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Re qUIr(?---A-nt D -IL or metated by 0~-UI:Sting Lx-erianco, UNCL GFJOMr pcro Stabl u Uxen# Vol =. Val, .1956, pp 451-454. British Iron acd Steel Ind (no number given) Sai - Engr a" 59 log, An Invetitigation of the Ccarposition of Anodic Gases DurIng 122e Rlectro3,vzlc of Cryclite-Alumina Melt,, by V. H. 14,whovets, M. F. Dogramdzhi, S. M. Fler InO~J* B pp. Vol Uvi ItU13ST/air per.. Mur Prik P34m,, lio 9j, 1952., pp 955-565. Couault=ta Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Co4diticus Qavermlr4 tha Wetiug of Clay, by M. V. Plaraff , MEL RMZU# *VW# CSMBVMt VMv 3,940p ip 295. DSM LW MIXU19 (I"&) =8R so" 0 cognow Wustfus No 60 ///, Afl~ Z Ito-Effmrof - ReaWance of FisI4 by V, 1. Luklyanenko, S. A. F 8 M RIUSSXAN, X, = am- OIOKU, Vol IV, No 100), sm 1964 K rs-I,53* JPR .I SCI-Med may 66 257.186 Ligit or Aiaae or Nmewa 7Amlys, by B. K. nerov. RUSSIAN* perj, MLMA 92adsomm annomwaft!= b2stitat Vol P-9 26 Is 1932P vP 46-73. rim =0 a w 50 13,e-. PLeeov I JWY 71 *'*ithods of Testing the Resistance of Honmetallic Ibtorials to FUngal Attack-, by B. RK, Plerov !I. S. floslennikovs, et al. 5 pp. RUSSXAN.. per, Hikrobiologiya, Vol XXXII, No 3, 1963, PI) SS 1-5.57. CB Sci Apr 64 255,049 " , " . I= 1% okgooo %- W,l o $WPOP to I OR ~' 6 4 IMOSOMts. VOL U# UD 3, 00j, Ift 0141 :;~ ~rf ~1-1/ A-"" TSV of SadlMa"MoMs &r'A.JftlIr~AWM# 6 P2*%%o U 30i'l9ft ]p 46 - mal a sd~m AJOIIM BNOM Macgolry EpidwIlurd, by A. L. IBYZDVO G. 1. Mrova 8 pp. RUSSLAM per, Bloffafla, Val M, No 2, 1964, 217-225, PPRS 23652 3 Scl - 8 & M AUg 64 264,475 c0 a 11 ION " Ommill of FARM IWO oe ** FLOW ON"** -. om~ U. V9. 04 a R;l . XMIAN Mite ATWAS DMVAI, VOL give ho I# $A3. ;; $a,". a" 17* Sto o NK PWS t WA 63 who" Froduc`ior- of :31CLIeIAS Ifi'121 v. V. Ymawl, Volhov J-7 1- , 1-u-clei b-,,, 0 somc heavy lons, by G. 11. Flero-v, et all 4 pp. yer; Z11iir F.Izsper i Ttoret Fiz, Vol MI, 'Lio 5, 1961, IjP =f[FX 1-365-1369. AIT Sov Phys - JEU? Vol =, 1-40 Sci Aug 62 D Use of ITuclear PI-*,sical Methods in Prospectinr and Working Oil and Gas Deposits, by G. 11. Flerov, 4 PP. RUSS1101, Coliference Proceedings, CopenhaC;en, 6-17 Sep lgbo?Radioisotopes in the_Physical Sciences ruid Industvj, 1q&2, pp 117-122. 9 0 6 R, T:v '~y o Sci - 1411c I-Ilys mar 6P AEC-~mtr-4449(--P----3--- - 15) Unc 1. BASIC PROBLEMS OF THE PHYSICS OF MULTICHARGE IONS. G. N. Flerov. (Translation) C-4 P NSA 1t,LC, j L N-3 J, ;k 1, c- AEC-tr--41111-5(P - 118-5-1) Uncl. SEVERAL CHEMICAL AND RADIOCHEMICAL PROBLEMS IN OBTAINING AND INVESTIGATING NEW ELEMENTS. G. N. Flerov. (Translation) C-4 N-3 P NSA use, at umiaor rmalea in =weyiDa ana mvi"ung Oil ona Gas DepWitas by G- H- HMO=* syti, psagoomw cc the ootd*renw au Jm--- - - - 2a as ptamiml sclan"s =a wo 3 j.- oWmbmem 6-17 SePt 196Dp va x. 2sce, jr mr-m. g)WA AM Tr-5W3 ftl - NO rAWf D" 6e SpomUaecus Fission of Th 232 and the StabIlity of Hucleams, by 0. N. F p D. S. Klochkov, !Xerov i. S. Skobtin, 2 pp. BMSIO; per, Dot: At Ikuk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 1, 1958, pp 69-71. Awr lost of Plays Sov Me - DokUdy Vol III, no I S c I - Pbys Jul W z iitrons in Hiah-Znerpm NP -.; -~! I. Kalashnikova, A. V. Fodgurcka~ra,. R. D. Vorob'ev, 0. A. Stolyarov, 5 PP. RUSSLAH,, per, Zhur ELspaer i Taoret Fiz, Ak #auk SSSR, Vol MVI, (9), No 3, 1959., r.,p M-731k. AIP Soy Phys - M? mys Oct 59 61 C~~ Was Dlatribution of nesion Products from the Mrsedlatim of OoJL4 ^0 Or"Im by litrqpu --A. -1 - lrOMp by No I& va"O Ing B. Oarlit, Le Is Gumeva* D. Ire, WAS440vo K. V. FLUppoval G. 4 pp pars MW Ow"r I TOOlet FiSp Vol MVp no. 24 1958p pp 3*-3U- Amw lWt at PbWs. &W 7bys - aw Val T11-000 so 2 Set - ph"ies Oct so 'Fission of 1jualal under tha Inf luenco of Accelarated zitrogan Nuclei,, by V. A. Druin,, S. 34. Polik-anov, and RUSSIAN, bimo per,, Zhur Eakpar L Toorat Fiz, Vol XXXII, w 1JO 6, 1957t PP 129,9-1304- Amer lust of Physics Sov Pbysico - JMT Vol v, no 6 Bel - ftelce Apr 58 The Spontaneous FisBion of Thurium, L..v k. V. -t7uri- Suralwie, V. I. Kalesbuiltova, G. A. Stolleruv, E. D. Vorob'ev., G. fl. Flerovo 2 pp. RMSIAlls bimo per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fit, Vol XXVLU, Apr 1955, pp 503-5o5. ciA c W846 American Inat of Phystca 57 East 55 st- New York ~2* lie yo Scientific - Phzeics 3/ 4o 77 10 NO/ -n *~')taining Lhe 102aij (Ra- L,,y G. 21. Ficrov, 28 pp. u'-,, Lewin Order Intat of Atamic -Energy, 3c--LnccG, USSR, Moscow, 19-9. AEC tr-3326 Jim 60 Rxpei~imiunts it Obtaining the lOftd Rlemeut,, by G.I.-M. 71arov, S. M. Polikemov, A. S. Karamyao, A. S-.-Pasvuk, )3-'-M'- Parfamovichp 14. 1. Tarautins V. A. Karmsukhov, V: A: Druin, T. V. Volkov, A. X. SemcbVdava,, Yu - To - Ax Ogeaosyamp V. 1. Khalinov, 0. 1. XhIebnIkovp B. F. Mya3oydov, X. AV Gavrilavo 28 P*P. RUBSIAH, booklet, Moaeov,, Leistu Order Inatitute of. Atomie ftarg:y of Acad of Sci of UMI 0 ime 6, 1959. M/FDD X-3899 Sci - Chemiotry /o/ ov/0 Nov 59 IF Wil f I 1 11 If lll~ L z;" c;,, Uw ilzaI164~ ~Iitrcgcn avd Oxygen lonis in Photographic Emuluions, by M, M. Parfamovich, A. M. Semchinova, 0. N. 2 pp. ,TJSSTA3 no per,, Zhur Mper I Teoret Fiz# Vol XM=I, 110 2 (81, 1957, PP 343-345. Amer Inst of Phys sm Phys-mP Vol VI (33), NO 2 Sci - Phys VAY 58 The stripping rocess in-the-Interactions-of accoUrated 3 Ions with the =lei of sow * by V. V. Tolkov, A. S. Paefuks 09 19 mer"a 6 -OAMW ... -per, mw zksver I Pit, Vol k3* NO 3(9), Mljo PP. 5913-WI. 41~ Awr J"t or Scm rAp-im Vol 6(33),, 36 3 Sai - rays Earparimants to Produce Mement 102, by S. 14. YoManov, A. S. nremyg., A. S. pavvkl Farfanovielij, V. 1. %4rnn 36n, V. A. Karunukhay, V. A. Dro.3n.. V. V. Vblkov~ A. M. Gemchtwva, Yu. N. Opnesyenj V. 1. Mialisev, G. 1. Mebuikov, 3 py.. RMM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol M, go 1, 1958, pp 73-- Say Phys - DoklaW Vol M s No 3 set - ~?"~ ld'~l jai 59 V - I - --~-, VIM 7f;rtrnl5r. prvri-r- 7'etween Cc~rboa Ywa and rreanium Hacle' - by FS Garlit, L. X. Guseva, B. F. kvaeoyedo7, 14, Tarantin, lK. V. F-1,21-ilmovav IG. WI.- 7ilerov, 3pp~ M- per, Zhur E!mp-,-r 'A. T-coret Piz, Vol NO 2 Mr 1957P PP 339-342- Amer Inst of -9*rs sov fto-JM Vol VI (33), 140 2 SO. - rhys blay 58 1, Experiments in the Production of a Rew Fermium Isotope, by V. P. Ferelygin., E;, D. Donets;, G. H. FleE.oy,-4 pp. RUSSIM., per,, Zhur Hkaperi~Teoret Fiz., Vol XXXVIIP No tali 6(lo),, 196o, pp 1~58-15-63- Sci - Physics jul 6o Amer Inst of Phys Sav Phys - JETP Vol xxmi (10, No 6 Y liork -oil b235 and Pi~239 Reactors -WitL HydroGen Modaratorn Con&=ted at the AcadexW of Sciences O:r the UMv by G. N. Fierov. 14 pp. Full tre=]Ation, RISSLOp bkp Conference of the Acad of Sci of the UM on the Peaceful Umm of Atomic Energyp 1-5 Jul 1955s, Sessioa of the Div of Physico-Mixthamtical Sclencea,v 3S., +',0 c;L wo ate ta Agae= 'O'l- b ~rk 11 8t, Bei *87 rPU for $350-00 Division of the Nuclei of the Huavy Elements b. Their lateraction With the Nuclei of Carbon, N-*Ltrogr--n and Ox,gen, b, G. N. Flerov, 27 pp. RUSSIAN, Mar 1958- AEC Tr 3994 / / f 7 5'? j Sci - Cbem jun 60 -- - Fa.r Tr-auzuraaium-- Iq G. 11. Florov; E. D. D=ets,, 8 pp. Ruc.znm,, par,, Atom ftarsip,, vol xxv, so is, n638 pp 18-26. CD sci Jan 64 Vev il'i the F.-)-Ra Kfr;a.E%-,fJ--Crv,, V. 1~ IMI-slIzev, "(,L1 1959, 1266-19 _72.. tw~dr v6t Of FVIY,3 V01: (3-0), -no 5 SMUM ACtAvetAou Aft"U OC BUIPI" Of Powk and WN -T on ~ 't tw V. 1. - P" p., E It .&U r., 0. N. !~Wqv - m 5 pp. XMIMs vers Atca Ems# Vol T4 No 3,, IMs PP 315-3W - cm / 3--el 19 j 9 Sol IWc 6D Po;u0bilities for &%tending the Use of Rc,,:-7io- arctivn- Radiations :Lu Oil Prospecting and 0:11 Field Developmentl, by G. N. Plerovj, Fe A* rae%--yev,, it 16 pp. run translation. RUSSIAN, bk,, Conference of the Acadeny of Sciances of the USSR on the Peaceful Uses of At=ic Energy, 1-,5 -Tul 1955., Session of the Division of Technical sciancep ~ :2, D a apo --a Y Sai - M=3.emr Physics *87 rpt13 for $350-00 Fecuna ccr XMj Risk Door emd Door., by L L Flmws 257 pp. MJIRSTAN,, bltp YOUM pit4pabobla Matgt i (omit Imo W*.NP. M 604W56 ftl - B:LQI 9L *73 9 Doe 6o pimww&ta 6f MmSaU, by it. X. FUrov. wis'swo *0 ldd"Odn 9668" ~wk 2m 19574 GFvrl TT 67-513M 1~'- ik, 1-,*1,p-,ac v SWEI it A ~o w 3569663 Sensitivity of the SaUnim Photocell to Rei- Colored Solutions# by D. Ve Ozlwvp 9. V. 71wova 3 pp. amlar 00 PW.O. Mar ra Xbls4 Vol XV - No 2j, VM# 70b 19%4, pp 09-01. CYA D 237475 Dwrem acl=Kfic - ChadAU7 C20 6914M Lffcct of CoLlQidc on the Accuracy c" Photo- colorim-tric Analyz4a# by K. V. Flerov., D. V. A. PP. Full translation. RIx';STIY, no pe!r# Zhur Prik KWm., 'Vol Mp No 6p T,.'71.634.-639. Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry Dec 53 CTS/M 7 4i'74 ! FOx'=tiQa of a SPcntm-'v-'Ouslv Fluslon-Ina is-,wr Reactiama w:lthc~- partiaUg and Vautaxc=, by NO ?;~~,?V, a. HO Pollkw2ovp at ea, 5 9p. =j. I!p'bp Joint Institute for bTuclear Resew,,ch., * M16869 AM-Tr-6102 - Nual Sel 64 .2 4L I., -"~S 6 -i;, Tlmn Piawi Ilumber of 1.cuttons .11roduced in tP~8 by 14.-Mcm Neutrons., by N. H. Flerov, 11- TaTmumvp h Dp. pt=, Atom EnerG~ Val V, lio 6, i958, pp 654-656. Conr.u3raT,ts Bureau Sci 6o we maasu~,etlarjt w., thc %oros,~ section for the (11, 2"1) Reautic,u .or IJI-Mcv r4clatrons in Beryllium,, BismAbiv by )R.. 11. Flerov, V. 114. TmlyzIn, P~IJ4 RU3.13,10,, pnv., htom Un,!~rg) Val V, No 6. 1953, 65-7-60. Consulf'..ts D~eau SO mar 60 nBazj mqzber of xeutron5yr-mitted in Ficulon of ~ 25 by 14-14ov Vautrons., by 14. 11. Fierov. V. M. Talyzin, 3 PP- RMS!klqs pars Atom Energo Vol V,, 11o 6, 1958j. pp 653-653- Consul.cwts Bureau Sai mar 6o 7e! 5' The Measurewnt of the Absolute Intensity of Seutron. Scurces by a ComWison vith the Reaftim by N. N. Flarov.. V. N. ftluzino a Yp MWIWv jws At= Mwg, Val Inv No 101, 1957o Sol - a= fts Avg F [ALM Uf] I ~ . I - " ... .. --. JZFMTqIwf -R1.1ml Weil gm O'd Co- IAE Linear Electron Accelerstors, by X. H. Plevowo V.P. Upatavo *t al. 7,~ Russtwo vto, ftat* Comitt the US" of on an Atomic, Msy ra MM Imnji=9* Of Isoftr Im"I To To 9-m"MOVA vs-Cm AK-0-6729 scl/Noclear Sci Aug 66 34)6g29S Crom: Sleation ror Inelastic Intemetionz ol- lcl~5, Mov Neutrons With Various Elewnts., by H. fl. V. M. Talyzin, 9-pp. Fler2y MUSSLM, bimo per, Atcmnaya Eaergiya, Vol I, No 1956, pp EMOW. 1,5- 71 Conmatents Bu-men Sci - Iftelear ftsics Mar 57 C" On the Probl4m of the Dqmndance of the Friction Coefficient an the Ve2ocityp by V. D. Kuznetsov., V. 1. Plerov? 6 pp. WJSSVWp pers Dok Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CXIII,, No 5, 1957,p pp 1050-1052. MA 59-1M3 Sci - Chem Jul 59 0, Effect o.-L' Added Ilater Glass on the Characteri3t-ics of Lead Aziodcr, in Plumbite Electrolytes, b~ V. it'- Ficrov'., 7 PIP- 1,'USSL,'L" per) Zhtir Frik 10aim, Vol MIV., 1,-o 10, 1961, pp a"61-2267. ^B Sci AuG U-2 2o6,750 Fle V N 56R- vi.-O~C*HONNENIENT DES lILE(,TRODl---, A OXYDE DENICKI-.1, NON LAXIELLAIRES DANS IINE SOLUTION - ZINCATF (0 Ralwte lIezIamel'nvI,.j. Okisno-nikelvvkh Elckirodov v Tsinkatnom Rast-vore) (Performance of Sintered Oxide-nickel Elmrodes in a zincate solutioti 20p. (Foreign text included) 9refs. CNRS-VIII his 504 r~rder from OTS, HTC or MRS $0.80 717-62-28279 Traru", in French Of iiZhurnal Prikladnol Khimii (LISSRi no.6, P.1306-1312. DESCRIM'ORS: 'Storage Wtterles. Electrckles, Nickel compounds, Oxides, Zinc compounds, Salts. -17-62- 2K27 11 1. Flerov, X7.N. 11. CNRS-VIlI bi,,, 504 111. Centre Natinnal do la Recher- cheScienrifiquo, Paris (Chernistry-Physical, 17, v. 11, no. 6) 014....l T-6-1 S- E~ 7 .... lm- C.m~ Effect of Superposition of Alternating Current on Electrode Processes in Zincate Electrolytes, by V. IT. Flerov, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik- Khim, Vol XXXIV, ITO 7, 1961, pp 1547-1553- CB Sci mray 62 195,875 Copper Oxide Cells With Increased Discharge Voltage, by V. N. Flercrv, 6 pp. RLOSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol XXXIV, No 9, lqft~, PP 2032-2037- CB Sci juj- 62 202,681 Electrolysis of Cupric Chloarlde Solutions in Hydrochloric A Id, by V. R. xks~:qv~- su. S. M3~:bejpl'~p L. V. Armenskaya, L. 0. Gall-in., 7 vp - RUSSLMI) par, Zhur FrIk KhIm,, Vol XXXM, No 10.. 19W.. pp 2245-2252. sei sap (a ru~ej,ms for the Fall ln Capwity olf,* tbc 741ne Electroult. in AlW4-Zlw Batteriesp by V. N. Fle=v.., 7 -vp - 1.-.1 4 MSMNp perp Zhur Prlk Xbftp Vol XUM., No 1., 19% 99 14D-2". ca " ~a, , ;: ~ ~6 &d ftb 6L iUkalina Storage Cells With Copper Mectrodes, by V. H.,,JmRro -, 6 pp. I ", ___y RMSTM, per, Zhur Prik Mim, Vol =III No 6, 1960.. pjp 1340-1346. cs Set 1.~-r /V To jun 61 Performance of Nonlamellar Nickel Cxide Plateo in Zincates Solutions; by V. N. Flerov, 6 pp. -RUIS-831M, per, 2hur Prik Mim, Vol XXXII, No 6.. 1959, pp l3o&i3i?. CB sci - Jul 6o / -,P- " j // %U lnl"luo=e of Certain Addition Aputs on trio Rwalvation of a Zlm Anode wA on the Parfor=n." at Mall-Um CoUs.. by V.- N. namy., 5 pp. RV93W,v pmv 2bw PrIk XU=,, Vbl =1 lb 9.- 19"j, VP i3m-lv9. got - Cbm Dec 58 ;171 9.2 2 so vatev ol*ko oc Omw W* cRuss by V.- W. !~#--A pp. ., =w"4, am IM& MU14 W& mat W ut 195TO L rrljp - I w 16mi-moudbwoI fts.- Cbm r& to 162,4 16 st-w The DlacbaxUm Reahanism of a Pmdered-zino ICI*Otvvde, by V. M. nerart 6 p. RUSSIMp perp Wwr ftlk iKbim,, Vol X=, NO is Mgt pp 1324A9. 157. C3 Sci w0 60 /OX, 3rop/ 7 NfLctb--I-ZIM Batteriesp by V. V. Florov. MMUNO Vero lkwb Dak Tysebol Mkoly. this i Khtideh fekto We 2,p 29"0, pp kvjm. as 61,?m act lkr 60 1 f- ffs-3-.4- Val Vn, Ift 2 Agli~g Rittarders for Sodium Zincate Solutions., by V. N. PlexM 8 pp. RUSSUH, mo per, Zhuor Prik Ebi-, Vol XXIX, No 12, 3956, PP 1779-1784. Conaultants Bureau Sai - Chm d -g // z C.-~ () iftr 58 M~ Is owd" Not %F L V. M. A. I WMIXM16 pwo am *mow a" OR"" to" :L P. pwismoo VbL V# so to Iwo aid ow FIMCK C., Jr. PROCESS FOR PRETREAM0 AM TANUM ANU MDRS AM PELTS, 11%41 2p Or&r frm M SLA, or MIC $1. 10 Tr-U-10064 Tru& of Gomm 1 557.203. sd. L Flead% C.. jr. M FAW (0ormany) 337 203 8 3 320 q. 7T, v. 11, ow 13) Toobow as M I --- -- - ---- --*,- - - Flox:k C-, Jr. PROCESS FOR PRM"71M AND TANMM ANIM MDRS AND PHL7% (1%6) 2p or&r frm CM SU, or 9M 11. 10 TMA-10084 TM& cg GenrAs pum W7, X6, a. IL 7T-U-IODM L Pleack Q. Jr. EL fttm MUMMY) 357 am "' 6 3 32)'.) oftatimb-lAudw. Tr, v. [It m IN I ~of 'rembafto sw"~ Tf-U-2207 pwo", W. aw KONAW, W. SOURCES OF BRION IN 7M DIKAWDIO tr or rhow W. CALAWATION CLIMES FOR THE MDTMLJICMIC 0 - K~lw, W- EMSSION SFECMUlW ANALYMB OF OLAMM AND M. RCMA-We WAYS OF ELDMATM TMM. AW 44. TV. mm cum bftm, Ordor ftm low B=tA-"6 ROONVA AmssebtWk MdUM (Rwgbm* Tr6m. d ObstaftlaW owb*w (Wm awma" 190. $6. 12. p. 461-4W. Is *AmwWb--0wmmMm. 7T. w. Is. a& 8) lopirm mi lb thD Trosampat CC CAU174"'. tW A. 0. * INI ZION&W. 22p. VM16 ~ =I ou 04*;=M ~ " U,~ ~. v Ji -~- ej lk,'6t%m Ault d6 3*o%fi Muezal Cbeml Cc ObUdnIZIS Powdered ALLoys or Chromium md VAnSw=0j, by Pierre jolibois, p8 pl=Hj, ;or CMUS Muftsi, V01 C==Zo 1951.1 1*1;t pp 19 Qt. GrA 59-2.0764 wwnan/Mulas Mmodstry ftp 59 wa ni. 110 2 e9. 10,11,41 7 Pbm,macodynamics of Traseatins and Atropine as TranquMizersi. by Ed Fromma~., C. Flli~~u 7, 5 pp. 4WAMItp per, Ha1v Physiol et Pharm Acta, Vol XIIX, No 3, 1960o 2 pp C66-C67- Nn io-3i-61 sci - mecl *7 3 jan mg 62 -E1mw1m-.K NOTE ON 'ME ROLE OF TOBACCO IN CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING. [1%21 14p. Order from K-li $17, 50 K-1-13315-m Trans. of Archlivem deal AUlladleal Prorevell! de Mvd~cLnc du Travail et de Swuriti Socials, (Prance) 1954, v. 15, p, 229-233. DESCRWMRS: "Tabacce. *Carbon nwntotide poisoning. 62-17945 Flemlot. K U. K-U-3319-a M. Kresge-Ifookrr Science Library Associves, Detroit. Imich, (Blolc*icel Scipmeo- -Tox(toloirl. TT. V. 8. in 4) Portinlaohn B. 'T~N AND tTS CHARACrgRLMCS: MPLIOG lt.~111 1*1'. Apf (-2 ( I I!p. 157 rt-ts. LTIS BlbboFraphy no. 15. Order from CTS or SLA $4.60 62-2511.1 A lisil ng of current Sadet published articles on the moon 19 54 - 6 1. DUCHIrTORS: 'Moon. Astronomical date. latell.11". *11buodtap". 62-25111 1: Parlini, 1. 2. nLMS Illb-15 Ill. Army Engineer Itesetrch and Dovelopment Labs., Pon SGIVOIT. V8. (Astronomy. TT, Y. 6. no. 4) A Disease of Bedded Mushrooms (Psalliota Campestris) Not Yet Described in Switzerland, Mummification, by Clement Fleury. FRENCH USDA per VC State College Jun 59 .fesv Properatiat, Properties, Stabi2itV, Tho Sugw ffi~ra+ by Geo:~p ges nmwy, Loids DrIssand, P16me Lhoste, 22 pp FRMICH, pert jjWadgLjd= Pmdres, Dec. 3.950, pp 107-120 S.L.A. Scientiric - ChadoUT 7VI PulBe G4!nerator Frcc A Rosenblum Cmm+~er, by J- ZLE~u.-ry- _p -~.~un du Col-loque International y CH, per, Com .~~a 9 fi-a sur rgn~qse par la Societe F~i-aiicidse de"s* Radioelectriciens, Par!B2 1958, Vol I,' 1959 -po' 259~~262-.-----' rAIIC Sci 6o A ftoons for VW NMWAftobwrl Of watbatu p xl~ ~p ag"Utll,* 1w mra 8 Jr. ,Mutsu& 0 =9=16 0 99A 22 dw~- Vill-l-t ja 66 305a455 A Few Cm9iftratims Reowrding the SUWY--and- DetaxnUation of Inwitolejo by P. Ple=.f* 25 PP. nMM,p perp BuU Sao do Wide Riaogivej, Vol =3:11* 19510 pp 2061-2D0(4. S, / x sm Tr So 2-8 4"7 Ald 60 April. IM M/d= 63-14049 Paul; Courtols, Jean. and Wickatrbm, Ay. ACWOF PEFIJODIC ACID ON GLUCONIC ACID. 1. Thle: Glucoulc ~cld 1. S7-UDY OF THE RRACnON. APPUCA71ON TO I Fleury. P. THE ASSAY OF CALCIUM GLUCONAT13 IN THE a: Courtals. J. ABSENCS OF OrnWK COMPOUNDS (Action de I-Acid* Ill. WickWzdm. A. PerWdlque our I'acide Glucoolque. 1. Ptuda de Is IV. Title- Study... Rfiaction Application au Donage du Glocanate do Calcium an J'abstace d'outres Carps). 119631124)p. (fmvlp text Included) 18 refs. Order &om SLA $2.60 63-14NV A 242C Trans. ot Ansfaleal Pbormleceutiqueal Frastfaimeal 190. v. 6. p. 336-367. DESCIRWrORS: Olodic acid, Cliftdcal reackwo, Oiddallem Drugs, EW=cdyt- (MwyioklW). *Cold- empands. CbwWcW analrols. Farms" Formic adds, Carbon diodde. 0tw molecule ce Sluounic acid reduom. &*or 2 bows of 91110 d Talk" jilloittpeal Sclsoces-ftarinscology. Tr. V. 10, no, 3) (oven) Chenical Determination or Inosilkol in the 04 Presence of Glucides, by Pau.3. )Meury, Andre Recoules, 15 Pp. MEMO, per., Bulletin Societe de ChWe Rialigique, Vol XXXI., No 2, 1949, Vp 256-264. mA 6o-io639 set OTS , Vol Ill, No 6 .142 61 yi~/ sep 6o 7hO A416 Of thO VDftlUB Of XLfAtIVAtY 1D macbmatcal C=stmtArw&,p by R6 Flouryp 12 pp. Pmums per.. MNV muluavies To, =,p my 1922* 2 29&3W. SIA R-O" Bei mg % - to ?, 7 4 f Onnfiral 801AMEOD of Airr's Problem In Chrowmti7t by A. G. Plerr,, 3 VP- 1, RMTAN,O parp Iwarit.0. Takhg go 5p 19581 pp 37-39. imbru ape of Amer Sol // 9- /9-i 5' Apr 60 ;111 I(-,Q 11 in t,lie D-,2cvn-c;d 'La by E. B. Ber1ovicli., V. 11. Taemeatyav, V. Y r, 0. V. Larionov, F. Sh. Mwtazin, D. uwxjIc_ Apcmtolovp 4 pp. TIUMAN, per., Zhur Eksper i Teoret niz, Vol. )MV-111 PTo 5 (11), 1959, PP 1202-12o6. Ammor inot q.rhys sov Fnyu-JIPT Vol xxmi -(10), NO 5 Sci .Tun 6o 1171 ,17 q probjejus Awa:Lt4_ug Solution, by Ya. Fleyaherp 8 pp. MUM, per, Swet. TorVV:Lya-. No 3) 1962, pp 10-13. JM 14172 WSR '2 - 0 9., V/ swu J. Mun 62 17~mdamental Theorems of the Constructional Theory of Optimun Coding for a Discrete Noise Channel., by B. S. Flo hman., 9 ppe , I -- I RUSME, per, Radio i Blekj Vol VIII., No 8, 1963. Sci Apr 64 255j-210 Nonstationary Method for Loading the Memory of a control Device with Statistlaal Pattern Recognit by B6 8, n"sbmsu 7 ppo R*USSIAK,o Pert Hadiotekh 1* Elektrant No 7s 1961. AM /11/ 7 73P Sol W-5527) Notbiod OC a"SWIXG A-MtjVjty in Ma%ica ObJocta bv N*aw oC a ntina W13 by L. 0. M29M , D. at raa=s V. V. M=auovp V. a. Lewt,yevj, V, P. NavtAmvv., 4 VD. HIM=; par# MoM ft4A*3.j go 10, 1960. Msz 7606 Gel - blaa 1', 1. 1 / The Tber lactric CoollM of Phatoo4tipUeras by Yo. A. SoUsboo M V. lbrotcgo"vp D. Oo ployaboRns V. 8. Urlyews 4 pp. RMUX, Pr, P-KbWr I ftft Am"ro 110 3s 1959s PP 140-IA2. 0660M Am- "M 353, ftl mar 61 14e~ll, -.217 Numb vo. I*do 1w TL il '0=-duction of Neutral Pions by Houtroas on uterous I Da and Complex Mwlei, by V. P. Dzhelepov, K, 0. Oganeayaa, V. B. Ic ItliaGin, 3 PP - RUSSIAN, mo per,, Zlmr Eksper i Teoret Piz, Vol XXXII, No-tk' -MM 1957, PP 678r081- Amer Inst of Yhys Sov Phyfi-JETP Vol V., go sci - Physica JAa 58 m The DeterallaaUca bc Ariallyzis of Pare Metals. of an.Admtxtul*e of Silicon in Some Semiconductor Metallaj, by V. A. ll=arenL,-o,, G. V. Fliantikova,, 5 pp. RUSSTAlip perp Zavod Lab, voi xxivj, no 6, 1958, pp 663-666. Instru Soc of Amer Sel Apr,60 A YAUrAllar --- - A*14 IW A, Mlorl# Et PUGWIUW. 829 owsm ~ altiMott go 2a. 4 MA W-4694*6 ee7, m""Cbm Aug 66 3*mb Soluble o , lexos of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons With Metal Salts and 71tair Role in Catalytic Reactions. 111. Solublo-N-Ccaplaxes of Mercury (TX) Wit3i Acetylene, by 0, N, Tcmkin,, R. M. Flid, at al. 6 pp. MISSIAN, per, Kinatika i Kataliz, Vol IV, Ilia 2, 1963, pp 270-276, CB Scl MAY 64 258,738 Some Problems in the Selection of Catalysts for th Addition of Various Molecules to Acetylene, by R. 14. Flid 9 pp. i-~~ IRUSSIM, per.. Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol II, No 1, ig6i) pp 66-76. CB Sci jun 62 P-00,253 4t With a%" god WOM = U= Ass AW"mv *16,*W* salw'o JW 106 IL X. 4K =W*N- V*% Up 3ft 2o The Itschr-nism of the Gas-Pb,--.e CatalyLia FeectIon of Acetylene and Acetic Acid, by R. U. PUd-..and A. V. Chirikove, 5 pp. RMSUN, perp Zhur Obahch Xbim~ Vol 1CMI, NO 5j. 1957o PP 1256-1260. Coymiltants Bureau Sci - Chen Se-P 58 J