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Resistance to Flow in Branch Pipes, by G. Grass, E - Luth. GEM-W, per, Allgemeine WarmetwInik, No 91 1958, pp 185-189, BISI lp-99 Sol - Engr oct 6o / JO/ d _L&b _V.~ipdr Ch. .. , _ ~~It IN 11,MUSTRIAL GASES. H. APPLI- 1. Gases--Wistureco CATION OF '111H MOISTURE CALCULATION. (Sep 48] 7- Gases--Cleaning [231p. 26 refts. 1. LOth, F. Order from S1,A mi$2.70, ph$4. go 60-19269 Ill. Title- Application ... Trans. of Archiv fUr das RisenhUttenwesen (Germny) 19A v. 4 Jon. 41 p. 185- 192. on" Wragbm" 5-0. (Unannounced) =w'jgs= scuwcmwgr~w try TM Water S*h*lm of the Obsobal =A *rpbo- of UgAfted ftn VMUs by R. C.,-" aw in. !Mqmp~p 30 pp. am"p pwp mass FAb a wouto"o vbl ME NO ni. I Sm 1956m w W*-439. SC4 IRA Wr W-1989 ~ 7, 49f iZ JUIL 58 Ekamlmtlonb of tma ofttlmx of o0al UnIng Uw ll&t and Wro-rad micivscope. motbdd and emomplas of aWlicatioa. bor R. Luther. OREM, per, anant-Chom, Vol 44. No 8. 3.963. pp 1;2-246 CRL/T. 1559 /-/ . e- t, r6 rla- Bel - Sep 6T .40.243 Luther. If., Lampe, F. and others. -ME QUALITATIVE AND WAMMATIVE ANALYMS OF TIIE I-SX)MIFRI OF 1-1EXACHLOROCYCLOliEXANE W17V THE' HELP OF HAMAN SPECTRMOPY. 119631 lop. 10 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-18243 Trans. of 7--itachrift ffir Naturfortichung (West Germany) 050. v. 5a. no. 1, p. 3%-40. DFSCRtM)RS: Illexachlorocyclohexancs, Molecular fccanerfam, quantitative analysis. *Rmnau r o- ,Pcopy. Calibratfix- Errors, Organic 1-uran, D,,nrcn:-F, *Im;ecrIzLde-f% 63-18243 1. Luther. H. It. Lampe, F. -Thv. methoil of Ramar-malysis of mixtures Is brieny explzit"o and the technique is elaborated upon with rcqx-ct to analysLa of the Isomere of hexachlorocyclo- IK-xant!. Calibration curves were establiulted for (Chemis(ri-AnalyrIcal, TT, v. 10, no Duke 04 Technic8l Semsm Thermid Decomposition of Hard Coals as a Function of the Particle Size. 1. Microscopic wid r rhurraug),mvimetric Investigations, by It. Luther, 4~. BUSSTfkalln, G-.RMAN,, per, Brennstoff-Meraie, Vol XL111, No 12, 1962, pp 3S3-361. CRL/T, 129S Sci-Fuels Oct 63 G~r:)up Arv-tly,3iu in SatUrated Ilydrn, carbrns by hcItcv spactromcopys. by H - Luther, - H. Oalter G,v'qRPANv pors Angov Chemp Val IXIX# No 8p 1957, NIP .262.,2Lej. ATS 272-W Rov 59 Aa 0 3 (f0 7 - ass 130 %miens lot X -W A COWOOMIM 10 . --la] kw, Vd UP, ND a. Im *," Aw". XM3& as Alk"Im Docamp"Itift Of the NWM- *MoMpad*maw* by R. Uft",p R. Mnlbor* b. - so ~-- r. X~Llm *ad emw,, Z. fietwtaftahp ~~~19490 pp Sod -L%W.. 11. ard O~om M 11. GROUP ANALYSIS OF SATURATED HYDROCARBONS BY MOLIMMAR SPECTROSCOPY. (1%21 10p. Order frmi AT~S $ L 2. $0 ATS-48P610 Trans. ct' 2t.altschrift fdr) An4ytlochej Chomfle) (West Gormory) 1961, v. IM p. 161-172- DESCRWMR,k *R)dromrbous. Amlyals, Ohfolecular spectrosoom SpftIr%TmWc anal),81a 62-22146 1. Luther, H. 11. Olem IL H. M. ATS-UP61C IV. Associated Technical Services, lw-. East Orarge, N. J. r 2, (ChsmioftT--A=lydc:ml. Tr. r. 8. m 6) O#R- f Td.&..i Stea4y-State FdqOnms of a Synchromms Generator With Ionic SOU-Mcaltations. by3h. 1. tatideep 0. K. gUperldse, A Ive wjmw,. per.. N .1 VOL ill " 94-164. 09 9%M 79)J"49-1043 ftl - 1160trMics :~ A I~ k 5 Jan 63 letroved fly"tra of Caabp by M== G. van Boripump 0. Hwks J. Morwall, H. Lutbar. (mwo,vir, smaut cwml6ilf Vol xmillo 19570 10-199. 195% DOM1323WICT D.- t 1711 61-2=9 Raw"CH maujac -Rxmtw "r. 119611 1. Lutbw, H. (111P. itrem. brdFor hvm MA VA. 60 61-20M Trans. at A7ZjAUwwQAk*chr"cb*ZWUdwlft) (Oftuay) 19M v. 62, a*. 12, p. 326-229. DBSCRIMRS: *b9ftwl coniustim 411001m, ORK- bmt PON, wratlefty. Vswdw, Fvdj6 OON- to-lawca eAtu"OW46 AmOpIst Cbmak*L ODIN01 S*tm, OcIrbas COMWO . "Waawn. IlAw", ftlic bmft I n* 014 O"AlLm t (Emsumvirls-s"It"Wim, Tr. V. 7. go. 3) Office of Tec6W..l S*M-. Tioe M.W%Mne De=rposition of the Rexachlovocyclo- hexanauji by B=t_l!utker,, et alt 3.3 Pp. GM=., pej Z Nat=foracb.. Vol IV# 1949, vp SIA Tr 1493/56 1 Sci -- Cbam --"/ 4 - 2- 4 J/ lbr 5-7 cm 1, 1 X A L .'2:01"Ut- 1'.. 1. Ii, U,I [IN' I U. Ill ,I,, )(Ali L13 '1111,: L;J!C-)No!1 Al"10 AMUMIL-N. 1196-Ij 1 0- 10117.1, :421 S11.60 11".1, V. 50. p. 43-56. -:1.S: 411iotoclic:,iintry, ltawdm UX)Idon, 0xylai. '1'l, v. 10, w. :1) Office ef lecbwsl Servim Polly Autp-satic Evaluation In the Vacuum Spectro- metric Analysis of Stools, by G. Graues W. Lutherathe at ILI. GBRI#Ms per. Cbemis-Ingesiouz-76chulk. Vol XIV. No 4# 1%28 Vp 3M.311. HB S$90 SCI-Mw .2;.q 9 3 1 May 63 1 Tha Fermi Surface of Aluminumpby B. Luthl. UNCLAtISITTED 1-er, Ifelv)rPhysica. Acta, Vol rAXIT,, No 6/7, 1959P PP 11,70-473- uavy 26ol/NRL 810 Sci - Phymics AU g~ ir; 0 70 (1111) 2',13.113) Tlw Soviet Movie Industry: Two Studies., by Paul RlMlOlMWJl Babitakyp Martin Lutich.. 125 PP- . ...........I RUSSIANj mimeo series No 31., East European Fund., Inc., Restuw=h Program on the USM, New York City.. 1.9,53j, PP 1-83. =/PW/u-6694 W-W Soc - l4ovie industry ms 62/Nov 54 63-law -1my, Hembert JUW"nON SPECT?.0VHUM)hWMY OF HON- METULLA*rm) AND MEI)ULLATED NERVE FIBERS 1. Lwhy, FL DM'H IN NAWRAL AND MAR= UL7UTMUr U(NiT (AbompimsWoMmostits MalMom wd Markhktiger wombaft" hn NMWUcbm und POWTUAMM WtxWTk&M= LAft). JIM) 14(jpl (ftrdp te= LwilaStO 42WS Order troon SLA *L 60 63-ISW Trm& ot ffltkpes Axtblv Ift dso Gasurao PbYsSoogso des Mmodum tnd der lle3m] (West Gmm*) 1951. v. 2A jj~ 477-502. DESCREMR& intraviolat spmtvVbm-et-*, Ab-wpti- sp-Uvn4 OUUrrvialut radistim% Modmnistry DescriLvd Is a 117jtl:vc AmUlaws aw oldpwom with tho ald of ilmn Ummulylow !Lw~% !P!!~lm cc Off" 4i Tack" lerAces I-I. Y. 1% M WX%-6 I A.0 Naturf rschuag, vo" xTija, 19; a, SCL T-272 i Role uf thu J"hic Erluctro(IL: -;,i tlic ("T 3!-~!)"h LIcctric Cu=cnt, bv T. 3 PP- IIUS5VAa',# per, Fiziolog llasteuli, Vol -V'I, No 31959, np N-36-487. JLmer TD!3t of Biol Sci m-a- 6o le "7 CiDaLent of Nitro..;--rn t4,,d Phosphormt in T=our? Dnaculatfqd Viruacs,, by 0. T. Lutilmva, 4 pp I - -USOIC76-,Y, " , 11, 1,0 4RUZ,"Ia'6i;,p PO-rf sropn~ay V,6;: 01 I W 1957J.. --n last RIV 1. - "Bell '1Y C, Addenda Concerning Differential Diagnostic and Veat Inspections Observations in Cases of Hog Cholera, by Dr F. Lut~or 171101ASSIF -IM-- per, Tierarztlicbe Umschau, No 5/6, Mar 1951., pp 9T 101. Sci - 'Yed. ID GSUS4 F-59211 B /1 -73 7 /0-a" 1951 CTS L~ ...... RUSSIAN* Pao TtgdkY XWtk0j;D GI&Gftsicbwkqp lmstitut*p Ak Me%* emp Vol zus Iwo pp U7-153. Navy a"/= VA Set - ftopbrofts, Ohl 59 ?07, 7?, y ~ 411. Bffect of JUgh-Volugs on Rootin of Grape cAttingst by RUSSIA11v pi"-O Vl"ftliye I VinogradarstTO SSSR Vol 111, No 210* 1962# y 52o CSIRD No 6310 sci .. Meat-Ilarts, Agri 2 j/.51 00 40 Doe 6$ CoatimiouG Preparation of 114-oi&i-ioro- butane and Di(It-Chlorobutyl) Ether From Tetra- hydrofuran and Phosgene, by V. 1._jStkova, N. I. KiltseWc:o, 3 PP. RUSSTAN.. per,, Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol XXXII, No 7, 1959, I)p 1635.. 1636. CB Sci Aug 60 Prodwtion o:Z Succluic Acid and of an Ester Based on It., by V. T. R~Vftp N. N. 8111394AMIT 2 pp, WWTAI no per,, Our Prik XhImp Vol XX31.s No 9.. Sap 19;9, VP 1430, 1439- sai - Cbe=Lotr7 J-02" .4- ;717 ftp " Sy-.Abeais of.'S(=e Bifuactiorol Cwmouucle Gontaining Sulf.idic Sulfm,., by V. 1. Lutitova, B. D. Berezina, 2 pp. RUSSMO per, Zhur Obahch f0iim, Val XXVIII, No 5 iS?5B., &- 1265,Y OW Consultants Bureau Be i Mow Jill 59 173, a,71 opentna of the Furnaftne Rina by Maw of AWL cialorldoo by Ve 3:9 Lutkmg Be I, Meanko, X0 Akblap 4 lhtu tr Rusaw', so pwo Zhur MWwh VW4 Val =# So Up !.9550 pp VM664s, Twl 3- 000matunu Auc; ~6 Cartals CawU*rattcn cm lwpvdu tin QnI1ty or r" raNwastes bw a. T. ba ZOUMV*kiy. r I"I 11, 1 mmumf pw. TrAdy awskow 0A- xmtttww Aieft"Aa am* sme 2119 195AP w 4ra. awy an/bas 5w Sol - Oooplqmbw 66059 A MI A aLudy of Colom-d Adsorption Compouncls of Kirnesi= U,--.eql in Phr>tometrIc Analysis. t7 A. K. Babko, 14. V. Lvtokhinm, 6 pp. - RU&SM, per Zhur AnaliticheskA. Vol XVII. No 4. 1062 PP. 14,141-JI-21. CB M,py 63 "roatkootocl'allit Cb&MOWrIatic" of PC!--ro!4),! ML ows"m it si~~ - py- 1=1 1, mi BETOG (DC-4148). 04e Dovelop=nt of the Canning.. DistMing and Starch Industriee During the Past 15 Years, by Jiri Lutamlg, 9 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY C=lCHp per., Prm*ml Potravin, Vol XI, No 5, 1960, pp 225-228. JM 3T5T Egur - Czechoslovakia Dam Aug 60 COPYRICET Rilmmalmda Acdd Fam the SM 03ana of the MUmom mod the Amba AmU Caftip IW P. Osefranddg, ^&dip ftug= 18 10 we p eta PM=- AMa EtoddAda P&Ualoap Vbl XIS ftlt sa Jai* Ac,nimcy at NeuxuremaU cd Corrosion Damp and tt ViLU 2hickmeas b7 the Mtrasonic MetbaO# by An Lutocbj =NO* port Zelt VDIO Vol, IMO No 230 1954t pp 773-777. to /#4P EntUber Tv No A73 47-80 Scivatific - pbous Apr MY 55 CTS jrorjdcj,j;txjwtlve Ultrosouic Testine by the Pulse- Ecbo IlecUmIquop by A- Lut0c;b CUMMI., pir, Amblv XisenhuttfflwaGOn, VOI =to No 1-2,0 31952a 1w ST-65. Bmt-aher Ordor lo 3070 Price $12.20 14ftemu/Motabs Zun 53 CTS &Yzee z 7 ~ WOOWL ILMISM" $ON)&# WAO-UUMM, .29 PpIr . --- *moo* MA# VOMN 3WJXrIV4,v 0 7o 103p VP 17-4 ; mw 1"351 I I-I I i am; cm wt 16$ ft. 74 , '. , """, , , . .- . I it". ; .UVOMIN ommoa$ v $6 INUOUP6 e", M abili, i . Poo vw wwwo 0, 7A, VA3p op lipmr., -4 AmIleams kam we Alm frin %,WW-2700/39) Aniatal Mobandry to the MOR In 1959l by A. Rrpwsklj~ A. LubmeuW 13 pp. MKISLUIp per, Vestnik StatiAlUd., No 6p 19600 pp 45-ri. aW 64~1 U13EM S 61 Sam X7 amik 61 A. V. ,Aivoclskaya lab..iratcriyu, vol. 12, :.c,. fi:-ure, word'S ; 1946. Quantitative 6recctroanaly~is of' -l"cronin -rutchor Trans, Order iLo.29u`;, 2-5;~~. 73 --3 (NY- 1830) PROCESSING OF MOLYBDENUM SULFIDE ORE ~T THE KAD7JiARAN CONCENTRATION MILL, BY B. LUTSENKO 15 PP. RUSSIAN,, PERj PROMI ARMENIII, NO 3, PP 31-36. jpRs 146o8 USSR ECON SCI MI N/MET AUG, Z2 205,631 LL Niels so A^ wl op 10%4q. 4m um (DC-4700/4) The Ex1priorics of Belorussian Buterprises Under the F" Ccuditlxins$ by A. lhotauchft., 1. Lutsenkop 5 pp. RUMIAII, pervi, Sabstal IM, No 10s 1*0 pp JFRS 6ml Reaction of Fhosphorm Peuttchlorlde wIth Mm.1 Acattetems, by I. F. LWu=koo M. Kiri- low. IMISIA113 BPT$ MiUdym i Prl=a&tLiya Foafor- =VWOjWvkm soadiuMvi, QOM 1959), Pr 237-241. 2A #Vov-/Prc- No wimo Bell-Malls 1DI14 63 07 4~3~/ f / 2- Phosphorylated Chlorovinylketones. V. The IMechanism of the Rearrangement of the Addition Products of Phosphorus Pentachloride and Esters of Enols to Form Phosphorylated Chloroketones, by I. F. Lutsenko, M. hirilov, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 11, 1961, pp 3594-3600. CB 213,141 Sci Aug 62 Rio,,:jhorxflatcd Clilorovinylketones. IV. Primary Rx Prodneto of 'the Reaction of' Phosphorus Petachloride with Diol Esters, by I. F. Wb6en'ko, M. Kirilov, 3 PP- RLOSSIA-74, per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol =, 11o 6, i961, PP 2034-'2036. CB Sci 201,912 jun 62 lhe Reaction of T-rialkyla.Utoxysta-nnalie3 With Ketene, by I. F. WtseWco, S. V. Ponamarev, 3 PP. C-- RUGSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Yi-Am, Vol VOCI, ',.o 6, ISIG1, 2025-2027- CB Sci Jim 62 201,910 Phos:phorylated Chlorovinylketones. III. 'Ric! RcmcLion of Phosphorus Pentachloride With Enol E'A(~rs, by I. TF. latsenko, M. Kirilov, 5 PI). RUSSIM, per, Miur Obshch mum, voi ~-=i, 1-o 6, pl) 2028-203~3. CB Sci am 62 201,911 Fropkration wW Properties of 2-Marcurated FheM-.- 3jwm"UelVft,, by A. No Ummayarwvj, 1. F. Luteanko,, R,, Ko KbmmtDvt 3 PP HMSTAN,* pw.# In Ak Nm& 8=9 Mal Mdm Hauks Ho 2,r 19Wv pp 217-220 CD ~6- Apr 61 fiffil i6 Mill 11:111171111,111 1 W AWtim cc mu-my Saws to Vi*S Etbms. nVW"j= at Uuvw*tAA ACY20U.9 by I- IN U. Mholows LO V. , 6 yp. zl#r No 14, C. RUM 150 10 Be Damn JLtlas of clicirm-c.-Ray Spectra 1--'rom "lindim--tiva Cav0u,e w' -laeraul i4eutrons, by L. V. Gro,j,hoir, A. Ms. Do~ipdclav, D. L. Lutweiiko, V. T. Polathov. RUSSVIMp Vc, 2D0 pp. Por&moa Press *20.00 PbTs ~V"r jan 6o OTS 59-185-55- The Reduction of Hercuratid Amidem of CarbwWlic. Acids WIM Esters of Rmphoroun Acid, by 1. F., vemko.,find V. V. Tyuleneva, 4 PPO --- r,, Zhur Obahch Shim., Vol XMI, No 2, 195T.. pp tie Will. Consultants Bureau Sai - Chem ITUI 58 Plionr-.~Iiorylmted Chlorovinyl Ketones. VI. Esters of B-A,y1o):~r1lienyll)hosphonic Acids, by 1. F. Latsenko: .1 M . ]Urilov, 4 pp. RUSSWI, per, Zhur Obshch Ilhim, Vol XXXII, No 1, 1964?, 13p 263-266. CB Sci oct 62 216,189 Floactica a ZvAlkc=yacrylxmltrIUs vith Nhrwalo Acate.ta. Prepairatich of. lkt*n ce ted Acetle Acldv by Z. F. Zuto*%kos L. P. SWWakova V. L. Foes 3 pp. "._ .... I. -~- ..... -9 RUM=# parp Zbw Mabob Xbla,# va zm n=o No 220 In 195T# pp &I w cbm Iftr 99 /fir T.iyJ.oj(ysiIxmes, by A. N. Reameyanov, 1. F. /,u,'~Scnko, V. A. Brattsev, 7- 4 pp. RAN, parp Dok Ak NQUk SSSIts Vol CXXVIII., 3p 1959j, pp 551-554. CB ci - Chem ep 60 117 Phoophorybition of Chlorovinyl Ketones. Prepara- tion of Phosphorylated Chlorovinyl Ketones From Vinyl Acetate and Isopropenyl Acetate,, by I. F. Lutsemkoo 14. 1JO K1r11ov,, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per,, Dot At Nauk BWRs, Vol CXXVIII, No 1j. 1959.p pp 89-91. CB Sci - Chem Sep 60 Vinyl Estc=- ocC llboopho=uo Acid: by X N. No=yunov, 1. P. jatqqpr4.j Z. S. Kralts., A. P. Bokov~, 4 pp. RUSSTM, porp Doft Ak Nauk SSSR, Vok CXXIV., flo 6, 1959) pp 1251-1254. Conmatmato Bureau scl // 1, L1700 Jun 60 Y 63-12618 sauku P. , Krafts, Z. S. , and Bokovol, A. P. VINYL H!MERS CIF PHOSPHORUS ACIDS. [19621 6p. I Lutsenko, 1. F. Order from ATS $8. W ATS-02P64R 11. Kraits, Z. S. 111. Rokovoi, A - P. Trans. o1 mono. IhimjIya I I Prtmentmie Fosfor- IV .ATS-02P64R argan[icheHkikhT Soedinjenii I (Aku-i. Nauk SSSR, V . As sociawd Technica I Kazawik. Filial, tr. Kcnf. (no. 2) 1959) [Moscowl Service%, Inc., 1962, p. 305-309. East Orange, N. J. A compIcte trans - cd mono. is avat lable from OTS or SLA $38.50 as 62-33349, JPRS-15432, 25 Sep 62 [1 1601p. DESCRwrORS: *Phospliorus acids. *Vinyl radicals, *Esters, Orp. nic compounds. Pbospliorus compounds. (Chernistry-Orgimic, '17T, v. 9. no. 10) am" d Y#CM" SWIMS Prape-ratlan of I-rell-men CcWmtaing an Atcm of Tin in a Positikm i