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Froblemes -~e 1-- Techn:ique anhaen-,~ clue 10TS -'-'e !a I,- j. Ions t:.--L, c tion de Centrilles 20, I C11, ~o FREING11, P r, Jade:L-nF- Ener"'c' Vol V, I u 9 PP 362-3"- 9093-3015 Reverse Tr-) I.-LT 17C) Sc-t '2 R OpcT.n-'I'jo,-) of Open-Eaerth Ful-ar-cca with the Warzte.-Heat Boiler, by D. E. Drasnozhen, G. I. Nbliseyevich, 5 PP- RUSSUR.. per, 61aliurg' No 6, 1958, pp 17-19 Consultants Bureau sci - min/mt Apr 59 0 I-orrite Core wawaries, by josof uranny, lare Holuars 23 ppe SUNGkumv perj, ~Iorvsp as Vol III, No 6. 19N. pp VIOU0656" Frl)-Tlr-6S-UG7 D~f c7 Sc L - Materials i Nov 66 312,912 Rataline, a Central Stimulant With New Chemical Constitution. Part I. Studies on the Circulation.. by A. Drasedo, K. Schddt., 32 pp. GMKANj, per, Med Monatschr, Vol VM, Vay 1954, PP 306-310- BU TT 2389 5-j SaI. - Medicine; Chezidstry Sep 57 Ritaline,, a Cautral. Stimamt with nw Cbemical UvAtitutian. Parl, 2. Ispravament in Wntal Cap,:,- acity MA Pawchle JuTact Produced by Fdta]J , by A. I~F~"* sabaidtp 6 pp. a ^ NO& mmatawbZ., VQI vmj, 3.9541 Imp,WIMRMV pp 393-M 395. S.L.k. Tr 40/1956 0 -r Scientific - Haftelm 3 61 1 Mcodel -Evx-perime-a-ts for Studying Vne Plastic plow of Ymatals .111irdag Drop ftrging., by j?._R,:aEjtjj-,, 10 pp. CZWH, I~er, Strojirenstvi, Val XM.. yo 1,062, 7-0 &)3-607. ACSI 1-2330 ID2229410 Engr Jul 63 ~2 3 of sl~apflr- ~,f Daformation c3j~aads,, by F. aiyj TO 17f ~7. tie a, 17-30. DSIR -14342/CT 5 9 i and ftwt4cm] laportwxe cKe Porosity Auty dr OLIA~--~ Books,, A. Drath, OD ppe PUM perp Pexampl neftaiw# Vol 3X, Iesms 4., 5,F Z9. SOLOA. Tr Im ,94 T~7 IBM - Poland scleatIrlo - Ooq*pdco 6 1 - 10287 Drath llpiuri,b. TrYfTi~ RADIATION PROTECTION. f19601 9p. 1. Air raid shelters- Order from SLA mi$ 1. 80, p4l. 30 (,1 - 10287 Materials 2. ConcreEc-Applications Trans. c~ anidentified German inono. n.p., n.d. 3. Radiation- -Co.inter- measares &cstra structural elements, which consist basicalh of 4. Title: Sestra plate concrct~, arc compared with niter ineans of radiation I . Drath, H. prozeci,oa (]cad. Laryte, etc.). The structural des;im o-, Sesira cleinents is discussedand applications to a,.r raid protccrioa are noted. (MaEenals. 17, %,. 5, no. 6) Prepwatioa OC M260luble Salts of OxidatICO Product af T-IaaJn Six1fonle koLd for Use as Pest Omtrols., by E. Y. Drathens ff. Milther,, 7 pp. . ........ Ummm (110 i0mmal L s.L.A. er 1333/1956 Y,db 57 CM/dex Connectiou of the Type nl Aboo2VU= With the Active Mmptive Raid or the Ekm.. by RUMIM.. pe!rp Antzon Zbmr,, Vol I I No 4, 196L.t iv 6UwQfi. am 6 jkr 6e us WVT Cay M--, Problem of Developiug L:c6f&--;L(; wi-~A tha Conetruct4on og Bev Phsaw-ger Boatj, by Radovan Dravics 7 PP. 0 CRIOATIPS, per,, Brodarstv*, voi v, no 16., 17, JW.--Dec 1962j. IV T13-717. ACEII I-3518-A U 2246314 - Yugoslavia Dzca L%-- c 6 3 Second Scientific-Tecimical Conference on Electro- graphy, by A. B. Dravin, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Vaitch i Prik Fotograf i Kinematograf, Vol VII, No 2, 1962, PP 157-16o. CIA/FDD XX-1300 NOT RELEAMIE To FOREIGN NATIONALS Sci Nov 62 'L ~-Ov USIB INTERNAL USE ONLY 9-/ ~/ 0 Electrophotographic Equipment for Offset Plates, by A. B. Dravin. L. F. Yaroslavskiy. RUSSIAN, per, !!jjA!!!~fL No 4, 1964, PP 18, 19. CIA/FDD XX-,1781 Sci - Elec May 66 USIB In)wrnal. Use Only n300,529 Determination of Senistivity in the hlectro photographic Prociiss of Preparing Line Images, by A. D. Dravin. RUSSIAN, lper, liauoh Tekh Informats, 'lo 11, 1964, pp 41-44. ULL Ref: 5828.4F 1',12968) a Fn' Scl-l-leth 4 Equip May 69 380,82S Spectra of Solar Radio Bursts, by A. qm-sAuh. RUSSIAN, per. Solnechnyo Dannye, Vol 1, 1961, pp 61-65. CSIRO/No 5906 Sci Feb 63 SPECTRAL PECULIARITIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOLAR RADIO-EMISSION BURSTS IN THE MICROWAVE REGION, BY A. F.-DRAVSKIKH, 17 PP- RUSSIAN, PER, IZ GLAVIUiYA ASTRON OBSERV, MOL XXI, NO 5, 196o, PP 128-139. 9678396 FI'D-TT-62-5B6 SCI - ELECTRON 11 OCT 62 212,367 Erteited lbtragen Hadia-line Profile In the Omega Hubula, by 2. DrsvW 2. RMSUN. per, fttrcncm:Lgb2sk11 Tairiculyar. No 305. IQ&*. pp P-A. (CSIRO/Noi 74610 -?-- - 13 P 4 0 - K I K 1~, Set Aug 67 339052 TT-65-63751 Field 3B. 17H Dravskikh, Z. V.; Dravskikb, A. F.; Kobasorv, V. A. A EXCITED R-MROGEN RADIO-LME PROFILE D; THE OMEGA NEBULA. Tr. by P. A. Katakov. 1965, 5p (foreign text included) 1ref. Trans-7464. Order from CFST1, SLA, or ETC: HCSI.10, INIFS0.50 as TT-65-63751 Trans. of Astronomichesidi Tstrkulyar (USSR) n305 p2-4 1964. Significaace of Brown Coal in Modem Fml Upgrading Practice., by R. Draves GEMM, per,, er Wame und RMM-Le,, Vol. 3 110. 5/6.. 1951.P. yp 137-9: GFC /~. /D P A %-,~ -f Sci - July 1967 334-57 wys of ObtaWng Impr(rmd Fualsjp by R. Dmve. GMM., per Gas und Wmiserfach. Vol. 80., NO* h6p 1937, pp 806-- Gn R. D RAL,)c Bel - July 1967 334-578 #, b~- , Z fee ~t w I On ~-;pcctro,~plo 1-loasuxement of Tenpe=turc ari-I Denzity of Plasmaz llithout Mormodpivnic ,u-quL:LA:brlm,, # by H. -4,1. Dmfbi MIUAli, per, ZeitselluAft i)l--r Physik, Vol 172, 196"", pp-429-113Y- iiTO 71-15514-201 fob 72 mum- mcdoloduum KNOMMOMMOM OMAN^ V* CLWV 1964 w ASCARML-TA MW Drawin, H. W. IIAKABLE ULTRA-HIGH-VACUUM VALVE VIT'll !BARGE CROSS SECnON. [1961] 3p. 3 refs. Order from SLA 'Ill. 10 61-2(1541 *17rans. of Vakuum-Techni.- (Germiny) 1960, v. 9, no. 7, - 199-201. DESCRIPTORS: *Stainless steel, 1.1eml plates Re- fineries, Seals, 'Valves, Reliabil.ty, Metal screws Vacuum operated valves, Structur-s, ',Ieldinq, 'Vacuum apparatus. The new 35-litre valve is described which offers a particularly good reliability as a xesult of its corn- pletely welded structure. All parts in vacuo, widi the exception of the screw mechanism and the b-h: nlat~_ consist o' refined stainless steel. 1. Drawin. H. 9 4 (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, 'T, v. 7, no. 5) offic. 'f s-ic" WAIP YJ316) Wv Tipes of bkltlpU V"t Blectric Suburbez Pimsenger TTainsj, by 1. 1. Dray(:hftt V. 0. Koleenicbmao 7 Ims'sun, mr, Zbelemm4ormbmyy Trmsport, No l.. 1956, VP 20-23 FDD sum 1304 USSR :It Ecoarimic 46,014 (ii-Y-4341) Brief Ccz-munications and Letters to the Editor, by I. L. Bershteyn, Yu. L._2nay5jn,,_ V. L. Sibiryakov, 6 pp. RLESLAJI, per, Iz Vya3hM Ucheb Zaved, MVO SSSR, Ser RtLdloflzj Vol II. No 1, 1959- JPW 5279 Sci - Phy6 7, oct 6o of manerials; Wear-Resistance of Steel and ResidUiLl Stresses in Surface Layers, by D. A. Draygor,, V. A. Shevchuk, 14 -op. RUSSIAN, per, Do~ovidi Ak Nauk UPZR, No 5, 1956. SLA 6o-loBoo Sci OrS, Vol III, No 6 7 6X-1 S ep 6c) Abr4rtd..,.-, FlIcicealtmoo., by A. LVa,-&snclc., 8 pp. ois 6pu,;63/u pl.-480 13,ai ESZ1. & lild &A r i~ !;lectric Vencing Device for Fiah, by w. Drazazga, =7pp. PC-l,IS!i patent NO. S0214 *W 70-55034 :21MAILABLE PROM USDZ/BV( 014LY Sci/elec rob 70 0 . 0',A) 6-' -) (, ", ( d r, B~ydrvtloa ef the 0-1 m. Fraotion of Ho"ry-alu MBS=site by Stoamdugj) by A. Kortt., A. Dreishnikora. UWL RMIW, p*r, OgmurMo Val IVv 1936;, Im 297-. DHMI = M.1104 (lawk) ma /// /94;~ lem - Cerwdc Induatries I I/ Her 60 RESULTS OF THEFOM-MR ACTIVITY OF THE MW AM 175 W"TTIED.0 BY H. DRWIEWiCZ* 17 PPO GERKAN,p PER* ZEITS"OFT DER MMISATION FUER DIE A*AML%ARBEIT DER EISOftMM OSSHDp N.o 1,9 Igul, PP 1.4. JrFts 16799 EEUR - SOV BLOC ECOM N JAN 63 218,0581 (SF -Ip-oa Conferences of Transportation Ministers, by H.. Drazkievics , 4 pp. GERMhN, per, Z der OriptnUation fuer die Zus enarbeit der girpimbahnen, !202=17 "J"ol III, No 1960, pp '1-3- rm 4274 r0ur - Soviet-Bloc Z~ ;7 Econ 'rhe Organization for ftailr=d Cooperation and Its Committee for Mill Traffic, by Reenrick 6 pp. GMM-N, per,, Der Oixtrative Dienst, Vol 11, Ito 8~ Berlint 19580 pp 176, 177. us 'IM/NT-848 Mur - Germany Econ 19 NOv 58 : Duplex Nothod of Trodacing High-Grade AntonIn b=11j. V3jMftir Camy, 8 pp. The ftsic Problem of Thavy and Organization of Health Services In Czechcx4ovskla., by CUbor trbal, 5 pp. ' T USE ow CZM= vca Yin, No 12" PP 6BO-M3- jm;~5% ow Mw - Czechoslovakia soc W 61 .G C;.-' Gvapeup by T. G. F"iolcgi.~-r- Raztamly, 'Vol VII., 3i 13501 vP 31*5-348- - -, ze x2za 11 '60 (SF -1222) Developmeh of the Czechoslovak Aesearah Institute for Pedagogy., by Vlasts,Drobaloft., 12 pp. OFFICIAL USE OW CZECH, per., Pedagogika. Vol IX, No 4,, 196o, prp pp 462-J47!K. M11 4290 Mur - Czechoslovakia COPIRIGHT In Boo Jan 61 7 The &mmination of Blcod Sera for Brucellosis by the Ring Reaction, by Jwoslav Amzw, Vojtech Madr. 9 pp. OpIrlam USE CaMy rm-MB, pcr, Vet=-Imml Medicina, No 12, 196o, PP 883-3091. am 46T1 ccemaar sci - Md /57 ~Tun 61 Use of the Capatity-Type Meronanometer for the Measuremmt of Absolute Pressure, by 11, Rr~win, _ GERMM, X per, Z. fur Instrumentkunde, Vol LXVIII, No 1, 1960, pp 1-7. CSIRO/Ho 5256 Sci Jan 63 Use of the capacity-T)-pe Micronanom-ater for the v mea-surement of Absolute Pressure, by .11. Drawin. GERN-M, per, Z. fuer Instruntentkundc. Vol 68, No 1, 1960, pp 1-7. CSIRO/ No S256 Sci Feb 63 cybwnmks ad mmmik CAMPAW Tecmdm. by L- P- Drar- UW,Mn6 RUROM, - lki . -- Tab. moo=W.L---- - - 16 vp I-M. JPRB22M ~- N~- sw~" Sao ma Now Data an the Refts Acdvity ol Spinal Cords From, the VUvpoint of Mwculsr Pr%wrioception. Clinkal Applicadons. FhKUngs on a Nornud Peraon, by V. Skonfl, B. DvgbmW, 13 pp. CzEcli~ per, 090--w-ft-mom -a NEMNO-00, Vol XXV1, m 3, 1%3. pp 14!~-M 96949b7 FTO-TT-64-267 Scl - 8101 & Mod Scl Nov 64 269,421 Research into Mumb!rstDrms assists Li-ditrjmG Prota&tion., by E. Drechsler. GIWJU73 1er., Eleklur.Le. No 7., 1963, i--p 7-2022 NWIA ,- F) I ~ .2 G. ~; I --, / F- ",, Scl - Aug 67 335j1()5 P- .,eferred DIrectioa cd! Surface Diffusion cu Singtle- Cr,Natal Faces, by 14. Dimcbeler, 18 pp. 0W40, per, Z gl&trxhdup Val LVIII, 1954, vp 334-339. ABC Tr-4M sci - Cbm 9 jan 61 List 46 Hassurawnts, With the Field RmUsion Microscope of k the Surfam Wfuslon CoalTiciarct and Plac-~ Mcchaup Energies of ~%~ 4= Tuasaten Single CrystaU,, by H, IWw4#pler, 17 PP.' 71 -11 =Mo., r# Z 11161ttrOchmp Vol LVMP 1954j, PP 340-3r5. Aw Tr-4374 Sa . PbP Apr 61 ARJ -5-SV- Z Operating Er,,p*rLc=e irith the Ebt Blast Cupola, by R. Drecusurs GIs"# Pero oiesipere"Meehnno Val III pp 4-6. 1956v C.S.I.RoO, 17hief Libraribn so* Way 60 //_;~ -71 . / q, "xy-", A Cj--- k DeveicTment of Trw*.-tors in Cooperation With the Automobtle Tnduatrjr, by, Bischoftf- -1 Dracholery 3 w, GMW4,, per, Kraftfshrzeugtachntkj~ Voll XT-, Ho 1, 1961; p 7. JrM 9707 Me 45-50 fforao-D(mor I&eeled Tmator, by A. Blachof.. B.. Drechaler., 13 PP- GMWM, W, KrvXtfthrzeugtechnlk,, Vol XI, No 2, 1961, yp 63-6T. JPHS 9707 EHur - GernmW V Aug 61 crystal Structure From 1 to 1,ODD OAv by M. Drecholer. ORM9 porp Z. KLektvchom. Vol 61s, 19573, PP 4&55. *YM/MM TT 71-W1-1-0 Avatlable M Only M . L*s, e e c ~ a L e R- Jme 71 Detection of DislocatLorLs During the Degrada- tion of Timpten, Tarrtalum and Nickel Mono- crystals, by U. Drech-sler, G. Pankow, et al. GEPIUN, per, Z. Phys. Giem Vol 4, 1955, pp 249-263. TIL tr T.S666 Sci/Physics Jun 67 329,196 0 1 OGRAPH I C DATA ON CZE CIMOVAK ELECTR I CAL EMINEMING VECIAL1315j, BY J. OSDLWKS ~W. R. pgoIN&RO 6 pp,. wvmmm usE owy CZEQij, Mo ELWMMCHNICKY OBZORV VOL Lit NO 3# 12 DECDW 19Q:o PP 67"72. JIM 17621 EEURoCU04 DIOMPHIC I'm 63 223#711 Relativistic Mhgmetobytlro~~c Equatloas, by M. 7AS%neSOU;, Go Dr"1114 FMCZ,j per, O=ptes Randus, Vol OMVj No l2, 1962., PP 1436-1437- NASA TT P-8323 Sol -) a I? / - " Apr 6,3 , . I - ~- us OMPT ONLY OxidwUous With Bitroom D*aide. 1. 7"& prep&T."tion of aWoWlic AajCLj, Mu=rouic Af.-idj, wA omjm*u2=lc Ac,,Ldl by K. llwirers 0. Dreftblg 5 pp. GEIWM, pers lkwo Dmte Cbm QCsj V01 LW: 1942m pp 1489-1491. S." Tr No 57-53 Sol - mmifftryp (MODU Apr 57 F,XT,Onirumt-. ORI the plzv of Forwe wl%,,;b. ~L 'Goole u In HLbdim a=44, wiA- lua I Slight.!.- Rind3xz eazdy Silt With S-McLna C"- s5-C-2-r3tim of tba Le~mllm; Blades Lnd Plu-- ftrvvnz~r 1111-unket cwctiug E-6 s, by 0--Org Da~, tz, M.-tard Drees., .142 !3p. tlit, 2 HInlotry of Tr=lm ard Co=mmicaticas of North PhIne-westr-13alimi, 1958, pp Pabl by Mwt.,-~ secretary Leo ftendt. Ir, 6m. 879:624-132. 31 - in- stitute for ODustracti-ou Rhablms and Cowtractiva Work at the Ustitute oir Teebnologra Aacben, Oen=y~ Sci - Engimering MV Lib Tz 79, 16 and jewtacbe, A. 62-18923 -�=OF CAST IRON WrrH HARU MEMAL Drees. H. SPIRAL DRILLS; AN APPROVED NOVEL TBCHMQU 11. jentscim, A. (Dim Guasbohren mit lbrt-nw&U-Spiralbobrern - eta FxprobtmNeuerervertabren). [196211'14bx. (foreign te= included) 4 refs. Order from SLA, $1. 60 62-19923 Trans. of Maschimenbau (Ge rmany) 19 50, Y. 9. no. 12, p. 362-365. DESCRlPrORS- "Drills, Metals, Harcbess, Ironallo" CAstings, Design, Niatatenance, Operittion, Drilling (Machinery-Wntdacturing, Tr. Y. 9, no. 11) Office .1 T.-Wcall Se-ict, Transition Frcm Ekwering to Vertical Autorotation With Subsequent (2mcking of Rate of Descent., by J. M. Dress., L.. R. Lucassen, 14 pp. /t =Mr-4" AV-3-563, 1951. T.P.A-3/TIB T-Wo Sci - Aeronautics., Helicopters engines Apr 56 MtTor-,Gn loas in FLaama, by F.. D-m-cskamp., 11 F-0. ~~, parj, Z. fuer Naturforach=g, V()l xyla, lb II.- 195T., M-P 776-M, &a GO-18048 stl vca IV# 150 9 lbr /007,-2,%a )Y QX,'jW-' UP 735-7110. AEC T-2-7516 5B Operating Experiences With Hot-Bimat GupolmG. by R.-D chsler. GM%Nj, per Gieseereiteabnik,, Vol II, No 1, 1956, PP h-9. Henry Brutcher Tr 3935 *4-50 Sci - min/tetals, au?tmllmzw Aug 4 57 scllvv~,v F. 'Stahl Uad Elseng vola 62.q 6 fieuresy 4 tableco 39CO H-,rdenjjw. and TaurbenlLag of Steel DireaVoy fft~- "-.0j- = - =7N. Brutcher '2rm-s, C)Tdor 11o. 13YU, ak:;v, ol, Ljurlace Diggincr 1--~-1chineE -'.T-l Cohiaoilve sandy si, ~xt Z-!.] --f" cy--~' t;c, jj-. 7.:.,C- I.n I, ~ per, ilittei.lurgen deZ T Z;~ f u,-,L'.' lawabeturieb, 'No ]-L; DSM, 341~57/CT Intern2dwd GeDdomlc Elbibit in SofL% by 11. J. Drefensradt and S. BMWvaeUs, 4 1/2 pp. GERMAN, per, Xw 1964. (C4dl No. TA 501, V 53, Vol XH. No XI.) ArMy MAP SerVice F.Eur-Germtany //-/ ,(I CA09 j1dy 65 A Method for Calculation of Potential Thrust DedmtIon by Wolflong Dreger, 13 pp. GMMkN-, per, Schiffstechnik Vol VI,, No 34, l9sq, Dept of Navy Tv 4785/9M Ty 328 LJ UNCLASSIFIED: NO FOREIGN DISTRIMION WITHOUT APPROVAL 00 AND D, DMB. SCI- Auj-66 308,844 Method Forthe Calculation of Use POtantial Thmst Wdlactiam;, lop Volf9mg Dragar. Upp. GERUM, per., Schifirstedmik Val VIs No 34v 1939, *Dept of Navy/DM Tr 326 Sci-U,gr U3 a ~c VO May 66 TW Orta OF SICA WT131 SWIM O~ W - UNUMMADMITY W ACTIO11A CILIATO EP17NMILNp by 1. N. A lm; -,"WyAll 5 PP. ------------ RMIAWj, MMO "IT Illp ND 4v ,"AITAj, JUVAUd 19610 VP lei FU r* ME MUM 4F IK NUMMOM am TM SAY *USVAU GF MKO AM NOR OU46 OV I - ft. "Mmosmov " fp. ~ E-Y -5502- " InvestiEatign of the Urthal Temperat=c of Ciliated Epithelium and Analysis of Two Varietlnu ccO My-4-ilaoter Li~ieatus,, by 1. H. DregellskuYa, 5 PP WJaAI=, par, Taitologlya, Vol 11, No 4:. 1560. JMI $ 7680 Sci 1-5 la, q Fab 61 hc).thoric hci'~!' te-,7'Jr'stiOn Of pyi2~p Acjajuje,,a.jc De LMOV V-. V. Writzke, 66r-- by T '01 IV, 1927, PP SLA R- 2915 Sal J~a 59 ~'-Dicxylo--~ homphi -ach G by C:'- K T. K DErl, F. c PjjL33V.~." Driur Obshch Dhim, Vol '-.'o 7, 1F,6i, ~,p C-. Sad. 13 j-,,n C2 200,356 H-Dichlorophosphinyl-N I -a-,Ch-f orobenzalare-idines., By 0, 1, Dark=h, G. Fc__RIMvali pp, 5 RUSSUN, psr, Zhurnal Obatichei Xhisdi, Vol IMI, No 9, 2,962, pp. 3Do2 - 3oo6, Cal .q! ~ /, 0 " -4'1j Sci Jul 63 am Dmo jajmdf*WUmU*benwqle and by G. I. Daiggio-b, a. F., ppw!~& pp. RWZANO pwl Zbw mwwh MAM', Val =Cas no I., 1*1586 ca Oct 62 216#166 Trichlorophospbazo-N-ax- s ,rloulf=Wliminobenzoyl , by G. I. Derkach,, G. F. Dr~j~ -- ~., A. V. KirmLov, 5 pp~ RUS.SlAjr, per, Zhur Obahch Ktkim, Vol mj, Do lo" l q~. _J406. 4b, Pp 3" CB Sel oct 61. W-5.328) How We Save Nonferrous Matels., by M. P.-DregmVd, 4 pp. I RUSSIO, per,, Vestnik :Svyarl.. No 60 195*. JPHS 7UO Sci //7/ 7/ q,11 Apr 61 Cm tlw CrematItutlam T-lopm at tba Sotem Capp=- SUVW-Inam. ]I. Rv=~= Coarft Up to baus Cfttd!nto at 3$p by RMsh O*bardtp 3 umfts& bro2orp 13 pip. amma't pwp z mbuamw4ex voi umo Iwo IV 97-%2. Aw Tr 350 gel ftaNWAbt Apr 59 cbmical synenis ar the IAb4ged Aldoses GlucOac -1 and VAI 0-1-014, by U"ula Drebmarm.. Kiffim =150 (MMM., per, jon2al ruar pzakt"cbe Chmie: Vol TM, zo 1/2j, 19W.- pp 33-38- RIB JPC -13 Sol &y 62 &'~Q5 10 We of r-amovable Plauticoftse Varjoish for Proter-- tim A~pinvt Radioactivio ContaftAwtion, by ji. E. I. Oml, 7 ROD aERW, yeri Atoewm3dev vol Xv, IM, pp 1?7, 178. A= 3h57 act - nae Pke jaa 59 Synthesis of O-Aminoacy]. Derivatives of Adenosine and a Study of naeix Properties, by E. Ya. Dreiman, V.A. MTZ293MM Dmitr."yeva, 6 pp. EUMTAIi, per, Zhur Obsh(.,h 1(him, Vol XM, ETO 12, 1961, PP 3899-3,5A. CB Sci oct 62 214,867o T.ricr-ridq: by E. Yu. GrildriVie,1000, E. vk. Dal 7E6-788- S9P/'oct 1g,!;6 Consultants Bureau Eci Chem Decu 57 2-.Idtrt)-Pax,4-mpbth-1,3-Indan-liong and Some of Its LI-arivativoc by B. U. Gu&iniotaa, E. Ya. 0. Ya. Iramg, 4 pp. run tr RUM10i -%o pers Zl=? Obahch Mdr-, Vol UVI,, He 1, 1956, pp 272-V4. CU 900OA04 0, Real No 21 conmItants Bm-eau Sci - cheadetry r Sep 56 MS The Conversion of Crrbort Monoxide in the-Prea9zee of Subst,-nces Mhleb Unite v1p Carbon NoVide, by F. P. lvnnovskly, E. D. 8 im, 1. 4. Dreltzer, 29 PP. Pr RUBSIO, per, Mmr RhIm TIrm, Vol XT7, 1937, pr 567-576 lcmA R-3M5 Sol J".. 59 r-, 7- r--p-463 LJ Tendc:-,cy of Manganese Shlp-Baiii-lin- to Cracl, Weldim_,-, by S. Gintsburg, Z. B.-Dreizenshtok. BILISSIM4, per,, AvrtD Delo, Vol X!, Tio 8, xF,Y, 1911-0; USSR. B.S.A. Res Grcuri CT/1311 Sci - L b--S~thod of Determining the TendeLicy of Steel to Crack on Welding, by Ya. S. Gintsburgs Z. B. Preizenshtok) B. B. narabkovokiy. ky IJSSIJ-T,j,. per. Avto Delo; Vol XII; No 3, 1941. B.S.A. 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