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lbo the amwerimenw luffestles- tum of the Aatdon of Cbranim In IwApip 'IWWV 33 pp. pwp Amb Xalwmt do 11 at 40 "Atmoor imp VOL I I I p 34-0. MIA "-20*5 a" - nod 0=1022 I &'Jv 77-63-2M6 11 , L., Peeters, G., and Quenon. P. J - OF INFUSIONS OF ACRIME DERfVA- " 1. Title: Lzutatiorl IIVES ON LACTAIION IN S"EP (L'Influence se 1. Massaxt, L. 11-ifuston de D6riv& d'Acrkline sur In Lactation Chez U. Peeters. G. le Mouton). 11963) [101)] Brefs M. Quenom, P. Order frw~ SLA $1, 10 Tr-63-20976 7Yaar.. of Archfiven) lm[ernationales del Pharniacodyn-, [annie et j,~ "Ilherap~-',] (Belgium) 1949, V. 76. no. 1. P. 102.409. DF,SCRRn'0RS: Oftrenteral infusions, Sheep, Mlk, Secretion, *)Aanunnry glznds, *AcrldLnc derivatives, Estrogens, Drugs, (Biolo2;ical&-Aejicer--Pharnwcology, 7T. v. 11. no. 5) BlIko d UcW" Serwk.& Inhibitors of Gaml=tlori in tho Cia--ralec; of Sugeir Beetri and in Other Dried Fruits and Seedn, by L. Vhsvmrt,, 4 pp. EUSSIMj bim per., Biokhimp Vol MCII., No 1, 2., J=--.k'P-- 1957., PP 417-420- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry Apr 58 4, -roar- );ram Dicarboxylic Acids and Diamimn cr 'ILminvearboxylic Acidii, bry Heinz Indest, Heir,.2; _-LAsseat-L Relmat Stoehr, 10 pp. (M- ANIff Patent L 060 1339, C1. 39c, 10, XnturwwAom_-- 01. 0 08g, by Vereinigte Glaunutoff-Fabriken, A. G., Wuppewtal-L,Iberfeld., appl. 23 Jul 19.55, annouvic-ed, 25 Jum 1959, issued 10 Dec 1959. SLk 60-14-23-1 Sci .Apr 61 OTS; Vol U11 No 32 Etude Experimentale de la Recristallisation de 1' Uranium Belge, by H. Massaux. UNKNOWN, per, Journal of Nuclear Materials, XNXIM Vol V~ No 3, 1962, pp 287-300. *,qEl- Sci Sep 62 kmqrAtl,m of the Microstructum of %Vo SaaWles Of A3uWm radutorUs Befwo ana After Mas by JP. lbasauap 22 V 3ma% pwo Ift,4MMUN W, x7a jb 90 19601 .0 61-W. dA Tr 66-10686 o= 66 'Lltx,; a~- via ---SSZ;ZZD, !-icr, kin Cj&-I-, Vol S3, 377,46. Xv,,govemut in Vlotor Veblclo Bump--rs,7 mad Bmpera Totw MaTroved., by Juler--CwLtUll vRmm., patent No 724,467- Dept Of COMIewee ftt4ut Office Sel Llb Sol - Env my 6*,~., lAssse. P. OMMAL INVIK3TIAENT DEMONS. 1963. 516p Order from Scripla Techrdca, Inc.. 1000 Vermont Avt.. Waiftngton. 5. D. C. Trans. of uftidentifled Frerbcb mono., n- p.. a. dL DESCREPTORS: 'Dt:cision maileg. *Ecocomics, *Management en&eeriug, Operations research. CSoclal Sciences, TT, v. I(X no. M 63-22672 1. )&are. P. 11. Scripts Techaka. Inc.. Wasbingtoa, D. C. efiks li Tedr" IN*= :--Rays and Fonaation of Antibodies,, by g- Mas3ei, M_ lcxinair Ho ". ~XA_ 'TALIAN, per, Hialnatol ed lumurioematol, Vol IV, fo 4) 1957,:pp 265-276. NM 7-2-6o ;ci - Med ;ep 6o 1.?.411 "~~7 NV"IW&J�,WNjALIAN CP CRISISO I FRO" Le4amimi VOL 1xv w 85,0 NOV 1~4, A 4 ,m 16.939 WDJR - I TALY .I PM k JU 63 218o76B ihe U*o of tho Polaxogmplh in Fvrr-ou.,) NeaUurgaml LdborevoAecp I, The Detamin~--l'sion" of Copperp Nickal and Cobalt In the. Presme of Bab Other. in Stselsv by Oustav TImnbelserp ant Hutp=j GMIAMp pitrp JUtt K&1ww-WU*1u-1wt fur Rimenfarze.-h Dumacadarrv 1937p Vol =0 No 28 Vp 2746. SfA 59-20473 Sci lbr To). 3# No I Adenoldimm lu IrAdochina-, br Ch. - Nacciam pp. ritUM9, per, BuU Soo do Path Uat, Vol nn, go 1/22. igAgt pp n,i2. N39 Tr 11-21 Sol - modlaim Pea 56 CTS IS -n.oaur T,-Wiwws, IV -:1. moola- 7now'o ];W=t, 1~*. im5p7Zp 2Z3s 5 P. Imi'M 7111 1!1-n*o .- " i '- ~-- *--. -- i s w~ rea 60 3r-,olM Nuclear Malmetic Resonamce SU in Nstural PToducts. 3. Study of Somie Flavonei De- rivatives and Related Substances, by J. 11assicots J. Martha. bullotins Soclete ChWque de France, No 100 19620 pp 1962-1970, CSIRD/No 6286 Sci-CAem Aug 63 Regenerative ana DeSenewative Itenomens in isolated TOLU of 1171a exborea savigajip by A. SWanonj.* o. Thermos, H. DkLooMa; 3.1 pp. =I:ur,o perp Senases Fac Sol,, Univ Ce4iarl, Vol - MEP no 172s MOP 7 PP- N331 Bci6ntlflc - Medicine CM/lINX qMatitative Spactrum Analyais of the Raw Mterial and CjjWwr Used in this Production of cemjitp by T. 9. PP- FUjL1 MMIM.p bluo ywo XX A NWkt 08W NU-v V01 XIXj, No 10 1955,, PF 96#99- GrA c 53 Columbia Tech TV Mw 56 Outflow Of Solid-gas Fluidized Systems Through Suall Holes, by L. Massimilla. ITALIMU, per. Ricerca Scientific&, No S. 1959, pp 1030-- IJLL Ref: 9091.9F (Spr1ugfield Trans 197) Z - Sci-phys Juite 69 384,563 Beat Ti-raisinissaon in Baffled and Unbaffled F r Pluidised Sol*-Id-Gas Systems, bN L. S. Dracale, A. CabeUa, 42 pp. \ITALM~/ FjftWM.,.Vrpcr, Ilicerca Sci, Vol )OXII, 1957, PP 1853- 1364. ABC NP 1~---432- sci - Chem Aug 6o Mi,cing cf t'-Io Solid Fhase in Baffl(mx! mna 'Unbol'I'led Plaid.deed Solid-Gas Systerm, by L. Mass-itmilla, 13. Bracale, 23 PP. ITALIM, per, Ricerca Sci, Vol XXVII, 1957, Pp 1509-1525. AEC NP Tx- 1.127 Sci - Chein jun 6o '/ "--2 / , ~&/ bwkt~re'liWei'3 Fbiloving: "IfftmtIan of Oratic Aciolp by B. DoIcettap L. Wcalm., 10 pp. ITALIM, per.. AcU Vitamiwl,. Vol XI.. Ro 6., 1957, pp 2,W-26o. ffm 6--28 Sol - mea aa 58 3MA92 FUNDAMENTAL STAGES - 114 - THE - DEVELOPHIEN'T OF THE CO,MTROL OF TUBERCULOSIS IN THE USSR, BY S. V. MASSINOO 22 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, EPIDEMIOLOGIYA I OR(MNIZATSIYA BORIBY S TUBERKULESOM, VOL IV: 19621 PP 9-25. JPRS 16467 SGI MED DEC 62 '3 210,052 A MEE 62-18442 hiassinan, DETHIMMKTION OF OXYGEN IN STEELS BYME 1. Massinon, DIFFUSION OF ALUMINMI. 5 Nav 48, Sp. (figs. tables refs. oinittecO. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-18442 Trans. of Revjuej de Mdtallurgie (France) 1947, 1. 44 Ino. 5/61 p. 174-179. DESCRWORS: *Steel, *Oxygen. Deterrninjtion. *Aluminum, Diffusion, Oxides, Metallurgical analysis. C?;?7566 (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, IT, v. 9. no. 3) CHI.. d Tb*.1 um- Tbm BiIiSX7 - - . - J-R-D--IUMDzt!c m-d mwrWutIc Orientation), W J'. Mssion.., P- Leunikrdp 221T. GEIMp WpRevue Madicale do la SiUse Rawnde Vol 75,p No Vs 1955, pp T-7,3-Ko. ME TT- - -189 321,695 sci. - B 114 Mr 67 Billary Tracts and rominine and Masculim Gonads,: ba~~T. m4oioup P. laonard,, 3 pp- NOXH,, per., Rev Int d'Hapatologie,, Vol 111, Vo pp 4879, 4M. SIA 59-15531 me fig Vol 2fi So 5 oor rkr-lenr 1(fogwtic Basontmee lu fiatuml Products. 7- Mem DAe on FUvone Der1wtives., by J. Wasieot. ., per., BuU. Soc. Chim. de France Val 22, 1963., ==r-p :n]2.2721. pp COXWOO, 693). ;Y. /,A Pr!~ a 16f Sci - tmg 67 335.,175 - J-1589/64 lhiltilateral Force and Defense of the West., by Roger ll~ui.p 7 ' ' ICY, n ZLe Figaro, Paris, 28-29 i~ov 1964, p 5. Xt"'I'DC-LL006j'Special W Bur - France Pol Dec A ,2-705-30 _N ~fs- A METKOD FOR STUDYING PERMEAMON OF TOXIC SURSTANrFS THROUG" THE SMN. Oct 60. I 1p. Order frorn K-H $13.75 K-H 10325-c Tranc. OfAmhlv qUrj TomkoloSle (WestOerfromy) 1956. v. 16. p. 208-214. OPSCRlrrORS: *Skin, Absorpton. *Potions 62-17514 I . Wommen. W. - 11. K-H-IW-25-c IU. Kresile-ftm*rr Science LJbrar) AseDclatet. Detroit. "ch. Piolosival Sclencro- -Pathology. TT. v. 3. no. 4) OWN- .0 T-L...i I-'I*OGrcsG in thc 'Joe OT Oxy~ren in -,;he Open Hearth Ptumace, by M. Foresi, G. fbsf)Obz'oi. GE-RIMAIT, Tor, Irtadex Rundschau, I Z Feb 9 Broken HIII PraD Co LtA (CM/T 361) Sai - Bngr 7/17 r.,- c 61 /7 1 Proposs lu tb* AppIlostion. of Ouqnpu in tbo Opau-Bearth Fwmaces by M. Ywasiv G. Wasobria. um r&JJU,, Verp Ot V.",p No 7,p 1959,p Vp 257-M. =I 1709 (L9.158.0s.) sei - cmal NWM*t /hp I itm 60 ) 1411 ITALIAN MARXIST PHILOSOPHERS CDNTINUE HEGEL- MARX RELATION DISCUSSIONS, BY ARTURO MASSOLOJ 7 PP. ITALIAN, PER, RINASCITA, VOL XIX, NO 20, 22 SEP 1962, P 28. JPRS 15664 WE-ITALY POL OCT 62 214,982 RESISTANCE 70 PatSIONISM IN T14E ITALIAN CO#MIST PARITs OV MME."ASSONs 5 FP. FNNMJ. IV LE COM"IM ND 83j, JUNOUL IAv PIP 131-P 14- p Jm 15113 WIM - ITALY mx I Ixt Q 2120947 MOESCOW-Peking: Whmln Moo the Oantralmrsr?,, by JWd= ---- 4 Vp, FM' M 1,Vro LO OOMM"tl3l No 79ip Fab 1962M. pp 8.9'. JPW 330A I" Tisaft AM15A - adna Pal / :z f 4 mw 62 Left-WlziS Commmirst WrItfir Unts PdIghtist Dsvia- tiordstal Aumlpes to Those of So-clLallats, by Audra ftsou, 5 pp. FRMH, per., Lou Comialate., Vol VI;E,, No 70, pp 1.0-12. JPRS 8B2x MI, - Prame li~ ?, / 71 Pal Sep 61 Modifications on the level of the isuprarenal capsules during the reaction of maw= in the rabbit, by 0. Ymeon, H. per, Coupt read soe blol,, -IL03,, no 8W-9a 1939. Sci Aug 59 Stukr of Couacrine; lVdrochlorate or DiEminomethyl.- acridine, by G. M040 37 PP- m I"'ll, FMHCH# per, Ecole Veterinuire Nationale d'Alfortp 1934. SIA. 1529 SOL - HD*ieiw Apr 58 6 -~,.Cnt- Factorc Playltv? a I?o" o~ ;-a ti--~~ 7onuation cof Dev oZ Aiz-czplieric Ilecor&-;b1c by Rain-CauLrea. Cor.:~-X:noatuicon '-Q, mirl Vegetation, by H. xa-uaort~, 56 FL). po*r.. BuIletin de ltlru-itit= Franuda xoiro Vol RE, T~W, vp IT9-5--E Air Rou vmmd~ Dev Co.,mirA T- Gla~ySiCV CTIZ tJ 311 by RUIZ-Gaug-en., c"On- ','o t.,2-:r and V cGeta) tlon-, by LIT. 11_=ca, 10- P.P.1"NOU, peir, r1=11atin. de, lllrxtitv.-~ Vol X, P,) 7-21- Air Res and Dev Cwmmlmd r- 141-4-.r- 3.1 ";[ CC tll;~' -nd CorICI 5:'LCII.5 ~.L )U -"-. ~ -U, - rf C,-,adc=ctfcnc rot rol,.or0---!-,Ic b- I.Tator an,-4 Vc-ect-a-tion., 4 pp. perj Pullpr-in de IlTistitut rranarlis 'a 7ol X, 194,15., 5.06- Air Rar. and Sa -lent iric Guqph-yaicn arnpm 5 Swm~mmry of the Second Part and Conclusions of Almospberic Condetwations trot Recordalble Rain-Gauses. Pondewation Water npd Ve's-a-l"etion, by H*_!LAq ~on pp- jil U'U.-KiMp pery BqUptin de 11Ipstitut Francair, dl.M'riaue Noire, Vol Xj, 194)Jj* pp 130,p 131. Air Res and D-- C=mtza f.~ I.Alj _. A- c Ic arb-Ific Geophyales Mj(DIT, .-. i~- L~ 1- .11- 0f C:;;- Reacraablc b,l,- Rair--Gauo-=. cc:-, Usa- a-P4 Vegetat'lon, by H. pp. Maletm de Tol -XI 1~ 'L( 1q Air !loo a~a Dev T- 1'~4-1 1:51-"Ic-aUlfic cccrpbjBica ns/I)EX / "? " :5- (0 MUIRN M131 1 f 114MIM, q11q4vV;;, MIN11 H~~ VUTPIN MEMO Method for Determining Tritiated Water and Its Applicatious in -, Clinleal Practicep by F. Fallot, A. Acbewhardt., J. Nhasonp 15 pp. --l- per,, Internatlonal Jw=al Appl lWintion Inotopeso, Vol Is, 1957* pp 237-2h5. ABC Tr 2845 Apt 57 CTS/dex 61-16565 Masson, M., Maurat, ).-P., and lliclwt, G. PLAwAnc MAGNESIUM IN CHRONIC KEPHRITIS I Masson, hi. (IN PX-GARD 'l-O 367 DETERMINATIONS) 11 h4aurat, J.-P. (Lx Mngn6sium Plasmati lue dans les N6phrites III Ricliet, G. Chroniques (a propos de 367 Determinations)). [ 19611 2p. Order from SLA $ 1. 10 61-16565 Partial trans. (summary and conclusions) of journal d'Urvlr,Zie MC-dirale et Chirurgicale (France) 1956, v. 62 [no. 31 p. 132-140. DESCRIPMRS. *Blood plasma, *Magncsium, *Nephritis, Determination. Offi-I TtAM-1 S-i (Biological Sciences-PaLhology, 7r, v. 6, no. 8) ------------ lll,vanctur irr'. CM C-11 lrra~A01tiW L Scl. ur,-13ar 4;~;i ~X:t 69 394,253 Vmad Problem in tho Sahara by Pa P. mmagoa, p 6. (in ;0-~) .Ffm*iclE,P I?er,, Routas et Aprodromo Comtruction,, IJD D., plov 1957,, pp 369-49s 3T3-53- M/A soon Mar 59 'No Casem of L--ydfg's Can car in Man, by P. !,It--sqon, 11 pp. qw 9) IPRW%Cll.o per, Rev Clanad Biol, Vol IIjA1943- SLA 57-1530 S--i - mbdicine Mar 58 --- Rcmro-Nevi "Blcu", by Pierre Miosoa, 29 pp. ITAIM, per, Arch De Vecchi Vol XIV, 1950,, pp 1-28. win Scientif ic. - Hodicime Nov 53 CTS 7 /39 SINO-SOVIET CONFLICT BECOMES MORE THAN FAMILY FEUD~ BY VOCTOR MASSON,, 5 PP. FRENCH, NP, TRIBUNE SOCIALISTE, 15 DEC 1962, PP 6-7- N JPRS 17135 V?W - I NTERNAT I ONAL POL, JAN 63 219,473 -Method o9 Cale-alation for Bridges I-rLth S,~nrerall .1LOuLdtudinal Bu=p M3king liezo Consideration %efa- Tk~xvionsX Resistame., by C. Mawnnet. ,UMUIDWR,, AMIcatiew of the luternatiowl Aseftlation -vcrr PcOm aM Structmeal Rasin- fterlmet 1b I-Ot 199Dj PP 3-47-182- VAV of Mlbourm LUASMW SIMUOn fteaty of Scleaw T-303 or $PIT. - Env oct 61 61-10138 Massonet, Ch. and Moenaert, P. CALCULATION OF THE ULTIMATE FLEXURAL 1. Reinforced concrete-- STRENGTH OF REINFORCED CONCRETE SU13- Mechanical properties JECTED TO SIMPLE OR COMPOUND FLEXURE I . Massortet, Ch. STATISTICAL COMPARISON OF VARIOUS THECI- R, Moeriaert, P. RIES WITH THE PUBLISHED RE.WLTS OF EX- Ill. Title: Statl3dcal... PERIMENTAL RESEARCHES. [19601 22p. 19 refs. IV. Title: Congress... Order from SLA mi$2.70. ph$4. 80 61-10138 Trans. of preliminary publication of Congress of the Alasociation for] BIridge and] S[tructurall E[ngineer- ing] (no. 6) Stockholm, 27 June-1 July 60. Four methods for calculating the brealdng strength of reinforced concrete members subjected to simple or compound k-nding have been cornpared with the test results published In the Utcrature and comprising a total of 1353 usable tests. These tests relate to members having a rectangular, T, or inverted-T section, with a single or rAyin reinforcement made of Office of T-h%icA Swvic,i mJId steel or high-tension steel. The four methods of (Materials, T-17, Y. 5, no. 6) (over) A CarrLx-11v-ulL-Aori to tix- Stut:y of 1.;h-c2 1-ou iEa:1'- lon- In Vlc-iinca, by El-'erva PbLyoics (FDD P.6740) WINUcal AutoaAvw,, (DWUpj Operatimy and Satety llow rry me)* bW A, U. Mosov , 72 pp, =BIOS s Ned Avtoklavly, Mmeov, 19.44 pp ClOWN-776D um ftl - NWUlsw.. equUment 41 i= 56 c2s/m The WeiLdiing of Gacd!;, Wr~gonv -Particulza.-I.-Y of in Motion (in, Irticline,11 Plail Mewaut.e. GMUM, per-, 72.rR Sone.'Larausgat-_ .1-1 , Sap lf-i5c;, PP .57-67. Bin 1!~Id! Sal .- Zagr 6 zs- E,Xperigelltal StU4V a. UW rwAvoup by H. Uag3Mzm 18 pp. of BaWan V 1 5 V,B=H,j per,, Jaw7ml ar I%wlesr Material j, Vol vp so 3# 19(A).., PP 287-300- -90"kk f444 14, ?#? W0 W-M. Set - r1wo out 62 ;2,1,7,,o 6 ;/~/ The Role of Coapavftlan In bftU ftoducUcu$ by a. 1"070. 19 P. IPMMEIP iMrv leamale RUSUP 19515P No 27P YP 81'-92- StA 59-2M60 0 al 43a 60 Val III,. No 2 /// j~// A34p DmaMAUn &aim IbOCL In auum BUM or the Cxiwma gegl=,q by H. Po Mossy*. 1=10* per$ UkndrAsOkU 2 JOap VbJ. 18,0 lb 14 pp 2221 (013 low or Pmvhara) Ituff. 65 288j,863 ty, ct al. !,G pi; 51,37-572. Jul 65 z6!5,(,35 The Developmnt of the Jouten Proceve of Soil Con- .solidation Suring a Ted tear-Period of Practical Ap- plication, by Adolf Phat GMM~ Dsa ARRUts=, vol 16, go 23.,, My 20.. 1938, pp 261-265. UOLM Corps of swsr, Vater,voys Exper Sta Tr 39-15 Bel St XMLSL b7dranUes, rAval ft= - TmUpmfttUmj rIver, vater A AvallaUle an Umn at Hesmrch Center Library V " 'Q 1 0 , - .,T 0, - (z6C PjVt~--Ctji:z-j) -- -%7~Dl -1 L 11-5- .-io 4AI;4V ppo bl!.,o il;j-'c ;~Qjut.L%r*l_(jjjjc W, -farl-to; 111KCrt L LLI;,*,t of Wilvi '~XC txmis 2PA1(a) ",-ar 69 377,812 ~?? &-,S .:Mef 7WIIINI Mll;( -it" I \vf Illsoh-Arrequency Spectr= Ammlyzer For Occillationn in the 50-3330 W Frequency RanEp., by Herbert Mast., YX 27 PP- SEMM Y (;WJllp Techn:lcal Report Thema 44/66M, 1953.. IaWi Berlin. ATIC :r-TS-8317 Scientific - 3aectrouica Ik.-y 54 CTS /7/,3 YO 7 ATic 165352 A 60-18987 M4PUMIL-P., I.Ambert. P.. and Francois, G. THE AcTINROF AnioN ExaiANGERs IN THE 1. Vinyl cyanide--Chernical CYANOETHYLATION REACTION. [19601 Op. 13 refs. reactions Order from SLA mi$1.80. ph$l. 80 60-18987 2. A Icohels- -Chemical reactions Trans. of Soc[iek(ij Chimliquel de France. BuIlletinj 3. Ion exchange- -Catalysts 1957 foo. 10] p. 1108-1110. 4. Title: Cyanoethylation 1. Mastagh, P. Methods are described of using anion exchangers con- U. Lambert, P. taining quaternary amino groups such as Amberlite III. Francois, G. IR-410 as a catolyst for the cyanoethylation of alcobols, phenols, aldehydes, ethyl malonate, mitro- methane and tormamide. Office of TecWcol Sw-dcos (0w%nistry--Organic. TT. v. S. no. 2) M SYaLbeals Of 5-soutituted . 4--lidine-2-carboxylic AcIds From 2.. 4-Lutidine, IW Le N.'At6l;b=tov, L. 1. M. V. Rubtsovp 6 ppe- M.. Zhw Obahch Mdml VQX XXX,, No 2, 11?6D, 519-525. CB scl 7 MW 61 Masta i P[ierr Zafiriadis, Z[afirij and others. AC7=V-__ - CJXCHANGERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: APPLICATIONS TO THE FURFURAL AND BENZALDEHYDE SERIES. 14 July 55, 6:). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-14204 Trans. of Societe Chirnique de France. Bulletin [1953, no. 7/81 p. 693-16951. DESCRIPTORS: lion exchange, *Furfuryl alcohols, *Benzaldehydes, Aceiyl radi6als, Aldehydes. It is shmm that it is possible to obtain, by means of ion exchangers, the condensations between the lineary aldehydes and the furfural, - the acetals starting from the furfural and the henzaidehyde. (Author) 62-14204 1. Mastagli, P. 11. Zafiriadis, Z. 111. 'ritle: Applications (Chernistry- -Organic, TT, v. 8. no. 9) offic. of Tch.1~1 SwA--t RwROwidc Acids - a Rev Grmw of Competitive DkdbLttom or ifte6tima Aikemne maoawhm"ft, tv Hirlan Kocb=mp Przeqyalm N~~~erz, 7 pp. P=Sltp p=., Areblvm Mmmologine et Therapiae MWerlamAalls.. Vol =, No 1., 1964. ms a-n4ip)l PL4w Sel &a 61~ 2%t084 Px*Xreau in 14be Id ochemistx7 of alutam1m., by Frzemrjallw mastalerad ...... -.- ,am$. pez~ posuw usaiwl ludy%w DUMMewl jp VU Mp N* 3s 37Ap Vp 241-26?. 9m4= (ris Sol - oxem Arw 63 a. 6 1,lastalerz, P. Progress in the Biochemistr,; of Glutainine. POLISH, per, Postepy Hig. i Med. Doswiadezalnej 12: 1958. pp. 241-262. -*PL 48o (yTs 61-11321 1,)-t-Di Ingtared Spectim cof Seveml Diczwlanes &d Di*oslesp bY 0- LSSISW# k!-WOb9U* 3 PPS Yrd=,, per, Cc4ms bmt%w Awd io des 91ciewimi, 1955., Va =UP VP 1947-109- An-omom met - ohm ON I j. 12 JUL 59 .2 C, r, Concerning the Occurrence of the Wheat Neinatode (DLjjj]jchus Tritit!i, Stein. ) In Lithuania, by St - !~aj~~usk~.q - GMAN. USDA per NC State College Vol 7881 Jun 59 MAwthlum, L dVvN=(w ft3l ACCUMULATICH IN THE EARLY PEMIM FOLLOVi= OPERATION ON THE TtW`ROID CLAM (19631 (14PI 10rob FASEB innuscrip no. 5 $05-2. Or&r bm CTS, MA, w MC .11. 90 TT-U-13M Tru:o6 ot ModItstooksys PAMoboys (MR) i9fi;, v. 7, =x S, p 3-11. Tkwm am-ld" Radlowd" 10"opla, &UVBXY. Mp"d &Mk Quillawd adwill" godboudw, T78 V. III go. 1~ 77-64-13523 1. Mastbium, L S. U. FASEB-S-305-2 M. Fe&ratloo of American Sociales for Experl- men:x) Blolov, wasldnpon, D. C- TV. Scripu Tochnica, Inc., W&SMA2100 D- C- Sbe SiSalficance ar Ebwa In the -PathWanesis of 3 Sersis; by 1. S. HastUm, 4 Vp. Tklu tr MOMS w per$ Als aw-r Dica I m". Vol nl~o RD 2, Feb 1061v Vp 3b-30- Rare= NOPO OW1#AM JGn 1957 W=--. vwkuw Ma wd Ut&UUWt9U4 W U498 6 m =BMWs, Ik My, JQO of %W*AMUGI# VCQ Us, so 180 mhw ssp v I go a*w.-w 040 roopil Jaw 0 monow M 4458 G#7 -71 (v I I A - , 4v Saview of Revimcp by Woo LbstcLrku~ p. IMMARY, mo Nor, Mxtmm, Vol 1y No 2, Bud%vsast, Oct 57., pp 295-297 US TM/DC-19 030 DO-5D/2 2 F,Bur - Hungary POI Har 56 i'm 2~izwnple; of Antii-.raveGuicie Propagation of Sound in Laminar-L-dior-ogeneous 'Kedia-, by L. P. Iiastuerov, V. 1:. Uirottz;eva, 5 pp. ROSIJ~',, por., JJmqt ZJiur, Vol VI, :.Io 3, 1560, pp 335-339- AIP SOV P!17~rS-ACOUSUCS Vol VI, -31 195,471 hay 62 5oimd Channol ProraCatiors in Ia -110diAl by E. P, thaterMs 5 Pp. RIMIMs part Akust, naWt Vol Ve AOV 3# 19590 ppo 332-336. AD sm ap""ratics Vol Vt, 110, 3 301 - 62 I far 0 Law and Lawyers in the Netherlands, American Bar ABsociation, by Th. P. J. Masthoff, 12 pp. DWCHj rpt, Enol 1 AmConsul Amsterdam, ONLY Mur - Petherlands Soc oct 62 to DESP A-57, X$xMq= 25 Sep 19062. OFFICIAL ME Dept of State 213,070 40et Of :Lnterarai Ix-mdiation on A rJ'cke'I,-,iAaI infectiona, by T. A. Bel;tcL-av, 7u. H-q-qtiukova, 5 PP- R,lBeina., Ver.. Voprosy Urwolagi Val vil xo 196(y; au 61 (DC-5892) MDiStUrO SUWIY ?,CW. ftrIM WhOSt WJMV VirSJU and Fallow Tend are WItkmted,, by a. A. Verigeo So. B. MmUnskartj, L. A. Pawmam., pp. MI., I Old., No sep/omt 1955, JfW 10360 act - Goo&"-, BIOLOW Oct 61 A Study of the Multiplitation of Vaccina Viruz in Tissue Cultures,, by V. D. Solov'yev, Yu. H. yl"t~ p 7 pp - RUSSIAW,, per, Vop Virusolog,, Vol IV# No 4.. 1959., pp 470-47*1 Pargawn Press Sci Ja 6o Vbthccb of Laboratory Diagnosia of !kmllpox, Dy S. S. D'herennikova, YU. N- mastilikove, 3 PP. 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Sarayeva., 8 pp. pe:,-, Voprosy Virusolo,~-, Vol VI, 7-'o 2, PI., pp Sci Ang 62 207, 04-9 The Influence of Neutron Radiadon on the Mitotic Activity of the Come2I Epithelium, by V. M. Mast A~. D. Str7higbovs1dy, 9 pp. -- =am RUSSLKN, per, Radidbiol, Vol 111, No 2,1963, pp 191-196. 9219348 AEC-Tr-543.5 sci Mar 64 252,664 (DUC-2700) THE DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS IN RUMANIA, BY CRISTEA KUKKX MATEESCA. 16 pp. R,UMANIAN PER) STANDARDIZAREA, NO 6/7, io62, PP 339-3~9- JPRS 14672 EE - j5qtW~X RUMANI A ECON AUG 62 205,054 (NY-4341) Synthesis of Mow Rjactria Circuits, Forming EUIGeO Of 6 OLVOU YOM., E%VaU8i(M Of M010 P~=Uons Into luf inite Produatat by P. R. 12 RUBBIAllp parp Is Vyaabllch Udheb Zaved k709 53BB IL-Aiotaldix Vol Up No I# jan/T 1959. M8 5679 Sai IC26 &n 61 of the Czechosla-T-nit Antomotivo I.vflustxy, b~ Col Yiri l-hsthYj 3 i)P. OUCHp per.. Sv~t Motor% No 10, 12 ?bv 1955, Raul to IR-397-55p APOTE-141., 7 Jul 1955. CTA D 286303 AF 677424 ED= - Ozecboslovakia .Jan rk.lonamic 51:) cli-S /DEX 1144