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On the Inwo DIstributlan In the Spectrtat or X-~ay Rmgtotrabluzk& by R Futbxj, IL Kule f0 =MXj, a* pwjl Z. ft"lk,, Vol I =Mvglg5k, pp 5834". AW Tr-2540 n Bel rb7sles On the Effect of l4a4tudiml Bores on the Reoldual Strenaeg of SMt Treated Mel CYLUderep by S. Fuabm,, 3~3.. p. GMWW,, perp Vwwimloe StaXwerke AktienweLUdhaft DmAw=dj, Mitt &us DwA Forschunpinstitut,, 1933j, Vol In,, No 8,, Vp 199-234. sai Aur 6o MA 59-M88 STUDIES 014 THE RATE OF CELL DIVISION OF THE LIVER IN MICE AND RATS WITH TRANSPLANTATIO14 TUMORS, BY U:,__FUQBSL,- D. URBANECK., ET ALj, 19 PP. GERMAN, PER, BEITR PATH ANAT, VOL CXXV, ig6i, PP 148-172. NIH 7-54-62 SCI % MED OCT 62 213,102 Cka Mox~~=2zv of tha "4.-&OmbLszl cylsLRITcU",a ItP by U. vwlasp 15 pp. @wpm,, pairs Arobiv Sur vol iar, 1958, pp )--)A. m 12-29 S*i - Mtd ftb 59 . * 7,~, -3.-Wl 4~- Mtw Dgt==jn&tUQ ce the Ogoluble' 11'ract-Igm A C*Ttaum ftum"p tw o. Fuchs. verv aw URRW# Val 19(9~I* W7-250. 58j, ct-VrO6 n 0, oci-cbm ika 66 305.0a Rosistance Problmg by W. Fusg!s. GHRMM,O per, Deutsche Botsmisthe Gosellschaft Boxichto, Vol LMUVO No go 19610 pp 343-358. CSIRO/No 6035 SCL-BIGI July 63 ..A?4 ;Pd 6 Contributaun to Pathological Phyziology, by N 0. Fuchs~ GERM. per, Angemandto Botanik, No 3,, 19S6, pp 141-245, CSIRO/No 6047 sci-laiol July 63 '936 .2 9 Y -XIL"Icna'. pp Fji.~J;s, W., Glaser, F.. and Bendel, E. FILTRATION ADSOR1111ON (1, iltrierende Adsorption), 19 Nov 59 171p. (foreign text included) 2 refs. Order from OTS oi- SLA $1. 10 60-13259 Trans. of Clietiiie-ingleiiieur]-Teclin[ik) (WcstGermany) 1959, v. 31, no. 10, p. 677-679. DESCRIPTORS: Chemical engineering, *Separation, *Adsorption, 'Organic solvents, Industrial research, Adsorbents. Theoretical and practical investigations have led to a new unit operation, termed "filtration adsorption. - An example is the separation of an unblown primary bitti- men. Finally. a definition shows the differences be- tween this operation and ordinary filtration and adsorp- tion. (Author) (Enginecring--Cfwinical, Tr, v. 8. no. 3) 00-13259 1. Fuchs, W. If. Glaser, F. 111. Bendel, E. IV. Bureau of Mincs, Washington, D. C. 5-15-62 Bulphur In Coal and Coal lyralyais,, by W. _&gha, G&MUM, per,, Brematoff-Chemlej, Vol 1=,, 1951,p vp W14-276. Dept of Int US Dw of Wnes central xxper sts pitts*8 ft. Tr 236 act - Cheus Paolo Jun 59 Reactiona and Reaction Poosibilitica of Copper and Ito Oxides in Boilers,, by W. ruche --nd R~ Graeser. per, Mitt VGB, go 40, Feb 1956p pp 26-30. Psm-m114 ac-I Aug 58 Filtration Adsorption., by W. Fucha,. F. Glaser., E. Betide!. CIEM0,31 VOIS i959. Dapt of Interior TB7 U57 No 256 Sci - chmm wov 6o i 9,q) -,?,"17 ) .'N F.Iect-,ochemical Dccompoc-ition Wood, by W. 14. Kischio, GMAEANI, per, Drdol und Kohle, Vol III, '40 1~!, 1959, PP 973-976. csmo 495o imestiestions or the Pimoaim or copper carrasicm in Stem ftwer WAtIonse i. fte Dumintion or Coffer in Ifiguy Duaw Aqmw= BOUMLOWsby, W. Fftbmjp JO 2"Ins"O G~p pers. mitt TM 8 up STS ft 19"s IV 6704"0 mm-am Sol Aft $9 Industrial Synthemia of Nitriles at High Preezure and ZIF-vated Temperatura,, by W, Fucbm and 7, Glaver, 17 pp. 'a WMA, per,, Cbem Ing Tech# Vol =111, No 11, 1956p pp 689-697. Assoc Tech Serv-34JI40 Bel 71 aug Cbmaralon and Possible ApplIcationti of Hydro- carbans, re= B14.=I=ja Coal Tof-fix-amperature Vxx bY K, A. Rumcber. ORRVA19 pt".1 grftl uztd Noble,, Vol VO IMt p 5610-5(os Dept or Int: Bur of Mines, Llvdte Expwqment Sul Gr&W rorka; N DeRoU. -TjV- q set - rmIQ'r Enfpr 4F-57 OV /71~17 . (/Ii/ N ~a 7 CWPDAtlon and Reactions of lLvdxvcExboau in 10.1- TewWasture Car'bmizatim Tamp by Valter PUchsj K. A. Hamrwher GERM pmr, Rldml md-Noble, ZKVOI Vs Feb 1952p PP B.C.A. TV Pool -T7 S 115~0 law otnott" or cbladuomd PtarvIZ4 cb3 lan't %w w4w ^Ube# DU*W MW% 260 WAF 1l 1 prs V4 22# 2=V Vigo 1w JAP30 MA mw or 327#31BT Particle Size and Mode of Action of Copper P-",pRmtjcn9,, bry W. H. Fuchs cz;,-A G. Sltelln~~-cb, ,"d J. Vogel. GMOIM, per, Bachrichtenbi Deut Fflanzenschl- diensts, vol VIII, No 9, Sep 1956,1 Pp 133- 135. ASLn-OB39 Sci Aug 58 62-18510 Fuchpjocbg_r_D_erhard and Schaible, Robert. WOCESS FOR CETERMDM4G THE ADHESIVENESS 1. Fuchslocher. G. OF THIN LAYERS TO SOLID BASES, AND APPARA- It. Schaible. R. TUS FOR CARRYING OUr THE PROCESS. [19621 111 . Patent (Germany) 1 122 289 6p. (figs. omitted) I ref. Order from OTS or S LA $ 1. 10 62-18510 Trans. of German patent 1, 122, 289. c1. 4 2 k 53, internat. cl. C 011 n. F 22892 tXb/42k. appl. 20 Apr grantod and pub. 18 ]an 62, by Forschungsinstitia fUr Pigmente tmd Lacks e.V. DESCRIPTORS: *Thin films, Coatings, Adhesion, Solids, *Adhesives, Test methods. 4'~ (Materials- -Adhesives, TT. v. 9, no. 6) TKhka um. F=hff 17-64-169,17 TIM INIF CE OP CON7M*JOt]S ENDODUODENAL 1. pwbffig.- P. SucpnON ON THE PAPILLA VATEM AND IM IKVOR TANCE IN PANCREATITIS ACLTrA Otm acm Eimnums] der Koodntdortichen Bodo&jodmalm Sm g g aid die PapMa Vateri wd lbre Boftvmg bd 80*0). Sp (I fig 2ftdgt omftbad). Order from SLA $1. 10 Tr-64-16937 Trwo. ct t==kxl Arctdv f1hr I Rt -Zeirschr-ift fur Chirurgie .(West_ GnnMD.1959. v. 292. P, 629-634. Onologbml Scientes-SurMy. TT. v. 12. no. 6) Tchal"l 5-1~ 63-20029 Fuchaman. METAL ALCOHOLATES AND PROCESS FOR 'MEIR 1. Title: Alcoholates PREPARATION. 11963) 13p Iref 1. Fuchomar, Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-2DO29 11. Patent (France) 1 300 521 Trans. of French patent 1, 300,521, appl. 14 Sep 61, delivered 25 Jun 62. by Ferro Corp. DESCRIPTORS:- *Alcohols, Metals, Win. Hydroaddes. Chemical reactions. Manufacturing methods. *Nickel compounds, *Sodium compouads, ObletalorgRutc com- pounds. Improved process for manufacture of inetal alcoholates in which the metal replaces the. hydrogen of an alcoholic hydroxyl by reacting a dIvalent metal salt of an alifatic monocarboxylic acid containing 2-30 carbons with an alcohol of the general formula; (Engineering- -Chemical, Tr, v. 10, no. 11) (over) SpontaneOLIS Solidification of Supercooled Li~Luids, by Chr. Fuchtbauer. GKRMAN SLA per NC State College Jun 59 Protoat or czachoslovM Writers Against-the Dasecration of the Work of Jullus ftaik,, b p. p %4dy np.- lutaws, noviw* SO 4j. preaw) Jan 560 v i U3 JP%DD-3-73 coo M- /10 Stur - C20eb Soc Jun 56 4,41,7111 A Study on the Anticoagulative Substances IV. A. Preliminary Characterization of the Vlain Metabblic Product of Peletan in Human Urine_, by Means of Paper Chromatography and Ultra Violet Spectrophotometry, _!~. F 4k,..Z,. Prochaska, J. Strot., L. Labler. by Ur CZECH, Chemicke Listy, Year 12 44, 1950, pp 140 14-2. FDD-x-578 National Insts of Health Bethesda, Maryland Biological Weapons and Defense Against Tbam., by Frantinek YWIMUL 6 pp. crFic.TAL usH omx bk CZWHO Imri, Nauc se Chrault Fred UcInky Zbrao;L Bromdmbo Hicenij, 1960., PP 29-34- im 740T Sci Iftd mar 61. T~ ~ DAUBLAIMIR, J. Technische Yatteilungen Krupp, For selyuiz a-'S~Ilri chtt- vol.2, 6 tables, 4900 -words; 1939. Determina-tion a-rid Separation of Columbiwr, and Tantalum in Steel by Precipitation with Phenylarso.,dc Acid or Sodium Bioarbonate v.-Ith the Addition of Hydrogt~:n Per- oxide. Bmtcher Trans., Order No., 1380, 35.90 111~0111-.U-w M. Technische I-litteilungen K~upp, A, Forschungs- Berichte, vol. 6, 2 figures, 1400-word abstract; 1943. Behavior of the Nitrides of Steel in Hydrogen and in C~ Vacuum with Special Reference to their Separation. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 1592 $2.10 ,,FU-"K - Archiv E"isenhfIttenwe son', vol. 18, ';!os. 3-4, 6 tables, 4600 words; 1941. The Application of Spot Reactions to 'Briatcher Trans., Order ':o. 1929, !~'4.60 Archiv Eisenhuttenwesen., vol. 18, 1944, nos. 3-4, pp. 50-56; 2 figures, 4300 words. The Applicatim of Spot Reactions to Steel. Pratcher Trans, Order No. 1831, $4.30 . T-orrRups., ]I. .2% PI-4 -_ IL j. T'Im.., Stahl Und Risen., vol, 699 9 fig=s, 2 tablet, ItSW viorcls'. 19119. Diffeivnt ftfthe3.,- Trump Order No. 2282o $4o809 A -) ')~ /y Tests With an Alternating Current N Glow Anemmeter Umd*r Steady Conditims,, by. V. 1 Fuckap G. Bcb=acher GMWMp p",p ZWB UK No 1189p 2944. Nattl Res councll Canaaa TT 58 Ammnantics F Womw PrIce 0o50 /1 e/1415 ai, -aLe suitability or Dariz Ourree. Dincbnrm -,r Diefugureumt of YlcFj Velocitiett of Gases (Daek Chunmut Auemawterpby WLZMk_8 GMIU&W,p parp ZUB UN NO 22020 19440 'or the Nha Rm Council Owada TZ 44 ~S Aeramatics Ciet . /6 /,go U1 CTB/AM Price 0,50 big-IP-roperties of the OmTeat Aneometer., by Wilbel= GMIMt Doutsohe Luftfabrtforo*bung.. Untm-sucheungen und lffttellw4gen No 3M3s, 4 Fab 1944. S.L.A. Tr Pool Aermautlas Scientific --u-0 mlpimdw =AM 111,3.31 Silemt Dark Current D16cbrrge in Air el, .~Amospboric Pressure and Ito Anemomtrical ACU, C,T--mm, par#. ZWB Ums go 3.205. Nattl Hen Council Canaft TT 78 oaleatific Aermm=cs Ji,a MAW Price 0.25 16.* 3,R3 C=Tent Aaan=tory by W. Fucks ammram, perp -Z-n--M-4j Do IL230P 1944. Natel Res C U Canwa TT S*j6ntjTja - Aaronmtleo irtil As/= Price 0925 DaV-r Ci-lTreat Anemometer- With Radioactlya 2=E InktLal loalzationjo WA*"IW GMWP w# MM UXp No -1299v 1944. Nattl Res Camell CanoAa T? 55 solentiTia - kaamuties / 'd- /Z// a W. m /D= Price 0.25 :0, KIX-ocesscs in TmmsenO. aud Div- Boxo~osed to Turbulent kirflovsp by Kettel :-7.07X, pe.3,-,, ZWB 1114 No 1452j, 1945. Nat'l Res Cat=il Canada Ti, 76 -,!2. CTS/DIME Price 0.25 (,o(-, kkamwemmto In Vartoz Stzeets With a Corona- Anmmmter.o _by X#-Zwikep~ P. W , Kettel GMMNM pert us ux No 3.4700 3944. FAtvl Res coman camada vp 65 sou-ntific - Aercmutics le, I /V.F Jt4t CTS/M PrIce 0.25 I Y%rl-.:-~ -1- by Yu. L. no No lcv Vol =X$ ps, 8.2-85. Tc:~ =i C= soi, - Oct lg!i6 (NY-1878) D. S. VORONTSOVIS PHENOMENON IN ONE NEUROMETOR UNIT, BY S. 1. FUDELI-OSIPOVA, 7 PP. RNI UKRAINIANJ$ PER FIZIOLOGICHNYY ZHUR, VOL VIII, NO 1., 1962, PP 3M3- JPRS 14868 SCI - MED AUG 62 2o8,419 of 17--~icit_abnity mid funct~,onal *T the Neimaiescular Appeimtuo ~n Warm- Vol lo 9p 3S62,, pp MM T-98-63 63 twv6l*) 4 esawmlt~ "Nomic"ICHUMMSINDSVICR mwmol~ w $06 F. ,mrj~ a 1. VOWW96 $1. -IL Wov.- OWIA, :OM F121490MOM IM06 VM Vill* 01 #p 30"o 14 im As .I Wo: - "WK ~ 0mat - Ala:& WJBAA'ntM Or Ms. t. to 4m, Iva U%TO ZAWX'*~ S. I. AGE CHANGES IN 7M EXCITAMUTY AND FUNC- MONAL MOSIU77 OF THE NEUROMJSCUIAR APPAPLAMS OF WARM-UOODED ANIMALS. ~[19631 [141p. 18 refs. FASEB manuscript no. S 260-2.1 Order from OTS or SIA $1.60 63-191193 Trans. of *Fiziologichesidi Zhurnal SUM, 1962. Y. 45. no. 9. p. 1099-1104. DESCRIPTORS, *Aging (ftysiology). Excitation. ONeuromuscular transmission. ftysiolop, *Animals. Stimulation. ------63-19393 1. Fudel'-Osipo-ts. S. 1. 11. FASEB S-280-2 111. Federation of American Societies for Bqwrimental Biology. Washington. D.C. IV. Scripta Technic&. Inc., Washington, D. C. r C~ r- A 02 4 A-3.- (Biological Sciences --ftysiolop. TT. V. 10, no. 5) "kedT The Sta4w aud Tca*hing of Physio.UW In India., by 8- 1- Pudc1'-004-P*Va, 5 370 MMXAE,, par. Flutal Zhur, SWR imani I. H. Sonhewva, Vol XLVO v0 9, 1959 Pp -7.32-,-- 735 Sai reb 6o (De-5049/1) Signif loance Of this Resolutiom of the NiutkL Plemm of the M) f or Xoon=tc Do-volopmut in East Germuww by 6, obael, 6 pp. -rmohae . OMM.. per# FeLogeTa&tetecbzlk,, Be gi :L96o., pp 377-379. JM 6677 aftnmw Feb 61 of 6 VOL pigs =tad LM 257,452 (DC,2900) THE APPLICATION OF COMPACT CONSTRUCTION IN POWER PLANT DESIGN AS A MEANS OF SAVING INVESTMENT AND OPERATING COSTS., BY W. f2E9~E~ 20 PP. GER94N., PER, ENERGIETECHINIK., VOL XII, No 6, 1962: PP 216-220. JPRS A921 EEUR - GERMANY ECON AUG 62 208,939 Plonser Develojuents In TLerra dal Fuego., 14 pp. FRIMM,, palr/iu~akle" X, 2ut"-Ner, 1w, .pp 105i--U5- (Coll 3b t ) AnW *p Bervice Vow - Ammee am A I % 7gy 12 Vkr 63 TT-65-11783 Field 60 TT-65-11783 _Fuehre C. 1. Fuehrer. C. THE COURSE OF THE PRESSURE APPLIED FOR TABLET- ING IN ECCENTRIC PRESSES. 18p, 2refs. Order frorn SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-11783 Trans, of Deutsche Avotheker-Zelftw (West Germany) v102 n27 P827-32 1962. AIR 620 ~ I ;~~` WRISII, 1114 till I El!".4 V111i I- Ht- 1 1wL~ Studiev In the Photochamictry of PIP-shl!ght, by K~, Wwkii Itt, Shlida aud Z, E=ori., 12 ppo JAPAMEs per J CImm Soc arlapanp Vol NWI v 1W)p bp 1W1536. ~6 5A LILA 57-3004 Bel AuES 58 J71) rf Sequential Statistical Test Methods In Pharmacology - Explanation Of Method In Terms Of Examples, by G. Puelgraff. GERMAN, per, Armeimittel-Forsehung (West Germany), 1965, P382-7 SIA TT-65-14i65 'L. FL) e-- 19 r- ci -ff C 344,803 The- Principle of Democratic Centralicm an6 BaIA?ming of Material Supplieu, by R. Fuelle Ca-ri-Juergen Strauss, 7 PP- GEM40, per., Ifteterialvirtsbaft, Vol DC, No 5, -Mar 1961, PP 1-3- JFM 85 n EBw - Germany e.9 Ecom jui 61 - - H - 11- q~ e L JL- F-' f.:~ Old ard liew Therapeutic Approaches to Aj*2 wd Ferlanal Dleeamag by Ho Mmller Gmmrp Perv MeaftAnizebo KUnIk, Vol 56. 196111 'PP 148-4-4 I= 71--15139-06E max 72 r1 yj t,- ola c 3-957., rm 89-94. Typos of Motion in the Linear Pinch MCfect and Runaw-ky Mectrons, by E. Fuenfer, G. Lehner, U. Tuezek,, 19 pp. GBRIAN, per, Z fuer Naturforschung, Vol XVa, 1060, 1)P 566-574. 9095567 Am NP Tr-J-314 sci - FIVS mar 62 '3-'2 &1 Elantic3ribers in the Phradentium, by A. Fuentes,, A. M. ftrlo do Larlau, 28 pp. SPANISH, per,, An fte Odoftol It Part Ila. 1955, 139- 157 pp. NM Tr 4-27 Sci - Red 5 -1 /-, '- S. - ~' :;,7 / MY 58 x ~F/ /0/ Chaos in Indonesia, by Daniel Jacinto.Fuent-ea,- 2 pp. UFCLASSIFIED SPANISHp d up, La Hors, 20 Mar 1958. Us JM/DC-L-350 FE --Indonesia Pal Jun 56 eA 6 -1/1 11 0 V Subolinical. Carrliuc States-in Chronic Tonsillitis, by L. qerve, D. 'Fuenzalicla. and BroOsky, S. Corrra, 12 pp. SPANIS i. i-jer, Rev. Ved. Chile , Vol LXX, 1942, !)--) 679- 685. STA 57-1655 Sci- Medicine Var 58 ,g / k (- ; 1-',) C - S; ~ ~ -/), spo-colk Op "Ilooopov andtal, States and worldmg Clasep" IV ' 0 '*O-W ~. , ~ Fu* ~ MIJ , M_W* Polltbvro m*bor. VoUstimm, No 799 Visma. 5 Or 61jjp ~71 FI-1,nxn-b--r,r on "Parc-lice and tbr, lay Fr~,c6l Fuernberg, 3, 13p. GEN-Iffil, n-.P, VO]Jwst~=ei 110 167~ 1.3 AuG 15 -J--F~s Mar Aurtria 2 '171 POI Dc-- 6! (DC-3801) rue3mberg cia the cpsU Pxogrm.. by Friedl Pue=bere,.. 4 pp. rf 0- -,, z~MMIW, rIMS Volkostj p 15 Mw 1961, py 1, 2. im 12358 ~Mr - AuStria . /Y.2, --x -/, d POI Feb 62 (DO-3801) F~m=bM Speaks on State., Comwalm and Morality., by Fr:Eedl Phemberg, 23 pp. I- OMM$ pers Wag tmd UeIx Vbj X3Xj, No Uv 1961, TP 695-WB- JPIIS 3am AP46 POI Feb 62 736-7&% ANOWU on Per3ouality C%at~, by Fupx 11-Z I gp, V02-lostImm 16 nov 1961'r It 2, JPI?B 12358 -5 62 )XIMMIN" OMM13T DIMU m 22 AVMTO W. GMMP wo 83'A% TAP W fill (FiDD 25280 Mw Tasks (Gen=V),, by nISR Ar.M_berZs 5 pp. GMMN,p mo, pars, ser Ftwkbigaggrt Vol VI, no 5o Viennap 15 My 1955v pp 7UP 79 ciA/u.7576 lizur a- Germny Poil - Communist Party strategy otj. 'l-jvj,c'd r -laso, rto 31 .,aact vu~o!l IL: FtWill"'Ili, Caatru qSci Tech. lwv C'S r En - -T%e S~uchrocyelotmu-of - the -National- Atomic- ergy Commission., by Fo. Alaina, .'P,.uertes, 14 pp. (AP 645174) SPPJ=.. per,, Mhudo Atomicop Vol V., go 9. 1954., pp 19-28. e,2-~L? / ) 0 AUC F-TS-&M/V Sci - Phpies Jun 58 e .4 -, ev 7d Cusalwa Ron-Limar lattice Statics of Distorted Cryml~a Structwesp by 1. Fmaj, No Btump!f~v 2 pp--- OEMp pw# Salt f Jk%wfor a Vol Xmj, Ib 2, . %"I 3h F*bnm,7 1M. 9p 13" AJ.2J. Ub Tv 630 Bel OWN"* Chaplygin's Equations and the Theorem of the Additional Miltiplier in the Case of Quasicoordinates, by N. A.-Fufaev, 9 pp. RUSSUNI per, Prik Matemat i Mekh, Vol M) No 3., 1961. IIJcergamon Press Sci jui 64 " ~,~ 26 3 lo V 3 Digia own mullux a =a =Mom M. ON06 0 um ftj w4 43 '~Mt Shquld Future LoccLuo'U-lvk!zI If. A. Puf rpmkiyp 8 pp. msarAlf, per, ZbelomwdorotbaW TrwePorto No 4. 196.3, PR 51-57- ACSI 1-3406-0 ro 2246297 USSR Ewa 10 Dee 63 on the !k1ranspositional Relations in Analytica Meeb of flonholonomic Systeirs., 'by 1. Yu. Neynark, N. A. Fafayev) 8 pp. E=M, jer,, Prik ftb=at i Mekh, Vol XXIV, Ho 6, pp 1013-1017. pp 11-7 3 SCI Ang 61 Coneernlug the Reversible-se"-Densturation of Serum Albumiu, by X. 1. Strachietkiy, K. P. Futurova, A. Yo. Gurvicb, 13 PP- RMIM,l ]?Or, 40UMMIYAP Vol XVMJ 1953., n6, I'm- - wA 6&iBme Sol a.2- ftb 62 Vol. 4, No q S-467/60 (RY-4343) ftTerience With the Closure of Patent. Ductue Art,eriosus With the Aid of a Mechanical Staple Suture, by Ye. N. Meshalkin, Y.. I 19 PP. RUSSXM, per, Eksper Xhirurgiya, Vol V, 17o 2, 1960, PP 26-33. JM 5315 Sci - Med Diesel Tramtion on US03-1 RallroadG, by N. A. FUfrmnvkI, 5 Pr- GIMIYULN, I)ar, 2 OrgAaisation fuer die Zuseaman- arbeit der Ejoembabnen 03=.. So 5, 1962, r,p k-65. Yf; 9e2 7.~S AC-ST 1-3638-A M 2251TU US&R Ecau ion 64 With Our ChLnese ft= Ftlendas by No A. bCrjaaokl 8 PP. M;CL X, RUSUM., rwt MA&txldbwkwa I ~ -VOZZNW& Tywj 'No 201 X95vf pp 7-10. ACU 141M ID 934N63 Sa - Mactrialtr Moor a 0/ ?4U3 -jhe Analysis of Pme Metals. The Dateimination of Traces of Lead and Zinc in Indlum and gm~Ubmp QT V. A. Namarmkov No A- FuPs Go-Va F2~wtikamp WSSTAN,$ per, Zava.d, Lalip VOL XM., No 21 1960., PP 1-4 Al TSA Sol- Feb 61 Use Of MWAC81 IWOCUMB It Spectrum Mal"is, by N,~ IP. Eekbarln, N. A. ftVj Too A, laiderman, Ragovy, per, Zovad lab.. Vol XnI, No Up 1956p pp 1303-1106. MrT LnVoIn Lab Bel - Cb~U JQI 5a PLAN FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PRACTICAL CONSTRUCT I ON 14ORK FOR 1963 1 NPOWER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, BY M. 1. P. N. ZHURAVLEV, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PER) BYULLETEV" TEKHNIKO- EKONOMICHESKOY INFORMATS11, NO 1l-, llc62, PP -08-90. JPRS 17288- USSR ECON JM 63 220P625 studi" ontthe Enzymes Produced by Tra- mates Sangulnea. Part 1. Ilydrolytic Enzymes in Crude Preparation and Its Application for Digestion of Aninal Feeds, by T. Fugluo, X. Uara. JAPANI'SL, per, 11akko KaZaku Zasshi, Vol 42, 14o 7, 1964,--Pp-40$-409. NTC 69-10729-06A July 69 586,645 DANISH COWUNIST PARTY BUILDING YEAR, BY VILLY FUGLSANG, 7 PP- DANISHj PER, TIDEN, VOL Will NO 71 1962, PP 24&.252. JPRS 17673 WEUR-DENMARK POL . FEB 63 223,375 (DC-3801) = FW zManitar to Benefit Humanity., by ViI3,y Fugumigip Jo 3?.V. WME.. pwri. W=, Val ]D=x No 7., 3,961s pp 3.6]L,,,IQ - JPFS 225W NoLlur - Denmark pa /CF41/ 17946 Feb 62 F-Cmxm R., brets. W.. &W VA%4W. W. GERMAS - AN APPROAM 'M CLASSWICATION AND DOCUUENTAWN IN ORGAMC CHEMIMY. 30p 14COBS. Order hvm StA M 60 7T-64-18430 T91016 cc "Khrklm fft 00100mmum (Wftt Owumw) IN& v. 14 bw 41 P. 179-19M P16. 7T-64-1$430 1. Fugmam. R. 13. Br&Lm6 W. M. vauw. W. IV. Title: Appromb ... (Social Sciences --Docurnentetion. TT. v. 12. no. 7)