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14varitanian Islmdc Republic Governm nt, by A. Campourcy. FRENCUP porjj Euxupe Fnwce Outremer,, No 3b3., 1960,, PP 56o 57- (cau No iv 18ol.EO6., L~ng T-r.) AM fjE/A .. NHMPDVAM Africa Pa sept 6o Tb* Pvc4action Values of the Virforont Sqpr Boart 'Farlettes With Special Imforenee to lAor ftot MenIM-1-pop, 'by Zm Jfttiej, Dwm Caqprooo SAWO-43kOATMo, M& %MMM MAer-tvreft, So 59 19&-, PP 319-355. F= TT 7n-060& b C4 -S ~9 A) Ovvpe * ~y The No3doummas of Lear DpA (CaroMors Betieola Sacc.) on Suaar ftet in Yugoslavia and Rnerimas fdr Iredioating it in Prodnetion,, by Dumm Campreg,, Ivo matic. sAF30-mQATxm3, per, wljn& Proizvoftj!!,, No 6. 1956., pp 217-232. NTM TT TO-56060 %A. rn APIA 71 Tes-11, Tcatz on vloC4 ~. - +- - , Plywwu, by M. J. CWX,,~~e4Pni 8 IPPI- FROM, per, lost Tadm du BatImat at des Tmva,= Publics, No 23, 1947. ARCC-C--3le8 SOL Or 62 Vol IV a No g /Ze, The IrflLLCIICC Of the ',%~etbad of Fixin_o- SM'i'eners on the Behaviour af Girders with a Solid Web, by H. Touia, F. Campus, 26 pp. 87 FRENCH.. P#,Cours de Construction du Genie Civil )No A Liege Univerlety. SLA 57-3449 Sci Apr 59 LO 7be Imfl%wnce of the Jkthod of Fivina Stiffners on the Behavior of Girders With a Solid Web,, by R. L*uimp F. CfMIJ?M& FMCH, per,, C do Construction du Genic Civil,, So 87, Univ AW Liege. T.I.L. Tr 4792 Sci - Engineering Jun 57 Z 11j, -zn~" dn Sea Water, m; Carriod cut 2n thc Ouit~-- Kra~.Nlr 01, Ooteui s3inre 19340 bly ?errq"l Cnz--,un,. ,,)1 -4 . I ~X 1 0--.- --.- I- . r-~? Tilgeab-nir, Vol = LTC- :xp AA. VFj,N Corpif of rmgr, lieterwayo &par st,-- Tr 47-6 Econ - Traunportation,, river, water Aval I cblo ca loan at Raseurch Center Library by dcp !,:1?1- Vol t5, 17o T)p 42T-439- o-r Sogr, Watervays Exper Sta Tr b0-31 i-tim-aiAng, hyd-raulica, navall Tr-mnporiCuticn, river, wrter ra loan at f12-vclircti Cciatucr Llbr-cry - -P-saftw4as of Itbe tAeft ! I 1~: *001dobys.1 9 somm"t CA&" in is 68 A= &196 Dec M36 lp jMjVm4 AAgb* NOW 0 m am 2=7 an , , - pw Pak 04 sol-W - r ~ U~ I - N-. - ~ ~ - i - , ;~ Twdelty of Lead Salts on the 14arve Centors, Thwx Pertod of Incubation, by J, Lkvzus EMOPEAN, P=v $04019 99 IJLQNAO 21 do go MIA1084 ggs2w Baugme V63 68s 19109 pp _q)9-5n 11TC 71-16451-06T mar 72 by loolomwat et Psychotheray.-io, 1-4p NIFI 7-30 SOP 53 %be Lrao ot ouramloo fw Nwdr, El&-gover M RL&-FXwjw=W ftboa* bw J~ _Cmuw-atp 22 pp- FBOMS Vero Aeft Mqmdcm~ Ta rvp 3b 10 2901, w y9ww. 9ffA 6L-eDOT9 ad Iftr 62 WL Ws No 3 ,e d X~ --3irty Years of Kaplan Turbines. Parts I and IIj, by F. cau"p, J. Loll. 'EMMAN per Wasser);rgt manch Vol mmix_, 1914 29:42. D.S - 1.11 -AO476/cT Se Lentif le Engineering mm any -~ I- - - . i'~, G;~pwvsvi4cs In Me Air and T4zir 4AT--_ - F. Cauec,, 20 pp. rl -ft -tag ITtlimp Wt to - -sealm, pp 1-16- S.L.A. Tr 965156 ficl. - Mtn ftodes g ?, /0 s~- sop 56 = Canac Francois and ChanviUa. Iii-Imm de. Tr-64'-1404t INFLUENCE OF A VIUMNO LIQM ON 71iR htB- 1. Canac. P. CHANICAL MISTANCE OF GLASS (bMumm d'tm n. 0munluls, M do LWde Muillont sur In Resimme hisor0m du Vern)(19M lo l (forelp tsm tnduw V Oider f0m A . 60 TT-U-14(Ml l TOM. Of V*17" 0 PkMCWM (Prefts) 1%8 IV. 21 am 3, p. 130-16& (N1&t*rWm--Cexwn1cA6 Tr. v. 12, am 1) ern- i T..bum e-i- L-3- X"354 Came. Francok and Montel, Reine. STUDY OF SURFACE STATES, CHEMICAL AND 1. Canac. F. NJECHANICAL ALTERATIONS OF A GLASS SURFACE It. Montel, R. (Etude des Etats de Surface Alt6ration Chimique et Mkanique d'une Surface de Verre). [19631129pi (foreign text included) Iref Order from SLA 12.60 63-20384 Trans. of Verres et R&ractaires (France) 1947, v. 1. Apr, p. IL-29. DESCRIJITORS: *Glass. Surfaces. Corrosion. Reflectometers, Mirrors, Light. Diffusion, (Materials- -Ceramics. TT, v. 10. no. 12) Ofts d Techikd lervkm Le.-p.l.ratory Exchmage of Anim-al Livers Treated With Isomicotinic Hyarazift Ini, by N. Cmal,, S. oamttfti. IMU,U3, w, CI&Aku Ital flimasilk, Vol Il, 1955m pp 63-70- Am rr gw 36, o? 5 7 .Tw% an/dm wel"looWtIric D&UrnimtIc"s by R. CQ=4 and A. CbWMo 4 pp. nqu, pw, BoU. am. &04 44mw Val. Inp 1945,9 pp a?-%. AM Tr 2fth 0b" .-, -~,j ftb "" 0"A 0 a 0/5 014.4 .0 :00 Fadioactivi-r,y of Barcalona Drinldng 'qp6t4,r, by Xavier CanP 4A.CM2, 13 PP- -.01C - SPANOU, per, Socied&d Espanola do Fisica y quimica Anatlest Vol UIt 1945x pp 414-423. su 6o-io741. S rmi Jun 60 On t1w Absorption at f4ays by the Solution,, colloidep Uld 9"PRUSIOMP by ~- -Ca0616?- 1k. arip"a L. beGats 7 PP- You fir T03, SIP M% VP 5W-90- navy Tr 1473ARL 608 met - Mel" ~eq" 502,~4 mw 07 cftldex flachim far T-boting Steel for Not VorImbility end Romats Obtained With Itj, by R.. Cansi-as UHC=-ZV= iplar(ma p=,p Fav= ae m*tLU=VIej, Vol',I, I, 1946., so v & ;ru,, Pp Brutcher Order NO 2993 ScUutifft - Meaa%uws. ateal Februnry 1953 and OlZrOO&Z M-tugrap 1y a, A. Dmetft VqV%t J. d& FQW*c M."t.otra SpAMUE, pqrs ADMIX BO"Cd do Dsfezc rltr'sa. juulft age M500*8 06 0 do Invest de V ult"Mr" Vol 11j, No 2; 169" Vp 119-142. DSIR/31675/C2 Sci - Biel oat 58 UY aa (of the T~~W of Antithrmboplustinogen), by A. Pavlovsky,,A. Caaave N. QLdmo, F. Etcbegoyen, 5 0 P.P. SPARIBR, per) La Frensa Med., Ar6pntiaa, Vol YLUI, No 2, Jan 13, 1956, pp 166-179. HM 7-15-6o Sci - Med Sep 60 A Lo Phytoannitary Aspecteof Stored Groundnuts in Portuguese Guinea. 1. Enclosures (Cehoa) and Stores, by J. P. Caucels do Fonseca. PORTUGUESE,, per, Ann Jta Miss Georg Lisboa, Vol x1i 11o, 2, k 1956, PR 53-82. DSIR/31026/CT Sci - Biology j-r 9"3 LI 1?,mb 58 i: 1, J---Q lln~ Uf DI"IFArx9r-, bY A. 'I',. Cabl,'alt J. P. LTD SPANME, per, Ann Zuutm yAr.6 qoaV, Tioba.L, vol X]:,- No 2. 1956, vp -xgg-n5. Danho&WCT Biol, food p"servation Oct Rmtia Bet"= the Cheat CircLoference and viia H04;ht in He1AUw to Forms of Palxmvay Tdber- cul"iev by M. CvnceM&ua"V# PAwticheUi,, 5 PP. MUMM Pero DO*= Boci&Uo Vol =i No 3/k, jal-Dec 1951,p pp 198-2w. MA 2M Sol - Wdlai" 1;1~ 15-1y Sav 57 Ao The Pori; of C"pl-by 14-0 fie 06rt of Lorient, by C do J, ID IM336 U=ASSIM) PMMI. par Travaux May 1954,, Paris., -VA !-PP-3.95-gi SZ-51~ G-2p OMA a-3Se6 Mir - nlooft Googralphic OW 65/rob 55 Microdosage Quantitatif d'Ions de Chlore et d'Iode, by N. ZuLcev, K. Koyev, 7 PP. BULGARIAR to FRENCH, per, Comptes Rendus Acad Bulgarian Sci, Vol XIV, No 3, 1961, pp 247-250- 9093931 CEA A-1124 Reverse Translation Sci oct 62 Cand0k C. aW Murgtaescu. 1. G. 014 OF I~WJMNE ON SODIUM CHLORIDE n Condoo C. Acdw du hlidum- our 1e Chlorum de sc&tun~ 119621 MurpAmw% L C. 16]p. (fwtlp to= 1=1udeM 17 refs. i Order from SLA $1.60 62-1"Z7 TmnB- Ot n=m (pWr) tram Congrfes de) ChbAjel b4uozrleUel (rxL 14) fbeld at Paris] Oct 34. DESCPJFMM. *Mlorldm sodlwn compounds, Medwes, Hydrom HIA ternparantre reenrciL rim actions C '03 02 2 8 0 1) (che-19"T-4bysicaL Tr. v. a. m 6) offi...1 S-4... The Coummics of MathmA and Patrolam Ardro- cuibous with fteaut by C. Candsal J. m3bm.. 6 p. RMAMIMP pWv OCOW& p*Ut*duAce Tawanar,, ftl Baij 193ho VOI Vs W 225-M- MA 60-1M50 sat Apr 60 //,~, /Os V44 III I. so 3 Toward a New Philosophy of Structures, by Felix Candela. I SPANISH, per unknown. USDA North Carolina State College Tr 21 Sci - Engr M&Y 58 Lim ChUmis In Vinvptrft, bcr L- tildsl , S. CbndoU. .. I-M, vwp lout" IBKJ*q 99 Im"Us- M, " Amonnrinte4aft WAM4 a .-~ - Vb- 10o IWr W SB3-439 awwib. 6w /9~. C /~ A/ L) 6 -~ W sai - Aug Or 3W98r Lim ChUrosis in Viwyurds, Lwtituto Nrnciom-l do lavestigeciones Agronmicas Madrid, by m. cnWels.) L. Hidelp. SPAR=.. per, DolLtin DO 15, 1958, PP 383-43", CSM/Na &fi-2 177. ( '~-- ,, c, r- /"I sci - Jul 67 334,207 Thapml BaUnce In the Syntbeele of Urem, by q46*M ftatcowl't Oovald* owwalwip 5 PP. ...... ITAIJANs per� AS Chumbm 4'L'ludwlrfts, Val Xxis No 2; ftb IMs p 65. s.L.A. 2r u56A956 act - Cbsoutry -3~ d 4 l_ oot 0 c" -CoudeIL-A.. Undsey. A. J.. and Persmud. K. CIGARE-ATE PAPER WITH AMMONIUM SULFAMATI AND CANCERIGENIC HYDROCARBONS. [196216p. Order from K-H 17.45 K-H 10481-a Trans. o( Soc[ietij Italfiana di B101fogial Sper(imemale~ Blollettino] U. v. 36, no. 1% p. 452-454. DESCRIPTORS: 60garenes. OP&M. AmnxmiLun radicals, *Sulfamates. *Smok*s. Hydrocarbons, *Csnc*r. 62-17865 1. Candell, A. 11. I.Andgey. A. W. Persaud, K. IV. K-H-10481-a V. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates. Detroit, Mich. (Biological Sciencft --Pathology. Tr. v. 8, no. 6) Offi- f T-4-.icl 3-1... fieseurCh on the Fixation of Fluorine by the Skeletal TI*mvkf-j, by A. Candeli 0. a. Sforsolizi., 7 PP- rimms peks Dal. Soc. Ital. Biol. Spar, Vol XXIXj.-N-p 'I, 1953s pp 1456-1460.; S. L.A. Tr 1830 Scl - Nmdlclmp "lology Apr 57 Rcvimrch on tte Fixaticri of Fluuzirc I.--y Dazit,;~:L Tissut:a, by A. Ca 11.0, G. S 5 PP- p-fw~ Bmu Sor. Ital Diol r3L)er., Val rCU.. 44i=~ 195T, 726-172ti. Irm Nov 54 CM 9 Depoait of amixite at the "RM of the Springa ia the Neighborhood of Upatal StAte of BDUvarj, Venexuelas, by JT. Perfatti, 0. Hubmm, J. Qandiales, 14 pp. SPASM, perj, Wl Owls Val Is No IF 1951j. pp 209-293 SEA Tr 2344 sai - Ruo"aa/ustau J-Al 0 '4 7 ftp 37 C an b-L I o, ITISICH, -.-,-pL-, 1959. C Sci - AEC Tr-3951 Apr 60 sow Speow Problem Posed by the Operation of Laboratory Piles, by C. Cand' 1, H. Ambeiz, R. U&MU, symposium an 11*17lux 11sterlals Testing Reactors FPMMp up, Brueselop 21-W ftP 1959,,-IW163-1~3, AW 2M)-7584 Sol - Mug 26 oat 6o I.?Le)j VICP2 70-13559-06T CmilurjL-F-4 Craverl. A.: Brasca. F. FIBRINOLYSIS IN ACUTE CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING. Folla Medica 44. p. 401-Ing, 1961. Order from NTC an 70-13559-06T: HC $ 6.70, S. a& CoiAtriljution to the knowledgu of Silica Glass inthe Ultra-Violet, by V. Garino Callina. FrIENCii, loor, Verres ot Refractaires, Vol 10j, No 3, 195;~_Ipp 151-1-59. UTC 69-10831-11B SCL-4at may 69 382,581 Operational Problems of El-2 and E-'1-3 Reactors, by C. Candiotti, H. Mabeix, R. U,-.-ue", 3t.; PP FRENCH, np, Brussels, 21-25 Sep 1959. *AE:C Sc i - I'l)) May t' 0 U&MhNr TvEoRms cH THE ccNmwnoN OF LNE AND CEMENTS AND CN THE SETTING AND HARDR)4M OF MORTARS [AND] NPUIENCE OF CSCI AND OF CAW ON THE SETTWG AND HAR39NM OF Z&TARL (19631 lip (tests tables owtono Order Irm SIA SL. 60 Tr-64-14234 Trans. from m0so. C*UWM and Hydraulic I.Amse. 3d 04 Paris. 19M p. 392-411. DEWAUIWS; 60or"Uts, *Calcium compownds, 031dw HardesIN& Water. Cbmkd "alysis. 7b~wy, ChIsrUse. Sollusa. bloirtar. (bloorl" 7T, v. 11, a& 7) Tr-64-14234 1. CAndIdX, E. 11. TUIc lnghwsca... "me of To*Akal 9~ftft Dovice for Autdoptically Variable Chango Spaed Geer, by Roffsele Csndone~' 4 pp. imus, man Patent 45W77, V-b, appl. 24 sep 49, Mnt,ed 25 J%Iy 50, V0. July 51. STA 59-12926 Bel ftgr cme 9 Jun 59 Q#jLqUh=i- D. N'sn. THE VESTIBULAR SOUND REAC110N IN THE CHRONIC INI'C'XICAMON OF T'HE AUDITORY APPA.R.ATI-'S BY IOBACCO. 1196211.5p. Order from K-H $18.75 K-li 3546-a Trans. cii AcM Oto-LArlyngological (Sweden) 1954. v. 44, Mo. 5/6. p. 525-531. DESCRIPTORS: *Bar. Hearing, ~Toxiclty, *Tobacco, Cigarettes. Smokes, Nicotine. *Sound trimsmission. 1. Cartegheir., D. Van 11. K-H-35,46-a Ill. Kitage-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. 2 (Biological Sciences- -Tcmicology. 77, v. S. no. 9) offl-f New Research on the Distribution of )hmmn Filarlasis in Soutbern Infochina, by J. Camt. lopp rl , Vol- 2T 1952s 256-320 no. 7960 Sri Avg 6T 33T-458 0'1~~rwpckiMc Treatment of YAlaria by 14caus o"' it 4 DisminopyrImidluej, by J. gcbaoider, J., Canet, ruxtut, 17 pp, kill translation" per,, Bull Boo P*tb I;Yvtique, Val XLV,, go 1,, :952, pp 33-43. CIA/RM/X-923 rl*cientific - Medicine Jul 53 CTS/DZX plemwee of Res t--rarf-ants in W~ OV Titmbioa OC tha sewitivity of lw)eIXLLe DCCJIJA to Streptamycla, by G. Cawtft., A. Sactrz: U pp. 1--wVbvw". YMVH per Am Mwt ftsteur, Val LXXMt 110 5, mv 3,949, pp" il6-ug. SIA Tr 2774 Bei - mixualm Nov 57 Maintenance of Diesel Motors, by Victor L. Canesi. SPANISH USDA per M'. State College J,Lm 59 imman Filariasis in Cochin China; hpildruio- logical Ilosearch in the Mot Country. Part 11. Human Filariasis Research on the Not- stiongs In the Nomquam Region, by J. Canet.- FRENCH, per, Societe do Patholomie Exotique bulletin, Vol 43, 0. pp. 332-4. NTC 69-11690-06E 1,7 Sci-36H July 69 387.S43 And 5m ln homes, by AdUo Owwwarl. MCL MM"Ns, or* Ma"alane, To' M, so 15, 4 aw 1961. am M." u - ndar - = I al - CMAJ an Ang 6L / ~/, c0 C Hamr. sanit.- .. SUMS OffrAtNED M THE FLOTMION OF MM-METAL"C MMRALS. (0631 15p. Order trom SLA $1.60 63-14MI Troos. of ReqIsts do] Ngfenterial Quin(les] (Chile) 190, Y. 2, no. 2, p. 17-28. DESCRIVIrOM *Plomdon (Separation), 00res 04cm-mem"10. 4blinerals. LAM"Woe. phm~hmtes. Apatite. Calcite. Ceummts. Mowtacturing methods. 63-14551 1. Canguilhem C.. H. (Enginmexing-0mnical, TT, v. 10, no. 4) IMON W T�Cb*W WYM CONIOULY RGOUTAND"s UK FROAM 'OF "~INS IM $TANDW Or LIVIWo W CAM 30141 9 VP - ------------ vmvrwmwo W* ISMOM4 6 " 19631 P 3 an &AN mWit"m no ad 4 3M# P3 TRAINING OF SCIENTIFIC., TECHNOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC PAIWERIAL CADRES, BY CANH SINJi, 6 pp. V I ETWIESE, NP, IVY- DAN, 24 SEP 1962, P 2. JPRS, 156o4c. FE - VIETI" ECO14 Nov 62 216'661 Amt Liao, wood Case of AnJeszkys Unease in VICUrd,ty of lookovao DsWribedo bY 40 COACO FPO per@ p*40.~ Ipp 231WA'j4* Jew 5a1"13 OW my 64, Antiseptics and AntMortlas in EDDloc;ic Tecbnology., by 1. CODIM-00~0 19 pp. ITALIMP swrp ftw Vlt:Lwlt 0 38014CA, Vb, VIIP 1954j, iv 2WI-955. SLA 3051 a" 30 7 0.. 'd / a0 larmarla Syndrms and CavamWtal Bonn' Anma3ion. t Case With ffbiveahos and Phospbatic Diabetes, by F. Rmbert, J. CauLvetj, J. "chaud.. et all 18 py. .r= per, La Px=ao MadicaUi, Val L&V v 110 49-P Nov 51 1960j, PP 2836-183B- x= 1-641 Bel - Nlbd Kar 61 6 3 3 Effect of Swrace Temion on Moulsion Coatiug.. by Kresimir Caikkil. 11 pp. pw Kmija u Wwtrijip Val Vs, No 12,, 1956m pp 55 5A. MDT To FQM XATWNAW Sel PWCIQ$ Oct TAC um MY 71v j 94900 amrs"Odow Wooldiwo me ?--0i &tmk "W"Iii maumft aft 611CL w Txswo umoubs"bmwk on Sd * saft"ad mw 4" conzideratioas on Jacob's PoUrUloderraia Atrophicans VascLLI.are With Special Reference to a Reticulo- Histiocylble Interpretation, by Carmine Cannata, 9 pp, 1 Atch. 11L%ZA.N~ per, Minerva Der=toloGica, Vol XXV111, 1953,(Partial Tmnslation - pp 226-22n-t Wzt1-agq, Hn 3-1-39-61 Sei - Med JbWgju%.axdzjrg and Airti-Diabatic Action of Citric Acids by L. Cannavo, 0. Ortolwat 3 P- rZALM, per, S*eleta ltaMm di Bidlogia Sparmn- tala EdUattirm., 1939, Val UV., No 11, Vp 740-7U1. 8u 59-20069 Sci Nor 60 Vol 3. so I On V&mdlc Vaudatess by G. Conserl. 131AVU# pws Qw- Clft 1"Im Vol Lym$ 1928,0 pr 6-4. X&vY 2r 3.338/sOmPs Tr 609 Aug The Ivolarograpbic Determination of Ceri=,, by 0. Csimrij, D. Cozzi# 13 PP- rLAUM'O veri G"I-Ar Chis. Ital, Vol LUI,, 1943-o VP 311-319- 84L.A, fttaftific - Cbemlstr7 CTS 68/lwar 55 Experiments on the WItIvg in Electric Furnaces and in Open-Hearth Furnaces of Ferrous Phterial Obtained by Direct Reduction, by 0. V"ij, P. Th%IAWp'V"# la - Italiame Vol LM, jan i9ftv VP 1-11%. =1 2360 ftl . jkw /70.1 //0 ftv 61 ISRAELI PEACE COMMITTEE CRITICEZED, 13Y CHAVIV CANNAN, 5 PP. HEBREW I NPj, HAARETS, 29 NOV 1962, P z. JPRS 16M2 N ME - ISRAEL POL ~ JAN 63 218,745 Changes Produced in Polyamides by Chemical and/or Physical Processes. 1. Study of the Degradation Products of Secondary Disaides# by A. Cwmepins A. Bauleass. FRENGI, bulletin, Inst Textile do France, Wo 101, 1962, Vp 641451. GS/2S6/T.IS06 Sci-cham Aug 63 The Addition of Chloroures, to Double-BoWed Carbon Compoundia.. by I. Ribasp x. Tapia, A. ~oA 6 pp. SPAR=,, per,, Amass 4e I& Soo&*&" Repanola do rlsiab-7 qata"O'l Vol 'AA "!Yj 1936j, pp 501-506. H.L.A. Tr go 534/1955 ftl, - Shealstry Nor 1957 Crs/dex BftM ~,Lft of the Acid HaUcal on the Ajwstbetic ProperUes of Asim AleabDU,, by jme VArft Cam ibse limmoft's 8 Iwo MUM per, ftel"" ssymbla ft na"y %AM" Abal"j. Va yp 181w". im 6b Vol ma so N'icTollinli. tOxidation Of Aliphatic T- and kit--=ctric Raseamh on Nkf~4Zalizx of Pamffins vith. 041" anIJ RAYon ilm&sr of Carbon etms by AqtA,,- Va~ous 'Nio.-dbe2o by V. Trracanip L. CarzTdcm, 14. D. d,:.,. Otrolasio, 23 p. 11M.X119, ;or, ArmmU di Hicrobiologin., Vol YI,, Pl,:) 183-1990. .2, 59 Nev Darivatives of 4j,41 -piaminodiphanyl sulfoae,, by Baldo Moccas Luigi Caamdcas 9 pp. -.0.- i ITALIMj, part Chimloa * ladustpftj Vol xm, 19"'t Yp 167-1r0". B.L*A. sciatitiric - Chamtstry AR MY M 681may 55 :e Modifteektima of the Surface of a Vermicu- 11te BrougUt About by Aald and ftermal in vatmat* by J. do Lop" Omzelms J* COM-muz. SPAM=,, pers FUlas y QaWcas, Vol LM(bo No 4, 19"o PP 293,08- CBM 3607 Fab 62 Fro~cllor,j by r-!=inio Piarv:~, f, 11.1 WOWS putant 110 434728. IffDopt of Ccmarce Patent OtMe Sal Ub (Glft) ml - ib9ingerics Z-~A 41- 3 6 9 mar Im Co/dex ~4 TYLNISII, bli. Plenum Press Sci .. (riem cbmwe of wtabolus re"ItIng ft= beetWl"18 by 17$=YE* by P. CasaUl.9 P. C"~~j 0. caveuop k IPP. zoaaw, per, RjT W glarotamp It*4 23j, p 204-Ma 2.08-- 9RA. 55AM $e:i Avg 59 spw., Results of Testing 49 Ragiae Cowlinge in High Velocity Wind Tumael of the Ceatml Awro- Hydrodywaic Institute (T-15), by p. 30 pp. WMAOSIF RMIANO Central Aamw4brdrodynamic Ivatitute. AM P-"-5909-1m Sclantific - Aeramutics Dec CTS 690, R V1 Plarmosis'; by A. Ju'tra,:; aur'! A. Cawc.;:-zo. 4 pp, i-HENG i, por, Bu-11 Assoo iced Langue Frauo. Vu-', 11'', a AiDr N 1936 if ea.) SLA 2616 Sci - Medicine Wt- 58 11pist Am"M 4w IM ITALIAV A CMLW ca CAN=# COOMW mff Tom amonsk 61 WwJ9L to W. SPM024 m0 PONW.Wigh WA-WR 1963P w 1704:5., ipm 1030 JA -w OULL P(LI U9,009 lay 63 Note III. j: by StudUM On 3B pp. Ve md:mki), nAmm). Vvi, Dou rat spa nod) so 11-12- 190) vp 6=~M* WN gkoi . lose sop 61 Smmen Giving Stereoscopic Nffect to Motion Picture and Slide Projections, by WnzIo CGutoid, 5 pp. rfALIAN, Fatent No 3"jO". Dept of Camerce Fatent Office Scientific IAb Bel - raw Oct 61 62-18932 DgVU d Rothschild, S. RMI;,~jg OF WATER IN ORGANIC MATE- I . Cantzler, A. RIALS BY U% OF CALCILAI CAR810E. 26 Feb 51. if. Rothschild. S. 16p. 25 refs. 62-19932 Order from %.A $1.60 Trans. of Z[eftocbrift flJr] Untersuchung der Ljebens- trxittel(Cermany) 1927, v. S3. p. 425-435. DESCRIPTORS: Determination, *Water, *Orpnic materials. *Calclum compounds, OCarbides, Moisture Absorption. LAhX4IQry equipment, Chemical analysts,: *Vacuum apparatus. The &tm. Ination of malature In arpnic materials ty, use of calcium carbide in this apparatus results in accuracy in a short time and without any o4ectims. 7bc analysis by use of calcium carbide also results in good reaults It the rmtffial to be analyzed contains ethert--kl oils or other volatile components as well as &M. .0 Ifth." Imiets (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, v. 9, no. 6) (orver)