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Syntbasis ofDerIvativeo or so-Anim Acids III. The Syntbasis of Docarbow.*LlLpaptldws, by V. F. Kucberov, od X. 1. Darokboms 4 Vp RUSSIAN me per Zbor (bobeh Ibla wommomm .. am-)kommr LMM go 8 Avg MI Vp 3 9- ;,,,rene as a Raw Mterial for the Iftnufacturre of pathomycin and LevcmWeetin, 1. -The Synthards t' n-111tro- cL-Acylaminoacetaghanones, V, A , Mkhalev, M. I - I~r~OVS, M - E - smolim, M, Zhelokhitwtseva, A., P. SkoAd=ov, A. I r--cm, A. P. Arendaruk, M. i. aelchenko, . A. Skorodumov, D. D. Smo3in, 3 yp. trOSTAN, per,, AntlblotUd, Vol IV, go 2, 9559, PP 21-23. CB u9 61 The MechamIsm of t2e Conversion V -hydro.Vpropi4menones to the Benzoylacetyls.-I. Synthesis and (4 -Beamenemarommi 4t -Benzensisulfamethylamido- hydroxyVMlophenomm, by V. A. M. I. Dmvkhovm,- W. H. smulm,~ of .4 -Acyleiddo- Corresponding Cleavage of Mbelevi 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Zhur Obshch FhJ , Val XXIX, No 10, 1959; pp 34SB-3492!- CB Bei ),::FLO oct, 6o (ra-4385) The Use of Surfwe-Barrier Transistors in circuits With DUrect Coupling,, by K. A. Dorokhava,, A. B. Zalkind; 14 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, ToWrovaya Tekbn:Um i Vychiv1ite1'nyV Ustroyotva, 1559,, pp 57-65. JMS 7491 Sai - Electron Hex 61 AKgoe r~?j I i, 57P Diet Therapy in Hypertensive Disease,, by Ye. 1. Dwokhova,, V. P. flikitin., 9 pp. RUSSI", per, Klin Mad, Vol XXXVIIII, No 12, 1960, PP 34-38. JPRS 7889 Sci - Ned mar 61 The Secand All-Union Conference of Surgeons, Traummatolog:Latc, Eind Aaaeathesiolol,-~�sts, by F. 1?9~~4 pp. FUSSM, per, Zdravookhraneniye Balorussii, No 3, 1962, pp 67-69. JPRS 15183 Bal - Medicine C., 4~ t Oca 62 How to Help CorrespondBnce St,,,deents 1-lake Better Progress; by L. G. Dormin, 2 pp. R~BSIAN. per, Srednee Spe-Usial'noy Gbrazovanie, lio 2, 10~60. laterntl Arts & Sci Press SDv Education VDI II. No 7 WSR Soc Aug 6o 61 - 227()- Dironin, N.A. METALLURGY OF CALCIUM. [1960149p. 27 refs. L Doromn, N.A, Available from Royer and Roger, Inc. , Waslijigion, IL Royer and Roger, Inc. , D_ C. S 10. W Washington, 1). C. 111. 60-19956 cancek~l Trans. of mono. INIetallurgiya Kal'tsiyal Moscow, 1959 [89p. 1. DE'SCRIPTORS: *Calcium, *Calcilincompounds, Properties, Reduction, liandbooks, Metallurgy. ft 7 1-3 Gffi~ of T'cL'1-1 so-ices (Meiallurgy- Light Metals. I-1, %. 6, no. 4) 4 Ravealivtg the Powsibilitlea of EnplWing Precipitation ReactEon In Foot and Kbuth Diseaue, by N. V. f)* Darouin, V* I. XindyEUovp UNCUSSIPOD RUSSIAMy bimo pery ItUmoblologiyl Epidemiologlyi I Immu obiologiyJL,, ];D 8, 1940p Vp 86-87. U57D 00~2, Scientific - Medicine by U. P. Doro RUSSIAN, per, Issled lnst* RAND Tnady Lenin Arkti i AntaAti Nauch Vol CCUll. 1963, pp 178-1840 70-1~ -:I -G*"A Vc --V.J.-!Nfkolacv, A. M. A STL71-i- Cv UASS TRV:SFER D; A FULSED ExTn., COLUNSINTWITH ROTA T-D;G FLOW. Izvc:-*.,;-.. 2 Vysshlkh Lfc~cLnvkli Zavedenfl. Khfmfya I Khir.- i--*- i;a v. 7, p. 665-668, 1964. L-TRANS-144. Order froi 7C as '--13521-07A: liC $ 6.70, MP S. BO. ij DL`07.'L., V. 1-i. Stal (Eioscow), vol,, 3, Nos. 1-2, 2 fijL~es, 5 tables, 1850 words; 1943 - Zffect of Elements on the Lec.'aanical FroperticE of '"tee! 3rutcher Trans, Grder I.-o. 1654, 1` 2.60 .e DORONIN, V. M. Stal (Moseow), vol, 4, 1944, Nos. 11-12; 8 figs., I table3 18DO words. Influence of knalyzis on Hardening Properties of Carbon Tool Steel. Bratcher Trans,,, Ordar No. 1836, $2.70 - / ' -, ---/ ram ghe =ect Of Electro-Slag Reme-I'ving cn the Q~I~tY Of the E1847 16% chromium -i5% Iiiekel, M03-Ybdem= Steel, by )M. K. Voroblyev, V. ~j. D!oron-Im, 14. M. Klyuov, 4 pp. MMSM, per, Avtome6t Svarka, No 1, ir,-b'l, iYP 52-56. 1'rrv a d-5- L jau 62 &q ink" Sb2M!6 OM =d KbVG swes, V. a. tmwv. at au v I RoMmalk ~ "~ --W"-m-vmmwj~r *was, *a lb 11 X 31wa assm W-ww ma" 257, m Improving the Production of E1347 Steel for Bearings, by M. !.Viiaograd '. M. S. Goncharenko, V. M. Doronin, V. V. Topilin, B. G. Chernins., RUSSIAH, per, Stal, 1.7o 6, 1961, v--D 542--s46. BISI Sci '/ 7,0, Sep 61 c,j of io an". c,--- Vocabul,---y Work in th-a Elemcmary School, by V. Ya. RUSSIAN? Der, Naebal 'Maya Unkola, No 2, 19&,-). Interntl Arts & S--i Press scrilet Mue-ation. Vol II, No USSR Bor, sep 6o Stnx=ral Cbaracmphdcs of the Radiation Field of the Earth as a Planc4 by Ye. P. Borisenkov, Yu. P..Dorqqhi~, et aL RUS.SIAN, per,K ftheskive ftagLb~vad ~ Vol 1. No 4 19630 pp 113S. NASA TT F-8564 7-7- (,3 Sci - E. S. & Ast Apr 64 U.S. GOVERNEMT ONLY 254.837 .at kovbkkmwmdTmo n A - - -- ~ I AWWO, UD 14j, 1016 It EMU Vomwo 8**Wsd :, -, ) PON 30830 Cc-Ic-,;Izat-;.on of 6pring Ice Tha,~tiiz, Doronin, 14 pp. pUSSL~Llqj per, Trudy Laidngrad Ark-ticheskiy i A--- -1chcoLdy Flauchno-IorIc'm Tn st Vol- CCMT, 1959, pp 151-1.61. T) '77 Amer 149toorol Soc AF C=brid~See P-cs Cumtor Sci Gcopbysics Aug 60 o,*,-a ice tAc(:nt-G.Lon. Yu. P. Doro-nia, 10 pp. RUTZMMI, Doi-, Problemy Arktiki i Antarktf -1-1 No 1, 10,59, PP 7_31-80, Amer Meteorol Soc AF Cambridse Pes C'cn-.C'_- Bei Geop~sics Aug 00 Ser-, v ! an Estimate of the Heat Flow Fraiii Ocean Waters, by D. L. J,edkhtman, Yu. P, Doronin, iS pp. L;P-uch-,no-Issledovai-.f,,Ilsl-,iy inst.- Vol CM'vI, 1959, pp 61-65, P-mer Mqteorol Boa AFS Cmbridge Res Ccnt-Ir Scl Geopbysics 'Lug 00 Gialazaatioa of SprLng lea Th--PTj-IL%,, VIY -.LL,, P. &;xyniu FMBSIM,. per, Trudy Arktichesk i Antarktichesk last, NO 226, 1959, pp 151-161. 9658708 Amer Meteorol sot AF Cambridge Res CenUr sai - Geopbysics Nov 6o Tarbuleat Beat Excbsnp between an lee Cover and the Atmospberep by YU. P. 15 pp. RmsUN.. per* Tmdy AziMdw*AV:L Aat&3*Uch"kiy Nmtebmomlealedemtellsidy lasUAVA, Vol c=VA.- 19591 Leulzmads, pp 1949. ~! -D5 imer Abtecrol Soc ly Qmbrid~p Has Oenter Set .0 Gopybyalas " 426f,, OW 60 SLA Cc-/767V Ble y3aemal Txemsfomatlm of the Lower Lsyer Of tile Atia0ephere In the ArcUej, by rte P. Dm=luj 29 I?p - RMIa. perp 2m4y Arktldheakiy I AntaxkUn-haskLy Naucbno-TA3sledovmtelvsldy lastltutj, Vol C=U, 1950, l4aingmd, vp 76-98. C -7- A 51-4 60 - /76 C?? Amr Wteoml '300 AV Cattmidw Res Canter Scl - aeophraics wy 6o RT (NY -4341) Pu2se Tim-Parameter Temperatum Stabilization for Sex-toondiwator Kultivibrators, by Ye. F. Daronkin, 3-5 pp M;581U, perp Iz Vysgibikh Ucheb Zoved, MVO SSM., ser mdiotekh,, vol n., No 6., 1959. JM 5416 Sci Jan 61 (NY-5231/lUl) An--J,ysis of a Trawistor Yativibrator Bev-Ing an Emitter Ceowitanw., by R. F, Domutlup 6 pp. rMSIM.o perp Ix Vysa'Ukh Ucheb Zavedo MM SSSRJ RadjotekbP Vol Mp no 3-, 1960., Pp lo&lu. sai JPBS 7378 ~,, Apr 61 Self -D,.citation M-3des in a Symetrical Transistor Multivibrator, by E. F. Doronkin, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol Vj No 7, 196o, pp 1186-1188. Interntl Pbyz Index Electroaics Express Vol III, No 2 Sci - Electron oct 6o rc 0 -,)nC:~ kzc Ya- by li. A. .Vull tronolation. -RUSSSIAN, per, Veterinariyal Voll Feb 1950, 1~il 1--7. UMA Tr Sclentific - 1-Uscellaneous Augr 5' OT-51'r-TA THE BOILING REACTOR -- 1, PLAN14ED UNIT FOR ATOMIC POWER, BY XN B. YE. DOROSHCHOOK YU. N. MAKAROV, 7 PP. RUSSIAN PER, ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSII, NO 4, 1962, pp JPRS 15518 USSSR ECON OCT 6z 212,1:,25 .1 VMne the CoMittoes Argmv by V- D=BhCtMkp Yti. Husbaks 5 PP . mosoow,, 18 sap 2964- YMIMS qpp JFM M12M , V. Doroshchuk 319AM SrA - - Rbyl .1 4 i mar 6T a N*wawr on edged am Lasdl~ ttaom 4 1w, 0 IWWO T* 36 V. LAMPOW6 Z* W-* Vda X, 1"16 MAvorpowl "I'L &W W Selophm ift~lw =a" ~fhe L-n-:elucncn of the '-rhrottling or aurt cr the Heated Froportion of the Tube Tranafer, Upon thic Cal.tical Intc-us-ftics of Reat b,.,, 74 Goroshchw%- F. P. Frid.. A- DSIR uu RTs 140~ Set Engr Aug GO Dc;-;-cjopncat of it-mclear ip. US.-M) by V. Ye. Darvshchuk,, 1.3 PP- RUSSlhgr par, Energetili.j. No 2, 1960, PP P7-33- JMS 2838 Sci - Nuc Yb~ P.4 ;? 2 1 au -- 6 o 0 V ~/ twomfla usm ANVMIM a FM PICROM AMT10AL Ammuloo, w V. P. ~ li pp i. - MAOI%Px-% VwN.w Nummlip VOL X4 NO 1* *63,,- t x o No .87. - imomm Xf m- SIOL & NO - AM 63 "BA", TP 285 DOROSHCHUK V. Yu. et al. Investigation of heat transfer in annular channels Energomashinostroenie, 5, No. 11, 22-23 (1959) English E u r a t o m miaxation Stability of Certrain Iron-Nickol Alloys, by Sal., Vorushek, A.M. Tseytlin. 31 iqp. RUSSIAN, t Tnw 'ill* V90say" rp : Konferents1i Itsimme Yavl4miya v Aet;=Wl -5glavath , 1963, pp 326-331, FIR287% M-PMT-65*262 j Nov 67 343,310 Thu Triftuence of PhGaphorouz on Structural fomat-ims and Propertles of Lcw-nllc~- t,achnical St"Iq by S. T. Dalroshele, -.-Oppc RUSSMI, per., Fim Metal -i ;,,rall, Vol VTTTjv No 5y 1960, pp' 77(~-776. pp Sol - 14441 '107 Mar 01 -rhe Components of Specific Loss and Magnetic Per-nea- -411-ty of Dynamo Steelo Allayed With Phosphorus, by M S. T. Daroshek and V.Y. Druzhinin, 4 PP RJSSTANj, perq FizMetal I Metanovs Vol VrT, No 6, 1959, PP 892-895 VP 111-d' S03- Fab 61 ,,;Iaeticity of Trarifomer ateel After Beat Treatmant at Temipmtures cif 300-900 v by S. I. Doromhekp 3 vp 11MBIANO per* M NOW. I M&LUmp VOI VMP 30 4p 1959.. Pp 59&-594 pp TAdb 61 ' F .nie Cri-ical Brittle Asnot in Electric Steeol, by 'A. II Lapkinp 0. W. SWbinp S. I. Doroshoky 4 pp. -RUSSTAN, -p"4 Fix mwtau I metalit Vol No No 3j, 1957., pp 478-4m. PoMmmon Inst Sci - Min/Not 'gap 58 Cbmr-V 171 PlQatieltY el Tr&r:,,jfowE*r DurIxg Coollog, by 6, tau, Vol Iv, F;n :L; Fiz 19,17A vv 271-176. co-op Tr Bch TV 464 set - MOM Sap 58 73 Variat-ion in PleEticity of Transformer Steel in tbe Frocess of Coolingp by S. 1. DoroshCl~ D- 1. Larkin and G,- V. Shubin, 47p-p-- ' - j RMBLANO per.. FIC Mtal I r--tall, Vol IV; P'n !,. 1957f pr, 171.-]."6. Perga=n Frass Sci - Ian/Mt /7~ '0 "'q "'L GOP 58 / / - Double Decompositian in the Reciprocal System of tbe Sulfates and Holybdates of Sodium and SIlver in tkItsj, by I. N. Belyayevs A. K. _kcLroshenko 5 pp, pan trau"ation.. RUSOMp uD per.. Zbxr Obabcb, Xhis, Vol XXXV, No 3j, USSR* Nor 19%0 ypIr2-T-V32- CIA 1) 1%M7- Consultauts Bweau CM 68/May 55 Scientific - CbemiaLry op Une Catuc es of Squa:1.5- Origin, b:j F. T. 10 Pp. RuS,Ij:Wi, per, Met I Gid, No 4, 1960, pp 208-31~ JFRS 2750 S,~i - Gctoi~hys 'Pun 60 Calloaation of the Pulse llelZht Distributioa and Comtimg Ef Ticiency of a r-mzt Neutmn Sciatiliatim llatecWr, by V. G. Zolo=diln, G. G. Doroahenlo, 7 PP- RMIM, per, At= Tmergiya, Vol XV, 1;0 It 1-963, -DP 194-150- CD Sci Aug 64 264,783 A Now Usdi*4 Imr WMawdeg C4ntbwn Fm Namm Condo W4104 by G. 0. aw""m4pow"D 4MMS an mostmimam !3yrv4oalrl9ft 0 337-34& AM-Ts*W7 a4-%4 sts UW" Mk%261 1.1-2t1nod- of DI*scrLLiinati--C- Pulses Due -~Ic, Fast 1'eutrons From Palses Dh-c- to -Rays ,b-, of Photo-fLLI-tij~lier Space CharGe, -o~- G. 10. 1, Dorollie'.-L-0 E--. L. Stol~urova, 4 -p-p. RUSSIAE, per, Iz All- Rau-1- SSSR; Ser Fizj Vol -MT, 1`01 - 0 1)'l, pip '112-15U. CTT sci 11 Jun 62 193,79-1 (r-M 'QV11cation or Mn -A.UeriW ftst fbr tba Diam"U lot mpentorys Part n. by L. K. D. L itativer-kalwA K. Co 1. V. wetsksysp IV Too MMMTWXv T4 p=, K%rdbiol 2h=,, Vol Xv ip w0 I'l Mro 3,061 t0 34-38- V-sm 4z/, / Sol - Usdicimp &UGaostics Oct. 56 C) 02 T~c Dcn-eIop=nt of So;-Uali-st Agrik;uIULoe During the Wext Sevcn Years, ay P. Doroshcalio, 16 pp. RUSSLU(, per, Ekon Sel'skogo Khoz, No 1, 1959, pp 11-21. JMS-811-D UWR Scon - TecImological - Agriculture, Agricultural Vachinery, livestock Jul 59 ~12' 5;-' R-9w (M-3390) Agriculture of the USSR 1959-19650 by P. E. Doroshenko., 131 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Sek's)wye Khozysyotvo MOSR v 1959-1965 Godakb, 1959s PP 23-155- JFRS 3448 USSR Econ - Agriculture jul 6o Ba.r:i,2 Trends in Piston Construction for.-L Reavy Du-,,y High Speed Diesula, by S. N. Dorroahenko, V. V. Katlyaro7. X-Wb-~D-N, perp Rnergmaaah.. Vol M., No 40 1-961, Pp 42-44. MILL M. 3576 52i - EDat jul 6 2 ~2,0 /, -:~- 6 6 fkwt*mLw%M a0l IN"r 4PUcstUft JA i.33 Tooha*bWp vy videebw safleftorithe 241 mmm v MMM96 imp LMDIR MOTION *a va scam or 10AT4401. ummc Pumm% Of I - WNWIN 17 PP- - wv-wmp~ M& nAmot 11 w 2.0 1963~ iv awl5- Ju #8132 um am MA 43 U%160 Y&M swoop 40 Wm* Vab A rVesmamaw Tex6ack" by As &L WSGIW* IPPO Rumm% rui VW" vpwh MAY. Ti* X314 we 8, 1"S. vp U-" Smamy SWUM JAR44 W4 "b CODAMICIAOIKI .VOM PMMPAp W A- N womm"Op 6 OP. nMW4.vjjj~,vw womy SmmX# so 1# 1963., VP IV"41 im twu scl * mu lConalco) JUL 63 M087 ViTal gelatitig of Mudso by-I.-N. DoroublODj, 7u. P. SmIrm. ver vbterlmwint Vol 40o Ito To 1963J. rk OTO TT-64-19W- Sci-Agric T. Application of r=zolMcm In Fulloroeia aud Pamtypboid of Birds, by M. T. Prokofuve., 1. IM. Dorushko 10 pp. RUSSIM,, per, vatertuarma., Vol MMIIIo 1961.. pp 41-46. I"OTA/FM XX-1432 SO Pbreiep Diegem Sci - BJA & Ned Sel 00t 63 3,573 UMM Inte=81 Use Only Epidemiological Analyaia of the Incidence of Dipht'har-14-a 1r, lliev during- the Period 1944 t-0 -1955j, by L. F. Doroshkop 3 'up. RUSSIAN., per,. Zhur 14i*biol Spidemiol i lumunobiol, vol xxvin, No 12, 19571, pp 2D-22- Pergamon last Sci - %ad Jan 59 7s~ StratSgftpbr adr the JdMU ftleosole S"Imnts In %b8 **am at matum"'"A ftumet I&bw (awth- MLaWS=k DwpnWUm)p by D. NO Dawasums 2 FPO RMIM, PWA, ftk Ak lauk aWs Vol M InIp No 29 I.q5ap Vp 359~-360- DW"U Sol - Ooqpbys im 59 73?, 939 The Upper Devonian DepoBitB of tha Sharypov Region in tba. 1(manoiarsk District, 2xxH. by 3, He DmIshkop 4 pp. RUSSLO) perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CM, lfo,~, 1953, pp -563-562. 3 Consultants Bureau Sci -~ Geophys Yar 59 67-:* 4 6 r 01-1.1 Iran, O:Ll-Gas Proqptets of the Mintmin Dowavam, by S. M. Doroshko - j V. P. Markevich, 6 pp~, I USSMUI., per, GeDl Nefti i Gaza, Va III, No q-JAL, R 1959, pp 9-12. RM Sol /,S77 4/6 Jul 61 ,or P Origin of Certain Local Btructm-es in the Minus- sinsk Depression, by S. It. Doroshko, 4 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak FeW. SM., Vol CXIV, I No 3, M&Y-Mm 1957., PP 613-616. Conmatants )hweau Sci - Geopbysics Aug 58 6 9.0 &'5- K-48 2-43dwnizatican, -c:y A-, P, Tjoroszhoh, G. 1. Xolomic,=Its, 2 pp. -1 c a 7"Ussm-l"", perp b'-v-axo-.11 :?I-roiz., T-10 3., P/3-,. ly"M sci Z."cb- 62 , ;~- -9,~3 - SMED. (rly-4.331) Automotive Service Stations in the Period 1960-1965, by T~ Dorosiewicz, Cho,)mckl, 10 pp. FMISH, per, Motorymeje,, Vol XV, No 5, 196o, Warsaw, PP 123, 124. JPItS 5400 Mur - Poland / :~ -4 - '04d 1-7 Icon Sep 60 lk- Phosphatic Bacterial Fintilizer,, by H. F. Berezova, L. M. Domi G. V. Lopatina, 044 P- w I R - A. W-nkina, N.-- lazarev RUSSIM, bk, Primeneide Bakteriallm7kh Udobrm2lye, Hwaawp publ 1v Goeud IzdateV Sellskokhoz Lit.. 1955, pp 322-140. CIA D 400969 UEbA 31.1766 IWR Sci - Biology NLC 56 cTs/rom ,%m-, Quea-doas c.J,' tim Usc of Bacta-ziall by L. 11, Doxozinzkdi. 5 pp. ---------- RUSMDUTF, Tyer. Mkrobiologiyr~.~ Vol 7=7 Fa> 4.. 1962, pp 738--~Ihk - ' C"- I C7~ cl~fl sci - ~, / " -,2 " NOV. 6- 3 D-ncl"L.-Tial FarUlizers,. 'The A=tobmcter cud Ita by L. 1,51. Dvrosinskii, Paz G:Et-v-k Goa Tzd-vo SellskoRhozinictremnoi D73 UMA Traw 319 m SR U canomic: - kr:iculture,, fert1lize-ra Scientific - Biology., 'Aint1liums o I c ~- a. c cL'_ I s o toi, e C e r ~ t e r s ~_, i -, C n c' -ID S 3 j. D,,ros-zewshi, 5 PI-j. POLISH, per, 1,10deoniliz, Vol III, 7'j-, I? Ai,,c-tr-4i4u" Pi,-4,!~c) Sci ".';ay 2 J. Doroszewski Biologiczne 0srodki Izotopowe W Czechosluwacji POLISH, per, Ntikleonika, v. III, no. 4, 1956, pp. 335-341. *F-b 480 oTs 6o-21307 A-r!y-, 4147 ig6i (FDD 24869) Organization of the Poliah Rational Economy, by M. Dorosze.vicz, 253 pp. POLISH, bk, (?KR:aniza,:J& Gospodarki Narodowe, Warsaw, 1953, pp 3-279. Clk/FDD Tr 48-7 EEur - Poland Econ - Industry, Agriculture, centers, jr-n-cral principles, organization, local organs, labor unions, cooperatives CTS 73/0,-t 55 Program of Lectures Eind Exerciees fz)r Nuclear Fedicine at the Polissih Medical 11cademy, by `--n 6 pp. M,r-'A) per, ?--Iskl '16;ygodnik Lekarski, Vol XV, pp 1382-3,384. ims 66Ce Sci Med B, ("al -I'Ll j i~' ZZ Per_$ P,,;jLICaLiim-; ~"W- 111i aG ocl- Bir'-L eDA Cours~~ iL the Use of RedLoactive Liotc.-pv-, 1r; and Bizlci.~y, by Jan Doroiszevr.4., 'I I PMM, per, Hukleotullta,, Vol III,, No 5p r~i5E~, PP 563- 587- FM/X-3456 Sci - Blo Apr r-i 'I ~5-F -1356 1) Ei6tory of the Organization of the Leningrad F~anitary-Hygienic Medicid InBtitute, by P. N. ,oroveLovski7y, No 9, 1960, pp 75-80. FUM.W, per: Sovet ZdravooYhraneniye, Fo 9, 1960y P-P 75-80. jas 4400 USSR 3,-),c /-~O/ 7.,q6 Far ()--I '17he Storage of Burgical instrumnento- Medical Warehou*e5 by B. F, Dorozheiiko, V. 1. GushchIn RIJSS~XAII, mo per, Voyenno M,~-d Zh Mioscow, July 19,501. PP 95-86 u US jPRS 7432 U nd-5si or, fro;a Tungsten induced by Certa~-..a 2-isitive [Ons, by N. N. Petrov, ii, iio Dorozhkin If pp~ !tt-:1 MSIAN., per., Fiz Tverdago Tela., Vol III, No 1,. L9619 pp 53-W. AIP Sov Phys-&oUd State Vol III,# qO 1 3ci Jul 61 I~eta I s in t~ e n .Y'rorc , By Jk. A. Dorpzbking W. N. Petrov pn. 5 'RTTSSTA'-;, per, Zhur 'rekb Fla. Vol 177"'T, Fo 3# Ic(,'I,, PPV Awr Thst of Phys Sov P~ys - Tech Pbys Vol VrTT, No 3 Sci Ll L/I Eamrsomoul immus"m o:- IV** ~ -1 of 0 rjuW So a WwW~p bV 0. HWddWj a. unceWn. INSUSAS4 VWII am " ka 0.001-L W& lb 4p 396ti, W W-534 Cffm Eb VZ& ,-71~~/ P/ - I sa-a" mw GO 390,919 Movement of Fluid-Band Ntxture in a Well and iu a Fracture in Hydraulic lytacturing of an Oil-Bearing For=tion,, by V. S. DorcizWkins Yu. V. ZheItcv, YU4 P. zheltov&,7 PP& RMIO.. per It Ak fidult SM 2 Otdal Tekh Nauk, No 11t. 1958s. pp 3T:42. ATs 6Wc(H Scl - Oe hya 9 117 -Z ~?Y (W01630) "Dom =" rolt TM IWAIR "no w P. gnomuvv wo eamagoo 3 fo. W01144 M4 L" VM6 0" Sm I*o P I. ipfe 1"k Una m Oct a am NA do 108#863 =-2039 Uport and Industrial Production,. by TeAeunz Wlttj~ Trena Dorox Asia, 8 FMISR per Hsudel ?AqpvA1e Enyp Vol Ivp No 8p 1"S, ;p 23. UB JM/_q22-N scar - Poland Boon - pl-Orwimm tr"e 93 Dft 58 D?Jrr, F. M APPLIED h(INERNLOGY IN THE GL%ss PLANT 1: Mr. F. tL (Angewancite 1,11neralogic Lm Glasweri). [19631160p] 17 Schott. F- (foreign te= Includem 4reft Order from SLA $5. 60 TT-64-14034 Tram. of mono. Beitrilp zur Anprwauka a (ed. by E. SchoO Sm"rt.. 1959, p. 31-37. LL drol 7 1.0 (Barth Sclioww-Ubawkw. TT, v. 12. am :4 T..b.WW SurfaCS Defornation and Forces Acting on the Parl-meter of P&Ilers and Intu-nal Cylinders, by J. DDrr. 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