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(In the Na=c- of fgf Changes Observod In -StorC4 CaTrier Free Na ISaludam, by U. Eichler, M. et dt 19 pp. GERMAN, per. Z raw Cbpjj9j99j~n2 Cbmwo VON CXXVIL 1962, Ipp 135-143. ABC-NP-Tr-1092 Scl-Cbem Mar 64 252,986 The Resportion Of N-Acetyl-P-Aminophenol From Gelatine- Suppository Capsules, by M. Hoebel, M. Talebian. GMMII, per, krzneimittel-forschung (West Germany), 1960, p653-6 srA TT-65-14200 ()I , 0 o E- be--~ 344,8(>4 P.Locciw for R-eparstion of PIkDopliste Esters., bV Ortbnerp 5.pp. CMMM,. Patent 1,,134,,q&--,, W Fax-bwerke, HoeebvL A. G.., Frankfurt, f iled 17 Dee 5.01., pxb. -:;.3 Aug 6,,3-. CMT. TT-G-i-18059. 323s.196 &i - Chemistry Apr G? II or commov by- ?- to 2t . ~~ , 12,1- 1. ii~vwwmiwAft odirm -- a" map* , The Influence of Radiation and Temperature On thO Melting Process a the Snov Cover., by B. Hoeck. WRMN.. per., Beitrap zur Geologie der Schveiz, Geofe-chaleche Serie. WEQ~90-10 o 8j, 1952 C Tr 49 Scientific Geophpics CTS "eb 55 Taternatlaml Rb-I legula;tl= f=m the Mouth of the III to Lake Constance;- CoutrOutIon of the Hydraulle., Bt--=tux" ftWinent EUtim- vr the lmxi~,I zlirichi- a A* to 09. ftlutlcu: of 'tbs PftUim, - Model WAste; D - Tmtuent at Us Problem,, by DiMn Mayer- Ptter, S. back SMA Rcbert~ Maier. OMO, SeInLzgdjgw~Bauz~elas Vol 109s Bo 17P 24 AVrU 1=,, Vp 199-202; Vol 309j, No 18j, 1 N4 1937, Pp M2-219. WA Corps or zw,, Waterways Ivor Sta Tr 414 Sol - RagineerIng,, by draulless, neval soon - Treasportmtion, river..,wattxk, Available cw: loan. at ftsearch - Cent6r Library IMe Rickling of Sheets end the Avoidemae Df Pickling Defects, by G. Hoack. GERM, per$ Blech, Vol V., NO 11, 1958- BIBI 2251 :3ci - Ungr jul U / 4 /., 0 6 ~3~- Homotransplantation of Leukemias of the Mouse. 2 Influence of Different Hosts and Modifications of Types,, by G. Hoeckerp D. Bmaic, 5 PP. SPAKMHp per Bol Soc Biol Vol XIIIp SantiEL90# Chile* 19 , PP 86P 87- NM Scientific - Biology CM 70/Jul 55 -CLa-ren' itra colir,=, by lv-axl -tie:bll" f I ra'.tiarf Orachur-g.. voll I., Hoecker, Karl-Heinz and Finkelnburg, Wolfgang TMAY-OF HIGH-CILIRRENT ARC COLUMNS. ir. 1: by L. J. Holtschlag. 29 Nov 61 114]p. 16 refs. I APL/JM TG 230-T260. 11. Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-23174 Ill. IV. Trans. of Zeltachrift fur Naturforschung (West Germany) 1946. v. tin) p. 305-310. DESCRIPTORS. Bessel functions, Decay schemes. Electric discharges, Molecules, Energy, Dissociation. "Gas Ionization, Transport properties. "Electric arcs, Ionic current. Electric currents. Theory, Heat trana- fer coefficients. ne Elenbaae-Heller balance of energy of the arc col- umn to advanced beyond the Rompe-Schulze contribution (energy transport resulting from ionization of gas mole- cules) by a new theory which takes Into account energy (Physics- -Electricity. T`1~ v. 10, no. 9) (over) 63-23174 Title: Elenbaas equation Hoecker. K. -H. Finkelnburg. W. APL/JHU TG 230-T260 Applied Phyalco Lab., Johns Hopkins U., Silver Sprin& Md. Contract NOrd-7386 7-2-63 Office a[ Technical Servicts Regarding the Behavior of Insulin in the Presence of X-Rayy Radium., and Ultraviolet RadLation, by D S. E. do Jongh, A. S. J. Peck, 15 -pp. : V~ GMU". perp Biochem Z., Vol GeV, 19,0-9.p pp 144-1534--~- S.L.A. Tr 57-388 Sai - Obelaistry 4g JUn 57 'f go "6r !,;,I, 'Kiz? -ol Orzmiental StI-Itcheo 'With ZUC~zag ftuilug 1,kchines, by Walter Hoeder, 8 pp. GEYN,"di, Fatznrb No 6_04,339. Dept of Comerce Patent-, C17fica Scl 14b (gift) Sci - Enar Dec 57 HOR&W, IL 002 FEMUZATM 11"31 14P 9581- Ml 11 IL a rot,6 WN ftm MA P. 40 63-1W3 Trom of 40 Wwdm tM WUMOdsk m4 To*&) IN% T. V, ma 1% 16 M-l" DUCRWfO&b *cubs dkmu% svwdamw% ad) & Tr, *.1*, 7) InveBtisatims an the F-Jaw Processen in the Rice- P-jue of u Pneumatic Water Pump, by 1- rlcx--fer_'.- G-T ~Do,)J. Ver 1:*111- Ing 17.t V-01 L'~"r I; 71 SLA 574b76 Sci ;Aug 56 or .0-~ The System CEG64-HfO4-~201 byjD F - 1-f-oafer. 8 pp. (==# per, AngEr4and cbende, Vol Lp no 4$ 1937, pp 101-104. SIA Tr 1629 9'." / 9 S? sci - Chem 1014, / f ;~i Apr 1957 17 enter ?"Oft xammuoWN Val L OW, SWUM" i* =d Ldacatiua and ia;)rvilt: T=z1baport iii Ge%-,m),m stsellum'k-S, by W. GMMU'lp papare Presented at tho Intarnational T=sporlb-, C=foxremco BOA in Lz-idm,, Bjp 1957. BrItimb Iron md Steel UA 645 (L3*0.0) MUM - acbmw scon - - --f/ j Eze MY 59 lavestigatiom on the Concentration of Calsitin in blood and in Urino in Cases of Noreal sad of 1wpaired ftnal Function* by Do Hoofler, Guam, p*r, Medizinische ifelts No 150 19640 pp 867 SLA TT 66-43041 May 67 326,940 Ott Ferrtilsagnatically Labolled SedirAnts and Possibilitlem of Counting Then Automaticallys S, U, Wo Mega Ho Griosseier, 24 pp. GEWAH,, per, Acta Iiyd!!R!jsLca Vol 9, No 1,, PP 3S-53. Dept of' Interior SCF/OFF A-36-Feb 1970-No 62 On LOM w by 1964, Sc:L/Pbys may 70 on the 17es4im of the Ilwk ACC19ter GWU3113 Unne in Swedims by Bile U. no%lvnd. OEFOMp Terp V*l 29 ND 1, 1.964, tv M-328. IKMM/W IT 70-5Vh7 Avelloble MIDI QmU Ls L sort 70 6 14371 jArV 13 FC23p- (figs. leaES'~~ 1. Hoeger, K. Order from SLA $2.60 63-14371 Trans. from unidentified mono. KarlBruhe, 1959. DESCRMORS: 10'robacco, Production, Plants (Botany), *wastes (Industrial), 01'ectitio. *Cellulose, Folls, Esters, Adhesives. Experiments were conducted to regenerate a tobacco leaf from tobacco scrap, which could be used as inner wrapper In cigars. 11v binder to be used originates in the tobacco itself. About 6% pectin was successfully isolated from tobacco dust. The quantity of pectin Leo lated from tobacco dust to not adequate to bind nil the extractd tobacco dust in one coherent firm (oil. A (Chemistry, TT, v. 10, no. 6) (over) ot U~Wml Se"i", Dilatometric Bobaviour and Plastic Prop- erties of a Vitrinite and Its Pyridine Extraction Products,, by K. HoWmep H. Tschamler, GHRMM,, per,, Bremstoff-Chemie, Vol XLIII, No 9, 1962, pp 2"-279, CRL/T 1280 Sci-9141PM13 Aug 63 _,A. 01~ 4 / 01 - 1. .1 % calS of ~:-ecvs ard Tertimry ioj. A.0 Brol,mr, hill (CIRL/T 423) Sci - obeart a- z 61- Concerning the Plastic Behavior of Bituminous Coalsp by H. Roffman, K. Hoebne., 31 pp. GERWj perj, Bremstoff-Chem., Vol XXICV,, No 13/14p p 202-21A; No 15A6.. pp 236-246; No 17A8p pp 269-2T5; No 19/20., PP 29B-304; Jul-Oct 19P. STA Tr IM SCI -Ratka A1018 Jul 57 Pa'aaaMrapbic Properties and Mneological Be- baviour of Pezzian Bituminous Cmas, Zopecially the Gonftana Coaln of Eaetern Auotralta and Udla., bV ff. Rofftsinn, X. GMUM., per, Brenstoff-Chemie, Vol XLI., No 3, 1960.,.PP 70-79- BrdMu Hill Prop Co Ltd c;2i:f 7 SCI - Paolo AA V69! High.rmqueuey Cables of Minimal Resiotancep bzr H. J. Hoebaw.. 14 pp. OMWO S pe-.,, Haobriabbentechnik, Vol V1, 1956, pp 252-257. Assoc Tech Svc 3 IS Q Sci Aug 58 L. 14 a eA R- 7b* Aftaa of the Carbordum Ion on Monomeric Slamme in the ca-timic copoxymarization of Txia=m and SiWMneo Report No 19 on PolymW- mthylenes# by L. Hoehr E=1=4,p per, WOM&WIlam Gliesief Vol 2 1%2. pp 59-62 HTC 71-15510-07C fob 72 Joining EEC Would Make Danes Defensively Chauvinistic, by lLigM Hoejlund, 3 PP. DANISH, np, SF, Vol IV, No 39, 28 Sep 1962, p 2. JPRS 15725 WE - Norway Pol N~v 62 -- - - - - - S&U, m nmi am, L. yv c ISpeach to the Central Commimee on Lecdet DUTCH9 up, DO I"._rbfdd. 2B Jan 1964, Ipp 1, 3. JPRS 23W VVE-Mmtozian" Pol Mar 64 251.541 (FM 27228) Stre te;i the Party to Win the Elections (The Ne lands),, by Hank Hoekstram 7 PP- tT M=,v d nV2 De W"rheid, Vol XM, No 10,, Amstern "at 1e jut 19569 p 5. %01 cm/m u-8o64 Wftr - fts Notbarlanft Political 62-IB-5-U3 PROCESS FOR MIE OXIDA'110N OF 001%MUSMLE 1. 11001-stra, JL "STANCES CONTAMED tN A CURRENT OF 11. Patent (Bclown) 606 488 RESEDUAL GAS. [1962]21p- Order hmm OTS or SLA $2.60 62-18503 Trans. of Belgian patent 606,488, 25 July 61, by Universal Oil Prodwts Co, (Erternational convention: patent appl. filed USA. 27 My 60). DESCRUYMRS: OExhaust pses. *Oxidation, *At- mosphetic pollution. Waste pses. Hydrocarbons. Combusrkm~ Redoction. Catalysts. (Enghwxing-Safety, IT, v. 9. no. 10) (Ifte a( Techikil Scrvites W -!~ I: I I NIP If, -, 11.j If jn I I Dletribution of ?box=&" in the fietherlands, by L. R. lamseen., ITS. Rockstrap 8 pp. DUMp pwL, Avla Vllegvereld, 2B rob, 14 mar 1957j. Eml to IR 201-57* QUmj. The Hague. AF in665i ,fw Wgur - The Netherlsoft " Geos- N&ps,,(Royal NetherlwAs Aero Club) Thermls Aug 57 Sci - Geopbysicap notecrology Gulde-Bepi~i Cozitrol Comtqats * A-4 Rocket Vorinble with Time, by F. Schubert, Spehr, HOe]-ker.,,l;?6 pp. - go Jaurml Cited. MA 58-02 set Jul 59 P,?,: . 5-j- , / -5- Prediction of the Bactericid&I EffecU of matle-riuU Mruagh the DaUrzduaticm of their AfftdtV for Wo4,, by Boland Plwher, A. Honep S. Suldoubergp 20 p* S=Bj perp 941v ChIm Act&,, 19Aj, Vol )=V,, No 1p pp 2M-M. SLA 59-17814 Sai Feb 60 Vol 2 " V 0 10 C;;, I.D. -,~) O-C A rlool-Destroying Insect Wdch is CawAng Increasing Damage: Holbwmophila Psoudopprete.Ua. by 0, Hooller. GE~l, per, Toxtil-RLzMs, Ho 10, 1964, PP 977-982, NTC-71-1027?--Ilr. NOV 71 YaQhctla of Oprat$oup arA Practioml Utioriewes Lu the AutwAtla SpeftrogroUc AmanU of a-boal and PU Urmv b7-P-.-lWoLUw. "wM,%Igp porp Avch r4fieubwOmomup No IQ# IZ90 71. alai 16G4 (IAq- Sol.- MWJ rbys hur IIE,B Sh�pyard Berlin in Bal2d1mg -LUgboatrj by Mari-re h,nL-- G. g2g_~ 4 pp. GM-M, per., Schiffbauteebniki Vol 10., 110 11) 3.960p ipm 8o44 Apr 61 Ps -VESNMV w ff. SCMAMPA36 "WAM.1 FPO IFMUIXMI14 vm Kill# No is SU AM No Metal ColorU~. Part 11 Coloring of Iron and Steel, by R. Hoeltgen. G=4AN, iper, MatAllvareninaustrie & Galvanotechnik,, Vol XLVTIT., wo 5. may 1957t p 214-5. Brutcher Tr 4o4q *2.50 Sci - Min/lint APr 58 vZ/4/0 Ilu 711- or i)-9ter-stiang the Dif- tublm 0:*fficients of gait Ckautv~zw, by Priedxich 13 PP- aMPAR. imr, Zaltachrift rar EINMIk, Vol 24, 1.921", lip 1.9. P911049-WI JNMI Har 350,70-1 HAmworporea Bmwdia3,vols av Cauml mwmlr or Sevue aLutethilMUL% imp tv T. amit Inv F. Xbcwer. 494334 xunA. voi -56P 370 Xv- I ou TT- 11416 ame 66 3O3p5n 2431-D 'The 19% NWezftU*pdarf Smins by 13. Bosomp ---------- QMMWj pw,, Mu-tcVmvhlsdb& Mcbriubtsup Val VMp go, 3v I&LOW014A 190P pp 69P 70 * 03 JM L-1364-D 30mr Gel"Ww fto Terrain Representation JIM 59 ,j Oremic Acids and Was in Man-Aqueous Solutions Repart No 20 Alipbatic Atlds#by F=mx IN*-Isl&35 ppe GI!R"AN:w per*. mmusbefte fmaT CUBAS mad ireguma WIM46wer no go Im 0' pmp~00- AQ1 1-9702 10 2204006N6 sti-amm kf*44Y .66 299,681 61-18408 I-joenes, Deter and Volkert, G. THE METNLLURGICAL BalAVIOUR OF CI-IROME I. fjoenes, D. ORE& [t9591[30]p. 8refs. 11. Volkert, G. Order from SLA 12.60 61-18408 ,rrans. of Archiv fUr das EisenhUrtenwesen (West Germany) 1954 [v. 25, no. 11 P. 1-10. DESCRIPTORS: Metallurgical analysis, "es, *Chro- mium alloys, Processing, Refineries, Minerals, Slags, Chemical reactions, Melting, *Iron compounds, Indus- tria! plants. From tnv~::.,Igatlo-as on various chrome ores and fur- nace residues, a residue of "bottom fast" ores afterthe pre-melting (a coivdition necessary for the most satis- faciory refining behaviour), can be expected from all ore delivetil., if 1li-cy contain adequate amounts ofdc-,-.,,e chromitv, j. e., chromite wijJch is scm mixed with sili- cat-s, especially serpentine. 'Me preEenre ot olivine gootallurgy--Ferrous Metals, Tr, v. 6, no. 10) (over)l Vne iictai'.Iurjji-,.,LI imiaviuur of chro-be Cres, by D. Hdepea, G- Volkert. URCLASSIFIED -per, ArQh~ Eis3nhuett--nr.,esea, Jan/Feb 1954,, p-p 1-io, Iron and Steel lust Tr 1024 71~~f ,5ci - MU.n./Met Aug 58 114133pJI'l 11,40ful i Ill! j- I I I - ~ ! i~l - jt~ C Z' L C. I lnztmiyske StaVyya Vul VII, IIY-,4. jq'i $-I,. tl?.327027 2A,461 M I Fm yeb3dw . Aitalzmadx1mom"ram% . 1,17P Mol I a- by * COW= ftt Mbr Cb*4 NO A% 19"g $1 t p ST M-up 274AN Conveyor Arrangement, by H. Rc-eninC, '-'I pp. Gt-mi,mil, Patent 7-'19,274, 19 Nov 1942. mss6es su 6o-i4751 Sci 1,,Y-7., -Zle Max 62 Phenol Recovory From the Gas Liquers o--!' 0--ke Ovens, 17 Paul Hoenimg, 15 pp. Full translation, GERMAN, pers - Vol XLII# 1929, PP 325-331o SOL.As Scientific - Chemistry Jul 55 The Zorbmwe aC DechoUzo an the KetaboUsm of sulrublo'g my yjwmlg~mwa iiwsstfpva. I I m p pm. SbWnlk s,2963.. Irat.03s pp.33-37- 826-TI-644bDO37 ~- D/M Avig 66 308p684 up"tau*10saft PAUVW the Admlslwtrsuo~ a Godim qog&ocbob"jj~~)# by'V!!~~ am& iuomdapm- u""_ 29590 Vol..98V cs"um, vws..Mrmrae so h9ho- W.-WW4*p =9 T. BIM 3Wfift Alus 66 Do You Nbcar the Soviet Aircraft Designations?# by N^nn*o Zoentsch, k pp. WMASSIFIED GERM3, lVer, Fluagel der 391mt,, No 11j, 1957, vp 26.. 3%, snel to mon-iAl. AF 1177908 Set - Aero Jun 58 44~ ~? 77 Path Cwrvattwo of MocUvoapAic Waves and Their Effeet on thio J*aMuwMntu of DIstanoes, by V, Hoopeke. =MO rPt %L!Ebd:rt 60 19641 ;; A= NTC-7f.1036b-14D i~c / e- rc Nov 71 fts ban"& fto-I Is pnomm" = so bY Fo A- NOW va 970 Sum amse VY403"Otor; ac a. &d-CNU 30,1433 me 49 on the Quantitative Determination of Glycerin, and 1*2-Propylene Glycol Side by Eti,yiene Glycol., TJNCLA.SsIYIED side,, by q~- W- D. Treadwell- Hye Vol XXV, No li 1942. GEMAANP perp Heiv. Chem. Actap avy Tr !T2,5' /BUSII-iPs 411~ Sci ChemistrY "7 C7S (w.-ft42) Soviet Strategy in Black Bea, bf Wolfgang Roapker., 9 pp. GMM, Pero 011teuropaj. Val XI, No 4/5, 1961, IV 311-317- JM 8719 EOmr - Oemmy / 6 i~/O 2 0 Geogr"htc Aug 61 33ceatpU From "Tbe Now of Pere4p Cultural ftUcy"o b7 WOVOW. 200*wv 30 pp. op ck."t wd a vat (erect" print) Boa to at - UMo 38 OW 2960. CIA 9*M2D eta%& Alpr 60 *NL- rcs of Air smotaxpa0ba In omvrmoft by nvdwdtm 36 ppo POR RevistA WOOLUAM _%*" I do "MLII"A low MW!* __ josZe An Tr aL aftv 22 amp Avg 2M M 4.J Damse by Pomul to PaU VmA, by T. Wooraw, 7 Pip. OIRVM# pwi, ban Paplwj Tcd VIj, No 3-k# IM,, PO 47. k1A 58-5U Sol Am 59 J-1610164 j~uOiarestls ClaLu To Bessarabia is supported by - IWd China, by Jklexander S Raymund AgaxbALcr, GhfUNvii, np, k~oelaische Rundschau, XKKUKKA Cologite, 23 Jul 1964. ;~PRS/DC-110081SPECIAL BEur - Soviet bloc, FU - China p 0l De c 6 4 j Silica Gel Thin-Layor Chromatography of Flavonoids, by L, Hoerhammer, GMIAUS Pal~*, juguial of chromatojm=, Vol 13, 1964, pi) 235-237.k YPZC-71-10374-070 Nov 71 The Develosmat MA ProductUe at A8ftoulturul M&Wxwry.. by WOUTp Dmdl;sp jqMWMLmjNM# mdow., U. Kowgwp 51 Ipp. GOWN, per,, Dooftabs AWwtodWt,,o -Vol Mt., No lo :L959, pp 4-19. mw But ouxmy seen jai w Tub~- Welding by Resistance and induction Ifeating, by E. Roerma 37 PP. 1!2~~ ITALIAN, per, International Congress of Electro- ffeat, 25 May 1959. sLA 6o-10937 Sci OTS, Vol III, No 6 1-:2 i!~' ql'~' Sep 6D dopeeklag Telopboas TnotellAtia"s by 0. lbermar. ?3 pp. Woe-oal, -- j per,, Stftvms Zo Vbl XXX.- Xo 1j, Jan 1956.- pp 29-35. MA 57-2C47 Sal Jul 58 s ;1111~ ( 2~ ~ Y 0';?"(71 Stationary Therml StroBs in Thin C~,Undrlcal Walls by C. -gopj~hl.4 Ikk pp. MITRE.par, Stroj:Umnstmij voi xixx, m Lk; io63., pp 9687663 Ym-TT-63-726 sr-a-rm~p Nov 63 -~ -ell 11:7-/ -HM DM . FOR WHEAT BREEDiNG (AbteUurlg (Or ~ WeizenzLIchtung). fl963)[24p) Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-10333 Trans. of LAadwirtschaftliches jahrbuch (Ur Sayers (West Germany) 1953 Iv. 301 p. 33-46. DESCRVMRS: *Who&; Seeds, *Genatics, Mutations, Growth (Physiology). Radiation effects. TT-64-10333 1. Hoeser 1 0, IG 9 (AgrlcWturv--PlaJCultJvsd^ TTv. 11. so, 8) Study an Forced and Natuxal Aging of Un&Uoyed Mineral Lubricants, by G. Spenglerp ff. 0. 12essel. OEM$ mo per Oel und Kohle., Vol IX., No 10 pp 6WW-~ Tech and Cma $W.00 71 Bei - Fuels Jul 57 War Aidicime: Concerving Inteetinal Diseases of the Soldierej Their Relation to Nutrition, by ~1. Hovaallni 3 YY- Gmi&H per, Deutechmed wochacbr, 1941., pp 315-319. SLA Tr 57-1653 Sci Jun 58 ea~ Wbat is the Natural Durability of Timer and How Can it Be Determined?, by T. I Hof. MaCNOWE, per, De Houtwereld, Vol X, Wo 2, 1956, 3 pp. CSIRO 3952 Aug 62 DrIllins Device, by Augp Rofbauer., 3 pp. Gm", PiLtant No 367j569. Dept of Oommorce PMent W Sci Lib 0 / Sci - mw /Z(OZ My 62 Awlisam VAtallurgy of Maclum., by H. Nohmp E. Fitzer, ff. Rofbauerp 26 pp. GERVAN.. per, Serg-und Buttemmische Monatshefte,, Vol C1, 1956., pp 277-285. AEC Tr 3201 Sci - Wn/mt PAY 58 4 "1 IV, $: ( A2 -f I *' 61-14740 Hofbauer. Ludwig. ON THE CAUSES Of- ITIE DIFFERENCES BE'IWEEN 1. flofliauer, L. TI-IE ACTUAL AND APPARENT SIZES OF OBJECTS (Ober die Ursachen der Differenzen zwischan Wirklicher und Scheinbarer Korpergr8fse). 11961] [13]p. (foreign text included) 2 refs. Available on loan from SLA 61-14740 Trans. of Zeitschrift ffir Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane (Germany) 1897, v. 15, p. 206-212. DESCRIM'ORS: 'Visual perception, Measurement. *Eye, Anatomy, Determination, *Vision, Physiology. *Optical illusions. Offi-f T--61-1 S-i- (Unannounced) 62-16966 Hofbauer, Th. and Koch, K. M. 65-IffE-MECHANISM OF THE MAGNE71ZATION 1. Hofbauer, T. DISCONTINUITIES. Prelindnary Communication. 11. Koch, K. M. 1196215p. (refs. figs. oinitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16966 Trans. of Zeits[chrift) f[Hrj Physik (WestGermany) 1951. v. 130, no. 4, p. 409-414. DESCRIPTORS: Iron, Nickel, Wire. Mapeticfields, Magnetic effects, Torque, Deformation. Electric wire, *Magnetism. It was found that in specimens with preferred direc- tion of magnetization an auxiliary field at rather high frequency promotes both the release and the course of the magnetization discontinuities thus causing - with given values of the main field - an increase in value of the saturation magnetization and of the remanence. (Author) Offi.. .1 T-W-1 S-i- (Physics --Magnetism, TT. v. 8. no. 10) _11afiz-11- Von. 'DLNELOMEENT OF 7HE OXYGEN-CUTMG MACliDlE FROM THE SIMPLE DMCE TO 'ME MODERN MACIDNE--MOL. [1962][24hi. 5 refs. Order front SLA !~). 60 62-20059 Trans. front Mitt[ciltirigenj der B E F A (West Geri 1952, no. It. DESCRUY17ORS: 602cygcn, *Cuttbig torclics, Macbin,: tools. Cmstruction, Design, Cutting tools. oxyi~cii-cuzbng providus quality surfaced -oidn in ial:vs it pos,zible to obtain accurato shapes plate thickawsrca of Lp to 100 nun and more. Miankz to Lhe pc~ctdtar nattu-c of the oxygcn-curtln.g prow-ciss. hi which the o::ygen )et acts as the cutting tool, even heavy cuts are accomplished with great case and die (Macht-nery, Fabrientionr and Accessory Equipment. 'M v. 9. no. 9) (over) 62-20059 1. Hofc. Ii. van 67 1) Office id Tectinical Servitcs Aids and AppIUDOOS for Plame-CuttinSp by H. HOfe-- 11 pp. GMMN,, perj. Schveiestechnik# Vol IX, No li, Jan 1955. SIA Tr 1991 Sci - Eng .3 ~, 6 5 "/ Jul 57 - I.- A~l J~l i_. ot fts a useloo. All w I=rn= IV CPXMmk* AUN va 24vo I%.% C=Oftb6ni $d,W Ckm pa" =mw lj~.:vovimg the Fonning, Properties of dtmve ~J- C-mnes Dy Providing Adjustable BeerbW for the Crane Meel Axles .L , by A. JpgLfer. GRMWI per$ SUM und Risen,# Vol L=!,, ADr 1962.. pp 518-525. B731 3125 Jul 63 3 r, 7.1 -lie iiluwAk Fxei&t 1:arffl, by S. bwmpniewsU F. 1 7 M GMU&N, per, awmabo W- uwi U-4ams M 3, 19K pp 24-26. JPRS 24W EE-Gftml&ny Econ may 64 259,59D lpyr. Kad-Heittz. dmimmom -io THE wEsnow op THE bTAULITY OP MASSIPS AT POTASH hMM. [1963][13&jp.(ft*-onA- 62reft- Order from SIA $10.50 63-16263 Tram. of Freiberger Forachmphefte. [Reibel A. [Borgbau] (West Germany) lon, Y. loo. 148p. DBSMMRS, *b6ml agInvering. *Sipports, Stahlity, OSelts, Rock fGaoiagy). Earth. Pressure. *Rmpture, ODeformatim. Creep, Elasticity, Mastic Geophysics. Poessolumm. 63- 16268 1. Mer, K.-H. (Earth Sciences --Geok". TT, v. 10, no. 41) Offm of Tochn" Sftvim Oboamtiww = rltmat=,e,, by ftrl-lbi= Tio;CGr-. mmp psTIj Beltmg zur FiuW dem Sb&ndTeat--fSke:"t, vm Borafestien Im Malber&=,* P-u 98-37, / T6.2- Dapt of latorlor 07 957 no 557 Bei - kbd Jan 63 . I I ~, p 3 / Research on Bromine;, by J. D'Azwj, P. Kofer, 8 p. GZM,. Imr, Axisew Chmp 1934., Vol ZVU) Wo 5,, pp 71 -74. ATB-M310 Sol Jan 60 Vol 2, no 8 jeT Effect of the Manganese and Lead Content of Non- littallic Inclusions iD Free-Cutting Steel, by ~)ecker., ZM-1 GERM4. semimo per,, Stahl und Eisen., Vol LXXVII,. 5 Sep 19571 pp 1215-1220. Co-op Tr Sch Tr 695 Sci - Him/met "4-7 Jan 56 / ~ 4Z (41 Skin and Cancer and Irtracutaneous Diaj~aosls ot Cancer by Ferdirand Hoff, 9 pp. GERYM per Manche nod. Wschr. Vol =j, 1924, pp firgaii. " Rm Scientific - UKAft1waorl- Al 3 d3 Medicine OM/m Influence of Components on the Reliability of Radio Blectronic Equipmot,, by Frantisek Hoff, 19 pp. CZE01, per, Sdelawmi Tokh, No S, 1962, pp 168-172. 966M5 PTD-TT-1XM63-89 Sci-Electranics 'A 36 6 Z/ May 63 1- 1 H. and Dunk, G. von der. 4 "' G THE UNIFORmrry OF ZINC COATINGS ON STEEL WIRE BY DIPPING IN CUSD4 SOLU- TIONS. [1962] 7p. (figs. refs. ornitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62-16958 Trans. of Archliv) f[Url djas] ElsenhUttenwesen (West Germany) 1949 [v. 20, no. 3/41 p. 135-138. DESCRIPTORS: *Zinc coatings, *Steel wire, Process Ing. Solutions, Copper compounds, Sulfur compounds, Oxides. -1 62-16958 1. Hoff, H. 11. Dunk, G. von der 6 (j (Metallurgy, Tr. v. B. no. 9) offi-I T-1.1c.1 $-'i- Coutribution Concerning the Impoitance a-L the Olia.. by R. Hoff,, Th. Wanco., 3-9 Pp. SPAHIM, per, Folia Clin, Vol II, no 6, 6 PP. NM OcIentific - tWicins CTS/DEX / 191 ~? 3 Is-,