Mitsui, Jun Kurihara, Susumu Sonoda, Toru Hirayama, Kazuyoshi Hamada, and Akiro Terakawa. C-23 P NSA N-8 stu'dy On the Gzidraticci of Cane (Part X),; -wr -r.. Mitsui. Sugat SliLluuterin; jA2PJ4WS, Wr,, i Arg Chem Soc Sap&n, Vol XILIP 1938v PP 342-348- MEW-C-TI436 SCA ~Xr AIT 53 The St-udy of Sugar-Cane Wax (Firrt Report) phy.tomterol F.-om Ougar-Cane Wax.* by T. Mi ..,W. h;l,, 17 -n-le, J.4-P.A-rv=, _,er, J A,,,,r Chein Boa Japan, Vol XIII, 1937, pp 495-501. SLA Tr '21)-20 TFE - M= Japan /' wcon N' o c - T 139 1 (p q.,! 4 - ~D 1~ atu,,t-., c,~ vlar, li'~a r. !- -,01 1 .-.ter ta I of r-4 ~,- ~~- -I-,:.-..,- VT, the 6-1-1-itro Dicrivative o.Lr' Stei~ins, by Futstd. JAPATIESP, per, Jourmal of -1 _C- :Lca C., C-- oj* TLpaj-.,, VC_~~' ZrI, 1.9 sci I-ray 62 of ll',--, ol. I, TT b-,- T. ItUt-' io,,Ir, of A~~icllltural V-1, Vol. X .)OCieV; r,-5 -Japan, 1-7 en Ha,y L.2 Fmdmental Conditions of Caffeine Wuraction, by T. Mtsui,.,J. Mga. J 0ABESE; perq Sci Res Dwt ispenv Iwo]. MMIII 1951,9 -rp 495-502. IMDOO-TI540 sci Aug, 58 The Liquid Entrain at and Its Removal of' LarV- Scale.Eviaporation Unit. Evaporatlan of RaMeactiv Liquid Waste, by Nobuo Mitauishl, Sadabiro Sak rAta, YU j I Mato udap -TUM~Yaakwto 0 pp az%& I - j jAPAME., per, J Atcmic Energy Soo Jap", Vol .1, 19591 PP 363-369- AM Tr -4225 Sci Jun 61 15-6 661 2 On Liaaid Entrain=nt and Its Remova.L~ Decontamlna- tion Characteristic of E-mporation Unit, by Ilobuo ldtsuishi, Yataka Yamamoto., Yoshitoshi Oygmil., P2 ARAIME, per, Kagaku Kogaku, Vol XXIII, 1959, pq 647-654. AM Tr-4225 Sci Jan 61 /5-T fT7 Studies on Liquid Hatrainwat EvaporaVion of Radioactive Liquid Waste,, by iobuo ltits4ishi, Yuji Mtsuda,, Yatska Y==oto, Yo5lift6A~~, ,pp 19 -16 JAPANME per Kagaka Koaska, Vol XXIII, 1958, pp 680a. M Tr-4225 Sai ,Tuu 61 A"Uc*tL*a of the Owk Ute" in 0 VWIAWA FlejA for ab"orlm Wo U#cULe ne3A LA a NW-240 ft"Pnw pl4dwplp by W, B..Iutsi*o pp. ammo pwo aw %a FASP Val jw1up 1b 61. ILVAS 0 1316-MO. Amw lut st owe now rdim - TWA nis T" use so 6 a" a Pbya 2r1 rob Measurement of the Electric Field in a Super-High Frequency Plasma, by V. E. Mitsuk, M. 0. KozImin.Yall, I. V. Talalayeva, 5 PP. RLGSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser,Fiz, V.)l XXIII, No 8, 1959, PP 1031-1035. Columbia Tech Sci oct 6o - 1301,3d-~, Electrical Discharge in Air at 3.2 cm. Wavulangth, by V. E. Mitauk, 0. 8. Solatsev, H. Z. Xho'-,Lblov, P. G. ff. Zastonker, 8 pp. luiss='r. per, Radlotakh JL Blektrun, Vol III, fio 5j 195 , pp -703. Pergamon, Press Sci - Electron Sep 59 ~' ~7 11Z I of Radioactive :Ix-radiation on the initiation of Super-High Frequency Palse Discharge, by It. Z. Kbop~ov' P. S. Bti)Jdzj V- 2-41tauk, T. F. %Imaltayeva, 9 yp. 19051111, per, Radlotekh i Elektron, va ni, no 5, 1958~ PP 701-709- Pereamn Press .Sci .. Electron Sep 59 LjA -- MmLftctugs Of 2*IdlY =83"VOM Armto AUd slitums by Ir. &=m$ U. "Idmo anuismi abd ANSAMMaDAM 2%4., A2s-jg-m "k~ - SelmCben am 70 "As Coneral Lyuslikov's Escalm, by per, Bungei Shunju,, Vol 28, 110 16,p I Dec 50 pp 76-88 u S, s P, B io Dec 66