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RareW.tary Cb&xigaz of SomtIc Calls and Their Sbare in tba &~Wrim=tml Production of C=car, by Z=. PJM,, fiaturwiss, Vol XLVI, 1959j, pp 217-22" HIR 9-9 Bel - Ned Sep q llreab=t of RUnk-Us of Early Childhood. Vier=e1ectrIc Stad:Les cm Decongestant Basel Vmpj. by P. BieswUki,, K, Mu~t, 14 pp. OMMT., per, Sebwlz Ned Weebrj. Vol LMM.. 1959A pp 510-512- NO 12-38 Jan 60 16F-;4, '900~/ Pbarmacoloey of th-- Calcium MsOdilum COmPlex Slat and the Disodium Salt of Etbylen Diamine Tetrsacetic Acid) by P. ',h-.qamrdt, H. Sebmehar, 9 pp. GEMM,. perp Scbmmlz VAd Wochachrp Vol LXXXVI 8 Oct 1955m pp 1003-1005. SIA 57-1331 Sai - Wdicine Apr 58 61, Biosynt-1--sits of Acetylcholim in Animal Tir,:;uz, -, .guardt, H. Falk. P - ~~F mm-ft". TMUP.Npar, Anz Forachp Vol V19 Do 4, 1956, pr, 166-17 No 6, 1956, PF 309-r322- DSIR/31320/CT Sci - Biology 'i-F Feb 58 TIm Mathad of Conthimous Blood-Prasam-, Hams-mmmant in the Unnarcotized Lnimal, by P. Harqaardt., G.-Hildebrand,, 3 pp. alMWij parp Ze ruer d Goo EiMer Fadp Vol CDWM, 116 4, 1952, pp 294-295. OR 's 4 g ~lr May 55 VIS Inactivation of Adremlim by Smainie Acid,, 'by Peter Ymmumat, almmi 'r per iatIa Wochenwhrj. 1938.. Vol Vn, lto 41v ;A5-1446 pp f SLA 60-10619 Bei fty 6D Vol so 4 Mao ronn- tim In the Bloo(I of a SubstArAce Aff eating 4m ClrcUstionp by ~" ~rYAwqMprdt., Liaelotts Radler, 17 pp. GHMN, paro Arsuelutttel-7orstbunap Vol VIIII iD-4 Dat 59 /7 1~ / C-' (SF-1855) luavving the Differentiation of Planned co7st Peduction, Acwrding to Rants, by tlvj VVB.. by Ifolfgug WxquaLrt,, 7 MWUNp per, FertL 'wgstachnik und bwtvleb.p Vol X10 no 5, 2.961, PP 344-3h6. JMS 13137 Bnwation et Cbmdml MX=nftp by Bnmo Eftee VArq=a and MWJda Mdrift areft'. 7 pp. PMTUKMSZ# pwj Um Clomdas# Go Mb&ld W& lx:to W 3v 2956* So WOU6 9m7; AM Wt,-%An ad - fts .2 //; a 6 -3/ ftp 62 ikoft.arth work ems at Elevated Tom2orsturs Ju im M"railAted tuvLmmmt, by 0, Libersm, P. MOSRmse I flip"ASHO pors, U Tem"I #*vain,, Vol Its, CPU#, Irip ~$-6r7~ +JA,%A 'rlr IZ-100 122 sid-6, SrA Jul 66 3040274 I-ing Electric Field.9; ~Itfon of organic n.y Andra lica.: the Cc,mmuxiist- Party of Venermucla V.-Lewo tho Preszj:nt Si.walloa, bly PoEkpgyo.1- q:aez, pp- -3.)Ludlos, Vol IV! SOP 1916, F,--) 71 -31 - MRS-1072-D pol D2c A-nal-va-1g; of Foudws and Uplosives: Diffeweati- attlcm Settvam TrInotroglycerin amd Wn rogXycol, by NuVagg6 z. GvataU pwo D=otln de In Swiftef Mdmiqme de pgau*p vca Ms MOO VP 443JM- Dept at tat OB 7mw Of Mues oambraa ata The Tr 143 8(d -P Chem -3-(f AM 59 al-LmUOYA Of ~Lataatmtoluamaz' boy roebler, jovinet. F.-IMUZ, per, Memrial des Poudrea.. Vbl X=,, 1,021, pp 66-69. Dept or Zaterlor Us BIW of Mlwe Omxbzml z3qwxlmmt natiel Pittsburgh,, Pat Tr U2 Sci - Chem g7 -5-77 PAW 59 Stmay at Va-. ---O%w StubiliW*j OY It- 14 VVb ,son #vw, am. powilmaj, V61 ams, l9wo 0 IWAV An 8" got AVG 18 /0 Y- i &)eteraimtJou of Cyanazdde amd Dicianaiamidis In CaUdUm CyammdAes by M. "Imugris P. lariett per, lkmft*a dell POdfteBp VOL XTM* Dept or mat IS sw of mmen caft"I Exper 8u PJLtUolp ft* Tr 32 Sol - Cbm Yr -510 Jim 59 :00 (FDD 21555) Const2-uctlng the Party (Venezuela), by Poq~eyo DimrqumEj 73 pp. Spaim" booklet# C2RLtru do slan lgkg. Mndo ZIni-R. Venezuela,, CIA/FM/U-63n IA - Venezuela Pol - Com=nist Party jLir E..)-.paader Regulator for Self -Contained Diviu6 Apparatusi by U Jean-Pierre Marq!ainez, 5 pp. I,IWCH, -Patent No 1,233)169- Dept of Comnearce Patent Office Sai Lib /7~ 913 Sci E rn gr RIMPil 11*1 . jAgn I fto 043020j& AWA ~- sm Ifto . 2UP7 A U, CIT~ C,, ILY R M-ACTORIES p !]SAT-II(OV, A B c (y,,T, -i964, VOL 2, IT, 66 %I Atc,-xic: Exylmlod "" 0-ortaira F-roblem of Atc"-Jr, tafamo, by A. V. na. 7a. ljt~rqalio 25 VP - vzryv I m Lratoryya voproc y rwvti =b&ity, 1958., PI 0. Ar 1255454 UE"M Sol-ftelear RVmics MY 70-13494-060 Marras G Nanettl, L. 'ISM OF THE FHARMACOLO- STUDIES ON THE MECHAN GICAL EFFECT OF THALLIM.I. PART 11. KARYOKINETIC 'D HE% ROLE OF BONE 161ARROW AN . IATOLOGICAL PERIPHERAL MODIFICATIONS IN THALLWM ACETATE POISONING. Archlvlo dl Scienze Slolp7iche v. 39. p. 93-100. 1955. Figs.. refs. omitted. Order from NTC as 70-13494-060: HC $ 7. 60, The Use of Test Mwn Cepa L. for 3emnistratiAg y cal ActivUy. A4MutaWe to TaMm Acetue, by L. ITMAM., Imliftna di a W&WOUM Val MUM, JiV^ Vp 1552-1555. NOVY m�r SM/NMS fod - Blol & Mod Oct 64 267,991 Juam"ft Type lAdons Of the ireadnes, by G._M!Ea& L. NanettI6 15 pp. ITALLM-p-M, ArchM Vol MLXVIU. 1954, pp 472- I'lavy Tr 4070/NMS 941 f 15 SCI-BJM haw 05 276,995 (An tU MeabouUn at AdNgtotim to Uftaft ORKOLU VWrAftleaw In UnadleUs Salov.. M covWUM cc ew cou so at Different alt Q'i'l ell 11.1p all in the Nedboo IW 390, ~ mw"* '00 ftmum6 . . . . . . . . .x1ow MOM V=s vat mmliv no 1w am if IP-10*363 us so 00VAMIMM umn am ftL-uu Invostiptions on the ImbibitAut Actions of Scm AntlaVXIWB On VIC ACtlTlty Of Deb7drOgen"eg Of tile 60119)1* " ULUmbowrW Fractlow of rj&jwtm..- Frm Tlasues or IRSbar Mrsts., by mnmo mam mmt 36 p. A caria Dug ITAWMp per, Nuovo Olom%U Bots2deo ItCUAMP 3.9%,0 Vol LX10 23 Oato PP 214-235- BSA 60-10703 IEV 60 Vol It No 4 -- ---- -- -- ---- - L2truoeuUw Preasure D=Lmg ChaMLng R"VLrm Pressure 1n A-two' Eirl Lmentsp by B. Marre. GERWj, per. Albrecht v Graeft's ArchIv fuer O.Phtbal- e! lffijp 3.964p pp. 462-474. i V* 6;~ --06E 1E. 197 a rl-e- Advances in Electronic Cricult Packaging., Volume 4., by MichaW A. Narrese. pp 496 RUSSIAN., bk. Mom= Press August 1964 may 65 Proews A= k the AppUcation, of Conducting Film on (13AANs by JAMS 0. Mkrrlott. patent no 1,103,314, Llbbey-;O~-Vlwd GIs" Co. Dept-ot commerce patent Otrice Sol X Llb soi - Bw US 59 Posv~~Acuitary CA t:X, biteunictious tio flo!;; V"'.9 ~,olutc-s of Vto ,~Dlwmt Ila 11C Fimmonws Of Tkeoug:11 tho. Au~~hibiatl 5kht, Vy- Fe Murrup ut ale 171-~LIAJA )~ol6tiktipw "'aclota Italia qja Mu. ~14R 1 Gs Coatribution Regarding the Isechanism of Action of So= Diuretic Sulfonamide Derivatives (Worothiazide and K 2)' Experimintal Study irl Itlaa, by P. Marro, G. * WO-lini, 7 PP- !FMCII, per, Rev Franc Mades Clin Biol, Vol V, 1,960, PP 927-930. Nm 10-36-61 179, Ammonificationp Nitrification and Nitrogen Fixation in the Soils of Texcocoq by ~L. HUT022-in,, A* Sanchez., V., C.--.rreto, Re Garcia; SPANIM., per, Soc Mex de Riot Bat Revp Vol VIII., Dec 1947s pp 29-46. B.L.A. Trans 952 Sci - Chemiatry v 4T ~? 7 J 1--' 3 x G. Stahl Und Eisen, vol- 58, 8 fipgares, 6 tables, 12900 words; 1938. P Heats of Steel in a oreless ln~uction Furnace for Line Frequenc~r Current. --rutcher Trans, Order I~o. '005, 16-10- Ue Crisis of Possession in Vood(m, by Louis '-bars T FIN".101, bk, W Crise do Possession dans Ic Vaudou, Portlau'll-Ance, 1946.71p 11xv. pp 1-95. '-9372/SPIXIAL Sri I D ft 1! Sci S ,,Ell,*) 611 I)D.S 1 .3 q - I - - --- ---- -- ----- The Fight Against Mental Illness by Louis Mars. Ictliff -, FRENCH, bk, La Lutte Contre la Folie, 1947, pp IX-)q; 1-433. // JPRS/NY-9325/Speci&I LA-Haid Pol Aug 64 j-,-- -zrha jo'=cs;h--rc., by 64 MIXIM"T.. z7b, prasaos 3.950. 92:072a5 HoTV0211i SOL - Dwtb i a vy 6 3 Dstectors for the DsterniuaUm of Harsful Mterlas In the Atuosphere,, ty IL bmw., it 1033MI&O ummcm,, praguey 1960. MM Ref.- 5M.4 2962 (WO069) (lam) ftl - Idol & Med Bal .1 a 6 Jul 63 "113 Dateatora for the Daternination of Hurnfa %tw:Uas in the Aftwighere, by IL Bm, j, J. MWM,3k. I. Umm$ prag"s 3.9a. sm mft 580.4 29W (io,,o6q) (low) Sol - Diol & mea sai ~736 1i3 ja 6;,1 C0,1APUrAMN OF WATCR FLOODING OF PETRO- LEUM RESERVCiRS IN UNIDIMENSIONAL APPROXI- MATION. It. THE TRANSFER OF UNBORATORY DVUVED RELATIONSHIPS TO THE FIELD (Die U~cro&.nijr.g d~,r llcr%~Asserung von ErdbIlagerstlittan in Emdirrior.slonal~r Nnh2mng. 2. Tiel: Die Ubertragung L-1~)-za:)rIum Ge%%onnenen BCLiehungen auf das (foreign text includ--d) I r--f. I jrjc~r from Sl-', i 2. (A) 62-16647 Tnans. g, j-rd6l -~imf 1~ojile (West Cermany) 1957. v. 10. 3. 1). !,1-140. 'P-2trol:.tum. Sources, *Hydraulic .."servArs, Hydraulic accumulators, P,--rmeabillty, '-;ator injection, I lydrr)lc)L .,),. MaEtfematical analysis, (-,-.~ophysical prosivcting. 62-16647 1. ',Iarsal, D. s 0 (,-n,,;hw--rin~--C!jt!mical, TT, v. 9, no. 6) Office of Techni-3; Senim -MaraaL-j)[ lat rich]. COMPLITATION OF J'WATER FLOODING OF1 PETRO- LEUM RESERVOIRS IN UNDIMENSIONALAPPROKI- 161ATION I . 1. FUNDAMENTALS [Di- Berechnung der Ver-altisserung von Erd3llagersttln--i in Elndlmenslonale NWieerung. 1. Tiel: Crundlagen]. j19621 [191p. 2 refs. Order from SLA $L 60 62-16646 Trans, of Srdbl und Kohle (lVest Germany) 1957, v. 10, no, 2, p. 61-65. DESCRIPTORS: "troleum. Sources, *Hydraulic reservoirs. Hydraulic accumulators. Permeability, V;awr injuclioll, Hydrology, Mathematical analysis, Geophysical prospecting. 62-16646 1. Marsal, D. (Engineering- -Chemical. T-r, v. 9, no. 6) Offel of lecb*jd Servkel Mtjsal, DiecrIcIL THE RMMMICAL TREATMENT OF WATER FLOODING OF PETROLEUM RESERVOIRS(Die Mathematische Befiandlung der Verwitsserung van F-rddllagerstatten). Lecture presented to the German Association for Petroleum Science and Coal Chemis - try (annual meeting) Berlin, 11 Oct 57. [1962] [71p. (forei6p twm Included). Order from SL.A $1. 10 62-16472 Tran.;. of Erddl und Kohle (West Germany) 1957. v. 10, no. 12, p. 825-826. DESCRIPTORS: *Petroleum, *Hydraulic reservoirs, *Water injealon, Numerical analysis. 62-16472 1. Mar6al, D. 11. Title: German (Engineering- -Chem Ica L Yr. v. 8, no. 7) Offi.. f T.A.1-1 5-1 Effoct of Moisture cm Electrical Properties of 17,GD2C/ ==r, 'I'loc-inz, by tL r _a! R~M.22_Xk Pe, Slaninka. MISSIANg per, I;Iektriep Vol XVII, 1962,, pp 2-7 GB/95/IB 2D6O Sck-Engw Mig 63 - -?IV /,, ~ ?6 t Lt i,or a s - i t r.- . ill pro-ductio,j pit--jr Y I- Concretc Blcnnn~-sll 'o povel!lrl:~ ~3trwbj, 1,10 1961) jp,zz vi 11'r( Cl'~"richosloval:";- ti OY Jan ul~ Our E;q)eri-ments with Toyoplasmosis in -man.. by Dr. Jan IserlO., Dr- Fd- 44r ~alek, 14 pp. CZWH, Casppis Lek. Cesk.,, 1949., No 1-9. pp 1423-1425. CIA/FDD X-L-65 Trans Natl Inst Health, Bethesda, Md. A 76 L/S The First Series Have Been lkaufactured, by JaroslRv Marsalek, 3 VV- UNCLASSIFIM ------- CZECRO per,, Kridla Vlasti, go 4, 2.958, vp 26, 17. ACSI., is-li96 Mir - Czech I b 1'-7 0 6 ; --zl, -7 4 Econ Jun 58 6.0- 7.0-x1 Vietnam; A-4i Absurd River of lilood, by EL ITALIX00 1-12 1285S FEVS. Victnara Pelitic~.,am F,Iil, D(m 66 S16*258 1WHOMIMID On tho rAmation of BlectroLytic lbposition of Tron- R6 Stapanowt C. Sickal AMp 1. 9 by F. YaracL Baljokov# 9 pp. OVO 0061AM, por, Z. W. 33ektroWw", Vol IL, No 7j, -Tul 1934, pp AW". S.L.A. Tr 495/56 Sol . Inummis/14"tab etg 57,70~7 ~04 Aug :L956 ft the Question of Electrolytic Deposition of Iran- Ificial AUoyD 11. 9 by F. Mmahak.-P. Stqpa~s 10 Ls ISVIM 4 Ppa Z. ~- BlaaftVabadev Vol XLII~ No go, NM 2930,, IPP 59(~-M- S.L.A. Tr 496/56 Sed - tau Sw/ x m ma j to Avg 1956 Ma AIM III I I 'A kw -4-1 javz!m- ll~ t- SMI imam" 4M IM .% I U, A niold and Stauch, 11. IN'*CTIONS OF THE DEGRADATION OF NATIVE CELLULA)SES IN GLACIAL ACETIC ACID IN THE PRESENCE OF MINERAL ACWS. f19631 42p 13refs Order from SLA $4.60 TT-63-14161 Trans. of Uournal far PraWsche Chemiel (Germany) 1943 [v. t61) no. 1. p. 55-75. DESCRIPTORS: *Cellulose. *Fibers, Acetic acid, Hydrolysis. Inorganic acids, Solubility. rr-63-14161 1. Ma-cll-,11, A. H - Stauch. H. (Materials-Textilea. TT. v. 11, no. 3) OMM of 79chs" Sm-*n Couaftming the Tread Mwk at PmewmUc Tiros in Ctmtwt With the Gro=do bY A. L* MMblks MIN= prp sollkhm"bl".. No 3# 1936p pp 02:R. ma-604ao% ft 4w) act - Bw N; 734, Jun Cmbiwd Uce of Antiblotlea During the Surgical Trett!;rmt of Pul=rmry X Suppurations$ by V. 1. Str-mchkov, end A. M. Marsbak, 6 pp. ........ FMBWI mo per,, Savet Ned,, Ito 9,, Hoacov,, 1957j, pp 31-35. US JPRS/DC-L-960 Bei - Med -.;7,,'7,3 1~ LWOULE'.2 F. M. ,r,c-lcoi.kition "Cla-,;s cat-~ cn" of U-L .41.cwdo:~z bv ar. AM-- Streara. -Kolloid 115, jo 30 3 3, 49. C. k. /L:.) 7290c v.,o2.,Os; 1 tab--l'.e; Z, fi-j:ures. I AcsocCi Lev;-Loos T - lie,; Jersey RJ-9 pal-sad jAght SourcoD I.-j :,,, 5, -.Iiarrbs~, 2.6 pp. ftIJS-I-,IA,11f, per, Pribory I Tekh Ekaper, No ). 1962, PP 5-21. ISA Sol Apr 63 - C~ 3 ":J) I/ k1 laaX2_jN n-equency pl> Zqxagoo of Laimos by at ca BMW, P*j, A am, rt zolvoir Jfm lbw VB:L5-1 awturiash 14M With cape4itariess power #M Supp3q, by V. P. Ivanmj, 1. S. Manhak., 3 Im. MMUN jar# Pribay; wam z5cqcrp w :L: 1960j Im 927A. 3SA Ekd wr 61 /,//0, J~4 4 ~p RLBU.MaTimt &vow of an ELeatao ftaft lu a an at PAVSVM, (Pgrb) l9 by L 19o gbllb&ko le Min# Im3p, nor Etva I i Tam nsp Vol XVIp VP 0 ~- T - lb 1~-B AM 2r 9WI ft;L - M wum jgco, +4-0-y jlkw 96 an Strong-Current Pulse (SpaM-Discharges in Gas. Used in Pulsed Light Sources. bY I. ~'- Marshak, 37 pp. RUSSWI, per. Uspekh Fiz Nauk. Vol LXXVII. No 1-2. 1962, pp 229-308. Amer last of Physics Sov ptwe - Uopekhi Vol V. No 2 Sai Mmar 69 :k---1Sh-?crver Tubular "solar" T2,-o,-- Xenon LamPfl -FuinctSoning WithOut Ballast: by 1. S. 1-hrabak, et al. RUSSIAU, per., Svetotekhnika., Val YrIZE, no 8, 1961., pp 8 17. RU, M. 3851. Sci - Aw luov Ce cw_ / 7, 5,? ~6 4 --- - -- -- - .Am spoaft Ab - - *4=W �~'*- Al~~ Alva *WM%,&46hlmnftliLUW lb r M" fus va immw Ism m 0- , I- at - I T-S-w ld-pbp MIN r- CA- A-aIj-L-e'O-- Electroahomioal Proportion of Zirconyl Phosphate. Part 1. Xlectrode Properties of Membraneog by go A. Naterova., RUS831AIv port Skamal risighookol IblaiLi, Vol 38, 1964, pp 676-680. NTC 72-10454-079 Apr 72 Serpouts of Indochina; Tribe t;f Wrop;b-i-4-tiae, Mart- in. ft--~ Btj~ ,jection of In Uut Co, of salaom., 194-cli, pp 67-77. ftvy Tr 3166/Bul-m D/s-6z--m2 Sci - Had jul. 62 Ser,lpimts nf lndoahim5 Tribe cf Kapirm-e, by lv%T-Un. FREMI, Collection of InGtitute of Pasteur of Snigoa, 1949.. pp 78-90, ftvY TV 3i66/Bugim D/9-62-M Sci - Wd ,2 111 --71 Jul (r-_ " -IT-a 10 On the Formation of Sulphur During the Action of Sulphur Dioxide on Calcium Sulph1de,, Zinc Sulphide and the Iron Bu --h-Iffildleg-sby Wohler., Lothar, Mixtin cboddt,, 36 pp. GEAW1, per,, Z fuer Anorganische und Allge Meg], Vol CUv , 1923, pp 273-29k. SIA Tr 849/1955 sci - Cbem Aa 57 In France of Human c:~ ~ tae Group (Virus C). Isolation of the Virua, by P. Le-pine, S. Thieffry., L. Reinie., V. Sautter, bkrtin, 6 pp. AN FIUMCH, per, Ann Inst Papteur Vol LXU, 1,051, 200-203. CIA/FDDA-7e'2 - Prauce Sc~.vatific - Vjedicine,, C=ackie Group,, Virus A-179 5 Oct 52 CTX/DEX Contrlblitlon3 To the ChemislUzy of GarmarAim. Fiept ;.-a Phenylger=nium, by Robert and jl~cb pt-r Schwaisz, _jAjjLR.L 14 pp. r GEMULN, Per, Chemioche Ber., 1936j, Vol L-M, No 1, PP 579-585- SLA 59-15079 :Bci Ott 59 Vol 2j WO 3 IF, w ft Mill I m MY" Ul Un A&r Farce Ln the Aadm per,(Rvm do 19640 Pp 3Lh9q'-l5LT- onat 64 Nwicar context,, tV Defense listionmle.. 14"20WO/eveas]. 'flie Idw Force in the 1~'.uclear Context, ivy ikudre --UwLt-in.v 17 pAp. FILLNE31, per, Pavue do Defease Nationale. Oct 1964. pp 1499-1517. JPilis 27,520 Wl.-Frwica r-Ill I J.ui 65 2711,467 .-1 -1 - -!,!"1140., Twbu ". " BrUiacer 9,J ilark service ~y Argo! Iluiz Nartior ~~t Col J 8 pp. UNCLASS)VED - SPANISB., Bjercito,, Vo 166, Encl, to R-15-54. ID l1$,(" - WEur-Spaln Military - Mterial CIA 25030.f,--2 / 0 ~, ?,;z :? 11ridGei,'aina fligbuay Service, 0ableway Service, by U Col Angel Ruiz Partin., 4 pp. usCLAssipyLED SPANISHp perj, ELercito Pubk-by Ninifiberio del RJercito, Madrid, Spain, 1953, PP 35,-42. OCE Tr I,Mur Spain lgcon=ic - Bridges,, hi&voy series Jan 54 Cm R-56-6o Report of the (French Railroad) Mission to the USSR) by C' Martin,, J. Chapoulie, M. Tessier, M. Redempt, T.-C-arenco, D. Rezvoy. FRENCH, 1959, 129pp. FDD/X 4250 USSR Econ-railroads 16 may 196o (DO -564 2 Forest Tariffs,, Cost Price of Wood,, and Prof itability of the Ifooa Exploitation Seetor, by C. Mutin, 9 pp. RUMDR, per, Revista Padurilor, Vol IMIV, No 1 .9602 pp 606-610. m- s 85n Mur - Rumania Econ jul 61 vilmirblimil. Colimmin and UbDOPUZ COUSt, IA Wmftv w - IV C. Nhrtiu. raMMO pwa Ama3m g! P_W-l Vom lop XQ 63, VP 3 2 -6 -W -- - - lffAft-14451 (~ -0 0~40 sci-Bw 303475 JW3* 66 The Universe of Science, by Charles-Noel Martin, --- FRENCH, bk, 208 pp. Hill & Wang Sci - Earth Sci & Astron Jan 64 The Oumulative Efrects or Ther2olluclmr Explooiam on t%a~'Surface o: the Mlitbj-, by Charlei-Epel Martin 3 pi? FMOHj, per.. Compt Rendump Vol CaKXK.IX, 1954, pp 1287-1289. AW -7~19~ Geopbysics Jan 55 CMIMM "'fe, ~71 -:5- /' an loportan" Of EA&SOlon in (*iolma Invesugst3on- IV E9 Mertin* GMUO powo Vol 179 1963o ipp 262-265. NLL ftfs 58ONW-17-164) E, fn 4R --& ; "J sol"Chom Jon 69 3?3*632 sin Ave Superamnla Methods of Testing, by E. Martin. 10 pp. - per, Metallurgia Italiana, Vol VI, 1956, _mp 261-271 - CSIRO Sai - Phys nm 61 / 7 !~ ~/,OZ Wcmdostructive Testing oC Wheal-set Componiants., by 1C. Martin. MUM., per.. Int. Wheel-sets 224M - , Bergamo 7-12,, APr:Llp 1W3 1291) 9 TJ ftl Jul 67 333j-715 Ultrasonic Testimg of Intricately Sbaped Parts, Dy E. Uartin, K. Werner., Q=-4W,. per, Archiv Bisenbutten, Vol XXIV., No 9-10, 1953., pp jlrutchar ITT Eo 3293. ~31 17 33 sclentitic - Min/Metals, Engineering MARTIN, E. Archiv Eisenhu"tteriwesen, U figures, 3 tables, 9800 words; 1938. Solubility5of Nitrogen (and Hydrogen) in Pure Iron and Some Iron Alloys. 14 . -7 6 -:~ Brutchar Trans.$ Order No. 973, $9.80 Suporaonic Imostireation of Rail I.Tchic18 A:/1cs, bry 0 Evich Iku-tLi, 16 pp. Pull translo-Am,. T GERISMI, pevr, Stablund Eisen, Vol MCJI, TTo 4, Feb 1952, pp 176-1350. jul 5 5 Response Factors of Electroar-oustic Transducers, by Erwin JUrtin. 23 pp. GE10M, per, Archiv der Elektrischen Ubertragugg. Vol Is, 1964, pp 732o.742. Wpt of Navy tr S431 NRL tr 1093 Sci/Electronics Jul 67 COPYIdGHT 329,5S7 Its'" -" V, 'FRE R. 41, $do 3 zww Id"baw " Aw*%. V U vosbur* r* lbott%, I SNPW I I 1b 500 rm2mroil -;Z, 1116'2-!~ ~, 1~ 334 2& Ae ~or AWB=tw ftr Mot Oubastlan of VblatU* Orswaa Umda for apt"Vidwt of salre- r4e4 or - !, I t 5 a is F'r] itt"# b7 F- Mu+Ans A. Iturat* 20 ppo imOM, p W-. Cblxde. AualyUqwp 3,9A Va 40p ]b 4j, .pp 1=426. &A tf &-26326 J 4axtl ja 66 3W;-vIWM C), Zo I)cr, chimle trzlyMclu.~'. -Tica. I,nsm Tema sp;-,%, OTS X~o 4 j Apr 50, Liiiboratory lvlo~e on the Colorimefitric MAcro- de termination of Boron, 'by 141. Passet, G. Martin. sull FREJ;;Off, per. I So icte sle Chimle Biol o-f qu;:~, vol --XXT" no -C113, 1957, 1,P 337-341. csim~ 33oi Sci - Chem may 62 63-18287 Martin, G. THE STUIYY OF INK AND PAPER RE11A'n0NSHIPS 1. Martin, G. ON PROOF PRESSES (Considerations sur I'Etucb des Relations FDcre-Papier hL I'Alde des Presses Minis- wres). [Mar 63111191p. (refs. onArtatO 17 refs. Order from SIA $9.60 63-19287 Partial trans. o( limprimerie Nouvelle (France) 1961, Sep, p. 3-16; Oct. p. 3-22, Nov. p. 3-16: Dec. p. t3-16; 1962, Feb, p. 15-26; Mar, p. 3-2-1. DESCRWrORS: Vrinting, *Ink. Vaper. Mechanical properties, Absorption (Physical), Density. Contents: Study of transfer Study of plucking: analysis of speed Study of drying, show-through, and strike-through (Materials, TT. v. 10, no. 11) offim d Tecbm" semas off Boron,, by G. H-rtir,, DA. Knop, Tritc.L. w rRIMCH, par,, Bullotin do la soc do chim Diol, Vol MIIV,, No 12j, 19521, PP 3.178-LIB2. Br:Ltlzh Voa ana Steal 1~d Gal - MOM (no number glvai$ SOP 59 g>a Behavior of Structur~Pai-ts vith Residual Stresses vhen under ReWted Cyclic Stresap by F. Wever and G. Nextin, 5 pp - GEM-LAN, per, Abstract Translation from I$Attei- lungen Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut fuer Eisen- foracoung, Vol IOLI.. no #1 14, 1939, pp 213- 2l8,(Lo-z,n 4--orj SW, 57-2625 Sai - Aug 58 7// 4 4.1, 1/7 62-2D257 51EL-ECTRIC PROPERTIES OF PAPERS FOR CAPACI- 1. Martin, G. TORS. (1962113p. (figs. forn%ulae refs. omitted). Order from SLA $1.60 62-20267 Trans. of Electricid (France) 1955 Iv. 391 Mar, p. 59-65. DESCRIPTORS- *Paper, Dielectric properties, Capact- tors. 'Paper capacitors. (Materials- -Paper, TT, v. 9. no. 10) Office of 7KJm" Suvices 7 "77 M 7 _iw alaut i fte aBbavlw of 3hk and Ps-uw DD-u--h= Prlntln& by Q. NbrUno 9 Im. . Vers, Papet=Up NO 12p 19559 p &I. aA Tr W-IT34 Sol Ad 58 6 7 5pwy