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91 YP- ZKOOSIM7 Wma a*# ftello"Imump v# so. 3s 4(*0 vp 423,43% im w nor 62 Comtruction of Radiospoe.,rograph fllmdr,, lrj Ya. I. Khaninp A. Ka kfarbVev, UNCL RUSSIAN.0 paro Radlotakh t Rlektron,, Vol I., N a 6., 19r)6,p pp 869-872. Sol )an Llb 58/1521 Sci - Slectrontes. M%r 59 7T -""lbmi3g= In the Vitamin C=tent and of Cartain Mmuno- logical Indiew In FhtlenU vitb Acute Dpenterlea Treated with AurecsWelal by H. N. Petrov$ G. S. Mirown and X. p" shwina RTMSIM,, mo per Vo7eamo Med Zbur,, No. 11, Moscowp NOY a 7957& pr 4-47 LS JM/I;Y.289 "le -Pyridine Peptides from the Acid Soluble Fruction of EsehericMa coli, by M. F. Khanina pp. 5 RUSSIO, W., Biokblmlya, Vol XXVII, Yo 49 1962; pp. 752-757 CB sci .5 -/a / JV' 0 Aug 63 - Use of Preparation of Savlet M=XaCtUre for the -paration of Medium No 199 ara Lapine Hediaj, by N. Stlugof2 L 1. OumlMj W K. Kham3nap 4 pp. IBM., pero Voprosy Vimsolagill Vol 17, No 61 i9,, m-P 746-750. pp ~ 60 9- The PossibiLity of Be-Using Madlum No 199 for the Cultivation of Xldne~ Celle, by M, K, R. N. Etingota, Yu, M. Yedotova,, 3 PP. RUSSIAN,, perp Voprosy VirasologUs, Vol lyt No 6j, 1959., pp 744*6- 7 pp Sci Oct 60 Impairment of Nitrogenous Excretion by the Kidneys In Hemorrhagic Naphroso-Nepbritis, by We 1. Rhankin RUSSIAV, mo per Voyenno Mad Zhur; No lot blosaawo ;at 1958P pp 59-61 US JPRS n66-N 7X1 (BY-M) WOO". or 0 ParU44 MOVIM om an SIMI W.t sutisticany RMA& auTe".6 by = VOL-., In VyadLM U*db ZWed# XW,, 6W., PoAlortaks,, vol x, no io 1962., 2D3seff (NY-5230-N/M) The Theory of PraqWtion of Electromagnetic Waves in an Morogemeous Nedium With Fluctuations In the Dielimtric Parx1ttivity, -by T. G. Beam, S. I. xhanklm~s; 20 pp. RVWZM,, per, 1z Vyasblkb Uchebmtkb Zaved, MRS, Ser Radiofftike, Vol M, No 2, 196D0 JPM 7376 Sel '1+eg Am 6:L Courae- of -in- Ilevbom Lambs, Dy A. X. Mm*lvhiev. EMIM, parp varterilmiump VOLI KUVJP NO qp mDs=j 1958, pp 59:, 60. GTA 9035503 VSDA SOL - Kediaine ftb 59 V, / ~s - - - - -11d -6370) - Pathamorphological Data In Foot- and Mouth Disease of Twwborn Lenbs,, by G. A. Sellmkhanov, K. Sh. cladzhiyev,f At M. M a 'PP- re--- RUSSIAN, per, Vbteriuariya, Vol XXXM,'Bo ig6o, pp k4A6. ins 9445 Sci - Wd Jul 61 (BY-5230) Fltwtmti= of the Electrlc Fleld In a Gyrotopic XkmUum with Pand- D*uxwgpwltleo In the Geometr:Lc- by F. 0. Ems, S. L -!�!alt~m 17 pp. RUSSW'rK Vyeablkh Uchob faVeSM4 Ser Hadiof is,, Vol M; No It X960- am T95 Sol 4r 61 Peasom for the Failme of Moo Tw-tuDa's At- tezWU to Addeve -tooccumle Pefwm In Rural ChIMaj, ~y A* JDM*kwVnkIyq 9 pp. .v No e 27p Hammo. GjyAAS 5 Ju27 X96Tv PP- 22-13- MS 4209T POX EWpt 67 .1 ev X~o a C, 'k 339oO96 Zw GMA: t1ii-O jkwluwaid - A SoAft VUw of Cum's awmau h*UO=h tW As Mm"bmklyj 6190 RVAKm*: I LIM-49MULgag- W- 30 A 6 $art ~ Mal CUM Oct. 67 -*2s9W Tae m2~, of Progressive Methods of Harvesting- An InWr-,Cmt, Meaw for rnereasing the Mrain Harvest, by A. IMM-R.GVskily., 23 3?V- R=Tm, bk, voprozy Hkonomiki Sel'akoga Ma0val8tva) 1-956. OW 60-.51175 PL-ub /:57S- 3f6 jun Q. (PDD 21293) The Role of Blectrifteation In the Farther Do- veleprmut. of Socialized Livestock In the UMj, by A. ShanIkovskiyo 38 pp. 1WBSUNs, =D porp &fte Sol Khozo, Vol xxvp No is most"p Jau 1954, pp 9-2b.- CIA/iDD/U-M USSR 'Econ - Agriculture, husbandry, eleetrificatlon ,e Tliv Ltzg.Ur wta S-ju;LVmmtu Statlona and Ube Gollective Faa-MB, bv -L MlankmslW.... 7 **PP. RMIM, par, Voproay Mons uo 4., ig5g,, pp '72-63- Internt-I A,-,^to and Sai P-v%sg Vol n't no 4 Oct 59 5?~9 02 3PS by J~,rii5!;- D. Kb--l.-' I U, r 19531 Sci. Dac 51" mtra-vioict 11041 m 0 of Certain Animi orsaw and Its chm att Lmidatimp by&. D. Mm- masm"tovas A. V. GmUdu4 U. N. YA7"v-oet OA,, v -pp. --- mom, pw, Biarls, vca T.No 4, 1960. PP "6-"9- pr Sol 4T/ , &g my 61 EXf eat of S -aadiatiorl 01I the Photoluminescen-ce of Molecula~ Crystals, by Sh. Do rJ=41agametova 14. D. Zhovandrov, V,.I, RLWIANp pars Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Ser Fiz., Vol XXIVt No 5., 196Dv pp 561-566., Grz Sci --~ 4,-f1 Jul 61 1-3 A larAniscence bblchod for Datendnation of s=ill, Qwartitles of Bacterin: by L, D. W. D. &evanft~mr, and a. D. 4 pp. -------- PDSs-,IIAR,, per, Biofiz, Vol IV, rio 1., 1959, vp 117-119. Pac 5~) PolarizatioLi-of--the-Lumimescence of-Volacuiar Crystals in Different Regions of the Spectrum,by V. 1. Gribkov, If. D. Zhevandrov, Sb. D. Khem- RUBSUM, per, Iz A Nauk WSR, Ser Fiz, Vol MV, iio 1960, pp 740-743. CTT / 1~ 3 0 C) hug 61 Effect of theY Radiation of Tritmium on the Luminescence and the Energy Transfer Processes in Anthracene Crystals, by Sh. D. G. B. Radziyevskiy, at 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Optika i Spektro, Vol XVI, No 5, 1964, pp 842-850. Optical Soc of Amer Sci- Aug 64 265,417 gVal=tl= Of the Iff-40jeMW 40f 718hiMa jjMtb0ft J2 DrUlluffs, by M. A. (Mymmp I* is 7- pp. mms peril Ban- Do&# Vol =Vp no 10. 1957J. Pr gal 9~ im 6o Vol =9 ft 5 Effeet of Impregnation at %food on the Blunting of Cuttim Toole, by K, It. Kbamoidbvs 3 PP. rMUN,, parp -Dok Ak 1buk Ararbald SM., Vol XI, NO 1.9055,v VP 8574159- RrA R-3445 SOL kU9 59 The Causes of DifferencM In PAdial and Tangential ShrinkW of Woods by K. U. RUSS104 perp lz Ak Mut AterSbafthan SSR.- so 8.1 1954, IV 89 -94. CMO 3623 Sol - Bua lj-~6 , 4/z, 6 ,/ Fob 6a 2bo 40stbuds of 144aultro.Alimew tw the AdAUM 40r "tV*.A"ftrfbW t6l-atroaenafto tor T* .14* Blonmomw Awd Go 4 3hatumumm* a=, TAJIS Pa), raw. Ulm& goomm ME 4wa, aftl. 'In& looks, Vol 79 so 29 29%t VP 23762". fILL M 303 T fi7, IHAM (FDD 25705) The Pbysiology of the Ihhibitor7 Pi-ocess, by N. Kha=ey K. Krostev, i. myevy 5 pp. RbWIANj bino per, Fiziol Zh= SSSR Syneni 1. M. Sochenova., Vol XLO No 3,, Moscow, 1954, pp 579-581. OTA/FDD/U-704 UWR Sci - MuUdne, nm=pbysiology .P- ~, ~r o- -,2~ synt4esis of -4:41-mom, bmyImaph=-O:' (DDS) an& Its Uses In Improsy Resep-reb., by V. B. Xbow1ker, et al. M=I., ppers VMS ProceedUp of Matermational Ccoference an Peaceful Uses or Atmic Energy Hold at Geneva 8-2D Aug 1955j, Vol X. Internati omr -- UK Sol - Nuclear PbYsic" ciA i-669.9.:L62 J-O?1 077 (NY-3000) SHORTCOMINGS IN THE PLANNING OF METALLURGI- --AL PRODUCTION, BY YU. KHANov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, INIP, LENINGRADSKAYAR PRAVDA, 7 SEP 1061. JPRS 12350 USSR ECON FEB 62 182.1200 S-516/00- -- - - ---- -- -- ---- --- - -(P-;-4b53V A Course of Lectures for Mothers, by T. M. Khanova, 152 pp. RUSSIANj bk., Kure Lektaiy Dlya Materey, 3d Ed., 1958, PP 5-1U. JPffi 5567 Sci - Med se-p 6o - -.41- ) lvo-zt-~ 4 ?IV k).-7 ,,, ~ Lriv-Cs"Ligation of the Kinetics of Liipurity I:hoto- zonduction as a Method of Deteradnation of Axa- meters of Local Levels, by So 14. Ryvkinj, L. G. 11hri1wskiyj, R. Yu. Khawevarov, 9 PP. IUSSIAN., per., Fiz Tverdogo Tela., Vol III., No I., L961p pp 252-266. AIP Sov Pap-Golld State Vol ins NO 1 i0i tj Ful 61 Effect, of the Borftm Trmtment of SmIconftetors on the MagAtode wA *be ftealml vismbwcm cc pbowoogk- fteldvitars bw 0. K. Pokin and It. Va. 7 iV MMZAN,q pWp Zbw 2W& Flaj Vol "1'l 113s No 3.4 1958p pp 925-931. Ana lust of P40 &W "WA - Tech ftys Tca nzt ft 801 . aye Fob -W Temperature Dependence of the Spectral Distribution of Photocomductivity in Gallium Selenide and Gallium Tellurides by B. He FqvkIns R, Yu* Kheneuvarovs 2 pp. RUSSIM, mo per.. Zhur Tekh Fizj, Vol XXVIt Do 12, 19561 pp 2781,'PM3. Amer Inst, of Pbp Sav Pbye-Tech Pbys Vol I$ No 12 Sci - Pbys jr 5 Nov 57 uVily ta A SbAy at IRPm4tY Gommosba bradleles by Yx 1w 34 Xmas* *Wt na Tfwmv WL% Va I= lb 100 IMP IPP AV fty rb" at"* va to ow 62 395.,7" The Dependonce of the Vidth jof the Forbidden Zono on the couposition in the Solid Solution CdMdS*e by Re YURAPILGINV71IF(mv s. mv P._wUn,,, 1. N. Ageye"v 3 P#--~ I MWIMS P". zbmr T*kb pig, Vol xx~m, NO IVAP PP 3- A=r I=t Of FhY5 Sov Ph" - Tech Pbp VOIL 111v - No 3 Sol - nwo. 7,7d Doe 56 Sft* Of A Wd&tt-loo&diDd Pistont"e Ift42M Cd1braft DWOMOWs, by Ka L KbonKMkIM. #WUN bk# bw)GdPV-BQba.V-QblaW 1704# 1 v4x ON WD Lw~, PP 70-W. NLL RTS 2542 On Laan or Purchmo Aug 65 'e, T, 1/4 40 ;/ 9 A %ibstmdard Welght-and-Ekpring Ploton RaromPter, by It. 1. Khansuvarovq 4 pp. RW-,oL'IANv per, lzmeritel Teth, No 2, 1959, pp 24-2T, Lwbru Sw of Amer sel i= 6D la~"s -%UdY Of a Weid*-Loiaded Plston-I~pe Ift-cuss Call3wating Barometer, by C 319samp pers jmrkn-- - -MMEW ftmw Isiaedgy4tell9kil, Mimt-lit M21E.010au- & 66 ) 1962.,-1* T549- am -IT OF-29385 Sol Ajw 67 323,pOa 5he Stu4y of a Wereace lmded-sprinG Pistan Eiramete W X. I. Shn Lrvarav., 3 PP. , - RUSSWo, Mr, I=erit4l 2akh, No 7, 3960., pp 2k 31-33. rA sci - Apr 61 10 Y57 7 "n the Question or the constme-tim of a ot jA CyUlme, by A& Cid, U*nt&dfsa-# 5 ppe RUI A Li Q, Abqhqhj!dvj, Vol TOOL*, tq%gh. 'oa 36. Lb 2. 1964. v f lr~-x-6745 -65 356,%7 D~etormiriatioru of ,~,'oek--Asae -1-cendi- ture 9 and oil Kollthor. ',v;~rhers, S. M -,- v, I ,w Lla--Iul;lye6 -Zussv-14, w0 ZE 0w-1, -iwl,!Vci 11 1, l4osoov, Jan ui, I. ,k: 44t,C~79 Preparation and Mvdrj Properties of Graft Copolymers of Styrene and Rubbers, by A. A. Delta:-*S by 1. A. MISUMp per., jwudn* i nazi=,. vol xrx,, No 6,, 1960S PP SPA mar 61 Elastic Waves With Generalized Velocity in Tvo-Dimen- sional Bimm-pbic Models, by Yu. V. Riznicbenko, 0. G. Shwdrap R. V. Kbanutims 114 PPO RMSLU, per., 3Z AX Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz,, iio 41 1961, PP 497-519- AM Sci 17 ~0, -V-' ~%K Get 61 Electric Polarization in the vo3l;s of Hens' by 0- X. k%anykova., 5 pp- RUSSIANj parp Bioflzikaj Vol Ill., No 2, 1958-. pp, 161-167. Fergmwn Inut Bei - Mod Feb 59 Electric Polarization in the Yolks of Hem Bggga., by 0. No Mznykova,, 5 PP. HU8SXAHO -er,, BioMika,, Vol M, No 2,, 1958, pp 161-167. Fergamom Lwt Bel - Mod reb 59 ZV-/ 14-4now-4at of ma Awaular Jet cn P. Scratri, by, ;TF* 1. jg~'" ~-qvo 26 -1uhisnuAlish wro -ATUU 1--at A"T"iauihiap ;io 23j, 1962,p pp 174-1D9. 1); o' M 9 VY~M-64-515 :;Ci*Aoro An 65 2S24,231 par, Mun,~ ~Kuol Via X, tie 6, 1941,, ClkS3--L-7S, 7 1WT- 6 G- 2 7 --- 21~. C) LaorLy cmvorsicia CmtjugazjaJ HundS, by Mao I~ay-lins- par$ 011mir Xua KID UsuWas NO 653-6750 Y'st A Pulse Method of Measuring High Resistances.. 'by G. X. Zakharov, T, 1. Nikitinskaya, A. G~ ---Ny!p-acb,evj- 3 pp. RUSSM., per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper., Ho 43, 1960p pp 82-83. ISA Sci /Opp may 61 CmAltions :eor Gmerating Radiation byaPlme- Pzra3lal Plate, by A. P. Mm%&Uut, D. 2. fteganmv. RUBUMp p=j, Ventol Ak Nwruk belaruskgW BSR Pkmical4tobldcal Sciewoo Series, No 4j. 1961p vp 132-U3. Nmy Tr 3W/APL 3hO Sed - MoCUM Aug 63 ;' &,,/ Electracearmt1c. Mold Ifudde a nwo-paranei Plate In a Ekmmxmu2de Ab~~bn RegImP by A. V. Rhavaunk. RUSSIMp pors V* Ak Nm* BWSI Vol 'VIP Flo 5v 19COP VP 3M-3Dk. NAVY Tr WIVAM 830 Sol - Mectr*n ? g S/, --q 0 -_? Aug 63 On Laser Action in a System of Plane-Parallel Layers, by A. P. Khapalyuk, 6 pp. RUSSIA14, per, Iz Ak' Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXVII, No 4, 1963, pp 478-482. CTT Sci Apr 64 2563-000 IN THE STRUGGLE FOR THE TITLE OF COLLECTIVE OF C"UNISTIC LABOR,, BY A..KHAPAYEv, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, PER, TYL I SNABZHENIYE SOVETSKIKH VOORUZHEMYKH SIL, NO 12, ig6ij PP 30-35. ACSI H-6908-L ID 2166459 scl 19 JUL 62 203.,677 Ruby lbzor With Wml PwqAMp by G. If. MiaplaWv. IMSSAIAll., pers, Dak Ak Hank SWRI a voi 179v Ild 3. w a pp 566-567* Tho Awrican InMdtate of Fbyacs Vol 13P 110 30 Sept 1968. C, . M . ~ q4p L4 A) 0 1/ oat 68 368s387 15 kppUcations of "Retiu=" NJ Friction Materials ia Brakes and Clutches., by A. V. Chichinadze, r.. M. Khprwh, 3 pp- IMUM., p-er, Vest Mashi=otroy, Vol X~I, No 1, 62. 51-55. 9 , p~p FUA Sci Jan 62 KUKVSXAIL,o,,S.i Som, amd, J6 at Do., Chair Of Organio : a a ZDA - Of *g-o- off I/M V. m 6 molotovo PrIm- ROsim A*ldm %covered frcu the OleoreviW-16f the l7voum apruxm* (IMeport Vn of a sulioa on the resin acift 1 of conife".6) 21 zhuir PrIk MhIrs, Vol XXEIII, No 2,0 Feb .19% pp ]a 259m-2w CouwatauU Buroau Tranmbktion ,A o A Method of Determining the Tendency of Steel to Crack on Welding, by Ya. S. Gintsburg,, Z. B. Dreizenshtok., B. B. Kharabkovskiy. RMSIRN., per., Avto Delop Vol XII,, No 3., 1941. B.S.A. Res Grmp MAW Sci - Engimeringv 7 ,IRWwsiM-- (DC-5961) The XetbodolajW of BacterIaL Control la Ultraviolet DieWtation of the Air, by N. M. KhareAze -1- 4 pp. WSSIANp per,, Gig I San, Vol XXVp No 1j, 1960.9 pp 90-93. im em Sci - Ned mg 61 Special Geodetic Assig=enta. XLVII. The Abastumani Astrophysical Observatoryp by Ye. K. Kharadze., 19 pp. RUSSIM~q bkj Abastumanakaya "trofizicbrnkaya Observatorlya Almdemiya Rauk SMj, 1958. JAY SIR-3027 Sci - G--ofiz Jun 59 gg~ ~ 9y Watir ana 1?1~tarylaveatigmtiow in AbvBtv~-Jv by Xbo K. Unraftep V. Po WhaplashvUli T- G. MSS=,, per,* Vest Ak Nm* MM., No Us 1958., Mccou pp 42-45. Doe ,4z The Development of Heavy &gineering During the Seven-Year Planp by K. K. Vinogradov, M. G. Umnyagin., G, M, Kharaker., 7 PP. RUSSIJLN,p per,, Vast Hashinostroyj Vol XL, No 3, 1960.1 PP 7-17. ERAGB sci Aug 61 a 0~ ~ 9 ?" (Ef -2900/36) The Develalwat of leavy VALeblim llui]Alva DwIng the Sevoti-Year PlAns by K. X. VInagradovs M. 0. Vmpitas G. U. M*Z*V* 17 pp. Rw3amil port vowt m"bil"tmo 190 8,P 19602 pp 7-17. US SR Tho Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium iu an Ethane- Ethylene Systera, by F. P. Kharakhorin. /-, RUSSIAN, per, Inthenerna-viz Zhurnal, ---VAPOR EWILIBRIUM IN 71FIR SYSTEMS NrMOGEN-HELIUM AND RELIXIM-MMIANE. fl.961] Op. 12 rds. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-10727 Trans. ot b=henerno-Fizichealtly 2hurnal (USSR) 1959. Cv. 2] m 9. p. 24- 29. DESCRtPWRS- *N[trosen, *Helium, *MethAne. 71mmodynamics, *Liqulds, *Gnes, Solubility. The volatibty of helium in nitrogen-helium and helium- methane systems In the temperature Interval from 68 to 150. 3 X and at pressures of trm 4 to 215 atm In calculated from data obtained in an experimental investigation of IlWkWVvur equilibrium In these mix- tures. It to shown that at pressures between 40 to 45 and 215 stm the solobility of helium In liquid nitrogen and methane can be calculated with sufficient accuracy from the Krichevsky-Kazarnovoky equation. 'Ibe (Chemletry-PhysicAl. TY. Y. 6. no. 5) (over) 61-10727 1. Kharakhorin. F.F. om".f 61-ISOM Kharakhorin. F. F. PHASE RELATIONSMI'S IN COMPRESSED GAS SYS- 1. Kharakhorin, F. F. TEMS. 11. EQUILIBRIUM IN COEXISTING UQUID 11. Title: Equilibrium... AND VAPOR PHASES IN THE SYSTEM ETHANE- ETHYLENE. 1196115p. 3 refs. Order from OTS or SLA St. 10 61-18034 Trans. ol Zhurnal Telchnicheakol Pizild (USSR) 1941, v. 11, p. 1133-1139. DESCRIPTORS-. OEthanes, *Ethylenes. Liquids, VaporB, Phase studies. Chemical eq%dlibrium, Determination. Eqdlibriam, compositions of the Uquid and vapor phases in the binary system ethane-eftlene were determined by the circulation method for temperatures from 169. ft to 273.150K under preastwes from 0. 5 to 40 atm and p-x and T-x diagrams consmaed. It was shown that the dam for the liquid and vapor phAaes may offi.. f T..h.1-1 S-1c.. (Chemistry- -Physical. TT, v. 6. no. 9) (over) 61-18035 naral, orin, F. F. PHASE RELATIONSHIPS IN [COWRESSED GAS SYS- 1. Kharakhorin, F. F. TEMS. 11. BINARY SYSYEM NITROGEN-HEUUK 11. Title: Binary ... [19611 Op. 14 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-18035 Trans. of Zhumal Tekhnicheskof Fiziki (USSR) 194% Y. 10, p. 1533-1540. DESCRIPTORS: *NitrDgen, *Helium, Uquids, Vapors, Phase studies, Chemical equilibrium, Determination. An experimental unit Is described suitable for determi- nation of the liquid-vapor equilibrium at pressures up to 200-250 alm. by the circulation method. Determi- nation of p-x diagrhms has been carried out for the system nitrogen-hellum at 68, 77.3, 90.1, 107 and 111.50K. The obtained data were compared with the experimental data reported by other authors. (Author) (Chemistry--Physical, TF, v. 6, no. 9) offi- f Tochniew suvi"s Investiantion of the Recovery of Saimium ilmn Alkaline Solutions,, by 0. V. All tAghuler., F- F. K4!EWAWI~n3 PP. MMLOp pwp Zhur Prik Egnj, Vol Ib 5,, 1958, pp 800-SOL Consultants Bureau Sci - ohm Jun 59 Liqtrid-Vapor Equilibrium in the Helium Mpthan System, by F. F. Kh-a-akhorin., 5 pp. RU"aslut, per, InZher-ero-Fiz Zhur, V61 11, No 5: 1959, pp 55-59. ATS-17YI39R sai 'Vol IV, Rb 2 blur 62 The Slark-Over Lf CL-Ppressed Gases, by A. S. Matveyev, F. F. Kharakhorin. UNCIASSIFM RUSSIAJIp mo per) &,ur Tekh Fiz SSSR, Vol X; Ba 12, 1940, Vp 1,21-ij26. Havy Tr .12,.,7/NRL 521 Saientific . Physics C2 '~. 21 / On. the; Yletabcii---m ai -~nosvhc)1-45 --:~-')Unds in the Brain of HcaltIV and CAUILWINA "ICs '~7ith Various 1,iYO10-:Cal Features, B-.,7 Z. V,- lffiarakter, 0 pp, 1--y j)er, Ukrain Bioldlip, 7!:,,L-.., vc~j n~ 4, 1950, pp 521-:725. SLA 60-181,17 Sci Vol IV, 50 'Ll. may 62 SET.C. E (NY-3245). Production of Lmd in, the Lead-Zinc Plant at Kurdzhalip by N. Kanchev, Ya. Yanchev, G.-- KharWamplyev, 17 P.P. RUSSLA11, per) Tavetnyye HetaUy, No 10, Moscow, 1959, . pp 25.34. jpns-2154-u Bulgaria Sai. Nin/W-t jan 6o Determination. of the Compatibility of the Blood of Donor and Recipient by the Metbod XoIL Electro-ohoresis of the Red Cells, by S. S. jLh~n~enk 5 pp. RUSSTAH, per, Froblemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol VI, No 1, 1961. pp Sci 198,829 jun 62 Troo-sweific and Antigmic VA- Leueocytes,* by A.* Af. JmQk:ljmwkaya# .60 $a, XbarlwvVA=kDp 4 jV. -- ........ .... Dv;;~rwll ;=-_ ft4;14::7- Krov, '7 Vol ms io 4" MB, pp 50-P. Paromm ftes; sot - mod 7WW ikajllAyslq of polyglutin 5olutiont, by S. v 'Mark4micho S. S. Kharammik-rao., P. Ts. C-Ortmm, fa. If. Stald'unskly.* A. 1. To. M7,. per$ Ift --j*rMlepli. llavulk zkj- K9- - -4i Lb 31, 1964v pp 107-113. MS 29M, :~c ~ - 130 W, a m.-r Sound Propagation in a Medium With Rondam Fluctu2tions of Refractive Index,, by V. Ya. Khareven FUSSUS, tbrIce-no per,.Dok Ak Vauk SSSn, Vol LXXvnl; Vo 2, 11 Jan 1953, pp 253-256. Vatl Zci Foundation Tr Scientific - ftysics Jul 53 CTS/DEX I,p on t'-'e SPU-SP~u RE-la=ticn Tim-- ia Rieke-, Pluo- allicate in the Absence of P- Static Magaetic 'Field, by V. Ufa. Mia-r-awn 6 pp. EUSSLIN, mo per,, Iz AL: Nauk SSSR., &=r Fiz, Vol 10"', No 11, 1956~ RD 1245-1250. SCI - Phy"Ics Columbia Tech Jam- 58 ~ All Fecularities or Respiration and Rtdox Processes in Rios Plants amm Uhder Different Nutritional O=dltions. per, N. Mmranyan. W$MAN. per. _DWady Akademii Hauk SSSR Val. 150, No. 1., 1.963, pp 195-198 catWoo.6836 ~4 , /,( /1 a ILa- 1-1 k/ fi N Sai - Atxg 67 ~55-272 ftmAM"Lt:Le9 Of ReSPIMUOU and Itedox Procesues in Mce PleaU Grom und Difrereat nutritiomi CoWltiam, by fi, KharaiWm,- Bonn, perp DAUM Akademli Nm* SSM, Vol l5c~ UO 1., 1963o pp 8-105 MMO/no 6836 Al.