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j%*N*Wa,Mf ANWO IN dw UMW A=04*016 by . V.-ROMP-- A - 9p .2.0= I P-i4 POW7 77: md-Zs&Aw ha"." I-u-A Immobaw OILY 25079 i_- 10 I0IlO!;I)ilCFiC lilt 017j)re. Ult i()11 O~ tile !~(;sults o~' ".Idar 0hsc17VZItiOlI-- Of' VCIIUS 1, bV A. 1). DMliIOV per, Gvoma,,~Iictizim i Acronordya, Vol 111, 1963" Im 5015-593. AGIJ ,:ay Oil 258,503 1 -I N a o160 Reowks ild Raft j L P. I', two - Yd IIM6 ;i;IIM MW46- I 506-M * jr-3 = IT m $4-ILIL&AS CA cmi 3"A" -1-- D" fa *0 rNowal lbww soaves 'A ft; NOW MOMWO M-1 b. -- - a & ! Dl: I i i tv LEM Fm M T - I = A AWM=BtJI6 Vbl M me oar6 0 V, 3d-*S.&A* Apt 104 WA oovxxmmma amy 254AU About the Formation of W in the Upper Atmosphere, by A. D. DMnllDV, 8 pp. RJEWIMy bk., IskuBst"nuM Sputaikl Zemli, No 5, 1960.1 Me= Press In CIA Lib Scl - Space Res .Tum, 61 Lumineacew-a of Atomic HitroWn LineB in the Nipbt 6kvv by A. D. Pw lov. RUSSIANS P;,~~Geoma&pet I Aar=, Vol I.. No 1, 1961,p pp 4 NASA 'IT P-810D Sara 7 *Ar 62 US C40VIT COLY Model of Vann andL Hm Uccapbamaj, by Av D. rftntUff. mmms per# Ommenti A92=8 Val is, so 3p 19,61.. VA& 22 F-em sei 6 %or 62 /, f.: ~ F; I F. z / us 00V12 Ow 10 --- fto"W" ft do umw amo"bw% No xklmmmmqw .1 A. w UP IM&M0 r.&- womay ardow 2sou. No 17, . pwwmppgw.pip- N "I C47 AP.. a od - Awo 252m6 ma IN W, & ammusaw OwAr zom POWWUtr or XcLatume of Riab Ileatran Coneentra- ticgw in the 9419it Aftww^we of vmmp by 'L D. bollAws 0. P. mwwwabo. I AWcuamlym,* Vbl n, so AP 363jor, *- XNA TT F4WA ad J*n 63 = OCNIN siumem simmaistioll in the Wpa kU*n*l"l, w A. ix noucw. - Vol is mxwup-vw* Goommmetum IL Aeramwi-las so to Ims IN 17"Tf. MA 2r F-SWT ftl No 63 Vs OMIT us a" p 1,01 ?J 6 Wd Wift *0 PX*CMWn it RocamblW b Ise mom AIRMWIkW% 17 bkow"Of7w 4umm Zoxft A) M 1963% MAU TY P4M ick - *w3b Od & Ast ?a " 116 (wnommim 066T 2w" Moiecalar Ions in the Uner Atomphere, by A. ID. Dmai:lov. BUS33M,, per Vok Ak Sauk SM, Vol =MIo No 5, 1961s py 1,096-1.101. xAm Tr r4)Mk Sai "114 If //10- Sep 61 (Do -3330,; - The. Work of the Bureau of the Depart=nt of Itiglons, bliamblology and N~pldealologyj Academy of bhdical Sciences U=# Durlng.1958, by B. 3. aftmkin, A, -I# DmU.ov,, 15 pp. MIME,, parp Vest Ak Hed Nwk SSOR, Vol XlVj 'Ra 12, 1959, yp 9~40. =0 3073 Ila, 'elg Sai - Wd, Mao Mim 60 Idew1olool nut! riygiew :?cr 2.c6, O,,DP ill; MtLt 11D I-1j", 3.963. MIS Min moll & 1W Ekd S-4733 (DC-2:;~l) Astrakhan Session of Acadezy of Medical Scianeda UMM on tha Problem of .' L-ftc-stinal Infectims, by B. N. Shilinkin, A. I. Smirnova, A. 1-_p~Luagx, 14 pp. 17 va '111 RUBSIAN,p per, Vest Ak Ned Nauk SSSR,jNo 10, Maliccu, 1958, PP 74-W. im-L-i,145-D Sci - Medicine Jul 59 Thj.n-VI Ued Ingot MaIda for Killed SU21, by A. M. 'Lloy., RUfMIAN,, per, Metallurg go 2, Fab 1958j, PP 19-20. Bmtcher Tr 4242 $2.50 ect - min/met "P 58 702 IJ-7.Y* '13M Zbou of Molew Air in Wiria, Tumel Nozzles, by A. S. Dauilov. 30 pp. HUMAII.. per., Is Ak Wailk SMj, Otdel Tvkh tipaik lbkh i Haahs, No 6., 1960., pp 24-37. 9664i-~3 YM-7.P-61-159 Sot - Acro a0 Mar 6P 61 -22225 Damilov. A. S. COEFFICIENT OF REDUCTION TO RESERVOIR 1. Deniloy, A. S. CONDMONS FOR GAS-CONDENSATE RESERVOIRS. 11. ATS-70hi47R [196119F. 111. Associated Technical Order from ATS ~ 10. 30 ATS-70M47R Services, loc., East Orange, N. j Trans ofizveet[lyalVysohikhUchebfnykh)Zaved[enli). Neft' I G32 (USSR) 1960. Y. 3. no. B. p. 45-52. DESCRIPTORS: *Natural gas, Storage. Reduction. Gases, Water supplies. Offic, of't'dmi"A S-4ic" (Engineering. W, v. 6. no. 4) Low-74mipvv-at=e Treatment of Lbomically Deposite8 Lead 9 Sulfide ribu, by R. L. t4mller,, A. V. Datilov., Yang Ying-&-W.4, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, per.. Muw n!ik Mim, LVlv, 14o 1p 1,061, pp 71-W ~ CB scl. C~.q - f- mar 62 140'-71 "0,/ ~30LU*Ucnss of A. V. et pp per; 'Vest n. I KUL,, vo 4, RDF X. f4-1'1-13 6j, furaLlow U111.12ATIMS W THE LABOR kV TAL04, OF w 0. DMILOVI Aw its AF"o 8 or* awtANg IV, Nmrslowly UMMIK, 9 W., 1"iet P 3- im 1%34 um em oa OW llkj:~J5 so t Dc-5614) Utructim of Scme RtuRmilen Motor Oils WItU FUrfural, by B. D"Llov, 3 PP. KIINUrIM, p", Patrol Si Gaze, Vol XII, ft 1, 1961, PP 27-33- JPRS 8716 Al Av'js 61 C012twoLlims tbo MI= D=:-"Vicn of a Diockiag .. , rf". bv ri. R. nmrjl=~j RM W,. per, Radivtokh, Vol XIII., No 12, 1958p pp 1-46.4k- persawn PM&o SOL m 60 / o' r- -:7 0* "7 IV Dantlov, C L. Daulsov, Yu. N., and Dmitrievskil. V. F. L Danilov, C L FLUMATRE lil-11MONIQUE DIFFiltENTIML, tr. IL Dimisov, Yu. N. by W MAzov. A- 22 Nov 60 [81p. CZA Trans. no. M Dmitrievskil, V. P. R 1086 Oa= in Prench~ IV. CRA-tr-RIO86 Order from OTV or SLA $1. 10 61-IPW V. Commissariat i I'Energle Trans. in French of Pribory 111 TdchIniks) Eksperfl- Atomique (Prince) mental (USSR) 1957, no. 2, p. 7 4-76. DESCRUPMRS: OPlu3tmeters, Magnetic fields, (Physics- -Magnetism, TT. v. 6, no. 6) 7 1, 1 mzsr.ian %.-wic lxc~~crts. Vol V. Sable an,i :7,!uirrel, Appraical cf Trap~)ingtz Areas Pcsults cr the Industry, by 1). N. Danilov. RUSISTAIII, per, Vcprc)s:r Biologii Pusbnyhh 7. erey i Teklinihi 01~hotnich'yogo I-Tomysla (Usspk), VrI XT- C-der from --lieen's Ca na cla sci - Diol Jul. 59 OTS T, 1.2 Russian Gan-.,! Rey:orts. Vol VI. Trappin-- an-I the FLu- In6mstrv, 1"1"-'1-1'-,-4"5. Pethod of Investigating TIrc0iictivi ty of Trap,I:ing Areas, by 1). 11. Danilc-v. - y Biolc~gii E-ushn) -h Zvc.-rey i RUS)SIMI, -,)cr, Vopros, y1 Tel-,hni':i Okhotnichlyego rr(-,mysla (USSR), Vc! XI- av, C~rder frcrm ~,iieen's Printer Canada Sci Biol Jill ()TS 1, 1? Russian Gmno ilerorts. Vol VI, aml the Fiir indiis~try, 3.991-1955. F-rinci7,11cs of Tyj.olcr~y an(I ValAtation of 'h-atI-Ing Areas, by D. T.7. Danilcv. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Biclogii Yushnylli 7Lverey ' Teldmild C)!-,I1c-,tnicIi'yego Promysla, (Usq,3),, VC1 xi- Order froin -,ueen',o TPrinter Canada sci Bicl Jul CITS for Exti=tim?, Grops of flie Scrairral1r, 'Fuen Predicting tho Animal's N=bers,, by RUMIP14's *,O-e P, , Traw Centr Lab Biol and Gam Ividimtry., NO 5,- ZagotzhiNmuir'e,, KoBcovp 1941, vp 34-45- (?o-- references.. rme Tr No 137) US Dept of Interior Tr No 129 IMSR / ~, Y 0 5- Scientific - Biology Nov 54 CTS NM TUK (POLL a rAK ft=ML4K IVK ftANT9 Wr,. WMIUN, 6 V-0. MWIA4 qVio VOW) OWWAYA ORUAv ND %9 1 OM lgw* p 10* 002894 Uum cm W 63 a.%* Ylasic; TI.-oble.--m In the 7heary ot Piercing, by F, .1% - et al - RUSSIAU,,, bk,, Production of Steel Tubes by ljot nouing, moscaw, 1a54, Chapter 6, PP 58-93. B131 1354 f3ci - Engr AnS (4 lGiLynafacture ol PIpar. by Ikudlov, and A. Z4. il;~ pp IRWSUM~p b)L, Goryuchaya PlvMtkk Trub, Moncow, 1962, pq 525-%. 96M857 PTD-TT-63-715 skxr 37 Un.Lique Roj i InE, in a Will, 'by YLI, V. Maneginj U pp. aiA 6o-10758 oj~,q, VC)l Tl]:, Vu 7 Nov 60 A B.ittery in an Antitank Reserve, by G. Thnilov, . 5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Voyenny Vestvik, No 5, 1962. Acsi-i-o424-E ID 2191530 Sci P14,312 oct. 62 on. the Effect of omMine ou)Spima ftefie=s, by 0. N - p!~~ 10 pp. FMSIM.. per, PIziol ZIv2 SSsR In" I. M. sec)mmwm~t Val XLV.Lp 30 3.0, 1960, PaIA3-1249 pp sci /ff ~ fa y Apr 61 Cjsjr;ujjji~jvrj of the Doublet NctiLron-douteron 6cattering Length in the Theory of Zero-range Worces S. and V. I. Lubedev, pp. 6 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Lkeper i Teoret Fiu, Vol XLIV, Ila 5,' 1963m PP- 1505i - M7 Amer Inst of Phys Sov fts JETP Vol XVU, No 5 sci '~2 4 0 -7 Ov*., t63 Propertie~; of the Square D-.'La:-;rari With DeLa-Y Ma:~:;cs, 'U~, V. 111. Gribov, G. J. D-inilov, -Lop. 117,1,113SIA14, per, Z4-ar F~Lsper i Teoret riz, Vol KLI, I'o 4, 1.9bi, pp-ItL--,-i~~- AIP Sov Ph s - JWlT Vol Xiv, 202,7~4 may"* pjqmtum at a awme Dlav~ W1,21 "Mapeowft "NNM# X. Oribaws 6- Be OMNIUMO $ 19- MOOMM;;rr.# zbw - i *am piss Vbl XLIO Im 2 AIP sew ftp - am V62 XITP No 3 rA A~-'L- OL, tbe Three-Body Problem with Short-Range Forceu; by, 0. S. Dwiloy j fruSSIM, per, Zbur VIEsper I Teoret Piz, Vol XLp No 2" 1961L, p9j, 498-5(R Alp BOV Phys-.TMP VOL X111'. NO 2 Bel Aug 'G I L-ificiek-ric..:F~ Of i.,MUUM ;Aquaftc-tIon Best framfor mW By6ra"ic Resistan of Tubm With Spiral Flo In a Imotudiml Flowp by L B. UM !~b~ V. 2. X61.11n. JUSSIO, pert I= Fis I Zhurp No 9P 1962j, PP 3-8- UUM Risley Tr No 315 AvaLlAblo on LOM OMY Sol 3 VAr 63 B.xpansioli Engivf- Liquefaction of by P'. 1'. pur, Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol XXXI, No 4, 1961, up 4-E6494. AIP Sov Phys-Tech Phyu Vol VI. No 4 61 On the ftxablem of the Choice of Optimm Conditionn for the Operation of a Iblium Liquefier, by 1. B. DAMUOV;, 3 PP. BUSSIM,, m per,, Zkur Tekh nzv SM; Vol xxvii, No 5o 1956P Pr 1045-104T- Awrican Inst of PIWsies Vol Is No 5.. Soviet Physics Techalcal Fkvsics Sol - ovalas Jm 57 casome 0own"Im Boutu Uqwler With no Extorna B"lrr4px*tlmj, tw Pe La- Opitsas I-B- pl!M~s 3 PP- RMPA parp Zbur Tam MR Vol M=,, HO 4j. 19621, 3W 4W:U- Awr 3bat PAO Sov fts - Toob ftv Vol vup no 4 act 21)$,v908 oot 62 PC.viev ana biblioWaphy About an American Attempt to 1jevsAle. 1. P. Pavlav's Doctrine,, by 1. B. Daullov, ~~B pl). IRICLASSIFM I USSI"ll per* Piz Zbtr vol immlig Ifo 3p 1952# Ir I.-niiaaadj, pp ATJW F-46-7991 79 o3cientific - Medicine,. biblioemPhY j-.-i!:Ec 145124 CIA MOM Doc 53 Cm Factors Influencing the 7hermostability of Jet Engine Fuels, by 1. H. Danilov, Kh. Ot. Harambulatov. 16 pp.' RUSSIAN,,. bk,, Somlstyya Nefti i Produkty ikh Pere-rabotki, Moscow, 1962, pp 238-250. 9683366 FTD-*ff-63-343 Sci-Fuels 73~/ZrZL a Jun 63 U'l"Cots all' a Gim C=iicm on -.he I-ilier-mal Stabili-Ly TS--I. Fuel,, by I. X. DonUov, Iti. A. Hurzebulatov, 5 Iv. RUIRIMIs h,*r MUm I I Wkh TopUv i Xosci No 2j, 1960'.. pp 411-467--- JM 2791 Bc:L-. chem. Oct 6o Wtui *--chaniam bor WhIch pitt:Ing CorroGion ir. laiti&trd D.T,A. (;rcrrr. on Stainleso Steelay b7 I. L. RozenM'do I. S 3 PP. IRMISIU,t 3Xrs jbk Ah Nv* SSSRy Vol C==t No 2# 'gay rp hA41T. CB Sol Aa)w 62 19,01211 OTLID % Wifications in the RUctrical Activity In the Ozolpital Reaiou of the Cerebral Cortex cX the Dog Upon Chronic! Irritation by Ught, by 1. V. RMUR, biMo per, Zhur Vyvsh Nery Daystell imeni 1. P. Prm, P,p 57h.5BI. CIA/FM U-6722 Uam Sai - Idediclue., pkwsiolngy Aug 56 cTs/m 'C,;~in Effect of Ccrtain 'Ieuro-.Ac~jc LD-rugs on tile Foci of Inert Excitation in ;vtor Analysurs of by Is V9 Danilove rudy Institutil. slu.'~ IAN, For# .1, I allnoy Meditsiny NI; SSSi~v E k!Nrerimcnt. YOZhop.odnik za. 19S8, god, pp 25-31. AIL-I ii-47-64 Jul bs Foatuvi5s In tbq Dwmlqpmsnt of t1in off lEighor Aarvous Actimity SJLw.%q tht* Great Qi~- i~ck*r Scidalist Hwolut-lon, by 1~ V~ DvAnUo-, V."l P, 3 ~ Kupm1m 0 11 pp FEMSLAJI.. per, M Zhur SWR Imani 1,, M, flocbpn*m~ Vol XLIDA., No 1.1.7 195-rk pp 100-10SO: Pergazon Alta Isar a-zigoas on J_*~1'jj,jjj.jLjt,jOV. la D04p Rcaxcd in ~-..I:acsc, 1:Y T. V. Dn"Ilov) 7 Tm. RWSLIU1, per, Fiziol 2,hur SSSR imcni .1. IM- Scc-hteow., Val Y.IV, Tio 9, 1959, Pergamon Press Sci jan 60 '7, ---~=b)Asws Of thr; Cutntrml 110-17GIP, syntm, I~v vc; V, CIQ),Ikw, D- N- 8 ppo RIS,SXAfi,, -;xbv,, nz Zbw SMS Imeni 1. 14 ~ SaaMnova. Vol MM"I"D so 9.s 1957p pp 910-94: (i ftwgwroon Vow 55 ,~ E)-ect)-uriograph for InveGtigatiag the Structure of Ccapounds Difficult 'to Volatilize, by F. A. t-Utiehin, M. 1. Vinogradov, K. 0. Danilov, 11. P. LQ-tikin, E. N. YArtimson, N. G. R=bidy, V. P- Spiridonciv, 5 pp. RUSSIM, per, Pribory i Tekh Eksper, No 2, 19541, P.P 70-74. Instru Soc of k-rnr Apr 60 LeIIIULLIaC 1'1'fCCT,10n 01' t~IC- ,Furmtloll or Septy.c 1; - T, ~ A DsWlav;, 0. A. Tsuk(,rr!nn, V. V. Ppral,ov, r, pp. "Icnatol. 1 No 1.2p 1959: Pi) );7-50. parm-ron Auq 60 of Scala ?r= tho F02-11.~:.-I PlAftw lyy guano of a Steam kiA Clas BUsting tbtbcd. by :19. 1. Elubwnav-TWUM Kormhomwi, L. I. 2UMUM ThIlMUOV, 4 pp. MMME", pr, V&talbwg, I;o 6, 1958, pp 25-29 OmwUltafte Bunqu Gal - Iffl.a/M - Ap, 59 ~ 17/ 6 ~145 j UtIlizatica of tatraviolat Raya for Proloiaging the Tim of Stcrage of Sm"' Condo# by M. DamUav & Me=# 18 vp " -- R=Xmj, b1= pwj, Myseneys Industriya SSMq Vol XXIIIIq go 5v 1952s in 3341. ,3&, /.q;L BCl Tr Center RT-3743 scientific - physice jun 56/4,4m nuctuatioas L, I*Ight ai-A moisture Content of Needles of Ik)zmW Spruce " Siberian Fir in PhOation to Beedle vuA Tree Aem, by X. D* Danilov. RMIAM, per, lbk Ak Nauk SSBR, vol 61, No 2, 19W pp 375-378. T2 6&504A Lo V Noy 68 368,913 i III I-.- I -,6-1 , L (- ~, isc,.Lb & 4.11 IWD 68 ilaLlldi-001', Of Food Products - ~'~eat and 'feat Products, t)Y !.,,. M. baniloy. RUS-SIAN, bk, -rovarovedeniye Prodayov- sttrenu'l."I Tovarov - Hyaso i M.yasnys UfSTI 'VT 68-50337 it C. iil ri W. AI) r 69 380,310 Idpraar MrAt in a 4,coclal 1-koictle Field, by ToltgxXwdlum3d$jtKV. N. Dmnilov. masul" PTD-rL-t-Q-6ig Nti lx.(! O~ 270,426 Construction Standstill at the Cheleken Carbon. Black Plant., by N. Danilov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Turkmeaskaya Iskra, 16 Sep 1962. ims 16552 USSR Econ De c 6,,2 (NY-7088) Pao"^ Domp By 0---P!!!9-LO-vi-7 PP- MMIANO Mo WMIMo WD Ap KC 1961,0 PP 17* Ia. ." 13M SO - PHYS itm 4 1 -2- -97#07 Platurs Dwwor In a Toroidal jAgwtic Field.. by V. 1B. Gcaants 0. B. Danilow, 8 pp. .-W ... IWWIAN,, per,, 7b, Takh Fis, Vol XXXUI, No 9, 19,63,, PP 1043-1054. Auww inst of Rk" Sov MVS - Tekh Phys Vol VLUO no 9 smi Ar.(r 64 2530642 ft,,%Qn mad gom:ULUc Liausl=u in Gtzol DemdeUvied With Alusdm=2 by Pe W. Dajall=.) at ale RVRSTMj~ pm.. Is VyuoMkb Vobelb Zaved., Cbern lbtWLj, lb 8p 19a9 pp W55. 95 5%8 Hal - Nq=Abt ,T= 6en- /? 1)" J7 9164 Lilect of Vibrating .1ked ScUdVylng in the bigot, 1;Wd Upon Its QmAIlW As-C&st and As-Rcilect, by [:-. S. Piddmlov, ~ RUSSIAN xw,b'yjjWo4jj=2&vedCltvrn 19K pq 66-76. S4,1 - Ew Qcz 64 268,466 _u:ouud t~Lla r.xoLqj,.e..,:ive Forcri-is, I ftp 1962, p xvRa )-02,31 unim L,r,,m, nt"r 62 DA-lulose and Chitin Esters, and t,-)e Reactivity of Cellulose and Chitin, by S. N. Daiiilov, E. A. Plisho, b RLOSIART, per, Iz- Alt Nauk SWR, Otdel Xhim i~aw:, tio 8, 1961, PP 1500-15o6. CB Sci jui 6p 202,714 M,(~cbanfLsm of Intrazolecalar 0--:idlat ion -Ecduc t ion o'- Reactiortu of L C:x and -11alo CF-,rbcnD,l RU-353LUT, per, Iz Allz Nauk SSSR, Otdcl 13iim Nlaauk, :lo 12, ).)~O, pp 211,3-212o. CB 3ci May 62 194,49,; (1-1((49 mllil,lv, u DEVELORNIF.VT OF C11F.M15 P) IN ssy I Y~3ralov SINCE llif., REVI)LU1110N. (19(1173p. 7Cf, vf6 (IM;,q Sl A $1, 10 M49 C,r.~!-_-nsed tra-; of N,imill 01)01-hel KhMill W55R) !94^1. v. 12, n. 53~-Y~' DESCIAill'Cli'S Chenucal in,'umry. USSR, *11rganic com.pounds, HyJrocarl~;:ms. Metalorganic conpwds. *Chernistr) (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. f, no. Off- .1 ?be eblawto of NA U009#69 Vto %W UA*n~"*Uak of VISMOR N. Volatess 10 jet mu., Bcd - Cho 1 Distribution of Oarban Mmaflde In VIscova in Relation to coadItImaj, 5 py. 2 grfeats of Oxidizing emd Reducing Additlow on the Properties at Viaawwj, b7 K. V. LevltakW&,, P. T. F"W%bOT3. a. IN. b"awrO.T."O Roan Pw nm Pro m3LUS Vol XKXMv No 4v 196D.* VP %*:W; CD AW 61 M=arliatico of c4-VydrcxyaldvhAcr,. XIV. SYIM"10 *f OlYcersldObY48 Darlwatives, b7 S. R. DanUavv V. 1. Inabebanko, 4 pp. WMIM, per, 2mr.Obahch Milm, Vol XMI, no 6, 3.957jr pp t-M-2095. comnats"n Burgau ul - chm Oct 58 7 1~ / -f 15, Derivativm of Mono- aiA Dianb$W44a of Xyllts., bY S, W. AnIkeyovs, N. S. Tikhomi- rovi~.*U&rmt A. N. mirebm, gpy. RUUAU,o porp ZbiAr Obabol Xhimp Vol XXV11j. So 9, 1937., PP A34-2"h - covanitants Dureau sill - Chem W." 58 P/Z-, / -r $? An~rj~idftss Amino and Gmaido Derivatives of Y,Yd~bo= and PolYbdric Alcohole. III. Aminotion and QuWlfttlOM of Wd=WbOwq by 51. N. DanllcFvs 1. S. TAGbUM4W* 3.0 pp. Fuu tr RMSIAlip mo pop Zbxw Obahch XhU4 Vol Uvs, Ilo lis, 105s pp 2U)6-9117- crA 54m66-c,* reel 3. COVAultants Bureau fticutific - Chowlatry IT Aug 56 CM On a Reflex Machanism Influencing the Position of the Thoraxo by U. V. Danilovp 4 pp - q RUSSIMIj. mc per,, Tizziol Zhur SSSR Imc-n-.1 I. w0cchenm- , Vol XfT*Ilj WO 4, 31t0i PP 317-321- 1.;:V`~7 1 1) Fergamon Press i - 162d W/ ") ?// r 5B lll. H),droxyet, f (~hjtin~ The Study 0 v, E. A. ()-.r Cbititi~ by 3 Danilo 7%-u,- Cbshch V01 ".9581- i"v 2217-22?-2- CB A Study of Chitin. I. Action or Acida awd of Alkalien Ugm Chitinj by ~E. A. Plisko., 8 pp. RMSTAN mo perg Zhur Obshch KWh,, Vol XXIVt No 10$ Oct, 195&P pp 1761-17M. CIA C 42157 Consultants Bureau Scl - Cbmidstry 3 67 / -*- / jum 561&x Isawarization of 0--UpLroxyaldehydes- XIII. Traneformtions of tt-Halogeno- and 9Z-Hydroxy- ketones 'With a Primoxy Alcoholic Group., by So No Damilov, No So Tikhactirova-Sidorova., 7 PP. MMIA14p mo per.$ Zhur Obsbab Mat Vol IMVp No 3,, UM, Hw 1954j. py 45D-4b5. CIA 1) 1%M7 Consultants Bureau M 68filay OcientUlc - Chemistry 0 ~Ie wile of the oxidation-Reduction Properties of H.,p!Lro;ry "tones in Initiated, Polywrizationp by N, Damilov., N. So TMomirova-sidorova,, It pp. 'uU tramastion. USIM., mo perp Zhur Obobeh Xhim, Vol XXIVP No 3# .7saj, Mar 3.9!4.. Y-PW5-457. CIA D 3.51317 Consultants Burcmu .1vtortifii: - Chodetry v7 i>,sn'7 em68/mv 55 Hmuloion I Xantb&tJL=,, W S. M. 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