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Shell-Core CastinZ of Dierel Paxts,. by -!~~Ia- -pp. i RMIGNUM , E , -V rqp, NO '(, 3o 19617 p 6, ipps IOSC13 IaLr .- Hung=y iov 6! A I loaftm sobtom An $be cmdp od Qqalv=ww 4* amakla rumm by IL 8o& - 7pr t. & rw NOW16 V ow~m 0 so= ... M* I NX4WM136A Rem 2"03 Tm mom" 7** of t" R"Pu"m SAMM (ITY-3345). PIttining im the Chemical. Industry, by E. Bodner., 6 Pp. RUVMIM., per., Roviotm do Chimle, Vol X, NO Bacbarest, 195% py 4ei-484, Irm-M58 Mur - Rummla Eccu - Cbem Ind Feb 60 Y qgl:- J. and Barta, L. Boda DMOMPOSITION OF NICOTINE IN TOBACCO BY BACTERIA. [19621 lip. Order from K-li $13. 00 K-H 4034 Trans. of Biochembschel Zeit[schrift] (Germany) 1931, v. 233, p. 311-317. DESCRLPTORS: IX-composition. Tobacco, Bacteria, Nicotine. 62-17822 1. Bodnar, 11. Barta, L- Ill. K-H-4034 IV. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Unannouncvd) offi.. f T-W..t S-ic.. 412dLq4 J. and Novak. L. wHAT HAPPEN'S IN THE ORGANISM TO NICOTINE ABSORBED BY THE SMOKER. 119621 8p. Order from K-H $10. 00 K-H 3946-a Trang. of Rc%,(ucl Internlationale deg) Tahacs (France) 1954, v. 29, p. 3-1Q) 35-36. DESCRIPTORS: "Nicotine, Absorption. 62-17823 Bodnar, Novak, L. III K-H-31)46-a IV, KresIz,,Hooker ScIcnce Llbrarv Associates, Detroit. Mich. (Biological Sciencen-PatholDgy, 77, v. B, no. 11) Offi- T*chnicul Swices ... ...... I....- i-!; 1 /1. 1 . 60 - *Or allby. at I , 0 tbmw zhoova xm )b 44 - - W-- 11 - v SEM Description of th* Benzol Ito Produation Resalto at by Lmnalo Sodwwy 14 pp* (MY-3350- ReamrIng Flazt and the Danubian Iron Works, HUMMIAN, per) KaMssatl LaVok, voi xcn, No i-o, Baftyestj 1939, pp 454-439. im P-338 Mr - Runpry Ecom - Cbmical Industry mar 6o Greetings message from Rumanian Workers Party Cen- tral CoLmittee, State Council, and Council of Min- isters to National Conference of Union of Plastia Artistsi delivered by F-41 Bodnaxgg (deputy chair- man '.Of,Council of Ministers and Politburo member) at'16 May 63 session of conference Bucharestf Saintela, 17 May 1963 Rumania Daily Report USSR & East Europe Nd 101, 23 May 63 Phosphoi7lation of VAlonlo Raters. By V. 1. ShevCheziko, V. Di _p2AR"chuk _ pp. 6 RUSSW, par, Zhurn&2 Obehobal KhAwli. Vol MII, NO 9, 29Ul pp. 2994 - 3001. aB ..? -/49., Sol Aa 6) AwmirA be ""us w V. 0, - -- PP. MMIMJ POs UOUNNT NAMOTIUMIV 14MALS, va xt to No 40 OCT Igoe of "1"30 4 jft Ift KI a WAIN w 63 U4.106 AUUNIALU PUsht cattwe b mt y Vm U Z~O~ P ":rXj'o bko AU .,All T thft. 2M"Ft Mt, mo 10 cJ'7 Sd-a' 0 . W AwimqoM .I%r 0 an the Problem of Synthesizing Block Diagram for Self-Adjusting Control Systems for 7Urbo-Jet Engines with Afterbumrs, by V. A. Bodner, Yu. A. Rystanoyr 22 pp. RUSSIMs bko Anmatithesk"o Regulirovaniye Aviadviptoley, Sbomik Statay, Morangiz, Moscow, No 3, 2961,, pp 33-50, %81644 PTD-'TT-62-1655 Sci-Aero May 63 Automatics of Aero-Engines., by V- A. Bodner RUSSIAN, bk *Pergamon Institute info from Bucans, 23 May 58 -/'_, '. -/- , 'j " - -K-' ~~ ) , ;( -'/ '?, ~ li )4. ,'- - v 'LA -7 li. STABILIZATION OF FLYING CRAFT AND AUTOPILOTS, BY V. A. BODNER M. S. KOZLOV2 623 PP. RUSSIAN, BKI STABILIZATSIYA LETATEL$NYKH APPARATOV I AVTOP I LOTY, L961, 508 PP - p4&v)w 9678115-V FTD-TT-62-81i 5CI - AERO SEP 62 2o9,412 Ou the BtabiUty of Coupreavors as Nm-Linear gloomts :Ln Distributed System., by V. A. Boduer, V. V. Moskovich, RMIM., por.. Is Aked Mauk Otftl Tokh lauk,, -Ewset i I NO hp 19590 pp U&M ),j fn 425T 756 146 7, -Pgg~ 7 Sel SW sep 6:L (NY-3098) Oa the Theory of Inertial Darved Systerm-With an Arbitray Period., Which Are Mwarisat With Respect tO tba Object's Maneuvering.. by V. A. Bodue V, P. Selezueyp V, To. Ovabarov, 15 vp. RUSSIAN, Vert Is Alt Nauk SM,, Mel Tekh laulcIfl- Snergetika, i AvtomtUm, No 3r), 1959,, pp 11- JPRS 2006 SOL - Bw The Them7 of Inartlal-Pevdaum System ~, by V. A--IWdn*r4 V. P. Selazoar.,,19 pp. IUMSIMs pari, Izvwtlva U Nauk SMP OW, Ruwalt i Avtomato No 5j, 1961o PP 163-173- 9676980 rm-TT-62-13 a" - mw / ? 'P~ - P-1- Avv 62 Application of the TheM of Invarianca U tM SajecU4m of the Parmoters of a Plight Cantm systows, by Vo A4 Baftero Yu, A, Iyeas owv 13 pp* WSSIMO pejr* Vtow vsos=osg sov*sUbmiya. * a*" 29 Mz-I Jum 196zo lavmdaatmwti V. tom". Awse'" Ch.O"Ozo Wwravj%UI* No 2,, IMO pp 403-411. PIOUMS967 PTD-TT 614-INS 1wr 67 320,436 On the TheorY of UAMrt=t)ed System With Tb"a ChMMOIA for Compeafttlug A=ejemtjow., DL4* to Qmvitatt= Fare".. b7 V. A. rp Th Pe goAsnavo 14 ppe 1 0 : : -T~ 0 pwp In Ak Mkuk WMp Ot4al Tvkh Am* Borg I AV W-%~ x loo is 1960s pp X;50 96730%9 Pn4MI-61-65 Bel - pbp 15 m 6e .Y 14 (DC -40511) An Approach Toward a Theox7 of Nonperturbed 6ystems With Three Channels for Automatic Compensation of Accelerations Due to Gravity, by V. A. Bodner, V. P. Seleznev, 17 pp. RUSSIAN per, Iz Ak Nauk SBBR, Otdel Tehh Nauk, No 1) Jan/jteb 1960, PP 76-85- ..JPRS .38)p A t'-~ S'.." ' 1. / I- :_ I--- hc / p :~ 4~ ~7/ Sci - Phys, Space Re's'earch, Sep 60 _i Class Slystem of Conaml ftr by V. A. Bodn". K. Be Alekseyeva ct al. I-AYO ILIVAws- .T-65-119 Sel-A,ero MY 65 al" thc, -'m Trzert'utl Sp,---e, by V. P; salezaev, PI -m. Iz AJ~ Nauk SSSR, Otd-el Tent. t i t-atcn,.at, No 4; -~-37~ pci- 61 D V Y c! z n fL- v7 PP- RUSSKAN~ per,, DOk Ak Nauk SSSR.. -VOT Ito c3 1061y pp lo43-lo46. 9067165c,,, 71 M - - TT- 6 1 ~ 6 'Sci - Ehyn .1-4 i.:ec i6i I:- (BY-3,905/1). Cbaftrenae = tb* fteory of lnvwiame., Refsolu- tions of tba Ccofera=eq vS by V, A. Bodnar, pp. 19 mmsua', per, It Ak Nauk SMp Otdel tA Zia=, EnerIV-stika I kvtomatIfts No 1s 195gj pp_139-140- Sol - mw Doe 99 ~YZ Ocntw*ws On UP ?b*Wy or MaVartemep br V. A. lkanar. ill, ywk AwkwoUbs 8~ml g No lp am IMO lp X& loomman rhomsmi Von ~ ISL 1,9 1b 3b ftl 4?3, AC 7 A" " Cociplex Control -Automation Vor FlIght Vehicleap by_y~_ ~A.Ml ~-5- pp. . RUSSTMI, perp, Vast Voz Mt,, go 9,, -1959j, pp 48-51. 653985 ATIC SOL // MAY 60 ;1' (DC-4316) On the Tkwory of VuperturbeG System With Three Gbannels for the Autozatic Compensation of Gravity Accelerations Being Cowr cted by External Informations by V.IA, Boduerp T, P. Balezuev# 18 PPO RMUNs, per# Iz Ak Rauk SMO Mel Tekh laulc., Mnrgvt t Avtomts No 3j, 1960* PP 84-0 jym 6ogg Sci - Phys iio j.4 f ~':'v. - - . - - 11 On the Dynamics of a System of Control Which Includes Inertial Goordirrate Measuring Instruments, by V. A. M. S. Kozlov, 13 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Hauk- SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk, Energet i Avtomat, No 6, 1959, pp 99-107. JPRS 3322 Sci b 7-5- jun 60 On the Theory of Inertial Sysw= Without a GyrostabiUzedL Platform., by V. A. Bodner, V. P* Selemv,, 7 YP- RMIM,, p=j, Is Ak Nwk, Otdel Tekb Hankv l_a&_TMt :L AwWmt So 1, 1961., pp 143-152. pbysical wex AutawatUw Zzprese Vol 321. No 9 scl - phws c 8 Sep 61 -jvy-6357(/4)- on the Theory of Inertial E~rstews Without a Gyrostabilized Platrom, by V. A. Bodc ar, V. P. selezwv, 19 pp. MWIM; p",, :rs, ;.4 smuk SSU., -tnc=t# so Is Jan/*e'h im 970 Set - xlectracUs., Ew 3", Ana chi On Tote 84y-iathcaia of Invarient Lt-L-ped YntriLial ya ems of Aebitrary Perim',, by V. Bodner, V. E. Dvcharov, V. P. BUSSIAM., perp Dok Ak Nault 860., Vol C,'Mv.. So 5, 1959, PP 986-cLqg Amer Inst of Phys Bov Phys - Doklr-dy Vol IV9, No 2 sci Dee 59 Ito Servocoutrol of Aer-0--sugine-s., by V.--A.-Bodnar,--- RMIANj bk.. Mdocav.. 1956. .3/-`6, PF,- T.I.L. Tr 4785_- Sci - Aeronautics Jun 57 # 15 (M-3933) An Approach to the Theox7 of Erx rs in Space 'Navigation) by V. A. .~~r V. P. Seleznev, 15 uzp- RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh 17auk, Energet i Avtomat, Wo 2, 1960, PP 73-82. JPRS 3573 Sci - Phyt3 Aug 6o P'j V Scm Regularities of the CbmW of Cathodic Polorization, During Doosition of Ustda In Presence or Surface-Active AddItIvess by Yu. Yu. WtuUms A. I. Dodnevass 8 Vp- RMIMj, bilm part Is Ak IM32k ems 2M 60 NO*,- No 4p UMjp 19%v ppff-5U6. CIA ID ]L%= Bureau m 69/i= 55 111! .:1!14 1 f -"' Local Mineral Paints, by M. DDdnXa, H. Osovetskiy, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, jr-r, Varodnoy Khoz Uzbek, no 6, ig6i, pp 68-69. ims 11566 USSR ]WON / 7 f .)Pif I jan 62 Bo In p, M. D. and OsoveLskii, M. A. Tff%~SIBILITIES OF USING BITUN4EN IN SOLU- 1. TION FORAI FOR T14E MANUFACTURE OF BLACK 11. VARNISHES. Aug 63. 111. Order from rns $3. 60 771S NS 112 IV. Trans. of Lakol:rasochnye Matterialy i Ikh Primeneniel (USSR) 1963, no. t. p. 71-72. DESCRIPTORS- *11ituminous coatings, *Varnishes, SolutiorL,i. 63-22-164 Bodnya, M. D. Osovetskii, hL A. 71rlS NS-1 12 Translation and Technical Infor-mation Service (Gt. Brit.) (Materials- -Paints, TT, v. 10, no. 10) ofts d Tedwed savim IbPL=eumnt Of Hydr*IMo Aleabol by qynthetla Alcotol In the Pzoduattm aE ftdrlt Fundture wjqum* tw IL D. VA%%MM_ at all #-VMS 71M lb 3v IM* ipp 63-C6. Nwr (e 07,P Vbl V12s, Mb 3 011 of Catalpa BiVonioides, by A. L. Markw-u, H. D. DAZW&o 5 YP. RMINO part Mw Mdwh Was Vol XXV r So 8. 1957p pp 2R93-2296. - Bureau sei " Cbm Oct 58 7 iri ---Z A I Ubtaimsd bY Trypoin Doccopooltion a Cy-~ochrmz C -!P-ROA, 33 par, Momt~doh Chm.. Vol L=, 1954, PP 1024-la~. 51H 3-10 1 .1 - Miml Se Apr 59 C,-'rtnabra= C. X. Oft tke AKiw-kcid Az'dioal A:.!- ~noant to the Prosthetic by F. YUM, G- Dodo, 27 pp. GDMM,, jar, Dkmatadh m=:Le, Vol Lmv, 19%, P)p 807-821 lem 3-9 Oki= Apr 59 The CalculatIon of the Doso4ftream Motribution of Capture by L. P. _&AQdhem, K. K. Polkovs 7 PP. RUSUMN yerv lwlmm-]Mz Zhur, Vol VIj, No 3.1j, JM 2YAS Sol Feb & .24 1, Oq-6 6-y tA*4 the 6taLmid Irestomt of -Ilotenaive ~ihock 5tatlums bY CYoror bodo~Y &nd 19tvan -.vvm, 6 pp. UUNEWNU!'m :,-alur r j~trgpt. Lo 15, Ic,,62,, SP V.~V-260, FYD-1111-2-3-365-67 ZICI-li arK! 352 , 00-1. Cu L it rat M 04~ t,ko ILA*, 6 pp - IWWWM,j powd-, 64, Oct-%riA Bel 04 Astr%-mor-u my -U!;OiaItfjv)-YjIUIj Mad POSSibilltie$ ME Local Wriathor', by f'xxa aujola paj Qizztav ~;vtxj, 14 pria ;.vr,, IdpJarns, Vol LXVIv *ic (1, 19622 pp 361:0360, IMC-5-62 Sr! 66 .rLn AtteLnpt at qu=titative Prediction of Cold -1-ront Precipitation, by I. Bodolai, 3 PP- your, Met i Gid, No 12, 1959) pp "k 21-26. Ige IGC 10's' .-,-i - Ge-ophys i.sqy 6o Ccaputatlim of the Amount of Precipitaticn Alcag the Trojectorles of the Cold and Wars Fronts of a Cyalmep by 1. Boffol". HU23ARXW# per# MUsmag voi. 4,, 1962.. pp 2D5-a2- RM/K. 5208 0 Do i-,v JUIY 1967 334-694 The 10 Bev Pl-vton-SyLichrotro.1 of the Academy of Scieuces, USSR., Vby V. I. Veksler, D. V.Yt!),remov, A. L. Rtutr., 1-1. M. Veisbei,j., F. A. ~~P-n~l J.-A....Gaebeevy A. I.-ZaL4tzp. P. P. Ivaaov, A4 A. Kolomeiialqy) E.'G. Komars 'A. F. 14%lysbev,, 1-1. A. -V. Monoszon 'I.' Mi.---ffavjuzhsky- K.~- A..M. RUSSIAN, bim per, Aj6S2M Emergiya, Vol I, i:o 4, 19 56.1 r'p "=721k,". ~x -Z - 5 !~ - -gq;mltaats Dureau A S S 0 C, -T-6ok- 5 ,e r'/'4 Sci - Ruclear Physics Mar 57 CTS (NY-5230/E M-) Review of the Wadam Stute of Reseammh in Vewy Tow Fxcquenqr EL-ect-rama4patic Wave by S. V. Ajdprlm34 Yu. X. YJXUzin.. G. A. Mikhallovaj, D. S. nipl; 80 P-0. FrUSSIAB,, per, IzWs&4b* Uabab Zand - Ser Ltadiofim., Vol III,. So Ip 1960, Pm- 5-32. Sci /~ "'; j JPM TM '14.1 /0/ 62-10022 Bodar. Geza_ ALTERATIONS IN THE PROPERTIES OF POLY- 1. Bodor. G. CAPROLACTAM FIBERS AS A FUNMON OF HFA7 TREATMENTS. 1196115p. (7 figs. omitted) 7 refs. Order from S" $t. W 62-10022 Trans. of Hungarian language article from an uniden- tified source, 1956 (?). Portions of this report will not reproduce well. DESCRIPTORS: 'Amides, *Polymers, *Synthetic tibcrs, *Heat treatment, Dyes, Refractive Index. Nylon, Plastics. Textile industry. (Materials- -Textiles. TT, v. 7. no. 9) Offi-f T-kl..l S-i - - - I--79-166- - - - -- SF--3961- 26 Oct 65 Be Cautious with Estimates, by A. Bodov. p 4. Komsomollskaya Pravda, Moscow, 24 Sep 65. Russian USSR/Soc Mectrode Dine Lamps - Carbon Are Dis"It MzpE;, by A. 1. BOdrets0va, 8- 1- Levikov, 7 PP- MWIM pw, &ntotekbuika, Vol V., So 11, 3-959, vp 20-3. ACU r-aM M) 222k753 lki - fts MY 63 ,~ C-A q I 17 J upwtral NOWLtue Taw A BUIPI-MOMAtY *&"= *""Ur joe W-3j, by g. 1. Lavibmp A. I- jmqll oWtt Tom No lb go 6o-plo6 PLJM 62 IW,,63T Bodroux. F. ACTION OF E*MYLENIE CHLORIDE AND METIM- ENE CHLORIDE ON NIAPHT11AL-ENE IN TUE PRES- ENCE OF ALMUNUM CHLORIDE. 11960) 7p. Order Ircwn SLA iniS 1. 80, pb$l. 80 61 - 1 DY-79 Trans. of Socliete'l Chim[ique de Francel. BuIlletinj 1901 13 ser. j v. 25. p. 491-497. 61-10779 1. Aluminum chlorides-- Catalltic properties 2. Napthalenes- -Chemical reactions 3. Morides--Chemical reactims 1. Bodroux. F. OF9- f T-ho' -t 1-4- -- - Ccamyniots Leaq the Way,, by A. 1. Bodrov., 7 PP. MMSTM, per,, Vest Voz Plot, No 7, 1958, PP 16-19'. 647093 A= Sci - Amro MW 59 9 ~r S19 F (BY-5330) lt=able Poles fcw COM=Uatift Unesj,,~~- D. Boarov; , v 14. Dezbioov r 10 pp - A, ISSIAN., y=o Vq8tWX avy":Lp Ito B.. 1954. JPRB TU2 cl -eb 61 /.,*/ 4 A.lAictroylluting of Cbrcm-i=)7r= SolutIcas c,: TrfMalant. ChraLidum Sult0j, by 1. A. B(~~jrwj- H. T. Xudrjavtsav. UNOL ------- RMSMIs papers, Frograxm Veen Rmuch-Tekh Sovash PO Orroati I ZubAtdto lbt&Uov,, See IV,* 19-24 VP 26J. 270 1958 DOIR LW M 3133 (2s. 6d.). Sol - Cbm Dm 59 'Die ilea? glectrifieci':-S~,-ctiorla, by N. a2id Ye. G. Podrov, 21 pp. IMSSLAIR, m per, Ellektriche okay& I Teplormnayrz T,, Vo 12, Fueccv, Dec- 3.957, P 10. rcor. - itai.Ircmd Transport IL V. rishan RaFactiGn to Electric Current, by N. V. Bodr=, B. B. Xrayu=n,, 19 p. RMSUIN, porj Trudy Soveohchwdi Ak Nauk SSSR, Ikht Kom 1958.t No 81 PP 124-131. MA 59-20951 sei '~7 M&r 60 V61 3, No 1 va P5, A Rapid Mass -GpwtrcwtrIc--VAcrc IftZbod for IWwoplc Avalyals ot OVjpv In Water,, bV A. 1. Bodsky, S. 0. DoWenko, L. L. Strlsbakx V. R.- khlob, 6 Full trozolotion. '00 VSKI RUMM99 bim pwi, Zbw Anal XhIs VbI X., No It 19550 pp 256-261. C37c C 4 rT~I- OoomItants ]Bur"u ScIwtIfIc - Cbmis" S-2-d70 Mar 56 CM/d" Recent Developments in the Chemical Treatment of Uranium Ores in France, by R. Bodu. FRENCH, rpt, Commissariat a 1'Energie Atomique, cz-A-1769. Jan 62 list 55 7 0 Dysentery, by V. V. Budylina, A. Yu. lllyutvi~ich.. Z. S, Potrova., T. V. Bodulina, R,,_.S. Chetyernina., 5 PP. RUSSLAN., per, Eksper Blol Med Vol XLIII, Ho 2j Feb 19 pp 70-75. Consultimts Bureau Bel - Med ma.v 58 Methods or quantitative Spectral Analysis ot Minerals and XX Solutions. Part IX. zrfect of the couponents of the Ore on the Zntenslty Of the Spectral Lines, IVhWbj k. K. ftsaww, 13. -L. Bcdmkov, 0. U. IL-%yeban 16 yr. ROBUI,, per, gayodebal* Lot 19 1 mb~, Vol X., No 2,j PP 170-176.- Bel Tram Center RT-3243 SclentIfic - Pb7sics, Min/Hetals SO'S Qu~k,;Lslprattwa Dic-wribuUM *t Q,o !FrcXIlo ol*ho Tuxblnu Bledon WrWa Intemal UL- "L 14b 11. A, 2.TITpg C'"aims? bly ]~-~d- -M-no- Zric-1910%, porp 1-.,, V~,&OLAI& Uthob 1.7--swea Ir.IGW P:~M: r.r--Iym kulmtz Tal;hj, No 2# JSS3p YY 50-59- ,T= 62-17824 Bodwwy-Dimitar. IRE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE EXTERNAL 1. Bodurov. D. CHARACTERISTICS OF TOBACCO LEAVES A14D 11. K-H-11499-a 711EIR CHEMICAL AND SMOKING PROPERTIES. 111. KrCBge-Hooker SCiLnce 119621 9p~ Library Associates, Order from K -H $11. 25 K-li 114919-a LN--trolt, Mich. Trans. of Bulgar[ski I Tyutyun. 196 1, v. 6, no. 6. p. 39-44. DESCRIPTORS: *Totacco, Plants, Chemical properties. *Smokes. C 22271 fIR (Agriculture - -Plant Cultivation. Tr. v. 8. no. 5) Offi- f T-W-1 S-i- LI-11Z - I I I -rlvq t I i I --f 4 ~- I I RalatiollOhIP of t-be Structural Plaane- of jHjjya!2= Individiml Horizons v! the Lower C=brian of the Bmthern Part of the Sibox-zxn Plstf-ox-i; Iry E. -Iz- Borlumov-SkvortsOV 5 pi). RUSSIM, per, Geologi-ya Nefti. Vol No 2B, 1958, PP 37-39. The Fariav of Russian Geology 533 Harden Street Columbis, B. C. 7 2 Scl - Geophyoies Sep 58 Results of Geochem1cal Investigations in the South--= Part of Psi Eastern Siberia,, by E. I. Bodunov- Bkvortsoy,; 6 P9. RUSSM, per, Geologiya fiefti, Vol I1,, No 1b, 1958.. pp 36-39. The Review of Russian Geoloa 533 Harden Street Columbia,, SC Sci - fuel& (rA Aug 58 6 Y, ~ I._ . _. . -1 amm cc so Qt polub 1113A, I *at= - - VOP"U SA RM POltAm bW Jo 1 9 -Nklp 17 VD. VOLMM. mom R MOM U-9m ,A ~Td 07-7 Aim - switme ov hatim 01696 Recrys Diagrams for lrn)duction Heating, by M. W. Bodyako, et a!. RUSSWjj Ver, YetalIX i Term Obra Yetallov, uo 1, lo6o, pp 49-52. HB 5307 A! 17, 11,17 / C- e" Sci - llin,/14-'t Apr 62 I - - -- -- -- - --- - - --- - - --- -- - - - - - -- -I- - OMKVIW T* stumarab"Mmdow RONIV IM - V.. ffiling arm me So MrOWM7~" ivxsu ow SO" 10" aw6m now$ 40 asom-m-k ra*wthiummalw. SUM tic (NY--391T) Some Data on the PasmW of s35 MerawAne Through the Plaeenta and Its Distribution in the Maternal and Fetal OrganAp by V, I. Bodyazhim, A. P. YPO MWIM, ptrs,.Kedit Radial., Vol V, No 2. 196o. JM 5078 Sci - Ned Aug 6o moddua ndtomoNtims bw the Notbod of MeadtLvo LWenj, by 31. I. SWIs 3 IMP- MOM, zood Lob,, va a=,* so 6j, 1961j. vp ow rk 1Lqkv693 The Distribution of lnocerwauu in the Upper Cretaceoum,of Northern Siberia,, by It V. 1. B0410M)WO 4 PP - . ,.I.- .I. .If ~7, RUWIO,p pero Dok Ak. Rauk SSW, Vol CXVIp No 6. 1957j, PP 1001-10& - Consultapts Bureau Sci - 00ophysics Occ c, 5 8 -74-, a -rjr Leaf Diagnosis of Grain Qu4ity of Springr Th1heat, by V. -F, I ~t.; p -, , -:1.1- V:lc.- I I F.MIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSW) VOI CXIX., NO 1) 1958, pp 1:11-- Amor lr--,t of Biol Sci Sci -Biol Jul 59 9// Omlopmat of tke Rabbit Ovvri3 Pa3salurus Am"pus 0 by H. bmcker. GBWANI, per* Z ftor Parasitenkunds., Vol XV, 1953, pp dM AM 491-SIS. CSIRD/No 5904 scl~.Xiol 4 Abd Set taw 63 Z2 ?. 51/.? .0 (SF-5970) FOR A RATIONAL AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY IN MOLDAVIA, BY 1. BODYUL, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, NP, EKON GAZETA, NO 10, 5 VAR io62, p 6. JPRS 138W USSR ECON JUN 62 107,587 ~GF-2031~ Speech D~Iiver---d by I. I. BodyUl~ by 1. 1. Bodyul, 9 PP. RUSSM, np) Sovetskaya- Moldaviya, 3 Aug 1961. MRS 11199 sci - Mae. USSR Biog / V -:?fl Jan 62 liffect o-'L' .-Different Catalystua on thc~ 0.-A' Paraffin (bLidation, by Gu Bo.,-.,. 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Ow Ab. 2TV Wl* - mom /,). 13 0,:~7 c /Z & 4 84 w ido U67 33WW The CkkamUeraW of Wabeaeris of the - Uw4P 11MUStinev tr W. Dowberp F. Stsib. OMM,p per.. as %K-Awn'sche welto No 36~ 1953m 0 21LOEW.- UA TT-65~-IBM w ~ P, " ftl- ja r 3073554 Ways of Minimizing Oxide Inclusions iu Law-C&Aon Riamdus Stools During Pouring and Solidification. Part to by R. P. b"Na 11, fteebens at al. GUMNs per, SUM mad Risons Vol L==v No 220 1"20 pp IN*-UNO n 5746 SC14w mw 63 A'a'qj % -5 it Detwalmtlon Oc the Klastic Constants of AlryUno Tir". by Bmckhj 39 PP- WA"g MO ftcke4uU G.X.B.IL a I ~ Ili 1 1*13037030 / f~ 7w S" S. 4 ~~ , ;~ 49 0 ~ .22,1,t,v ,_q WA IN IM belentitic - Aeromutfte DOC 19" CTS Herman Frederik and Heidenstam, "Trr-R-Fhan von. INTROVEMEKIS FOR MALTING AND HEATING DRUMS. [19631 15p. (figs. on-dued). Order from OTS or SLA $1.60 63-14775 Trans. of French patent 929.874, gr. 2, el. 4. appl. Z7 JLme 46, granted 22 July 47, pub. 9 Jan 48, pat. appl. in Great Britain 3 July 45. 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