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Awlylsio of a mixture of Vanalum oll-do-sio P. P. lk*bovk^. UWL 9=10 p Sarp ZmA Labp. Vol XIM p No 5 p 3.957.# vp 533-535. 0 DOUt UO rM 3JAB (511. OA-) ~1_y 0 _~70 a** - cbm 7 AVr 60 EKporlwat In ProtyacUiL Preservation of Bracells Str&Jm In a Dry Sftte, by V. 1. Ogu-kov, It* F. VmkbrovP immim, pwa vaterlaw-imp vax =mn, iro 8,. .1,961P pp 70-71. 9096837 UWA Tit Y-11 60 Bel - Ned AP-1-- 411-11 3/ Feb 62 Chemlstry of Unmtumted fthe". XV. ThlateAzation of VUWI Rtb(Vl fther with Aostalddiyde Acetal. .WhOSSA of I-Alkewpolymns by S. M. lis V, Sa -%dakWas po 5 Zj and fmans per 2hur Mmiwh Maj, voi xun, No 2ov pp. CB Aug 63 Temperature Upon the Development and the Population Dyna2ics of tho Gypsy Moth, by pp, exlxaxxmgs SERBO-CROATIAN,, bk, Eksperiw4ntalna Istrazivanja o Dojstvu Touperature na Individualno Razvice I I Populacionu Dinamiku Gubara,, Vol 111,, 19582 pp 11S. 92075$4 OIS 61-11203 Sci - Biol 0 Jun Some Data an a Study of the Microflors of VbLriaus MIdavian Soils, by S. Ya. 2tnt~i 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXVIH~~ 5, 1959, pp 743-749. Amer Inzt of Biol Sci Sci - Biology jui 6o / ?- 0" ?/~~ Kii3etics and Wchanism of Structural Transformati= in Tempering of Cold-DOWWA Alloy Typs K 4omm2 by B. G. XLYDbItsp N. 0. YMbutov. 8 pp. twxAssnim RMIAN,q pm., Nauebarie DdkIMy Vyesbey abkoly, Metallvrglya 0 NO It a 1958 a PP 10-173 ACBI H-M7 ID 2156397 sci ; MI12IMt Jan I Sw ToWer adtUo~ vxd M*aMl Ftfttlgi Ur %WNW fte AUOP# by VM *be= MWIM pwp MEER -142-3.44. Bbt Vol TO larjL OWT) (0,2 Low) 286,952 AVg 65 ja V~ InTastiGation of tbLe Tempering of Cold Doformad MOMM Alloy, by B.0a Livshits, N.G. Malchu-kov. 5 pp. ----------- RUSSIAN, per# Fiz M.*W I Metallov, Val VIII, Wo 3, 1969, pp 400-W5 pp S ai '/3 --r 61 V ry") un L tvl t.; I.J. Q Jj ne oewratlon N=bw cdr Tetftstlcb= Ragenovi Ratz. An F4M Pav"Ito of Cockramcbms at Talbalms by Ipp rws Nina= 1w sAftno To, To Me Pp 30T-309. ASS-PIRMW Sol Avg qX Beavy Armwvt for Airplaws, by 11. K. MbId=Wj, Ih pp. 19A. RMIW& Perm We vowuch Flows No 22 q yp A-96. Sei - AaroaWtica um mnit=7 . .ATIC F-W-880/IU S3, 3 Apr 56 Use of' Ultrasonics to Destroy the Scale in Heat Exchangem, by N. M. Khvatkav, V. F. Makienko 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Koko i Xhim, No 6, 1961. CTRA Sci / 7 7 ~/~ Dec 61 '.;- ~f 111`11N-1111 I I lit Heterogeneous Equilibria in the System Ra NaN03- Na2HP04-NaCl-H20 at 250, by A. V. Makin, 4 pp. XX RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan nim, Vol III, No 12, 19583, pp 2764-2766. AEC-tr-4460 PL-480 Sci Aug 62 PST-382 209,977 ~mvestigation of the SolubiUty of the Tvrnax7 System KCl()4-Naa?47H-20 at 0wA 250j, by A. S. Karm*hm,, A. V. Makinp b7pp. HMIAN, JAWS, Zhw Xbluo Val 11j, No 4.9 1957,, Yp 910-014. M-tr-4054 PL-W Sal 1441'35v- Alw 61 pw No 81 The SoluUWAV lea" of the TtrnaxT ft'atm,, N&2 lff%-NftU-IlgD at 25 1 IW A. V. XQdn.,. 5 pp. Mm'UNj, pw a= News xbim4 voi n.. No 12j, 1937; vp mo:iw- .9 AW-tr-4062 ftl -0 cbms aw 61 PMT ND 89 Heterogeneous Equilibria in the System HaNO 3-Na2HP04- NaC1-H20 at 250, by A. V. 1%kin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan hhim, Vol III, No 12, 1958, pp 2764-2766. AEC-tr-446o PL-48o Sci may 62 PST 382 195,822 Solubility of the Twnary System NaHO -Na-MIO. -H 0 at 250.p by A. V. !!Lk~q A. S. Kw2wdibiQ 6 P':P. It 2 RMSIANi. W, Zhur Newg Xhlm, val n., No 6, 1957, pp AW.-trAO% PL-480 ILLI- 5;L0 &w 61 PST No 83 e TE! -q TTr 2 50 IV by A. V. Makin, 4 D. U 1. 13T Apr-r, ZRiAr Nearg LAm, Vol IV, 5-0-1197. Clcaver-Hulle Press L-1A-. London Thp Cheudstry of Uwatmrated Mon, X. Addition Reactiow of 1.MwW-1#34)Unas, by 8, M. Maldn,, )D. V. Hazaroval, 5 pp* MsUffs Par* Em ML9boh Mdms Vol XXX v No 4a .1962$ ipp l=-M6. OB $Qi Har 63 2S2 xp ThD Chemistry of 'Unsaturatcd Ethers, IK, A Stuay of the Reution of AlkoWlation of pm-an, gynthuds of Dia3debyfts and Glyooia,, by S, H. Maldnv N, ic Telegina 6 pp. RugmHo per Zhur Obshch Kh1mv Voi xim., No IL., 2962 ppEA n CD Sai Mar 63 yt sammosenuum Syn-theals ~~C Citrall and JU hmlop* by 1. U. Eazz=vs hhmn V. B. macbmIlup D. V. Nazarova* X==,t ];or,, Mw,.- Obahch Mdmj, Val M=,p So 32j. IMS pp 305-308. OB Sol um OD Utnsattl-, -tad Ethsr--- X7T'~^ -alkowdjalk~-,wic~a awl S~rnl`l s', irith Heavy ~~,iaBan 'L~Pisutra of ~y 1-1. R, Kruptsov pp, 8 Ja~ Eij~~.4*.M. plur -Zhur Obshch MImm, Vol No 8 GB ~cj 1~ ~ r I ~-,a 3, &-tworocyclie Compounds. 50. Synthetic Fain-Relieving .Hateriale6 XITT. -411he Action of Primry-Amines on 01 IS --Dimthy1divinyl Ketwe and .1-WthW- 5-methyl-4-hexene-3-one. The Eaters of lp2,,2- Tz.-imthyl-4-phanyl.-4-piperidol,t by 2. N. Hazarov,, S. DL ~~' 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obahch Kh-1 , 1957,p Vol 27s No :L,, pp 94-1.00. Consultants Bureau Scl - Chem -1~m 58 Synthesis ot Vinyl end Dienic Ethers., by 1. N. D. K. Kruptsov, V. A. Igironove 7 PY - RUSSIM,, perj, Zhur Obahch MAP, Vol MCDC, No 1., .1959,o pp 2-U-117- Consultants Bureau azi mor 6o 111a, xlo~ 7 Of ftA ri".:he *ntlxesis ty PjAdr, and Alachole Frw Tertlexy r1WIcarbizols, by 1. W. Mmmlov, S. H. Yzhkinj 0, k. Sham9ina., T P.P- MMUN rei- Zhaw Cibalmh MAx., Vol XXX., So 2p IW; pp OB Sci Apr 61 The Chemistry of Unsaturated Ethers VI. The Condensation of Acetals With 1-Alkoxydienes, by S. M. Makin, 1. N. Rozhkov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, VOL XXXI, No 10, 1961, pp 3214-3219. CB 'Sci Sep 62 P-U.-756 The Chemistry of Unsaturated Ethers VII. Addition of the Acetal of B-C 14- Aldehyde to 1-Ethoxy-2- Wethyl-1,3-Butadiene. A New Synthesis of B-C 19- Aldehyde, by S. M. Makin, I. N. Rozhkov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 10, 1961, pp 3319-3323. CB Sci Sep 62 211,773 Liquid-Phase and Vapor-Phave Mothods of Obtaining Vinyl end Diesic Ethers. Bynthesle.OfAy D-UbamtUratcrd Aldehydes and Their Acetals., by 1. N. Inwov; S. M. B. X6 w4teovp 6 ppe RWSIAII pers Zhur Obiftch Dimp Vol XXXX,, No U) 1959f pp 3M-AA. C13 set Nov 60 Condeneatin of AcetalAs Ketals,, avd Orthoesters With Vixwl Ethwo. Systbaels of G -AlkazyWe- by4es &W at# 13 -Umtwratea Alashya".. by 1. N. ps B , K. Naterovip S. H. ?!~klv RMUNI, pwp Zbw Obabeh Ills# Val X)=s so no, mg,w pp wi-3691- CD set 60 Wthea-I's of Acatals- nnd vxtaIa vith the Help of TotmaliWal2amop by I. N. gazarov,o a. X. Us X. Kruptoovs Ve A* Hironav" 5 PP. MWIM, pars Zbur Obsk h Kbim.. Vol XX3Xs ND IV 1959p vp 206-no. comultants Bmvau Sol visr 60 Im, /-,o 5y, w olyntboais of Analogs of Nerol.1dol, Farnesylucatov,;~: wid Gerany2linalool, by I. N. Nazarov, S. M. p 2-cil-I-L V. D. Mochulin, 0. A. ShaiW-gina., D. V. Tiazarova., 6 pp. gMSSILNI, per, Zhur Obshch M2im,, Vol X=, No 1959, PP- n76-llft. Consultants Bureau Sci J~m 60 7,,6 q~ HeterocyclAc Compounds. 52. The Synthesis of 1-Y - AlkmtZrpropyl-4-Piperiod6es and 1-y-Dialkylaminopropyl- It-Piperifdoies, by f. N. Nazaro3 rM S. K. Makin., 10 pp RUBSTAN, per,. Zhur Obabcb IMIm., Vol XXVII, No 2.. 1957., pp 499-530. 07 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 58 fle-terocyt1le Compo=dna 51. Synthetic Pain- Killing Substanceeo X17. Esters of 1,2,5-Tri- me,hIW1-4-pbenyl-4-pipe;goI with Fmctional Groups an the Ac~ C Analogs of Promedol and Imopromadol, b 'rI H. Nazarov, S. kin A. Grapov,, 10 pp. RVSSrAN8 per, Zhur Obahch Kbirmp 1957v Vol 27,, No Is 1957P pp 101-109. Consultants Bweau sci - Mom J'Un 56 of AnalogS Of PseudoiOnone "d Citra.1, by S. M. Makin., V. D, Mochalinp D. V. Nazaroval 5 pp. - RUSMN,, perp Onw Obahch Xhim, Vol XXX, 110 5, 1960.. PP 1471-1475. ca Sci Jul 61 Tbz Synthosia of Armlogs of Garanis,'I., Parnasol, GeraM.1geraniol Isop 1, and Pbytolt by 1, N. Nazarov,. S. M. Aar&rv. V. gazarova, ts pp. RUSSIA,Nj per, Zhur Obahch KhLm, Vol XXX, No 4, lqw~ pp n6s-n75. CB Sci May 61 Till lti.! 9 Heterocyclic CmPOUn"- 53. SYnth"k Pain- Relieving Materials-. XV. Mile Synthesis of 2,5- DImtbvl-4-FhemyI-h-Piperid61s and Their Raters, Containing,Y-Substituted PxvjWI Radicals on the Nitrogen Analogs of Proinedol. abd Izopr6medol. TI, by 1. N. Namarov, WA S.M. i4akin, 8.pp. xm RWSIAN,, per,, Zhur Obabich XhIm. Vol XVII,, So 2, 1957P pp 510-51. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem 6.01, 2 4,300, Anionotropic Rearrangement of 2.,6-DIMtb3r1- 2j.4.,7-OctAtr:Len-6-*Iv bY I. N. Naze Ovp.Zh. A. &aZOSYS.P S. M. PAId , 4 Vp. i jqSI RMSIM; perp Dok Ak Mauk SSSR., V0#79 liq 31" pp 553-556. consultants Bureau Sol - Chem Aug 58 & ?, / f 'r The Condensation of Acetylxme With Hetbylheptenone and its Amlogs Synthesiv of Limlool and- its Analogs) by I, N, Naz"cvt B,. Po Gusevs, S. H. Makin.. f. B. mochalin. 1. 1. Nazaiova., V. P. VibdolhdoYy 'B.K. &Uptsovj 0. A. Shwa7gimap D. V. N&Z"OVIL; 4 pp - RWSTLANj per., Dok Ak fKqk SSSR p Vol jivi NO 4#4 Pp 796-799. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Aug 58 A New Method for the Preparation of Polyene Aldehydes, by S. 14. Makin,, 3 PP. RUSSIMT, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol C)=III, No 2, 1961, PP 387-389. CB Sci may 62 195,193 lopprene#--tw Academician 1. N. -Synthesio of Zth* Nazarovs So M. Mak - D. K, Kruptsovp 4 pp. MWIM, per, Dok r ftuk SWR# Vol =11, No 5. 1957P pp 823--825 Cotwultants lkweau scl - MOM Oct 5B S,rn;theaU ale : f, -i. - -, 7~'o I by 1. lit, Ilestu-ov, V 0. A~ Shuvj7gl-ra~., RUMSTAN,, -rar, Zhtm Obshch Khim,, ljol CniiL12-3-timt.- Bmrcuu Sol The Synthesis of Geranylacetomep 3-4Ketbvlgeranylacetun---,, Pseudolonone and Pseudoirone., by I. N. Nazarov, L. A. Yonovskaya,, B. P. Gursev., S. M. Makiz., 1. 1. Nazarova, 4 pp. RUWIAN j, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SWR . Vol No 5 -A PP W291-1032. Consultantz Biweau Se I - chea 9 *a 58 SyUtheBIS of the Anm3xW cC "tbylbeptenme and Metbylheptsdienc~ep bi I. No MmOTjo S.A. mumap yo z. MocbmMAa Do V. No- 0 to P, -VI-noSmdqvs B. X. 10ruitsaws I. I- XSEUV"t 0- A- sbevrygins.. 6 pp. rmsxa.,' per,, Bok Ak Muk SMp Va CIVp No 6&1 PP consultants BwmmU Sci --cbem. Agency: AEC/M 7o P.O. No. 70-2343 Titlee Collection Efficiency of a Single Fibre of Electrically Conductive Fibrous Filter AuthoreaRatsutaka Makino and Roicho lionoya, sources Language it Japanese special Instructionst Pis translate and type one copy only K. Makino :t L -L K. Makino Putgat Jo 14 Ali5ll. K. MELkino 32,; .7 b niftoommitift MDOY for ---- 19 b7 J6-lMd=s namm oftft W. IAPIM (*63) P*- 13 set- Q% 44M -rUO4 3S MW QLa, an&- -nD- 17m.758 UPW tw ft3i Ina 00. - *~. ),~ a" ~:;! "! Aw 30TO&A li... 1 66 SbuUes on Positive G&*on Electrode of Air- Mpolarized Wet Cell. 1. Relations Between Electrical Characteristics and Sow physical and ChAdcA Properties of Positive Carbon Eleetrodep by S. Makimp 7 YP- 1MAMMs per., J. Sot Chcmr Vol MMo 1954.- pp &5-618. Sol -a *7 57 S.L.A. Tr 57-257 48" 7415- T r4do uporimmts on Gentriftwod and'-Mtend -mPwmtant 11mid. TV= YoshldcL S=VDM Aseltes. (4-pd,-40) ipmu"th, Gums ILI$ age. 20A. lkiO4 195DO pp. 121-123 X-%7 Iromm"ted at the 'Autiololl Twta or nmau Nthooduip M6 /q- -3,7m olm V* a moulaueft of Cabalt Sourcesj, by Aktm comi, maklm ummot 7 pp- JAPA~p pmp M~ &up lb 4$ 1951P w 654-657- nUA36T AN GMW--M&775 Pft 68 ATAW 'TLC WIL(Wica 011' ACt-in UPOD ATPacie,, by T. Iteh-gal, 11. P'onifjhi, Y. Yutaoaka, H. Takahashi and H. Hakinoee - 9 PP RUBUIAN, b1co per Biokhim., Vol "'XII, rL, 1, 2, Jan-Apr 195Ts Pi? 46-46. Consultanto Bureau S--i - Chomiatry .;'P" 58 On the Blectrouic C=puter Developed at Osaka Univeraity; by K. Jo; So ntLUMch' U/61-ASSIF19D W Y. Yasul. I JAPARM, per, Denki Tousbin Gukhai'Zasshi, Jun 1957; USABIA Tr 972W ftl - Electron - 167 12 1-1-50P Feb 58 7 15ae '13yescent S-Wms and Future for L~he Control olo infectious Diseascl- J1.414 Kazraltbatp-m, by K. A. r , 1. K. Karz",-ulov. B,-USSV,Vj per, Zhur Mikrolbiol j3pidem-iol J-- lmmlaiol~ 1961, No 7; PP 12-19- 9 09436 1 USDk Tr 11-17-35 Aci - MQd / '/ /, 3 / / 1;.ec (A Datexminatuion of the Phramters of Particle- Siw Xatribution,, by V. V. Lebedav,, A. Ye. Maldrov.. 9 IV "=Mff,;Prs Is Vpmblk-a Ucbeb Zaved, Flz.. 1, 160-265. 96TIM m mm-imll /7/, J? 9P e5 oat 61 fte ROWUM of Pbospbom FactublWift NU Wlth Carbowuc AcM Amddes. Tr:tdawqpbovqb&%omcyia., by A. V. Mrsawvj, R. 0. YAkirtal %pp. Flau ft OD per* am M2Iwh-RLgj Vol zmt No 3p 15*6jp vp 9W-%3. Ift - ftndivtry 444~ J-141 Jim 57 CM5 DI-Acld ChlorldsS of ACWI=ddOPbOwgbvrlc AxIft of the Avcwtft On-Us; by A. V. MLrm~jp R, a. no pwp Mm Obabah Val XVIP No 3* altente Wa4m 44j2/ 4411A 63-16827 Shoj 1. TWOORfEMOCAL OONSIDERA71ONS REGARDING THE 1. maklettitna. & ELECTROCHEMICAL PRC .tPERTIES OF LIQUID AMMONIA (Theoretische Uberlegungen 0ber the Elektrocherni 9chen Ei schaften des FlUssigen Arn- monlak8). [19631 ISIV (foreign text Included) 23 refs. Order from SLA $8. 10 63-16827 Trans. of Tokyo U. Faculty of Engineering. journal (Jspan) 1938, v. 21, mm 36 p. 115-168. DESCRIMRS: *Electrochemistry, *Ammon% A 2 4 7 5 9 1 Electrical properties. *Alkall metal compmmds, $ 0AI,kallne car-th compour4s. Halffles, Solubility, Beat Of solution, Disseclatiom (Chernistr]-ftsical. TT. v. 10. no. 7) mom d Tod" SWANS Makintilma, Shoji and Saito, Yasukazu. T-tlul*~:, ft, I M CATALYS-M. May 62, Mp. I refs. Orde r from S A ; I S. 00 SA Code-17 ,rranE. of Karoku Kogyo (Japan) 1460, v. 11, no- 10. p. 92N-932. DM,ClIlVTDRS: *Catalysts. Chemistry. Classification, Metallic compounciss, Oxidation- redLxtion reactions. AcidB. Hydrocarbons, Reaction Unctics. 62-17(rmr) 1. Makitzhima, S. It. 'aito. Y. 111. SA Code-37 M ',eizaburo &oki (Japan) C 2 o9lo 7 (Cj-,e.rr.ietry--jljjysIcal, Tr, v. 9. no. 3) CHIN d I , Ad limxft VIODUrl, or Arylamlaagbompboric, Acids & proram, . - - R 0 0 * !!!Mu-ts 4 PP*I~#. V. mwvtx Zbw Obl*Ch.lbftp Val IRV is 30 1,? !;5 rp;~ 35-39. Bar"= $a - Chun g , , 1176 AIM 59 S~Mthetis or 2,8-Dichlorm-deniae, by B. G. !)OIdYr'Pv' R. G. Makitra, 6 pp- PRUSSM, no per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol =111, No 4, Apr 1955, pp 422-427. CIA C--3M&B Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Cqrs 73/0ct. 1955 winroxeyphosph=oacyls. by A. V. Kirsanov, ,W Derkmah, IR. G. Aakitra,- 5 PP. G. L V~ RUSSIAN2 per, Zhur Obahch Xhim, Vol amn, No 5., 1950., PP IM-1231- Consultants Bureau Sci - ch= Jul 59 73Z 2 76 N-Acylamidophosphoric Acids,, by A. V. Kirsanov and R. G. Makitrap 4 pp. c RMSIAN, per, Zhur Obshmh Dim,, Vol XXVIIJ Do 2, 1957m. pp 450 Consultants Bureau Sci - Chm Jul 58 V Tria.rox~rybosphazosulfonax7lz and Diaryl J~sters of A:rylsulfonamidophosphoric Acids,, by A. R. Kirsanov, R. T. WMM..-4 pp. MM,IAN,, per, Zhim Obehch Vol. 27, No 1957, PP 845-2416' -Consultants Bureau Sci - 012fini Jun "j8 Qptirzum MtNintura Cc)rttnt of Soil Niear thto Condlt,-Ion.? by K. MaIduthl. JAPAIMSE, rAr, J. Rea Inst Thchncl,. No 'Tj 1954p irZ) 16-20. iTippoa Univ. VP MMOC-TI932 Bel Aug 59 R,31 Table of ftelear Mmentss by Dzh. R. WkIES, pp EMSIM,v rao pars U3pekhI Fiz Hauk, Vol XLIV, No 3, 1951, pp 393-436. Sai Tr Center BT-667 Scientific - Physics 6, ?3 j~ M lop ilte- 3.1:-57.. pp sam 60 A. 'The Attitude of Graece in the European Economic Cooperat-Aom, by L. Makka;_, B. The Co=on Mdrket and France, by P--rnmrd-'IEV-4e'-r'gne, 11 pp. (ID 2072372) 1 rl4WUT)slr- M GMK, per, Wen Ekonomia, No 7, Jun 1957,PP 377-37% 30--396- ACSI, B-1234 RE/A - Greece WEur - France r M 00 (1TY-Gvq) Purametric Traveling Wave Amplifier With Losses, by V. 1. Vinokurov, V. 1. IbIzkaveylffy-, xj 16 pp. RMSM, per, IZ VUZ, WO R-adiotekh, Vol 3:V.P No 3Y 1961. JMS 11524 Sci ,Tan 62 -7 -/~ -VJ7 Hig,,her Molecular Compounds In the System CdCl2 - KC1 ~110P by N. F. Ermoleako &W A. 1. Hakkaveovs. AP. 21 -- k -:iOSSIANO mo perp Zhur Obsbch Khi=,q Val XXII, No 10, 1 -952, p3) IT41-1745. Consultants Bureau `:Cieutific - Chemlotry - /r-// QnS5 IAD#A WA YlOld Of Wy Ofterp by G.F. Nbkktskk4k SM89M, jar, XDoUtuat Toor Blo3cmdedh en umneig omu"a van unftdwfpwaoftnp 19571, sw 73-77. COM Tr 4312 Oct - 62 Exandmation Of Pbmmnls Famala by G.F& 6 sumi prp Otbarlanfis Jawroa cif Asrl=ltmal sown"# Tol Vi, No 4p 1957s 39 290-305- COM Tr W53. 0@t. 62 Plant Growth Wer Conditions of Drougbt., by Go Weadilmk- MMMj, pwm, Stiketofv Val 11j. No Ap 1999P TV 426-430- com w 5oe4 Sd - B101 Oct 61 / 7/* j ~/j R&C ndations on SprLnkling Irrigation fOr Apiculturet by G.F. W%kink. MMUM, per, Nsandbl. Tandbypor1k, Vol 8, No. u, 19~1, pp 4~8-44i, W21~- 6 . f-. ;77,0. t< K i N K Bel - Aug 67 3:'m-~-W4 t r F~nwanlv CalcuUtIon Melbad of B" rtammIlration I. v CMaked. by 0. Dvmv pwp LeammAxeft wilvabro Val LXVII# INO 4* 1955JO Vp Sol Ana 59 The Evapotrmspiration of Grasslmd in 19~4., by G. F. MaIrki.nk. Dqt J, perCentranl Inst voor Landboigtin- ~m dig Onderzoek , Wageningen. Vers-?agp 1954, CSIRO-3373 LZ Aug 58 7"'- -91%aAbYield and Soil Moisture Conditions,, by G. F. Makkink, -DIOCH, Generaal Instituut Vor IAndbouv6-undig, Ohderzoek Wageningenp Veralag, 1954j PP 115-120. CSIRO-3372 Sci Apr 59 9/-/j ?~W The Eftpotmnspirstion of Or"aland in 1956p by G. 1. mak" - GLWM,, perv ImUtut voor Bloloogeb en BOMIIMID049 Onderzoak van sent VP 69-72s, IM,, Cc$-%,R-0, 4321 sci i*w.6o // I-& r- ~ "-: 5 - The Influence of Sprinkling 73pon Grass Root Development 1z a FiAld Experiwot at 1jseelatein,, by J. J. Schuurmn,, G. T. Makkink. DUM.. per, LandbouOkuDdig !tLjdschr,, Vol LXVII, No pp 28e.,,O., 1955. MW C-2283 0