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61-1-5532 Galakhov, P. N. NEW INSECnQDES AND THEIR EFFECTIVENESS Nav)-ye Insektitsidy I ikh Effelaivnost'). 9 Jan 61, lip. Trans. A-1226. Order frum LC or SLA mi$2.40. ph$3.30 61-15832 Trans. cd Zesbchita Rastenit lot Vrediteley I Bole=eyl (USSR) L960, v. S. no. 10, p. 30-33. Descriprions are presented of the following systernic organic phosphorus preparations: Mercaptophos (0.0- dieth)-l-2-etli~lmercaptLvthtithioptiosp',iate). Ck'ta- methyl (octsmethyltetraamide of pyrophosphoric acld~ M-81 ((CH30)2-PS'S'CH2CH2'S'C2H5), Metbylmer- captophos (0. 0-dimethyl-2-ethylmereaptoethylthio- phosphate); the following contact organic phosphorus preparations: Cnrbophot (a thick brow. liquid contain- ing 35% dicarbethoxyethyldiUdophosphate and 65% OP-7), Metaphog or Vofatox (dimethyl-4-nitrophenyl- thiophosphatc); the following chlorine organic prepara. tiom polychlorplnene, DOT dust with Chlonen. Estes (Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, TT, v. S. no. SWovet 1, Insecticides --Effectiveness 1 Gaiakhov, P. N. 11 Trans-A-1226 Datemination of Biliew in the Presenm of Flwsphmw., Iron., Copperp Hanqmmep and TitmAms by V. N, Golakb j, 6 pp. WV,(jj x11 RMSIMIP per# Zhur OM )MIM" Vol Iwo so do 1957# pp 4W-503. Cmnult=tz Bureau Sol - 0,16M AtAg 56 ~n Imstrment for the Automatio Seanning of Nuclear ~~-maoiona by the Television Raoter Met%4. I,, Tracking 3yetemo by A. E. Voronkovo A. 'I. Gdakt*ov, I. D. Aurimp 6 ppo 11-USS-tAff 11 er Pribory i Takh Eksper., 29 19KI ppe 6j--O- LU Hlgt Preasure Resea=h Equirmnt, by V~ A. G&Uktionov,, 8 yp. RUSSIM- ~aftro Vestaik Akadeidi Nauk SSSRj No 7, i46, PP 73-76. C,7D~ --t -, ': / ,-,t7 ) , Ma 15733 Sol.-sw 4 ) S-j '777 Oct 6e Holl's Tetrahe4ral Press for Obtaining Pree- suret up to 10-4 Atm at Texperaturea Up to 2000 Cs by L, F, Vereshchaglu, V. A. Galaktionov, V. V. Popovj, 4 pp. IRUSSIM, per., Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 4, 1-960, pp 1o6-109.- ISA SOL jday 61 AppamtuS for Hi& Preuure =d RI& Taqerature sith a Ccuica pistms by L. F. Ve=sbchvgln., 3. A. q44qqry~ A. A. Semrcbpm~, 3 PP. B=VA., per., Dok Ak Hauk SM, Vol ac=., Aa~-r-,, -(am mniw=)V pp 1059-. AIP Sov fts-Dok Vol Vs No 3 sci Jan 61 ""'f"A"ect thce- R%e~aervoir on ~.ha Flow u'L a St---eaia- of- Water at Supersonic Speed, by L. F. Vereshch-agin, A. A. Semerchan', P. 14. Filler, V. A. Gallaktionov, 6 pp- RUSSLAIT, per, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXVII, No 11, 1957, pp 2640-2646. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Tech Phys Vol II, No 11 Sai - Physics 6 (~ JU 58 ' S/v/ C-c"ti. of -a-- of Of LiquiLl Ismi3mg Frcm a Nozzle at llweoswap, xip to 1500 Atmophereop by L. F. Vereshchagir... A, A, Semrwhart., A.. 1. V"Iraov., V. A. 7 PP- 1;kN!BIAH,, mo per.. Dm= rVokh M) Vol =,, Nb 11) I E MY .1956j. PP 2:570-2577. Amer Lwt of Ph)m SOV Pb3Mj, TeCh PkW Vol 1., M, 11 Nwaies Nor 57 'y mftwm no IWMIAL no = I% W VL So. QMj6 Y. I FP* =% m6r". MM CM SWWOT401 IWD % on too* 4w am AwAb 3*A33 1111,4111R lift liNg fill fM IIIH RIA -I Elto I U i VVIJR~ My 7L ol kaourren-ea or -in -ru Oxidized ZmP3 of Sulfide Deposits, by 11, 1- Razankov, G. F. Galaktionava, RUSSIAN, per, Oeckhim, No 1F 1962. Geochen Soo sa-I mar 63 ..2 I. I !~rfcct of Hydrogen on the Properties of Alloll's, by 11. it. Galaktionoob AISSLMA., thrice-mo peer.. Dok Ak'.%u- SSSR, Vol XCIX, No 3s 1954., pp hil-413, Brutcher Tr 34118 02-85 Scientific Min/kietals, Chemistry jul 55 CTIS GALAKTIONOVA, 11. A. Role of Hydrogen in theormation of Flakes. !ZVESTIYA AKADF14II NAUK SSSR, OTN, 19h9, No 11, pp 1666-74; 4300 words. -k, 7~,~ jan 61 (14-0~85) common vatch., by cortua galau 6 pp. RVANWI bk, Zonarea SaologLea a Plantelor AVIcole in RPR., 1960j. vp 229-231. im 6545 Mur - Bumnia Beau *4 ;~ j*a,3 61 , ~3 A Study of the So-Called Ferritic Layer of ROsioUnce Butt-welded Joint* in Lov-Carbon, Unalloyed Steels, by P. Galan, X. Utnansky, SLOM ver.4 Uaraosky Oboralk., Vol 3X,, No 3, 1960, P? 367-3-19- HT 197 sat - Phys 14 ~ lzrrv 4 Sep 61 ,T.434./64 The Ploads of ZmmuTeatlon, by Victor Rico Gain 9 -P -, t 4' EMAMSH mono Los Candn" cla In Zam=-eccicn. itua 196C, 8 , W pp- 4~ ~ImmuwMC-10412 Lk - DLvdnlcan HO Pk-A Apr 64 Y4t*rrj" With FS401 costro an the negate at Ims viost to a* ft"Los 044% ty Victor 4 W &DaM OMMUL US SOU64 #w#- fLowep No Ts 1963* *A lb 1 I* Momp A450,- AoldmWW# Mbdoo Mr. Dot at auto TA - Cabso Malm e3To55 63 TIUSSLAII., per, Fitiol PacUniyj Vol IMI: No 5s r-ti, 547-554. A338 Set Jim 64 -7 7 P-Cactor 'i"'2cory, ilaZ-i; 12 Dy uulmidn. L RUSSIP.So bl,-., 19,59. Sci a ITVaica Oct 59 ~Zd Ilucleon-imoleon Scattering In the Two-mason Apprwd-- mntion vktb Account of Pion-pion Interaction Br A. D. Oalanin and A. F. Orashin py RMSUNs per, Zkrw Skoper t Teant.Fixi Val X1.111j, NO 60 19620 OV-45-2254 Amer Inat of Pbye Saw phys - JW Vol XvI. No 6 Sol 6.2'? Thcrmalization of Neutrons in a Heretogenous Reactor, by A. D. Galanin, I-- RUSSIAll, ~k, '0 T~--rmalizatsii Neytronov v h*-1960 PP 1-17. Getero,Sermom R66kt&re-J,_ L) *AEC Sci Aug 61 T,ist 56 _-_.: , -': ~-~ .- - :' cm- ZZ - - L; Aile,111ar 14cccatum Statea, by A, D- Gallanin, 3 Pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Zbur Omper i Taoret Piz, Vol =v= 140 1, 196o.. pp 243-247- Amer Dmt of Phys Sov Phys - JLTLP Vol X1, No I Sai Aug 6o 2 11 114 GALANIN A. D. Fr-l Theory of a heterogeneous reactor featuring cylindrical fuel elements with finite radius Thdorie d1un r6acteur hdtdrogL%ne avec des cartouches cylindriques de rayon fini Unpublished report CEA-R 880 - French E u r a t o m Sao- Therial Coefficient-In-a H-st-erogeneouc Romotorp by As D. GO-nin. BUSSIM# paper P/6". of laterns- tioMa COufft"am an P"oeftl Vow of Atwdc MIOMW USIA at Owsms 8-2D AM M5p Vbj V. biternau coof -- UN SOL - moolear Pb7sics !9-4-6 Alcr 57 m 1-669.9.162 11-ic-n-liucicon IL-.1plitude With Acco,-lj;p.'L; o-',' 'F/ 7/- InLcrac,tion. b- A. D. Gaalan'ji, A. F. G- sh-Tn J D nil. RUSSDulf, lier, Zhiar E',sper i Teoret. I Vul XLI, "-- _i - 2, 1- 1 AIP Sov Yhys--jy2p Vol XIV, ::o 2, Sci 12 Jun 193, 0~41 00 VIO FOCI FlIbility Ot rOX-M-latirls a ?4--Scm Tb;eO!-J With Swi-aral Fieldsp by A. D. 3unin 5 pp. IMS.Mis w porp Zh= Eksper L Tle-o-ret Piz,, Vol )0=1, Ito 3p 3.9571, Pp 552-55-8. Awr Mut of Fkyn sov rho-im. Vol Vo So 3 ,3-e- Set - plla~lcs HOV 57 Tbarmal Reactor Replators I Efficiency, by A. D. RLULWj poor P/688., Proceedings of Confemnae on Peaceful Uses of Atmic Energy BWA At Clanevas 8-20 Aug 1955j. Vol V. D2texmatl Couf -- UN .fe.3- 'p-r Naaear PbWeles Apr 57 crA 1-669.9.162 AbsarpUou auLl bbltiplicatim of the UDO-aratina NeutTow In the Tw-O~ 93omyjr by A. D. WNIMP VqW P/()47* PI !up of mmternvi- tloml OwA%zww an Poaceftl Um of AumU Immw MA st"Onevaj, S-m mg 29"s Vol V. 3ht4Tmt3L Omf - UN oref Apr 57 czA 1-60.9.162 Application of the Method oE Effective -Ekraudary Conditions for Calculating the Critical Dimensions of Reactors, by Ao Do Imman pwr P6&.. Proce0aiNp or in mtj=f%I Confermm on Pewaftl Usm of Atomle EmmW Held at Ganalm., 8-2D Ang M5j Vol V. latermatl Couf -- UN Bel - Ifticlear Pb7sics 41, 5 1 CIA 1-669.9-162 Micleon-Racloon Scatterirrg in the Two-l-leson ,hpproxiintion for Large Orbital Angular Momenta, by A.D. %jArdnj A.F. Grashin, P.L. Joffo, I.Ta. Pomaramirbuk,, 9 pp, RUSSIAV, par, Zhur Eksper I Teorst Fiz, Vol XXXVIII, No ?, 1960j, pp 475-488. AJP Sov Phys - JETP Vol )U.. Vo 2 Sci Vov 6c) On the Collisions of Nucleons With Large Orbital Angular Momentumj, by A. D. GaIgpiR, A. P. Grashin,, B. L. Yoffe$ I. Y&. Poweranchuk, 1-1 pp. RIBBIAV per Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fizj, Vol XXXVII., No 6(1o1, 1990, PP 1663-1679- Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phy8 - JRTP Sci - Mysics Vol XXXVIis (lo)p No 6 jul 6o The Asymptotic Greenle Functicra of Nucleon and Re-son in Pseudo-Scalar nmV vith Week Interaction, by A. D. GoJenins BO 1. Ta. nt-tw1c, 9 -Op MEGUN# b1mo per,, Ekqper I 76cret Fi-j, Vol Jul 1955s pp 51-63. CIA C 41569 Awarloan lust of Pbysics "I Scientific - Pbysics WY 56 M/d= - Of Neuti-onu in ROEESIBLAI,i, bk, 0 Toiartlizataii Ncylu-rono-v v Get-crogemloma T-r-1677 Set - Mlyl." D,-r: (A The Theory-of Heterogeneous Slugs of Finite Radius, by A.. B., P. Kochurav, 11 ]pp. RUSSIAN, per, Atom Energiya, 1963, pp lo7-3.14. SDi jun 64 Reactors With D. Galmnin, Vol XV, No 2, CB 262,312 Calculation of the Themil Utilization Factor ( fk Reviev), by A. D. Galaa:Ln ,-6 pp. RU3SIAN, bk, 0 Vychislenii Nbeffitaianta Teplovogo lzpol I zawmiya, 1960. r AEC TA-4678 Sel - Thic Phys Feb 62 / P..-7 , -r0 0 Theory of Heterogeneous Reactors with Cyliadrical Lumps of a Finite Radius, by A. D. Galanin, 10 pp. RUSSLO, per, Atomasys Energ, Vol IX, No 3, 1961, pp 69-97- CE Sai / 46 4 M/ sep 61 sll~q I Liz] It [if IN [I ill I I fte Tlbwry of gbarml-geutron rmlear MacW"jq by .-t- D. 3b, pp. IM11110RO *VpUv"t No 2-3 to AtamulA Snerwas 1957a UWAYS Y'WI9rvYkb- 9033743-C Mml 5T1 Bu"au Naar Uts a W 2 4W.00 CyltA=l DJ=nniaw of a Haterossawas amwbow With a Sw3l Dmber of Mu~pj. by A. D. Wain. manwo V"?W P1663j, prommaw of ut=ma- tiaml comfoxift" an Pftooftl Vem at Atmdc H" at Omwmp 8-20 Aug 1"5.s Vca V. 8o$. - RanUar PW*Ue APT 57 Utexama War - In CIA 1-669.9.2,62 ati ri of of ,S'hche2.ochrr,j.m Elemntam. 1958p p_D 87-,06. 63 The Thermal Decomposition of Uranium Ammonium Pentaffluoride, by N. P. _U, B. N. Sudarikov, 3 pp. _SRI)d RUSSIAN, per, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol XI, No 6, 1961, pp 554-555. CB Ang Sci Aug 62 209,933 Tq=vy of Ruclems.- ;'~z.~act-cra, by A. D. Galamiap 296 pp. RUSSIMU., bk. Cousultants Buxesu s6o.oo 5 may Eb MwAun-Gre-phite rWmactor ulth SuVorlias~-d RiLdi From=m Stem, by Ifs A. Dollezhai, A. L Zmsin, P. 1. A* 17. GeL~rlyants, 1. Ta. fttllymbov.. 3. Me Euguahw., Me He blinarbin, Tu, 1. Mtise7o S., V. Mrinaklys Be 73. Sharapov, 22 pp. MEMO.- per, Atcm &erg, vol x, Mb 3, 19/58, pp 228-244. CD oot 59 Working and Uving Swing Umsto= 1D. ttm. Moldri-illar-, SS.R., 1-Y K. P- Galania.,219 pp, RUSSIM, bk.. Hazrobatka i Primenealw, ]OU'ayth Ivv4istzWaov v Holdevskoy SSR, 1959, pp 2-247. am 9854 USSR Ecom /C 1~2 / e~~ / Aug 61 lAmineseent Solutims, by H. D. Ga3anJn, 64 pp. MWIM, per, Tru4y Flz Inst Ak Nauk MRj Piz Inst i=mi P. w. iebodam, vol xu, 196o.. PP 3-53- Am Tr-5o67 SrA - FIKVIS Jun 62 Litt 69 / ?;7, oil IbL- 17 Jl_a~~Ion uen W4A 0. the absorption bang) and the of the Excited State of Molecules, by M, D. Galanin and Z. A. Cbizhikova, 4 pp. RUSSTAM,, Zer,, Is Ak Nauk, gar Fix, Vol nIIp NO 9,, 1938., PP 1031-1034- Columbia Nch sci Dir, 59 Gf F,T Substanceo Upon E-'--:ciWtion by C,- by H. D. Gal;nin, Z. A. Chizhikova, 8 pp~ IWISSIPJT,, por, Ortik--- i Spektro3koptyr., Vol )'V,, 1958, pp 3.96-202. AIEC Tr 3549 Mir 59 lnvmati~ghtioa o.C SzIntillators CoataininZ, Boma-4k%~,anle ConVounds, by A. N. Nikitinal, H. ID* GLLqp;4p F. Mo Aronovlctbj, T. A. abebazolsvas B" M. mmauov" 3 pp. r=uu . ar, Xz Ak gat* SSMv Ser Piz, Vol )D=j, No lp 19.A.. pp 12-13. OalUmb" Tech got - pkiyu Nhr 59 or .7 01"-1 The Absolute Lumin-e-s-cerice-7deld for Y-Sciatilla- tions in a Naphthalene CryaliAl With Antbracene, by It. D. Mae Gri 59pi; A. P. shin, 8 pp. RMIAN,, m per., Mar !~Mr L Teoret Fiz, Vol xxxp No 1j, Jan Mv pp 33-41. Amer lust of Mysica Vol 1U.. No 1 Soviet Pbysicsj, MM JNTP Sci - Physics *Ii~, 6-11 Apr 57 CM The Eff kiamy of r - umll lllai-Tl As a Function ct the Concentration of Tb-,-42ium., by L. M. SelVeyevp It. Do Quaaninp Z. Lc,14oi~j3en,:;Iit4arn.% Zia AG filliddlime MJGSIASj thrlpe-mo perp Ook JU." Muk MM SSSR# Vol CVt No li, V 57. Camultkants Bureau Scierrbitic - Physics $3-50 .T7 C~- T~2- AVG 19% j Experimental Investigations of the Migration of Energy in Fluorescent Solutions., by S. I. Vavilov, M. D. Galanin, F. M. Pekerman. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, bimo per, Iz Ak 'Nakk SSSR, Ser Fit, Vol XII, No 1, 1949. Navy Tr 248/NRL 312 PA 36/49T101 Nov cts Field 20E. 20r. 20L Galanin, K D.; Leontovich. A. 3.I.; ChlzMkova. Z. A. COHERENCE AND BEAM DIRECTIVITY or AN OIMCAL 1. Aerospace Information Div., RUBY OSCILLATOR. 6 Dec 63, 5p. 2refs. AID-T-63-119ei Library of Congress. A0-621 803. WashinIfton, D, C. Order from CFSTI or ETC: HC$I.G0. UF$0.50 as AD-,621 603 Trans. of Zhurnal Eks men &1711 Teuretlyhezk~i Fund wsa-fi]-M nT r A 3 G%'~l A '!P IAminescence of Organic Materials und r the Influence of Particles and H&rd Radiation.. by H. D. amianin, 6 pp. NBSUS, per,, Is Ak Nauk SSSR,, Ber Fizp Vol XX., no 4., Apr 1956., pp 392-396. Colum.bim,Teab Sci - ptwsice ~7d *y 57 11-4 / ~IliE a ~, Z3 Solutions, by M. C-L, Pus-:IiM4~ z)t--i- ,Iz Ak U-puk SSSR, Ser '-,iz, Vol XV, A951, Pil 543-550. AEC Tr 4042 Sc i - phys jW-1 60 Tiwis.-'er of Excitation Energy From the Solvent to 'the Dissolved Laminophor in Liquid and Solid Solutions.. by T. P. Belikova., H.' D. Galanln,, Z. A. Chizhikova, 4 pp. IWSSrMp per, Iz Ak Nauk SMp Ser Piz$ Vol XXp Igo 4, Apr i95,4: PP 384-387. ColuraAa itch Bei - Physics MV 57 The Problem of the Effect of ConceutrLtioi-.' or, tbla LmIneacence. of Solutionv,, by ~,. D 1~. irdu, 9 pp. RUSSIA];,, b1mo parp Zhar Eksper i Teoret Pit, Vol )MVIII, Apr 19~5, pp 485-1,,,95. c-TA c 4o846 Amerivin Inat of Phyeics 57 rast 55 St. Nev York 22, Ii. Y. "Clen, :~' .? -7 . rAfic - Physiza -~ / 6 s I Darjo4on of the Excited State of Molecules and Properties of Fluorescent,#autlons, by M. D. pp. RUBSTANj, per, Trudy Piz Imt Ak Nauk SSSRI , Fit Inst Imni P. N. rAbodeva, Vol V, 1950, PP 339-366- Am Tr -46w. Sci - phys CD Aug 61 Duimtioa of the Excited State of Molecules and Properties of Fluorescent Solutims, b-.%7 46 pp. mL m. ii. 'gai n ussum .......... .. .... p4 RUSSM, per, Trudy Fix Iust, Ak Vauk USEM., Vol VO 19501 YP 340-386- ?,079-- 55 ? navy Tr 1096/iML 496 /5~rc - 4 ~- - ~~ "; c? Saimt1fic - Rucleak Fbysics Dec 54 mslma Al- 5-3 On the Camuee for tho Dependence of the Luminesccnzc yield of Orgamic Substances on the Energy of t-he Ionizing ftrticlesj bjr H. D. Galanin, 7 PP- RUSSURp perj, Optika i SpektroskopiyaA Vol IV; 1958a PP 758-7602- AEC Tr 35o6 Sci - Phys Yeb 59 gv, S d ~ !W6l-t.!j~!!,.-,,.f11 Wire clii] ~- G e c J. -- z i s t 22 Jul (wn,q,t, A.U-Union CemferCUCe On WthO44 fOr tht DACMIZ,- tt-iozi tAl" amall Azw-wunto of Rediouctive Substimcco its tbr.- Outer Xtndjem, by H. 1P, (kaavln, AUSSZMT, via LIO =8 19,481 JM 1237-M Oci d Yjar 59, .4. T'MnM5'Qr Oil QWItRUOU 11MZW In Arkth-.a-~:enV Crystals Contalning Xaphtbacene ap Impurity, by 1U!-D,Qa1&n6ins-Z. A. Mzhikoval, 8 pp. UNCIA3SIP13M MMUS, pars OpUka I apektrookoplya, Vol 11 wo 29 19560 vp i75-iW. cxk go32M ACGII 997 Sai - Chan 7,v, Sr -1, .9 Out 56 s-3g!/61 (NY-3455). ZublislumUt of Standard Vialuest of Gener'al Vibr&UCU, by Ye. T13. Andm7Ova'Q&lsnilml 10 pp. jRUi;3L43, per, OW Tru" i Pr'Ofe-soloaallmne W~010,mxdya# vol m, No 6p 1999) PP 3-8. JM 2419 aci - Omd A;w 60 //9 ~?p ~ Mect of ame C-h=icr-1 Compoundr. on the PrAuctl(m of Btrepto~iu by ActimMms xUreptcupimi Strain IJ3-1m, by-,L. A. (;&bLniMj Fe A* Matovs 3 Wj im= Pw Doit a aa amp voi =n AM 100 of Dial Sci Me, 7-!5 Uw 60 ;W --eixtro= oa cf Captured llcutro:o, (Paz-o S. ilikitin., S. 14 Sul. urulc"14in" N. 1'. Galauiua.. P. A. BaUdn,, 20 pp. Full trarglation. RUSSIMI, bk,, Conference of US"SR on the Peacoful Uses 1955, SeGsion of the Div Sciencoo, C-PO the Acad of Sci of the of Ato=ic Energy, 1-5 jifi- of 347:~44a 25~ Ve" St4 - Nuclear Work Conditions for Ralar Beet Opcretorc and the Possible Preventive PRaBures Against Fatigue and Eye Tiredness, by K. F. Galanin,~ B. L. PoIyah., V. V. Vblk.ov V' --Medvedev, 6 pp. .t V. I. KricM45., -I. MUM., per. VoyennfnaA4&Leekft- Zhur, No q.. 1954 Encl to AFOTII-Ul, IR-1503-57, AF 2110295 LMW. Soc - Health Sci - Med Jul 57 of the Spi-ma of Ft196 on t-)irj Wools of Qu= ltvu Baitted in the G-;pture c, Rv3onrmce Neutrons, by N. D. Gilanina, B. F, Miva.rti.-,mn,, A. Va. DiB=ntA 4 -95- RUSSLIA, par,, Zhar &slmr i Tt:oret Piz.. Vol XXXVIII- la~ 5. 1960, pp 1446-1450. AIP SOV Phy-3-imp Vol x1s 110 5 I/,YJI'- ,S) a i Dn 60 ma Certain RagulariUes D g Ithe 71mumal of a-Dod i rt. S. wAnInIL a 0c= me e1 1~ aut As S., Wakr*mwj, 2 pp. M3WNp OrJac-m perq Dok Ak N=k 8=0 Val cv 0 go 22 WIM pp 251-252. Sol - chominta Jan W m 5 Muvea;Agati,nax of the AlkWlation =d h5alloolkylation c):r lla=nlb Witu ~Uyj %lides in kthe Pinsence of a I~orcm TrUluckri4a C-at"ti, by Ya. U. Pwishkins 3braga 2!!AL9 5 VD- iRUBSTAN,, pmr,, Dok Ak Muk SMY Qr.QQ:!d sactical Vol ZIXLvno no -1-6.. loes pp 85~- zm Set 40, Oct 63 3 q A .'ie- Statiw of Cardiac Surgery and the .!:'rospect of its Development, by N. K. ,2alankin i-LISSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Med Zhur, No 11, ;':oscow, Nov 1960, pp 45-48 US V-PRS 7993 7 '7./ Wining a Method of AswW Auslyids for PolymeteWc Dme md Producta of their Trestmmitj, by X,A. Galanidna and Vol. Dogrovap 5 ppo MOWMIS, pers Zavod Imbs Vol I=* so go 19659 pp. ioI4-m*6. IS& sai Apr 64 256s015 Aarjaying of Ores =d Products of Non-Ferrous MataUllra With the Use of CWW 0 Fmalon,, by E. A. WAnkinam V. I. Bagrovap 13 PP- SMWOA~~ G'U-Aonux aftimlau Testing Fwactors RVSSIU# perp Awals Rod MovetaM Dktal I Froduktov lkt Pererabotki, Sbornik Nwwb Trudovp Zo 12P 1956, 99 45-9. ABC TT-W Sci 26 Oct 60 6 tizi(~ L it) -Aduii li-A Cancer, by D. S. G~--~ C. i4 pp. Gil-l--'.-,'- uer, Ch-'miLw Chrouillm, Vo.-, ~LX V.1 7 j .)p 4: ? ~um 2 116'a -7 3c'.1 -- 'Mad '';%e Lamixtar Boundary Layer -of a Flat Fiutc Ln the Precenee of Dissocistioa, by Z- S, Gftlw*va,, 7 PP- 1XISSM., per,, Vent. Uningraftbigp Univ., ftr Mtomt Mekb I Astmu,* Vol XU,, No 1.960.- YP 95-99- 96 7 114 7 m mm-U90A 2o oat 61 ~ipectvaphotcm--trlc Determlnaucn of or Boron and Aluminium in Glasses, by A. A, Kefelis E. 1. Galants N. Is Vlasova, 3 PP- RUSSIAN,. per Zhur Weargan Kh1m., Vol V, No 8, 1.96D, VP !TM-17T3. Cleaver-bme Press Sai jul 61 / 5- 7, (0 2- p De"blopmut of RtmIjaw-M-o Calcium Pr~,-. duWon ToebmLoof = a Swei-Commercti . * Scale, by Me Orm=, A. GmLmAV,, 7 pp. Mffp pw,, fttl*onika, Vol Vj, No 01 1960P pp 5!M-557. AM Mr-4163 sc:E Jan 63 :-:.Io,595 SETM (NY-3667). "Diora" MdIo Plants in Dzierzoniow, by Bohdan Bmkmmki, Jaa Galar) Broaislava Stermm, 7 pp. POLLIM.. perp FrzeSlad Nechaniczny, Vol XVIII, No 22, Warsav, 25 Nov 1959, PP 741-744. ipEs 2684 REur - Poland Ecom - Ymufacturing Jun 6o //7,//7 .d The Reemstructim of the 0*=Aa to TreTaier Dridgep Arches of 153 Metere Spans by P. Dantu, I:. G& s 0. Ucouboj, 27 pp. (ID 975067) %,oQtsrn'ar= MOMO lper# Imaux.. go 3., 19551 rip 299-316. G-2, QBUBA G-4636 Sclettific - EnsineerLno JU 55 =SIM av Y -TT-65-26112 Fluid !IF CAUtovor. A. L. '-%Ft.t;F'%'CF I: - I A P %::XITE ET I)F.' L A VL-CE-ITTE 1. Centre Natin=- ~tc 12 IJ17 LAITIIJI rl-- 1141 1 1,0171INFAI 11 11 -11% TIM31,1114 DF-5VLrtTA%'r. rNi:S- Q P.103. Cruet frvm COLS Le lifl, -61 Tr&r.s, In Frewh , StA jJS~El v24 n6 ;~02-7 19". For Asot%or Ilpting of thip tourn4 -c 'Iranslated or Abs,rjcW RjhIlcjUuav.* in tWp Lvpu.-. A.-,' 0 51 ZS Pr-~,Iucticn --f Hi,-lit-Parit-Y 'Indi-um Antin-onic'-- b.,- Z-On- Fus,ion, by K. 1. Vinogradova, by V.V. Galavanov, by D. H. Naslit-dav, 8 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol Mll, No 9, 1957 pp 1~976-1984. Amer Inst of Phys Soy Phys-Tech Phys Vol IIJ, No 9 Sci-Pbys Jun 58 IA tll~~ Cit., u~ 'i'z- L 0. Yurt!i~-:r- Fa 01 lat, i c nc f t. 1 L, o l" 'Imnsports, by G. la-ulev; D. To tur,:~ F:0--noil',le Sine-le Axlc by A. GLI'l=-L, 22 pp. MOLASSMED ELISSINF, per,, Avtomobil'nyi Transport, Fu 5P 1.0; 17' 20. C-2, CCUS-A G-32551 Trnrtmportntion Ik!c)s 54 CTS Sci/Physics C The Effect of Temperature on the Duration of the Luminescence of Fluorescein Solutions, by IS. D. Galani-n. RUSSIAN., thrice-mo per., Dok.Ak Nauk SSSII Vol I.XX, No 6, 1950. Navy Tr 266/14RL 322 PA 165T68 Dee cts 19,50 r,7 /---Lloros ~~cnce u thc uration of Fluorescencc! 04-t-iiqFhase "lal-Inin. Ljj~TCjA5SjF]:Ejf T,SSD.1-,j ~Ilrice-mo per, Dok Ak -7T-1w: 3-r,- 701 L-:III, 'o Navy Tr 263/NRL 314 p Y- Oct cts A F 7 infliacn.ce of Iiisram-in on Excla-Inge Between CiT-culating Biccd and -Iqueous Hurtor, by G.j~~~ 3 P,) blllir-4 1TATIAN, Der, Sper. For, Vol VI, 1940, -)-j 515-520 ~ 'A sci-me6icine Far 5B SLA 57-1669 6ig, 9 ~?d k study of the struetwe of -GRUIUM In silicate Bo"villc*to Classes from the CbzW In Micir OpUcal VVoVwrUezp by I. I. P!;~~qtj 3 PP# Rmups Vero Dak Ak MMA Bms, Val CILP (CXU)p Ab 2p 1961" pp 417-419. 0 Ikd Aw 69 2W.,96)t Bomte An of the opticlkl kb.&^ 0 &&Qt a-.tJ_,izt and A. A. ApiOns 3 PP- porj, Zuhmr 7TV.- MMM, 1741-1743. cowult-r-uto Doe (Br-5531) Atypical Alcobolic Poychoseep by I. B. 9~~) 9 PP. A=IM, bkp Alkogoli=s 1959- MRS 794T scl /W 1 9 19 Apr 6L Y Thin Meduranes and Auto-supporting Coverings, .uy E. Y. Galantay. FRENCH SL-A per NC State College Jun 59 of tbc ---,W~cnt Iragc and Lhe 1Icch,-,i2-J!sm oL- Yhoto- Gi-aphic F--~vcm al, b~ Yc. It. Gnl--.:~shiu 10 pp. 111-131JUA por, ~JjUr IT" all i FotC~~ i iamp-LictoC,, Vol TV, No 4, 1959, PI, '253-2:56. sLA cb-i4153 Sci ltl 71 _vp 61 J Fhotogmphic Reversa Pheaomeaa, by R. A. G~~~ V. N. Tatevskiy. 1. RUSSLAII, per, 2hur - -Nauch i Prik Fotograf i Kinematos, vol IV, No 3, 1959, pp 175-182, DSIR LLU M-1833 (loan) sai - Phys /-'~ Y, ?6;7 oat 6o 'J'he Law of Darkening of the Photographic anulsion in the Region of Solarization, by E. A. Galashin. 4 pp RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol CXXVIII, No fj 1959, PP 752-754. Consultanto Bureau sci Aug 60 102 a '5-~2 Pitenamnon of I&tm Photo--grawhic Raver5al, by R. A. Galasbin V. 14. TatevskLy, 10 pp. No - ------ waaft I mtsSim" th'ica--mo per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Val C-TX,- No 2, 195b, pp 347-350. CIA/JFDD X-2638 Set - Physics 15 NOV. :57 .1