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Y- , - . - - - 1~ ) CNan Gut -in :,.'zotary Riah-STeed Abs oitava; b-I Ca=z., 14. A. Zckshin., 6 vp. Rulmula 1PO)y Zhuz Prik khlnp Vol =1, No 2,. 91, comultasts Buxmu VJ ohm 59 ItMuence of Fundamental Physicochemical Factors an the Absorption Ute otfttrogen Oxides In C&(OR) Solution In W&U-Speed MlechwUcal Absorbers$ by S. M. 0apap M. A. Loksklmp 9 pp. RUSSIMp per,, Ziuw ftik Xhtm,, VaL MM,, No 10., 1957o pp 1525-1534. Oonsultants Bureau Scl - Men Jan 59 ImmatigmtIon or the lelume ok Hy4rvdyn=ic CwUtlams on the Rate of Absorption or Nitrogen Chides by Ca(0[1)2 SolutIon In a Sadverks Scale IftabanIma Absorbers b7.q~- ~J-9 yv- i MMBIM,j per., Zhur PrIk MhImp Vol Mp No 9" 1957,v pp I=-LVO. conmatwAs Bureau Sol, - Chm IM-0 58 72" 7o21 GODWAa ZAW of AboorptUa Pr*oWmm la RL&-Spsad RotU-j Absorbad.. by 4. N. GAW# fq ppi f RM200 sm ftlk PANO Vbt xxxt No U,, XMI, pp *4 - am ftb 09 Y-02, / ev / Plotermination of coefficients of Rate of Absorption 'litrogen Oxides by Aqumw Solutions of Nitric Acid in MacimaUxi'l Abeoitem# by.f~. 1. Ge~z~ M.- A. tokabins S. 1. IaDturam, 10 pp. run tr HUNIM,p mo perp Mw PrIk lhiu# Vol XVMv No 8,, 1955a IV 8314A6. CU C "17 S,ro 7J-dl Canmdtante Bureau ScUutific - ObOU1947 J~m 56/amx PL Study Of the Ad"of-C02 Ab--a-o-rp-tion-by-Mozioethanolamir Solution in a Horizontal Mechaalcal AbBorber, by S. N. ~swv S. B. Lelbovich, N. A. Malyshevich, M. A. Lokehin, RUSSIAN, per., Ztxur Pr1k Kh1m, Vol, XXXII, No 10, 1959, pp 2W7-2210. CB Sci 1,2 7 S Sep 6o Rate or Aboorption of Nitrogen Oxiaes by Ca(CH)p Solutions in I*cbaul"I Aboorbaris IfIth High RdP~M.p by So X. 00= So B- XrmhIwkm^, 10 pp. MOSIma no per# Zhur Prik 4him, Vol x"Ma ZD 2# WM# Fab 1955j, Vp 145-155. CIA D 153,339 Burea~. Satauttric - Cbmitntry M 69/.Am 55 111., 44',e of Acid FornatIcn in U:chc,:Icn! Abnorbers at Hi& Rotatioml Speed, by S. Ii. Ganz, S. I. Rapturovap 8 pp. MWIAV, m per,, Zhur PrIk Khim. Vol XXVIII, ]No 6.. Jun 1955, pp 565-596. cIA c ho324 Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemtstx-~y Jen 56 CT8/DRX JO/ 116 J.'ritens J.'ac pit iori of the in CorylLtiorts of High Turbulence, by S. 'Nz Ganz. 7 pp. -rr/-z7 RUSSIAN,, per, Zhur Ana-k Khim.. Vol al-!c-, No A.. 1957~ pp 689-6S6. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Al."S 58 Kinetics of the n1m Aboorption at Nitric Acid by F*504 Solution,, by So Do Gimz,, 1. 1. H=n., 10 pp. MGM. Pers ZhUr Prik Xhimp Vol XXXp 110 3p 1957p pp 369-3ro. Con BU Bei - Cben pva Kinetics of the Absorption of W by FeS04 Solu- tions lu Mgh-Speod Nbehanical Absorb= p by RMIMP Pex.. zhur PrIk MAMI Vol mmi. No 4P 1957.. pp 5W5,~O. Con Du Bei - Chem Axis 58 171 '...'be Production of Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Pr= a MiXtwe of Carbonscocus Pyritea and An)Vdrito,p Can 14 pp. RUSSIAN,, mu per EL= 103v pp 464-hiC &jk gkjEj Vol XXnp no 5,, Sci.Mkiseem LIb No 54/0693 Scientific - Cbeuistry Aw 54 Mfull of varailps R"alwro,, W A. D. ~-3TAt UVCIA,UVnD IRUSSW# "r.- SWCUmviamp 100 3., 1958.. PP 29-40. malwy 21"Jou " s4i - Islactmetes MY 59 Aw"Z W117 Umtribution of M*=W IM-atlon to the Bea Couluctlan Process., by L. aczee3 . 20 IW. hz QWW,p par.. z fuer PAndki, Vol C=v., M3., im 177-195. 9093322 Ald MM TrJfML) &d - r1we Awr 6e / 9p/,$ .?aj I the 9 A ILM HIS I I lt~if ff 11 N, 1: r"it,4! Vv A- wMaL or A MARL MD.% ScOp 1".. NO Variation in Rare Earth Asenblages In Pyrochlore From the VishnevyYC '51untains, by .1. Yoslkova. A. A. GZaLeyev m ., 6 !, . par, ceolchiniya, Ilo 9, 1963. Scripta Technica Sci 'I; ny (14 2508,72-7 Rene 8-tratbars for Wo-Stage Henreating of Grain ,p A, Yomichev, 5 pr U'ropa, by G. q.&= j. RUSSIAN, pw, Tekli v Sellsk= Khor, No 1c,60, ipp JM 6395 60 The Pharmacology of Trlchlormcetyl Choline, by P. F. Gw)Zhas 5 PP- MMSIANI IxW, Farmakol 1 Toksikol, Vol Up No 4, 1957., pp 32_ 34. Consultants Bureau Sci --Hed -Tul 58 Mlethod of FxtractiDg protons From E, ..i:rotfo,fl by ~',, A. Ganlzhins 4 pp. sync F kxm.-A RLISSIM, per.# pribary i Teld.a EksPer.9 140 11) 1959j, pp, 22-24. lust Soc of Amer ,Scj .. EnPT "U1 60 (NY-10) vie A LAYQVT FOR RMT I ON KTASUMNENTS I N AIRCPA" CONSUKTIONO BY W. GKICH.6 H. QMZLEMo 0- Himut 17 PP- MO" PER NJTOMhTISIVU46 VOL IV# NO Tp 1961, jp" lew SCI - AVAONAUTICS mm 62 183.416 Roaction of tort-BW.7221thium vitb Eat*=., bw A. D. Ntmvs N.'B. SokoloMp UaO Chlu-Im., ha. KWIM, per, Iz At lauk B=j. Otda Mdm Nm*,p so 7, ims. py M-872. gel - Cbm mw 59 'f7 ea 2e ThIP OrgPlnolltbitu Syntbools of and Val r Omnm-Cwtolulng ftrlv*Uv",, bgr Ao Do Mrove Too Be O*tolmo a" a" un RPO M;!Tvl WOUAXS PWj, Umbeftl Will - Vol XIVUS so 221, 147 A7' X- tq Kinetics of the Cathodic and Anodic Polerisation of a Phosphoric-acid Solutiua of Uranyl lou, by Ya. P. Gokhshtein, Gao Tsai-shen, 3 PP. RUWTAR, per, Zhur Neorgan Xhim, Vol V-11, Fo 1, 1961, pp 157-161. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci 17q, 01-z: Dee 61 Ccmmdum Ughtimialit Refractori witli Low Dulk Density.. by 1. S. radneroldl, A. U. _9~~u, 6 pp. FIMSIM w, OgLwupwy, no 5-6, 1963, pp 23B.M. CB Ekd - ~ L4 ~ wiy 64 '~ .4- el J4*jtWW PWf=torj-ffotorlAls--ln-tbv 00-514 M-ectrlc Furnomm and VAidug Parts for Them, by To. V. lv=ovs A. N. Qp2dav- 5 pp. WOMis, peri, oomworyo if* 5-6., *T-Jhu 1961. Act& Notallurgice Sa mw 64 o2,fl? 2 / a 3106 Electron Microscope ftudles of the Internal Structure of Lympbogramdama Venereum Virus in Ultratbln--Sectioasp by A. A. Avaklan, Gao-tim-lulan-, 6 pp. RUBS=., pwj, VOR**y Virusologu,, Vol IV., so 1959., pp 591-596. pp Oct 60 MhChIMIN On the MOBCOW FXPOSMOU Of NeW Construction Technique; by M. A. Podgayets; Use of Electric Beating for Starting Ingines, by M. Rubeaskly; Improving the Starting of a Gasoline Engine in Winter, by L. Gepcbenko, E. jkMe.' 15 pp. KMIANs Avtomobilnyi Transport, So 9, 1955; *khanizattlya Stroiteletva, No 9, 1955. A.C.S1 I G-5;.;g Sci - Engineering, Fuels, Electricity uses scon ReCDrdirkg of the Impact-Testing Process of Welded Joints with an Oacillographp by M. H. Gepchenk-o; 4 p; i . RUSSIASp per,, Zavod Labs Vol XXV, No 2, 1959Y PP 193-195. Instru Soc of Amer itpr 6o z1 a 7 Low-Altitude Bomber "rations Against Railroade, by N. 1. CkLyeyanok, 8 pp. RUSSW per, Vast Vois Flota, So It., 190,, pp 23-29- cu 61;W AM IM AU" '7 -*/,, %Y 16 .2.., M" - - Oct 50 Selecting a Target-Run for Bmbers, by N. 1. oapeye-nok, 6 pp. RUSSM,. per,, Vest Vot Flot., Vol VII,, 1957. M 6OT170 ATIC USSR Hn May 1958 e 9 45~~r Salahtific-Techacal CmWermce In laev Devoted to Via AW of Raftop by wD. X, GapUchiLlk., 10 pp. IMBOMp pwp Lmstlya V~rsshllrh Vahab Zaved PV= SM RWAa sks ~ va vs. No 5s, 1962# 5T.m 90 u Radlotdibn . pp e JM 1902 fkd - Eha Jun 63 231#603 m or I SLZM4 mum Pon In =M4 OftLAUZZ.W. vv. 16 ~W~q 42wnrrl vpw~ 0. 06, j0 ipp. - I; illmomov, PM NMXOWO 5 OW 4031o VP 19-0 0 k &M sm ow : me: 43 TA70 NY-50W) Scientific-Tecbninal Conference on Questions of Automtion and Remote Control of Interurban Main Linesp by N. 1. jv=ov., 0. M. Gaplichuk. 4 pp. RUBSTAN, per, Vestnik Svyati., No 1p 1957. Aw TM Sti Jul 61 vp .2 pp. Sev liadiotei-h., JPRS S126 Ihe 65th Anniversary of the InventAon of Radio, by 0. H. G"ll,chuk, 6 pp. -9--L, RUSSIAN., per, Radiotelrh,, Vol XV, No 10, :L960, :PP 76-78. pp set 16 ~119 ~' i= 61 Falynologic Study of Maykcpian Sediments in the Bollshcy Tckmak District, Azporozh've Oblast' $ By 3 pp. RUSSUM, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Earth Science Sectims, Vol CXLIX, No 1-6, Mar, Apr 1963. Auer Geol Inst Sci Jul 65 THE P190TOPOLNGONOWTRIC OF F. V. DROBY%MV. Trans. on Smiet Geodesy 1925-40. 10 hUr 61 [151p. JPRS: R-109-N/47. Order fromLCorSLA rni$2.40, ph$3.30 61-19047 Trans. cd GeodeTist (USSR) 1931 [Y. 7] no. 7. p. 4-1, (Earth Sciences --Geodesy. TT, Y. S. no. B) 61-19047 1. Aerial photographs- Processing 2. Title: Drobyshew method 1 . Gapochko 11 - Twe: Soviet... M.PRS-R-109-N/47 1Y.JointPublicstion Research Service, New York Offi-fT - Gipochko, G. F. '1111' ACCUIUNCY 01: INSTRUMENTAL PLANE TABLE SURVEYING. *IYans. on Swict GeWesy 1925-40. 5 May 61 [2411). JPRS: R- I 18-N/41. Order fi-(xn OT'.S or SLA $2.60 61-19519 Trans. of GcWuzist (USSR) 1940 [v. 16] no. 12, p. 58-68. DESCRUIFORS: *Mapping, Mathernarical analysis, ~Gcojhvsical pTospeLting, WWI. Geometry. 1. Galwhko, G. F. 11. 'I*it)C: SUViCt . . . Ill. JPRS-R-It8-Nj4I IV. Joint Publications Research -qexvice_ New York Offi.. .( T.A.1-1 S-A- (Unamv,,jncL,j) SM4238 (DC-1945) Bacteriolc4gical Weapomv by S. Bo)Ayrev,, K. Gapocbko.., V. JAbedimklyp A. NAI"bevikiy, 16 pp. VOODWIPI-ED'. RtIBSIM,, b1t., Sollsbays Meditalmokays RateftloWiya,, Vol IXIp 26 Ed., Moscow., M7,, pp 226-243- Im Jm/bc-Lz Sci m Biologicalp bacteriology 6 9, 5 F/ Aerogenic Immunization AgainBt Some Zoonoses with Dry Combined Powdered Vaccines, by 1. 1. Aleksandrov, 1. Ye. Gefen, I. S. Garin, K. 0. Qpppchko, V. 14. Nikitin, A. A. Antonova, V. V. Mislichenko RUSSIAN, mo pers Voyenno Med Zhur, No 12, Moscow, Dee 1960, pp tif- 1,7L) .Se.; US JPRS 7995 ty),Q, i- ~/ 11969, '=rwol L=mlWuion With Dry Liviag Vaccines and finatoxims Rpt We Cbmvwftr and Dynades of the Vacelml Process In Aerowl Immmization With Brucel- lo-ulaj, 9,lmbuvmi,&,p Antbrux and Antl-Fla,-Me,, by H. 1. ALeksandmvj, 1. E. GoAm.. X. 0. Oopoebkoj, ff. S. Garin. AUBSIMO. pers. 73m MU=b:Lolj. 4idemiol :L Lmmmobiol,, 1110 12.- 1960.4 PP 38-4k. CIA 9075532 UEMM S'd. - ModIcInc Apr f& 6j. ~40-zj I. T t.~ L4 mrficacy of Am--=02. by N. 1. Liel---cmdMV, P., Gtrf~em, N. S. Garin, K, G. GnpocILIM. pp VmCCIJXDPxq?bylaxi.s In the USAp by P. 1. iharomovj RMIAN,. porp Zbur MiksobUap JtPldwJ i Mm=biol., Vol xn,. no lo's 2.9590 vp 130-1 - CIA 9048325 um sci - meamim Apr 60 -Y 7" hi -296 3 S-5377 11 Organi,zation of Anti-Bacterial Defense of the P,)pullation in the Uaited State3, bY K. G. Capochkol. G. G pp. RUSSIAII,, per, Mar Kikrobiol 41dentol i Immunobiol, Val WC, No 7, 1959, -up 118-lP-L. im-L-loo4-N Sci - Med - Bacteriology Oct 59 ~yr' Clinical Ficimra vzd~ Epidemiology of Carta= loesti Mwou Im9ectiousi. by K. 0. Oqpocbko4 N. S. Garin, V. A. LabodJwkiy. MSOXM,, per# Arkbiv Pstologiij, Vol M., no 12,, 1959., vp 74s, 75. CIA 9"337 USDA Sol - MMUCIM Apr 6o T'he Clinical Picture and Rpidewlolo&~ of Some I Little-Knova Infectious Diseases., by K. G. Gapochko, H. S. rmarin, V. A. Lebedinskiy, 165 PP. MSSIAH,p bk,, lainika i Epidemin giYa liekotorykh Mlo:Lzvestaykj Wekts:Ly, 1957, 216pp. JPM 3413 Sai - MFA ~Am GO Reactogenioity and Effectiveness of Aerogenie Vacoination Against Certain Zoonooeo# by N. 1. Aleksandrov, N. Ye. Gefens N. S, Wwinp K. 0. Gapoohko,, 1. 1, Deal I -borgp V & X.-Mro-ov - - , =WZWO w per# Voyemo PAd Zhurp No 12,1 MoSooV# Deo 1958,v pp 34-~~ US JpRS M7*9 71, Y~L&%/ -S TLie Org=izationof -Antibacteriolo6-ical-Ci-ril-D~------- fense in the IUSA., by K. G. Gapochko., G. G. Gramozdov, 5 pp- RUSSIAN, per., Zhur Mikroblol Epidemiol i Immunobiol, vol XXX# No 7. 1959j. pp 118-121. Pergamon Press Scl Aug 60 MO HY-1658 The rundamntal Problem of the Spidesiology,, ClinIC&I Man=estiLtium., and Prophylaxis of Tellow Pvmrp by.As 0. Gaj~xhko,, N. S. Garlu., V. A. Lebedinaklyt 13 pp- rWS$VLnO parp Vqyenz*4%dItsInskIy Eburmi., No 8. u Hoseow, Aus 1955.v vp 57-65. US JPMIIM-L-446 usa Sol - Ned Doe 58 Vaccine Prophylaxis in the USSR, by P. N. Burgasov,, ..K._ G...qs~pqq0o., 6 pp - RUSSIAN, per., Zhur Mikrobiol Epidemiol i Immunobiol., Vol XXX,, No 10p 1999j, PP 130-136. PP Sci Sep 60 /,:?;71 6-,~-7 Ccrtain Cha.-acteristics Of the Clinical of "Lcninogorsk. Encephalitis", by H. CT~ RUSSIANP mo PC:,,, Voyenno Med Zhur, No 9, 1-Ms.cow, Sep 1959., pp 4Z.45 US JPRS Z061-N OF DIMATIN Rr~-,cTted at tly., Nietx~rlcrv C-onginme (nw. 5) 19 Inm 211. bp 13refs. OrJer from SLA $1. 10, T-1 -5 i - I n V94 Trims. of Russ Lot! FUIW-~airiidieskDc ObelichestwQ. Zliurmal, 1930. Y. 62, p. 1385-1393. (Chc7T.,sEry--Orpntc, 17. v. 12. no. 7) F. S. OF DICLEIT- t,,'YJTr--CAi Mcm~eicty hr 15rels. 0--w: from SLA $1. 10 r r i%r. cl R Lo a &= F i z I Ira - Mo m Ic hes toe OW.A: hes vo. Zhurul, 1930. v. 62. p. 1385-1393. Wzwmtotry- -Organic. 7T. v. 12. no. 7) U Adsorptioa of Water Vapour by kluminosililcaiw--a, by I.. A. zulav, E. li. _qqpp~l' 8 pp. RUSSIMI, per, Pochvavedenie, ~lo 8, 3-943, PP 13-19. Sai 11'r Centor 1 ~166 RT-2364 01 Scientific - Chemistry Doe 55 CTS/DEX Mirmatographic Ion-Exchange Adsorption, by E. W. Gapan and T. B. Gapons 27 pp. RMIMp perj, Zhur Fiz Xhim,, vol x)=, 1948, pp 859-".. 979-99D. SLA R-2189 Sci Aug 58 -7!9 / 6 S / pll~ Dyn=ics of Ion Exchanget by Es He Gapon and $ T. B- Gapon, 14 pp. - RVSSIM,, per,, Zhur Prik Khim., Vol XXI' 1948s PP 937-947- SLA R-2194 sci Aug 58 ~w 1 16 / it Ucbetrege of Ions Between Solid and Liquid Phasem. Ma, by Es W. Guyon, IMCUSSIFIED RUSSIAM,, per# Zhur Pis Xhl*,, Vol XX,, No 3., 19460 IV 297-302. Insdoc T.623 Beleatific - Physics Zan 55 CTS Xndlam National Bel Doe Center, Ratl Physical Lab of Indla, R112 Ide Rd.,, Now Delhi, 12,, India, Dynamics of ton Exchange, by E. H- GOP= and $ T. B. Gaponp 14 pp. mWIM, perj. Zhur Prik Xhim., Vol XXr 1948p Pp 937-947- sLA R-2194 Sci Aug 58 Ii"- I/~ 4 CbxrAmatographic Ion-Exchange Adsorption, by E. N. Gopon and T. B. Gaponp 27 pp. RMIM.. W., 2hur Fiz Map Vol Xl=,, 1948,, pp 859-869P 979-990- SLA R-2189 Sci Aug 58 -70 I~S /01-/ T"he Becondary Adsorption of ions on Aluminum Oxilo Alumimate, by 0. M. Obirvaeve, E-.__g._QUon, 4 pp. IMCIASSIFIM- MrSSIA3, perj, Zbur Anal Xhimp Vol VIII., No 1, 1.95'31 IPP 5.0-52. Conctiltante Bumau S.cleat.ific - Chemlatry AVp11zat1= I of the RadioahrowtAigmphic Method to the Stuay af the Dynmics ar Exabarqp Adoorj?fA-on of PboMftte 1= an MaorgavIc Adearboute, by S. N. .90MA..' Vol x0v I Rusalow, tbrice-w perp Dak Ak NwA SSMINO. 3, 195 pp Assoc Tech Sv XW ?J-407 sal - Chemistry 4a; g 4 Aug IVA " 'T~(Oj ?X%o ~-rc,cipitation Chromatoaraphy of Ions, by S. GELpon, 1. M. Delenkayal 14 pp. 1e MUO b Kolloid Zhurp Vol XlV,, lo 5, RUSS p (Sep-Occt)p 1952,0 pp 323-337. Consultants Bureau el ;L-0 S S cientifIc - Chemlstry Mar 54 CZAMM 9p (M- 25579) Raviev 'by V, V, Rachinskiy and T. B,..,Gappp-j_ of "Ghromatogmphy in Bicklogy," by Savel I vol 11 f , 4 pp. RUSSIOg mo per,, Zbur Hikroblol SpIdomiol i 1-1nob No 2. Moscovp Feb 1955, pp 108# 109. CIA/FM/U-T878 uasn 3 Sai - Biology,, biochemistry Feb 1956 CTS Cbromatoaaphic Methods for Thorough Piwification of Zinc and Cadmium Salt'n for the Prepamtion of Luminophors" by A. 14.-IGurvieb, 12. L.. qRMv H. RablIDOVICh.q 7 PP- RUSSIAN.. Mp We From.- No lp PP 31w34p 1956. Assoc.Tech Berv qqn5R Sci ?; Cbem Aug 58 Chromtogmphic Method of Purifying Hav Materials for the Symtbests of mulnophors (A), by A. M. Gurvich,, To. B...q~~ and M, So ftbinovichs 7 PP. RUBSTAN,, par,, It Ak Nauk SSSR,, Ser Piz, Vol XXI, No 5, 1957.r VP 656 -660. Colvmbla Tech Sci - Phym Aug 58 7/, 19d, may 6 W-5801) Absorption Chromatographic Method Involving Cmaplex Pc=ation, by T. V. Gapon,, A. H. Gurvich,, K. V, Scbmutow, 7 PP. RUSSIM, per, Vest Ak Nauk SM, No 10, 1960, PP 58-60, JPRS 9o67 Sci - Chem /S~q q'fj Once Again Indications for and Contralnu" cations to Sending Patients to Sanatoria by V. I. Gapon 1:1,VS~,"-UAN, mo per Voyenno Med Zhur, T.To 7, moscow, July 19&0, pp 65-68 US JPRS 7432 "/ S 0, Y,~,; ~; I 4 I i , .3 p I NO 10 a 0 pow"Phow #w tho 1 4 3v IL Soomwdft 13 pp. , 0 6 "VW to "*, ftA OVOP Ims"Is .9i.A '*ASO IZ*f USA33 flostibility uf Calculatlni; tpt,- syntlics"s Frow. the chloiai)hyll ccqtc~~it' V, 1, Caponenko. RUSSIAN. per, A Navuk BSSR, Doklady, Vol Vs, No 7, 1961, pp 311--314. NZDIA Sci-Cham Mar 63 C14 tinatics of Chlorophyll Turnover in BarIq and Tobacco Plants, by A. A. Shlyk, V. 1. -q~ne ~ko. 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Piz Ra3t, Vol IX, No S. 1962, pp 521-533. Ca Sci Al 914 0 '~? I /I Oct 63 ', Ccraparative Study of -CUorophyll Renewal in V.D11ous Parts of the Plant b A A. Shlyk, V, 1. qqRqqSgkgb 1. V6 Prad=, T. V. KW&tenko, 9 pp. RUSSIO,, per, Pislol FamUa4p Vol Vn., No 6, 196o,, pp ce5437- Awr Instit of Blol Sol 14 7 sep 61 of tl.s '-.!icrobial Mase, by T.1%.. Gaponeakov;, L.Y. Shbtswarn- pp &SSIAN, liar, MikrobiologiVa, No 2~, igbl;, pp 271 - 274. AIBS Sci Apr b2 by T . I",, Clayozcak-ovo Z. J. Protsenkto, 2 pp. R13SBIAN, rpt.. The University of Higher Education of MSR, Food Technology Divisionj, No Ij, 1958j. Pr 1-3-47. CIAIFDD X-3530 Sci - Bial YMY 59 7, /9/.~, ~j The Mosyntbesis of Plant Pectin Substances, by T. K. Goponenkovo 5 PP- RMSIAN,, per,, Biokblmiyap Vol XXII,, So 31, 1957o PP 565-%7- Consultants Bureau Scl - Ned MY 58 6 4~ ?/",P, The Splitting of Pectin Compounds by &izymes of Hicroorganisms and the Chemical Nature of the End Products., by T. K. Gaponenkov., Z. 1. Frotsenko, 3 PP. RUSSIAN,, pary Mkrobiologiya, Vol XXIXt No 5, 196o., pp 668-672. AIBS Sci /,5 -7,, 5- 6 '2- Jul 6' 1 to the V4tho~Lm of 1001ation, b.'r, Z. I. Protsenko., 4 pp. AUSSM, parp Zhur PrIk Mdm,, Vol XXXI, No 2j, 1958, PP 319-3P-I. Consultanta Bureau ch(m Dkr 59 Pectic Wbstances of the Ounflover, by T. K. Ompoamiloov.. Z. i. rroteenk , 4 pp. HUSMW,, no per Zb= Prik falims Vol xxlxj, so 9., Sep 3.9%., pp !U4-"1'"4"46. conmitatits Bare= sci - cbm' try J~2 J- ft 57 2M lstu*cUon of CU)"4 IDAetr*u Down vith x3actrowhamue 11016 In c"Ity Aesomto"p by , . 2 V. IL Yalystows, 10 pp. Ao V. Goemy MWTM.t NOW, Mftotekb I KLektrou.. No 40 1962. AMM Sol 3bw 62 ZL7..916 RelatIvintle Dloperalm XWmUm rar Wav aUidjo System WIth Hall"I and Trocholdol XLectron BMW, by A. V. Gapowv;, 25 pp. RMINJ W.- U Vys&ikh Vabeb Zand, Bar a"larls, Val zv, Ib 3p IWp pp 547--m. ON 12TA Sol mr 62 i,--,Y ~ , , Ou the 'Iteory of the Traveling Wave Strophotron, by V. M. Bokovp A. V._?&pou*v,_25 pp. RUSSM, per,, Is V~sshfkh Uhheb Eand Faftofiz., Vol 321, Wo 5, 1960,9 JPRS T3T3 So: i ita 61 1661 34A (NY-4341) X) "0" Type Interaction in Systew With entrifiigal Focusing, by V. M. Bokov, A. V. Gaponov, PP. Ri.'BSIPM, per, Iz Vyoahikh Ucheb Zaved, MVO SSSR, 5Qr Radiofiz, Val II, No 5, 1959, PP 631, 832. JPRS 5439 zip 60 liultability of a S~Mtgda 02 k-CitGd Or-cinators With Roapect to Electrounawtic Perturbations., by A. V. Wpocovj. 5 pp HMI&Nj- Pcr,, Zllur AmIler I TOOX-at Fiz., V03. =C3X;. ITO 2(8).- 19b0.- PP 325-331- Alp Bov Blyn-JEW Vol X3ZE, No 2 Smi Aor 63. (NY-5P-30/Ul) Cbutributlona to the Tbaory of the Bleetro- xmg=tle Mmwk Vwm in Nmlinear Medium, by A. V. C (;. I. Prieftm, 24 pp. ._q K=IAX,q w,, nx Vyeab4kb Vabab Zaved - Ser Ilacuoria., Vol Mt no is 1960. JM 73TT S-ci Apr 61 ItEcitation of a 'j"rttnmdssion Line W"h IrractUlwar Slectrou M=ap by A. V. Gap-onov; 12. pp. AUSSM., per., I& VyasbUM Ucbiob Zay--dl P-idioliz" VOI XTj, NO 3) 1959s W 4434~9- ims Sci lqc>v 60 Interaotion Betweea Rle4trou Fl=ca arO Zlectnwguetic Vaves in Faveguides, by A. V, Gzponqv., 22 pp. RLW102 p--r,, Xs V~mshikh Ucheb ZAive6p Red tof Up vol n, No 3., M9,, PP U50-462 aw 5970 Sai mov 6o JMt=W; -07 A. V. Papomy Vz. AL. Mller, nw Per., Zbll Tualch Fizz, voll 10-71; I.-fo J,.P-., I?p Amr Imt of Pby-. ftV Pbp-m-ech -Pb7s Vbl I., So 12 sool - -VhyulcLl L'I'" 5 7 On tlut Theory of Thill fttiftatam kyA. V. 6004OV., 7 pp. RUSSIA, thrice-no per,, Dok Ak pauk spsR, VOI WV, 3.954,, P 13.93. Morris D. .$3.00 CSSR m 651'Fe,) model of the General Theory o Vachines, by A. V. Gaponov C,'3rAkl,, tbrice-mo perf Dok Ak Nauk SSSR ",;t)1 IJ."XCKT,., Ho 1, 1 Per 1953P pp 45-4 Hatl Sci Poundation Tr I Mysics Jul 53 CTS/DEX