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Investiggitions in the Field of Synthesis and- Conversions of Substituted Vinyl Ethers IX. Pormation and Nature of. Resinous Products Obtelued In the VinylatIon of phenolso by M. F. Shostakovokly,, H. P. Grs:theva, N. K. Kulfbovskaya., 3 pp. ~UMTA'49 Perx Zbw Obahch Khlm,, Vol XXIX, No 5, 1959j. pp 15W),-1548. Consultants Bureau SCI jui 6o Synthesis and Trawformatlons of Substituted VjmYl Rtbems- VI. - Syntbeeis or CQMthyl- viuylaryl and CC- *thylvlnylcyv-lohexyl Ethers,. by ti. F. ehoatakovakiy,, E. P. amch--va,-4. K, Kullbovs 1 4 pp. RU&q:EAN,, per, Zhur'Obshch Kbim, Vol XXMI, NO 5., 1958, PP 1253--1256- Cwoultants Bureaix Sci - ju 59 3" CUinones. V. Synthesio of Some Subiitltv~ed lndoleB and Benzioiolas,, by A. R. Grinev, N. K. Kulbovskaya, A. P * Torentev., 4 pp. Full trAnaxet1cm RUSSM, mo per, Zhur Obahch Khim,, Vol XXV, No 7, M* 1955., w 1355-1357. CIA C L2051 CoUsUt=U Bureau Scientific - ChemAstry S AIJ May 56 CTS/dex C'ertain Serological Properties of immune Sera Reduced by Cysteine.. by A. Ya. Kultiv 9, 4 pp. - m RUSSM, per, Zhur Mikribal Epidemiol i Immundbiol., Vol M., No 7, 1959. pp 100-104, Pergamon Press 'Ci Aug 6o ,4,vr,,r ~ lnW,!brSjwb UnMMion (d MacbInm is a-BaWc Direalon of Tecbnlcal PrWes4 by Not -00 Vmbrwvdcly~ V. V. Kwbymbe% 11 pp. RUSMAK-Per. *an-o..- No 4. 1964, pp M-44, JPRS 28 USSR Econ Sep 64 266,M5 -sc= OLILarvul;IZ-1m, -0-"- %ta- L~Pldcmiclcsy Of iz, i C- z - _jllz-ar- 3.0 Qlewals An TueosLsvlop by So "rie. Zroo MMO-CROJ417M. per, Lijacnicki Vjc&m$-kj Vol U=j NO 1; 1963F YP 5-130 ms 63-U456/1 MAW sci - Rio! Moa sat J&m 64 Can= Coutml ftogmm In Crostia,, by Mo 6)~dljar, Z. 10zl=rp 10 pp. . I MW-00=lp perj Ujaccleld Vjosulkj Vol MUNp No r), 102., iv 9"3. me 62-UT63/10 PLJ& Sai -, Biol & Wd Sol &M A. 12- 4z S; 4:6 8 ~ -the ll%Waratlon and Propertiou of R-Arylmlolmidas, by A. Z.- Mratovv H. r. 6 pp. Poll tr R=IANP = W. Zhur Obehah MAmp Vol XXVI, No 1, 1936,t pp 208-212. cik gooogia. c., neei wa 21 cornmlltmtv B-,4z--M-a sci - Cb6mist'7 Y- Y;-, 6 0 9 Sep 56 UTS Atylation of Arcoatic Amines of :klelc Aiihydridc,, by A. E. Xratovs:'N~ Ev. Kullchitakaya, 11 pp. RUWTAM,-..miD pwi*Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXV, wo, 13 A 7h -2h 80. kS Tr Center Sol Aug IZ6 tzal,yals a' the VM109mant of Prodactivo Eorizaa Di In thQ 'UmAbwm and Arass., bjr W. X. lkilddtaUava; A. T. Borbunavj, W. 1. Xbrol, RMSUNJO pfix.0 ftologiya Nef t1j, mmj, Vol 11's no a-B, 1958, Rev or Rusaian Geology Sol -, ftcpb7a UP 59 f On the Selght of Rollftg or P- Wave Against q Slopej by A. Ve Rullchitakly, RUSSM. per, Gidrotekh Strbitei., voi xxv., iro llr IL956.. PP 54-36. z& m. 48w Be L - Gvopb~rs -i e, -/' 5'd, 3 Jhl 62 pbobmmcuw seactum IMPITIM the lbel of Dow, UMp on& Trlt=p V11ft ftmgW Rolm 15 )bvlp by YU* M* V*3kCw# I,* A, WaveldtSUrp. 5 VP I T""b Full Vol X=p "s pp AV - Vol 1T# -No 3. set 214j,680 Investigation of U14gh-Emopq Protons bmitted in the aotousintwation or uQO by R. B. Bazhanov# L. A. Kul4chitskin 3 PP. RMUN,p per,, Zbw Ikapr I Tooret, Y:Lz,, Vol =Mml No 69 1966j, pp 16ft-IM7. AIP am pbws-jw Vol X1,0 No 6 Sci mar 61 Application of a M Staining Method in the Mineral Analysis of Clays and the Practical Utilization of Color Reaction of Clays With Organic Pigments, by L. N. Kullchitskiy, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geolog, No 2, 1961. AGI Sri Sep 62 210,409 00 the Stratigr4bY of the Eocene Utesovian ZOW Of the EMU= Cwpathlow, by Ya. 0. IDU.abltskiy K. I - Petmbkavich and BUSSIM* pWp V* AX Na" SMv Vol CV, No It ms IM W-ft 365-367. COUSULUsts Bweau Sai - Geopbys 8v 58 to/ W/J- OF -1119) All-Union Conference on Experi=autai Morpholoo of tabe Deart and Vessels., by M. A. D v p No 10 XuI',cb1tsIdyj, ye" P. Holtman$ 17 ppe RVOSUNp,perj, ArkhIv., Anatwii, Gistologii i Embriologii., Vol XKKVM,, No 6,v 1960a pp 117-M2. JERS 4163 Sal. -Ned Nov 60 Uter"UtUm In the COW= of Hadlatlan of ParbieUx MA 4MU Dwrlng tba Oommalan of 2bg - Me, lp br L. Ao MveldtWd. YWUI ! R403auoup BUNWip pmv RS AUd Mu* SM 2550,t AM Tr 3M3 Pbpits A 6,391 Yield of Fast Photoneutrons From C,12 and Al 1-~7., by V, Presperin and L. A,-IUlchitvlclyp 3 pp. 17-.USSIANj, per, Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fle, Vol Y-LT-., No 19 19619 pp 60-63. AIP Sov Pays ~- JETF Vol x1vt No 1 Sci 14U., 1-;V Mar 62 Fast Photoneutrons From some Elements, by L. A. Kullchitokiy,, V. Pmperin., 3 PP. RUSSLO, per, 2anw Zkoper L Teoret Fiz, Vol MIX NO 4 (10)" 1960J. pp IWI-10C4. AIP Oov PhyB - JETP Vol x1l'o NO 4 set 3-2 jun 61 Fast Photoneutrona from Be9 C12, and A127, by L. A. ~ul,R.hitsLiy, V. Presperin, 4 PP. RIESIAN per Zhur Bk~per i Te6ret Fizp Vol XXXVILI, No 6(ioj, 1990, pp 1524-1529. Amer Inst of Phys . Bov Phys - JM Sci - Pbysica Vol xxMi (10)3 NO 6 jul 6o /,;,P, 4 , Y6 1 (,., Direet.iOrIZOL corrcleticn in th,-.- ThC "T'i by V. A. MDroiev., L. A. RUSSIM, nio per, Iz Ak Hauk ESSR, Ser Fiz, Vol )a, iL,,) ia~,, icir-6, pp 1451-1454. Columbia Tech Sci - Phyflics Mar 58 Intermediate-Energy Photedeuterons from C12-and- B~~q, by V. P. Chizhov, L. A. KUllchitskiy, 5 PP. RUSS M , per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol ]=VI(9),, No 2, 1959Y PP 345-352. Amr lust of Phys sov Phys - JAUP 8.01 ftys Ak~ SaPt 59 k~ixerg.y and Angular Distribution of Fast Photoprotons From Ni and.Al., by Ev B. Bazhanovi, JU. M. Volkov,, A. P. Komr, L. A. Mil-chitakiyj, V. P. Chizhov, 3 PP. HUSSIM, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR) Vol CXIII, No 1, 1957, p-p 65-67. Amer Imt of Phys Sov Phya-DoklaV Vol II, Ro 2 Sci .'IYO Feb 19M) lawsugation of : 15-~--65-jtav -protoas pro- ducred in the FhotodiGiutegmtion of Alumi and Nickalo by B. B. Bathamvp Yu. H. Tolkov, L. A. Malchit"j, 5 pp. RMIUMp pwl Zbw Mwpw I To= Piz., Vol =V# No 2(8)j, 1958., yp 322-3Z7. Amer lost of Phys sov pive - im Va VM(35), No 2 Sol. a phys Apr 59 AuauW CoivaWviou of Short-711aht A3.Vaa- Partielft wd GameAumutup by Le A. Rultchittsklyp. Go D.,"Uty.9beTv Do Go ftlygrakly-- RM10p biw pwri, Is Ak Na* WMs Ser* Mj Vol 3=21 ND 31, 1049;,8 pp. ftj X= Lib 50/24-19 Dote,-,t.tning the uptiTzal Tr.--.avfo;.* fun:~,tlcn 1'03- 'WhItci Noise" in a Sarvouystara from tba Figure (,., Merit arld the Traiaoi-ant Response TXiration for th--a Systemp by A. s. ~ ~,chi~y, 6 PP FZS,131AN~ piw~ Altamt I Talamakhr, VeL XXIIP 140 4s. 196.1j, PP 524 - 529. ISA 7a1 APIPI r b, 2 TWAOM In P021tical Aotimity DLS=Bmdt by talmn LIvionp, IS pp. HUNIOARDHO We Lauld" DOM 1969a pp 33-46. JPIL$ 40% Pal Jam 70 399,481 (DC-52-33) Public Opinioa and Demographic Factors in Hungary. by Ralmn Rulcoars. 33 pp. RMARIAN, per, Dow"U.. Vol Illp .11o 3/4p 196o; pp 333-354. JERS 6762 Our - EWmpry Boo mar 61. Al (IDC-2500/2) ciaturati Worl: of tba Trade Unionsp by Odom lulcour, 4 pp. VMZABBIFIM BUXURIPP paro BelpolltaAL SzemU, Vol 1,1 VO 10v Ila "F*Btt 19A pp 203-306- us im Dc-436 w1w - Hungary Boo -T&IM 5 9 7r, wl Z~4 (DC-4795) Five-Year and Loag-Range Plan of Scientific Research of the Committee of Veterinary Sciences of the ?kish Acasny of Sciences, by Jozef _n4Sq*k,:L 8 pp. POLISK.. per.. Medyoym Weberynary3w, Vol M.. No 7,1, ig6o., pp 385-389. imts 6625 Sol - wd Fab 61 SETER (W.!-3638). Size of Didustrial Enterprises and Labor Productivity, by Adam Broner, Raman 25 pp. POLISH,, per, Gospodarka Planowa, Vol XIV, No 11, 1959, PP 47-58- MRS 2921 EC-ur - Polmnd Econ ju 6o m/ S'~?/ ,Xulq;yckl S NON-EtUtb6iAN GEOMETRY. international series of Monographs on Pure and Applied Mathematics. V. 16. [19611 208p. Order I rom PP $ 10. 00 (text ed. , $7. 50) Trans. of wildentifted Polish (7) mono..'r, p., n. d. DESCRIMRS: *Geometry. Textbooks. Poland, Mathematics. (Mathematics. TT. Y. 7, no. 3) 62-12247 1. Title: Non-Euclidean geometry 1. Kulczycki, S. 11. Title: International... 111. Pergamon Press, Inc.. New York T*CWC4 Um"S Hotvs on the Organization of the ftnagement of the Petroleum Industry, by Wlktor Kulczycki, 11 pp. POUS.H., mo p5r, Haf ta, Vol X111, No 11, Fatovice, r1ov 1957, rv ?97-302. US JPRS/DC-'-r-gh Ecou - FueAs and Power, Petroleum - Organization Apr 5B (2oce-N) 1"Or Rvdltvt%y;, by A4= Dronor, Remo ulovWds 13 W. MOMBIPM FOLURI, "r# w1a M - M, *I statys"cxw" Vol Inv fro at Trarows, IVAP VP 90-23. us im IOS*-N ZLNW as Palmed zoom inn 59 tlm of &Ioouvkvuo ED HoPnom oxift CMWQ Sim= Wasw Lye grm mamftatu" at Inmo-- tv V6 Wde. 6 *.oft bmad Val 40 so loo 1954,p $p -V2-376. ULL We sms-0 (SMV) u Ld t4 Jon V29646 Solubility -in E"tems Cowls!Uug of 14etbawl,, Water, and Norm" Paraffin E"rocaxtons, by-V.- B _-KNoom 1. V. Delsenrot.0 T. A. U24 '.yveva' V. M. FrIdmou, 6 pp. per Zbur Prik Xhim.. Vol XXIXjp No 9, ftp 1956, Pp 13 -IM. ih R=mI Bel - chm" stry -r0 ft 57 'r02' 45, on polyinvarinct in Mwutlc Control ~fsteia.- by V. S." K"ObsMus 0. 1. Larichavo 11 pp. RUSSIMO per$ ItnStip Akad"U Nu* SSSR9 otdolmiyo UkMichoSkift Mmko, Suergetika Aytomatika& No S# 1961s pp 7-12. 9678820 FMTlr-62-871 Sci-Eloc Bee 62 3 Oa Livariance of Stabilization anti Roproduction Systoms Relative to Several Disturbmees, by V. S. Webakint V. D. VerShiniul, 26 pp. RUSSIAN9 parg Is A Hauk SSSR, Otdol TOM NmA, Enerptika I Avtomtiku, No S., 1961, pp 25-37* 9678820 PID-IT-62-871 Sci-Bngr $91 Doe 62 Blectric Itrive of Aircraft Mllis and Wchanims* by Vo V. D. legorskiy* 24 pp. mm RUWVAS, bkp kftvpftv44 Waotoykh ASMMtov I mok2laulow., IWv ** 41-43; 385-388- AUC IMI.-ILVM Sel - Am* ow Co TOUMCD I&MO A VIcithod ma For Computing the Characterlatics of a DO Motor With Throttlo Control, by D. A. AIcnPJ-Akcm., V, S. Nulebakin 9, pp. RIUSSSUU., per,, Avtamt L Telenakh, Vol V, Wo 7., 19559j- PP 908-9r[- Instru Boa of Amer sai //g///7 Apr 6o -c -c. --- and-Technical- Froblems-Of -,VdtOma',Iic Blc,,.tric jD2,:LvLp by-,.~S- Kulebakips ot alp 450 RUSS]*ANO 't7k., Sessiya Akademic HP-uk SSSR FO Nauchw ?,roi zvad rtva,,- ja Problemix Automatizatsii I o' 15-20 OnYubrYap 1,110SCOwo 1957s 444, pp. 6 A 17.4-6 AT= 1?-~M-9W/V Sci - Engr Dee. 59 Productionj Trunafmr-mmfid-n- -and Di:s-tejbutjOn O;V--- Blectric Power in Aircraft.. by V.,S. Kulaba-kin,, V. T. Wromovsklyp I. M. Sindeyev., 140 pp. AP-1094175 RU&IIDJ# bk, Pmizvodstvop Neabrasamniye J Raspredeleniye BlektricbesbDy llnergiya na Samleta"r, hoaccnrj 1956p Rp 2U-287* 304-316. AM F-M-9207/V Scl - Aero Feb 59 Speed RegulAtAon of Three Pbase Induction Voters - Using a Brjdga-7~W Trwwducer., -by - KlalftbOdni S. M. Dommnitakiyj, 8 p. RWGXAVj, p(orj, Aytmat i Telemalfts Vol Mllp Ito 21 3-957P PP 137-2"- Instru 600 of AMW Sci / 0 F, 7 --~ r'll vo 60 z of j~L jectric z)zrives UoLg v. nverter by V. S,-=IZIgikin~ A. A. iautu-re CL latir,hin, RWB,TjUf, por, Izvestia Almd. Hauk, Otdf--I. TLckh,- mxut. Eneraottkikm i Avto=4%#*IIm No 1., 1959, P-p 11-19. Autcmtion -Rowpreus Internat'l Physical Indey. Jun 59 Mile V. T. 2, .pp Ar- :1.07704 ion RUSSIAU, b1z, GolsOl-aticO) Oy tvibra ca Alivra" 4/'/, t:,Ciu O:e laae-bric BneW 183-21.0., 1955 c 1-4 '/- e":5 A= F-W-9207/V 6 ~/ 3 33 301 - 'Wromut-ics Der. 57 On thfj Cbo*].Ca rif Optir.-I Parametera of Automatic :~4cVldtion aud IgWta~,-,o, by'V. fS j,uldbaskin., 3 pp. . ......... JIMIUMIp tbrice-= parp Dok Ak Muk Vol L:QTEE.9 :Lggj p 265, IE,;? 7 7 Morria D Friedmu $1~50 Scientifia - Pbyuics M 65/iFeb 55 Electr-c ~iotors for Spinning Landing Clear Wheels.- by V. S. lCulebakin, V. D. Ragorskiy, 7 P*-*, FWSSLXN., monograph., Elelctroprivod samoletaykil Ac~lfc,cntov i Mek-b-antzmov., Chan' XI., 1958; PP 365-368. AP 1256154 Bel Aero Jan 6f) ITeget, at Ive flyhridiz at icr. of Cat tun, bG Kulebynyev, 4 pp. RUS3LAO, per, DoIc Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol WTI, No 2., 1959, pp 424-427- Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci JEW 60 li.UY -57 6t ty vol, Vert pr%4WX&a 25 Sep FOIWA soon AVr 63-10664 K A. K. _FRUITION OF THE MATERUL RBQMRSMEM 1. Kuleev, A. K. A FOR ELASM THREAD ARTICLB& 21 Jan 63 [71p. Order from OIS or SLA $1. 10 63-10664 Tram of Loegksya Promyshlennost' (USSR) 1957 (Y. 171 no. 12, p. 32-3& 158SCRIVrORS: Materials, Vibers, Cbrdage, *Elas- ticity, Phyalcul properties, Mathematical analysis. (Mucrials--Tentics, TT, Y. 9. no. 11) 91 Rvid -136 Or 6400au-1a - Wlthmt AmucatL*n at a Flme or a ODIntimp IV Ots Dub., Edme pp. WM Pwi, CUOP" Zslmm COMY*bp VOIL JOW j, NO 34P wat 2078. SA 60-,20M 84 /3 ift 60 Val Ins so ada2rj ~utaraatioa Betumm a Sbocl,- Wave and the Bou LL44'x- lu tile r5oi(07Nj-Aood cc the Ifeallzas Moa Gf a -vieu plate cit Hlgb supmmic SpeedB: by G. Ao Milou=3 20 pp. w.q 62 Ira 4,P ]to SU 60-17535 INVESTIGATION OF THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION. OF BRDWTRAHLUMQ FROM 5 MEV. BETATRONs BY H~ KULENKAWF Mi SMERp R. SCHITTENHELM,, 0% 33 PPi GERMANo PER* Z FUER PHYSIKv VOL CXXIXv 1951 PP 202-218- 90&3& AEC. TR-4788 SC I PHYS MN 61 jzvoro, Ustri-Uv -Fleet ro-M. by CUP11.4N, pq~r, Zoitschrift fur Pl-.ysik,, N'o 137. 19S4,, pp .116-425. L Fab 70 qq_ The liner.-i-y and Aniular Vistributtiou of Latch- Scattered klectrokis, by ii, Kulankara,-if. CE14AN,, por, ZeitsrJ)rift fur P~ysik. 1.,o 137, 1954, 4P6-434, k'- i/Phys --- ------- --- . ... ..... jCuIrnk&ujmI, It. and Zinn. W. POLAR17ATION OF THE X-RAY CONTINUOUS RADIATICN FROM 11104 TARGEIS AT35AND 4 5 ke V. If 96 21 1.%1l. Orderfrom K-IISIR.75 K-11 1119fi-C I rons. n( ZelilKhrittl flir Phytilk (West Germany) I"I, v, 161. p. 424-04. DINAIPIORS: OX-rayo. Targets. PularizAllon. 1. Kulenkalnpfl. It. 11. Zinn. W. Ill. X -if- I 1-196-c IV. Ktcvgc-IP%Avr S~mcnce LINary As-,cistes, OCITUlt, Mich- 1 1. V~ 01. F.1, 4) om.. .9 1 -.4 0u the Energy DIstribution 1n the SPOCUM Of I-My ftmaistmblunsp by R Ptobas No Kulcubmw=v w per,,, %3v%To M Tr-2%0 ty~ Bel pb7slas (N-f-5085) Am Electronic Circuit f4w Step Connection or a Sigh-MM Power High-Voltage Rectifier by V. A, KU~e 16 pp. MIUSSIM., perj, Vostnik Svyasip No 4,, 1957. JM 7028 sci 7f am 61 Atomic Horses.. by A. Nulescap 16 pp. ;M=-- - -~- POLISH, per., Horyzonty Tecbn' Is' j, No 2, 1960, pp 63-68. 9670D82 AM ML-T(2/1 3CL - mw Jul 61 /(;/ The lF.Wholosb=1 zkjAVctW-a33d-fti*aAW of-OMI'LcatlOw Dr N. A* 7 th-M 0 IND 3 40 --~ ~- 5. Ptal - tr=slatlm. -mom, AMN 13 i6bm- "M Vol CCWP Sep 52-CM/MM smoot or Ma4c vians -uw-On the-PxcdAIowbwA ftifAvated 2n the WWAL 61 V*rlm amuk nowaxtim aawtam" sump swl~ Acta "Wrizaams, V02. ITS 295so " 404-4w- oat. 62 Action of Maleic Hydrazide on the A:uxin---C6htent--of Jerusalem Artichoke Gultured in the Presence of Diverse Division Substances, by Zoia-Kulescha. FRENCH. SLA per NC State College Jun 59 Action of Maleic Hyrazide of the Auxin Content of . Jerusalem Artichoke Cultured in the Presence of .~ Diverse Divi5ion Substances, by Zoia Kulescha. ;_: FRENCH SLA Per INC State College Jun 59 In-trelftigatlow on the Action of F~rnuxeaine on the T4 wmen of -Articholm Cultivated In Vitro, by d.soja Kulp-Bc1a, Roger Gautheret, 41 pp. Pull tyrawlation. f-~W & -P?--MC11,.ACcwptes Rendus, Soe Stoll Vol CXLV, Feb 1951, pp *.,h5-2h6. CIA/FDD/X-1014 f:eientiftc - Medicine ALx-- 53 MESA= /-/,4 ff ;7 To Protect the Motherland's Xk-M Shies, by RUSSLtUi, np~ Krasnaya Zvezda, 18 i~iov 1,061. FBIS Wire USSR pol is? Dee 61 (MV M52.) ChanV the Exterml Appeamuce of the ZIB-150 Truck.. by A. Menhovs 14). ppe RUSSXM pefr* Ump Aug x9st, Pp 2T# 20. CIA&M S= 479 Um Econ - TeebuAmSicalp mobize buUding (Deutsch) cm 67/Apr 55 ow Kuleshov, D. A. 'ITIE USE Op STEEL WIRES FOR TIIE MEASURE- MENT OF BkSE LINES AND IN TRANSIT TRAVERSES SURVEYING. Trans. on Soviet: Geodesy 1925-40. 9 June 61 [181p. 5 refs. JPRS: R- I 16-N/22. Order f rom On or SLA $1. 60 61-23106 Trans. of Gcodezist (USSR) 1938 [v. 141 no. b, p. 41-52 DESCRIPTORS: *Steel wire, USSR, *Geophysical prospecting, Measuremen4 Thermometers, Geodesics, Wire, &eel. (UnannouncE-J) 1. Kuleshov, D. A. II. Title: Soviet ... Ill. IPRS-R-116-N/22 IV. joint Publications Research Service, New York Offl- .1 Tw6kd S~A~ 4sdmde of Choice in the Selection ar'Winter Wheat,, )y G. 3'. Kuleabovs 71sums r Sellakoe Xbor. Povolzb~la., Vol IV., No 12,, .958J. Pp r3:46. CTA 9M544 ISSR loan - pr- 61 (0 zq - - - ___ ____ - ____ - ____ - __ - --61-15861 - Kulembov, G. F. METHODS OF CHOICE IN THE SEI.ECrION OF 1. Wheat--SelecEion WRTMR WHEAT (Metody Otbora. v Selehalt Ozimay 1. Kuleahov. G. P. Pshenitsy). 12 ]an 61. 6p. Trans. A-1229. 1 11. Trans-A-1229 Order from LC or SLA m1$ 1. 80. ph$ 1. 90 61-15961 Trans. of Sel'skoye Khozymystvo Pavolzh'ya (USSR) 1958, v. 4, no. 12, p. 43-46. (Alpriculture --Plant Wtivation. TT. V. 5, no. 8) 1 Office of Techalcul $micas - - - Folymori*tim of Ort2mmolybdates- of A, kali El*mutp4 by I. M. Kulesom, IR 6 p p, %m"w"W ~- RMIM, per, Zhur Reargan Kh4m, Vol 1, No 9, 1956, p eM6 AN-Tr-4390 PLAW Sol im 63 3 9.2, &-~ oa the Mermal Stability bn6 Volatilit-y of .,r,o. Impol5mol,,!bd ate s of tbe A111mli Elcmentsp by 7,-USS:1Aaj* mo- per.$, Zhur Obshch Mimp Vol 2=- 110 9s "c-P 3-951,v PP 1564 -1570. 6 l1q, 10 1rv?JW consultants Bureau Vol XXI) Ho 9p Sep 1951 USSR Scit-batiftc - Reseurch, iaopoly=lybaates,, alkall., elemnts., A 7~ Reactions of Ziroon with Certain Carbonates on Hoating By 1. M. Nuleshov aW G. L blmmenkavaq p-5 RUSSIAN, perp Mur Prik Xhiml, Vol MVS No. 89 1962v pp, 2686-2689 J= 63 j~euo- -4~, !,a I-'. MRCS ~,s n-Tcl-, ott hz~ Al.' Ii le -a"' by taatD I.Tyftation 1,%thod.. by Viht, 1. Spitz5n,, 1. 111. Ilule'shovt Twssimi.t mo per Zhur Ob6hah KhIm Vol XXI . Ho 9* Sep 1951P vp Conmltants Bureau Vol Yo 9v Sep 1951 USSR Scientific Alhaii, isdpaymolvbdates h~dr Lio research A Spi-Mi7p VMCIR 1. MIMIROW, 1, Lt. AN 11MMUXTIOR Or Tir TMML -qTA-'ILT-iY All) VOTATILM. OF "OFML 110tYr-DATES OF THE ALKALI METUS'. 5 paces RUSSIATTo Mhw Obabob MAm Vol Xnp No 2 Pat-j, 19a ~) 63 -7-5' Conmatants Buxmu TranoUticn IMML SILVka MOLYBDATS 2 pages v-0 6 - '/-' S' RUSSTAN, Zhur Obshch Rhim. Vol XXI, No 2 Feb, 1951 Consultants Bureau Translation /-~ & -' 7 6 rde 2huml Auslawls of the Syat~ Xamo% "0 Ana cx2mm)4 '" lb I b7 VLk%w I* SpItsym owd 14, jig 996610 no pw xbw Asa Vol = No ussm.v so Vp ADS JL954 VP 1350-4M Auvm Vol n Avg 1951 -7 7 spr=pl,, Trim 1. xamcArl '%, me ll~I TIM NMMM MCMITATFS OF RIJBTDIUII AMI CPSIM 4 Pages RUSSTANY Zbw Obahch Khlmo Val XKIP No 2 ftbi 1951 Conou2tanto Dweau TransU+Acm 4637f Me School With Vocational Training, by K. Kuleshov, V. Tambergp G. shevcheao, 7 PP. RU3SIM,, per, Harodnoye Obrazovanie, No 1, 1960, pp 212-- Interntl Arts & Sci Preas Soviet Education voi ii, no 8 USSR soc 02 (0 9,3 Bey 60 How Three Differant Local Induatry in Leningrad Operate, by V. Fedorov, N. Akrido-vi-, 11. Kulesbov, et al, 4 pp. RU36=4; mp, Leningrad Pravda, 14 Jun 1961. ims 11565 WR Econ ion 62 A Method of Investigation of the Hoot Systom of Ccra under Field Conditlons,by Su Pan, N - W. 3 VP- RUSHO, pmr.. Fit Plasteniy Vol V1, No 5, 1959, pp Aiwr Inm% of Biol Sol Apr 60 On the Nature and 14echai-ism of the Formation of the Superficial Layer in Carbon Steel Alloyed With Arsenic, by P. 1. Kuleshov, 1. 1. Chaika, 4 pp. RUSBI&4,, per, Fiz Metal i Yr-tall, Vol VII., No 1, 1959, pp 91 -94. pp SCI Aug 6o Natnre and N echanism of Forimatiou of Surface IA-virar on Arsenic-Containing Steel, by P. 1. trialesliov,. 1. 1. Chalka. RUSSIM, per, Piz Metal i Metallov, Vol VII.. No .11 1959P vp 91-94. HB 468P sci - Kin/met ,f Dec 59 The Glorious Progress of the Zaporozhe Coke and Chemic&I Workers, by P. Y&. Kulesl~qv, 1. Ya. Mezentsev, 3 PP- RUSSIM, per, Koko i Xhim, No 6j 1961. CTRA SCI / 7 / ~/O Dec., 61 New n--thod o:r PreVaring Caking Marges., by P. Ya. Kulesbcrvp A. L. Golubehikj, M. V. Sitalo, A. E. ii-ae-IMMM., F. Z. Elenskin 3 pp. RUSSIAN, -part Koks I Wds., No 3, 1961t PP 5-~ sci 14 ~?' s '?/ sep 61 Spraying Clinker With Water In the Cooling Zone or the Rotary XG Mji,, by S. 1. Mxleshov, 2 pp, I le--- RUSSIU., per,, Tsement.. No 2., 1937$ pp 26. Sal, .- Engineering Jul ..(P, ss 7 The Production of High ftrity Malybdenite., by V. A. Skorov., V. A. Maeshov, 5 pp. RUBSTAII, per, Tavetnyye MetsJ ly, Vol I, No 3, 1-9�0$' P-D 1-3- Primary Sources Sai Aug 6o -e 63-20697 KuleShcw. V. F. and Rukhafte. A. A. ON 1UE 7HEORY OF 7M DrrERAC`nON OF A 1. "eshow. V. F. BEAM OF CHARGED PAR11CLES AND AN INHOM0- 11. RuMadze. A. A. GENEWS PLARAA. POTEMUL OSCUj.A7joNs. 1. M. Mde: Potential ... [1963] 27p 13reft Order from M or SIA $2.60 63-20697 7Yans. of A[kademlyn] Kauk] SSSR. Fizichealdi bunlr=- [Rept]-A-25, 1963. p. 1-26. DESCRWMRS: Varticle beams, *Charged particles, 0mitation, MectromaVwedc waves, Oplasm omn- 62 lations. OPIasma physics. Dielectric properties, Permeability Oviapetic), The Interaction of Inhomogeneous beam Of charged particles and an Inhomogeneous plasma is Investigated In the "Y, The dielectric permeability tens(w of an Inhomogeamw plasm In generalized to the cam of a plasnia-besm eystem A detailed study NW 0 Teck*ii kiykei (Physics-Electrortics, 7T, Y. 10, no. 12) (over) --Dependence of the Life-Tim of-lonequIMMM Cbwgo Carriers in genjulum an #I-opperoUve and Calowltioux by X. 1. Adtrovldhs 0. M. 00=0 V. P. Kuleabovo 21 PIP. RUSSUN,p a* pwg Ow lkwr L Toomb 710 8Mv Vol M=v Aug IW.. VP 9Q-M2. her Imt PbYsics, Bawls% Pkeoloo Jw Vol IT$ so g Sal - Pbwtdoff 446., if An Adj"UbU Wind-Itnnel-Noms"t bV V. 1. Kxaewwv, Ve V. Lyabineklyp 3 pp* Russume S9 16 1 (884OW404-3) patP4 -904 Class 4Zcp-2-0g- Ilob 1964. AIR/FTID/Ht-67-111 V, sai4oran Jan 69 3709842 "Maio tw "wimp so-M. ON& W^ MOON^ W4 sop Study of SwWlezd-Data System of Automatic Phase Frequency Control, by V. X . Kuleshovi A. A. 14orozov, 8 pp, RUSSIM., per, Radiotekh i Elektron,, Vol VIII,, l,'.Io 8, 1963, M Sci Apr 64 2551201 Pluctuatiow In Se-If -Emited ftmW=6 Oscillatorsy b7 S. I. Yevtyanov, V. N. Mdeahav, 8 pp. RMDNj. per, B&419tekh I MAktz-(=.. VaL VX, No 4, 1961. AIR Sol ffq~ jo- Feb 62