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ft ACM RUAIM"m ii*k Wile lie t"NOT4 V. IQ. mauslak AXWT ro%*& VcA IUM ft 4* A Statistlaul Amlplio or the. Eaukaw-feaj by A. A. BagdasaroVp N. H. MeMOnOVas M. MhOkhIvlFm?--V- MOM., ProU&W Omtologiy I Paral Krovip Vol Illp 1710 6o 1.958.p 99 3-10- Perpmm Prosa Sci - Med Sol) 59 %he 2txeory of a Fadio With Fxequ9may *du~ULticmj, by S. V. 3.4 pp. MMUNP pw.9 ranoteWj, VoJL -UV.. No 4.. IMi, vp 46- 56. PP S*i - /-f -0 0~0 A;p 61 (HY-5231) A Triangular Periodic Voltage Oacillatori, by V. V. VAIsnov.. K. P. Folov, 4 pp. RTJBSIAN,, per,, Iz VysshM Ikheb Zaved, Ser Hadiatekh, Vol IU,, No 3,, 1960. a'RS 7380 Bei /J17-3? Jim 61 ~-qq / -ncies > ur A PILUC r'07'rer PfV)-ifler for Iludio '~~Ci by V& V. I.L",~Pncar, polov, V. A. h . RUSSL'it per; i= vyrl~hilal ticile.) zwrca, jusso, po 2., ser R:010,0-n vol- 1v) :1-1075 Theory of F'requency Spectra and Demodulation of Pulses With Push-Pull Duration Yodulation, of the First Kind., by V.0 V1. ~~ 7 PP- RUSSIAN., per., Iz Vyssh Ucheb Zaved., Padiotekh,, No 1, 1964. JPRB 25138 sci jun 64 262,328 A Ym Riday sMaUmt Audi*-Fraqwumy PuIAO Powor Avollrtwp by D. V. Agoyevp-V. Vo Nslawvt K. p - pa W't It pp - Rusumv pw,, ftuotokhaskas Val X111j, No 6# 1W,* vp 47-51. Porpam Pros& Sal - gla*trom Sv 59 /S,/ I // 7 (a., 6 Ft-D)4e MM;bf)d of iarspLUyins tb& 1FIa,,7,!--r of by V. V. Malanov, 13 PV 'V, na U. ~.I a.-.. c iG d , RUSSM, per, Radlobethnikay Val 11, go 10p Ottp~;6.p pp 38-46. CIA 638529 ATIC FJIIB-9187/V ZI-sctran-i*a 11cv 58 16, ~7t~Z '7 -up y Jan T.7a-la--n,,t-,;3ll:i- ,tandarcl of Living of Certain Orr- -s-, b~, OV - P-OT-MT,An-p,. 7,-.,-cie Gc;spoclarc2e, T To 3 9 ~7' rsam,t, 20 1--:",--p 1c'5'(, pp 1 and 5- '27 .1 ..a Study of the Action of Folyalcohola on Feriodic AC-Id and on A.Umline Periodates, by 14. L. W-AzPrade., 33 rP. FROM, mo per. Bull.~ Soct Chim.~France Vol I 1 19-111. pp 833-4352- , -Y S.L.A. Tr 110 381/1955 Scl - Chemistrv '~ 0 --r- Jan 1957 CTTS/dex Action of Polyalcohols on Periodic Acid. Analytic AppUcation, by M. L. Malapl~B&J-18 PP. ~ ~.fds ~Franm~ 2 V~i ILM.. FMMCH, perNtBo 19281 pp 6% 8 o LA. 1044 SCICUtIfIC - Chmietry SS 41 f V 17 9MMMS PUSILLUS FROM THE CARBONIFEROIJS OF BRUAY: FORMA71ON OF SPIRORBIS TUBES AND THEIR ADAPTATION TO FRESH WATER IN'THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD. [t9631 Order from ATS $9.65 ATS-1064-171 Trans. of Socif&6) Gdoll4que du) Nord. Aumles (France) 1904. v. 33. P. 63-75. DESCRIPTORS: OFalemology, *AnDelida. Geology, TT-64-12123 I. Malaqtdn, A. ff. ATS-1064-17) Ill. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange. N. (Earth Sciences-Geology, TT. V. 11, no. 4) Offim d Tettmkd tavims malarme, Louis. SCM(W-CARBONATH IlYDRATION PHLNO%,iF-NA INSID ~, THE' PATCH: HOW TO AVOID Sf:GRECATIO,14 OF T611 C-61,STITUP-81-i lRecherchas sur ler Phezcm- t!~Soud~ atj Sein tie la O)ITIposition, en Vue WE-witer la Segregation d-- ses Conszltuants). I i9621 164jiL (foreign text includ4- 8 rera. Order from SLA 56. 60 62-14506 Trans. of Glastechnische &rIchic (We9t Germany) 1959, v. 32K, p. 11/57-11/73. DFSCRIPTORS: *Sodium ccwpounds. OCarbonates, *Class, Manufacturing me:bods, Liquids, Mixtures, Solubility, Sand, Dolomite. Calcite, Feldspar. Sulfates, Particles, Moisture. TranitDrmations. 62-14506 ~d L / ekes) 1. Malarme, It. Title: How . . . Ill. Title: International Conrress on Glaas (no. 5) IV. Title: Intornationalor Gl3sizongress (no. 5) 2 (Materials-Ceramics, I-r. v. 8, no. 3) Offic, of Tochalcol S~Icoo TUo Is lbv RM ZUVA=taa.. by S. Fmin., Aft vm OMY RUSSIM.. pary A"Atsua I romwmvtiimp No 4# 3%963o ~489.vl PTD-0-63-4 Sol 2 now 63 Pneumatic lileasometerq ' by S. W, soln",--, ~ GERM., ~er, Bauplan u Bautech, Vol Vill,, 1048 pp 273-2n. DSIR/2-kl6/CT Sci - Pbyvics, Engr A Oct 5T 05-S, 9- 7;7 2ie Zffeat of Th=m1-2kxmUmt of the U)Mvdmlw LISiAteo Coalis on the Yield wA Coaposition of Law- Teqvratu" CarbwIzatIm Frodwtp.. by E. 1. Kazakor., A. A. Tyashelovap L. P. 8 pp. RMSTANs U., KbIndcheakaWa Parerabotkit TopUva- Tm4y 14 Vaegowuzoogo SwvoobmAya Vo ImM v t u ammm Zb' dkcm Topl.tva i Temwo3ogabooWso Cluxam- 195T# pp 98-104. as 60-5UT6 P1,40 PST Ich Investigation or ftracture and the Adsorption and Ion-Excbamge Properties of Synthetic Zealitaxj by S. A. larlmar L. N. MalaWmvioh.. 5 I-op. IIUSMM,, per,, Nolloiduyi Zhuruaaj, Vol XZVq No 1, 1963;, PP 50-54- CB Sci - ~Zyl NOV 6.3 " ?d I I/ Sigtificance rof Cervical Block iu Ue 1,ropbylaxio Operationz on the Org= by I.A. Hilashin Vagosympathetic Novocaine of CompLicationz after of the Abdominal Cavity, HUSSIM mo perp Voye=o Mod Zhwp No 4,, Nbacowp APrJ.1 1958s PP 29-33 US JM/NY-%9 /of, Hint Wwtlulence Chamber Insert for D-3~_Ftnglneo, by 0. U. Mlwhldn,. A/0 14alchanov.. S. A. - Shchurov. RTJSMNj, purp Avto i Trak Promp Aug 155kj pp 24-25. rm/rw/sun rio Wo USMI SconcMic -9-07 Scl-antific a(ol 0~~ V;', Q Un Wilt tho AM mmaw lAr IV PW 6-7= 6 I~NC(P-2-e.f scrj.Aj~u- y" so-a, or 363A57 C.vlindrcem. Pt-2: Previolm Works, by L. MhMssem, 10 ppe ---- -- FMCHp per.. Ar'obives do I%yziolQgU Normle at PathOUgiq=., Vol I., 2W3.r Vp 200-232,, B.L.A. Tr 899/1956 Bui - "dialm 'rFO dzZd Coi~.jilexurwtric Titration (U.1atut.-etry), Part 7, Fy Lf Valait. CZM1.1. per, Call Czech Chfm- Cuim. No It-, 1954, ;111 9022.401 (746/182) ry) L Sci/cheu t' ;.:ur 70 401,992 Nickel, Cobalt and Iron Salts of Acids Contadning the =P(:S)SH Radical, by L. Malatesta, R. P:Lzzott:l, *.. ITALIAN, per, Ctim et Industria, Vol XXV-11, No 1-2, i945p pp 6-io. ATS 533-LT Bei - Chem Aug 6D /-2 31 ~d r :,,;t)aylfho--W,ionic Eoters of Trictl:iltfl-n h,,~dcroXi.--'c -lilt! vwta~ylltin DiLydm.,ddc, by L, A. S,,-cco, c) npo 1-,,--r, Gc:-:=tt,-. ChiMicc It[I-liuMl, VOI L" J,o -10j, 19~0,, Tp 6%.-662- ,-iA 6o-14?49 s Sci Jan DIS23VIdithiophosphoric Acids amd rMeir Chlorination Droducts, by L. Malatesta, 20 pp. MALIM.- Pert Gazz Chim Ital, Vol IMI., pp 596- 6oBv 19,53... SIA 3256 Sci * Obew Aug 58 V , -~-W6-- -rie-tLylzLU1,;~- Estero nZ LAbylph,,,xph=ic Acia, .L by L. YAlatestap 9 pp. rMMI, per., Gazzetta Mimica Itallima., Val =lp No 7j 1930., pp 527-532. siA Go-3-4248 sei /-/'I, q17 ina 62 Vol ni, NO 10 MU006 IMAM MA of loogdtrLI" wIth NotsU wA Wtol2le Zones bv 17 w. nQwjp pwp U&MUL Chlodea Itallam, Vol 74== ZW W 2W-247- cim ;;i:U Zelb,5 /a ,- to~ Sol - "a" jui 66 30AM Xanthates of Metals of Group VI., by L. Malatestaj, 12 P.P. ITALU17p pert Gazz Chim !tall Vol TMv PP 408- 416,, 1939- SIA 3266 Sci - Chem Aug 58 - 71~,,'5`S - Nk-W HALOGEN CARMYL PLATiXM 11 COMPOUNDSt By LAMBERTO MMTESTAs LUC I ANA NALD I N I o 10 PP. t ITALIANr PgRo GAZIETTA C"IMICA ITALIANAp VOL XCo l9b0o PP 1505-1515i 9W2379 -. AEC TRU4786 S0 - PHYS Nov 6 1 2.73..2W N ta, I-amberto. 1114W I-"n-ON OF ISONITRILES. 119631 17p Order from K-11 $17.00 K-H 5391 Trans. of Gazzetta Chimica haliana, 1947, v. 77, p- 238-247. DESCRIPTORS: *Nitrites, Prcparation. 63-22511 1. Nialatesta, L. It. K-H-5391 Ill. Kresge-ll(x)kcr Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. 3 67 (Chumistn-Organic, 'IT, v. 10, no. 10) afflu id Tectmicsi Urvim On Some Structumi- Paculial-Itics of Organo- J' Motphoxua Compourada., by N. Berra,, F. m4ulatcutu., 1u pp. ITALDWs .1 m0 per,, Annall IM di Chimica. Vol XLVO 19%.- pp 94-917. NIM Tr Ho 12-13 Sci - Cbw1otr y 6 100 Feb .1957 CMAkm I ole'. X- or I of oundz. c-:, F!lof)nh0';'!-c 't! pp. rcrp Aun Ch , VC1 Mill, 19531 563-.573. Chemistry Nov 54 CTS Y/ 5-6 0 e, .. ~l aZ~,&,,- Y4, t. - A - / I~X, ,~4 ~_, (SF-1856 )) First Steps Toward the Bilateral Specialize-- tion of Ihmgarian and Bulgarian Industries., by Jeno Malatinszky., 7 Pp- RIMMIAN, per, Kulkereskedelem., Vol VI, No 3t 1962, PP 7, 8. JTRS 13984 E&w - Sav Bloc A6 7 EcAm j= 62 FM 208-68 06 3:1 more e llorigWe dena By*, 18alato, M. T. Fr=; Flag. Stor. Mod. Vol. lta~Uom - est for vds: R-8506-D 25 July 67 v:Lta 6(5), 1962:57-64 ( a pro ) Please translate and type 1 arigWal coVy. " 11 'Nuclear P-n' Ka-tochondrial Chan~;os aijxLj- ijactel.iai Development (From Fluorescent 1-:1crosco-P.- Daua), N. Kalatyaii.,. 5 pp. per, L~Ouxobiol . Voi )=I, 7,o 5, SeiD, Cc-- 1963, rp 3:306-312. CD 3ci :~P,p 61~ 5/06,595 Contribution to L"ba. T'neoretical Study of Blow-big at the Ddge of a Iiing Profile, by L. Malavard. FIRMIM, Wational Office of Aer autical Studies and Research, ONM N.T. 4/1727A or 31 Dee 1W;. Sci - Aerona:utics NMVY Tr 1553/0M-42 Dec 57 9 / & ventiantion of Liftina Surfaces by a *0- electric AnaloLV, by L, Mhlaverd,, R. Duquenne. Frenchs pero Rech Aero (23). 3-12 Sep/Oct 1551. 2PA3/= Tr Do T 39ft Scientif ic - Aeronauticuop roeoelet.,tricj, aualov Index Aeronauticus ,4-19~~ TT-63-2D493 Malavard. Lucien and Slestrunck. Raymond. ON A METHOD OF STUDYING INDEFINITE RECTI- 1. Title: Rectilinear grids LINEAR GRMS WITH ANY PROFILES. 11963) [14p) 1. Malavard. L. 7rds U. Slestrunck. R. Order from SLA $1. 60 TT-63-20,493 Trans. from mono. National Congress at French Aviation. 1945. Sub-Section m 31 (Aerodynamics- Aerodynes). (Proceedings] rept. nia. 454. DESCRIPTORS-. *Fluid flow. OAerodynamic configu- rations, Angle of attack, Mathematical analysis. AerodynamIcs. I - . ;... ;_i'~ (Mechanics--Aerodynamics, TT. v. It. m 2) 1 Sake d 7~dmk:d Sw*a zxp"jwntal ca).cuiatlon by ibaiw of Rhacaloctric Analoglesp by Lmtwa 22 pip Ngjr.,,!-q, parp Rach Aero.. Vlo 20., 1951; VP 61-S7~ MA 59-2D338 NOV 59 Vol :.20 n Qyr--lic Derivatives of Mlonyl Chloride@ In. The Acid Strength of 61-Hydroxy-21j. 4-Dioxopyrano- (31.,41:5.,6) -1, 3-Dioxine., by M. J. -!Lq~la~., J. Mdersld.. et al.. 12 pp. POIJBH., perp Roczniki Chenii., Vol XXXIII., No 1y 1959o PP 93-104. AW-tr-4292 Pl-wo sci june, 64 261.,546 Cyclic Derivatives of Mlonyl Maoride* IV. Synthesis of 10 Axnides of 2.,416-;Trioxotetrahydrop- yran-3-Carboxylic Acid,. by M. J. 1*~lawsk~i J. Mderski., et al,, 8 pp. KUM., per., Roczniki Chemi Vol XD=., No I., 1959,P pp 2T-_V~. ABC-tr-4292 PL-480 Sci June 64 62-264Z7 LL 1. and Wrowk. M D'KNALYSE GRAMQUE DE LA CINg- TiQuH D%N igil;Z Da RdAcnom ctamwEs Dt#W4MJQT&S WMRS RIJ - (A gmpWc Method for Awlyzirg ft Mmilm In a System cd interdepeadem CWuUO Reacticna). 9p FX-978. Order fimi aM HTC or CNRS $0. 30 62-264V Tnuo. I]m F cg Roc=W C3cmU (Pobumo 1960. V. U iFZ -~p. 297-M& DESCRUTORS: *Cbend"l re"dow, PbMopspbs. 01teacdow kinatim 1. makwatt, K U; Wrotek. J. M. P/X-978 IV. Ceare Nadoli'll ik, la Recherche Sciendflque (cizvoiatry-ftyaksi, TT. T. W. m 1% af Tedata Swrk" CheMICLI Ifuclear Physical Instrumenta: a. Radioisotope Devalmeters by Jiri Oppelt; B. 160-Channel Time Analyzer., by Bretislav Malays Frantleek Duda$, 8 PP. CZECHO per., Jaderns Energle,, Vol VIs No 3# 1960., PP 96-98. UBABIA: SC-322b/60 Bel - Engrs Pbys Jun 60 6 3 224 TJBe of Large-Scale Maps in Economic-Geographic Research,, by 8, L. Mslayevu,-21 pp. -MUSSIAN, bk,, Voprosy Primeniya Kartograficheskikh 4%todov i Geograficbeekikh IssIedovsniyakb,. 1960, pr pp 85-96. ams 91" USSR j Geog 6 Jul 61 70-13468-06B Nfalbec, E. F Qualfe. G. V. PLASTIC SURGERY FOR RADIONECROSES. Die Medico. Argentina. v. 34, a. 84. p. 2235, 1962. Flp.. refe. oml"ed. Order from NTC air 70-13468-06E: HC $ 7.60. MF $ S. $0. tbmr-,rv uyPoplaslas, by mme-ato Yalbr--,o 3 pp. rj?AN14F., -perj- ftlentacion Meadicat No 529., 1962$ pp 605-607. awy Tr 3WJM 786 :.%at - Blol & Ned ~~ 63 A 9 1/ 93 o A Nmr Proftesis fcw EmLet SYm1taiss by by mmesto iiaboo. MIAM Mij, per,# EM Ma Hoftoo., Vol X)DaV: lr* A, 19% pp 927 ff. 43MI~W 783 GrOUP- ZZA OU310r P4WbrMc QjVt4MWp IW A. 1. *Ilcev* Ell ~ -raw bkt Vbj 2J* Fwt 6" 1,963. Amer* N'rit* ams W No. ce-22M6 - j / pi -Z- " $-7? aj sci-flath june 66 303.,308 W the General,lbeory of Algebraic Systems,, by A~ L MmIscov. OSSIAN, per, Matenat Sbornik, Vol XXXV(77), 1954, pp 3-20, Amer Math Soc .1 sci-umth Sep 63 SY-1/1 :146 ldj6zil,,Llb,, Ob", MOSCOW, 196(> Juil Foundations of Linear Algebra, by A. I. Maltcev, 304 pp. RUSSIAN, bk. Freeman Sci - Math & Data Process Dec 63 Tree Topological XX-v Algebre-s, by A. 1. i,'aV c o v , 23 p -RUSSIM, per, Iz Ak Hauk SSSR, Ser Matmtj Iro-, 1957, Pp 171-198. Amr Math Soc Vol XVII, No 2 Sai - Math Algebra phys oct 62 L:rv of Coagress Cat No A51-5559 Lf-lect of I)-jrinfectwitus on the 1dochey.lical and serojoGical Properties of tlic Colon Lacilluss, by A. 1-;r-lchenkov, 4 pp. ,USSD11- per, Vol -.-o 6, 1(,4S!, pp M, 1020-10'32. AIDS Sci AuG 62 208,051 Gall Korplao3zQr ._pr ()a Baeter and *=vZ WLOICa* IV A. N. VAIChOnkOVI RMIAW, per: M3wdUla2oSiYaj Vol M, go 3, 196-it h664fa. AIBS Sci ,veb 62 Nothoft of ft"*-C=tr"t and AnaptroLL Contras Wlerc6:L*LoV,, by S. 1. D'Iskoys A. N. lvawm,, A. M. Mlsebonlum, 4 NW. .. =STAN,, per, nm Mikrablol ftUWnM I lumnMols Vol M., No lat 'M'v pp W-13A. pp sel Oct 60 - ~. , .. lqm~~ 114f,11 - Gotha -- The Opposite of Glossen? by H. Malcherek, H. Heusmann GERMAN, np, Neues Deutschland, Feb 25, 19060 FBID Daily Review Mar 6o FlIfibt MUBLOW& by V. Mlichik, 21 pp. CZBMP per, VoJensks FArevotalwo uaty,, SWOLal SuPPIOMat NO 3,, SOODUM after 1956, pp 19-". AF 1255957 Mw - Czech"lovakIa Nil Sep 59 ~14 A Metbod at Synthesizing- a-gonstationary Autcuriarale O=tral System by a Mven Iftmation of Weigbt, by D. 1. Gladkov, S. V. Ma'abikov., 6-p9. MMrO8 pw, Is Ak Naut 8=,, Otdel Tekb ftuk, Murgat i Avtowt, No Ij, 1.02, vp 166-169. ACSI 1-2383 ID 22ES43D act - lueatron MY 63 i s c, Ll Pou,matic Con'rol Syst,:.a3 uith Variable Paramegs, by S. V. 7 PP- lui:-j A-vtor-alu i Tel=c!:h,. Vol YX; r--) 22; 19-jgj, Instru LI-soc of Amer Augg 60 1176 (D"---5-(32) Shoretcumings in the Constrtiction in.~uztr:r, by Hans Ernst Malchow, J PR- GF&M, per, Deutsche rinamvirt.,whaft, V-:~--- Y"Ir, No 4. Feb 1961, pp iw-io4. ans 84& HEur - OermaiW 6 Econ. ~J'Ul- 61 The Solubility DIfferences-of Atomic and... .Molecular Hydrogewin Nioblum, by V.'M. yukovic, V. H. Milutinovic., S. 3- Malcico'-3 Pp. FWCH, per, Comptes Rendus, Vol a=, 1955,, Ipp 1298-1299. SIA 57-1800 my 56 4,~, Frr Curtadu 1,40matuoss Sjsd, or rdentAva to irl. nigm sonsatiam, hv&wed Artificuny in Amantiml pliat Cook;dt Tbrough Inaumment of veaubAd& QrPA* by V, z*lelk. pwl boLtu~e 2f Avlatim t3ad~, FjMM;g& pp 228-237* Dzqv.P of 4avy AIC tr 2591 JUZIG te. evers"Natal ladmalva of Smsatiew cams. poading to FUMbt Illwi=w of the VosUbular Apforat"# by W. mug", SPAIMISkif PON* "V0 004 Aerces a ~Sp, Val 27 so so 19"s jim7*3117. SMA TT &9780 X/V /c- U. S. GMMWAT Use (ULY Sf4-Avnwpmw Apr 64 299,,747 Problems of Space MmUcine, by Vladindr Yaleik, 5 YP. L". CZECH, Xper.. Worba, Vol =1, No 1T, 1961, PP 38T-38E JM 471T Sol - Wd j,ul 61 16,0 / / V'.' (SF-1268) The Current State of Ozechoolovok Aviation and SWe Yedicinej, by VladWr MalcUp 12 pp. O"ICTAL USP. OW - I CZECIL., per., Casopis Lekam Ceekyeb,, Vol XCIV, No 45., 4 Nov 1960, PP 1405-1409. im 4291 Sci .. Wd COPIMIM Feb 61 /-'s J;, 79..,? Otolaryngoligical and Vestibular Examination of Tlyers and Affli"uts for night Service, by Ih-vin Csrqy,,VI&dftdr IbUlk, 10 pp. UNCL RUSS;I:AX par#.Vqyq_=*-Wa Zhur, Special Supplement 3, pp (fA*-WqM- given). AF Aug 911 3 C. Cio" On 'Like Continuous Casting of Steel. by 11. 1421co . Fra-101, per, . or Presented at tho IV General Assembly of I* Le As F9 As M-M-6 City, No S, Jul 19 24. 11M 3978 NE/Frz-vich sci/M&M Apr 65 279,474 r putura Prospect's of b-"Ratta 010. by d BiDen. VO, per. 1965, pp 1277-1286- BIGI 3506 S,c jan 64 ly~,~ i" -11 --j r.7 a-W MaICRM1kL'-k=lML-L T~~ ff(~ 'EMINTS IN REACTION PROFUL.SION EN- GINE TYPE APPARATLIS, Er. by J. M. H. 25 Aug 60, 6p. (4 figs. omitted). 61-13255 Trans. of French patent 997,262, gr. 5, cl. 8, appl. 27 Iti-_ 45, itranted 12 Sep St , pub. 3 Jan 52. K-L,idv tht: 1)-~ ,.-,sion of diffusers inixing air with zhe c-J-,zted fLid in apparatus of the type considered, the ~nvenri3n Consists in art-anging said diffusers so that air is j-,): . r*&ced into the Mid jet proper, preferably , witho,_- an)- eppreciable losses of pressure. (Author) (Macl~il rv!ry- - ProTwul slion Systems, Tr, v. 5, no. 4) 61-13255 i. let propulsion-- Development 2. jet engines--Design 3. Title: Reaction propulsion engine 1 . NUIczewski, U . Patent (France) 997 262 III . Patent Office, Washingtcn, D. C. Ots- of Tedw.4 S-4.. On !Iifyj ftitbfca fbxwematiw of Ustlfilto Gruarps vy limtrlcoa., by A, 10 lba*013V4 lizi P. MVIIIAII., p=. VAtomt SbarnMj, Vol VIII(A), Am lk*i Soc Vol I aim All Eatweer. MnSa and Ormiw, IMMMI,t par, ratowt, M4ral:. Val L(,~Y2)p I xv AM Dfttln Sao Val P P. L to, Iyu.n. 11' I IIN~Allllr PATd*ma 0c YA".za's, -uoy Hall mv, 14' p. Der, I muSa AMd*--a4_j LU4~ =y1' 14-bo~u al Vol M.=P am I"% pp a I" U.Jltb Boa Vol 10mv., Sor '0 M o' ~ , C, cu Sal-7athth 3X36M J;ar. ifica 3my%w 140ALbDd and ANOTOuts for Eatomkoing the 3y WiscuaLty of 84h Hav4sn"a Slaps. by Kbx. mr-LULA, a. malebaws. MWAUMs POT, 22SLAftft US qLI_ULkQ-j!M 'toot Vol Its of 40 1964, SMI syki .L- -~ -~ L- C-L continuous castlne ot atea, bV It. H. ftlcor. SmIlm, rpt, 20M -rhatUnto raftapaw=aw gal plumy Ila mm. qlb XgUg Qk- &U 12:24 lQ64, Opg 5 ,IRL/T 2849 1-rx - 4 . I-lq r:)- / C- -" fe-- Sel - Sep 67 340,,,22 ftcu-rm,pipj, Exclogy and ceagrapucal jDjztrj"-tj" wbo trimetkista by J* omadso A, Ro4camook-lo 190* Ipp 17sal7b, vapt of latrior KNOM A-uo*oto 070-so 92 on Loan Mmy 0.1. ;4,iJ-, M6 '-nvdtz,~! -5-g :Li, via JA",4~tlv ~:iaxf 11-ooLtes ~Xxiuuxt 95459 L 3 a ." ri a a~.:; 69 Cellulva- t:-.nd Tievular Rtdiole:Aoilo, TL2.s"-r cojlscquci~ceo &mL Their Rspaira,, by j. NaiBin, E. 141hisin-, 2 A. I.',tmjic, P. Midaguej, 40 pp. FM=ll, plar, Jour Balege XXMII, 1955, 94-A29, p p 3- SIA Tr 57-16W Scl Jun 58 64 J2--el Cellulpir and Wissular Radiolesionsp Their CoasequenceB and Their Repairs,, by J. Haisinj, H. Raisin.. A. Dunjicp P. mamagues 40 pp. .... . .WOMM, FROCH., perj, Jour Belge de Rmd,, Vol XXMII,, 1955., pp 394429. 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