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Extemsim of Gorlkov'B MOtbOd tO the COSe of the Electrcm-Phoum latarwtimil by M. V. Buljwv., 4 pp. MMU,~ per., Dok Ak SMA WWp Vol aOX No 30 kwMeb-im"iuh pp AIP Sm Pbys-Dok Vol vj, ND 3 Set jaa 61 It. is Necessary to Discuss This, by A. Builidav 4 pp. IMSM, ny, Savetskiy Patriotj 21 Dee 1960, p 2. JEW 4765 USSR Mi. /W'0..' Y5/k .rui 61 Ufr,ot of Laequar ---zd Faint Coatings on tho nectrochemical Behavior of Iran By To. B. Aizenfelld and La Oo jbjQ4pa#, p. 6 RUSSI a Al. par# Zhur Prik J(him., Vol nWq No 81? 1962# pp. 1759-1764 GB Sci 3 VO I S/ 0 Juu 63 investigations and Design Calculations Rolatirlg to Grid Partitions for Sectioning Peactors urith Fluidized Catalyst Beeda By 1. Ya. Tyuryaev azd A. B. Buillov p-p. 7 IT,15S!"Ilt perj, Zh-,w Prik Kh:Lm, Vol M11,, No 10, 1962, p1p. 2.-'Z4 - 2230 CB Sci 3v I.vAg 63 Z ,Lneox-j of the Photodiffunion Effect Caused by a Nonun-fom Distribution of Recombination CanWrs B~r vm. &amiAUw,, pp6 RUSSIAN, per,, Fiz Tvardogo Thla,, Vol V,, No 2,, i563~p PP481-488 Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phya - Solid State Vol Vp No 2 Set Sep 63 3 JlrobsbdUty of Lleatran Tr=atlana of P-tc= In Wonhomapnems Blectriml F16349 with Arbitrary JWgular DapmWam. Tam 14wthcd of Calculatlon, by V. Igo Bafxdstrov* 15 pp. AMSUL16 PWO L412MIOX Fidtamwz kimloAr Vol I So 4 M3P pp 93-IW4,* 111W1961EW-11 Supt 364,982 quantum States of Particles Oscillating Continuum with action, I. Case of Absence by V. M. Buimistrov, S. I. Coupled to a Hamonicall-i Arbitrarily Strong inter- of Translational 3yDm1ietr'%" Pokar, 6 pp. MUT3310i no per, Zhur E-1-sper i Teoret Piz, Vol No 5, 1957, pp 1193-~1199.-- Amer Imt of Phys Sov Ph~a-JM Vol V, No 5 Sci - Phys Mar 58 The quantum States of Particles Coupled with Arbitrary Strength to a Harmonically-Oscillating Continuum. 11. The Case of Translational Symmtryj, by Va M. Buimis- trov and S. I. Pekar, 4 pp. MMIANs per, Zhur Mtsper i Teoret Piz, Vol XXXIII,, No 5 (n), 1957, pp 0$$/jVjOj =-1276. Awr last of Phya sov me-jm? Vol VI(33)t No 5 Sci - Pbys Off Jul 58 Continuous Model of the F-Center in i%,(,TBr, by IT. M. Ai Buimistrov , 6 pp. RUSSIM, per, Fiz Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, No 11, 1963, pp 3264-3272. kier Inst of 11hys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, 140 11 Sci May 64 260,210 Tha Thnory of Polarons With Arb!""rarl Forces Between the Electrona and OptIca-, tticc X I. Vibrationu, by S. 1. Pekar,, V. M. Buimiatrov, -2 p-D RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Teldi Piz, Vol =11-, if-o 177; 1957, pp2667, 2668. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Tach Phya , ~ -i Val !j-: NO Sci - physica Jul 58 The Detarzdnation of the Llmdting Strength of Spring Ste*l at DUTereat Contact Stresse5,, by A* F. BUID V. P. Dmlcbev., 1. G. Parkilov- skly, Ipp- RMUVp no perp Wet lb"j, Vol MMVp No 12p 1955P vp Scl p1wel" Bel Has Llb So !1011976 z z --,j .2 /, f .1w The AL, Ageing of an Al-Cu A32oy, by W. H. Buinov. ,,~immnampm~- RUSSIAN,, per,, Piz Met i Meta.11, Vol 1,, No 2., 1955, pp 339-348-.--- - -- - - -- - - - F,11 r Research Inst Ltd Tr 76 OT/23" Set - Chemi8try j -, ~ Ij (0/ q Ce", J~jl 57 On the Ratuxe of Etching Pi s in Al-Cu Alloys, by V. G. Rakim., N. W. Buinov.. rp. -- --------- RWWDNI PD:r, Piz Metal i Metallm" Vol vrj No 4., 1958, pp 6M49i. perS&WD Pmas Sai //'?. f ;5- Apr 60 X 3 '-L -icon Losses in the Production of Farrosillioonj, by A. Esinp 9. H. Buiqovp R. 14. Lariumn. .~.IEISSIMJ,~Jxr,p Dok Ak Ifauk WM., Vol LXM.9 no 6.# 1949p :)pJ073-1076. Brutcher Tr No 2703 :]Cieutifia - Kinfifttals $2.90 InvoistAgation of Dissociation In an NI-Be Alloya by H. $ L. 1. Podruzovp M. F. Yomrova,, 6 pp- RMSM, pers Is-,Ak Nauk SMp Bar Piz,* Vol XXlp No 9s 19~70 yp 1220-=k. coltz"'hia Web soni - Fbvs 7 ?" (06 r Jan 59 7he Submicroscopic Structure of Alni Alloy (60-85% 25% Ri,, 11t0 Al.. 0.150 Ctxlp~ by If. R. Buirkov, =d R. Lerirznan - I - - Full tranalation. RUSSIAR, ~per, Dok Ak Vol LXM No 1, 1951P pp 69-72. sct - ABC Tr 3308 Sxw, Pz;culiaritiss in the Di6position of Gorrosit-,-- Fi-ures in the Alloy Al-Zn-Cu, by N.H. BuInav, T.v. Shohagoleva, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Fir. Metal i iiatallov, Vol VIII~ No 3, 1959. pp 455-457 Pp Sane Peaaliarities in the Structure of Anwaleme Effects in Pourdem- Diffraction Patterns of Age- Ing Al-lg and AIAg-.Cn ALloys, by R. R. U&az,- ova., N,, N. Bu3nov, 3 PP RUMSTAMp per, Fi2 metal j Vol vjjj, No 5., 19wi, PP 705-708. sci Marz 61 PP on AS&Autming or Map, IW N*N.Dulww &AA Voc.awda. =3M^ pWj, 30BIMSag ftMffae Nam 1962j, val-90 W24.2ce OWAT-64-1903 ~ ~q. 6,~ phral" Avg 66 307~TA6 Electron Microaoopic Invantigatigation of Etching Figuxos -in Aged Alminiun Alloys, by N.N. Buinov. -1.7, Sh6hagolava, V.G. Raldn, 5 pp RJ'SSIO, per, F12 UOtaLl i 20tOdIOV., V 01 VIII, WO 3; 1959, pp 587-389 pp Soi 6 1 /j -~- J Submicroscopic Str=ture of the AUoy Magalco, by N. N. Buinov, V. V. Uyushin. RUWIM, tbrice-mo perp Dok Ak Nauk WBRp Vol IJ=j, 1951,, PP 739-742. Assw Tech 8v Tr $9.OD Sci - Min/Metalep meUUurgy Bep 57 Effe-ct. cf ';,Inutic De-formation on Sub.weqgenl~' Decomp,~- nitiou in Al=r in= Alloya AI-Si and AI-Ng-Si, by "j, r.. j'5vi.v-,nv; V~ P. Savinykh RUSSIA-11, thrice-mo per, Dok A Nauk 9S.B.B., Vol =XV111,Vo 2, 11 Jon 1953'r- -tb~ 257~;2"*- ,,,/ , f:~- 8 --- I RC4 FaimAgat Tr 9 Scientific Minerals/Metals JWL 53 (r)-S/D19y, %-Pay and Electron-Microscopic Investi-mation of tbo Ageing of an Al-Zn Alloyp by N. N. Buinov L. 1. Podrezov. RUSSIPA, per, Piz Metall i Metall, Vol I. No 2P 1955P PP 349-35d. Sci Ma Lib Tr 57/0115 Sci - Physics Jul 5T Electron Microscope and X-ray 'oj- Ageirka, of an A1_Ag Alioy, by ?. M. LerinmzIn, R. Lv~ Buinovv 3.1 pp. RUSSIAN., p--r,. Piz M~-tsl i lletnlll~. Vol 2, 19571, pp 279-292- Pergamon last S,,:i - Min/Met NO,;F 5 5 ItIvestiMtion of the Structure of a Def ormd A,J-Cix Alloy W*th an Ilectron Microscope, by RN4uov, 0. D. Shmkov. R=10, er, Fiz Wtallov I Wtall, Vol II, No 3, .1956, pp 484-488. Fulmr Res Inat, UA. Tr 104 OT/2W SON Sci - miu/met Sep 58 Electron Uscroscupe StWy of Deforwd Alumblum Crystalep by 11. V* Yukuto~lch, B, S* Yutcvvieva; R. M. Lerlmn; flna RU&5IAP.,,'bIw perp Is Ak Rapt WSR, Ser Piz., Vol XVp I-To 32 19510 pp 383-W.- k 9 d It' -Scleutif ic -Electronics., -Ac oscope., minervIsp alumimm, crystals, wtals X-FaY Diffraction and Elect-avu Microscope Studies of the Aging of an Al-Zn Alloy., by N. N. Buinov., L. I. Podrezovs 3 PP- R=M., pers Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,, Ser rizj, Vol No 6j, iq%~v pp 632-613- ColwBbia Tech Sci - Pbysics Jul 57 Plectrcn-Hlcr~)scope Investigation of the Structure o: Steel, by H. N. Bvinov, R. H. Teriwanj 12 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zavod TAb, Vol XV, No 2., 1949, pp i67-170. Brutcher Tr 26o2 Scientific - Minerals/Metals, metallurgy CTS/DEX Price $.30 4 Pxoduation uZ Silicon Alloys, by P. V. RMUIj, per., Zhur Prik Ehim.,-Vol =IIr No 10, 195-0j, pp loB7-lo94. - Brutcher Tr No 2657 Scientific - xinAtetau 40-60 ;7 v -,~f Nuclear Magaetic &sowwce in Iverromaga--tic SUbstanceop by L. L. bAshvil.l,, W. F. Girogadzes 6 pp. )~U6MM.1p porp Via Tvardego Tvla.. V.- No 7.- 1963P .pp Amer Inst Phys sov Pb" - soild state vol V; r0 7 Sm. jar, 64 i;itif er-coragnetic naterials L.L. lhiishvili PP3 USSIAN, per, Fizika Tverdoto Tela, Vol V, No 1., L963, PP229-232 Aner Inst of Phys Sov Fbp - Solid State Vol V., 110 1 sci :3,ap 63 '3 LV4 119J ce ,,,raln::ati, 0:1 i-I Fer.1 i uc. .0 Vol 2.,7 A iLD Sov lhy:3 208,144 Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Nuclei During Nuclear Resonance in Ferromagnetic Substances, by L. L. Buishvili N. P. Giorgadze, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLII, No 2, 1962, pp 499-502. AIP Sov Phys - JETP Vol XV, No 2 21-1,662 Sci Auclsar Relaxation due to Loca-1 Electron Centcrs, 1~y L. BitLshvM, 3 pp. per Fiz TverdoCo Tcla.. Vol III., pp. Ph5l AIP Scyv FVs - Solid State Vol III v ., .0 r)y L~'Bulshvilll, G. R. Kbutsishvili, 0. D. -RUSSM, per. Zhtw Eksper i Teoret Piz, Vol =-D[,- (9), !360, W;X23fX pp 726-736. AIP Soviet Phys-JETP Vol XIIS No 1, 4 ma~f 65L .1 Foxtidder. Faara~tic jir-,Dcmaa~:e., by L. L. Buiah-v~111UP ci. R. nhutsishvili5 4 pp. -- I - , I -.-. RIMI-A."Ef, par.. Fizilta Wexdogo Tela., Vol U., uo 8., pp 1-583-1688. EIP Sav PhyS- Solid State Vol 3:1., No 8 &~A mar 61 917 A. Automobile and Road Problems, by IL V;tn Glab- bekes B. The Day of the R&M and Toil Roads; C. r The Road Problem in the Belgian Congo, by August Du-~~ssereto 19 pp,, (AF 647284); ja,' , f-r--r, FREWH., per, Royal Autoq~~ 351 113-117o Zl~~cto -M:iO-55J' W/A-Belgian Congo G-2, GSUSA G4893 nur - Delgiom Jul 55 CTS Elknnomic ?he 4-=Aulidwo of Sainte-Adresse M=: by U. H. BLd$BMV 41 ppo FEMM., per, Ann,-,last. Twb Batimout at T=Y. Publy vol v,, No 599, pp u3i-n46.- - S.L.A. Tr No 1650 Apr 97 Pro;# tba LigbOul Cansmar to Ow Skin plentias In las"Ve glawswaspors" by F, 0* VBK .13ult*a* CONFIDOMAL W106j, Vpt sch YX 4whe 01"Ut T N Ole IN -Ef Wics Service VA, ", Q9 the T*Q *Rd ToebalcaL Un4varsaty/ M w0 611NA 11 Jan 196L0 v0pt of xsi~~ 4604AH1 TR 2200 - B --~ , I/ EIV Ever R=Miof; of Builozs Thmiwhout tile by J. Gs. pp. D- jj~vu 'V, ;. Par, Bow, V02.7- 19", pp IIW3-1105. M Sol 701 lv~. 110 1 62 29 lml~a - tftb;iut lvod~r~~Ls Life in .t* A-s-lbal. 3SA-tramp OW-ERIZvEM2 -F--; *0 3~ua Lgi&--ral V" ltw!am IPVL.&-..6m is ft,%,t Igms, vv U.W. avlr> ci4~u 85-3. M7 x707 kdo"MKdom 434iAmum" a Mr-I =d SCT-2 Rbubm~p J~r-a NO P11- Cs p I 111117 Trasop", Vol IL "D 9. OwOrsta - MP N"k TT V44420 el - *M 1064 I.o.emkonwemy 20AW ;CT., "" .appoo by P. IL Dom yet 14 no i9l ;PAD" - ~.y Trft*w=~' a.flowzt. 9^ pr MU TT 74" ;d - AMC, 11"Wmaum aws 29MM Cornst-4uctious of Mate-I Geiger-14i'ller Counters, by Z. B21a, A. Oleo, K. Ostrovskil, 12 pp. POLIM, per., Mikleonikap Vol !I., No 2, 1957, pp I AEC-tr.4141 PL-4.8o Sci - Engr. ~,/ 7 -?-If ;~,z 7 oct 61 Nu.-Aear-Active -Particles in Atmoapharic Showangs J. S. IkLbeckip Z. A. jNja2_H. L. Grigporolt, Jo Sz L0.911", o"doz, 8 pp. ITRUSSIAN, par, Zbux Eksper i Tevret Fiz.. Vol XITA. No 1. 1(,1611 pp 13,a- AIP SSv Phys - JETP Vol M, NQ I Har. 62 Atcmic Energy., by Eng A. Bujan--v, 13 PP. UNCLASSIFIED CZECH., per., Obrance Vlasti 16., 23,, 30 Jul 1954.. M~E P 5. G-2$ GSUSA G-3481 A Mur - Czechoslovakia Milit"7 -t Atomic energy SclentIfIc - Nuclear Physics MS 65/Peb 55 S~tUjli;4DS CQ the Coatings Protocting, Volatile Subst,mice ia Tablests, by 6. Bujar. Z. Olszewski, 7 POLISH, ijer, Acta Polouiae Plum-taccutica, Vol Xx, M-S 63-11412/6 SFCSI Sci Jaa (PS 272,594 A Study of Time of Stay and Degree of Mixing for Material in Continuous Action Autoclave Batteries at Alumina Plants With ALhe Aid of a Radioactive Isotope, by E. Bujdoso, A. Imre, et ;L1 5 pp. RUSSIANF per, bTsvetnye Metally, No IV, No 4, 1963, pp 50-54. PS Sci- Aug 64 265,583 UUM A=M*UVY moluang awwX16 JOW WMA4 q pp. OF ML W OM OF w umrmlvtz $1004 pmamot fov pmmm sm"CITO me its IAA ipp 6x4m. Am 9807 am .0 FMAO MN I SCI - a= WR 63 WOO A Cryoscopic kip-thod f or the Quntitative DatcWmination Ce JL-'Gzies (Arm=tic Hydrocarbons) In Peetroleeum GLI& in C~cloWmsne. Solatimj, by M. Do.Tilicheyev.,'Id. s. Borova,va, V. So Buko 4 PP. RMM~v b1no per# ZluW Anal rhimp Vol Xjp no 2j, Nw/Apr Lg%j Vp 188419d -a"- -Clk 9WIW Cv Real Ro 55 Cousultants Bureau Atandc-Povemi &2Awim i)esLgn., by V. lit. LA-ikmlw ani A. A. 1162-ashbayev, 2~~2 pp. owasvq, bk.. E;qiovt22r-nU 1:364. P-50~1()P- P3-lif IX-Pt or Navy/M Trwo Sa 24V3 MISR Mil Fv*b bivestigation of the Changes of the 11-11atation- vibratim Spearum of Certain -Aocales During Dissolution, by M, 0, SuLwiv., We Do Orlove, USSIM10 Pero ectrosgo I 9~tika i Se Llyil Vol 4, L40 Sp 1053p pp 569-574, NASA TIr F-11,027 Sci-Phys Agu 67 3380702 (X-'~000) (DC-2800/5). P o -S 'i I ;-- '~ ZV I 4i W-1 --~' -;Ir 1, , , '/ * An Agitation Truck Departs on a TrIp, by B. Bukanov, RUSSIAN, ap, Sovetskiy Patriot, Op~q-qw3 8 Mar 1959. -9JPRS USSR M-il Jun 59 aitillidotic Pro,wrtios of "Z,cme L-my :,dl'4 ilrowucts, YO S* by V. 1. 7-iUlcallova. !!or., Gia Sanit, No 9, 1957, 32-K,. f3LA- KoL N O'J O~- -e4~ 11 All.-T, 61. 56.1 S9 (NY-4855) The TAmawn of the Okhotsk Ltu Are Working Wellp bY V - N - A*= 1 v 7 PP - =SIAN,, per, vestnA Svyaz:L, No 7, 1959. JPRB 5998 Sai Apr 61 HIJ I IMIr 411tii;11111 Yossbauer Effect on SnI19 Nwlei and an Attempt to Detect the Effect In prl4'1 By Y~ A. Bukarev pp 5 .1-- 'IUSSIAli, per. Zhur Skeper i Teoret Pit, Vol XLTV, Vo 3. 1963. pp S52-J357 Amsr Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol DM, No 3 sci Sep, 63 710 !aril, -B o:,., "Lxtato T,~,. P* 204-fl, 'Hcaodu 02, 'Yotpn~Lc) 11~a3clb- IJSDA Tr -.,o 70 Agricult=c, potatoes----.- !Jethcxlr, 'Lv, t&CO by V-4 75 b'sM Tr 140 nlolovj. ):;Ot;atDCG lisricuiturC2 potatoeg, $61041m of Potatoes 'tbut are ReststAut to the 002MOSo'Beetle, by S. M.~ =SrA,~`VrWy ]p PrIkI. Bot'Gennet. I Selek V~ -Scouadc - Apiculture, scientific - blolou USM Tr 360 Results of 11 Tears Work With the Potato, Carried Cn At the Institute of Plant Industry, (Abridged Twanslation) by S. M. 3ukano,,-. RUSSIAN, per, Trud7. priki. Bot. Genet. Selek. var. A.. 110 4, 1932. pp 67-70. CULL 582i3.4 1965 (11104) .OP 67 339,979 pol', Nrest V, 14c pr- 2.9-23. oo76510 US; M- .in 0 153 X .j e C)5 PI) b~ RTMSiA-9j lz A Hauk SSSR, Goor Viz, VOI !,-;a 2, 1962, pi) 23?-244_ ip-b 63 z~ F18 By ny. M, RUSSIAN, 1 1~63, Bukat, L. A. Sliv per, Zhur Eksper pp~ 316-.32.5 P, Teoret Fiz, Vol UIV -kmner Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JTrP vol MI, No I Sci Aug 63 (31 %be VjpeTf ine Struotm* of WILti-elootron Atoma., by "T G- -9- BU-huts A- Z- D0345LD.07, R. A. Mr,-t.--,ikDVp 11, pp. Wssw~ V-erp optika I qpe-~-two: Vol V.-L=.. :fio "-J., 19GOP pp 9-85~-293- OBA sel /W, Y-? v iqx- 61 Idwa Ibm or Cawwteraltic of Micrm-aproaaction Emlislami by)6l. As Bukat4n 7 pp. R)ROMp per) Zhur Nauch i PrIk Fbto i Xim., vol vm,, uo 6.. 1963., pp h68470. cwm xx-iw AD !WE= MISMU Sa - fts may 64 umm intAYMI use Only 2508045 Testing Ynotographic Materials for Microreproduction, by E. A...~j~aatin~5 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Nauch i Prik Fotograf i Kin-ematograf, Vol VII, No 1, 1962, pp 68-69. CIA/FDD xx-1294 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Sci Norv 62 uSIB INTERNAL USE ONLY - / 6 ,54' 114 Mallm w4wilpNO IM OUITY (W IM NIUMIAGE AW AOIWATePO FlkX W VL 1, MUTIP6 5 PP. "MAN Ma RAW.00alMIMCHEWYA IWUMTSIYAt to lijo 1W i OF 35WA. ,"s 1176% Xl.*lroi & X fATA PRD N". 63 PA4573 RecovC.-y of Selenium From the S142nes of Sulf\irIc-. Acid Plants, by V. D. Poncararev, Ye. A. Buketov, G. A. Kononenko, 13 -PP- RUESSIMI, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchelb Zaved, TEive~ Me-bulp No 6, 1959, pp 47-51- J?FS 2978 -4S~ t-%.; A L Econ - Technological Aug 6o Data on Helmintho-ovo-scopic Study of the OriGin of the Water Supply of-Ufa, by IP. L. Dukh., 3 pp. HMSIM,p per ParazitoloaWa-A- Parazitarnye Dolemis, pp 66-67. Sci Tr Center PT-1307 Biology 17,4-63 Scientific - MUM-Q-Km un uie -.ue~-it-ika of the I-requency of G-di%Ltr- Genic DiBeanas of the maw-dilwy Prit-ruz-, by T I J!, Puikh, A-Yct. S~-zrakbno M7,33SVill, wo par, V 14ed Zhi=-, NO 32, ,7 10 -*---1--- Mascov, Dee 1957, Y~9105-~ us JPIRSMY )65 -440!) 16". The Algerian People in the Struggle Afor Hational lridependence5 by Larbi Bukhali, 15 PP- RUIS'Sla, par, Hmmunict, vo 161 Oct 1950; PP 76-87. ,yp,%s 6684 'USSR Pol P ab 6:L ft==y W"M Sm C2V M*-*4PWC'4' M& 'ClIC4 M04J W%# bw Z. A. = 0. A. ]~~; 6 W- ==a, vwri aw 9 5 NhU4 Vol mp lb ap xw,p pp ift-mr. AW-W-456 R.-r ad jwk 62 m 378 2DD..138 Fusion Map= of the QutwnW 4ratm of Lithimp Sodivx4 Potasalms wA Barbm F2uoridev,, by Vo To BUSIbmaps, Go A* SWdialaval, 6 ppe IWSUM# pwl Zbur ROOM= Rhil4 Vol vie No 3,, 1%1# PP 687-698o el"Ver-ame I" fti K w 6,-, 1"., hm Stable Secti--= in the Na, K, qu-"-t,erw--:ry Reciprocal System, by G. A. Ruldialova, E. RUSSIU -per, Zhur Neorg Iqiim; /I r,, C-i S. Xagub'.Yun, ly PP. Vol V, Fu tU 19-0, Cleaver-Hunme Press The Li, Ka, K. SrD F quaternary Syvtemb-y V, T,, Berezbnaya,, G~ A. Bukhalova, 5 RUSSIAN,, per_. Zhur Heorgan Edso Vol Vp No 95, 1960., pp 2061-2070. Cleaver-Hme Prass sci -2 ctl Ay,-z 61 Ccuplex Formwtim and In the matual Byftem Ccovosed of sodlum and Potwolum nuarldes and Tunsat"ess bV Es A4 MMalk0j, 0. A. 10 pp. RWIM Wr) MW Woorg Mdat Vol 17., No 9j, 195T., pp Z-13. AW.,tr-hO5g 61 PST No 79 Stratification In the Molten Reciprocal System of Groups I and 11 Blementsp by X. L. sholokbovic4 D. S. L"riykbs 0. A. Bukbalova, A. G. Der6mus 7 PP. RUSSIANO thrlce-= per., Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol CIII.. 1955, pp ~61-263.- AM Tr 2389 31J 176 Scientific - Cb6sistx7 mar 56 CTS AM Topolma at ReciprMal Couplex Fozmtious in Ter=wy wA qvaterwa7 Sptmav bV A. G. Bergmnp G. A, Dwamaova, 15 ppo RWSIUp perj, IZ Sektom Fiz,.jQda Anal - Inst Obobeb ftw9 Vol =8, 1949P A= Ir 2k2l 3 z Apr T'he Effect of Che Fonmtlom of a Gwrdiratim Carapound Upon Xntercbange In Reciprota'.1 Tervary 3yetems, by A. 0. OMSTAN, mo per, Zhur Obohcb Xhim, Vol kV, No 2, Feb IV40, pp 245-2hq~-------- Consultento Bureau - I(C qr) Scientific - Chazimtr7 The Adia~mml ftci ocal Siystem ~Oorw ~s~- Calcim =3 Bwjurg Fluorides atid Chlorides,, by G.-A. Bukbv34va,, A. 0. Berwn. BUSSM't mu P=3 Vol XXIP No 9,9 Sep 19,51p pp 1570-1580. d 1,9 0 conaultanta Vol XXI., VO ~-, 5e-pm~ 4E USSR Scientific CoUiump ;rluorides., chIcwideej adiaganal. v7stem The Ternaxy Reciprocal System Formed by the Fluorides V-vx~ chlac ~~C' c-L RUBSIAN, per., Zhur Neorgan Khim, Vol IV, No 1, 1959,, PP 117-122. The Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd Sci - Cho= jan 6o tion of the DcUbI-C Baits U2-";Cj,-vpzk) B"Ir DBECL, -ad SrF-Sxf,'12-P by 14. K. r Il- ova 6 pp. y111,1 j;ranv1mtiOD- R rMsTmi Pert Mir Obiffich nimp Vol ilov 1-951P PP 1957-196t)-. -- consultants Bureau 152 wcct 42nd Street new y0eh 18., N.Y. Cbomilltrj May 53 CTS ,cirrItif- j C2 p 6o r V. T. Beer-zlir-aya ./,Iiur Neorg Mim, Vol I V' 72-i~sicr Diagram for thc Li, l'a., Ca 0. A~ loViL , K. Zhur 1"Con, --Cnim., "r0'. !V, 195), P2. CleL,VeX. lpe 171, _JILL _S yt~,. London sci - C,~em Jan 60 x Qaaternary System of the Fluoridea oi Lithiwn, Sodium, Potassium, ana Calciums by G. A, Bukhalovajo V. T. Berezhnaya, 4 pp. -RUSSW, per., -Mur Ifeorgan Xhim, Vol V) No 2, ig6o,, pp 456-468. Cleaver-Hume Press Sol ny 6o /'3 -?-, 6, ---5- F The Plme Diegram af tbel Tv-~~ System of Litb-4i=,, calcim and Barilm Fluorl4eap by G. A. V. T. Barezhnayag 6 pp. MMUx. n". ZhUr NOOrg WdMp V01 np ND 1957, iv 11-108`171y. AW.-tr-hO56 PLA8- Sol /L~(,J~jf A]w 61 PST no 83 Nullibrium dlugmm of the Ba. Ca. K Cl ternary system, by G. A. BWchalova, V. T. Barezbnaya. 2 pp, RUSSIAN. per, Zhur Neorgan Xhim. No 6. 1962, pp 1399-1402. Cs sci 90) Am 63 l!pr;7-llJci-~-c71 .VatrabsdratIng sections of the Ca, K, Ha Cl, F racipmeLl quaternary aystam. by 0. P., Bukhalova.- G. H. Haslannikova, 3 PP, RUSS-TAN, per, ZhL- Neorgan Khim,, No 6, :1962, pp 1408-1414. CS 1901 Apa.- 63 Double Decomposition in the Absence of A Solvent, The Formtion of Cowdination Compounds., Solid Solu- tiano.t and Double Decarpnition in Molten Calci= and Strontium Fluorides-and Chlorides., by G. A. Bukhalova.. A. 0. Bergman. RUSSIAN,q mo perp Zhur Obahch Xhlm., Vol XXII,, No 1j, -31. Jan 195g,, PP 23 Consultants Bureau Vol XLU,, No 1 Jan 1 C"( USSR Scientific Calciumo fl orides, chlorides., decomposi- ti,00j, Golvgts C=plex Foww-tiOa And SoIld Golutloaz in the PAieg=~L Regiprocal System of Sod:tx= and fttWBiUM Holybdates &M Chlorides A. BuWNiaova, Z. A. Mateiko, 8 pp. RUSSMIT: RM mo per, Zhw Obshch DJn., Vol v.XV, No 5p 1955., -PP 887-094.. Consultants Chemiatay